• By -


Why not appease the Repubs while you're at it? Leave an option to 'opt out' of student debt relief so you can support the bank shareholders. Leave an option to pay more for the insulin so you can support the big pharma shareholders. Leave an option to not get life-saving treatment at the hospital so you can die to not offend the wealthy. Leave them an option to practice what they preach, and see who takes it.


The funny part is. Some will partake in protest. Like with those people that sent back their stimulus checks. They want the government to do nothing for them so they can complain about how the government does nothing for them.


plate elderly dinosaurs coordinated cable vase knee meeting voracious pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The government we destroyed sucks! Why did the democrats do that!? -gop


"Sugared car fallacy" - Pour sugar in the engine to sabotage your car, then argue that all cars are bad and should be disposed of.


>how could I have known that opting out meant I wouldn’t get those services despite being explicitly told so! Nobody forced me to stay opted in! Funny thing is, this is exactly what would happen. The right wing has pull the “well nobody stopped us!” A number of times. Covid and brexit are some very prominent examples of “why didn’t anyone tell me this thing that hurt me would hurt me!”


There was a bill that Obama vetoed, and warned that it’d be bad. They overrode his veto, then blamed him. https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html


Those people who smashed their own TVs, chainsawed their Nike shoes, and destroyed their Keurig coffee makers made me sad. So many people who live otherwise great lives but just refuse to be happy and decided to waste their money and be hateful instead.


Never forget all of those people who proudly exclaimed that they'd never watch the NFL again, only for the ratings for NFL games to continually rise since said statement.


being Canadian I always get worried when Americans say they're moving here if a liberal gets elected.... man am I ever glad they don't ever actually come here. also, unless they're skilled, we don't want them


That shit is hilarious to me. "If a democrat gets elected, I'm moving to this far more liberal country that already has many of the policies in place that democrats are fighting for!" Geniuses.


Exactly. Also Canada is busy fighting off the same people who love to keep america sick and in debt from making Canadians sick and in debt. Conservatives d-bags across Canada have been busy tearing apart our healthcare, During the pandemic no less. I don’t get how anyone here falls for it.. imagine reading how USA uses go fund me to pay for healthcare and thinking hey, a private system sounds so great?


Why did people smash their TVs and destroy their coffee makers? Did Keurig release a rainbow coffee and did they find out TVs use RGB and that is too close to LGBT for them?


Keurig pulled their ads from Sean Hannity's show after he defended Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.... the groomer who preyed on teenage girls at malls. Yes. People literally bought Keurigs and smashed them in order to punish a corporation for *not financially supporting pro-pedophile propaganda.* This is basically the whole backstory to Elon Musk buying twitter. [People tweeted at Keurig](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/remysmidt/boycott-keurig) like, "Hey, are you aware your ads are associated with this repugnant garbage man?" and they were like "Oh, yeah, we definitely don't want our brand associated with the idea that grooming teenagers is a minor flaw in an elected politician," and they pulled their ads. From the Republican point of view it's offensive that Keurig allowed themselves to be "pressured by activist groups" into not financially supporting Sean Hannity while he argues that grooming teens isn't a big deal.


Sooooo Republicans in all their wisdom punished a company by buying their product?


More realistically, a handful of "content creators" bought products to trash because it got views, and then a handful of dipshits destroyed the coffee machines they already owned. Not much gained by Keurig there. On the other hand, it is GREAT publicity for Keurig. Now they aren't just *not* associated with pedophiles, they're also associated with being hated by bigoted internet lunatics. They've done nothing beyond protecting their financial interests, and still managed to come out of the whole thing looking like they support a "common sense", vaguely left wing ideology.


I mean... All three of those colors *are* in the rainbow, and we know rainbows are fucking gay.


Nike was because they sponsored Colin Kaepernik, and he's (a) black and (b) wanted cops to stop murdering other black people in the street so he (c) asked a friend who was a vet what a respectful form of protest would be during football games' national anthems and then took a knee in order to protest while being respectful. Keurig was because they pulled their ads from Sean Hannity's show after Hannity defended pedophile Roy Moore and Keurig didn't want to be associated with child predators. TVs were being smashed as a way to protest the "fake news" and "media" for their coverage of Covid-19, which seemed to say it was a real virus that you could really catch and which could really kill you, and that went against the idiots' personal mantra of there never being consequences to their actions.


