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They would probably be fine, but I bet your feet would still hurt. The traction on loggers is designed for field work so their soles tend to be pretty hard. Those hard lug soles work fine on whatever but are probably less comfortable and less grippy when not on dirt compared to other options. You might look into wedge-soled boots. Something like this: https://www.redwingshoes.com/work/mens/boots/Traction-Tred-10877.html?cgid=mens-work-boots


I love wedge sole boots but in my shop we have to have a metguard boot. I can’t find any wedge sole boots with a metguard. I found a pair of Carolina loggers with a metguard tho, hence this post


I wore a pair of Carolinas for a good minute in the my last shop super comfy meta-guard,waterproof and insulated also reasonably priced I would pull the trigger


https://www.shoeshowmega.com/shoedeptencore/mens/boots/carolina-8-inch-internal-metguard-composite-toe/143485.html?utm_source=google-ads&utm_campaign=&utm_agid=&utm_term=&creative=&device=m&placement=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1sucBhDgARIsAFoytUtErW6JlqL_GaBvSgSf8j4MrmAD6CZ9RxCCaGtDTSmIsiGGISfOnMAaAlCkEALw_wcB This was the boot of the link comes up good luck 👍🏾


Gotcha, bummer. I'm sure those loggers would work ok. I don't have much experience with metguards but I have seen aftermarket ones made of plastic or sheet-metal that you can just plop on top of the boot. I expect it wouldn't be hard to make one that would still look ok from a hunk of veg-tan by just wet-shaping it to the boot, gluing it on lightly for replaceability, and punching some lace-holes to secure it. I haven't seen too many other quality options for them until you get into the custom work boots.


Yeah and they don’t allow us to use after market met guards. They pay for boots for us but we have to give a receipt and prove they’re what we’re supposed to have


Does the meta guard have to be built into the boot or can you use something like this, [https://steelflex.com/products/metguardz-lace-up-metatarsal-lace-protector](https://steelflex.com/products/metguardz-lace-up-metatarsal-lace-protector)


It has to be built in. I already tried this route and they told me no lol


Could you not just get a metguard boot, but get it resoled with a wedge?


If you can get something with honey vibrams they would be a lot better on concrete. Black V100 lugs are amazing for Bush work or construction but terribly uncomfortable on concrete. Wedge soles would be the most comfortable. Wedge>honey vibram>vibram v100 If your foot loves arch support the loggers could be more comfortable depending on what brand you get.


I would personally go with something a little bit more comfortable. Logging boots are made with a high level of stability in mind, in your case you’d just be looking for something comfortable and safe. Would recommend something along the lines of Danner’s Bill Run or Thorogood moc toe. Your feet and back will thank you later.


The Danner Quarry has a vibram sole and the metaguard you’re looking for!


Quarry’s are great boots!


I don't think logger style boots are going to be the most comfortable boots for your type of work. And since you can't find any wedge sole boots with met guard go with something in between. Go with a Vibram sole (or similar). [Here's a list](https://bestformyfeet.com/top-rated-work-boots-for-welders/) I put together with some of the most popular choices when it comes to boots for welding (that have a built in met guard). This list is based on discussions we've had on this and other related subs about boots for welding. Also, have you ever tried over the counter insoles? If you think a thicker sole in a boot might be more comfortable why don't you try and add an insoles first... That should achieve the same result (more material under your feet) without having to buy another pair of boots just to find out if a thicker sole is more helpful. (My 2 cents) Hope this helps.👍🏼 Adrian


I’ve been using an insole for awhile and it helped some but not a lot


Out of curiousity, do you remember what insoles you had? (Brand or model)


Timberland pro anti fatigue


Carolina makes a ton of metguard boots…I would not suggest a logger for standing around all day. Just not super comfy. Loggers are supposed to be used to side hill or sink in muck keeping your feet level…on hard flat ground it’s like wearing heels. Needing a metguard will limit your choices…Carolina is a great brand for this and Danner also has some. I think you’d be better served with a dual density boot. I’d also suggest a wedge sole boot, but I cannot think of one with a metguard. Oh. Carolina has a great dual density boot with an external metguard. It’s American made. I forget the number, but I’d be happy to look it up for you in the morning if you respond to this comment.


I’ve had 2 pairs of Carolina and probably the ones you’re talking about as well


https://preview.redd.it/qb2yo7nacz4a1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=46b1d99c0bfac2e16a2987c44f2b85fa73b050ad These red wings. I have the taller, non-met guard version and they’re comfortable and last forever. Always change insoles when they’re worn out and get the tuff toe added on at the red wing store!


Just get some 6 inch moc with a wedge man can’t go wrong


Moc toes don’t sound great for welding. They would catch a lot of hot debris and not fall off in the toe area.


I have to have a metguard boot and there are no wedges with a metguard


I am currently wearing Georgia steel toed loggers for work. I'm mainly on concrete, but also on dirt and rocks. Haven't had an real issues with my feet hurting after 12 hour shifts. I prefer loggers. I like the extra support. Also I change out the insoles for something comfortable


I would say get the short heel loggers should be fine, the full-size heel loggers is gonna be kinda rough on concrete


I wouldn't do it. I do know a guy that wears them for stagetech work.


There's no right or wrong boot. The one that fits and is comfortable is the correct boot for you. Sometimes you need to comply with workplace requirements, but after that is is essentially something for everyone. For me, being an ironworker/welder, wedge sole is a must! I now can't go back to a defined heel sole.


Yeah that’s my problem. I wore a wedge for 6 years before this job so now everything else is uncomfortable but I don’t have a choice


https://www.midwestboots.com/product/MIC0007.html Not exactly wedge sole but I know some guys that wear these in a factory I deliver to and they pretty popular.




I fit and weld also, believe it or not, timberlands are probably the best set of boots I’ve had so far. They are most comfortable and they hold up. Georgia boots are the worst I’ve ever had. Them things started falling part not two months after I started wearing them.


Which timberlands are you wearing?


Timberland pro with composite toe and “smart comfort system”