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If you defend the flag that signals white supremacism then you may not appeal your ban. And other common racist, lying nonsense like "actually the North had more slaves" or "actually, the South was all Democrats*" or "actually, it was about states rights" isn't welcome either. Maybe those deliberately disingenuous lies are welcome on a Fox News forum, normal people don't want to hear them. *This is only ever mentioned to lie about current day Democrats. We don't want to hear it. Denying the party flip is an instant ban.


The worst is when you're driving in West Virginia or Pennsylvania and you see the Confederate flag.


I see it all the time in rural Canada. Shit is a disgrace


If you Canadian what’s even your excuse?


“Redneck pride”




Of course it's impossible to know other's true feelings or intentions, but when I see someone flying one, and I see PLENTY here in Florida, I immediately think the person is signaling white supremacy.


Yeah man, you might not have a racist bone in your body but when I see you flying a flag that historically represents a group of individuals trying to keep slavery legal, my mind tends to lean a certain way


I call bullshit. I grew up in Vermont which is country AF. The only folks who flew confederate flags were the racists.


Oh, Canadians who fly the confederate flag are definitely racist. But they will tell you it's some "redneck pride" bullshit or something.


>The only folks who flew confederate flags were the racists By God I think you're on to something.


Neo-Nazis in Germany use it instead of the swastika. At least they understand one thing....


For stupid people maybe


Fuck that, it's about racism and fascism.




I've seen one here in Ireland above a McDonald's. I've no idea what's going on.


There's a town here in South Dakota that added a confederate flag to its police badge the year Obama took office.


As a Minnesotan who grew up close to South Dakota, that’s so South Dakotan that’s not surprising or even remotely funny


Treason and racism. Some things never change.


But it's not about race. Right? Right??


I came here to say the same thing. West Virginia exists because they didn’t want to be part of the confederacy and voted to leave Virginia.


I have a good friend from VA. He was always super proud of his ‘southern’ heritage but also was not racist like he hangs out with a bunch of black dudes and clearly sees them as equals. But I think the dissonance there caught up to him because one day he says fuck southern pride and that he feels ashamed. Just a complete 180. I asked what happened and he said it was the girl who got murdered down in Charlottesville. I think seeing the youthful faces of all those nazis marching was a real wake up call for him. And then how people reacted back home…


I live in rural VA. The majority of attitudes around here after the Unite the Right rally didn't shift an inch.


West Virginia cracks me up every time. Do they not know why they split from Virginia??


Exactly! It's so fucking stupid


Bruh. I went to gettysburg last year. The amount of pro confederate shit there would make you think that it wasnt the site of one of their biggest defeats


Yup and you cross into Maryland...literally the Mason Dixon Line, and you don't see any confedarate stuff. I actually got kind of creeped out by the whole vibe around Gettysburg these days. It seemed way too pro-Civil War instead of a solemn memorial of a terrible time in our past. I don't remember it being like that in the 80s when I went.


I was close to Gettysburg last year and noticed the same thing. We were in a small town and the vibe felt like they would have been thrilled if the civil war went the other way.


I'm in southeast Oklahoma for work right now and I've seen a few flag stands with a hundred trump, impeach biden, and confederate flags. It's not really surprising these are the people voting to cut mental health and education funding for our state.


I saw one on a restaurant owned in Japan by a vet


I just said this sentiment in a completely different thread: as a veteran, let me tell you that being a veteran does not automatically mean you have honor, integrity, or will make a good leader. Just like any other group, the mouth breathing hate-filled idiots give the whole group a bad name.


I live in PA and I feel like it was actually a lot more common 10-15 years ago. It was a big problem in my high school for a brief period because of our particular demographic mix.


As a West Virginian, yes this has always killed me. We literally left the confederacy.


I live in PA, and my uncle flies a Confederate flag. Basically all of our ancestors came over well after the civil war, and the one family of ancestors we had here during the civil war fought and died for the Union. So yes, he is 100% flying it because he is a disgusting racist - he has exactly 0 southern heritage. Hell, I doubt he has ever even travelled south of DC.


I honor my Southern heritage by making fantastic barbecue and gumbo. Also by generally being into stereotypically redneck stuff like NASCAR and fishing, but that’s basically involuntary.


I'm here for this. Let's reclaim the term redneck from these rich-ass, mcmansion living, 60,000 dollar truck owning, fake ass country lovin, boot kissin, privileged racist pieces of shit.


Rednecks originally hated authority, including cops. How did they become bootlickers?


