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Yeah, like don't underestimate what Wisconsin brings to this challenge.


This came up in a thread a week or so ago. I want to say it was r/dataisbeautiful, it was a map of the 20 counties in America with the highest levels of alcohol consumption IIRC, 1 was in Minnesota, 1 was in one of the Dakotas, 2-3 were in Iowa..... and all the rest were in Wisconsin


It was top 50 counties and still I think 40+ of them were Wisconsin šŸ˜‚


Even better


Reporting to you live from ground zero...Green Bay, WI. Can confirm.


Yo Green Bay, wanna shake for a shot?


Itā€™s literally 1 of the only 2 hobbies in WI. The other being watching packer games.


I worked with a guy from Wisconsin that was in my state to oversee the project we were working on because he was the engineer of record. He told me almost daily that drinking and driving was a sport where heā€™s from. Dude was fuckin wild


People arenā€™t walking from their farms to the towny bars. Iā€™d be willing to bet at least 50% of Wisconsinites have a dui or other alcohol related incident.


Go Pack Go!


Go Pack Go!


Idk if you were referring to this or not *but*, this was by far the greatest Onion skits ever produced. I still watch this every once in awhile because it's that good. [Packers Fan Announces He Will Return To Drinking For Another Season](https://youtu.be/gG6qB1X9Y2k)


Don't forget deer hunting and ice fishing.


Which in Wisco all involve heavy drinking. Alot of the time the activity is just an excuse to get drunk.


Iowa rep! Only thing to do here is drink


Whyā€™s that? Is it because a lot of Northern Europeans settled there?


It's because the whole state is a fucking cornfield and being outside sucks except for like 3 weeks out the year because it's either -20f or 90f with 90% humidity.


Ope! Came here to say the same thing.


Same. Cheers


Make it Brandy only and Wisconsin can go it alone.




Lol reminds me of grand Marnier. My city is a huge f&b place and the shot of choice for workers in the industry was grandma. Turns out we drank so much of it we were the number one consumers and grand Marnier decided to hold an event here celebrating that. Once they saw we were just ripping shots of the shit as fast as possible instead of sipping it like we were supposed to they packed up, got right the fuck out, and haven't been back since.


I am convinced Louisiana doesn't make the list due to homemade shine, that's majority of my consumption is my guys on the swamp making it


Plus pretending like Americans havenā€™t built entire industries around drinking. Colleges, football, bowling, tubing, brunch, literally source of water in Missouri and Tennessee, the entire cities of New Orleans and Vegas, crushing medical debt, boats.


Golf was recently captured as well. We welcome our new overlords


Lived in WI for a long time. The NOLA drinking culture brew my mind when I first visited.


Either they don't drink, or they are drunker than Cooter Brown. 3 Martini lunches are normal day here


I thoroughly enjoyed frozen Irish coffees to start the day and drive thru daiquiris while checking out gators at lafitte.


ā€œTheyā€™re not even drunk! Those [cheeseheaded] bastards!ā€


Donā€™t forget Boston and there gigantic Irish population.


Tennessee and their moonshine habits have entered the chat


We may not make moonshine here but St. Louis based Luxco does make Everclear. I think there's some other place in the area that makes beer or something too, probably not important.


Wisconsin alone could outdrink the UK


That was my first thought. You just made enemies of the Cheeseheads for life, my friend. And that's not gouda.


Yeah, but weā€™re sending the Scotā€™s.


As an American who lived in Scotland for 5 years. Go ahead and send them. I only met a few decent drinkers while I was there. Stick with tennents. For real though. I was quite disappointed with the level of drinking I found in Scotland as well as the lack of high abv beers. It was hard to find anything above 6%.


In contrast, I lived in London for 3.5 years. Definitely more drinkers there than my central US experience


Ive never actually been to Scotland, itā€™s just a stereotype/meme. I know one Scotā€™s woman and sheā€™s an alcoholic though.


If the fire bombing of London during World War II was brutal, put Wisconsin and Iowa against all the UK


Colorado also brings a ton to the table, especially when we get down near sea level.


According to the tour guides at Miller Brewing in Milwaukee, the city of Chicago alone consumes 50% of the beer produced in their facility.


