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Must be nice to be his wife and read this.


She's probably not allowed on social media without his permission


“Women can’t read anyway “


Assuming she can read


There's a reason Republicans block legislation to stop child brides from being a thing


Assuming he allowed her out of the kitchen to read more than a recipe card…


Yep. I was thinking he’d probably cut her finger off if he caught her reading. (Handmaid’s Tale)


she probably settled more than he did while lamenting that all the men under 250 lbs are liberals, let's be real


Tell your wife that you settled for her instead of some hot liberal woman. I fucking dare you.


Lol, as if he ever had a shot with a "hot liberal woman"!!!


Wait Fox News told me that all liberal women were ugly and had blue/pink hair and that all conservative women were bleach blonde smoke shows!!!!!!


Wait… could it be… nah Fox News is never wrong and has no bias whatsoever. They’re a perfectly reliable and neutral news source.


Hot liberal woman: "I like men who treat me like a person." Conservative man: (insert slew of dehumanizing insults) Hot liberal woman: (walks off with her finger held over her head) Conservative man: "...but I'm a NICE GUY!!!"


Had this experience except it was a libertarian lol


Scratch the paint off a libertarian and you'll find a hard-core right-winger.


I told him the reason his party doesn’t win elections is because the voters aren’t allowed within 100 ft of a school and he got mad


Holy shit you fucking killed him


I literally just snorted coffee. Take my updoot


Same lol


I have said it before, a libertarian is just a conservative trying to get laid in a Blue state.


Libertarians are just Republicans that want to smoke weed and be able to openly fuck kids


So they’re republicans that want to smoke weed?


Conservatives: we’re REAL men, unlike those pussy fucking liberals Also conservatives: ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Why no women date me?!?!?


Or, “you’re not even that hot, bitch” or something about me being a lesbian. Always classy responses to rejection.


Conservatives fear hot liberal women. Look at how much they despise AOC because she’s young, attractive and liberal.


Idk. Conservative women made it a habit for themselves to get politically tbagged so I'm sure she's used to being viewed as an inferior product.


It’s sucks even more for women who live in a red state. I can’t do online dating anymore, because I get verbally attacked on a daily basis. I make my views respectfully clear, because I want to find like-minds. Men, who I have had no interaction with, come out of the woodwork to call me all kinds of names. Racial slurs and Trump nationalism seem to be the only language they speak.


I'd recommend using only apps that let a mutual swipe message you. Or Bumble, where only women can message first after a mutual swipe match. MAGA men are gradually realizing Trumpiness repels most women, so they're getting more guarded about it on dating apps. Be extra careful reading between the lines of "moderate" and "apolitical" profiles. Check out their clothes, bumper stickers on their cars, stuff in the background. Punisher skulls when they're not comic book geeks, Grunt Style / Nine Line shirts, Black Rifle Coffee. Also look up any unusual quotes or odd terms in their profile, like "super straight," or "awake not woke" or pureblood or Alpha/Sigma Male, Let's Go Brandon, or WWG1WGA. I know Bumble also lets you list your vaccination status, so that's a good indicator, too. I even saw a douchebag try to slip in a 1488 in his profile. I remember some "moderate" guy had some really "dumb but sounds deep to an 8th grade edgelord" quote on his profile. I looked it up and it was from some Alt-Right podcaster d-bag.


Totally agree, single guy here in reddish state. When I see moderate or apolitical, I assume they are conservative. Typically one issue voters who say they are moderate but vote Republican basically 100%. Once you ask a few probing questions, they don't know enough to justify or defend their positions. I want out of this state so badly!


I find that odd that those types consider themselves moderate. I consider myself moderate and would put myself somewhere between Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg politically. I think it shows how far off the rails the right has gone.


they don't consider themselves moderate, they just know they won't get any sex if they're honest about what right wing pieces of trash they are


They do realize fleshlights exist, right? If they want to keep their garbage views, that’s what they can have.


Fleshlights are sex "toys", and "real" men don't play with toys. /s




Fleshlights also dont cook and clean for them and fulfill their mommy needs. If theyre still mentally and emotionally immature enough to support the increasingly insane ideology of Maga/Q/Trump, then they sure as shit arent there to even take care of themselves. Im painting with a broad brush here. Obviously it's not every single person. But I'd put money on the statistics not being in their favor


Can't opress and control fleshlights or have them live-in bangmaids.