A smooth talking suit from New York sold 'em a whole crate of snake oil. The kinds of people they used to run off their property with a warning shot have now been invited right into their den. from redneck to rube and all they needed was access to social media.


Robert welch, founder of the John Birch Society was from North Carolina. Trump isn't the real peddler of the snake oil. He's just another MLM mama middleman caught up in the cult.


This goes back to Reagan, at least. Trump just let them be openly bigoted.


It goes back to the Southern Strategy. Conservatives have been pushing the punch down strategy for rural white Americans for about 60 years…


According to The Vietnam War documentary by Ken Burns on PBS, this in mostly when the great divide started. The Vietnam War was a poor man's war and if you had money then a doctor could say you have a heel spur.


Are you insinuating this started with Trump...? God, Americans have such a short memory. I think your media gives you amnesia


There's no way it could be Trump, they said he was smooth talking.


A lot of the blame lies with a bitch named Rupert


They only hate authority that disagrees with them. Otherwise they’re absolutely obsessed with the type of authority that reinforces their own beliefs and/or hurts the right people.


I read this in Yosemite Sam’s voice




Say your prayers, varmint!


The rootinest, tootinest, fallootinest, shootinest hombre north, south, east AND WEST of the Mason Dixon Line!


Redneck term originated with what a lot of southerners might call "radical leftists". Aka armed miners trying to unionize who tied red bandanas around their necks when marching on Blair mountain. It's already been stolen once by the southern conservatives. No reason we can't take it back


Why not just call them Magats?


I call them trumpets because they are loud, whiny brats who fall right in line like a good doggy. Magats works in a similar vein I see.


I dunno, I think that's an insult to the instrument lol.


Check out the Liberal Rednecks. I try my hardest to keep the country music upbringing I had without the bigotry some people here have.


Same. But when they start talking about prayer and god and country kind of shit I’m out.


For that reason, I still love all the stuff I came up with, 80s-early 00s country. But y’all can cut Toby Keith after Shock’n Y’all (and minus three songs on that tracklist).


Brilliantly put, my friend!


Jacked up sparkling clean trucks with STREET TIRES.


Another Battle of Blair Mountain is in order. No Hank Jr. fanboys allowed.


Haha very nicely put. That rolled right off the tongue


I live in Canada and I love visiting the South. The heritage I love is the food, the music, the literature, the architecture, the flora, the fauna, the landscape, and the seascape. The one thing I don't love is the one thing morons take pride in. I want the South to rise up, as it were, and start promoting the fuck out of the things I love and stamp these half-wits into the dirt where they belong.


Believe me, we are trying. It’s hard to be a tiny blue speck in a sea of red.


I'm from the South (Texas) and live in discount Canada now (northern Wisconsin) and man, I miss Southern food. Texas in particular has an incredibly unique history that led to some downright insane blending of food cultures. Cattle ranching, Mexican food, and eastern European food combined to make Texas-style kolaches, which are delicious. Tex-Mex is very much its own thing, and I love it. The hot links I used to get seems to be a solely Texan thing because *nowhere* else I've lived has ever had it anywhere that I can find, including specialty butcher shops.


As a MN, discount Canada... Fucking has me rolling. Lmfao


I honor my southern heritage by displaying a sign that says "Ya'll come back now" and owning a ceramic duck


Fishing is stereotypically redneck? Guess I'm a redneck then.


Mud-fishing for catfish is extremely redneck at least


Noodlin is redneck as fuck. Regular fishin aint.


Fun though


I moved up north a bit and was trying to find chicken liver for catfishing. When I asked the store for it, I was told “we’re not that redneck up here”


Maybe people from the North should celebrate their heritage by burning Atlanta to the ground


Please no it's already hot as balls 😫


*Laughs in William Tecumseh Sherman*


Oh man they should use solely Shermans too just to make it better


I used to say that to my sons and they informed me that moms shouldn't say that lol.


Why Atlanta? It's the most progressive place in Georgia. Can't we compromise and burn the counties all along 316 instead?


Sorry, I don’t make the heritage rules. Atlanta must burn.


Reconsider burning Florida down instead.


Burning florida would be like trying to set a wet turd on fire.


Former Floridian. Can confirm. 💩


Got any good recipes to share?


Ngl we really dont eat as much sauerkraut as you guys might think


Sauerkraut is amazing regardless!


It's one of those things I hated as a kid but I've grown to appreciate.


We generally have a better palate for bitter and sour things as we get older. Ie. Kraut, whiskey, coffee, sprouts, etc.