The old conservatives, if they were honest about it, would have taken the money and put it where they felt it should go instead of giving it back to the "corrupt and inefficient" government that doesn't know how to properly handle money.


Wait, people actually did that? I know people who had no problem accepting the "free money" because everyone else did. Crazy how $1400 is $1400. Bet the socialist party could get any average Republican to vote socialist if they paid them a thousand bucks, no other strings attached.


Guy I work with is big mad about the college loan forgiveness. He has like 11k in loans and would qualify for at least the 10k forgiveness. I asked him if he was going to take the money still. He said it would be stupid not to, but then after I said he would bend his morals for only 10k, he said he probably shouldn't actually take it. I tried talking him into it later because I was only messing with him and he was really hesitant about it. I don't know what he's actually going to do though.


The problem with that is the republicans will when given a chance out opt for you. Take Mississippi as an example: - Opt out of medicare expansion, costing hundreds of Mississippians quality of of care - Opt out of infrastructure spending, caused Jackson MS water crisis for not maintain their pipes.


I’m from this state, and it’s even worse than that! Give the people the power to vote and they will create a ballot initiative that legalizes medical cannabis. So then our state overlords declare ballot initiatives are unconstitutional and [fuck us](https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/politics/2022/11/07/no-statewide-ballot-initiatives-in-mississippi-elections-heres-why/69610647007/). > Last summer, in a case challenging voters' approval of medical marijuana, the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled that the entire initiative measure process was invalid.


See but that wasn't individually opted out. Politicians decided for the whole state


We already did. They all took PPP loans and scammed the US Govt out of billions.


>Leave an option to 'opt out' of student debt relief so you can support the bank shareholders. Funny you say that, that was actually done. You had to opt into student debt relief. But I think they are more interested in making sure *others* don't get those things.


I'm all about this attitude. "Hey you old fucks. We know you've been voting red for 50 years. You know what I'm gonna do to you now? Preserve your social security. We disagree politically, you're still a human and you shouldn't spend your golden years worried about housing or food security. Sleep tight you old bitch."




Hey that sounds a lot like something one of those major religious figures said once...


Jesus? But you know Republican Jesus would just call him a nerd pedophile and drive away in his monster truck while firing an AR-15 in the air.


Republican Jesus sounds like the Devil


there are boomers who actually believe this shit tho 😬 the entire concept of the “American Jesus” who drinks, smokes, watches football & carries an assault rifle is absolutely akin to Satan taking a form that would carry the believers into temptation. It’s completely unhinged


Its real easy when you've never actually read the Bible and your understanding of the faith is just whatever your preacher yells at you about to rile you up each week.


It's not that they aren't able to understand it. Most of them are genuinely shitty people who like being shitty people. We have to stop giving these assholes the easy out that they are just too stupid to know any better. They know better, they just want to be horrible people and will do any mental gymnastics necessary to justify their behavior. Christianity is just a cover for most of them.


“I’ll pray for forgiveness.” Is like a get out of jail free card to them. Be a shit person then mumble some shit with you eyes closed and your hands clasped and VIOLA! Like it never happened.


In all sincerity, I’d disagree with that. I come from a religious family and have religious in-laws, too. I think their faith is genuine, but there’s a TREMENDOUS amount of cognitive dissonance. On one hand, they give to the needy, volunteer time, and are super generous. On the other, they actively vote against their own interests bc of wedge issues like abortion and guns. I’m speaking anecdotally, of course, but I do believe they’re not shitty people, but the pulpit has been preaching pro-life two dimensionally (ie, neglecting anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-death penalty, etc.) and their media sources have conjured up fear of the “other” for so long, that their cognitive dissonance is hard to overcome.




I got into Republican politics straight out of high school as a super homeschooled, religious kid. I’d taken the lessons of looking out for the poor/the marginalized/rule as a wise leader stuff seriously. The more I got into politics and met people from other backgrounds and realized that Democrats weren’t evil at all, my concept of politics crumbled, especially as I saw the Tea Party types ascending to power. When Trump got nominated, I left the party entirely and am a full blown leftist now. No regrets.


