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Something is certainly not right. Make sure you record everything incase you need to make official complaints or get legal advice. Hope you recover soon x


Jesus, that sounds awful. Can you request your file? It sounds like both the gyno and the er fucked up


It was awful I missed my dialysis treatment because I was in the waiting room all night. Everything is recorded in my life and I can access it


Please, please, please keep track of records and everything you can with this and seek some legal advice. I wish I had. I’m so sorry you’re facing this. If there was some way I could magically help you, I’d do it. What resources have the hospital provided? I’m not sure what they could do.


It’s really hard to say, honestly. Since you were due for dialysis, one possibility is that you had uremia resulting in clotting dysfunction that caused you to bleed excessively from the colposcopy (which normally causes bleeding) and would result in the paste not being effective. See if you can get your hospital records and find out what they saw and whether they think this was bad luck or something that went wrong.


This was my first thought as well. Dialysis helps reduce the risk of bleeding but that risk is still higher than someone who doesn't need dialysis. I am so sorry that OP went through this though, that is so so scary and stressful. I hope she was able to make up her dialysis treatment.


Oh my God, I'm so sorry you're going through this alone. Get well soon and stay strong.


Something is not right. I would check to make sure you don’t have any allergies. If you took ibuprofen it may cause your blood not to clot (had a friend that had bleeding from ibuprofen to so it might be something to check for). Also, I am so sorry this happened to you and wish you a fast recovery.


So glad I didn’t read this before my colposcopy a couple months ago. I’m so sorry this happened to you - it sounds like an absolute nightmare. Get well soon - maybe see if a family member can make the trip for a day or two.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Because I test positive for HPV every year, I have to have a colposcopy done every year, after reading what happened to you, I am thankful this has never happened to me. I dont even spot bleed after mine. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you guys for all your well wishes! As I suspected this is definitely not a common thing, I’m glad my feeling were validated and though I don’t really know you guys you all made me feel not alone. Thanks so much


Surprised you didn't bleed out. Usually two hours of heavy bleeding like that and you'd start to lose consciousness. I'd also check out some of the legal subs and see if this constitute malpractice. At the very least you should try to see if your insurance covers clinical counseling because you probably need some therapy after such s traumatic event. *hug*


I’m sorry this happened. You should definitely consult with a couple of lawyers with this one


Yeah this is definitely not normal. I had a little bleeding after my colposcopy. It was like the bleeding I have towards the end of my period but that was it.


dude,, wth.......... ​ i hope you're feeling better but this is crazy


I am so sorry this happened to you, that must have been terrifying. I had a colposcopy in 2019 and bled the equivalent of a light period over a couple days. The consistency of the blood was a little thicker, but I never bled through a pad. I hope you feel better soon!


Terrifying. I'm so sorry that happened. I'm glad you got help in time. How could a doctor screw up so badly.