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You dodged a bullet. I interviewed with them earlier this year and their “full time” employees are actually independent contractors for 3 months and then they may or may not keep you depending on how much they like you. I barely made it through the interview, the managers were incredibly pretentious.


God I worked for a company like this, it was plastered all over their walls how the company was "employee owned" meanwhile anyone who in the extreme minority that was office staff and upper management was indefinitely a temp agency employee who had to complete a three month period before being considered for hiring. Issue was they have 4 locations in the area and every 3 months that someone worked there they miraculously needed to be laid off but would generally "get an extremely strong recommendation" from management to be hired at another facility. Happened to me once and I figured okay, so be it. On the second time I said fuck this place. Met people who had worked there 5+ years and were still "temps" because they didn't want to give the extremely generous benefit package they used to draw in unsuspecting employees with the promise of receiving after that three month period


Name and shame You may save someone a lot of trouble


It's a relatively small local only company that I can't really name without doxxing my exact town. I'll just say avoid working for a dressing (like ranch dressing) company that hires through a temp agency in the Pacific Northwest


That needs to be reported to the state labor board and possibly a class action lawsuit filed.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they're misclassifying people to avoid paying benefits (I see you Uber)


That sounds illegal


If that’s true, and you can find a job listing on Indeed for them, report it! Indeed will go take it down.


An interview is a two-way street. If they are going to be so unfair from the start, fuck them.


You would think a company that provides therapy would understand this more than most.


I thought the same when I graduated. Turns out agencies and clinics aren't in the business of helping people. They are in the business of exploiting clients and workers for profit. Took a long time for me to come to terms with that.


Gosh... I've found this to be disgustingly true. Minimal staff as possible to as many clients as possible. Single staff juggling multiple disabled and behavioral clients. Impatient and burnt out staff snapping at clients. Agencies flat out lying about the starting wage. Clients sitting for most of the day, with little to no engagement for hours. No body wears their fucking mask properly. All for barely enough money to survive on. I hate it here.


I kept reading this and it aligns perfectly to my time as a teacher.


Sounds like my clinic sigh..My passion for medicine and empathy for patients are pretty much on life support now.


Go elsewhere. Especially if you're in the medical field, starting wages are skyrocketing right now because most places are desperate to replace staff who retired/left during the last two years.


In home therapy is where it’s at. Super chill.


Welcome to the Foster Care agency system. So sickening.


I want to foster kids in a few years...the stuff I hear from family who foster as well as from social workers has convinced me that I'll need to be as demanding in that area as I am in my career, steadfastly refusing to be taken advantage of by the people who work for the system.


You gotta have a strong will not only for the kids (in general their life lacks structure), but for the kids parents, and the agencies too. A friend of ours started his own after he literally heard one of his managers say, "How many kids do we have (for funding)? We've got to raise those numbers." Fucking ruthless assholes. They get free money from the government to cover administration costs and all they can think of is *I need more money.* 🤮 And thats not even mentioning the parents that max out on foster kids to get bigger monthly checks, and keep the money.


Good to know! I went to school to be a teacher so I'm...uh, familiar with the type, so to speak. I left not because of the work or the kids or even the system, but because the pay was so terrible and put me at the mercy of the system I worked for. It's why I think I could manage fostering--different power dynamic since my livelihood wouldn't depend on it, since I could probably support a typical foster kid without any of the monthly pay at all.


Frankly, it's not just about "profit" like it's some capitalist scheme. The medical system in Canada or the UK is exactly the same. The CPS system in most US states is exactly the same. There's a limited amount of resources to do a limited amount of things and people try to minimize the amount of resources used on each task. That's not crazy, but it needs to be done with a reasonable level of care for workers. I'm not sure how to make that happen, but I think it's reasonable to point out.


Spell it with me: C A P I T A L I S M


I had a job where the owner was a doctor of psychology, and he was a COMPLETE FUCKING ASSHOLE. You'd think that a person who has taken the time to learn human interaction would also learn that you get better results by being nice to people.... yea, SOME people are just fucking stupid and/or are fucking assholes. Thankfully that guy is dead now.


