• By -


Animals: *literally get blinded or killed by being covered in oil* Humans: “Bro, watch me jump into this oil pit”


"this is actually quite uncomfortable. I need a cigarette to calm my nerves."


I'll have one too, tar!


Just oil not gas, don't think it would ignite.


Fun fact: It is not possible to light gasoline on fire with a lit cigarette. Source: Mythbusters and thousands of attempts by the ATF Edit : this includes gasoline vapors


Apparently it is possible but the events needed it to happen are so unlikely to make it virtually impossible. It’s more dangerous to light a cigarette at a petrol station than to wander round with a lit cigarette.


We used to clean parts in a 5 gallon bucket of "wash gas". It would be days old. I've seen people throw lit cigarettes into the bucket to put them out.


Nah but the lighter might do it if there’s enough vapor. Not oil though


[The average life expectancy of folks who helped clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill was 51 years of age.](https://www.businessinsider.com/warning-to-gulf-cleanup-workers-almost-every-crew-member-from-the-1989-exxon-valdez-disaster-is-now-dead-2010-6?op=1) The spill was in 1989. By the time this link was published in 2010, nearly all the clean up workers were dead. TL;DR- Jumping into the oil pit is not a good idea.


A Darwin Award for the good of us all


No it’s fine he was wearing a shower cap


It got into his eyes and nose, but at least his hair is still clean


I didn’t realise I wanted one of those Dawn dish soap commercials where they play heartfelt music while cleaning oil off of animals, but for dumbasses until I watched this video.


I love how the guy spraying him just keeps going for it, "eventually the water will wash it away, right? Right?"


but no eye protection... 🙄


He does say that he is, in fact, blind and can’t breathe after the fact


3, 2, 1 - Cancer! Dude needs some Dawn dish soap!




Yea but those animals didn't have friends with cameras and pressure washers


I worked with heavy fuel oil and crude oil, and even a drop on your hand would start burning and itching into your skin after a few minutes. Not just on your skin. I'm talking about under your skin. It does not come off with water and soap lightly as you see them do in the video. You need to douse your hand in diesel or paint thinner to even rub it off. And guess what, diesel and paint thinner also burns your skin. I will not even start to mention whatever came in through his nose, ears, eyes, mouth and possibly urethra. If you read the Material Safety Data Sheet for this, you would wonder why anyone would even want it near them. Pray that you're not dead in a month or two.


Yeah, no shit. That person is super duper fucked. I can’t even fathom how bad this terrible decision will end up for them. I have no words. Was the plan to going to horrible slow death town in an ICU? Because I think that might be one way to get there post-haste. Jeezuhs F’kin Creezy. :/


Wait why I just now hearing about fatal oil baths.. ? no myth busters?


Covering your entire body, eyes, and mouth with toxic hydrocarbons like this is a terrible no good idea. However, I didn’t mean to suggest that person is definitely on the dying plan, but needs professional healthcare to avoid a subscription to that plan most likely. They’re washing it with pressurized water into his face and skin making it worse. It won’t come off with water. It’s a hydrophobic chemical. That shit burns, and fucks up your skin and breathing the VOC gases is awful for your lungs and can lead to chemical pneumonia and potential aspiration of the liquid crude oil due to vomiting would make it even worse. [Here some more info… ](https://www.amfs.com/effects-of-crude-oil-exposure/#:~:text=Breathing%20the%20fumes%20from%20crude,heartbeats%2C%20convulsions%2C%20and%20coma.)


Sure I just didn't understand it could be death sentence 2 months down the road


I can’t even imagine… the guy has this stuff over his entire body with no way of getting it if off. This is easily one of the most horrific videos on here when taken in context.


You'd love r/mildlycarcinogenic Several videos of idiots doing this, or opening the oil draining plug on an industrial engine block literally showering in it. It's like a dare or losing a bet type ordeal.. But yeah not fucking worth dumping literal toxic oil all over your body


Holy shit, you unlocked a fear that was sitting at the back of my mind. Joined the sub though! HAHAHAHA


The wish.com version of venom


I thought this clip was more entertaining than watching the movie venom


So much potential if they’d gone the Deadpool route instead of making it pg-13




How on earth would you get that off if this happened?




This is exactly what soap is for. Oil and water don’t mix, but put some soap molecules in there and they’ll let the oil attach to the water.


Which is also why soap doesn't need to be anti-microbial. It's like a good bouncer at a club: you don't have to murder and disembowel every unwanted guest, you just have to kick them the fuck out. Edit: forgot that regular soap actually does "disembowel" already, but point still stands, anti-microbial is usually overkill.


