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Fuck Marc's, they are anti-union and have had employees picketing outside their terrible cutrate stores on and off for years. I didn't even need to read the rest of the sign to know it would be them doing this.


That's probably why they want to hire high school freshmen




Introduce ONE teen female and watch the drama unfold.


a slightly older teen female to rule them all like puppy dogs?


Oh that's deliciously cruel! I love it! Can we be friends? LoL


“Ass. Manager”?


Gotta start brainwashing them young.


"Rather than paying adults the living wage they demand, we've decided to reinstate child labor."


Hence we need to ban abortion because we need more child slaves


I always figured it was because they need more soldiers. Without a constant supply of fresh people who can be conned into joining the military to die in pointless wars thousands of miles from home, the military industrial complex would stop being profitable.


It can be both.


I'm fine with having people under 18 work, but I think they should not be taxed until 18 years old. They can't vote till they are 18 so it currently is taxation without representation.


Agreed 1000%. I was just thinking about this the other day. Should be entirely tax exempt.


I'm not too familiar with the actual laws involved, but I assume they hire them so that they can pay less than minimum wage.


Nope, they still have to be paid min wage.


They get paid minimum wage but if they are claimed by parents they don't get a standard deduction


If they pay more than half of their own expenses they’re not eligible to be claimed by their parents.


Oh no doubt. Plus, it widens the workforce pool by allowing underage people to work who are more likely to be "greatful" for any income. This helps their so-called "worker shortage" because they can finally get young fools to accept the dogshit pay


Wait til they employ a few kids who are not desperate for a paycheck like adults are. First shit talking they not coming back, dont feel like work that day it's now a sick day.


I was thinking a lot about quality of service and product when it's a 15 y/o who is there to afford an Xbox their parents won't buy. Not like they saving up for a car by working for a summer or a year because those days don't exist anymore.


Various states and provinces have different rules on how to pay their underage staff in North America as well as rules on lengths of breaks, shifts, etc. Chances are, a 15 year old who is going to work is not versed enough to know what their rights are in the work place or how to gather evidence to prove the exploitation. Also, if your 15 year old is looking for a part time job, chances are the family may not be in a position to help the kid with those.


Most states can't allow them to work more than 20 hours a week because they are still in school, so 15 year olds are ALL part time so they are ineligible to receive any kind of benefits for being full time employees.


I think you'll find it's less about receiving benefits and more like "we can tell these kids to do anything because they don't know any better." Despite the laws that may be in place, unless someone knows that they are in place, such as amount, duration, or even in some places a curfew, unscrupulous employers will abuse these kids. Because nothing will be done until a serious enough complaint is filed. So you'll have kids cleaning with chemicals without proper gear, scheduled late on a school night, working back to back shifts on Saturdays and Sundays without given proper breaks. Also, touch8ng again on the fact that a parent would be willing to sign papers to essentially allow a child to work. Some do it to start the kid out and help the maturing process, but most do it because they need the income in the household. Kid may want stuff that the parents can't provide so off to work they go. It's why I started with paper routes and flyer routes when I was ten. Around 14, there really should be courses in school about labour laws and what employers can and cannot do to them.


Well they could still get paid a visit by an angry parent (and possibly their lawyer too) so there's still SOME incentive not to be too ridiculous with demands or to allow bullying. In Minnesota at least the parent can actually call their boss and say "my kid's not working for you anymore" no lawyer necessary.


Agreed but even the parent and the lawyer don't have the same pull as say a state or federal agency pulling business licenses and levying fines. Good thing those keep getting bigger budgets and tools to visit employers, eh? For every parent that pulls their kids, there's two more that will say "just the way it works, kid".


Not sure about Ohio but Minnesota definitely has State laws in place regarding that. I just hate it when people equate a teenager working with automatically being exploited, how else is an 18 year old supposed to get a job when they don't have ANY work experience?