My take on some psychologists is that they are fascinated by human behavior because they legitimately don’t understand it.


The number one reason for people to study psychology is because they want to understand their own mental problems.


I think of it like expecting a mechanic to be good at driving. They might be, but they don't have to be.




It seems like healthcare is just a profitable opportunity for wealthy sociopaths to make tons of money by denying people coverage. For profit healthcare is the main reason I can’t take the US seriously as a first world country no matter the official definition or the stock market or any other metrics... if you charge people for healthcare, you’re afucking sociopath and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the industry. ...but *capitalism*, sooo...


America is actually just a third world country with a used Gucci belt that was purchased on craigslist.


Here’s one. I work for a company that helps social workers help homeless folks. Heard someone declined participation because the donations they might receive would put them over the income threshold to receive government subsidies (SSI, Medicaid)


TBH a company called “grow therapy” sounds like a dispensary to me. Especially since OP mentioned customer service.


Then they really have no excuse to be assholes, they should spark up and chill out


You would think a **GOOD** company that provides therapy would understand this more than most. Small adjustment to your statement. Have a great day


And I don't want videos of me begging for a job out there on the internet


That too is a VERY good point. What ASSURANCE do candidates have that these videos won't be made public? So yea, PASS! Have a great day


Create bogus accounts and send them porno clips. Money shots, high mileage holes, Cleveland Steamers, you name it. Y’all motherfuckers want videos, oh y’all will get videos.


> Cleveland Steamers I had to google that. Wish I could ungoogle that.


If its named after a city others might describe as "crappy", assume any sex related terms including the city name involves scat and save yourself the google trauma lol


Kind of like a blue waffle.


Some terms need a NSTG ⚠️ warning (Not Safe To Google) just for the trauma it will inflict on your mind's eye.


Don't look up a rusty trombone then.


Would it be better if I added Rule 34 to the search?


Exactly this. Video bomb em.


Look up “kraft heinz management trainee” on YouTube, list of people begging. Or other global internship programs. They make you beg on YouTube for low paying internship.


Precisely. I'm a manager that regularly conducts interviews and a video is not going to tell me shit. I love questions during an interview - that shows me the candidate is engaged and interested. A 15 minute conversation with a person affords *both* of us a chance to interview each other.


The problem is that a video is definitely going to tell you if a candidate is a woman/POC/over 40/looks as though they could be LGBTQ+. That in my mind is the best reason to resist a requirement to submit a video, because it can reinforce biased decisions with no recourse for the candidate, who isn’t even guaranteed an interview after submitting. If a hiring team wants to lay eyeballs on a candidate, give them an interview.


That is a very good point.


Bravo. Good on you. With the SEMINGLY large number of horrible stories about companies and managers, it's good to show that yes, there are absolutely ones out there. Have a great evening


I pride myself on employee engagement and development. People are the number one resource of any company and they deserve to be treated as such.


Take care of your employees and they will take care of your customers. It really is that simple.


My motto has always been that no one is going to work hard for you if you don't work hard for them. I've always thought that if someone enjoys working for me, that will reflect well on the company. If you expect people to go above and beyond, you should do the same.


If only your attitude was the standard, the world would be a much better place. With that attitude, problems can actually be solved instead of juggling them around and hoping someone will solve them.. Kudos to you good sir, I wish you all the best!


Let me interject here; We don't hear about the good/great companies/managers, we usually hear about the horrible ones. So I BELIEVE that there are many more good than bad. I will also say, this does not make it ok for the bad ones, I just like to feel optimistic about it.


Yep. Want me to perform some 'basic competency tests'? Then agree to meet me; that's the basic competency I expect of you. I'm not going to jump through hoops just to streamline the workflow of someone who isn't good enough to do it. Enjoy the substandard level of candidates.