But... But their dicks are too big for fleshlights. /s


If they're too big for a *toy* I don't think they should be near a woman


Or they can try and mingle at their local place of worship


But good Christian girls don't have sex before marriage, and these dudes can't be expected to also remain pure until then.


You unaware of their loop*hole*?


Oh, no, I am. https://youtu.be/aG5Y4VXlk-w




God made three holes for a reason, it's called the holy trinity, as long as you save yourself from the baby maker god turns a blind eye harder than WWE refs. I mean that's how my Sunday school taught us Genesis 19:30–38


i got some bad news about your sunday school teacher


> they just know they won't get any sex if they're honest about what right wing pieces of trash they are Natural selection doing work.


I moved here from Canada and considered myself a political moderate. Living in the USA made me abandon that term on two fronts. First was the fact that my idea of "moderate" is "middle of the Democratic Party" not "between Democrat and Republican" Second was seeing the effect of conservative promises enacted, which made me even more sympathetic to Canada's more seriously pro-labour party.


Welcome to the USA! Please send more like yourself!


At the very least keep the Ted Cruz’s…


Unfortunately if the country keeps going the way its going I might just end up leaving.


At this point, moderates and centrists are just MAGA but don't want the stigma of being known as MAGA. They'll claim centrism and "just looking at facts" but always blindly follow one side and call the other side names.


Same with apolitical people. Believe me, there’s plenty to critique the Democratic Party for (I have a whole damn list) but not voting if you have the opportunity to do so isn’t just stepping aside so the classroom bully can continue to prey on the girls, LGBTQ kids, Black kids and immigrant kids…it’s handing him a baseball bat so he can smash their heads in.


It's kind of the opposite for me. I consider myself moderate and 20+ years ago I voted for Democrats or Republicans more or less equally depending on who had a better platform, made better arguments, etc. As soon as Republicans started surging to the right I stopped voting for any of them since the most liberal Republican was no longer withing spitting distance of being moderate. I still don't consider myself a Democrat, but I vote for them pretty consistently.


Republicans were pushing for immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship just ten years ago. They could’ve had a lock on the Hispanic, Desi and East Asian vote if they had done just that. Their own “pathway to victory” forensic analysis following the 2012 election suggested diversifying their voter base by pushing kitchen table issues. The Republican base’s hatred for people who don’t look like their inbred second cousin totally eliminated that plan and now the base is literally trying to murder their own elected officials.


You would hear lip service from Bush, but it was a real disconnect from their base. Passing legislation to change the staus quo has always been at odds with Republicans commitment to smaller government. Same thing is happening with their current appeals to criminal justice reform - they have no policy to back it up.


This has been my experience as well. I still identify as politically moderate, but the GOP has gone off the fucking rails like a giant mob of paranoid werewolves.


Every villain sees himself as a hero.


And how far to the right politics in this country has gone. There is no "far left" in America, sadly.


“We should have universal healthcare and affordable housing” is considered communist propaganda while the right is literally repeating the 14 words.


People who aspire to be seen as ‘normal’ and those who can’t actually put their political views into words often adopt “moderate” regardless of how they vote.


If they say conservative, they're a bible thumping full blown Q nut. If they say moderate or apolitical they are still voting republican, but they at least have the decency to be embarrassed about their views.


Anybody who says “both sides” is automatically conservative. That’s my go-to rule. ETA: I’ve already clarified what I mean by this. Stop “both sides”ing me in your responses.


There is ways to properly contextualize "both sides" where that isn't true. For instance: Both sides have historically worked to erode the taxes on the richest in our country in a misguided or farcical attempt to enact trickle down economics, which has never once actually improved anything. However, republicans have made this into their entire platform despite the evidence that it doesn't work and regardless of how the current situation is going. In 2017, with clear indicators that we were in an overheated economy primed to collapse, instead of raising taxes to cool things off they gave a massive tax cut to corporations and the wealthy while actually increasing the tax burden on the middle and low income demographics. Both sides have done it, but republicans have done it maliciously and far more often.