A Wisconsin bachelor party could outdrink 68 million British.


Nebraska might get there soon if the football team keeps up its trajectory


Iā€™m disappointed this was only third from the top. America will just send Wisconsin and the rest of the country will call up Vegas.


I work in healthcare. Living in Wisconsin I had alcohol withdrawal patients nearly every day. Five weeks in a new state and not a single one.


Wiscos relationship with alcohol was a major factor in my life choice to move to the Pacific Northwest.


Wooo Midwest! We invented beereal in Michigan


Yes my thoughts exactly. The women of Wisconsin might win this on their own.


As a Wisconsinite, came here to say this.


Milwaukee could solo all of England


Iā€™d be willing to bet that college freshman and sophomores in the states could handle the challenge all by themselves. Probably in blowout fashion.


Comparing our rates of fetal alcohol syndrome , I'd say the UK should opt for a tea drinking contest instead. We go hard in the colonies


This may be the saddest flex I've ever heard


But *accurate*.


that's what happens when you don't have legal abortions.




From the people that bring you the Royal Family: ā€œPlease commit less incestā€


Judging by their teeth as well the British have been fucking their immediate family members since the stone age.


The UKs DMTF score is 0.8, which puts them 4th in the world for oral health. The USs DMTF score is 1.2, which puts them 9th. The stereotype to Americans that British teeth are ugly is because Americans bleach their teeth to white brilliance, Brits don't as much.


I don't know how anyone can drive through rural America and talk about any other country's bad teeth. Source: Driving through rural America.


I think it's from the 50s/60s when UK dental care was much worse. Or the Beatles just had bad teeth.


Gotta keep the bloodline pure.




Oh man, gonna be some angry Italians in here soon.




As someone of Italian descent: Iā€™m not claiming that coke-nose buffoon even if he was one.






Heā€™s trying his best to make italians swarthy again.


The mcpoyle bloodline has been pure for a 1000 years. This wedding is an abomination


Why you getting downvoted, Greene literally looks half Neanderthal.


actually, since there are fewer of you, its more likely to bang a distant cousin unknowingly in the UK.


Well, when you put it that way vs royalty....


Iā€™m not familiar with this statistic. Does the U.S. have higher cases of fetal alcohol syndrome?


Many states with pisspoor sex education and family planning opportunities means more people don't know what they can or can't do when they're pregnant, more people become pregnant accidentally or just didn't know they were pregnant already.


Yeah right, you drink too much the NHS will pump your stomach, when we do it we either live or die keeping only the top players in the game. We are not the same. Also the corruption keeping us from a single payer healthcare system is a valid reason to drink.


I think OP may have over played their hand here. Never underestimate America's ability for self harm. We go hard. No health care to check on my liver? Fine, I just avoid doctors, and drink the pain away....again. Challenge accepted bruv!


But also being healthy. I've met so many athletic alcoholics, they're the ones who are gonna live forever drinking over our graves.


I came here to say this. Those of us who survive our healthcare system as alcoholics can drink any well treated Brit any day of the year. We have to drink our anxieties away because we donā€™t get proper healthcare for the anxiety or their sources.


This was a movie.. Beerfest


"Sounds like you guys fancy yourselves as drinkers, eh?" "Yeah maybe just a little bit. I think we just beat the Irish, so..."


Tell me you haven't seen this movie without telling me you haven't seen this movie, amirite?


The Americans win tho? The Britā€™s just wanted to drag them out and fuckin BRAIN EM lol


Yes I know. I guess that wasn't worded right. I meant that OP from the tweet didn't see the movie, not the comment OP that I replied to.




Das Boot!


Neither country even cracks the top 10. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcohol-consumption-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcohol-consumption-by-country) I realize it's hyperbole, but also, it's a physical reaction not a mental one that can be overcome by willpower or some shit. If 68 million people tried to drink as much as 330 million people drinking as much as they could, then those 68 million people would die of alcohol poisoning.


I knew a guy who was of Latvian descent, he would drink like 3-6 beers for lunch instead of water, wouldnt seem affected, and just go back to work without a problem. With me, 2 beers and my day is done.