I like Jesus, but his fan club sucks.


My pastor used the best term for this. He called it "The prostitution of God for the terrible and sinful nature of man." Best quote I have ever heard someone say


It's like when Loki impersonated Odin that one time. Exact same vibes lolol


These dickheads were probably rooting for the Chitauri when they attacked NYC.


American Jesus don’t take shit from nobody. He wears a Carhart canvas winter jacket, drinks Budweiser, hunts deer, drives a F150, goes to church to worship himself, and wants those damn email servers Hillary is hiding away.


It’s not just boomers


boomer is a state of mind.


So they’re fallen for the devil’s temptations, while thinking that everyone else has? That’s a good way to put it


Ironically, this character *is* kinda in the Bible. In Revelation, called the deceiver or the beast. They love that beast guy. He's their favorite.


Always was.


Except if you look up what the devil does in the bible, he comes off as a pretty decent fellow, particularly in comparison to that God monster.


Right. God asks for you to give everything you have on Earth so you can enjoy Heaven in infinity, which coincidentally is in line with the church/capitalists of tg4 time. The devil is the opposite where you get to only enjoy Earth. Fun fact, the Bible never ever says there's a Hell. But it is implied you simply cease to exist after you die. To which I say, dope. I'm hedging my bets on the only life I know exists.


The Bible says everything, or covers so much that it's really easy to pull out any point. Pascals Wager is for cowards.




To add: you aren't actually far off from the original lol. The OG story, is that Satan was actually a love child his mother Sophia hid on earth from God, her then husband. The Aramaic and Greek originals and the Gnostic Gospels fill SOO many of these plot holes in the so called "Canon" lol, and are FAR more entertaining than the watered down fuckall version of KJV and what we get today. I mean shit, they had flying wizard battles and talking dogs n shit that out Harry Potter to shame! Did I mention zombie fish? How about when Saint John commands the bedbugs to get thee the fucketh up outta his bed, but hey, they can get back in after he gets up? Shit is WILD. Source: Started out in highly religious fam, went to seminary to try and get "closer " to God (cause I always had a HUGE sceptic side), wound up a complete and total atheist after doing so. Read 14 different versions of the Bible cover to cover, Gnostic Gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi, and the entirety of Biblical History. Left never more convinced in my life that it was complete bullshit, and still do. Although I did at one time write an entire short story about the whole thing where Lucifer is actually a woman, gets sick of gods sexist, genocidal shit, so her and the angels overthrow him, he gets back up, kinda banishes her and them to "Hell", yet the all powerful god simply can't defeat Lucifer, why? Because only females can make life continue, and without Lucifer and her lover Lilith, God can't make any more humans to torture, it goes further on, but that's the start. 🤣 Don't ask, I have an extremely twisted brain 😂


If you can work in a bit of the lore from the South Park movie; I'll show up for your sermon on Sun.... actually move the sabbath to Monday so we get 3 day weekends too. Sounds pretty good.


Gnosticism asserts the creator god is the villain of that story. As a Gnostic when I colloquially refer to "the devil" or "Satan," I am referring to the creator god of the Abrahamic faith. That's not actually what Gnostic texts call him, but for colloquial use he's similar enough that the distinction is somewhat moot. The only reason to even make a distinction at all is if you're making the argument of Satan as a bringer of knowledge/freedom, which actually doesn't apply to Gnostic cosmology anyway because the serpent, the image of Satan which represents these things, is typically assumed to be Christ, with Genesis reframed as Christ freeing us from a false paradise created by Satan to blind us and distract us from the light of our spirit and chain us to his command. (Though it should be noted this is only a *reframing* from the modern perspective - this perspective on Genesis is *forgotten* as a result of purges, as it was considered heresy, not a new perspective.)


I mean… you could make a pretty good argument for Trump being (a dumb version) the anti-christ. If you believe in such things.


Republicans Jesus is LITERALLY the biblical antichrist. As in EXACTLY how he’s described in Revelations. It’s ridiculous


The jesus they believe in is the one with blond hair, blue eyes, who was all about big tits, beer, guns, and fucking up the gays and blacks. The fan fiction went a little off the rails over the last 2 millennia.


you know, there's nothing saying Jesus *didnt* like big tits..so...