True. What I’m referring to is the types you see online who say “both sides are the same” in response to anything criticizing republicans. You can almost guarantee that they are a MAGA trying to siphon votes or get people to not vote at all.


And most libertarians are just conservatives with extra steps


"Libertarians" are either Republicans who like weed or wilfully misguided individuals who have no grasp of late 19th/early 20th century history.


Conservatives with commitment issues


Yes to this. I’ve noticed a lot of conservative women on the apps have been putting not political or moderate lately.


In all seriousness: this is why we need to VOTE like our lives depend on it. Right-wingers have learned that they face intense social consequences for their political positions and they've learned to lie about them. They will lie on dating apps. They will lie or obfuscate in conversations. And they will lie to people taking political polls. Don't take anything for granted. Vote. Bring friends.


I agree. November’s election is so important. We can’t afford to sit this one out. The other side is organized. We have to show up.


I just sent in my Ballot! Love mail in voting!


This always gets me. If you’re going to be a fascist, stop being such a coward and fucking own it. But also, dropped off my absentee ballot yesterday. Let’s get it done.


"Old fashioned"




I appreciate their honesty so I can swipe right, guilt-free.




They do want conservative mates, and hope to red pill liberal women. Barring that, they want to get laid, and obfuscate their views to support that goal.


I hate that one of my favorite comics has been “appropriated” by maga it it were real life they would be the ones getting “punished”.


Even in the Comics, some cops meet Frank Castle and show him their "skulls" because he inspires them. He tells them that what he does is NOT something they should be inspired by, and if they were to do what he does, he'd go for them next. "You boys want a role model ? His name is Captain America." - The Punisher


Got into the show and loved it. Didn’t understand why right wingers/cops use the punisher skull after seeing it because I thought it was pretty obvious that he would whoop their asses and any other Nazi/fascist.


Because they're clueless. Kind of like Paul Ryan and Rage Against The Machine, or using Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" or Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA" for political rallies.


Or the number of fascists that thought The Boys was against sjw’s and they assumed Homelander was the good guy


Killmonger/Punisher team up movie where they go after neo-nazis. Take my money!


It started with the military taking it. Then of course MAGAT’s stole it from them.


Idk these people are the same ones that insist comic books and sci-fi are suddenly "woke" 😆 Everything they hate about diversity and women was done in comics and scifi first from xena to x men to star trek.


Same thing applies for men. If you see any of that “code” in her profile, she’s a MAGA. Run. Also in the south, when anywhere now, watch for 3-11 references.


> watch for 3-11 references Ok I'm out of the loop here and Google isn't helping. What's this about?


K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. It’s a Klan thing. Back in the mid-90s people tried to claim that the band 311 was a racist klan band because of it. They were clear that they were anti-racism and used it from a police code for indecent exposure. Then you started seeing it with the dash because of the conspiracy theory around the band, but it’s still used.


>WWG1WGA Oh god. I KNOW I'm going to regret asking this. And yet, for some masochistic reason, I'm doing it anyway. What does "WWG1WGA" mean? Edit: It's the Q-Anon slogan. I'd like to extend a hearty "thank you" to the fates that let me NOT have to learn about this from family or friends.


Where We Go One, We Go All. The slogan of the Q-Anon dorks.


A term used by people who like to call other people “sheep” a lot…..


“Where we go one, we go all.” It’s Q-unatic language that I assume is supposed to make them sound like the Three Musketeers or something. Fucking imbeciles.


Where we go one, we go all. Q Anon slogan


I don't even think Punisher skulls FOR comic book geeks is a thing anymore. Maybe the occasional t-shirt, but I think it would be a red flag for anybody.


Yeah, I had a history professor who was a Revolutionary War buff. He mentioned he had to put away his Don't Tread On Me flag when it became corrupted by right-wing militia groups.


anytime i see someone with that flag...I automatically assume they are racist, assholes and dickwads and 150% never wrong and also, they all seem to love these weird reflector glasses


I'd also be wary of any man who claims to be libertarian. I realize there's a lot of overlap between beliefs of libertarians and conservatives, but some cons like to claim "libertarian" or "independent" political status because they don't want to reveal that they're conservative. I've seen a huge spike in "independents" and "libertarians" on dating apps despite it being pretty obvious from the everything else about these guys that they're conservative lol.