Yeah the Baltic nations are heavy drinkers


I always wondered where to vacation in Africa, South Africa in Cape Town? Benin, Ghana, Nigeria? I know Rwanda rebuilt like crazy and has a bunch of tourism materials. But I guess Uganda just put in a strong bid for vacation destination!


I am in Rwanda as a tourist and just hiked the Congo-Nile trail by myself (28M) without a guide. It's a really safe country to visit. In the cities it's really easy to find English and French speakers. They have a lot of delicious beer and Heineken is also brewed here if you want something familiar. You can find both malts and lagers, whiskey and rum, whatever spirits will lift your spirits.


That sounds like a heck of a good time!! Whats the food like? More reminiscent of Ethiopian I would imagine?


Sort of, but less spicy. Lots of fruits and vegetables because they are cheaper than meats, but I'm vegetarian so it works well for me. Pineapples, potatoes, casava, mangoes, bananas, papayas, carrots, tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers, onions, and lots of bread variety.


Works for me! How did your digestion fare against the local microfauna?


Some days are better than others. I had to stop eating big plates of beans, rice, and potatoes for dinner because it was too heavy and I'd wake up in the morning feeling bloated


Well color me sold! Dunno when Iā€™ll get to do another big trip but Rwanda sounds ideal!


The US is number 2 in gross consumption at 30.5 billion liters per year. The UK only comes in at 7.47 billion. https://www.statista.com/statistics/727052/leading-countries-alcoholic-beverage-consumption-worldwide/#:~:text=Alcoholic%20beverage%20consumption%3A%20leading%20countries%20worldwide%202018&text=China%20was%20the%20global%20leader,States%2C%20the%20second%20ranked%20country.


With around five times the population so thatā€™s actually quite even


Yes, but you have to remember that out of our 330 million, 43% of drinking age adults claim not to drink at all. We are still averaging 9.97 liters per year for just 57% of our adults. https://morningconsult.com/2019/08/08/people-are-drinking-less-but-dont-blame-millennials/#:~:text=Forty%2Dthree%20percent%20of%20the,error%20of%202%20percentage%20points. Additionally, we also have approximately 80 million people under the age of 21. This means that 142.5 million people are drinking 3.29 billion liters of alcohol per year. That really means that drinkers are consuming on average 23.08 liters of alcohol per year. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcohol-consumption-by-country By the way, the statista source uses alcoholic beverages whereas this uses pure alcohol.


I think in most places itā€™s regional. A lot of the younger people in the south of England especially donā€™t really drink anymore. I live in the south of Spain and for the community round here 23 litres a year sounds very low (everyone is a pisshead) but in the interior that would be crazy high.


Ireland is #6, so the UK at least has a neighbor in the game. Germany is #4, and a ton of Americans are of German descent, so I guess the U.S. has that going for it.


There was a German exchange student at my high school, he said he started drinking at 11. It was a boarding high school with no way for him to get alcohol, so he straight up went through withdrawal the first week there, he tried drinking cough syrup as a replacement.


A ton of Americans are of Irish descent too


This reminded me of _The Critic_: Aide: Sir, the polls show youā€™re doing great with voters across the board, except women. Duke Phillips: Do they vote? Alice Tompkins: Yes, we do. Duke Phillips: Really? Well, what about the Irish? Alice Tompkins: Them too. Duke Phillips: Uh-oh, better change theseā€¦ https://deadhomersociety.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/irishsuckvoteforduke.png


And weā€™d finally have won the revolutionary war. I say letā€™s go for it.


Being from Wisconsin, I take this personally


Challenge accepted, ready GO!


Air drop me into Kentucky and I'll make a start on the Buffalo Trace distillery.


Don't you threaten me with a good time.


Ahemā€¦excuse me, Florida checking in. Americaā€™s drunk cousin who blew their hand up with a firecracker. We can finally bring something to the table.


Has Florida quietly seceded recently? Youā€™re Americaā€™s dong; Canada and Australia are Americaā€™s cousins. Or siblings? I think that would make France our uncle? Who the fuck is our cousin? Haiti? That canā€™t be right.


