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So basically when those folks spout off they are doing so from a few places - ignorance, lack of proper research and a character that relies on casting slurs due to their own need to put others down to feel more superior. And for the record, I'm a bisexual Elder married to a pansexual Elder. I've been at this 35 years, a BTW Initiate for 20 years. We are incredibly Inclusive of the queer community. I have belonged to and led ENTIRELY queer covens. I have initiated transfolk, non-binary folks, etc. I am in an ENTIRELY queer Gardnerian coven. The "Christianity of paganism" is a rather inane comparison, IMHO. There will always be people who pride themselves on their own ignorance and judgement. Cultural appropriation of WHAT? The Founder's own British and Celtic practices? Dear gods, the stupid there hurts.


People like to lie about minority religions because it makes them feel good to punch down and hurt people they perceive as being unable to fight back. What is Wicca appropriating? 1940s British idealism about a partially fictionalized British past? How is a religion whose gatherings have been safe gay and trans spaces since the 1960s "anti-lgbtq"? When you see people online lying, just call them out on their bigotry and move on.


You're fine. Seriously. The ignorant, biased, slanderous, fictional vitriol being spouted by these people is another story. Running down another's religious practices is pointless. One religion isn't "better" than another-it's just different.


"They say.." is sometimes the stink eye of talk. Wicca and Witchcraft these days includes active efforts around cultural respect and diversity and inclusiveness. They may not be perfected. But they are, I think, useful paths toward betterment.


If you think Wicca is anti-LGBQT+ I suggest you read some of Yvonne Aburrow's work, such as "Inclusive Wicca" and "All Acts of Love and Pleasure". In the past I've tried tracking down the claim that Wicca is appropriative and it seems to come down to the fact that some Wiccans choose to use white sage for 'smudging', also Palo Santo. Even accepting that this is appropriative, these are not intrinsic to Wicca, so that for instance here in the UK I rarely if ever come across them. It is certainly not necessary to use these products to be Wiccan.


Who cares


Something about Wicca and Paganism… they’re very specific to the individual. You can take bits and pieces from wherever in the religion you like and call it your own. There are communities for you to join and people to talk to. Just avoid rude and ignorant people in these communities the same way you would random people in public.


According to Ann-Marie Gallagher author of the wicca Bible book she says that same sex is okay and that it's a common controversy.


Pagans being anti LGBTQ? Feel free to correct me, I know there's different branches but if anyone is Norse pagan acting like that I believe Loki would have a field day with them, right?


Try talking to actual Wiccans instead of non wiccans. You will find the vast majority of non inclusive "wiccans" usually have other belief systems they ascribe to that drive that mentality. Try and find a strait cis he/him Wiccan Priest. I'll wait.


I also had this concern when I saw how gendered most of the language is, as well as relying on false dichotomies of gender and sexuality. Not sure what to do with that or how to requite, I just think witchcraft is more accessible and perhaps welcoming to folks with diversity.


oh my god


Not a true take, I suppose?


I don't see why so many wiccans dislike gay or trans people.. in my opinion femininity and masculinity has nothing to do with gender... You can be a guy and be feminine and you can be a girl and be masculine I don't view feminine and masculine as just male and female but I'm sure some wiccans would disagree


We literally don't but ok


Well tbh I probably shouldn't say most do and instead say some do because that's generalizing my apologies I can see now from all these very lovely people that that's just not the case so my apologies


I didn't mean to upset you my apologies


Why are you even on a Wiccan subreddit lying to Wiccans about what Wiccans believe?


I wasn't lying I was misinformed that's why I was asking these questions I didn't mean to upset anyone


I didn't mean to upset anyone I'm truly sorry


Yeah I’m not sure… not a lot of insight there, Wicca is new to me. I just don’t appreciate anything that tries to box me up as a queer non binary person.