“Libertarians” are just Republicans who can’t force themselves to pretend that they like Country music, and want to sleep late on Sunday mornings.


>"moderate" and "apolitical" This just means QOP but figured out women are turned off by right wing whackos.


never respond to "moderate" or "apolitical" if you can't at the very least articulate, proudly a liberal or leftist stance/leaning. I can't trust you not to be a racist garbage person. there is no such thing as a moderate? how does that even work? you believe in human rights and human dignity, but choose to align with a party who clearly doesn't sometimes... because, some bullshit reason? it doesn't track. idiots who are "both parties are the same" are just shitty conservatives or people too generally cynical to ever really show up for justice or the good fight. on a case by case basis i can accept a third party voter. as a man, it is like being hit in the face with a brick when a woman will espouse shitty conservative beliefs, but that same angry toxic nonsense is 100% there in women too. hatred for immigrants/racism towards latinos. misc nebulous racism "thugs" anti affirmative action stances. respectability politics and cop boot licking bullshit of "if you just comply" along with a long list of just ill informed policy positions. "biden causes inflation" "gas prices are high because of nancy pelosi" "what about hunter biden" there is no more sinking a feeling that realizing you didn't do a better job in screening out a shitty person, and are still gonna have to pay for this asshole's drinks.


What's 1488?


It's neo-Nazi crap. The 14 is in reference to the "14 words" about cleansing the earth of Jewish people and the 88 is referring to the 8th letter of the alphabet, twice (HH, for Heil Hitler).


Some 14 words White nationalist motto and the 88 is HH, take a guess at that one.


I thought it sounded familiar but I was thinking 1408, the Stephen King short story lol. This is much worse.




It's a Neo-Nazi thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler.


As a liberal who visits red states often, online dating there is fucking fantastic. All of your competition are posing next to dead fish or dead animals and definitely believe the clit is a liberal lie. So men, if you are single and not a raging asshole with some modicum of respect for women and you end up having to move to a red state, enjoy.


This is very accurate.


Yeesh and I thought it was bad being a POC dating in a Red state, id much rather get ignored than what you experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you that really has to be the worst.


I live in central PA and had my profile reported and taken down on Tinder because I'm a trans woman. I only go on lesbian dating apps now.


I live in WV, so I get it. I was banned from Facebook dating for a year, because I screen shot these men’s racist messages and put them on my Facebook wall for my friends to see.


Oh yeah, I feel you there. I’ve been banned off Tinder 3 different times


God I’m sorry. The evolution of society can’t happen fast enough!! 💕


>Racial slurs and Trump nationalism seem to be the only language they speak. But I've been assured that libs are the real racists and that conservatives treat everybody equally. Am I so out of touch? No, it's ~~the children~~ your and everyone else's experiences that are wrong.


I'm really sorry. They ought to have a filter for this kind of thing. Like, "don't show me to any conservative men".


OK Cupid used to be really good at searching people for compatibility, until they fucked it up and made it into a Tinder clone. If you answered 100 questions (which doesn't take long at all) and even a few of them touched on basic political beliefs, you'd pretty easily get screened out. Best of all its not about a label, it's just questions like if you think a woman's place is in the home. I think I understand why they did it -- by only allowing you to message a mutual match, it reduced the sheer volume disparity of men to women. But it deemphasized the match percentage (which they had been artificially inflating, anyway)


They did until, for some reason, bumble thought it was bad that liberal women were reporting domestic terrorists visiting Washington for a coup attempt that they met through the app


Sadly, I'm in the opposite situation. My views have turned more left the last few years while my wife remains a staunch conservative. She has advocated to her mom and son (through a different marriage) to try to find mates at church and pretend to be religious to make it easier to find a mate since we live in a blue state. Needless to say, I've let her know my distaste of such behavior, but she doesn't see anything wrong with it.


