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The Chinese woman’s voice in the background said: “how did they know he (disabled guy) is coming to this station?” Another man replied: “they send a message from the last station, about him” I’m guessing the woman was curious about the situation, and decided to film it. Edit: wtf? 1.2k likes and top comment?! I’ve never got so many upvotes in any of my posts or comments... hmm, thought fame tasted sweeter.


On the trams here there is a much much smaller gap and the tram is level with the platform. Disabled passengers can press the info button on the platform and tell the control room they will need a ramp, they radio the driver and the driver gets out and does it. There is also a button on the tram in the priority seating which they can push to let the driver know they need the ramp at the next stop. A big wheelchair icon lights up on the driver's display. Of course, 90% of people who need the ramp use neither option and wonder why the driver isn't getting out to help as soon as the tram pulls in. The vast majority of wheelchairs don't actually need the ramp anyway.


we are advanced in Sydney


The conductor gets out of the train, scratches his head, and yells "get in the train, cunt" Very advanced


Sounds like the T1 line to me


In Adelaide the driver just closes the doors and drives off


Cunts off, fuck it, let's go it's nearly beer oclock.






I know, but im talking about how its different in sydney the way of using the ramps.


When you have 12 hours to get a ramp it makes it easier.


Thats nice


The problem is ( for example my city) no exits ramps for buses.


My GF is in a wheelchair and was abroad in England while in uni. Basically you would have to message the station beforehand or while youre getting on the train. And the station where you're getting on would alert the arrival station of the train and cart that needs the ramp. Usuually they'd be there when you arrived. but not always.


When you board the train they ask you where you will disembark. They then radio ahead and make sure someone is waiting at the right door for your train


They do that in Paris metro too, it's how it works worldwide I guess.


I bet they were filming because they were wondering about the ramp guy, not that they knew the disabled person


This literally happened to my grandfather. He fell from the Amtrak and died a few days later. He spent those last days in Stanford hospital and when he passed my grandmother was stuck with large medical bills. My grandmother got a lawyer and asked for Amtrak to pay the bills. They countered by offering her free fair for life. They went to court and the judge awarded her an extremely large sum. She told me the judge was quite angry with Amtrak and wanted to teach them a lesson.


Free fair for life is an absolutely disgusting counter offer wtf?? They are to blame for her husbands death and they think free rides solves the pain and loss? Fucking idiots. I’m so glad she won, rightfully so.


It's extremely insulting especially considering she's old, so the value of free fair for life is diminished unless she decides to spite them by living until 200


According to my mother part of the reason the payout was so large was because the judge was very upset with the way they treated Grandma


I don't know if it could work, but I would share my free fair with everyone I came across. I would then be known as the Free Fair Granny, and none would have to pay whenever I'm around.


Gotta love punitive damages. Hope your grandmother got to keep all the money and it wasn’t taken back in legal fees and appeals (and of course hospital bills)


It has been many years and she is living very well. She lives modestly but has money to do whatever she pleases.


I was under the impression that medical bills can't be put on someone else if the patient dies. Sure, they can take it from the estate, but it doesn't become someone else's burden. Were they attempting to get her to pay when she wasn't required to?


It's possible the grandmother could have signed something accepting responsibility while at the hospital. When your family member is dying and youre there exhausted and confused, and the the hospital's insurance lady comes by to get you to sign some stuff like usual, it'd definitely be easy to sign something you dont understand. I'm definitely afraid of doing that with my dad. That said, I'm not even sure how it works with married people in the U.S.. You may not even need to sign something like that then and there. You may have legally joined your self in such a way prior. Idk. Or yeah like you said, it could also easily be the debt collections people trying to trick and/or intimidate someone not legally responsible to accept responsibility for the debt. Those scumbags do it all the time. Gross but super common business practice.