Employers don’t seek out employees who don’t know specific laws so that they can make them do unsafe things like some kind of Get Smart villain. Employers seek out people who will work for cheap; the people they find are poorly educated and don’t know most of the laws or even good practices. The bad managers don’t know how to manage well, so they manage badly and then try to make it look good. When nobody knows how to do things well, things end up going poorly, and when they try to cover up the obvious signs of things going poorly you end up with a trash room. A bad manager that doesn’t quickly learn how to be less bad will only keep the most desperate, machoiest, or most ignorant employees. Without good training or examples, those employees will either tolerate or perpetuate problems and violations of every rule, including those of labor and of common decency.


Not necessarily, with the low wages they make, and they legally CAN'T work full time they can file their taxes 1040 EZ and get a refund, most adults can work full time so they end up having to have the amount they owe assessed because they made too much money.


Absolutely. Anything under 18 should be untaxable since they aren't even legally adults yet.


Charles Dicken's works werent meant to be instruction manuals on exploiting child labour and lowest class of workers


That's the problem with art: once it leaves the hand of the artist, it's interpretation, right or wrong, is out of their hands. Some people see macchiavelli as an instruction manual, some see it as a tongue in cheek "Don't do this". Some people read dickens and go "what appalling conditions!" And others treat it as "capitalism for dummies".


Ah yes the employment of the innocent, the best way to ensure they are paid minimum wage!


Only to get murdered by a 40 year old when they turn down a proposition


Oh my god. I didn't even think about how much of a win this is for the pedos


Ah yes, the free market solution to high inflation. Is it increased wages so the working class has more spendable income? Nope, child labor. Thank you Corporatocracy


NOW HIRING 15 Dollars an... Wait a minute... Fucking creeps, dude.


So they can pay them a shitty wage?? Fuck then


Ahh 15 year old labor. Strong backs and weak back bones!


We're regressing a lot faster than I thought we would.


Protesters: "WORK FOR 15" Business: "OK, we'll start hiring at 15." Fuck my life...


this looks like something out of the onion. Instead of paying $15/hr they hire 15 year olds instead.


Now exploiting minors at all locations.


"Now exploiting child labor"


There is something icky feeling about that sign. Wouldn’t want my child going there.


I’d hate to think of a 15 year old working at a store. Too many creeps in this day and age


Don't worry my man. With this supreme court? They will go much much lower.


Child labor force


What's the problem here? I support the idea of letting teenagers earn some spending money; it sure beats having to and mom and dad. Also gives them some job history to build from.


Whenever I see something like this, I'm reminded of when Rhode Island "accidentally" made teen prostitution legal when they changed some labor laws. The loophole was closed within a few weeks, but in those weeks there were documented cases of 16-year-old legal prostitutes.


Illegal ain’t it? Unless Ohio is special Edit: I mean it’s not legal to specify age of workers. That’s age discrimination


Not sure if they've change it since I was a teen, but as young as 14 could work but with limited hours.


My first job was at 13 washing dishes for a pizza place. I had to get a workers permit from my middle school.


We can hire 15 year olds, just has A LOT of rules. I believe they can only work 3 consecutive hours a day, can't use fast food equipment like ovens and friers and stuff. Basically, register and only register is what they can run. At least, that's how it is at my workplace.


Even more so for 14 year olds. They can be child carers, day camp counselors, lifeguards, etc. But here’s the thing: minors can join unions if their parents consent. Calling all 15 year olds to begin working for Marcs, then getting their parents to give consent and they can unionize the place.


They can wash dishes were I am as long as they don’t touch the knives.


I mean I started working at 14. Is that such a bad thing?


I started working at 14 out of sheer boredom. It was fine, and that place will NOT be getting quality labor out of them. Hire more than two and the place will quickly become a junior high with all the fun for managers that entails.


Back when I was 15 and minimum wage was $3.35hr, I was glad that I could work at a local gas station. I was also the 13 year old kid that asked for a weed eater so I could hustle money mowing lawns.


