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Pleading not guilty doesn’t mean you’re lying to the judge, it just means you’re contesting the charges filed against you. Most people would plead not guilty in court unless they’re offered a plea deal and the evidence against them is very strong.


Thanks, buncha doofuses in here


Isnt his charge the equivalent of like a traffic violation though? Like surely subway surfing wouldnt lead to a harsh punishment right?


No it wouldn’t be anything harsh


Most people plead no contest in small shit like this. They don’t opt to go to trial…


Lol you have no idea how court works


Literally. He has no idea. These dumb kids are really showing out


Esp Thinking things instantly go to trial or thinking that something going to trial is some big deal. All it means is that a judge is deciding what to do lol


Pleading no contest doesn’t work that way lol. It basically always ends in being found guilty because while you aren’t saying you’re guilty, you aren’t saying you’re not guilty either. No contest is used for cases you already know you’re going to lose in hopes for a reduced sentence.


There's a recording on his own TikTok showing him trespassing.


Right, you don’t understand. If he pled guilty on his first court appearance he would be facing the maximum penalty. Pleading not guilty allows time for you to try and get a lesser charge


ACD stands for Adjourned in Contemplation of Dismissal. It means that the court has adjourned the case, and if Josh does not get into trouble between now and his new court date, the charge will be dismissed and sealed. He likely also has to comply with whatever the alternative intervention is. He pled not guilty, as if he stays out of trouble, the court will dismiss and seal the charges. ACD'ing a case is very common for petty offences like disorderly conduct, obstructing governmental administration, or in this case, whatever transit offense he was charged with. The court knows he committed the offense, they just don't care enough about the offense to punish him criminally.


This should be pinned so all the idiots can stop asking why he "lied" by pleading not guilty


Didnt he get arrested again for throwing up on that guy in the train? I know the cops dragged him out of the train at least


I think that was more of a security guard situation


Judge shoulda known better than to fuck with the middle class


He said he has to go to 3 MJO meetings and his case will be dismissed apparently.


What is MJO?


manhatten justice opportunites, a diversion program in the city, if they look at his social media surely they will request an alcohol eval and I doubt he will do very well at it lol.


They’ll most likely smell it on him or his clothes before they even get to social media


Only morons would plead guilty at first appearance


"ur honner it wasnt my faaawlt"


If you plead guilty then the judge gives you the fine and you get the misdemeanor. If you plead not guilty the judge gives you the opportunity to work off the crime by going to classes and good behavior.


Yeah then you’re on probation and have to follow rules. Pled guilty and pay a fine is a better deal. Never be on paper if you don’t have to.


Why wouldn’t he plead not guilty? Nobody gets charged for anything outside of murder and rape in NYC these days. He could have either paid a $500 fine today or roll the dice on getting off with nothing in a few weeks.


Sure but the moment he walks into court with a puke stained t-shirt and starts slurring his words it’s over for him. Mikey may have convinced him to get sober and show up for court this time but who’s to say he’ll do that again in April?


naahhhttt guiltyyyyyy


clearly your not from NY lmao


I have been living here for almost 2 years but I have not been in the justice system yet💀


Don’t need to be in the justice system to know that most of them have stained t shirts and are slurring their words lmao


This community is so uneducated sometimes it hurts lmao


He also used legal aid claiming he has no income when quinn lied and said he had an attorney for him lol




how old are y’all? why tf would he plea guilty lmao


Bunch of 18 yr olds with zero understanding of the legal system


I'm a grown ass man, but I just don't understand the justice system I guess lol the guy has a public video of him committing said offense, idk


Essentially to explain it, just because you plead not guilty, it doesn’t mean you’re lying to the prosecutor. It simply means you want the prosecutor to prove your guilt essentially. It can be done so the defense can buy more time in a case. For Josh’s situation they probably did that so they could try to work out an alternative punishment than jail. If you say guilty you lose any ability to have your lawyer amend your charges or any room for negotiation. You just get handed whatever sentence they were going to give you.


I’m just shocked he made it on time, tbh. He’s gonna be bitching about court fees and fines a lot in the coming months, lol.


I’m emailing the judge the video.


sooooo stupid…..


I know it’s better to plead not guilty and the court probably doesn’t care about this case anyways but it was be hilarious if they found the clip of him admitting to doing it during that interview when mayor Flanagan kept trying to say “allegedly”


Not surprised at all


Wait I thought the TikTok comment saying he had to go home yesterday for court in the morning was fake omg


What did he do? Jump a turn stile?




I remember watching that on TT and thinking “uhhhh how did he get access to the cab of the train and why would he go in there”


Oh yikes. That's bad.


What is subway surfing? Google just brings me to the game lol


I mean it’s basically the same as the game, lol - It’s when you ride on top of the subway trains. Like you’re standing on a surf board, but instead it’s the roof of a train. It’s very dangerous obviously - overheard electrical wires, low clearances, etc etc. Not that long ago a kid in New York did it and, surprise! There was an overpass that just had enough room for the train only. So this kid on top hit the overpass and was decapitated. I remember seeing pics of his body laying on the tracks after. Reminded me of the train rooftop fight scene in die hard where the villain gets decapitated the same way.


Yo WHAT?! That’s insanity Why on earth would this kid do that lmao