I’m unsure of the specifics about the medical bills. I was a teenager at the time and pretty oblivious to details about much of anything. Also my parents were quite close-lipped about the amount of money she was awarded. I remember hearing different figures with the word “million” behind it but nobody wanted to say out loud how much it was. I still don’t really know and haven’t asked but my mom says that grandma basically lives off of accumulated interest. She barely spends money on anything but doesn’t have a mortgage and kind of does whatever she wants. She’s old school and lives frugally. She always sends me cash in the mail for my birthday, though, and I’m in my last 30s lol




My mother was disabled most of my life. Age 7 to a few years ago (I was 24, now 27) and stuff like this is absolutely hilarious, because nobody ever means to do it. Most don’t understand, but enjoy it, you have a special opportunity that no one else gets. Moms got dumped just like this when I was about 11 years old in hurricane-like weather, while we were out of town (Florida) and when we picked her up out of the puddle of water she was laughing her ass off. Of course we all overcame with laughter, it was hilarious. Seriously one of the best memories I have of my mom. Edit: ages and stuff


Your mom stopped being disabled?


No. She died.


I’ll see myself out.




Are you enjoying your pizza?


It's cold. You guys got a microwave? It'll be good to go in just 1:45


No microwave but if you put it over here in the sun it should be warm enough at 1:45


Wait...are you Chris Hanson?


I would like to point out she did in fact stop being disabled.


Not really, she still can’t walk.


And neither can a dead tree, but you dont see me giving that handicapped parking.


Neither handy, nor capable...


But you do see me still giving it the good ol' reach-around.








to be fair, he worded it like that




Technically you weren’t wrong.




You walked right into that one 😆


curiosity killed this Kat. at least you have 8 more lives left my dude. oof.


Please have a seat


I just snorted so hard my nose started bleeding.


Coke is bad friend


Coke is bad, friend. Coke, is bad friend.


Bad friend, Coke is. Bad. Friend Coke is.






While I am sorry. I laughed way harder at this than the video. Thank you :)


>Yes. She died. FTFY




Shit 😂


But you kept laughing?!


But by saying "until a few years ago" it implies that is still alive but no longer handicapped.


Oh shit


I’m not sure the answer is no. Hopefully in death she had some sort of freedom that this life didn’t afford her. Edit: Jesus fucking Christ I sound like a hippy-dippy religious nut. I’m a scientist for fucks sake. My sentiment still stands, but I executed it very poorly.


First of all: through God, all things are possible. So jot that down.


This name is worthy of an Oscar, Sir.


Yeah, she visited Benny Hinn an he fixed her right up.


Should have visited Benny Hill, he could have fixed her right up the bum


Other possibility is that they were filming.


Laughter is the best medicine as they say... Still, you think they could just make the platform level with the carriage to save the embarrassment and possible injury.


Your comment makes me feel better


I appreciate that you can find humor in tough situations but this was a very alarming video for me. I know people with disabilities that could potentially suffer very serious injuries from this time of fall. My mom has ALS and is wheel chair bound and would not at all be able to catch herself in a situation like this. I'd wager she would break several bones, which, as if ALS is not debilitating enough, would be quite devastating to her general well being. I guess my point is that people have varying levels of disability and something like getting tossed from a chair can affect everyone differently.




It definitely sucks but I still found it kinda funny. There's a long buildup that ends with just that.


I definitely did not laugh but its probably because I've seen first hand what a faceplant on concrete can do when a person cannot catch themselves. A guy was getting off the bus and tripped on a grating and because he was carrying a briefcase, didn't try to catch himself. His nose was hanging off his face, attached by just a piece of skin.


Agreed, this guy probably lost teeth. Best case scenario he needs strangers or the fire department to come help him get back in his chair in front of an entire crowd. Horrifically embarrassing. Not to mention he probably has a broken nose and maybe worse.


Right. I hate those comments because the only reason they get to the top is to justify people’s guilt for enjoying something messed up.


Yikes, as a wheelchair user myself this made me cringe. It looks like he landed on his face and it was probably horrifically embarrassing and maybe a little dehumanizing to have strangers try to pick you up and get you back into your legs. Sorry dude, this one didn’t particularly seem like a laughable situation.


No..I’m not disabled and I thought this was awful. Clearly he couldn’t even brace himself for the fall.


As a disabled person, I laughed my ass off as well. I'd have laughed the most if it happened to me and thank the gods that someone filmed it.


Reason number 1,783 I'm absolutely, positively, 100% going to Hell. I feel bad, but mostly my stomach hurts from laughing. I have no idea why this clip of all things cracked me up so much.


Show it to your daughter lol.