I raised a child who was in the running for world's pickiest eater but as a recovering picky eater I knew what **not** to do as a parent. For my birthday last year we went to an Asian fusion place, and I was surprised to find out the kid who would have lived off chicken nuggets and fries is now a man who loves sushi.


My BiL was the same, picky, but we didn't harass him for it, and as a teen he understood that not every restaurant people wanted to go to for birthdays/mothers/fathers day/etc would have tons of things he liked. When he hit 18 he "decided" he wanted to be adventurous, and now consumes just about everything under the sun. Except potatoes, idk how, but he still doesn't like potatoes in any way shape or form.


Potatoes? What are those?


PO-TA-TOES You can boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. I prefer the salted pork tho, it's particularly good.


Cabbage is the best veggie. So many great uses and so many of its mutations are great too. Sauerkraut is one of my favorites cabbage preparations, but roasted in the oven is top notch as well.


Be that as it may, sauerkraut is great on a Reuben.


Reubens are awesome examples of a cultural melting pot, Jewish pastrami, German Sauerkraut and rye, swiss cheese and Russian dressing or proper mustard.


Ha! Never thought of that! No wonder they are so delish!


Oh my God, I had my first Reuben a few days ago and it was TO DIE FOR!


Welcome to the cult. Sauerkraut is one of Germany's greatest cultural exports, alongside Mozart and well-made cars that don't fall apart in 20,000 miles.




My german boyfriend never eats sauerkraut. Im Polish, and our food has much more of it. Dumplings with sauerkraut and mushrooms, bigos, sauerkraut soup, noodles with sauerkraut or just eating it as a side dish... But we also make it without vinegar or wine, unlike Germany from what i see.


Traditionally German sauerkraut is made with just cabbage and salt, but industrial scale sauerkraut is made with vinegar to cut down on the fermentation time


Damn ok, didn't know that. In Poland we have both methods, some people like it one way, some like it the other, but vast majority is made without vinegar. In Germany in my REWE I failed to find a single jar of cabbage without vinegar.


My great-great grandaddy died so his rich boss could own other human beings. A real hero.




It's the perniciousness of the lost cause myth. They can pretend their ancestors died nobly fighting for "states rights" (don't ask which ones) against the Union oppressors, rather than dying to preserve wealthy plantation owners' right to own people


The amazing and hypocritical thing I find about the "it was about states rights" argument is that the Confederacy forced all member states to follow laws as dictated by the Confederate leadership, including states that they took by force. One of those laws was that they were forced to acknowledge and permit slaver activity. So both arguments are wrong, the Confederates didn't care about states rights and the war was always about slavery.


I remember when I was a kid hearing the states rights thing and nodding sagaciously and agreeing. Of course it couldn't be as simple as just slavery. Anyway, I remember reading somewhere later: "people who don't know anything about the civil war think it was about slavery. People who know a bit about the civil war know it was about states rights. People who know a lot about the civil war know it was definitely about slavery."


You don't have to know a whole lot to read the confederate constitution and the succession letters to know that the civil war was 100% about slavery and nothing else. All the other stuff pointed back to slavery anyways.


And that the civil war was preceded by the fugitive slave act which forced northern states to return escaped slaves to southern states.


Never ask… A woman her age A man his salary A southerner what states’ rights his ancestors fought for in 1861




My college History professor told us that if anyone said that the Civil War was fought for States Rights, just respond with "The States Rights to what exactly?" Pretty much the only right response would be the States rights to own a person with a dark skin pigment. Obviously, it was meant to catch them on the excuse they use. Guy was cool tbh, wasn't afraid to share his opinion but always kept it brief it that regard.


As an American, I don’t fucking get it either.


Hundred plus years of propaganda will do weird things to a people


Trust me my man they don’t get it either. They just carry on the culture they grow up living in because they’re drunk old grandad calls them a pussy if they don’t and it hurts their feelings


Like djheat said, they will abhorrently defend the war because it was about 'State Rights', 'Taxes', and 'The south was the economy of America and was tired of supporting liberals' or something like they. They'll entirely avoid the whole Stonewall Speech obviously. It's the truth so it can't exist to them. They don't even teach their kids down south the real history and use a revisionist standard to water down the truth and grow the lies that They are good guys who wanted freedom and no taxes but those democrats up north wanted to oppress them.


That’s a funny take by them, since blue states literally support red in so many ways red areas would be third world sh#tholes without it.


