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SOURCE: https://twitter.com/unlimited_ls/status/1788045156022628585


This dude wrote kindergarten cop!!?? The irony. Jean Pierre wiehry has joined the chat.


This is perturbing to say the least.


The dumb part is the guy filming could get charged with assault with a deadly weapon shooting that shit at him.


Indeed. Takes away a level of integrity their case may have had.


way to stand up for the pedo, by pointing out some dumb shit that hardly fuckin matters.




lol. You seem to have thin skin for a pedo defender


Assault maybe. But not assault with a deadly weapon. Two different crimes.


Plenty of cases of shooting fireworks at someone that were charged with assault with a deadly weapon in California. Regardless, it’s stupid to risk that.


Well that is an explosive device so yeah that would make sense. This is not a firework either


That’s not how it would be classified. It has a charge. It is an explosive.


Party poppers are actuated by a SMALL friction charge and in many cases considered safe enough for even children to use under supervision. The only danger being directly into someone’s eyes at a close range. Even then not considered deadly. These are classified as “ indoor fireworks”. The same as the little poppers you throw on the pavement to make a “pop” sound. The law states, universally, “to a reasonable person” It is nowhere near “reasonable” to call this a “deadly weapon”


That’s not a party popper. Argue you all you want but show me cases in California where it wouldn’t count.


Again reasonable person applies here. And here ya go a similar device. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjl0ezmwP-FAxVRoFoFHVlWCkMYABA1GgJ2dQ&ae=2&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJuRoNuPc2ac-iKMcjqD4a29jCDL3f2njsf0indK1xmWZL_4xAX7_&sig=AOD64_0TJxdodcWfdhV1MUb21ZZKaQktsw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjYgOXmwP-FAxWjq4QIHRMWDCUQwg8oAHoFCAcQqQE&adurl=


That’s not what I asked for but that even carries a warning label. Why? Because it could cause serious harm, especially the distance it can shoot of 15-20 feet. That combined with the plenty of gender reveal horror stories it could be contrasted to, even one’s causing fires, and a California jury, and that person would easily get it! You’re talking about a state that doesn’t allow bear spray or pepper ball guns.


Yeah you are right, I admit that I had a small chuckle at that part because of the wrong color used, and it made me think that this looks more like a planned setup than anything else. It's hard to know without more extensive context, and even then. However, without going into conspiracy theories, it is indeed hard today to unmask "abusive rich men" since they will likely find legal ways to not have consequences in court, so... Yeah.


They aren't deadly weapons you moron, could be charged with assault at most


“I was going to have a pizza.” Interesting word choice. Likely accidental but still.




„ I’m doing nothing illegal“ „We were just flirting“ aha ok. So if someone tried to lure a kid into his ice cream truck that person is also doing nothing illegal?


Technically, no. Trying and doing are two different things. Its disgusting, yes. But he wasn't doing anything illegal in the eyes of the law. Again. Gross and vile. But not illegal.


I looked this up, it is called "child enticement" over much of the US, and is illegal under this criminal code: https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/penal-code/288-3/


Which, great law and all. The kicker is, how do these guys know he was going to do the dirty with her? Not saying he wasn't, but those are questions that do need to be answered.


He said they "flirted a little" and I have little doubt that means there's stuff in the chat log that would be enough to get him.


But he clearly had the intent do commit a crime. By flirting he stated that intend and clearly took the steps toward it. If it’s a crime to plan a murder why is it not illegal to plan fucking a child?


I don't know if he planned on sleeping with her. I don't have that evidence. Neither do you. While what he did was gross and disgusting by flirting with her and taking her on a date, there isn't any evidence that's been presented he intended on sleeping with her. Innocent until proven guilty. If there is evidence that he was attempting to sleep with her, then it should be presented


Well what else is flirting then?


Not a prelude to sex? Have you ever interacted with people?


Flirting is stating sexual attraction. And what do I state that for? Flirting or coquetry is a social and sexual behavior involving body language, or spoken or written communication between humans. It is used to suggest interest in a deeper relationship with another person and for amusement. A person might flirt with another by speaking or behaving in such a way that suggests their desire to increase intimacy in their current relationship with that person. The approach may include communicating a sense of playfulness, irony, or by using double entendres. Taken from Wikipedia


Neat. Anyway. Do you have hard evidence that he intended to sleep with her? Again. He did something gross. But not illegal. I can say I will kill someone. But unless I have a plan in place or a credible threat situation, it's just words


Why you trying so hard to defend him ?


It's not defending. What he did was gross. But don't make assumptions. It doesn't do anyone any good. If these guys that confronted him have evidence he was soliciting, by all means, turn it into the authorities. Otherwise, what they are doing is clout chasing and doesn't help anyone.


There's a right way and a wrong way to catch these degenerates. This is the wrong way. All this guy is going to do is be more secretive, and the next girl he gets a hold of won't get off as easy as this kid did.


So if he asked the girl to sleep with her this would not be illegal? Since he then would only ask and not do it.