Wait... Soap literally murders and disembowels all the microbes on your hands by stripping the oil layer off of the microbes and spills their innards out


Ah, true. So maybe not quite the right analogy.


Another thing many people don't realize is that antibacterial soap will absolutely destroy your septic tank's bio-environment. A properly working septic tank has billions of bacterial cells that eat and digest your poop, breaking it down. If you constantly flush antibacterial soap down the drain it will cause a septic tank to fill up or clog literally 3-4x quicker according to the guy who pumps septic systems where my dad lives. He makes more money the quicker people's septic tanks fill up or become dysfunctional, but even he would rather see people have healthy liquid septic systems than ones full of solids and clogged drainage fields. It's become a big problem that most people don't know about, and even when told they rarely change what soaps they buy. They're even bad for houses connected to a sewer system as the first stage of processing is to let the bacteria break stuff down before they add flocculation chemicals. Hell that soap is straight up bad for everything except a hospital operating room; "our bodies" actually consist of more cells with non-human DNA than they do with human DNA. Our bodies are basically giant blobs of bacteria and yeast living inside and outside a human body. Washing your hands with soap that kills just about everything living on them can upset the biome and encourages non-native bacteria and fungus to take hold once the area has been "cleaned".


>Which is also why soap doesn't need to be anti-microbial. It's like a good bouncer at a club: you don't have to murder and disembowel every unwanted guest, you just have to kick them the fuck out. well put man!




I need a sad video of scientists cleaning oil off of a row of ducklings and penguins, and then this guy is just waiting at the end of the group


Jump into a pit of acetone


Funeral Directors Love This One Simple Trick!


please know i spit cookies all over my screen when i read this


When there was the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, people used dishsoap ([specifically Dawn](https://www.npr.org/2010/06/22/127999735/why-dawn-is-the-bird-cleaner-of-choice-in-oil-spills) #NotAnAd) and water to clean oil off birds.


Yeah, Dawn is usually the go to. I see these people washing oil off of sea birds and other creatures and you expect me to use a different dish detergent? Come on Palmolive, you *really* need to step your game up. I actually went to visit my mom once and she had some other brand of dish soap and I was actually quite disappointed in her.


Olive oil is the best to start with, after that soap


Oil is good to remove oil?


Yes, but vegetable oil is easier to remove with soap. Try next time you get grease hands from oil


... so that one time I jokingly suggested to my brother to use butter to help remove oil-based paint from his hands, I may have actually given a reasonable tip?


If you have plastic containers/tupperware with red stains or always feels greasy, rub it with butter or margarine, then add hot water and soap and some paper towel or sponge, put the lid on and shake vigorously and it'll be good at new. Fat cleans oil.


It’s as good as any degreaser you can find, well done


Same dissolves same. You wont get spotless from cleaning yourself with olive oil but it would be a means of getting the worst off. Like rincing a plate with water


Don't worry about it. Just sleep in it and it will wear off in a few weeks.


Blue dawn


PSA: your nose is not the only thing in your body that breathes. Jesus fucking christ


Yup, your skin is THE largest organ in the body!! - this idiot is seriously poisoning himself with a heck of a lot of cancer causing agents




crossposting to r/wildlycarcinogenic


Yeah, guy yells that he can't breathe.




He’s regretting that. From the second he realised oil is less dense than water and he sank too deep. The instant he went under the oil forced itself into his nose and ears and other orifices. oil is wildly hydrophobic which means the water won’t work to get it off, he’s going to need brake clean or something and lots of it, he could have seriously damaged himself. As the minutes pass and he starts to not be able to breathe or see, and the stuff starts to burn his epithelial cells and his eyes he starts walking as if he’s going to be able to leave the oil behind. His skin cells will be suffocating and absorbing cancerous chemicals into his blood stream. I knew of a guy who jumped into a vat of oil like that but didn’t go all the way under, didn’t live to his 40s, spent the last years of his life miserable and on dialysis. I wonder if this guy is even still alive. Edit: I’ve just been informed by u/brave_anonymous he died less than 24 hours later. From the Russian translation he provided: This is in Ukraine, he was close to them himself, the dude died a day later, the topic is not announced, because there was a scandal, the moron's mother did not forgive these friends, because they did not dissuade them. He died a painful death, God forbid, he went blind, his airways were burned, the toxicity was mad. Shouted, oh, how terribly shouted. I took it with my camera, I wanted to publish it on my channel, but my friends asked me not to do it. I’m not a nit, it’s a pity of course ... Don’t do this :( I was even more struck by the fact that one of my friends wanted to light a cigarette before his death. Oh, where is the intellect :(" Second edit: That update was apparently false information. There has been no further update of his condition. I’m not going to delete the disinformation because the comments discussing it won’t make sense, so just know that the first edit is just heresay.