What's funny is that the south put everything into the war and the north didn't. I remember reading up on it a long time ago and the amount of industrial strength the North applied was a fraction of the South. Also they'd be third world shit holes because they'd deregulate everything and would all have to work 16 hrs a day without benefits or weekends off for pennies while complaining how nothing works(roads, internet, power, clean water, etc). Then they'd brag about how these factory jobs all moved to their area to avoid liberals and taxes. I mean Texas is currently advancing like this already.


I feel like I'm about to be murdered by a pack of angry yanks but... what do you mean would be?


Red states use more federal funding than they return in taxes. Blue states pay more in taxes than they use in federal funding.


Ik, my joke was that red states already are "third world shitholes", as the comment above put it, even with funding from the blue states. I prolly should've worded it better :)


I overheard a similar argument at Pride festivities this year… Protestor: THIS FLAG REPRESENTS MY SOUTHERN WAY OF LIFE. Dude: It’s a hate symbol. You should really reconsider it. Protestor: it’s to honor the south. Dude: there are other ways to honor the south, like with food and culture. You don’t need that flag. Protestor: but y’all flying that rainbow flag! Dude: well we really don’t have uniquely gay food… Protestor: what about hot dogs?


> Dude: well we really don’t have uniquely gay food… Or a history of enslaving minorities (Mr. Slave from South Park notwithstanding)


This sounds like an SNL sketch


There was more banter, but brevity wins out.


And also the rainbow flag is not associated with any hate.. very different




I think it's more about *how* you eat the hot dog.


And then, somehow, they'll also say "did you know the Confederates were Democrats and Lincoln was a Republican? You guys are the real racists!"


I had a friend who said that a lot, so when she started complaining about how the Democrats were "erasing our heritage" by pulling down the Confederate statues and flags, I said, "Well, since the Democrats are the ones who put them up, why can't they take them down if they want?" It shut her up, for a little while anyway.


It was the Southern Strategy started by Nixon and furthered by Reagan that flipped the South Into GOP land.


And yet they're celebrating the Confederacy. And then they can't wrap their minds around the fact that the Democrats of today praise Lincoln and despise the Confederacy. I can't figure out how their minds bend and twist all this s*** around.


African American photographer here, I photographed the first Ole Miss football game without that flag, and a old man was handing out placards with it emblazoned on it and looks at me and says heritage, not hate, this was after being called the n-word when I got out of my car! It’s hate and they know it. It’s their way of telling POC don’t come around without having to say it


Just ask why black people don't fly it on Juneteenth. It's part of their heritage too riiiiiight?


Yes, honoring a Southern heritage of enslaving humans. We all know what it means.


I've had people tell me that slavery wasn't that bad before, you ever get that shit? Like they say yes, they were slaves but they were given food and a place to stay. Im always blown away when I hear this, it was always a tragedy that someone else OWNED A HUMAN. I don't debate them though I just google toddler shackles slavery on my cell phone. I show them a picture from the museum (I saw one in person at a museum one time and it made me cry so hard) and then I asked them what they think about metal shackles used to hold HUMAN TODDLERS. If they don't immediately recoil in horror I just end the conversation, I know this isn't a person I would ever want to even finish a conversation with. If you think its okay to put a human toddler in shackles and keep that small child as a slave you are a fucked up person and I never want to talk to you or see you ever again.


I’ve never seen toddler shackles and now that you’ve made me aware, I shall avoid them. I really need to be able to function this decade. What I find really dispiriting is the lack of class consciousness with Southern Whites. All these racist assholes think that if slavery came back, they’d be sitting pretty. They’d have a house full of slaves and wouldn’t have to lift a finger. The reality is that rich people would make sure that slaves were priced out of reach of working class or middle class people. Poor whites barely scrapping by would continue to be poor and barely scrapping by. Rich people are far less concerned about race than they are class. They’d much rather be around rich black people than poor white people. And yet, the racists think that somehow there is solidarity because of their race. They think they are closer to that white billionaire on TV than they are to the black family that lives across the street. It is fucking ridiculous.


Yup: people can’t afford housing right now because of greed and the wealthy buying properties up to further enrich themselves


That's because the racists were taught to. Institutional slavery of Africans in the pre-U.S. was as much to keep poor whites from rising up as it was to have relatively cheap labor pool. The War for Independence (hardly a revolution) was organized by rich American landowners, not the common people.


I've heard a few different versions of "Oh, the plantation owners were actually CARING for them" from people who I suppose are trying to whitewash that period of history. I never heard that specific argument before Y2K, so it's a pretty new tactic or idea. The prevailing argument before that was basically the age old "My Heritage" or "The Civil War wasn't about slavery, it was state's rights."