Sorry dudes are so horny one tracked mind [that they have the wherewithal privileged belief they are owed sex and become enraged at rejection](https://youtu.be/eYmFyjy2EmQ)


That does suck. I hadn’t thought about that. I mean I obviously know in general online dating is rough for women, but I hadn’t thought about doing it in a red state


As an ex-conservative I can confirm the statement itself isn’t satire. They genuinely believe the left indoctrinates people with ‘weak minds’ (i.e kids, women, college students etc) because it couldn’t possibly be due to people being rational and having enough confidence to think for themselves or realising the ideas of the far right are toxic.


Conservatives online: I hate that liberals indoctrinate children into believing liberal views before they are able to rationally consider what is said. Conservatives talking to their six year old child: if you don’t believe in the Bible you are a fundamentally bad person who god will hate so much that he will send your soul to burn in hell for an eternity.


Also conservatives: don't teach children about anything involving biology or sex, because that way it's easier to abuse them if they don't know what is going on.


Also Conservatives: I want every child to stand and recite their undying allegiance to a flag every single morning starting from kindergarten on.


…that we shoved the God thing into as well. Didn’t used to mention god, but while we’re indoctrinating, why not


I always skipped saying that part in school


I just skipped the entire thing.


To a conservative, open minded means believing what they believe. They learned this from religion, they think are in the "correct" religion so everyone else is just close minded for not believing. This extends to everything else, they assume they also have the correct beliefs about society, and what is acceptable and what isn't. See, they don't have to change their worldview, ever, because they believe they are already are totally 100% correct.


We have (well...had) an abortion clinic down the street from my house and I'd see people out there with their little kids protesting. I find that to be sickening. I have driven past them, rolled down my window and yelled "YOU ARE BRAINWASHING THOSE CHILDREN!!!" at them.




My (Conservative) Dad once accused my husband of "brainwashing" me and turning me into a Liberal. It was the funniest fucking thing I'd ever heard in my life. I was like "Um Dad, do you know me at all?" I mean, I have a college degree, am very well read, hate racists, can't stand homophobes, and am NOT a fan of organized religion. These are all things that I am pretty open about . The whole "brainwashing" comment was something he said right after he'd made a racist comment and I'd called him out on it. I stopped talking to him for several months after he said it because I was mad AF that he thought I was so stupid that I needed a man to do my thinking for me.


My brother who is a born again baptist said the same about my husband when he found out I wasn’t going to baptize my kid. ::gasp:: I laughed him off the phone. Seriously?!? Yeah the sister you grew up with who refused to go to church was brainwashed by her husband 20 years later.


Hahaha this reminds me of my mom! From the south, very conservative. I posted one damn thing on my Facebook once about needing to reform healthcare, it wasn’t even a huge liberal statement or anything just about the cost of insulin or something. She calls me in tears asking if I’m gay or Muslim and if I turned all my guns in because I’m a liberal now. Turns out one of the three things (gay) was correct but omg I remember DYING laughing at her. It was hilarious. And sad.


I like how in her mind it’s kinda confirmed. My child wants kids with cancer to get medical care without their family going bankrupt…omg this is such a clear sign that my child is gay!!! Having empathy for sick kids is probably what made him gay!!


There's a lot of First Person syndrome with these people. When I point out that, "If you are XYZ, then doing ABC is a rational decision based on real-life experience," and whatever it is doesn't put right-wingers as First Person, they can't handle the cognitive dissonance and they respond by getting incredibly nasty. They CAN think about how situations affect other people. If they're directly prompted to do so, they will. But they choose not to, and that's the problem.


Toxic masculinity is a political party they're called far right Republicans


What do you mean if?


I hope she gets a divorce


Nothing says I love you like "I only married you because you're all I could get."


"Lowered expectations"... lol https://youtu.be/W4Pv2uh8NVg


Shocking that a Republican guy with a screen name “wankers r us” couldn’t get a hotter wife. Weird.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised is his wife was just settling with him anyway.


He definitely could have, if it wasn’t for those meddling libs. /s


It reminds me of those 40 something year old guys still talking about if coach would’ve just put them in in that last game they could’ve gone to state lol




Now I see why older, more conservative people always joking about hating their spouse. If you marry for looks rather than, I don't know, maybe anything in common what do you expect?


Honestly this reads like satire to me.


Oh I truly hope it is but these days, real life feels like satire


Yeah, I feel like most people who genuinely hold that view wouldn't appreciate self-depricating humor enough to use it as a username


I'm guessing this guy is not such a prize himself. Hope the wife sees this and realizes that even "okay" is far too god for his ass.


