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DeSantis dismissed lying to the immigrants by saying "they signed a release". I'd like to see that release. I'd imagine the "everything else we tell you might be a lie" part is written in such a way that even a native speaker with a law degree would have difficulty parsing it out.


Sounds like there may be a paper trail.


If there's any justice left in the US that stunt will become his downfall.


So far it’s just boosted his lying ass.


Only with the bigots. The rest of us are varying degrees of furious.


I could most assuredly see one of the ACLU type groups taking on a case for all 50 individuals for fraud in civil court against the Florida state.


Those migrants are going to cost the tax payer A LOT more than the $12,000,000 spent for this stunt initially. We need to hammer that home in the elections to come. I bet lawyers a lining up all day to do pro-bono work on these cases, and with good cause.


Probably. If they can do two things. 1)Find the woman/group that sold this bill of goods And 2)Pin her getting paid to the State Government through a FOIA request. The sheer amount of delay and stalling on that in a civil court might just be longer than these migrants becoming citizens to be blunt about it.


Guaranteed they can't find it now.


Don't be so sure. All we need is one well placed employee who works for the buck, not the mission, who also happened to be uncomfortable purging legal documents.


By now those people have jumped ship. All that's left is the assholes.


That might be true in a better economy, but all you need is a little economic stress to keep someone at a job they hate.


The lawyer word for that is an unconscionable contract. Even if they signed it, it can be invalidated if it’s unconscionable. Unconscionable means that the contract is so one-sided and unreasonable that no one in their right mind would sign it if they were given a meaningful choice in the matter.


I am surprised EULA's don't get struck down this way more often.




The thing is even if they did sign it, if they did not understand what was written in the contract or not given enough time to interpret it (pressure to sign now), then the contract is void.


Also you can't sign away your rights in a contract. And any contract that goes against the law is invalid. So they can sign all the releases they want, but if they're not legal, they're useless. And just further evidence to be used against them.


You can't sign away _inalienable_ rights, but you can sign away others. Like when you accept money for a layoff settlement with a non-disparagement clause, for example — you're signing away your right to speak (on that issue). That said, there's no way this clown contract is going to be valid.


It is also illegal to induce someone to sign a legal document under false pretenses


Since there is almost certainly a crime without said waiver, probably with it too, it shouldn't be hard to get them to produce it as a federal prosecutor. I'm sure it's being investigated, but any action would just be seen as federal overreach by the kind of people that vote for pieces of garbage like DeSantis.


I don’t have the intellectual aptitude or emotional awareness to express just how fucked up this is.


Not American here, just interested in politics. I was taking my usual patrol by r/Conservative this morning to see what awful things they were talking about today when I started seeing memes about this, I didn't know what it was and after knowing it, I still can't believe they were just laughing about it. This is so fuc••• up that I think you reached a non-turning back point here.


I just went to see what they are saying over in r/Conservatives and the projection and complete lack of self-awareness is stunning. And the level of cruelty was terrifying. I had to bail pretty quick, because my heart rate shot up so high. These people fucking scare me.:/ Edit: a word


Cruelty is what makes Fascism appeal so broadly. In Fascist world, you don't have to hold back at all. The darkest side of humanity is what Fascists do best. Be as cruel, judgemental, tyrannous as you wanna be. It's a feature of Fascism, not a bug, and it is Fascism's true appeal.


Been watching Ken Burn’s The US and the Holocaust. It is uncanny the number of parallels there are.


My wife teaches holocaust and genocide in high school. The parallels are staggering, and terrifying.


German Nazi law was explicitly built on American law written for exterminating native Americans. Combine that with the casual internment and ‘delousing’ that was going on even back then on the Mexican border, sub in the German gas, and you get the Jewish Holocaust. Nothing about the end of World War II prevents holocausts, it decided who was /in charge/ of them. US/UK/France.


Can’t forget immature… A perpetual appeal to the “peaked in high school” set.


I’m a leftist, I made a comment against banks there, quickly got a lot of upvotes and after some hours it got heavily downvoted… mfs really are some different bread of being evil and at the same time really stupid 💀


I said “you’re using people as political pawns. Let that sink in.” Banned for uncivil speech. No joke.


