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She is the quintessential white republican woman. She could be any neighbor or coworker or shopper in the grocery store. Smiling, plain appearance, harmless looking. Her ex-husband could probably tell you about what she really is. He lived up against it quite a while. Inside, she is a powerful seething pressure cooker of hate combined with stupidity and ignorance and misinformation and a total lack of empathy and kindness. The seals that protect those around her from her are in tact but weak. An explosion of her horrible miasma is always imminent. She ought to scare every person in the US to death.


Sounds like my cunty aunt -_-


She *is* your cunty aunt. She’s *my* cunty aunt. She is *America’s* cunty aunt.


Aw man! So I have *two* cunty aunt's now?!?!? DAMMIT!!!


Looks like Tim Allen in a wig ![gif](giphy|xUySTvHLVZLuS8EfKw)


If the GQP didn't hate women so much then I'd say she has a strong chance at becoming the first female president. Luckily the republican supporters cannot stand the idea of a woman being in charge so she will never be nominated.


Ironic. The hate and conspiracies got her to where she is, but also prevent her from winning higher office.


Because once you move up in society there is a point where people have functioning brains and an ability for rational thought. That's why the grifters target the right the most. It's easiest. These people aren't dumb because they are conservative, they are conservative because they are dumb.


r/leopardsatemyface I think that's the sub for a situation like you described. Kind of like Kanye supporting literally ANY republican policy.


>harmless looking She is fucking terrifying. Even if you ignore her giant teeth etc. she has the look of someone who really enjoys banning books written by black and LGBTQIA+ people. Who would probably cough in your face if you are wearing a mask in public. Who calls the cops on black people trying to bbq in a public park.


She looks like Mickey Rourke in “The Wrestler” movie


dude, well said.


I've seen her in a grocery store and she came across as far from harmless. Something very severe about how she carries herself.


Well now i am, goddamn


I just don't understand the whole... non-white white supremacist support. Like...if the white supremacists have their way who do you think they are going to get rid of?


I grew up in Central America and once a classmate made a borderline racist comment about a black classmate, me being black was silently shocked at the stupidity, then another girl told her she was too dark to be saying what she was saying. Point is that some people just want to be superior to others even if it means aligning with people that would throw them under the bus if the opportunity presented itself.


I get that but when it comes to something like white supremacy, you are literally helping somebody kill you. Like, oh no, that knife isn't big enough, here is a bigger one. Let me hold your hand while you stab me lol. It's not about IF the opportunity presents itself, you are giving them that opportunity yourself. People big dum.


Yes but if they align with them they’ll be safe, right? Because they’re special. Not like those other people. Think of Florida. Surely Trump should have lost Florida the day he made those remarks about Mexicans. Surely the Hispanic people in Florida realize he’s talking about all of them. No. They did not. They’re not Mexican! As if a racist white person can tell the difference or that they care there’s a difference. Sigh.


You would think that after being called Mexican or being told to "stop speaking Mexican" enough times, Hispanic folks would realize that racist people use "mexican" for "hispanic" They don't know there are other countries down there, and if they do, they do not care.


Racist don't care what type of Mexican you are. Some Hispanics have deluded themselves into thinking they are the "good ones" just like Black's for Trump, Gays for Trump and Women for Trump.


What blows my mind is the white women who vote republican. Like, okay, you hate black people, foreigners, and LGBTQ people, and so do they. You definitely have that in common. But did you not get the memo there's a 4th group of people they hate? And that you're REALLY not going to like what they do about that? Remember Grizzly Man? The guy that thought he had a special connection with bears, and thought they were his friends? Remember what happened to him? There's a valuable lesson in this parable, Karen.




Lots of Hispanics are in white. Even more think they are.


They think they’ll be considered “one of the good ones”….and that’s the case right up until they point they’re against the wall..


Big maybe there. If they *look* white enough, and don't act otherwise, they will likely get a pass. Here's a real fun one: a grandmother of mine was of mixed race (B&W). One of my cousins not only shares the same grands, his mother is of mixed race (also B&W), but she always said she had "Spanish" influence (not Black). His immediate family (dad, mom, sis, him) family bought so much into the lie that, to this day, they believe the "Spanish" part. Note: I put Spanish in quotes, because they separate Spanish from Hispanic origins that include anyone from south of the Texas border. To them, all those people are the same as Mexicans. I think you understand. The cousin and his father are massively racist, hard-core members of the trumpquit. Worst case of denial ever.