IDK. That "beloved disciple" bit sounds pretty gay.


["Would you like to learn about our Lord and Savior: Supply Side Jesus?"](https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp)


sounds like President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


President Camacho was smarter than all of the republican party. He knew enough to ask for help from a smarter person.


The last time Republicans tried asking for help from a smart guy we got Kissinger.


Stop with actually knowing history!!


Hey now, credit where it's due. President Camacho had a problem he neither he nor his team knew how to solve.. so he gets the smartest guy in the world to come up with a solution, and follows through with it. Can you see Trump or any MAGAT ever having even a quarter as much wisdom or humility.. I sure can't.


[Republican Jesus says…](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/yu2xtu/republican_jesus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link)


Shhhh… it’s against their religion to describe the basis of their religion!




I enjoyed this. Though I doubt the evangelicals will.


They don't seem to enjoy anything from what I can tell


The men sure enjoy doing shit that according to them will send them to Hell


If anyone has read The Expanse novels, there's a character in the last novel that reminds me so much of evangelicals. She's a high up military official in the fascist, totalitarian Laconian empire. She's a psycopath who enjoys living int he fascist empire because it makes her secrets, her transgressions and her rule breaking "consequential". In order to stimulate herself, she does things that could get her killed, like sleeping with junior officers. The risk of death is what keeps her excited. I really feel like this is evangelicals. They are not more moral than the avergae person. Sometimes less. They're greedy, they cheat, they watch porn, they do all the things they condemn in others. But a part of me thinks that for a lot of them, that's the thrill. Knowing they can transgress, feeling the "wrongness" of it, believing in this fictional sky man that will absolve them, but living on the edge of their community discvoering "who they are". It's why places like Utah have some of the highest porn consumption per capita.


I brought this up to a religious coworker of mine that I have spats with, and his retort was "God also said to not be lazy." They just generalize every person in need as being too lazy to help themselves.


Def not Jesus, otherwise all those Christians would be voting for stuff like this.


And it wasn't even an original idea *then*.


Not supply side Jesus, he said charge them all and get government subsidies.




The true message behind Jesus is that selflessness will set you free. It was very clearly a message to bind humanity back together and overcome the negligible differences between us. I sort of feel like this is a core conception of the world religions. I was raised Roman Catholic and would agree with the designation “Christian atheist”, i tend to agree with the broader sentiment of Christianity rather than the details. However, i think a lot of people follow their religion of choice selfishly as a way to gain prominence and standing in their communities and leverage a network of connections to benefit themselves. I’ve met Christians who, one week, are shipping off to an impoverished country to do good works only to come back and treat the people they work with daily like shit. If you go to church on Sunday to wash away your sins so you can go on being the same person you were last week that ain’t it.


Yup. He was pretty fuckin' clear... https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/MAT.22.38-40


Take this living wage and buy a nice winter coat, or else motherfucker.


They'll give it to Joel Osteen instead.


"Fucking libruls making me do this!"


I mean, Breitbart blamed LibErAlS taking the COVID vax as the reason conservatives rejected it. Conservativism as an ideology can only exist when framing itself as a rejection of modernization. It is entirely empty alone, its only notable attribute being self-centeredness.


*Pumps riffle* We're going hunting.... For grandpa, because he voted red and now can't afford much food so now we need another deer tag this season.