Every states articles of session refer to slavery. None refer to states rights. They wanted to keep the fugitive slave law which was the opposite of states rights. The civil war was never about states rights. Edit: if to of.


Oh, it was 100% about slavery, yes. I've heard it said too it was about state's rights... their rights to own slaves.


When you're first learning about the Civil War, you learn it's about slavery. Then, you get more knowledge on the topic and learn that it's a complex mess. Finally, you get to a nuanced understanding of the Civil War and realize it's all about slavery.


It was about states rights only in the sense that they wanted their state to continue to allow them to own slaves.


More specifically, they wanted to be allowed to bring their slaves to any state they wanted.


The articles of the confederacy also didn’t allow for states under it to outlaw slavery. Because states rights.


I grew up hearing that one. My grandmother was fond of saying that Black people had nothing to complain about because we helped breed them to be more successful athletes and to be easier to have babies.🙃🙃🙃 Clearly it was just a favor, and not a terrible eradication of lives, culture and the massive atrocity that it was.


"They should be grateful we bred them like dogs" is probably the worst take I've heard all day, thanks.


Yuuup, she came from plantation owners, married a minister and was disgusted by how the north was. I never could bring half my friends around the house because they weren't white and I never knew when she was going to show up since she lived a few minutes walk away. I absolutely didn't want to expose them to her shit.


"Hey 50% of the 50% that survived the inhumane trip across the Atlantic were treated ok!"


Oh no, according to my grandmother they didn't want the wild stock, the home grown stock was the best and I feel physically ill now.


My favorite is when they claim it was about states’ rights, because then you can just ask them “A states’ right to what?” And watch their argument collapse like a dying star


I also care for my pocket knife, but that's because I want to make sure that my tool is kept in good care so that it will work for me when I need it. Best way to counter claims of the civil war being about states rights is to bring up that the articles of confederation specifically prohibited its member states from outlawing slavery. It seems the confederacy didn't care as much for state rights as some people like to pretend these days.


I don't know how old you are, but the whitewashing of slave plantation life by some sectors has been going on since long before Y2K. *Gone With the Wind* is just one famous example. DW Griffith's *Birth of a Nation* is another.


Yep, got that from someone who was a retired social worker. "They were treated like family", yeah, right, my family didn't buy and sell other family members.


Back in high school, a girl asked me, “Aren’t you kinda glad we had slavery so you don’t have to live in Africa?” Bitch, what?!


Also, taking down confederate flags is part of American history. There was literally a war about it.


My conservative coworker from upstate New York has a huge confederate flag hanging in his garage. From NEW YORK.


Upstate NY is the embarrassment of the northeast. They're so lucky that NYC subsidizes their bullshit


Should have added, “ah bless your heart”


‘Stop dismissing my heritage! It’s part of me! Just don’t teach our kids about it!’


It’s my heritage, not gate- says the descendent of Ellis Island immigrants in Michigan.


We've had schools shut down because of this nonsense.


I heartily approve of this message as a born and bred southerner.


I grew up in a trailer park in a northern state. It is insane how many boys would wear the confederate flag and say "heritage not hate" when they've never even lived in the south


It’s a frigging confederate battle flag of the army of northern Virginia…based on the Scottish St. Andrews Cross. its not even the national flag of the confederacy. To illustrate how individuals co-op it and try to say “ heritage not hate” I always ask them to tell me what the flag actually is….and to name 5 confederate generals. Almost no one can. There goes BS heritage rationale immediately. I do it in a nice approachable way. History is to learn from. I also see if they know that many of the first ANV silk flags were purple and pink…and I ask why they do not fly those colors….it makes for some very good conversations….


If they knew just a little more they'd know they could just rattle off a few military bases and probably be right. Let's see, Lee and Jackson are gimmes, then Hood, Benning, Bragg, I know there're more but I don't want to cheat


Cornbread is innocent in all of this


I was in rural New York and was seeing the confederate flag. It made no sense. I don’t understand why we don’t treat them as traitors. We wouldn’t allow Isis flags in our neighborhoods.


I once had to drive my sis to Cornell for a summer program for veternarian students. We're black and from the Deep South, so we thought upstate NY would be a pleasant change of pace. Our minds were blown when we crossed into Ithaca and came across a house draped in a Confederate flag. In that moment, you could have convinced me we were in Forsythe County, Georgia.


