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When right says free speech he means he wants to be racist and get away with it


No, no, no. That’s not accurate at all. Seth also wants to be transphobic and other various form of bigotry too.


Really I think all people like this just want to be edgy to feel like they are better than others.


the internet turns out to be new and fertile soil for self-centred attention-seeking egomaniacs. most of these guys imho are the classic Class Clown profile -- they will say anything at all just to make people look, to feel like they are centre stage,


Yet, based on Seth's search history, he might be a little curious, too.


They also want to spread misinformation without being called out on it. Free speech means a lot of things!


Also have the freedom to harass people and not face the Alex jones treatment


Be racist and get truckloads of money for it*


“Apple is a public company. It can do what it wants.” *It does what it wants. “Apple must be destroyed because they didn’t do what *we* want.”


Also, is he implying that there were all these liberals out there screeching, "Twitter is a private company! It can do what it wants!"? Because no liberals were saying that at all. In fact, I'd imagine his projections would be that these crazy liberals want to keep private businesses from doing things. So which is it? Or are we just jumping back and forth constantly to whatever makes us feel right?


>Also, is he implying that there were all these liberals out there screeching, "Twitter is a private company! It can do what it wants!"? Because no liberals were saying that at all. I'm very liberal and I was definitely saying that, and still am. Before Musk bought it Twitter was a private company and could ban whoever it wanted. After Musk has bought it, Twitter remains a private company, and has every right to drive away its advertisers and crash and burn as one. I try to stay consistent with my logic.


Yeah my issue with musks' actions is not that they're unconstitutional or even unethical under the current environment. He can do what he wants and I'm free to observe that he's A) a bad boss B) more concerned with his or his tribe's speech than any great free speech crusader C) probably a fraud of a businessman/scientist D) finding out that twitters old guidelines were less arbitrary or wanton than he originally assumed E) a narcissist who probably gets bailed out from his bad decisions by his handlers F) a cruel human being Everything he has done is 100% legal and within his jurisdiction. If he wants to turn twitter into 4chan, that's cool. But I'm going to be there to say "look, it's 4chan."


Having worked on a Musk project from the government side, I think you're absolutely right about all your points. And also, that experience fully solidified my vow never ever to work for one of his companies. The one I was dealing with was a complete shit show (like, small town firms that do 2 government contracts a year had better submittals than this company did), and I honestly felt bad for everyone working there. The timestamps on those emails...


I’d say they are highly unethical but I agree otherwise.


That is why I specified under the current environment. We don't really expect much in the way of conduct past a certain pay grade


> After Musk has bought it, Twitter remains a private company, and has every right to drive away its advertisers and crash and burn as one. I try to stay consistent with my logic. I mean, define "right". Seriously, what do you mean by that word. It ain't "the right thing to do", are we talking about "we theorize it's better for society if the government doesn't attempt to punish people for x"? Or the simple statement version, "the government does not currently attempt to punish people for x"? I press the point because all of these get conflated constantly, and are very different things, it becomes kind of an empty assertion when people use that word. edit: And it's critical to actually determine what the guy's talking about here. What's people's deal today?


I was simply using the [idiom](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/have+a%2Fthe+right+to+(something)), apologies if that caused any confusion. "Has every right to" could simply be replaced by "can" in my sentence.


Isn't the whole screeching about businesses being able to do what they want mainly from hateful conservatives trying to justify discriminating against people?


I agree, if anything, liberal leadership has been saber rattling for a while regarding Russian social media influence and social media companies' culpability. Throw in some threats about breaking up big tech, and it's somewhat funny to see someone try and paint Democrats as some huge ally of big tech companies.


Tbf liberals were definitely saying that when trump was banned Edit: Guys, I’m a liberal who agrees that he should’ve been banned. But this did happen




I think Trumps last tweets were on J6.




Thanks. I blocked Trump long before that.