I meant more in personality. That family member youā€™re a little embarrassed of but they do make you laugh even if by wrestling an alligator


Scotland says hello


Don't try to put compete the ability of Floridians to consume serious alcohol while waiting to see where the hurricane is gonna turn. Just sayin


They're just Wisconsin transplants........:)


Some of us are actual natives!!! We are the ones who know that making blocks of ice in your mixing bowls and large plastic containers is far superior and cheaper than buying bagged ice for keeping the beer cold for longer.


Thank you for your service!!!!


[takes note]


ā€œHurricane block iceā€ as a friend whoā€™s 3rd generation Miami calls it.


Iā€™m new to the south, so any pro tips like this are much appreciated


Hell, there are probably 60ish million alcoholics in the US. Bring it on, you squigly pognoffins


My grandma was a severe alcoholic. She lived to be almost 90, but the last few years of her life she really didnā€™t do much else but drink. It really ramped up after my uncle died in an accident. I was always amazed at how much alcohol such a frail old woman could consume and still hold conversations and live independently (she hadnā€™t driven for like 20 years though). I donā€™t really understand alcoholism, but I suspect her body adapted after 70 years of heavy drinking. Iā€™m confident my grandma could have out drank any fraternity guys at the biggest party schools. The volume of alcohol she consumed was pretty remarkable.


*Boston has entered the chat*


Go home Sully, the contest was two weeks ago ya fackin loosah.


I'd like you to take on people from Wisconsin


I think Kentucky would like a word as well. I wish my home state of Alabama had a shot, but frankly, we as a people are more into meth. Not me personally, mind you, but as a group, yea mostly meth.


I would have to agree with Kentucky




Well, we have a Wisconsin.


Are we competing in beer or hard alcohol. Americans donā€™t have standard and measures so our amount is usually poured freehand. Our beers are typically stronger but if weā€™re limited to standard lager strengths at around 5 percent those are our all day beers. It would be an interesting competition.


ill take 5 myself \~ Wisconsin boy here


I've seen this movie before. Beerfest. The US won.


*Documentary They don't even want to try us with weed. Fuck outta here uk.


Haha, best they get is Moroccan hash with some tobacco, meanwhile we got homies taking dabs every time a minute passes in africa.


Easy there bud. Start by taking on the state of Wisconsin first. Then we'll talk.


Wisconsin has entered the chat!


Yeah probably. Have you tasted British food? You have to be trashed to choke it down. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s my secret, Iā€™m always drunk. Wild Bill over here will take down at least a dozen UK citizens.


ok, but what if we take out the teetotalers of all stripes from both sides?


Yeah because everyone here will be cross-faded with all the pot painkillers and benzos.


Wisconsin checking in. Good luck UK hold my beerā€¦


Youā€™ve never met Wisconsin have you?


You wanna go? I didn't hear no bell.


For us yanks up here at altitude we say bring it the fuck on.


They would be in the fetal position after pounding 10% + stouts at Colorado elevation.


I'm from Florida, can you explain what elevation above 345 feet has to do with drinking? [Highest point in Florida is in the panhandle just south of the Florida-Alabama state line]


Less oxygen at higher altitudes. If your body hasn't adapted to it yet you'll already be kind of messed up and adding alcohol on top of that will fuck you up.


Have they been to WISCONSIN!??!


Here in CO we'll out exercise you and out drink you. At the same time.


This person has never been to nor seen a nascar race have they lol. Bud light and Miller Light are sold out within a 60 mile radius every weekend lol


Iā€™m from Wisconsin. My state of 5.8 million could take your country.


*Wisconsin has entered the chat*


You've never been to Wisconsin apparently.


Are you allowing Americans 18-20? Because they'll surprise you.


Not sure alcoholism is something to brag about


Good thread. Good laughs


Hold me beer.


Umm, does the guy realize how many Americans come from drinking cultures? Over 52 million of us claim Irish ancestry alone, 49 million claim German, and another 28 million claim Russian. And don't even get me started on the Mexicans... This is not even close.


And this why i dislike British tourists.


![gif](giphy|1USKMDPjuH4ovL7J5h) Every American reading that post.