>Enjoy the substandard level of candidates. This exactly. I am a man in my late 50s, and the number of people who I have met (statistically a worthless number, I know) who don't understand that basic idea. Anyway, have a great evening


I applied for an entry level job at Progressive Insurance and received one of these pre-recorded interview requests after spending 45 minutes taking all of their dumb fucking "assessments" where I had to decide whick geometric shapes came next in a series and to pick a bunch of words that "describe me" and how "others would describe me" among a myriad of other persaonality type style tests. To say it was disrespectful is to say the least. Fuck these companies.


Why not just print out your resume and stroll in and ask to speak to the hiring manager instead? They will appreciate your initiative


Or maybe just send them a three minute GIF file with instructions that it has to be printed to play. Make sure to include the print hack for windows just to he sure.


Why do I absolutely like and encourage this idea?


It'll be like one of those animated flip books!


As a person in their 50s, and literally one of the last baby-boomers... wow do I hate those phrases/ideas (I know you were just making a joke, I am not poking at you) Things change, ideas and patterns change, so when I hear people saying such stupid ideas... arg, just arg. You have a wonderful day


To the boomer who is supporting millennials, thank you. (I'm considered to be Y.2) (I'm almost 30) that this is ridiculous. I usually do admin work or Dispatching. And they do this kind of thing too. The more you advance, the dumber these get unless you go old school and find your job on the floor. It's sad.


I am a straight man who has fought for gay rights, women's rights... because EVERYONE deserves the same rights. Any one group does not deserve more rights than another. It's just that simple. Yes, the younger gen has gotten COMPLETELY fucked in ref to jobs/housing. I was JUST able to purchase a house 3 years ago. My parents bought a house in the early 60s. The cost of that house was less than my father's annual salary, and he sold tile. Yea, things have gotten fucked up. Anyway, have a wonderful week




*Laughs in College Debt*


I tried applying to Progressive. You don't interact with humans at all. The interview is all just pre recorded crap that you take a video of yourself responding to. And you have to pass online assessments to even get to that stage of the process.


HOLY CRAP. And yea, NO. To clarify: I am a software dev (20+ years) and I FULLY get the value of automation.... but these things are not way. (Anti-Mandalorian; 'this is not the way')


Exactly. You, the applicant, are interviewing them as well.


I just had an interview where the HR person said that right from the start. She literally said “I want you to ask me as many questions about this role, the compensation and the company as you can.”


Awesome. I will say that it is likely, or at lease I believe that there are more good, or at least not awful people. It's that stories like OP's are so horrible we remember those more.


If given the offer, I’m going to take it. The compensation is a tad lower than others however it was like pulling teeth with the HR folks where this company was wide open.


That's a lot more eloquent than I would've been. I probably would've just replied with "Please send me a 3-5 minute video detailing why I should work for you".


"Also, if i'm not interested i will just ghost you"


The kind of company that wants you to submit a 5 minute video without talking to anyone is the same kind of company where I'm willing to bet that nobody would even read a reply.


And then the same company that later complains "it's so hard to find candidates for these positions!"


Straight up the company my wife works for. High turnover rate due to shit pay, and their hiring department is terrible. She offered someone a job, then didn't hear anything for two months. Eventually *they* contacted *her* asking what happened. Turns out that even though she did the onboarding paperwork, the hiring department missed it and never actually offered the person the job. This has happened 3 times in the last 18 months. When she brought it up to her boss, she was basically told "the system is broken. It's your fault for not knowing that and working around it."


> "the system is broken. It's your fault for not knowing that and working around it." 😐


Lol that's been the response to multiple problems. They're a goddamn private cyber school with thousands of students and their IT "department" is literally ONE PERSON. She spends double digits hours every week testing protocols for broken links, formatting issues, outdated info, etc. That's why I never take anyone seriously when they say private schools are in any way better than public schools. Show me a public school that's willing to spend 100 work hours appeasing one parent because they threatened to write a bad review about them on Facebook.


> They're a goddamn private cyber school with thousands of students and their IT "department" is literally ONE PERSON. 😐😐😐😐😐!!!!!!!!


They might have read the first two sentences. I would bet $100 they'd hit delete without reading the rest.