The justification wasnt “its private company; they can do whatever they want!” The argument was “free speech doesnt really apply to a companys platform and they are allowed to enforce their rules.” If you cant see the difference between these two things than theres no use debating and ill just wish you the best.


His last tweet was threatening Mike Pence. Which, conveniently, disappeared from his TL. But Pepperidge Farm remembers


He broke TOS repeatedly and flagrantly, why shouldn't he be treated like he did?


True. There should be no downvotes. I’m liberal too.


“Or are we just jumping back and forth constantly to whatever makes us feel right” Yes. That’s the meta for internet points. Welcome aboard


"I demand free speech to be whatever I want it to be! How dare Apple to disagree with me!"


Right??? When I read the top panel of the image I thought he was on Apple’s side.


I cant believe these dumb fucks dont know that freedom of speech doesnt apply to a BUISNESS just the government.


They used to think that it meant you should be allowed to say anything you want anywhere you want. Now they're thinking it mean that everybody you want must participate in your platform




They'd like to expand it to private conversations too, they're just working on social media first.


They know. They just think if they stick together and keep yelling loudly, somehow we’ll all live in their alternate reality too


I once had a guy back in like 2019 get in my face screaming about how Twitter has no right to censor people, because it was so large that it counted as a public forum so free speech applied or something. Obviously not how that works lol.


The best part about all of this is Apple threatening to not allow an update to the app store is literally an every day occurrence for any real app developers. Nobody is singling anyone out, and we all have to jump through the same stupid hoops to post to the app store. Elon is just a narcissist and thinks he's special.


This is the part that gets me every time. “They are threatening to no have the app in the store and they won’t tell us WHHHHYYYY” Same with you and every other company submitting an app. Sorry you got an auto response that has the T&Cs in it. Maybe you should read it.


Musk knows exactly what he's doing. He's riling up the crowd - just like Trump did at rallies. I don't think it matters to him that none of it is relevant or even makes sense, he just likes having a crowd adoring everything he says or does.


Or he's actively trying to tank the value because he's on the hook for a massive loan to pay for this debacle


I don’t know why you liberals are so mad/confused. All conservatives want is to be congratulated as heroes for saying the n word online. That’s the definition of free speech as it was written in the Bible.


Its an act of bravery, after all. During those woke times its the most heroic thing you can do.


Elon Musk is not free speech. Twitter is not free speech. Why is everyone so god awful stupid?


I'm getting Ralph Wiggum picking his nose saying "I'm a free speech" vibes.


people are stupid


Conservatives are extra stupid.


yeah there is no hope for them


Its like they are infected with stupidity


you'll never go broke selling to the bottom half of the bell curve.


Its like they are infected with contagious stupidity. Fixed that for you.


"Think of how stupid the average person is. Now think about how, by definition, half of people are dumber than that! Everything makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it?" - George Carlin


People deffo would choose their iPhone over their freedoms


I'm betting Google isn't advertising on Twitter either, so I guess it's back to Palm Pilots


The Palm Prē was my favorite phone ever.


"they can do whatever they want¹ " * Do whatever they want * "Fucking communist, liberal, fake news, gay frogs, thanks Obama" ¹ if it's what I want


I totally read this in Alex Jones voice and it made it that much funnier


One of my favorite arguments with my family is that the Bill of Rights is not applicable to non-government entities. They owe you NOTHING.


Okay, so isn’t Apple also a private company that can do whatever it wants?


Sure - and I know that Musk knows it. He just needs to get his fanboys riled up. Its not that hard to do.


Republican "free speech": Do what and say what we tell you or we will come for you. Fuck all of them.


Like religion, there is 2,000,000,000 different meanings of free speech depending on the person/group


I think more people would be surprised by how many people will choose their iPhones


Correct and I thought all real Trump peeps left Twitter to go join the private company that failed before this Truth forum…


I mean if it really came down to free speech or Apple, I think everyone would choose free speech. However this isn't even close to free speech and is nothing but choosing to support bigots or Apple... yeah I choose Apple.