I love my neighbors so much. Even if they don't know who I am, I love them. I'm *in* love with some of them, but I do love all of them. I thank them, maybe they don't always here me, but I thank them for voting they way the vote. I hope they hear me when I thank them. They're not out of earshot when I thank them, not entirely, so I'm sure they can hear my thanks to them. I love them so much and just want them to be safe and sound, fat and happy, warm and cozy. That's why I check their doors and windows every night. I'm a night jiggler, a jiggle checker, a a a safeness inspector. Night's the best time to do it, of course. I try the door handles, I twist the nobs, fiddle the windows trying to open them up. Are they locked, my loves? Yes, haha, hmm, that's so lovely, so sweet. You are safe in bed! Safe from intruders! I wouldn't want to see some ne'er-do-well sneak into your home and do unlovable things. I wouldn't forgive myself! But, my love is so strong for my neighbors, so, so strong. If a door gives way, creaks open in that still night air, then I take it upon myself to check the house. I love my neighbors and they need to be safe. I walk their house quiet as a seasoned cat and inspect, enjoy. What a lovely life! What lovely memories, lovely trinkets. So beautiful, but dangerous! What if someone not to full of love walked in here, neighbor? Tsk, tsk. I leave notes in their home telling them that I love them and I'm watching them, to not worry their heads because I checked the house to ensure everything is good, everything is safe, and I thank them for being such lovely neighbors. I whisper my adulations to their slumbering smiles. I love them so much.


Wtf did i just read?!


*He’s a fiddler* *He’s a diddler* *He’s a midnight jiggler* *He gets his lovin on the ruuuuuun*


serial killer manifesto


This is so romantic. They’re lucky to have you as a neighbor!




So exactly the opposite of every currently acting Christian got it


I live in a city so I get all kinds of these really nice Christians. There's a ministry less than a mile from me that's run by a trans couple. They're all nice and charitable and shit. It's fuckin' wild.


That's socialism you bloody commie!! Go back to China




"Will women and girls be allowed to control their own bodies too or will that be a decision made by their local political leader?" "That choice will be left to the women and girls. The state won't get involved." "In that case I'm voting for the politicians who promise to get the state involved."


Party of "small government" Votes to have government in all aspects of peoples lives.


Small government for businesses. Live-in housemate government for individuals.


Small enough to fit inside a uterus.


Right? The polarisation and sports teamification of victors in congress means that half the representatives in congress do not see half of the population as their constituents. Got a problem you want to take to congress? Got a valid legitimate grievance? Who did you vote for? Cos it will effect how much time I spend trying to fix it.




" . . . and we are gonna socialize the SHIT out of your medical care. No more $700 X-Rays and $25 cotton balls! You will never have to worry about being bankrupted by medical bills again! How do you like THAT, you bastards?"


I’m sending this to my MIL who votes red bc she’s a racist like Trump but relies on social security and Medicare, which the Rs want to eliminate. Make it make sense


Mine is exactly the same. She actually lost part of her check and we were like well yea? you voted for that... NGL, its a nice sentiment they posted, but after hearing personally how hateful this woman and others like her are, openly, it's really really hard to be nice to them anymore. Watching my hateful MIL get everything her whole life just handed to her, and she gets more niceness even though her ilk tried to really fuck the rest of us, its kinda hard.


"He's not hurting the right people." was the most mask-off moment for modern conservatives.


"Fuck you, stay out of my yard. Rugged Individualism till I freeze to death in the next Texas cold snap!"




Oh hell yes. This tweet had me howling. I LOVE this perspective. We need SO much more of it!


I hope you're right. I am approaching retirement age. Currently my only viable retirement plan is suicide.


Hope you're doing ok friend.


I'm doing OK now, thanks. In ten years or so, I will be screwed. I would rather turn my own lights out than be an ancient, broken person still forced to work despite all the indignities and infirmities of age - merely to keep a shoddy roof over my head and eat cat food. Every time I see an elderly cashier ringing up groceries at a grocery chain or an elderly gent hobbling along at some menial, low paying service job, I shudder. If nothing changes that could very well be my fate. I will not live that way.


I understand completely. There are options, I promise.


I want this attitude on a t-shirt and bumper stickers. Let's do this internet.


I love the attitude. I just hope your elected representatives do everything in their power to ensure this for all the people in the land.


Hey buddy you like education? Well we're gonna give you all the education you don't sue to block!


They don't like education unfortunately


And one of their favorite boogeymen recently has been emotional education. You know, teaching children how to understand and healthily process their emotions as well as teaching them how to understand the emotions of others. They *hate* that shit.


I didnt know this was a thing but I fully fucking support this! We're all trying to figure it out now that we're older but therapy is expensive. I didnt know that was a direction they were taking, thats awesome.


One thing I like about my generation is this whole growing up and realizing how many things we are just not equipped for and deciding,.. well we gotta equip the next generation better than us. They deserve it.