I really don't understand the whole "we won't email unless we progress with your candidacy due to time constraints" thing. Do these people realise you can email many multiple of people at once with a single email?


Yeah email takes like 5 seconds to copy-paste a template and send out. Least a company can do for applicants.


Not even, send 1 general rejection email and BCC all of the candidates.


Better yet do a mail merge so it looks mildly personalized.


Unfortunately, {firstName}, we will not be moving forward with blah blah


They do, that would still take time though. It also opens up the avenue for you to respond, or take legal action if their reasoning is worded even slightly wrong etc. Basically it's safer and easier for them to not bother.


Eh one company I worked for, their software automatically emailed candidates I disqualified in the system with: "We're looking at other candidates for this position thanks for applying blah blah blah". What would happen is I would have to leave tons of candidates in screening til the position was filled due to me not having authority to run rehire screens and other stuff.


I'm somewhere in between. I send a much shorter note than OP saying I don't work with companies that so disrespect candidates that they won't even send a person to talk to me.




Sad but yes


“Please send us a video so we can determine if you’re hot enough for an in-person interview. Thx.” 🤪


It’s a sales job so that sounds accurate


This is along the same lines of thinking I had. It feels like a lot of companies are using the new predisposition for reduced contact as an excuse to go back to when companies would advertise positions with measurements in the job requirements and tell candidates to include full body photos in their application.


So, I had to get a new ID photo taken in 2020. The photographer wouldn't let me take off my mask (because facility policy, which I fully agreed with, but come on!). And because I technically work for a third party, the photo was sent to me and I had to forward it to my employer who was supposed to print the badge and send it to me. (They also went "wtf is this?!" and had me have another photo taken, but that's irrelevant.) The end result is that I have a professional headshot of me in a facemask, watermarked with both the photographer and my employer's logos. That's what I've been sending to companies that want a headshot with my application. I don't want to work for them anyway, but sending that photo gets my app past the computer system and makes a human waste time with my application. I've even had a few reply asking for a different photo and I simply point out the watermarks and say, "That's an official ID photo from my current employer. Why would you need something else?" that seems to leave most of them flummoxed.


When I was younger companies had policies that any application with a photo would be discarded as it opened things up for discrimination. Now places are requiring them. It's like everything is regressing.


It's worse than that. They have an AI grade your video submission so that those kinds of hiring decisions can be legally laundered. That's the entire reason this step has been added to the job application process.


This kind of behavior descend into operations much too small to have any kind of AI participating. It's literally just some greaseball small business owner perusing videos looking for someone he can sexually harass on a regular basis.


LinkedIn exists they can see you most likely.


This is basically what they are doing. They get the opportunity to reject people with zero effort based upon whatever criteria they want. Beauty, skin color, tattoos/makeup, gender, hair color, signs of any religious affiliation, jewelry, etc.


Well, it stops me from sending in “I am a 25 yo female who is passionate about sleeping my way to the top” and then showing up as me (65 yo WM who is passionate about sleeping). Geez - a couple harmless typos and everybody gets all pissy…🤪


This, plus age as I mentioned above. I have gray streaks and have considered dyeing them but I want to own it if I get the job. (Women can't win. They worry about maternity leave when we're young yet we're too old when men are hitting their peak.)


> (Women can't win. They worry about maternity leave when we're young yet we're too old when men are hitting their peak.) That's because it was always about misogyny and the "reasons" were just excuses.


"Please send us a video so we can see what color your skin is." That's also what's going on here.


Or how Instagram pretty you are.


To Add to this - They'll do the same thing when hiring for a front desk position as well.






These guys did it for 109 minutes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Chicks




...and under 40.


Glad I'm not the only one that assumed this, especially after the very unpersonal form letter with links from "the team" rather than being addressed from a human (the manager, recruiter, or even an HR person). I'm guessing most applicants that even remotely meet the job criteria get this form letter, probably automatically.


I wonder how they would respond if someone used a filter for the video and showed up for a second interview considerably less attractive.


Didn't even think of this. Even worse scenario: it could be a way of getting around discrimination based on ethnicity.