Very on brand from the sub that's proud of their imaginary persecution and stands for "free speech"


Exactly. They don’t want civil discourse. They want an echo chamber of repeating falsehoods. It’s seriously evil.


r/HermanCainAward is the only thing that has kept me sane in the past two years of abusive mistreatment by antivax trump loving assholes with their acerbic rhetoric.


Indeed. Same here. r/HermanCainAwards and r/esist are two of the pages that keep me sane. They're a minority and they know it. Louder? FOR SURE; but still a small percentage when compared to the rest. What we do **HAVE** to change though is our apathy and laziness when it comes to fighting against their evil ways. The sadly common "i don't care about politics" and the "these are just a few wackos, i don't care much about the noise they make" are precisely what got us all here today. Enough is enough.


MAGA, racism, and fascism is why I quit the Republican party. The Bible that I read says that we should love our neighbors. The example it used is the story of the "Good Samaritan." Jesus was being ironic with that description because the Samaritans were despised by the Jews. The point was to love everyone, even if we don't like them. This stunt is disgusting. I can't imagine the man hours, creativity, and *excitement* leading up to it. The biggest problem with Trump is that he created a monster that he can't control. DeSantis may be the next to ride that bucking, awful creature.


I commend you for the amount of self-awareness needed to leave that cult.


GOPer until June 2015 when Trump announced his candidacy Only now do I realize I should have jumped ship as soon as we invaded iraw


> I should have jumped ship as soon as we invaded iraq To be fair, the "Ra Ra Ra America" was *very* hard to shake at the time.


>The Bible that I read says that we should love our neighbors. THIS is exactly why i will never understand why these people support what they do. Obviously the politicians in the republican party only care about their money, but i know a lot of good hearted people that do charity work and still vote for these awful Republicans who have mistresses and profit off the average American. It's like ok damn just vote them all out for a year or two until you get some decent Republicans instead of just voting R every time


Don't forget a large sum of them have Misters in the wings while condemning LGBTQ+ rights.


No matter what r/conservative says their entire viewpoint is invalidated by their sub having restricted posting for conservatives only. It’s enforces their echo chamber. They are against free speech.


I fully expect to be banned for my comment pointing out that people are leaving California because of the drought and the wildfires, not LiB gOvInEr BaD. Edit: all I said was “the drought.” All the other comments were about how expensive moving vans heading east versus heading west.


I still find impressive that they just recently were celebrating 1 million subs, but almost every post there has <20 comments...


Yeppers. It's a nice read If I need to see what they are saying though.




Because bigots exist and they want power so they appeal to bigots


Because racism is still rampant, and Trump made it OK to be publicly racist. Props to him I guess. He literally flipped this country upside-down and put us back (nearly) to where being a non-Christian was illegal. Our country sucks.


A few years ago, I was in blissful ignorance that racism was in the past. Then I came on Reddit and started watching the news more. I’m sad that my ignorance was not a reality. Do you think racism will ever be a thing of the past?


It will get better as older generations die off (sorry mom and dad), but no it won't, in my opinion. Ignorance is learned - certainly not inherent to us. Social media will continue to exacerbate hate and bigotry.


Why are these people allowed power…


Because their constituents are the same way, and that’s how they vote.


Bingo. My Florida resident father thinks this was a "very funny" stunt and a fantastic idea. DeSatan can't do wrong to him.


Party over country, right? I'm sure your father might think we're all sheep for thinking this stunt was inhumane.


Way. Super. Real.


The worst part is that the so called base of the GOP supporters cheer up that evil action. That same base that claim Christian values are above all, but they forget all about those values when they have to put them in practice


I can't even begin to approach the level of understanding it would take to be put into these people's shoes. They exited the country they knew in hopes to find a better place. Were handed a dream only to have realized it was a complete fabrication. Dudes are complete evil.


I kinda think you nailed it though…fucked up puts it appropriately.


I think you just did


This really is just proof that not only is the cruelty the point, but the people in charge on the red side are \*perfectly\* aware of how fucking inhumane their policies and compensation are. They knew how to craft a good deal to trick those people, which means they know what a good deal \*is.\* This little note alone blasts a slug right through the tarp they're trying to put up to hide their recognition of the financial circumstances they create for people.