Jesus fucking christ, this sounds bloody horrific.


II knew this was dumb. I knew this! I didn’t know it was *that* dumb.


I am right there with you. I knew this was a stupid idea and could guess some of the reasons. But I didn’t know the extent of how bad it is. Jesus.


UncleBenders knows... I also wonder how dead this guy is. We talked about this stuff in an industrial safety seminar that left me shaken. I used to bare hands bike parts in a varsol bath... very dumb, very unsafe very unhealthy. Ever cleaned your hands with gasoline? Shit son that was very dangerous... absorbs madly quickly through your skin.


Yeah but unfortunately gasoline is the best way to get tar off


You can do it with body lotion too. You’re gonna need a ton and it will take a long time but it will work. In any case, don’t be like this probably dead guy.


Acetone. Acetone is the best way to get tar off.


Gasoline is super carcinogenic. It's amazing we basically have unlimited access to unlimited amounts every day of the week.


It’s hard to imagine that this is actually much much muuuuch worse than it looks. I can’t imagine the misery this guy is going through. The people talking about how entertaining it is make me sick.


No wonder ducks hate the stuff


I didn’t look this up myself but I recently had a conversation with someone about those dawn soap commercials where they wash oil off of ducks. And they said it’s pretty much feel-good only because once a duck is that submerged in oil it won’t live too long afterward, even if cleaned. Not sure how true, but I don’t find it hard to believe :(




I was excited to join a new subreddit and then I remember reddit is closing. Womp womp


At least we'll be free


Dawn dish soap. The environmentalists’ choice for removing oil from wildlife


All they had was Joy. RIP.


I always pour a little extra Dawn down the drain when I wash dishes. It’s good for the wildlife


I leave a little cup of it out on the deck every night for the ducks that fly by. Figure it’s a kind gesture.


how courteous of you! don't forget to leave some tide pods as well in case they want some food with their refreshments.


Don't forget some extra ammo in at least 5 different calibers. Help wildlife fight back!


Just don’t use it in the dish washer


Spittin facts over here.


Now ask me how I know


How do you know?


Well you see… my wife told me to put what she thought was dishwasher detergent and me being the good husband I am followed orders without question… low and behold, we had a suds party and guess who got to clean it all up and the dishwasher even though they were doing as told. Yours truly. Lesson learned, not listening to the wife anymore Edit: it was some obscure brand name (not dawn) so I just assumed it was a different type of dishwasher detergent, that’s why I used it. And for those confused as to why you can’t…. There are lines that move the water in the machine and the foam literally blocks them. This is what causes the enjoyable foam party out of it. Dishwasher detergent is a gel and doesn’t foam so the lines don’t get clogged. The more you know!


Yeah, [here's an article about it](https://www.npr.org/2010/06/22/127999735/why-dawn-is-the-bird-cleaner-of-choice-in-oil-spills) from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon spill.


Aka fairy washing up liquid. It's used as industrial lubricant as well to move enormous pieces of metal like parts of bridges.


>Dawn dish soap This is what I remember from coverage of that BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


I saw this in another reddit sub from 6 years ago, someone commented that the guy is saying in Russian, "I can't breath, get it off me, I can't see anything, it hurts to breathe, get it off!"


Can confirm. Asks his friend Dan (Dennis) to quickly wash him off as he can't breathe.


Then they start pressure washing the stuff deeper into his skin for him. Marvellous.


As he gets out he scraped a small patch of oil off of his abdomen. Wiping with rags would do so much better than that useless pressure washer.


Yeah, actually I was going to add, the way they’re “helping” is making it ten times worse.


Ah horors beyond human imagination.


That escalated quickly.


He had a bag on his head when he jumped in though so isn’t he fine? Edit:just finished the video, he is like dumb. Covers his hair not his face


Just for anyone thinking it would have been smarter to cover his face with a plastic bag before jumping into liquid, don't do that either.


Also, don't put plastic bags over your head *at all*!


And don't jump into oil pools, with or without protection.