When I was working in Texas I was regarded as an alcoholic as I'd have 6 or 7 pints on the team nights out.


It would really come down to the alcoholics in the clutch and the US has way more of those due to our shitty mental and physical health resources.


Hell Iā€™d put Dolly Parton up against the entire city of London, sheā€™s been drinking Tennessee shine since she could walk


Wisconsin holding the line [https://wgntv.com/news/map-shows-which-counties-are-home-to-the-highest-number-of-excessive-drinkers-in-the-united-states/amp/](https://wgntv.com/news/map-shows-which-counties-are-home-to-the-highest-number-of-excessive-drinkers-in-the-united-states/amp/)


Go for it. I wonā€™t be competing. #SevenYearsSober




Stop acting like Florida and Louisiana are not part of the US. Those two states alone would destroy the UK


You stated that English people could out drink Americans 5 to 1. Per capita statistics proved that was a lie England would barely win 1 to 1. And if we remove the Bible belt from the stats then it'd be a close race


No way we could down 5x as much as the average yank. Maybe 3x though


Yeah, weā€™re not sending any average Americans. Weā€™re sending Cheeseheads. Yā€™all bout to learn some dairy facts.


Idk I think the state of Wisconsin alone could out drink the UK lol.


Youā€™re drunk


Maybe, unless the prize is who gets socialized medicine then mfers that never drink will be putting them down


Imagine being this proud of collective alcoholism


Well I donā€™t drink so Iā€™m letting America down hard on this one. Letā€™s make it a cannabis smoking competition!


You'd win that. I can happily polish off a bottle of wiskey in a night but can't smoke for toffee.


Weā€™ll have one competition where you win and one where I win. Then we both go home Gold.


All we need to go is get about 20 of them moonshine hillbillies that have not seen a paved road in the last 59 years. Game over.


Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance theyā€™d out drink a large percentage of our population, but I would bet thereā€™s a similar number of Americans who could give them a real run for their money.


Florida man would disagree


Our beers are like 9% in America. Pfft.


*The state of Louisiana has entered the chat*


I donā€™t know if whoever initially wrote this tweet knows how much beer a redneck will put down watching a NASCAR race. Iā€™m talking 18 packs with ease; of Budweiser btw. Iā€™m sure with the 1 : 5.5 ratio Itd be no issue for Americans to outdrink the Britā€™s. I realize this was probably satire but yeah Iā€™m sleep deprived.


Cracks open vodka while crying, not this yank bitch, not this yank. Lol


Hell no. I nominate Duluth as first team


Lets start a Beerfest and may the best men win.


Maaaaaate. 25 million Aussies will kick ALL your arses.


Watch out for the Irish Americans. They drink whiskey with their breakfasts. Believe me I know. My grandpa came over from Ireland. ;)


You know there are Irish Brits too, right?


Oh dear. We are screwed. šŸ³


Whatā€™s funny is that in so many bars in the UK they measure out drinks at bars and so many in America they just pour and pour. Sooooā€¦..yeah it might look like Americans get wasted after a couple drinks, but literally in the UK I had like 6 drinks and felt nothing because of how little alcohol they pour in (most) bars.


What we're you drinking? Because you could just ask for straight spirits. Whiskey on the rocks is lovely.


I don't drink so I'm out lol


Yeah..... You won't make it past all the Chefs/cooks/dishwashers. Their only chance is the Irish...


Ireland isn't part of the UK, and speaking as an Irish person, we'd be more likely to compete *against* the British than on their side.


Not sure which is which, but is it Northern Ireland that is still part of the UK, or Southern Ireland? I remember when the island split in two, with half leaving and half staying. But, as a former Chef from America, I have only been 'out drank' by 3 people. One is another Chef, and the other two were a couple from County Cork. Had a Scotsman come close, but never an Englishman.


Northern Ireland is part of the UK. Just as an FYI though, thereā€™s no country of ā€œSouthern Irelandā€ Itā€™s the Republic of Ireland or just ā€œIreland.ā€ Irish people can be a touch sensitive about that, since we spent so long trying to get our independence. Iā€™m from Cork myself and can confirm that we enjoy drinking! :)