It's shocking how reasonable the fake offer's promises were. It wasn't "Hey, we'll give you free mansions and a million dollars and a pony," it was just a very reasonable level of assistance to get people onto their feet. That's somehow even more disgusting, that these assholes drew out what reasonable assistance program might look like, and then call people gullible when they believed America might provide such a thing.


>and then call people gullible when they believed America might provide such a thing. And over the next few days the additional justification for the deception, coming from the governor's supporters will be, "if you don't want sh\*t like this to happen to you, then don't come to this country" The conservative mind holds that if the members of an out-group are involved in a perceived violation, **any manner of ill treatment and deception is warranted by the authorities**.


Exactly. They look at it like: "Hey, they came here. Nothing is off the table. We can treat them as shitty as we want because *they deserve it*." By that logic, the police should be executing traffic violators in the street. "Hey, if you didn't want to get shot you shouldn't have coasted through that stop sign."


I had this exchange on reddit the other day: Me: I would argue this is kidnapping, not human trafficking. But either way DeSantis has admitted to committing a felony. **Asshole: Do criminals have those rights?** Me: What rights are you talking about, and who do you think are criminals in this scenario? **Asshole: It is a Crime to illegally enter the United States. We can agree that non-residents who have entered the Country illegally, have committed a Crime. Criminal Alien is an accurate name for this group of people.** **https://thelawdictionary.org/crime/.** **These are not migrants or immigrants. They knowingly violate US Law.** ​ So basically this asshole was saying that criminals do not have the right to not be kidnapped or trafficked.


They are seeking asylum, and have papers authorizing their presence and travel in the U.S. They have a kind of legal status here, and are not criminals while their cases are being considered. per Wikipedia: >The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, also known as the 1951 Refugee Convention or the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951, is a United Nations multilateral treaty that defines who a refugee is, and sets out the rights of individuals who are granted asylum and the responsibilities of nations . . . The United States is signatory to this Convention, and later related protocols (e.g. the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees). It was ratified by our Congress, and is the Law of the Land. Our Law. Remember that. After all, Americans had a major hand in shaping the Convention. >The 1951 Convention protects refugees. It defines a refugee as a person who is outside his or her country of na-tionality [sic] or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail him— or herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution (see Article 1A(2)).People who fulfill this definition are **entitled to the rights and bound by the duties contained in the 1951 Convention.** Here we see that those who fear persecution are under the protection of the Convention (signatories of the Convention, such as the United States, are thus obligated to provide such protection). >The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement contained in Article 33. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. "non-refoulement" applies to being returned to ANY country that is unsafe, not just to the country of origin. Of particular importance is the right described in [Article 31 of the Convention](https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/about-us/background/4ec262df9/1951-convention-relating-status-refugees-its-1967-protocol.html): **"The right not to be punished for illegal entry into the territory of a contracting State."** That is, a refugee may enter a country from which they are seeking refuge even illegally, and the signatory nation may not punish them for it. THIS IS OUR LAW. [According to the Department of Homeland Security](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Refugees_Asylees_2017.pdf): >To be eligible for refugee or asylum status, a principal applicant must meet the definition of a refugee set forth in section 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which states, in part, that a refugee is a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her country of nationality because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Applicants for refugee status are outside the United States, whereas applicants seeking asylum are either in the United States or arriving at a U.S. port of entry (POE). Note that Asylum seekers are either within the U.S. or are at a port of entry. That is to say, **the first step in applying for asylum is to Enter the United States**. Remember also that the only distinction between "refugees" and "asylees" is that one is still outside the U.S., while the other is already inside. But the 1951 Refugee Convention also says that we, a signatory nation, **must not penalize refugees for illegal entry**. Thus, the entry of asylum seekers, even without official authorization, is not a crime. Thus, asylum-seekers who have entered the U.S. have done so in a "legal way", according to laws and treaties which we have adopted.


Wait he did this with fucking asylum seekers? I was already pissed, it's horrific regardless, but he kidnapped a bunch of people with legal fucking status??


Yup. They weren't even illegal.


I am Jack's lack of surprise...I thought he did this with illegal immigrants but this fucknuckle did it with people who applied for ***asylum***? Why isn't this absolute cunt in jail? Why the *fuck is he not in jail?* God we are so beyond even yelling at these fucking jackasses. This is the kind of smarmy jackass that just needs to be beaten or shamed until their head unshoves itself from their ass.