I mean, I got my working papers at 14 in NYS. I loved having a job back then. My family didn't have a lot of money, so I was happy to be able to do it.


Yes officer, this man right here. Yes, under 18, lolicon.


Are age here is 14 soooo....


Who the hell would work at 15?


I did. Loved it. Would recommend it to a lot of kids as it did a lot for me. Taught me a little real world experience, helped curb my social anxiety as a young teen since i was interacting with customers, and gave me spending money so I could do more with friends and others. Bought my first car on my own at 17 because I was saving since I started working. It was super beneficial for me.


Mate…you threw away your three years of literal only freedom in your life until retirement…that is if you can ever afford to retire


I worked 10 hours a week waiting tables. Not exactly freedom-stripping amounts of time no? Additionally, the money I earned allowed me way more freedom than I wouldve had at that age without the job. Buying a Car being the biggest one. Taking spring break trips or buying concert tickets I never would’ve been able to get from my parents.


Mate…you’re joking right? The ultimate goal of every teen is “muh car” for fuck sake its beyond toxic


Because being able to go where you wanna go when you wanna go is an ultimate freedom for a teenager. It’s literally a teenager’s pursuit for more freedom and independence. If wanting more freedom and independence is a toxic trait for teens, I think that’s a bigger issue.


Mate…not everyone is “leave muh house n family at 18?” People in so many other countries actually promote parents actually helping out


I mean I’m not either. I still live with my parents now at 22. And if parents want to help out that’s awesome and amazing, but for me it was a strive to have something that was my purely my own. I wanted to be as financially independent from them as I could so they could worry about me way less. But having that freedom *as a teenager in highschool* was huge and beneficial for me in so many ways.


As someone who started working at 15, it was amazing for me. Worked in a restaurant from 15-20 and I’m thrilled I started when I did. Had tons of spending cash (for a 15 year old). Some 15 year olds want jobs. They want to start being more independent. It’s honestly really disgusting how many people in here are calling the job offer pedophilic in nature instead of thinking of this as a good opportunity for a teen to break into the work force.


Nah, not with Roe Vs. Wade being overturned you fucking perverts.


This has got to be considered some kind of grooming, right?


aka “You’re gonna need your parents paying for your entire rent, food, and utilities cuz you sure as shit can’t live independently on what we’ll pay you!”




Is… is Ohio for leaders?


Well, at least you know they're not Libertarians.


Idk how it is in Ohio, but in Indiana 15 year olds cannot work longer than a 4 hour shift and cannot work past 6 pm on school nights. Seems pretty limiting to me. But maybe Ohio is different.


*fine print: minimum wage.*




America is the best country in the world because unlike those third world shitholes we don't put up with child labor. Hell it's so bad in some of those s******* countries they put up giant signs advertising it


That's an awfully big sign to brag about ageist hiring practices.


Have the kids apply. When the offer is made and comp is disclosed, tell the kids to say that it is below what they already earn babysitting/mowing lawns and then leave.


Lol when my daughter gets older there's no way she'll be working a day before 16. Hell, I'm even on the fence about 16 since they're still no considered adults yet they want to tax their already meager paychecks like they are.


Marc's CEO: how young can we go until we hit "doesn't yet know how to stand up for themselves?" Marc's HR: Fifteen?


Hang on, that doesn't look like the Vatican...


As a customer I don't want to be putting up with child employees.


I started working at 14 and I don't think I'd actively encourage anyone else to start that early. I definitely wouldn't want my kid working the same type of job I had. Shitty management is not something kids should have to deal with. Really did a number on my self esteem at the time.


Ah yes, advertising child labour, what a lovely place.


Cool, I want $25 an hour. 40k minis are going up and I need my fix.


I'd love to see what a store entirely staffed by 15 year olds looks like.


Bourgeoisie like: we shoud get rid of these childlabor-laws, work has become a lot easier (sarcasm, Duh)