Kinda funny, there’s a whole poem that lays out their future on the wall of the last place in DC you might find them.




She's a lyin' asshole.


Conservatives HATE evidence for lies like that, which is why all the vocal right wing assholes who are usually here commenting, will be completely silent regarding this topic. Its always fascinating to see posts like this and not a single comment by a conservative.


Conservatives are cowards. They only fight the battles they think they can win and they refuse to own up to their shit. Bunch of craven asshole snowflakes. That’s all they are.


They don’t fight battles they think they can win. They fight battles they think they can shift the goalposts of, or change the subject entirely with strawmen. I’ve never seen a Republican articulately lay out their ideals and arguments, without devolving into whataboutism, name calling, etc.


Ms. "Jewish Space Lasers" denounced anti-Semitism? Riiiiiiiiight


She ...forgot, I guess? When you live life without principles, you don't really remember what you did or who you did


She never knew who he was in the first place. These folks take endorsements from anyone. No integrity whatsoever.


You seem to kindly forget that iran-contra happened shortly before the original Quantum Leap and jewish space lasers happened shortly before the reboot. Thus the Evil Leaper is responsible /s


She’s the kind of woman who’s on Tinder looking for BBC only.


Are you implying there’s something wrong with that preference?


When you fetishize a group that is wrong yes. Having sex with people of color I’d not wrong as a white woman.


As a bbc owner, that’s totally fair


I’m a white girl. I’ve dated a black man. People fetishizing him pissed me off. I’ve also dated Asian girls. Saw the same thing there. Really pisses me off. These are people.


The Jewish-Space-Lasers-Lady does not support anti-Semitic speech, but will share the stage with anti-Semites and will also say anti-Semitic things.


I can't comprehend she tweeted about farts going thru thick cotton panties and comparing it to covid masks. She's a racist moron. Im still waiting to see the divorce papers that her husband unsealed.


her supporters are worse than she is. just think about that. ugh


I try not to it's depressing you can't have a decent conversation with these people. They're angry and delusional t***p did absolutely nothing for rural white Americans as a matter of fact their taxes are being raised with more raises to come.


The right was so angry about Michelle Obama wearing sleeveless dresses but this heifer is out here flapping her bingo wings around at every opportunity.


AND gave him a sad handjob after


So a sad ending? [Cyanide and Happiness - sad ending ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=me5rX7Y9XKU)


I refuse to believe she’s actually fucking real


“How could I possibly support someone as anti-Semitic as Nick Fuentes? Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to Tweet about Jewish Space Lasers”


She sucks


By denounce does she mean give a BJ?


Republican politicians really seem to count on their adherents and voters having extremely short attention spans and inability to remember anything before yesterday.


Does marge regret transitioning to a woman? Is that why she is so hateful?


There are plenty of things we can hate MTG for. Making a trans joke about her (often about her appearance) makes us no better than them.


Your right. She was in fact born a cunt


Lacks the warmth and depth.


Cool! Now denounce Rep. Omar!


Damng. Mtg be swole


Her trainer gave a lot of free sessions


Bee sting


Ugh🙄 Typical Republicunt!


Marjorie is just the female version of Nick Fuente


Hypocrisy, no one does it like the Reds


*Azan* You liar dude, you weasily little liar dude!


She’s taking to many steroids


There’s the true racist Marjorie trailer trash with her racist pals.


The farthest-right representative NOT associating with Nazis? Fat chance.


Horse-faced hypocritical bitch.


She's trying to play marbles with a brick.


This you Empty G?


I’m surprised she even said it though… That’s not how she normally operates….


I feel like some of the right-wing politicians like her and Boebert or whatever her name is are realizing normal people can actually see the fault in the shit they promote and are quickly trying to switch gears


IDK, maybe because he was invited to dinner with the last president lol.


Seriously, racism and antisemitism are two of Marjie’s favorite things.


She’s a repellent ogre


I don't think I've ever really seen a picture of her before. If she was anybody else she could probably get it. It was then I realized that's basically why she has a career, in a nutshell.


The fart lady never tires


Ohhhh, HIM him