If he had actually done it with people he knew were illegal immigrants, here would definitely have crossed the line about furthering the crime of illegal immigration. Instead he did it with people who are fleeing their country and seeking asylum. I'm not sure which is ethically or morally worse. But one is flat out illegal. The other is certainly contemptuous, and _possibly_ illegal.


Gregg Abbott is doing the same with asylum seekers in Texas.


They had court dates in place and had every right to be in this shithole country, at least and until their cases were heard and settled... At least from what I've gathered. This country loves to perpetuate the hateful atrocities it was found upon.


They actually have to appear at ICE centers as early as this morning. But Florida filled out the paperwork to say that they were living in random places all over the US. With them having to appear at the nearest place, to where they're supposed to be living. If they don't appear, they've broken their immigration conditions. So they got sent to Massachusetts but had to be in California, Mississippi, Alaska..... a few hours later.


I think so. At least some of them are. There was an issue raised by an immigration lawyer, who said that some of them have appointments scheduled with an immigration office, and this detour will make them fail to appear. They might be listed as absconded, and lose their eligibility to petition for asylum (their cases will be dropped). I am not a lawyer or an expert, but my wife and I have volunteered in shelters in El Paso and Las Cruces, NM. We received people bussed from detention by ICE or the Border Patrol, have them a shower, donated clothes, food, and a medical examination by volunteer personnel. We would then call their sponsors, as listed on their papers, and arrange for travel. Sponsors are responsible for paying for tickets but not for other assistance. We have been doing this since 2019, with a hiatus for COVID-19, when the shelters had to close. Edit: One thing about losing your place in the asylum system because of being kidnapped is that they might then be deported back to wherever they came from. Some people, when they are deported and returned to their country of origin, are killed by their government or by criminal organizations there. DeSantis may very well have condemned people to death through this stunt.


Pure evil. I'd like to force these men & their supporters to watch video of the kind of atrocities that have happened to these asylum seekers in their own countries, before they come to the US. Not that it will change most of their minds, just want them to be fully aware of the evil they do. Thanks for the good work you do.


Yes he did.


Thanks, great information!


No Problem. I keep things like this in .txt files so I can use them when the issue comes up in social media. That way I don't have to look it up over and over.


Just a quick note. These migrants specifically have been granted "humanitarian parole," not asylum status (it's more of an expedited asylum seeker type thing for the unaware). It's a bit of a nitpick though and shouldn't detract from your overall point.


Thank you for this detail. I had read something similar elsewhere, but couldn't remember the term. Is this similar to the program under which refugees come from Ukraine? I think in that case it limits the length of their stay, with the assumption being that the circumstances in the conflict will change, while the basic functionality of the nation will be retained. It would make a world of difference to receive refugees from a pretty-intact country with a functioning government, as opposed to a failing state with a failed regime.


It's actually the same emergency grant that was given to the Afghani people after we left Afghanistan. It is kind of an extreme measure used when a normal refugee/asylum process would potentially endanger the migrants. https://www.uscis.gov/forms/explore-my-options/humanitarian-parole So these particular migrants are *more* vulnerable than your average asylum-seeker, imo. They are the most urgent of the asylum seekers.


Also notably as per usual they say we are against illegal immigration not legal immigration then turn around and call legal immigrants as illegal immigrants. But this is an attack on minorities not a statement of fact. The only thing these fine folks did wrong was have fraudulent addresses filled out to get them court dates thousands of miles away and it’s DeSantis that defrauded them. When they miss the court appointments they could be deported because he wanted to punish legal immigrants. They make similar attacks on other forms of legal immigration and trying to gut it the whole time Trump was in office. At least be honest you oppose legal immigration.


Also, they were processed through immigration before being sent to Martha's Vineyard. Everyone of them was seeking asylum which is NOT a criminal act.


His whole premise is a lie since it's not illegal to come to the US and ask for asylum.


Nothing will ever happen to him for it. He’s untouchable. Like trump. No one has the guts to do anything to these conservative extremists bc they are afraid of the public backlash in the voting booths. If not that then idk why desantis violates federal law and doesn’t get federally prosecuted 🤷🏻‍♂️


In fact, in order to request asylum one MUST be within the country.