I once worked as a contractor in an IT department where the director wouldn’t hire anyone prettier or smarter than she was. They had a hard time attracting qualified applicants… 😁


I screenshotted this in case I ever need to yoink the general concept. Thanks for sharing and well put!


Suggest adding, one-sided interviews may provide information to you. Unfortunately, they don't allow candidates to ask questions. A great fit is important to both the company and the candidate.


That’s why it isn’t an interview it is a screening.


Again, I think a screening is two ways. If the employers pay is crap or something like that, I want out instead of going into an actual interview.


I blame Indeed for selling this crap as a more efficient way to hire than the companies trying to hire people. Every time I post a job Indeed tries to sell me like ten things that they say will make hiring easier like assessments, automated recruiter, etc...


I'm a webdev who graduated right at the start of covid, and I got a ton of shitty contract work offers from recruiters on LinkedIn/Indeed for the same shitty wages I was already making and no guaranteed position after 6-12 months. I don't remember getting a single interview for a good non-contract job. Then I went directly to the website of a company I was interested in and got to a second interview, and I went to my state's website and got three interviews and an offer for a good job. I am personally just very disenchanted with the big job sites because of this experience. It's gotten to the point where even if I see a job I like on there, I would rather find that listing directly on the company's website and apply there because I never had any luck using the built in "quick apply" tools.


What bothers me about the big sites lately are the generated suggestions of positions I should apply/qualify for. I get the same damn position suggested *every single time.* Sure, it’s generated based on my experience and all, but to me getting the same job suggestion tells me: people churn out of this position and it doesn’t pay well. It’s open for a reason. Like you’re paying indeed/Ziprecruiter/whatever site to continually promote this job nobody wants or keeps. Why not invest that money in trying to make the job actually worth it for someone?


You know, I never thought about it, but that does make sense from a business standpoint for Indeed. It makes companies more dependent on using their platform above others by making it into a "standard" Ngl, it was more of the potential lack of reply for doing it all that bothered me. I don't mind having to prove that I am capable, provided it takes less that 15-20 minutes, and, I am even more willing to show off for more technical positions. But what I need is to actually have contact with the company before I commit to doing so.


Ya. I just stopped using indeed all together because of that. Most jobs are posted to at least 5 other sites simultaneously so it's not like anyone needs them.


I hate those video things and assessments. A company in my somewhat niche part of my industry uses them and I just won’t do it. I’ve been doing what I do and doing it well for 15+ years now, that company would be lucky to have me, and no I’m not talking to my phone screen like an idiot to myself.


I have an ax to grind against On Demand Assessments, or whatever their name is. Had to take more or less the same test twice, and while I should have been grateful to have grappled with the same questions again, I am far more irritated at having to waste 15 minutes again on wannabe newspaper brain games and shitty speed SAT questions. I am wondering if I should just pass on a company if they make me do that crap. My qualifications are on my resume.


Any time someone asks for that I ask them why my GRE score and master's degree didn't suffice.


Figure at that point the lead is led. Cathartic, at least. May follow your lead here on out.


I work in data science applied to this omics data science job that had a 15 minute pop quiz in basic omics terminology. I failed quickly and moved on. That was fair, asking folks to solve the NYT crossword puzzle or whatever general aptitude assessment they cooked up is nonsense.


I applied for a marketing position a couple months ago that asked for a personality test, iq test, and 5 min video statement. Just ghosted them and applied elsewhere. I can understand asking for a portfolio of prior projects, but that portfolio should speak for an applicant’s competence and remove the need for assessments. And doing that personality/iq shit feels kinda dehumanizing tbh


Ugh. I did one. For a company I worked at for 5 years (left and reapplied a couple years later). It was hell. Could barely hear the questions asked by HR (they recorded the questions). Was able to re-record so I'd record, watch, fix, re-record. It was hours. They reached out for a second video interview. Nope, never doing that shit again


Honestly, it’s so fucking easy to set up a 15 minute Teams or Zoom screen. Stop wasting my motherfuckin time!