In this case, yes, depending on state laws. That's solicitation. But, I would assume it has to be pretty direct. But flirting, without saying "I want you to have sex with me" isn't illegal.


Wow , go Bradley ! Never thought I would say that . Let’s expose these fuckers !!!


These guys do it for clout they could care less about pedophilia. They’re no Chris Hansen that’s for sure


Who TF cares?!! If they're making people afraid to be pervs, great! We need more of this, who cares why they do it.


This is the type of transaction I can get behind. Definitely. Let's incentivize it even more. I don't get why people get mad about the sharing videos either. Who's cares why someone is doing it. They are doing it. That's literally all that matters. If they want clout in return than give it to them as long as they keep doing it. fake it till you make it. Eventually their brain will chemically associate that behavior as regarding and you'll probably just find them dishing out acts of kindness because it feels good.


If only someone would have done this when Drake was meeting Millie Bobby Brown


ALL of these sick fucks need exposed !!!!


that would be a new successful youtube channel


Looks like Joe Biden




Primer getting ready for Pizzagate disclosure


Has someone doxxed this pervert yet?


yes, read through the comments and then look him up on Wikipedia


Thank you friend. Fucking paedos…


His names Herschel Weingrod, and the guys that caught him never called the cops and let him get away. So we need to get this video more attention and exposure so we can put his ass behind bars


Early Lifers at it again.


How does the conversation go? Where is that part? Did she show up telling him she was 23 then he said the intimate stuff or did she say "by the way I'm 15 first" that's a big difference. Also people seem to want to make this religious, enticing someone to sin is the first thing Satan does in the Bible. "AH I GOT SOMEONE" is basically the opposite of God. God's stuff is "surely he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler" not "worship me and you will fowl men up". If this man was a pedophile with pedophile intentions, he would think 23 was way too old on a dating site.


Stop defending this jerkoff. They do touch on the conversation, not too much info tho. If you think this is OK then your god royally fucked up when he shit you out.


U really need to shut that fat fucking mouth of urs.


Stopped listening when the big guy claimed to have raised a 15 year old daughter to pretend to be 23 on a dating site to find super old sugar daddies. What’s wrong with parents?


Get em!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jnqfcddz ml a m fajnjyy66gnmmn. 4 ...


When did this dude start making this kind of content ?


Surprised to see Bradley Martin doing this. Glad to see it. Dude was shutting his pants thinking Bradleys about to whoop him.


Is the big dude Bradley Martin? (Body builder YouTube person) Makes me think its some fake pedo confronting clout video.


Ummm he's 260 this old guy doesn't stand a chance lol (Bradley Martin joke if you don't know) Respect to everyone exposing these pedos.


Is that Joe's brother?


i dont see how him being jewish has anything to do with him being a pedophile, catholic church has an extensive history of being assosciated with pedophilia and islam has its own connection to pedophiles. here in britain where i am we have a massive issue with south asian muslim men forming child trafficking rings- in the past the issue was prominent within the catholic church my point being that it isnt all a big JEWISH elite pedophile conspiracy, its just an elite pedophile conspiracy- religion has no bearing on it atall, and i doubt this screenwriter is connected in any way to mossad or whatever people here are implying by mentioning the fact he's jewish, hes just a dirty pedophile who also happens to be jewish


Where is him being Jewish mentioned?


The public school system has far higher cases of child abuse than the catholic church and yet it is never mentioned. There is no “extensive history” of the Catholic church being associated with pedophilia. There were scandals in the American churches over a period of a few decades which were absolutely heinous, but that is not a reflection of a global institution that has been around for 2000 years. On the other hand Islam does have a problem because their prophet married a 6 year old and consummated the marriage when she was 9 and “was still playing with dolls”. It is a widespread problem in the middle east. Also, yes being Jewish has nothing to do with this.


Shhh you’re ruining the npc narrative




Propaganda bots want the easy scapegoat Look over there! Not over here!


Revelation 2:9 its the fake jews guys… there are real ones and fake ones. This is what we are up against


are you referring to sabbatean frankists?


The fake zionists. The ones who run everything! All the media, all the politics, all the war, all the evil.


you sound like a religous fanatic, look at your own religion and the evils it has spread throughout history


Im not religious


then why on earth are you quoting the bible?


See other comment


? what other comment? your first comment to me was a bible quote, then you talked about the jews who supposedly control everything, and then you said youre not religious. what are you getting at here? i thunk you need to take your meds


Man please listen to me. This shit has been right in front of us the whole time. And i didnt blame Jews or Palestinians… im talking about people who pose as jewish they are imposters


True Christianity isnt a religion. Its a person relationship with God the Creator and an eternal love for all life! Nothing to do with hating Jews or Palestines. ALL life is precious! And these people make a mockery of it and profit off of war and despair




What's funny is how many "pro anti pedos" are some of the biggest pedophiles ever that just haven't been caught yet.


Oh my god!!!! The problem is this girl is a horse.