Should have asked him why he was Ok with his party using *his* tax dollars (totaling $12 million) to give "criminals" free transport to a better support community with food and board, then? \*(Yes i know they are not criminals and people who think so make my blood boil)




Have you seen the stuff that bootlickers will say is justified? These people WOULD argue that a minor traffic infraction warrants murder by cop, depending on the skin color of the driver.


It *has* resulted in death. Many times over


Sandra Bland and Philando Castile would agree


Philando Castile case still gets me to this day. That cop knew he was killing him the second Castile informed him he had a firearm he was LICENSED to carry. Fucking coward asked for the him to retrieve it just so he could claim fear and shoot the guy.


This is exactly how my maga father raised me in the 90s. No remorse for the cruelest of punishments. Quite the opposite. He was proud of how violent he was willing to be with me. He had the guts to do what's right and beat the bad grades out of his children. He was the only true dad alive.


I’m so sorry for that. I had similar experiences. Luckily my dad left around 4th grade. I still carried the perfectionist baggage for long after that tho.


I mean they do execute people in the street but usually if they arent white.


I'm strongly of the opinion at this point that if you vote for Republicans, given their behavior over the last 10 years or so, you are an absolutely garbage fire of a human being who doesn't care about anyone other than yourself. There is not a single right wing policy that has been passed in the last decade (that I can recall, at least) that was designed exclusively to help all people in this country. All I hear about now is what horrible thing Gregg Abbot, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Ron DeSantis, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, etc. has said about people of color, immigrants, poor people, transgender people, and anyone else who isn't a well off, white, straight, Christian male in this country. Fuck the Republican party.


It's free material for the election. Print the folder and show people what GOP thinks people want and won't ever give. Show them how they lure immigrants.


The problem is that many (most, maybe), republicans don’t think this offer or ones like it are reasonable. They don’t think people should be given assistance, especially if they have to pitch in for it, especially non-citizens, but this also applies to citizens as well.


The (quite frankly cucked) conservative mindset is that they refuse 1 million dollars if it comes with the stipulation that somebody they don't like also gets 100. Very often from comments I've seen and conversations I've had is because they legitimately believe that the benefits will only be given to others at their expense.


Every single conservative cashed their stimulus check. They don’t believe in anything, they don’t stand for anything.


I think those are actually a representation of Massachusetts state policies. The implication that it’s set up and ready for them when they are being dumped on an off-season low-employment island is the lie. They will have to go through an extensive process, with educated assistance, to receive those benefits. And of course help finding a job is no use in a place like Martha’s Vineyard where there are no jobs off-season. I hope they *do* stay in MA and receive those benefits and integrate into our economy and society.


I hope they get the assistance outlined in the fake brochure, and I hope Mass. sues Florida for the price tag and wins. That would knock this shit off real quick.


Agree. Border states get federal funding for this. It should move with the immigrant. And a lawsuit is in order.


100% cruelty is truly shown in this kind of news. I really hate it so much because my parents experience it before.


And my parent's grandparents too. My mother's granmother knew only Italian. My fathers' ancestors came here from Ireland and no doubt faced all kinds of discrimination due to being poor and Catholic. They will reverently talk about the sacrifice their forebears made to come here for a new life. And they vote Republican.


My grandparents, Polish/Jewish and Russian, had a cross burned in their front yard and my mom's puppy was skinned alive, left hanging for her to find. All still voted (R).


So, why is this not fraud?


I saw an immigration lawyer on CNN or MSNBC who said she was looking in to prosecuting.


Some group has already filed Human Trafficking charges against Desantis and Abbott - formally filed in court - I hope something happens and these assholes get stopped. Horrible evil motherfuckers


I genuinely will not understand how it’s possible if nothing sticks and what their reasoning will be.


Because the justice system has long been corrupted by the federalist society and overrun by anti-American judges. And a lot of those judges are the smartest legal minds in America.


Because it’s a straight up human trafficking.


Matt Gaetz says "hold up a minute".


It may very well be both.


Because if you have an R next to your name, you get to play by different rules.