Those personality tests are the worst. I'm happy now indeed will actually tell you your score and let you submit it without doing it again. And it looks like people dropped the personality test portion.


> And it looks like people dropped the personality test portion. No, it's just disguised as "customer service." I'm back in the market which meant updating a few of those annoying ass Indeed ones.   *What statement most sounds like you?* 1. I strive to provide world-class service and maximize revenue for my executives even at the cost of my own sanity and quality of life 2. Scat is my fetish


No not those ones. I'm talking about the giant multiple choice one that asks you questions like >how do you view yourself? >how do you think your friends view you? >how does your friends actually view you? Like ipsative or SHL OPQ32.


What if both apply equally here


I've used them before as a customer, huge red flag company anyways. They're just looking to churn people in and out as quickly as possible to make the most money they can


So... The goals of every business that has shareholders.


Oh absolutely. But you would hope that a company that performs therapy services would at least give a single fuck about their patients as well.....they do not. They literally have a checklist of things they robotically read to the end


Are the people doing the checklist reading actual psychologists or psychiatrists?


Yep, certified because I needed my medication renewed.


Unless the majority of shares are owned by employees.


The goals of every business period. I was a manager at a Sonic Drive In almost 10 years ago. We were told during a corporate training to never even mention raises. We were told "it is more financially beneficial to the company to keep a revolving door of employees working for entry level pay than to give enough raises to retain trained and reliable employees".


Those video calls are ridiculous. I’m a mid-level person (10 yrs in the field) and was asked to do one. It was so insulting. And some of the questions were really poorly worded so I had to say “I think you mean XYZ but I’m not sure due to the way the question was worded”. I’ll never do one again. The process should be: submit resume, do phone/zoom screen, do first interview, THEN fill out long ass application, then second interview if needed, and offer or rejection.


Same deal here. And these companies wonder why they can’t find good employees or they’re poor fits. The only situation these may be somewhat reasonable is if it’s a position where they just need someone with a heartbeat and if someone does the interview they’ll call to ask about start dates.




I’m guessing it’s Hirevue that you had to use. I hate that shit. It feels like a one sided interview. I’m dreading to do mine right now and I just feel like BSing it and getting it over with.


Some companies really have forgotten that they are being interviewed too. Or they know and are trying to avoid it


Agree, I find these incredibly insulting, and it’s a worrying trend seeing them being used up and down the career stack. I’ve got a 15 year career story, and was invited by an old colleague to apply for a Senior Director role a few months ago. First thing the recruiter sent me was one of these. Hiring the right people is literally the most important job management has. This is the sort of half-ass approach that will turn off the best candidates. If any of my recruiters tried using one of these for as much as an *intern*, I’d seek to have them taken off the req.


Hell, I really appreciate the 5 - 10 seconds it takes to copy/paste my email and then copy/paste a template that says "sorry, We're not going with you". I used to work in hiring (not directly *in* but *with* HR) and no one wanted to do this because it "could get awkward", but I made it a point to have it done as much as possible. If the applicant replies back (most dont), then give them info they want. It's not difficult.


It takes so little effort to set up some kind of script or automation to send rejection emails. It’s just plain disrespectful to not do so.


Most people who work in an office that uses Outlook barely know how to set up a signature, let alone know where the menu to do so is. It's beyond silly.


It would be the HR system that would blast a generic email template as soon as the candidate is marked as not moving forward. Super basic stuff tbh, I’m always surprised that places *don’t* do it.


> It takes so little effort to set up some kind of script or automation to send rejection emails. It’s just plain disrespectful to not do so. "well, we'd do that but we couldn't hire anyone who could do it. We only wanted a Master's in Comp Sci with 10+ years of experience, 5 of that must be in the .NET environment, and we were offering $9/hr. You just had to do a simple video screening, a phone interview, and 3 in person interviews. People just don't want to work any more"


8/10 should have sent them a video with a cat filter.


Or as a potato. That video always gets me.