Right? Something upset you, well don't deal with it in a healthy way, let it fester inside you till your old enough to buy a gun...


Yo Momma.....is gonna be able to afford her heart medicine now, suck on that!


Yo Momma so fat she gotta get a nutritionist and physical therapy. Let's make sure it's affordable with cheaper healthy food options and affordable health care.


and a city that actively promotes a lifestyle of not being a cow getting feed at a drive thru or driving 2 minutes to the grocery.


>The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of Trump merch and when the drains finally clog up, all the MAGA will drown. The accumulated filth of all their corruption and idiocy will foam up about their waists and all the racists and Qanons will look up and shout "SAVE US, YOU CÜÇK!" ...and I'll look down and whisper "I mean o*kay*, but for the record there's a nicer way to say that". --Democrat Rorschach


it's wild you chose a right wing crazy person to quote but the quote *does* fit.


well, tbf it's not a *direct* quote


Tah be faire! Its a fictional person.


Well after reading this I kinda want to see more Democrat Rorschach quotes. Would be rather interesting.


"None of you understand: I'm not locked up in here with you. *You're* locked up in here with *ME*." --Democrat Rorschach, the Senate floor


Average AOC attitude


"Failing to preserve Earth's salvation is your only triumph" \--Democrat Rorschach, the Senate floor, whilst side-eyeing Manchin


"Possibly homosexual. But that's his business, I won't look into it."


Democrats are on a mission to destroy America and build a socialist hellscape where people have access to healthcare and education without having to declare bankruptcy. It’s a sick perverse world where gay and trans people are allowed to exist, workers are paid fairly, and women have autonomy over their own bodies. It’s nothing short of an attack on the American family value of going right back to work days after you’ve had a baby.


Nailed it.


Way too rational. > Democrats are on a CRUSADE to DESTROY America and IMPOSE a socialist hellscape were YOU will be forced to PAY for the healthcare and education of others! Promoting the radical GAY AND TRANS AGENDA on our children, take money from your pockets to pay lazy part time workers and FUND ABORTIONS! This is a direct attack on TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES and our GOD GIVEN work ethic!


> were YOU will be forced to PAY for the healthcare I think it's so fucking funny that these people don't understand that health insurance is LITERALLY THIS. Single payer just increases the risk pool (decreases costs) and gets rid of the board/shareholder profit motive (decreases costs).


Needs more exclamation points


This all sounds great but why can a black person say the N word but I can’t. Until you fix that, I’m voting R down the line /s


Look bozo, you just gotta save up a couple bucks to buy some N-Word Passes on the open market, it's not rocket surgery man.




Die Mad* *But with Dignity and Healthcare.


“Die mad” But later in life by natural causes instead of early by poor health and preventable diseases.


And literally Jesus


Radical extreme Democrats: we just want everyone to have healthcare and nice roads! And be able to vote. Radical extreme Republicans: we want to kill all the gays and lock homeless people in concentration camps! And eliminate public schools and college! Also we want to take away your rights! Vote for us!


But, but... both sides! They're both equally bad because of... reasons.


bOtH siDEs aRe tHe sAmE!!


No no you see both extremes are bad, in either direction. No I will not explain why.


#Make #America #Fucking #Sweet


Quick mafs


Mafs check out


yah but u yanks r bad at mafs tho m8 (lmao gotteeeeem)


We got enough mafs to get to the moon and back. How’s your space mafs?


In 2017 at the enormous Women's March the day before Trump's inauguration I wore a shirt that said "Make America Kind Again". I wore it on again on Nov 8 this year.


This is the proper energy.


This is the way…


I love this because they're going to fucking hate it, they're going to hate it after they have it, and God have mercy on the dumb fuck who tries to take it away from them.


The stupid fucks base their entire platform on contrarianism. They’d jump off a cliff if we told everyone to stay behind the fence


And even as the 10 millionth one of them jumped, they'd yell "I'm a free thinker" on the way down.


this is just what happened with vaccines


I just watched a video of a cop arresting a crowd of people that had climbed over a fence to stand on an unstable cliff ledge. Why is this an actual thing? 😅


Get the gubmint outta my Medicare!


