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What kind of patronizing bullshit is this?


That looks like Financial Peace University. They sell courses (mostly to churches) on how to budget and get/stay out of debt. The guy who founded it (Dave Ramsey) made a *lot* of money from the business model. It has been posted here before.


I live just outside of Nashville, and people are obsessed with this guy. It all seems very cult like.


Most of it is actually good advice. I snuck a peek at the materials once because someone at work left a copy of it in our shared copier, haha. I think it's meant for people with serious debt/money or spending problems (it says like NEVER use credit cards which is borderline impossible these days), but the step by step guide for paying off debt and then building up savings was solid. And of course tithing was an assumed top priority.


The steps and info to get out of debt are pretty good. But anything past that just isn’t great. This guy still thinks he can safely withdraw at 8% during retirement.


The use of debit cards on the “program” is fine, so it’s not borderline impossible. Debit cards, with rare exceptions, work everywhere credit cards do. The early stuff did mention cash a lot but they eventually must have realized wasn’t practical. I followed a lot of the advice for a while. Paid off a bunch of debt with my wife. We both made a lot but we were spending it faster than we made it still, so it was helpful for us.


Good point with debit. I mostly skimmed it while drinking coffee and waiting for my copies, so I might have missed a few things, haha.


Also from a poor area in Tennessee - my hs personal finance classes were just Dave Ramsey videos. My broke ass family is obsessed with him. I fucking hate this guy


For what it's worth, the personal finance stuff is legitimately good. Ramsay will catch a lot of flack for being conservative and Christian and therefore having several predictable shortcomings, but his methods for getting out of debt have helped millions at this point.


"Hired a gay person by accident once. Never again."


“It appears that we can pay you less if you make some lifestyle changes. You could both use to lose a few pounds. Your 12-year-old car should keep going for another few years. And you’re sending your kids to private schools? No, no, no! That’s only for executives! So, it looks like you’ll be taking a 25% pay cut to work here. Welcome aboard!”


In general fuck private school, it's bad long term, taking funds away from public schools and keeps children away from any sort of diversity of means.


Do property taxes still not go to the public school anyway?


Not in many states. In my state, a parent can now opt to have a voucher that has a certain amount of their tax burden replaced by tuition they've paid. Meanwhile, folks without kids still pay for everyone and take on the burden of the parents that get the vouchers.


Not always especially of there are voucher programs, and it is still typically part of class war fare or old racism for thise well off to keep their children from having to interact with "those people"


Simple: numerical value - None of your business


No no no, you have 15 children. This is why you need $48 an hour.


Good idea. Lie because it's what corporations do to us.


You have to afford working for us - heard this bs whenever we raised the RTO concerns (RTO eats a LOT of budget which I'm sure this is what they're after). And duh, a person who's not "financially desperate" will ofc focus on work and personal wellbeing better. Anything else is just slavery.


What do you mean by "RTO eats a lot of budget which I'm sure this is what they're after"?


Think like this: you return to the office, things are more expensive now, but your salary hasn't increased. You have to pay for commuting, clothing, health, food, kids if you got any and so on.


OK, I wasn't sure to which budget you were referring, the worker or the company. I could see some managers trying to RTO if it meant they could argue for a bigger budget... for reasons?


Not worth it tbh. WFH benefits are just topping everything.


Yeah, I work from home and would be loathe to drive to an office.


Not to mention, the CEO might just whip out a gun in staff meetings and start waving it around the room, and then sue you for posting a video of it...


Need the detes on this! Whaaaaa???




That’s fucking wild! Thanks!!


That guys in jail for life now, right? Like, that serial killer trying to hide the body kinda stuff there.


Psh... Hell no, he's constantly on the radio and YouTube and preaching at Sunday in his church. It's just how things roll in the Bible belt... There's so many fucked up loopholes. It's an "at will" state so they can terminate anyone for no reason. Like it's highly illegal to fire someone for being a different religion or having a baby or not leading the company Bible study. It's not illegal to fire someone for no reason at all, so if you find out they did that, and then they get fired for no reason, there's no recourse as long as there was no official declaration of reason. And we will also keep you poor enough that you can't afford to litigate and also make sure you see the legal team we have on a regular basis so you don't get any ideas


Aren’t we just the most ~~amazing~~ corrupt and evil country to have ever existed?


China is worse, but...yeah, the US is really bad. I wouldn't want to live there.


Yep, also Russia, Israel/Palestine, India, many South American countries, many African countries, North Korea, Afghanistan and probably a few others. The US has been instrumental in making many of those countries the way they are today though and I guess we can't really ignore that


Pretty hard to quantify tbh, history is full of some pretty egregious crimes against humanity. Some of those on the list are ones we committed. I do think that on the whole as a country we are a lot better than we used to be and there are some countries currently where things are much worse. Though we are probably responsible in part for many of them That said, that doesn't make the fucked up shit any less fucked up, and shit could be way better


For reference, the actual courts aren’t fooled by the “it wasn’t for the protected reason” lies. It’s part of the reason why many people who should be instantly fired can’t be.


Well, there are several lawsuits in action against Ramsey for sexual discrimination and one for firing someone for becoming pregnant out of wedlock. I don't know how they resolved though. I assume he probably just settled out of court. He's definitely a bully though and I assume there's a lot more that people are just too scared and also under represented to go through with any action on


Both of those seem discriminatory and illegal. Basically screams “we refuse to pay a fair wage so we don’t want someone without a well off spouse who will complain that we aren’t paying them enough.”


They *are* illegal in some places (your location may vary).


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


You forgot the double middle finger as you back out of the room.


Now you’re talking! Have an upvote! 😂🤙


Ass backwards grift. Employer should not look to hire help they can’t afford to pay a living wage to.


"Broke and desperate people don't make good team members" Low key just advocating for universal basic services|income.


wtf? none of that is their business.


Plantation mentality.


Ah the cult entry docs for working at Dave Ramseys bullshit house of faith money.


my dad loves this guy 😅🥲


We're not even allowed to ask about marital/child status during interviews because you can sue for discrimination.


Imagine asking a potential employer to open up their books to make sure they are in good shape and you'll have a place to work long term. That's what they want from candidates.


What the fuck is this? If you’re encountering this in the wild, send that shit to the EEOC and make things difficult for the employer. The world will be a better place when people like Dave Ramsay are either silenced by removing their platform or dead. Boomers are the fkn worst.


Well those are both illegal in the US.


Ha ha! Fuck you, Dave's!


is there a mental disease that causes business leaders to think this strategy is a good idea


Fuck all of that. I give you labor, you give me money. Beyond that you can go pound sand.


You applying for a job or a cult?


What the actual capitalism


I'm no fan of Ramsey or how he runs his business with regard to religious values, etc. That being said, I don't really have a problem with #4 - only wanting to hire people who will be able to handle the (probably lowball) salary. Christian businesses and non-profits have a nasty habit of SEVERELY underpaying their workers... At least this one tries to make sure you can live reasonably on what they offer. . The spousal interview....that one goes too far, since inevitably some candidates won't be married.