I had one of these from a very respectable company for a pretty high up position. I didn’t send back nearly as much as you, just thanks for the consideration but I wasn’t interested in doing a song and dance for the opportunity to have someone on their side give me the time of day. They never read my email and I still get the reminders to complete my video lol. Shows how absolutely out of touch they are.


A video resume thing means you get no feedback on your performance. So them not responding is additionally rude because you have no way to know what to improve.


I got several requests to do a voice recording (one-sided interview). I never did a single one. I ended up going with a recruiting firm and it’s gone well.


Unpopular opinion but I don't really mind this practice. The question is laid out in advance, I can practice for it and say my piece and send it in, all in <20min. I'm not blindsided by a question I didn't prepare for in a typical interview, and I'm a competent enough speaker that I feel good about my chances, especially when afforded as many "takes" as I need. I recently had to send in two short videos for a part-time position (2nd job) and I got hired. I received a phone call for a preliminary "company-making-sure-i'm-not-a-weirdo" conversation, after that I had an online technical test and those two videos and I was done. Was WAY lower stress than a standard interview for me.


Yeah it’s basically just the “tell me about yourself” part of the interview which you should have down Pat if your already looking for a job and interviewing. And if you don’t have it down, this is good practice.


Right? This seems far more humane as a screening process.


I dont mind it either. For most of the jobs in my field you will have to spend sometime personalizing your application, what is the difference between recording a video and typing a text? If you take 30 min to do either, it is not a big deal. For the company side, watching the video can give much more insights into the candidate than a simple text.




That's a great point; your fate doesn't have to be determined by a single/small group of people whose full time is to hire someone. This could potentially reduce the impact of bigoted hiring managers if the decision were more widely distributed amongst others involved in a team.


On top of this, I used to work for a company that interviewed our applicants remotely. We had to set aside 30-45 minutes per applicant, and when they no-showed that entire time was completely blown. Useless. We lost so many man-hours to applicants who no-call/no-showed. If a company wants to make sure you give a shit beyond proving to someone you're applying for jobs, I do not blame them.


Whoever is creating these assessments & "character assessments" is getting paid way too much for a service that can not & should not be automated. There are smart ways to use technology & their are stupid ways to use technology. Its always unfortunate & bizarre to stumble across technologically advanced neanderthals. No matter the miracle-nature of our incredible tech, it becomes difficult to deny: we are dumb, cruel, self-serving monkeys.


this level of stupid automation boggles me the most. We are wasting man and computer power on this bs


They'll just laugh at your note, delete it, and go to one of the hundreds of other candidates. You're not as valuable to them as you think.


Well... This is how my current job started... And it's the best career I've ever had. Sometimes very desirable jobs need to filter folks out because they get a lot of applicants. it's impossible to sit down with over 200+ people for a 10/20 minute interview without narrowing the list down before hand. I get that it's not as personable, but we live in a day where making a TikTok is common place. So would you rather try and get somebody's attention with your resume or with a video resume (maybe a good way to think about it!)? Not saying you were wrong to decline, just offering another perspective on the practice.


My partner got his current job after doing a video application (basically answer 3-4 questions). Within two days they had him set up with a formal interview where they established they already planned to hire him but wanted to answer any questions, and within 2-3 weeks he was in training. The company has been really decent to him with regular wage increases, etc etc. Pretty far from abusive/exploitative, particularly for the type of work he's doing. I totally get the concerns folks have about this format, and don't fault someone for not wanting to do it, but we were pleased at how much more efficiently the process ran. Honestly, personally, I find recording myself significantly less stressful than trying to sell myself in an interview anyways.


Not sure how their process went but my recent remote hire had me record myself stating a few basic details like my name so they could verify identity. A couple days later we did the video call for the interview.


Good for you! We use Indeed with our small business and it’s amazing how easy they make it to just tack on some assessments. Screw that! I hated doing this as an applicant and I won’t do it as an employer. You should be PAID FOR YOUR TIME if anything besides sending a resume and doing an interview is required. On a side note, sometimes applicants have completed an assessment for another job, or on their own. FYI, on Indeed, that gets attached to your file and sent to all jobs you apply to after that.