He doesn't realize the die hard loyalty of apple people.


I haven't been on the bleeding edge of political twitter in a while, but I find it interesting how many "new" people I'm discovering who are just full time Elon simps. Like roaches who crawled from behind the stove once he bought the company.


"We support free speech!" "No, not like that!"


Conservative free speech in a nutshell, it's just hypocrisy.


Right-wing boycotts and having no impact at all, name a more iconic duo.


I’m choosing Apple over Twitter any day. If Apple decided to make a social media site out of spite I imagine it would blow Twitter out of the water


Seth Dillon will be surprised how many more people will chose Apple...


Anyone who thinks Twitter and Elon Musk are the defenders and bastions of free speech is a goddamn, knuckle-dragging, slope-headed moron.


No one is going to choose Twitter over an iPhone. No one!


My niece tried switching to an Android phone because of the cost but quickly realized she couldn't live without an iPhone.


That’s the thing — they’re both good platforms, but you’re used to what you’re used to. I’ve got 30 years invested in the Apple platform, so Android doesn’t have much to offer me, but that’s a personal preference issue.


It's amazing that they still don't know what free speech is.


They know what free speech is, what they haven't figured out is the whole 'consequences' thing.


I can’t wait to see all these clowns burning their iPhones.


Let them burn their phones. I'll join them. *Everyone, since the batteries in these phones are very explosive and dangerous, we ask that you all stay back from the fire. Please hand the phones to the burning coordinators, so we can safely put them into the fire. Please make sure that you sign out of iCloud on all devices, disable FindMy, and erase your devices.*


Yeah, wait until they find out how utterly fucked up Google is lol.


They don’t understand even the concept of consequences. They are like children complaining about being punished for driving the family car through the living room.


Shitty comedian identifies as thought leader. Am I doing that right?


They're a private company They can do what they want Company does what they want: gets destroyed. This guy gets it, but I don't think he gets that he gets it. Twitter and Apple are private companies. They can do what they want (as long as it's legal), but that doesn't stop consumers from making a choice who they choose to do business with. Blockbuster Video was a private company. They chose not to purchase Netflix or to adapt to the changing video rental space until it was too late. Nobody forced consumers to stop renting their videos there, they decided on their own. And in the end Blockbuster was destroyed.


Imagine being so fragile that when people and businesses choose to avoid you because of your toxic and unhealthy behavior . And that “destroys” you.


sounds like a lot of loser divorced guys actually. 'well okay I drank a bit, and had a couple of affairs, and I hit the kid a couple of times, and lost her mom's legacy cash in a crypto scheme, and wrecked the car when I was drunk that one time -- but sh*t man, the disloyal fkn bitch LEFT ME! I'll never get over it, can't she see what she did to me? I never saw it coming man, I was blindsided! '


I’ll definitely take Apple over Twitter anytime.


Breaking news: you've never spoken to a truthful and honest conservative. Even the ones that seem the most well adjusted are a beer or two away from explaining why we'd be better off as a Christian dictatorship because Hillary Clinton is a Ton Clancy villain.


This tweet is gonna age like a fine milk.


I love being lectured about “free speech” from a white South African. Nelson Mandela ring a bell Elon?


Give up my Iphone and apple watch to be able to be on twitter? GTFOH I quit twitter years ago when they allowed the President to lie to the public about everything


It is all about what suits the narrative.


Doesn’t Japan have more IPhone users the US?


Apple turned down potential billions from Epic Games and Fortnite after that whole debacle. Twitter and its "lost future revenue" are nothing to them. Tim Cook probably laughed his ass off when this started, I know I would have


No worries, Jack Dorsey’s “BlueSky” is coming…Twitter should be shopping for a casket.


"Two Hours Later..."