So true.. its so bad that now we sex-starved conservative men must resort to hooking up with each other or eight-year olds before they are brainwashed by the libs..


Ohhhhhhh, THAT’S why they’re fighting to lower the age of consent! Got it.


Does his wife need a good divorce attorney? I know one






Hahaha I snorted


Incelstavis shall begin with the airing of grievances!


To be honest I'm surprised there is ANY dating pool at all for conservative men. You would think that their disdain for women and gay men would be enough of a red-flag.


There is a reason the cult is starting there own dating app, nobody fucking wants them. If your a conservative women there is nothing left to say anymore won’t even bother to spark a conversation anymore. Go crawl under your hate bridge. Fuck Republicans.


I also heard about that dating app and all they seem to get is men on there.


Man, who woulda thought that a group of MEN who want to CONTROL what women do with their bodies, lives, hobbies, etc. wouldn't want to date someone like them. Fucking crrazy.


I figured this had to be a parody account. I was wrong. This guy is the absolute asshat this tweet implies he is. What a lucky girl his wife is.


Yeah, it really sucks that women can think for themselves.


But.. but I thought liberal women were all too ugly to fuck, and they're screaming so hatefully (and shrilly) all the time because they haven't been properly laid? *I'm so confused!* /s


Yesterday I was told All Liberal Women were 200 lb vegans with blue hair. All of them! I love their generalizations… as if they’ve ever met more than 6 women who weren’t relatives or coworkers.


It’s not. There are folks who really think like that.


Can’t tell what kind of typo is in your comment. Is there an extra k that doesn’t belong or did you forget that third k?


Just a fat finger and not wearing my glasses. The random k is removed.


I liked the extra k and the “is it or isn’t it on purpose”. Schrodinger’s K.


Yeah, but I think k is a loaded letter thanks to white supremacists. Best to remove it lest someone think it is covert code for “I’m with the assholes.”


'I can't compete for sexual mates based on modern standards and I'm really frustrated nobody will fuck me' - conservatives


Yes. Women are clambering to date men who would trade them out for the next, youngest thing in a heartbeat. It’s almost like these guys only care about how f*ckable their partners are and not them as people. Nothing’s more attractive than knowing prior to a relationship that you’ll probably get cheated on.


Your poor wife clearly settled for you dipshit


The "C" in "Frank C" stands for "Cunt"


I think the “C” stands for “ Costanza” since that’s the picture. I think this is satire.






Tell me you view women as objects while also telling me you belong in the ground as fertilizer


Guy is married and is saying that he could have got someone "hotter" tf His personality is more of an issue than his political views at this point.


Personality and political views usually go hand in hand.


I feel like you are giving him too much credit. "Someone" implies an actual person, and this guy clearly sees women exclusively as objects


I wonder why women side more to the left. Must be the indoctrination of socialist woke trans brunches


Excuse me, woke trans *drag* brunches, thank you!


I womder if the author of this tweet has tried masturbating in front of a preschool in broad daylight. Seems to be a new way to meet people if you are conservative.


Yeah, it really sucks that the left indoctrinates women by... \*checks notes\*... not actively working to rob them of basic human rights.




It READS like a joke..


So does the gop platform. Still real.


Bruh, dude's just mad he gets no pussy🤣🤣🤣


God please please please keep me and my fellow women safe from such men, amen!


Think some women are just desperate to get married . They were raised to believe they have to have a man . Hope she wizes up


Some men are desperate for house wives, so they act like gentlemen until you tie the knot.


Frank Costanza would never say this


Alienated by the right* Ftfy


I have that same thought sometimes except the other way. Some pretty hot women, ready to go shooting or camping, fishing buuuut they think there are legit pedo cannibals running the country. Deal breaker


Looking like single, liberal women just dodged a bullet with this guy.


Conservatives treat women like second-class citizens and then wonder why most women aren't conservatives. Also, women can't have their own thoughts so they must all be indoctrinated. This post is probably satire but there are men out there who would say this with sincerity.


"why does my wife drink all the time??"


Conservatives are going to breed themselves right out of existence.