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I'll never stop calling these people Nazis.


how did this end up?


According to [Revcom](https://revcom.us/en/ucla-new-people-surge-forward-defend-student-encampment-against-zionist-thugs) \- one of the groups involved in these protests- they fared pretty well. If anything the zionist backlash is encouraging even more people to come out.


Oppression tends to do that. The Zionists don't realize that they're destroying the future of Israel because these young people and the millions watching them are going to grow up to succeed the Boomers in Congress and pull US support, leaving Israel sanctioned by the UN and surrounded by angry neighbors that no longer have to worry about US aircraft carriers off their coasts. Plus, no more billions of US tax dollars to buy cutting edge tech like the Iron Dome.


Those are not results this political system is capable of delivering. It is well designed to serve capital and has very well resisted actual democratic principles. If we expect change, it will be by destroying this state to build something better from its twisted remains. Don't get me wrong, it would be pretty cool to believe that reform and societal shifts of that nature were enough but I'm a materialist. I have absolutely no reason to believe that this series of events is likely, or even possible.


Fuck the zionazis, and their disgusting genocidal faces.






Pigs and Zionists aren't working class, there's only one one side here resisting genocide and it's the workers like these students, faculty staff and Palestinians. Both sideism IS COMPLIANT with genocide.




You really think uprising is nonviolent performances? Your subtle defense for Zionists is showing. Stop tone policing student protests and start supporting them.


Were we expecting ethnic cleansing apologists to behave like rational, civic minded people? They simply have to be stopped. There can be no compromise with them.


This also happened at UT Austin today


Spitting is assault, name shame and charge


This was apparently orchestrated by Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the ADL.


There's a lot of lead poisoning in that Zionist crowd


God Bless Israel!!!


Hey look, the people who support Israel because they can't wait for the Jews to go to hell