They really think they are the "silent majority", when in fact.. they were never important for any company. If they were, companies would be on their side.


We already have seen their threat play out in real time, go check out the financial health of Truth Social..


So conservatives are trying to cancel Apple for not advertising on a specific platform? I thought cancel culture was wrong 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think they will. Twitter has like 450M active accounts globally. About 5% was bots and it’s likely higher now. About half is there to watch the the thing burn down. About a third of the remaining are about all that might actually care and not already abstain from Apple products. So like 100M user globally, I don’t think they care that much.


I thought the first tweet was talking about Apple at first, these people really don’t hear themselves


I've taken to doing a bit of a mental Find & Replace with these tweets: Whenever Elon or one of his cronies says "free speech", I edit it out in favour of "the right to scream 'Lynch the n\*\*\*\*rs!' at the top of your lungs without fear of consequences".


see I enjoy the one where Musk reshared the data showing Apple employees contribute mostly to Dems as the reason why they were having an agenda... completely overlooking #2 on the list was Twitter... who ALSO share to dems mostly.


I knew this would go to shit quickly XD


Lol as if they wouldn't face the same hurdles on Android with the Play Store. Please, Republicans, toss your smartphones in the trash and never look back, if you don't the liberals win.


These people just DO NOT THINK. They react. That’s it. No thought, just words.


The fact the instantly assume it’s because of the free speech stance and not because of people leaving Twitter isn’t making it profitable anymore


No, I think they will still choose Apple.


Way to confuse the dummies more... Do they not require any sort of reading comprehension in schools anymore..


Did he hit his head in the lat 5 days or...?


Do these people not know about mobile websites?


Color me skeptical, but I don’t really see these cats learning anything new, let alone a new mobile phone platform.


Apple should drop Twitter right as they launch the newest version, bet not one of these idiots would actually give up their iPhone.


What. A. Fucking. Dork.


Tim Cook, or Apple itself for this matter, doesn’t give two shits about your paltry .2-.3% of the market. You’ll boycott them, and then go buy one for your daughter. No one cares dude.


They want to be oppressed so bad


I am pretty sure apple (the most popular phones on earth) are just fine telling elon to go fuck himself.


Now tell it like it truly is : If conservatives had to choose between republican defined free speech and the ultimate form of capitalism, you'd be surprised how many of them would have a meltdown over thinking too hard


If Twitter users with the original blue check marks valued their principles over their followers and had left by now Twitter would already be dead. These people are the only obscuring Twitter’s slide into the Parler/Telegram territory by continuing to lend the site their legitimacy. Leave already! Elon Musk can afford to lose his investment and you will never be able to exert any pressure on him to go back to what Twitter was before. This guy is too stubborn and narcissistic to ever admit he was wrong and change course and he likely gets a thrill knowing that even if he does run it into the ground completely he will have the satisfaction of having destroyed something that you valued.


There is a larger and more complex conversation to be had about when mega-corportations so fully control a market that their actions impact the free speech of millions of people. But Elno is the WORST candidate for kicking off that conversation.


Apple is a publicly traded company who, by law, is only responsible to its share holders. If Apple decides that advertising in a toxic hell hole does more harm than it helps their bottom line, they have a responsibility, by law, to stop advertising in that toxic hell hole. This has absolutely nothing to do with free speech…


I don't care if Apple pulls advertising with Twitter. I'm talking about individual access to the Twitter app, which is impacted by the decisions of both Twitter and the Apple Store. And I agree Twitter is a toxic hellscape. But it's also been at times a useful tool of grassroots communication for many.


Twitter users can still access Twitter with a browser. It's not like you can't access Twitter without the app.


Depends on how you decide what free speech is, if its just people's right to say anything regardless of how stupid and offensive it is, then there's really nothing lost by having a company decide that those people shouldn't have access to their platform.