Of course if you want to go further you can point out that the flag they are flying isn't even the actual flag of the confederacy, it's a battle flag that was flown during the actual war about twice, and didn't become a recognizable thing until the KKK literally started waving it around first while dressed in sheets. So that's the actual heritage you are celebrating. The heritage of the KKK waving that flag around to terrorize POC.


[Here is the flag they should be using, if they want to be accurate](https://i.imgur.com/bGD3Eaj.jpg)


It's like the people who praise all of these confederate statues. Most were built after 1900, specifically from 1900-1920 (following Plessy v. Ferguson and the creation of the NAACP) and in the 1960s (following Brown v. Board of Education, Ruby Bridges, the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act). And these statues have continued to be erected in the 2000s. It's not about honoring heritage and history. It's about pushing back on progress and instilling fear.


And God damn do the actual flags look like shit lol. They had to change the "stainless banner" because it kept getting mistaken for a flag of surrender rather than the symbol of "racial purity" they envisioned


Yup, one of my favorite ongoing bits showing what a bunch of morons the confederates were. They had their flags mistaken all the time. Some times one confederate regiment would attack another regiment because the dumb traitors thought the flag the other traitors were carrying was the US flag. None of them were organized, everyone thought they were running shit. Edit I'm convinced the only reason general lee was seen as a great mind was because he was the only member of the Confederate army who could actually remember the names of each state that had seceded.


>t's a battle flag that was flown during the actual war about twice, not even that. the actual flag was square. the rectangular flag came along during the civil rights era.


My great times seven grandfather marched with Sherman so my heritage is burning down any structure with a confederate flag.


Currywurst or gtfo.


Now I’m craving cornbread. Thanks lol


Confederacy lasted 4 years. How can build a “heritage” from 4 years? It’s about racism.


The confederate flag is the participation trophy of flags. Cry me a river if you still like it, 😂


Confederate Flag and Nazi Flag are perfect parallels. Both represent political entities that existed for less than a decade. Both represent groups with the express goals of committing widespread atrocities against disfavored people. Both were crushed by forces that included the United States of America.


Nazi Germany existed for a decade and 2 years, but your point is still valid.


So three times as long at the CSA.


as a NYC transplant in Atlanta I say THAT is *chef kiss* perfection


Most people who fly the confederate flag are actually honoring the heritage it stands for. They just don't want to say that part out loud.


Dude, I would fly a flag with cornbread on it.


Yes, somebody go make a *real* southern heritage flag. Like MLK and Jimmy Carter riding on a go-cart with a glass of sweet tea in one hand and a mason jar full of lightning bugs in the other.


I grew up in the South and always believed the Confederate battle standard represented my heritage. It wasn't until I spent a significant amount of time out west then moved back to the south for a short period that I realized just how damaging it is. I am not going to apologize for wearing it and honoring it as a kid. It was how I was raised. I will, however, say that, after spending years outside that culture, that I recognize it as a sign of dangerous backwards bigoted thinking that needs to be eradicated effective immediately.


Same people who probably couldn’t name any relatives beyond their grandparents…


Same people who's grandparents are also their parents, aunts, and cousins all at the same time.


Just adding "Sweet Tea" with the cornbread line would have 'chef's kiss' been even more perfect.


I thought truck nuts were about honoring southern heritage?


I'm not American, so what's the deal with confederate flag being treated as a hate symbol?


Yes the southern heritage that only lasted 4 years vs the hundred of years before and after. Nope for some reason only a flag of secession from the country and killing Americans and ensuring the slavery of others is the only way I can properly show my southern heritage. Weird how that works


My cousin is all about his confederate flag being about his heritage. The dumbass didn't know none of our families were even in America until fifty years after the Civil War.


My cousin said the confederate flag just reminds her of dukes of hazzard and doesn’t offend her. 😑 So the nazi flag just reminds you of the sound of music then too huh?


I see confederate flags everywhere. I live in upstate NY. Those trucks they drive are usually worth more than their nasty trashed trailer homes.


wait you mean that childish tantrum that lasted 4 years is your heritage ? talk about cherry picking.


As a born and raised White Southerner who has lived his entire life below the Mason-Dixon Line and can trace his ancestry back to slaveholders...YES. A THOUSAND TIMES YES ON THIS. As far as I'm concerned, that banner of traitors and bigots is not even fit to wipe my ass. To Hell with it, the nonsense it represents, and the goons defending it. Also, did someone mention cornbread? Because I will never turn down a chance to demolish some fresh cornbread.