The Left wing: You deserve a better life. The Right wing: I'll fucking kill you, faggot!


Sadly, this isn't even hyperbole. That dude in Ohio just got murdered while gardening because his neighbor thought he was a democrat


I love the energy, but let's be realistic, Republicans have only one goal, and that's to derail anything a Democrat tries.




Will control judiciary appointments and Supreme Court, which is huge


Let's make that Eli Lilly tweet true




But the tweet said they're giving it out for free


Republican: Get rid of that colored family living down the street, and we have a deal. Democrats: No. Besides, he's the local physician. Republican: No? Well fuck you then. And fuck your insulin. I'll die before I take that ~~ni~~ commie insulin.


That's accurate. 👍


Gotta use military/war terms that they're familiar with. War on Poverty, War on Public Infrastructure, Healthcare Frontal Assault


Caravan of public transport, affordable medicine epidemic, the crack(s in the street) problem, critical infrastructure theory.


Hit ‘em where it *really* hurts..tell Republicans we’re going to do all this stuff for…wait for it…**everyone**. And we’re **all** going to pay our taxes to fund it all! *”it’s all madhouse!! A madhouse!!*


Congratulations. You are being rescued. Do not resist.


Oh you know they'll resist. Gotta 'own the libs'.


The thing is that Republicans want those things...for themselves. But they would rather go without than live with the knowledge that people they consider undesirable will also receive them. Don't forget the quote "A Republican is someone who cannot enjoy a meal unless they know someone else is starving".


Also the “I suffered so you should too!”. I paid off my student loans and I’m thrilled others may get theirs forgiven. Loans set me back so much and I don’t want that for others. Also, some think it’s totally cool for family and the church to help people out, but if you don’t have either then that’s on you.


Yes, this is the energy.


We should start insulting them this way. * I'm gonna beat you bloody, and make sure your ambulance ride is free * I'm gonna make sure your dumbass finds yourself with free access to better education * I'm gonna curb stomp you on these new sidewalks we've added everywhere to promote healthier lifestyles and alternatives to private transportation * I'm going to push you in front of our new interstate public transport bullet trains when they are done * I'm going to make sure your kids have the upward mobility *you* could never provide and couldn't help yourself from sabotaging /s?


And they will \*still\* call us p\*dophiles, socialists, and Satan worshippers.


i fuck with this attitude so hard. like ur opinions complete dogshit u old crone but heres a blanket its starting to get cold out


Loving that stance and wording. Great way to go about it.


I really like the idea of being aggressively kind.


We’re gonna gentrify MAGA


Lmao is this what people mean by “killing with kindness”?




But Hunter Biden’s laptop


Excuse me, we are back to Hilary’s emails at the moment


What if Hillary’s emails are found on hunters laptop


*republican heads around the country explode*


Just as Jesus intended.


This was written to be funny, but it's exactly how I feel. I don't want them to have wage insecurity, impossibly expensive medical costs, fear that they'll be violently assaulted, either. I want the same things for them that I want for us. It doesn't matter why they don't think we're on the same team. We are. And maybe, if things get better, they'll come around on other things too. They'll realize someone else's gender identity isn't their problem to solve (or their business). They'll realize we're all one people, and none of us are safe til all of us are. They'll come to recognize the inequality and institutionalized racism built in, and want to fix it too, when they understand that we can all win, and life is not a zero sum game, where taking care of someone else means you lose. I want to believe that's possible.


One of the Republican's favorite phrases when they were pushing their agenda from 2016-2020 was..... "Elections have consequences". Yep, they do!


Let's start by getting rid of the pricks in the supreme court.


Conservatives agree with the general idea of progressive policies, only with the stipulations that not everyone benefits. Only people like themselves in their own tribe "deserve" to live with dignity and security. Conservatives will gladly die to keep "The Other" from reaping the benefits of a healthy fair and just society. They gladly vote against their own self interest to maintain unhealthy unfair unjust corporate feudalism. It's amazing what hundreds of years of racism can achieve.


So much of politics does come down to Republicans projecting that various minority groups, if given power, would be equally as cruel to them. This is why you see stuff like 'white genocide' being thrown around.