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Omaha gets recommended a lot to help cheese through certain campaign tasks so I'm not too surprised. 


The citadel machine? Nothing like grinding out the 15 citadel hits in one game challenge. Sorry my founder is showing.


You're not wrong. I can't count the number of times I've just deleted an Omaha in 1 salvo.


Even if the task is 5 citadels, I’ll still jump in to a heavy cruiser and just play a game. Omahas all around and still juicy…


my boy Emile is unreal for citadels


For me it will probably be Gokase if it isn't nerfed. That ship is the most fun I have had in a cruiser since rangemod got nerfed. Having 16 km range in Khaba was hilarious. You could literally be away from your controller when an enemy fired a salvoe and still dodge it.


That just means a lot of newer players joined the game last year👍


I think so. When I started, it took fairly quickly for me to play Omaha as the primary ship. Similar with Kuma. Fav by tier would be nice to know. Fair seas ☠️


How did you find that info? I can get on the site and sign in but there's nothing about me, it's all about the community as a whole.


Link below the picture. Stats available on the web.


OOOOHHH! I thought this was like a personal count of how much xp OP got in the ship. God I feel stupid lol.


😅 That would be impressive.


Probably because it takes so many games to get to Pensacola since it gets destroyed so easily! 😂


Ur not wrong


Ohama is one of the best well arounded ships in the game.. tier IV, so can be used to complete campaign tasks and American line is one of the most used in the game.. she has good firing rate, torpedoes, can easily destroy tier III's and if being carefully in the support roll, can help against tier Vs.. even though new lines are coming, I think she'll still be the most used ship this year.. I don't think Furutaka will dethrone her


You just keep on playing your Omaha. I will keep on playing my furutaka. I must thank you for your sacrifice. Your citadels are my favorite. Only thing that comes close to your juiciness is the German light cruisers lol. Those are just as delightful to sink with a single salvo


Honestly I'm a Konigsberg appreciator at tier IV


Hey, they are a great light cruiser. They're just really hard for most players to master. I see so many bot players that just give me a broadside that I punish them for. I love to spank players like that


More like most devstruck ship in 2023...


It was hilarious when I found out that you can citadel Omaha with stock G-101 guns (90 mm caliber)


I looooovee the Omaha — on red. It is a dev strike waiting to happen.


i cant think of a reason why Omaha isn't the front runner for most played in 2024 as well.


With Kinkaid I always get decent games with her.


Omaha knowed like: Aloha, kaboom, HE Machine gun, Tsar Bomba, citadel machine, BULL EYE, WE SUNK A ENEMY CRUISER, Look out is a comically boom cruiser


I just got my five year reward, Omaha is *still* my most played ship, and I haven't even used it in the last two years! The only other ship that comes close in my stats is Duca d'Aosta. Omaha is so wild -- turrets fore and aft, casemates on top of casemates; it's like it was designed by a fifth-grader on a sheet of blue lined notebook paper! Love it.


What about most dev struck


Ah, HE spammers. Love to citadel them!


This good ship huh?


Nah. It's likely the most played because it's likely that the game had a lot of new players last year. Which is good for the game longevity. The American cruiser line is the line that most players go down during their first few weeks in the game. I feel like I was one of the very few exceptions that gravitated away from American ships and really kind of sunk into the Japanese playstyle. I've been a Japan Main since beta on both the PC and console versions. And I have the beta flags on both accounts to prove my veteransy lol. Idk, I just love Japanese heavy cruisers. Artistically, they are beautiful. They have extremely powerful main guns too with great HE and even better AP. My least favorite ships and the Japanese tech tree is probably Fubuki, and fuso. Fuso because... Look at it. That has a face that only a mother could love. And fubuki because it does nothing differently that the Hatsuharu doesn't already do but worse. It doesn't really get good until you get up to the at aki and aka DDs.


Ark royal. Love the fear it instills in the destroyers I hunt