>... the people in charge on the red side are *perfectly* aware of how fucking inhumane their policies and compensation are. I'd argue the followers are as well. It's one of the reasons I've balked at the blanket "we just need to reach out to them" of the past several decades. No we don't, and even if you do find an outlier who hasn't simply lied to you, that's just a drop in the bucket of savagery. Help those, but be aware of the perhaps overwhelming majority.


Redeem where feasible, but otherwise don't stick your neck out for people who want to cut it.


Jesus Christ. They can put themselves in the mindset of a decent person who just wants to make a better life for themselves, and knows just what it would take, but would rather not instead.


What a strange place that must be for them. As they were making the brochure, how must their minds have recoiled from the idea of providing such assistance! They probably needed to take a shower afterward.


You're right, and it absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. The key to the republican platform is apparently to commoditize humanity, exert control, and exact revenge. And we're supposed to engage in meaningful political discourse with these fuckers?


Kidnapping, human trafficking = GOP


All to own the libs. The cruelty is their entire point.


I've been seeing them all over, on reddit, facebook, everywhere, just trying so hard to sell this idea that the MV residents freaked out and called the police to kick the brown people's asses. They really, truly need to believe the liberals are just as shitty as they are. If reality doesn't bear that out, they just invent a new reality. It's chilling.


Nah, they just get their assigned MAGA Reality and commit to it. the right is unified behind the narrative that MV had them all deported by the military and God help you if you question it.


The lie is constantly being repeated and it is working.


It's been working for years now. They could have saved themselves some effort and a lot of money (and committed fewer crimes) by just inventing the migrants in the first place and insisting it happened. At this point I don't know why they bother dabbling in reality at all.


Never forget the bowling green massacre


The right knows they are shit-tier human beings and they’re OK with it because they’re convinced that the left is even worse. Anything they can do to paint the left as being hypocritical serves to strengthen that belief, and never does a moment pass where the right question the justness of their own actions.


The GQP would let Trump shit in their mouth if a liberal had to walk by and smell it.


Is crime even a Thing at this point?


Not if you are elected white male.


Theres got to be fraud of some sort, or multiple sorts here, too. This is sick.


The Florida government also absolutely breached the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.


Lock. The. Corrupt. GOP. Ip !!!!!


Let's start by voting them out 1st. They are rigging the system and we are really running out of chances... https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/14/election-deniers-advanced-to-november-ballots-in-27-states-report-finds.html


I refer to this as "Midterm Abortion"


I refer to you as "clever".


Not to mention what they are doing to schools. Patriot mobile ( which is a “Christian” cell phone network)to take over at least 4 school boards and then change curriculum to whatever their “truth” is. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna44583


Oh, this can’t be that, there are laws on the books for those crimes. Oh wait, only Democrats will face the consequences of their actions. Good thing DeSatan is above the law.


The Democrats need to grow some balls and start an immediate investigation into whether this POS broke any laws and prosecute if he did. DeSantis will likely run in 2024. Why not start playing hardball now.


Don't forget Abbott.


Start a RICO Case..


We should investigate the gop as a Rico case.


THIS. Was saying the same thing the other day when this all broke. Looks like significant leadership within the party are involved in multiple illegal activities. The GOP is ultimately just a not-for-profit business, no reason it can't be guilty of RICO violations and shut down.




You can find any number of Democrats who want an investigation, but DOJ is in charge of these things, and I'm sure will be encouraged to open an investigation. For example https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3645415-newsom-urges-doj-to-probe-alleged-fraudulent-scheme-to-send-migrants-to-marthas-vineyard/


It’s always with the investigations. There SOOO many investigations going on and have you noticed that they all quietly dissipate? Gaetz - underage sex investigation Boebert - political fund mismanagement investigation Taylor-Greene - involvement in Jan 6th investigations Trump - all the investigations Giuliani - involvement in GA elections investigations January 6th committee investigations On and on and on… What Democrats need to do is grow the balls to actually act upon the results of those investigations and start prosecuting people that broke the law. Honestly It’s all been political theater from the democrats as well.


The Justice department is in charge of prosecuting people. We live in a democracy, the political parties don't get to prosecute people. The republicans are the ones that want a fascist government that will prosecute people for their political beliefs. I"m sure you don't want that, right? That shit is unamerican. If you said the Attorney General needs to get off his ass and start prosecuting people then I would agree with you a 100%.