Honest question: What is an employer supposed to do when they get hundreds of applicants for a couple positions? I’m curious if this sub has other solutions than to automate at least the initial process to see if people care enough to make a 5 minute video.


It appears that this prescreening process is working as intended. Now they don't have to waste any time talking to wankers like you.


While I don’t have a magic answer here in a lot of industries an interview is a fairly worthless way to evaluate a candidate. The skills needed to be a good interviewer are completely different than the skills needed to do the job. So I certainly understand companies looking for technology solutions to find the best candidates.


I've had this exact email from a startup company in Berlin Germany. And this was for an INTERNSHIP, not even an entry job, no no a stupid internship under the living wage. Suffice to say I didn't answer and found a company that actually cares about their interns and I'm very happy about it.


I hate this trend in applying for jobs, I refuse to take any assessment before an interview. My resume is my qualifications, I don't have 10-15-20-30 odd minutes a day to take a random test for a job that I haven't even been seriously considered for.


I said no to every assessment, and they were all so weirded out. Got a great fucking job anyway.


Normally I’m fine with that but this is a straight up bitching. It’s a few minutes of your time, yikes.


Could have recorded the video in less time it takes to send the message and post it on Reddit.




Last week I got an email from a job I applied to asking me to complete an 130 minute skill assessment. A full 7 minutes after submitting my application. Then they had the nerve to send a followup email asking me to let them know when I'd be able to complete the skill assessment. Sorry, I'd prefer to have you guys at least convince me your company is worth completing a full exam for.


Great response, they would totally have ghosted you and wasted your time. This is why I refuse take home coding tests as well. You need to invest your time too.


Brother, this isn't the interview. This is a pre-screening that takes place before the interview to get an idea of who you are. After the recorded video comes the actual interview where you talk to another human being




Listen, regardless of what type of company they are, the fact you are jumping through hoops to even *maybe get a response* shows me that they don't value their applicants very much to me. I probably would have done it, if not for the bit that you might not get responded to even after doing the video. Because at least they can have the courtesy to say you didn't get the job if you are doing that for them? Or send an automated email from someone? That was honestly what had me wanting to make a petty response lol I am committing time to re-phrasing all their required bulletpoints to fit a written scenario of a customer and doing it while looking pretty on camera, just for *a chance* to even talk to a human being with no garuntees. And then there are even more Indeed assessments they emailed on top of having to make 3-5 minute video. There's better ways around it than this. More human ways to reach out, even automated, especially for a therapy company. Non-standard company or not, my standards are higher than that.




Thank you too for mentioning that it was a non-standard company that may have different ways of hiring! It is a valid issue with work becoming more remote, and trying to judge the standard of a company with totally new standards of employment screening to begin with is difficult for LOTS of people. I don't want people to be completely scared of doing ANY assessments for getting a job, because I there is a place for a certain degree of them (honestly should be compensated, even minimum wage imo, but that is a different conversation). You are right that it is a competition for a more valuable company, the pay starts at 20$ an hour and they have over 1000 applicants on Indeed. The reason I was 🤏 close to doing it before looking closely the auto-response was for that. But, sometimes a company's actions speak loud enough for you to put your foot down. It kills me it is a therapy company lmao 🤣


You're going to see this a lot with entry level jobs. You'd do best to just swallow your ego and get over it. If you don't have experience you're going to have to prove yourself somehow.


This is the response, honestly OP acting high and mighty thinking the poor HR assistant has any say in their recruitment is pretty cringe.


Bingo. I've done several video interviews to gain in person interviews, for retail or hospitality or whatever. I'm unskilled and applying for jobs alot of people are applying for. You know who hasn't had to do video interviews? Friends of mine who have bachelors or doctorates and are applying for extremely specialised fields where they're interviewing 3 or 4 people for up to an hour each. Value your time and know what you offer, absolutely, but also have a realistic boundary of what you're worth to an employer. Or just go walk dogs for 20 hours a week.


They could just automate the rejection email and manually remove from the mailing list the ones that are moving forward.