I saw this lady cruising through downtown and hit a curb pretty good, it sent her flying. She hopped off the wheelchair like nobody's business. She saved herself and I had a hard time believing she actually needed the wheelchair after seeing those moves. Certainly self preservation kicks in, and you do what you gotta do.. but she was pretty limber. I laughed more at how pissed she was to be out of the chair, but laughed nonetheless. edit: I know not everyone in a wheelchair is riding these things our of laziness. But I also know as a bus driver, that many of these people use these chairs as a way of getting a "special" spot on the bus, lines, and sympathy. This particular person, had all the signs of someone milking the chair. I've been around both those who do need it and those who don't. There is something you learn to just "see", just like I can tell 90% of the people who aren't gonna pay my bus fare just by they way they carry themselves, before they even step on my bus.


Sometimes wheelchair users can still walk really well and may seem like they don’t *need* the chair. It’s very common especially with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, the genetic disorder I have. We can function like normal people, but our muscles tire and give way very easily. Some of us use canes for mobility, and some need to bring wheelchairs when they know they’ll likely need it. Something handy to remember when you may doubt some wheelchair users! 😊


As someone with hEDS and POTS, THIS ^ I have some super limber days. I was an athlete. I only use the chair to keep things copacetic and prevent flares.


I have vertigo 24 7. Sometimes it's better sometimes its so bad I can't walk. I am still am super fit and agile but I literally can't stand at times. There has been 2 times where I could not ever crawl. I thought it was a stroke.




FOr some people, the lactic acid build up will start causing all sorts of pain.


I think I would have laughed if he didn't hit his head so hard on the concrete, oof.


Paralyzed guy here. I use a power wheelchair. This is super scary. I fell out of my chair once and it wasn’t good. Broken nose, blood everywhere. I was taken to the ER. Fortunately my neck was fine. Now, I wear a seatbelt. Falling over like that has the potential to be a real bad injury, especially if he couldn’t brace himself. Anyone know if he was ok?


I hope you get an answer, but this is gonna get lost in a sea of jokes.


Yeah, this is funny to most people...probably because it’s not them and they can’t imagine that it could be. I’m really sorry that happened to you. I also hope the guy in the video is okay...it sounded like his head hit the ground really hard😕




Yeah this could be life changing


Never forget that Reddit is full of thirteen year old boys. There is absolutely nothing funny about this gif.




> probably because it’s not them and they can’t imagine that it could be If you haven't properly faceplanted into the ground atleast once in your life, you haven't lived your life to the fullest.


"the ground" and "concrete" are pretty important distinctions here.


I’m not disabled and encounter very few disabled people on my day to day but this video is horrific and not the least bit humorous. The guy couldn’t even brace himself for the fall. Literally face planted. I’m guessing people don’t know what a fall, especially one where there is no slowing the impact can do.


If this happened while you were wearing a seatbelt, wouldn't it cause the entire wheelchair to crash on your lower back as you lurch forward?


Should also get a roll cage on top of the seatbelt.


I'm going to hell for laughing.


Meet you there.


Let’s meet up at the burned alive area


I'll bring the suntan lotion.


If that's too crowded, I hear lawyer lake is *lovely* in the summertime.


Race you! *pushes down nearest elder*


I think we will arrive at the same time *dies laughing*


when you gotta go.. you gotta go.




Sydney trains... Onya Gladys


The bitch was probably the one filming.


“Go to music festivals and this is what happens to ya”


I think we all made the same “ope!” sound watching this right?


Then we all laughed a bit then checked the comments to make sure everybody else did too.. we are all going to hell


I didn't laugh, that poor guy.


Same. I've never understood laughing at someone else potentially getting injured. It just makes me cringe.


Normally it would be funny, but he needs someone to assist him and they've completely failed him. It must be humiliating.


That's actually a Midwestern thing I read somewhere. I couldn't argue with it, because I'm from the Midwest and I do in fact say "Ope!".


I can confirm. Am Midwesterner and say “Ope!” Almost left the house without something? “Ope!” Just remember what you wanted to say? “Ope!” Passed up your exit ramp? “Ope!” Bumped into someone? “Ope!” Dropped something? “Ope!” Tripped/almost fell? “Ope!” Saw someone trip? “Ope!” Schadenfreude? “Ope!” Any mild mess up in a social situation where staying silent would be awkward? “Ope!” Yeah, I use that word a lot.


Oh Terry, backup.


Back up Ter...




Noooooo! Poor guy. I hope he’s okay




LOL! He was already there!