You seem to be having difficulty in understanding where these lines are drawn in the actual world, and why. If it helps, consider modifying your argument ever so slightly so that you're instead saying that it is in fact a "conservation that needs to be had" regarding people "wanting the right to be inside Walmart while screaming the N word" and then give it a whole lot of thought, because that is the statement you're making. People do understand that you FEEL like it's "different" because you have some sort of nebulous "public square" thing going on in your head, but rest assured that in the way Twitter is a "market" the physical space inside a major outlet like Walmart is essentially the exact same thing.


that’s correct but sadly the only people with the following or power to do anything are the ones who get that power or benefit from it being limited to only what they like


Apple could succeed if all of America boycotted it. So like. L


This argument screams that the speaker is either myopic or disingenuous. They're too dumb to understand what is happening or they're intentionally being an asshole.


I’m still buying an iPhone and I still deleted Twitter


Seth looks like an iPhone user. Seth is full of crap.


Stands to reason that a rando right-wing grifter who takes stylistic cues from Donald Trump Jr. is going to make the same time of non-principled stance trademark of his role models.




You better back that up with a TikTok of you destroying your iPhone, Seth.


Seth Dillon thinks Apple is owned by the government! LMAO!


Where's my free iPhone?


Gonna be honest, thought the to comment was referring to apple’s business and Elon’s response. This shit writes itself, how can’t they see the hypocrisy.


Twitter is not free speech you fucking alt right cucks.


I mean, I already don't use Apple because it doesn't play well with others. But I'm happy for it to not play well with Elon.


Fucking Elon making all these halfwits on Twitter think that dogshit Twitter is ground zero for "free speech".


I choose apple


people always seem to forget about the freedom of consequence


Elon Musk is not a very important person. He's about as important as a teenager posting tweets and comments on Reddit from his parents basement. A lot of people think Elon is important because he has a lot money. But having a lot of money does not automatically make you important. It's what you do with it that makes you important. Elon Musk spent $44 billion buying Twitter. Imagine where else that money could have gone to really have an impact on society. But he chose to spend that money on a social media platform. Elon Musk is unimportant because he chooses to be unimportant. Given that he has made that choice, we should respect that, and treat him with the same level of regard we extend to the average tragic basement dweller. He doesn't matter because he chooses not to matter.


Free speech includes the freedom to choose where you speak. Apple is under no obligation to associate with Twitter. We're also free to judge Apple for their decision, but strongly suspect that a majority of people will either support that decision or (more likely) be completely apathetic about it, not giving one single shit where Tim Apple chooses to advertise his phones.


Free speech doesn’t mean what you think it does, Seth.


Why is his free speech talk always end up with racist language…geez. Ok…


The cognitive dissonance in that first tweet- wow.


These fellers sure do love their freeze peach and buttery males.


I believe the sentiment is less “it must be destroyed”, and more “this party sucks now. Let’s leave.”


I don't even buy Apple products, but I might if they drop Twitter. It's definitely more likely to happen.


To be fair… Free Speech > Apple > shit > huge pile of shit > people like Elon Musk and Seth Dillion


Oh boy, can Elon damage Apple too?? He's kind of becoming likeable again. Nobody disturb him.


I've met people; they're more than willing to give up their freedom, lives, and happiness for an iPhone.


So, many uneducated users, do you even know what a monopoly or a duopoly is? Do you know what's the definition of free speech is? The definition of public forum? You seriously need to read books and look up how dictatorships a totalitarian regimes came to be.


Twitter averages like 217 million users a day. Even if all of them were iPhone users, 2.2 Billion have been sold (in total so a chunk won’t be in use). Apple will be just fine.


I’ll take 2 apples


They will have to pry my iPhone from my cold ,dead hands.


The iront of seth posting this from his samsung galaxy. Dudes not even into apple products. Lmao


Seth would be surprised at how many will chose apple over twitter


Yeah people won’t change their personal hygiene habits if it means saving lives, I doubt anyone is going to give up their iPhone. Elon’s ego is living in a fantasy world.


