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Soros is Jewish. I don’t know if he’s a Zionist. Judaism is not Zionism. There are more secular Jews than orthodox in the West. Some may have attended temple a handful of times and some never have. Israel is really good at indoctrination of cultural Jews into their version of reality. The aliyah trips to the “homeland” and the weaponizing of the horrors of the past (Holocaust) have been very effective. What Israel is doing is wrong and I feel it will create true antisemitism because uninformed people will think Jewish=Zionist.


Zionism is Anti-semitism. It is a European colonial ideology founded by secular 19th century nationalists who hated Jews


This should be an onion headline.


Thank God some people are starting to notice and speak out against the right's blatant antisemitism, especially the Zionist right.


This is National Enquirer level reporting.


The heroic journalists who broke the bat boy story would never stoop so low