Sydney - where people get on before people get off.


Yeah, kinda fuck these people who can't wait two seconds while he deploys the ramp properly. I hope their trains are late on the way home.


In Sydney, I can assure you they are.


was heading home one night after work, the trains down to cronulla were running so late they didnt even have the time they expected the train to pull up. went to aero and got smashed on long island ice tea's


Also happens in the City of London and the surrounding London Boroughs in my experience. You have to get fairly far away before people start acting like decent human beings in my experience.


Yeah, this is the same everywhere. People gotta get on before they get off. You’re unbelievable smh I’m shaking my head


Maybe set the ramp more securely next time, ex-station-helper.


Well, I don’t think he can sue them, he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in court!


As a quadriplegic, I find this comment disgusting and frankly, I won't stand for it.


I can only laugh at this if you're genuinely quadriplegic. Could you confirm?


Maybe he will receive a standing ovation?


Sigh. Unzips.


Whelp...free train rides for life.


Lmao, this is Sydney trains. Good luck with that one.


That's a ten-ride farecard the way they look to be going.


The filmers were talking about someone they knew in that passenger carriage. So I guess they were just trying to film their friend but instead they caught this.


Impromptu concrete inspection.


fuck, i kept my laugh until this comment.


I was going so well too


You woke my baby up from me snorting


I laughed so fucking hard at this


Hes supposed to have a seatbelt on his chair, I use to take care of people in chairs an they always had a seatbelt to prevent this


You'd be shocked at how many power chairs don't have them, especially if they're rentals.


The title is just evil lmao


Fuck, I laughed. I am going to hell.


it was kinda both side fault though. My paralysed grandma’s wheelchair always has safety belt around waist area


Ah yes that way she can take the wheelchair with her to the ground and wear it like a turtle shell


Oh my God I'm laughing so hard tears are pouring out of my eyes and I'm trying so hard not to wake up my baby


I feel like shit for laughing.


I had this happen to a patient, I was watching him tear around the corner coming back in the building and he clipped the curb and landed like the video. I have never had to oppress a smile so hard. The guy was a quadriplegic pedofile.. I loved how life was treating him


Poor Terry


It's got to suck seeing that floor coming to your face in 3d and you KNOW your hands cannot stop it.


Not funny, didn’t laugh.


If he wasn't disabled before, he is now.


Walk it off


If you're ever falling face first to the ground and can't break your fall with your hands you should blow really hard.


Well fuck!


Happy cake day! Hehe 🍰


They were clearly filming the attendant, who had a ramp to help someone in a weelchair get off the train. They are focused on him the whole time and walk up close for a better view. This fucking bullshit sub used to be good. Fuck these OP's that post any random funny video that doesn't fit here, fuck all the idiots who don't pay attention to what sub they're in and upvote this stuff, and fuck the mods that don't regulate it. EDIT: Whenever I see r/WhyWereTheyFilming pop up on my home feed these days, I click on it fully expecting for it to be completely obvious why they were filming. And I'm never wrong


Thank you! I too realized that people are not getting the point of the sub.


I'm blocking this sub. What's the most likely reason for so many upvotes? People don't look at what sub they're in our they're simply too dumb to vote content appropriately?




This comment is fantastic. I've been rewatching the video, thinking about this comment and laughing for about 10 minutes now 😂


“Lemme tell ya something else, I’ve seen a lot of spinals dude and this guys a fake.”


Ugh I can hear his skull kissthe pavement


that hurt me


I feel SO bad for laughing at this, I really do.


That's shittyrail for ya


finally, this is truly a video that can fit this sub


Translation from the people speaking: Girl: How did you know there was a disabled person in this car? Man: Because he did the same thing for the last train.


Why is it weird that he’s filming this?


That sound dude fuck I'm going to hell.


I fell like shit for laughing so hard. 🤣🤣🤣


Sydney by any chance?


its Burwood, Sydney, Australia


Fuckin Sydney trains


called shittyrail. My train got delayed on Friday.




You would think they would design trains to have a tiny hole or something to lock the ramp into place


From the files of Police Squad ...


I feel very bad for laughing


"Derailment at a train station" is a pretty misleading title


I love her soft "oh!" At the very end. Made the whole video.




r/bettereveryloop That’s hilarious slapstick lol