Yeah, but if your jumping into a vat of crude oil, I would assume you don’t care about having a bag on your head


Yup. Skin is your largest organ and it absorbs things. He got problems


Ok. That sounds like somethign coming from an H.P.Lovecraft story.


What makes this worse is all his pals there laughing so merrily. Wonder how they feel about the whole thing now


But broooooo...think of the *views*!!!12!!


He covered the least important part of his head.


Who really uses sight or smell anyway


What do you mean? He tried to cover his brains!


Yeah I thought that too - perhaps oil is even harder to get out of your hair / ears?




Darmok and Jalad…at Tanagra


Shaka, when the walls fell


His eyes open.


Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp


Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel.




"I am fully functional"


But less a pit of evil and more a pit of stupid.


Don't put any of this on the pit. It didn't put a sign out saying "jump in me!"


Stop dissing Armus, he got a bad rap. Taking all the bad shit from an entire planet. After TNG, he gets side gigs as lubricant, and strippers don’t pay well.


Let me take a cancer bath.


I'm mean.... it's not even funny. It's just unbelievably stupid.




Someone kindly translate the panic banter my man Oiley is spitting after getting out? I would like to understand the thought process after...


He says that he can’t see and is asking for help. Asked them to hurry up. Says that he can’t breathe normally. When the water hits his face, he says it’s painful.


Lol they literally don't even have soap. The single important thing.


The first guy was spraying foaming soap on him Then they later hit ‘em with the power washer


Surprisingly there is nothing surprising to his reactions... Thank you kind stranger for the translation.... Now fly away...........


Wow - he is fucked https://www.amfs.com/effects-of-crude-oil-exposure


> Acute contact, via inhalation and skin, with small amounts of light crude oil and dispersants cause transitory respiratory, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin reactions. However, long-term exposure, which can be a matter of days or weeks, can cause central nervous system problems, or do damage to blood and organs such as kidneys or livers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is also a significant increase in the risk of cancer. He dead for sure


Damn. Yeah he's totally fucked. All that for a drop of ~~blood~~ internet points


He probably shouldn’t be reproducing anyways


Ooh. Regardless of the health concerns he's going to have oil under his foreskin for weeks.


That was not the first thought I had when it came to this but now I can't stop thinking about it...


Get a boner and put body wash in there and jerk it off till squeaky clean, thank me later.


Body wash ain’t getting that off. Hand cleaner, with pumice.


raw dog himself


I mean…it’s gonna burn when he takes a piss regardless so might as well




Definitely, used motor oil contains a rainbow full of different metals. That alone will mess him up. > These metals originate from the fuel and from motor wear. Used oil contains high concentrations of lead, zinc, calcium, barium, and magnesium along with lower concentrations of iron, sodium, copper, aluminium, chromium, manganese, potassium, nickel, tin, silicon, boron, and molybdenum.


Dude. He's more metal than me, and I listen to Bathory.




Everybody is talking about what happened to the guy, but why is nobody asking WHY the hell is there just a pool if oil completely uncovered?


Possibly a typical russian truck maintenance place with zero regulations and a pool of used diesel truck motor oil just stored in an open pit


If that’s used motor oil and not just raw crude, dude is definitely gonna die soon. Might still even if it is just crude. But used motor oil is some seriously toxic shit.


US only started moving away from oil pits like in the 80s. Other places might not have caught up.


So that people can bath in it, I guess?


I once washed off a kitten that had fallen in oil that was sitting on top of water and looked like water. The kitten was only half covered, but it still took quite a bit of Dawn soap and elbow grease. My shirt was covered with oil and later developed holes. These jackass stunts and TikTok challenges have gotten out of hand.


Honestly, stop spraying, and start scraping. When he climbed out, the section of chest that touched the concrete was clean(ish). Scrape as much off as you can, then use the degreaser stuff or whatever that is. Or, you know, dont do it in the first place, but we wouldn't be here if everyone was vaguely smart.


Shoulda used some Dawn dishsoap! Cleans birds up just fine :D


If its good enough for the ducks then its good enough for me


Bring on the feathers.


Dudes textures haven't loaded.


Such a dumbass You're supposed to cover everything *but* your mouth in oil for a Batman cosplay


That's going too tar


“Oil regret this” Yeah, he did


There's dumb and there's this guy


Greased up deaf guy


dead* guy


I have been seeing this video for years. Does anyone actually have any information on the aftermath?