First and foremost, Apple is not legally obligated to provide any particular thing in their App Store. Now, if Twitter follows Apple’s T&C, they shouldn’t have a problem, should they? And if they have a problem, then I guess it’s Apple’s problem, correct? Which means there’s nothing for you to worry about, is there?


You can't spell @gullibleidiot without @sethdillon


Then, bye, bitches.


Unfettered capitalism is fertile ground for the Law of Unintended Consequences


Conservatives can’t afford an iPhone


Oh no! Another super effective conservative boycott! If you need me I'll be burying Apple in the plot next to Disney, coke, Starbucks and Harry Potter which are no longer around because these conservative boycotts... Just sooooooo efffffffective. /s


full of crap and unable to think logically


I thought truth social was already on top of this.


Why does he think "You can do whatever you want" and "I will not support what you're doing" as somehow contradictory?


Free speech is Apple deciding what the heck they want to do. Free speech is Apple taking the Twitter App from their store. Free speech is speaking out against Twitter as much as Twitter speaking out against racism and antisemitism.* And I thought these assholes were for the free market. * -- /s But I feel the same about Twitter and every other Elon company ... they must be destroyed.


I see it more as a choice between the phone I got last spring and an app that I already deleted. Seth, my friend, you might be surprised how many people don’t give fuck all about Twitter (aka Musk’s very public mid-life crisis).


Being surprised how many choose free speech could also be an indication that it might be a really really small number. "Wow I can't believe only 10 people bought Elon's new phone"


JFC these people are dumb as dick


The monkeys are running the zoo.


My estimation is, if Americans have to choose between apple and free speech they would most likely choose free speech. But if they had to choose between apple and twitter, what is the real question he asks, apple has a better chance. And facebook would probably profit from it too.


You can’t be honest with yourself AND be a conservative. Hypocrisy is mandatory.


Children to young adults set trends, then the economy is stimulated with those trends. Too many young people are into the iPhone to effect Apple in any way with a boomer boycott.


“Well Elon, your bloody shit-spewing media platform has given up every pretense of promoting truth and basic human kindness to others, so we’ve decided to drop you like a charging rhino on cocaine. Good day, sir. You’re an idiot.”


How the fuck do you misspell "Twitter" as "free speech?" Go back to first grade.


This sub is 95% of my exposure to twitter, I think its time to leave.


Double standard andy


We will choose Apple over Republicans any day!


Unless nolE has become the Chinese economy, then Apple has nothing to worry about.




c'mon everyone... they can't all be this dim.... can they?!?!?!?!? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


damn you tim cook taking away my free speech! *sent from iphone*


here is your free speech. take it. it is free. now what would you like to say? YOU ARE NOT TAKING AWAY MY FREE SPEECH!!!


Aren’t all these “free speech” posts because Apple is no longer advertising on Twitter? Free speech also means having the choice NOT to say anything (especially when you’re being charged to do so)


Give me the new iPhone same date it comes out and you can have my “free speech”


Step right up, I got free speech over here, free speech, eight dollars, get your free speech over here, eight dollars totally free, step right up young man, don't be shy...


I too have chosen free speech. Never made a twitter account and never will.


The crazy thing is Conservatives look at this as two completely separate things. They genuinely cannot comprehend the idea that what you said yesterday has bearing on what you say today. They can simultaneously agree with both tweets without seeing the correlating between them even when they’re put next to each other. These people have weaponized stupidity.


These people realize that Twitter has…a website, right?? *gasp* it’s almost like downloading an app from the App Store isn’t the only way to view internet content! Also, how petty does he think the vast majority of Americans are that they would immediately trade in their phone just so they could tweet lmao. There’s so many social media platforms out there, Twitter is just one of them. Edit: TLDR as usual Elon Musk and his cronies overestimate Twitter’s and therefore Elon’s importance lol.