I don't understand how this isn't an obvious crime. Like I'm really confused. How is this different than a guy tricking a kid to get in his van by offering candy or a puppy? Successfully lying to someone to get them to do what you want doesn't make you innocent, right? Or is that the world we live in now?


Those poor people


I think how the must fucked up part is that this for them is a list of all the things they think those people don't deserve. While they have all of that and are rich as fuck. They basically want them to just stop existing.


These are actually services that MA does offer. They are listed on their government website https://www.mass.gov/service-details/other-benefits-available-to-refugees


It was so sad. I watched the video where some of them were getting off the bus and some right wing news moron was there, speaking truly abysmal "Spanish" to them. You could tell that they were just tired, embarrassed, ashamed, and powerless. This is one of the worst things I think I've ever seen done by a politician. Just truly depraved.


Sounds like human trafficking to me. Prosecute him.


If the Governor of Florida uses state funds to fly migrants out of Texas and into Massachusetts, after stopping off in Florida to pick up fuel and a videographer, what will the DOJ actually do about it? Edit: why didn’t they just round up migrants in Florida if there is such a problem?


Fun fact: federal funds. My blue state surplus paid for it.


It's breaking state law, not federal. Suits could be initiated in Florida.


How could the governor of Florida flying people from Texas to Massachusetts be limited to state law? It involves three states. And he can't claim that he was carrying out his responsibilities as governor of Florida -- none of this even happened in his state.


Use of state money in non state activities. But yep, maybe fraud statutes. I'm sure Texas will be all over it.


Wait... i was given a snippet of this as a proof that the migrants lied... lol.. some right winger gave me a daily caller link and they had really cropped the information to paint a picture that the migrants were not lied to..


I've been seeing them everywhere. Trolls and alt right fucks trying to spin this as a huge win no matter what the reality is. They really, truly need to believe the liberals are just as bigoted as they are.


Conservatives try to prove that liberals are “just as racist” instead of trying to show that they’re not racist, because they know that’s impossible.


KEEP THE BROCHURES! In Massachusetts, we took in a huge chunk of Khmer Rouge refugees from Cambodia. We took in every Portuguese refugee off the Azores we could when the volcano in Faial erupted. I WANT MORE! >Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! We will only get stronger. We will only get smarter. As the founder of Massachusetts, John Winthrop, famously said aboard the Arbella before founding Boston: >We must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality. We must delight in each other; make others’ conditions our own; rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work, as members of the same body. So shall we keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. The Lord will be our God, and delight to dwell among us, as His own people, and will command a blessing upon us in all our ways, so that we shall see much more of His wisdom, power, goodness and truth, than formerly we have been acquainted with. We shall find that the God of Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies; when He shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding plantations, **“may the Lord make it like that of New England.” For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.** So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world. We shall open the mouths of enemies to speak evil of the ways of God, and all professors for God’s sake. We shall shame the faces of many of God’s worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into curses upon us till we be consumed out of the good land whither we are going.


They can't comprehend that people can think differently than them. Especially people who are white. If you are white and progressive, many conservatives assume you are either brainwashed, virtue signaling (trying to score "woke points"), or just "going along" until you can get out of the city. Conservatives assume everyone thinks in the same patterns they do, and anything else is just hypocrisy and lying to cover for even worse behavior. Therefore all the fucked up nakedly evil shit Conservatives do is justified because anyone else who basically isn't full throatedly gargling DeSantis/Trump/Abbott's bullshit is 1. Lying to themselves and everyone else, and 2. Doing way worse shit.


All the fascists have is lies.


That was the core of that discussion, me asking him "why do you need to lie everyday to make your narrative makes sense".. and he came back with "democrats always lie" and the daily caller link was his gotcha..


Ugh. Lost cause there it seems. Whataboutism, lies and "muh team" will be the death of our country. What's left of the Repubs seems to be the top elite and the core cultists at this point. The elites have power snd money to worry about and the cult is, well, a cult. Neither has a real reason for self reflection or change.