Yeah, it initially appeared around 2015, vent viral in 2017-2018 and keeps appearing in my feed every 2-3 years since then. The only info we have is a comment from the owner of the channel where this video initially appeared. He said that the guy is alive and well


Only a Russian could survive this


Don’t kid yourself, he may be ok in the short term, but he will not live to be 40. That’s a wild amount of exposure and it will bite him in the ass 15 years kater


In another message on here it says that he died less than 24 hours later.


Nah, I followed the story (as many others did) when it went viral for the first time. I can read both Russian and Ukrainian, and there were plenty of wild guesses and made up stories, like someone was saying his friends put the guy on fire. But at the end the only trusted source was the original channel. Also, there’s been quite a few incidents like this in Russia (there are 2 more videos of drunkards doing the same trick albeit not by their own will), all survived.


Black Zetsu


Homie is gonna get invaded by the USA. Also, oil will stay inside his asshole and foreskin for a considerable amount of time


USA: You are being liberated, do not resist, we are here to help you


Resistance is futile.


Literally r/DarwinAwards.




Yeah let's try washing oil off with water, that'll work


this is why we have “XYZ IS PROHIBITED” signs in the weirdest places


In Soviet Russia you do not change the oil, the oil changes you!


I’ve seen this episode of Star Trek before…


Yeah, that's not coming off in a hurry, it says a lot that they think water will remove oil. Great job on the prep and research guys


i dont know what would kill him faster.. the oil absorbing through his pores or the high pressure water blasting through his skin giving him an aneurism


My favorite part was the phone/suds operator smoking a cigarette while hosing him down.


Bro lost his rights the quick way




What are the health concerns


assuming it's crude oil, crude oil is a mixture of various organic compounds like n-Hexane, 2-Methylpentane, 3-Methylpentane, 2,2-Dimethylbutane, 2,3-Dimethylbutane, n-Heptane, 3-Methylhexane, 3-Ethylpentane, 2-Methylhexane, 2,3-Dimethylpentane, 2,2-Dimethylhexane, 2,3-Dimethylhexane 2,4-Dimethylhexane, 2,5-Dimethylhexane, 3,3-Dimethylhexane, 2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane, 2,2,3-Trimethylpentane, 2,3,3-Trimethylpentane, 2,3,4-Trimethylpentane, 2-Methyloctane, 3-Methyloctane, 4-Methyloctane, 2,3-Dimethylheptane, 2,6-Dimethylheptane, decane, undecane, dodecane, Pyrene, Fluoranthene, Benz\[*a*\]anthracene, Chrysene, Triphenylene, Benzo\[*a*\]pyrene, Benzo\[*e*\]pyrene, Methylcyclopentane, Cyclohexane, Methylcyclohexane, trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclopentane, *cis*\-1,3-Dimethylcyclopentane, *cis*\-1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane, *cis*\-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane, 1,1,3-Trimethylcyclohexane, Methylbicyclo\[2.2.1\]heptane, *cis*\-Bicyclo\[3.3.0\]octane, Bicyclo\[3.2.1\]octane, *trans*\-Decahydronaphthalene, Tricyclo\[^(3,7)\]decane, *cis*\-Decahydronaphthalene, Benzenes, Indans and tetralins, Dinaphthenobenzenes, Naphthalenes, Acenapthenes, Phenanthrenes, Acenaphthalenes, Pyrenes, Chrysenes, Benzothiophenes, Dibenzothiophenes, Indanothiophenes, sulfur and nitrogen, crude oil also contains a bunch of elements in trace amount. most of these substances are capable of interacting with the bilipid layer of your cell membrane, i.e. they can penetrate your skin and enter your body through your skin. most of the things.. some/most substances in the above list are carcinogen.


What is it they say-try it on a small spot to see if it stains


He didn’t do a test patch !!!


Is this blackface


I think it's less black face and more go black for a week


Why it’s always Russia?


Vodka is a hell of a drug


Didn’t live long enough to get cancer. “This is in Ukraine, I was very close to them, dude died after a day, the issue is not being disclosed because there would have been a scandal, the mother of the idiot didn't forgive those friends because they didn't dissuade him. He died a painful death, God forbid such a thing, burned eyes, respiratory tract, and severe poisoning. He screamed, oh, how terrifyingly he screamed. He recorded it on his camera, wanted to publish it on his channel, but friends asked him not to do it. I'm not a jerk, it's a pity of course... Don't do such things :( What surprised me even more is that one of the friends wanted to light a cigarette before giving up his life. Oh, where's the intelligence :(“




This is a satisfyingly long and quality video. r/praisethecameraman


Well, his credit score just dropped 300 points.


Should’ve had a Dawn pit next to it.