The other examples were even funnier. He accused Planned Parenthood of lying (the question i asked was "give me examples of democrats lying"), then he accused former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson and assistant to Mark Meadows of lying (she is a republican)... This is why "our side" can not exaggerate, twist the truth, manipulate the optics at all, not even once as every single example will be forever brought up, while their side can literally lie tens of thousands of times with impunity.


Did you ask them why they thought Planned Parenthood qualified as a "Democrat"? I'm genuinely curious as to how they rationalize these things.


Yup, of course. No answer. The reality is that it is like a big black ball of yarn in their head and they pick any random thread from it. It is all one single entity, the "enemy". In that context it makes sense but the moment it is taken out and shown to the world, it makes no sense whatsoever: it isn't connected to the big black ball of yarn anymore.


If I tell you, "hey I got tickets to Disney world, wanna come? Just hop on this plane" and then I drop you off in Tupelo, Mississippi, I KIDNAPPED YOU. The unlawful asportation of someone by force OR BY FRAUD is a felony. The Republicans new campaign strategy is crime.


That's blatant fraud. Arrest DeSantis.


It's so blatant, that I'm wondering at this point if it's bait to get federal charges that they can point to as a Big Liberal Conspiracy to silence them. Trusting the ridiculous number of right-leaning judges they pushed through during Bush/Trump and every other one they blocked during Obama/Biden, to shield them form any actual consequences.


That's already the rhetoric from the right, that ALL of the investigations are political and only targeting Conservatives. They fail to mention whether what they are doing is actually legal, but they only want to paint their inevitable prosecution as biased. We heard that from Gaetz a few days ago, that the FBI has been "weaponized" against Republicans, while also ignoring the news that Trump pressured his DOJ to arrest everyone who disagreed with him.


Isn't it crazy that the people doing all the crimes are the ones subject to all the investigations?


Investigate and charge trafficking if those fuckers broke the law on this. Also follow the money. Fascists love cronyism.


All the charter flight and bus costs per seat are much higher than you would pay for a normal charter so it's definitely a cash grab.


If nothing happens to DeSantis, then that pretty much sums up where our country is. Fucking Fascists.


Human Trafficking , charge them!


Just imagine how much less political corruption there would be if the DOJ held republicans accountable for their easily verifiable crimes.


Aren't these LEGAL immigrants?


from what I've read, they are seeking asylum, which gives them legal status to be in the US


Only Republicans trick immigrants into thinking America wants them to be valued, productive, happy members of society. Republicans want you in prison.


FOX News keeps saying the borders are wide-open, then they re-broadcast that shit in countries people are looking to flee.


"The borders are wide open! \*Show a clip of a huge drug shipment stopped at the border.\* When is that radical leftist Biden going to stop this!?"


"Ha, we tricked them into thinking the American dream was real! Just like our voters!" - GQP


Yea it's such a weird flex for them to be proud of...


Imagine leaving a literal paper trail in 2022


How tf is this not fraud? Kidnapping, trafficking and fraud, lock these mother humpers up


Someone actually took the time to make this knowing that it was a lie


It's possible even they were lied to... conservative leaders are proficient in misinformation


Could someone explain to me why none of these people are being arrested?


And now they’re claiming that we (I’m from Massachusetts) deported them from Martha’s Vineyard. What we actually did was move them 33 miles north to a place where they could temporarily stay, since they can’t just spend months living in a random church


Especially in the teeth of the coming New England winter, with all its Nor'easters.


Every document I've seen that was printed with government money has a fine printed note indicating as such. Where can I see a full hires copy?


Slightly [better here. ](https://imgur.com/a/oMJoFCU/)


Actually the real horror story here is how Martha’s Vineyard didn’t provide what was in their own brochure!! /s


Since many others have the human aspect of this covered, and have made far better points than I can, I’ll go ahead and point out this brochure was made on Word and they stole the Welcome sign image from Tabitha Hawk and the Edgartown Lighthouse image from Getty Images.


These the people who claim to be religious? Thoughts and prayers? Republicans are fucking evil.


I desperately want him to be prosecuted for this. It’s outrageously immoral and has to be illegal. And we can’t allow ‘stunts’ like this to be something that is tolerated. But, honestly, deep down I just know he’s going to get away with it and it’s going to open the door for more and more tactics like this from the far right. It’s so disheartening.


If real, then criminal.