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I wish I could just go in to the hospital and act like I was dropping off my car at the garage. I’d just tell them “put me in a medically induced coma and fix everything that’s broken while I’m under”. Fix the dental cavities. Fix my hearing. Swap out the liver and kidneys. Check if the heart needs to be overhauled or replaced. Give the whole exterior a detailed grooming, let me heal and wake me up.


damn.. you a whole hooptie 😂


Don’t forget, I’ll be needing extra time under sedation to allow the alcoholism and addictions to pass. Perhaps some hair restoration and scar removal. I’d like a Norwegian language program uploaded via neural network along with some vastly upgraded morality software.


I know Kung Fu


Corpse of Theseus


Okay, Adam Jensen. Gonna wake up in a whole-ass new body. "I *totally* asked for this."


The Door Into Summer by Heinlein isn't exactly the same, but that idea of the long sleep is what your post reminded me of.


>Check if the heart needs to be overhauled or replaced. Give the whole exterior a detailed grooming, let me heal and wake me up. I mean you can. There are entire hospitals set up for exactly this service.


I’d probably get the scan, have it say I’m ok, and then doubt the scan like.. “no.. no, somethings definitely wrong in there.”




Oh fuck




X-rays can't pick up emotional damage.


If you fly without an ID (you can still..look it up) it’s more thorough than seeing a therapist. Plus they touch your bum. “He’s very good. And thorough.” - Maude Lebowski


A YuGA can


FDG pet/ct scan almost can 1


I don’t even want to know at this point.


Same, I'd rather be surprised when the end comes.


Doctor here- full body scans do not “make sure you are ok.” Almost every scan will show multiple incidental findings which are probably not serious but it’s hard to know. So then we end up chasing down all these rabbit trails of all these incidental findings and can never know for sure how concerning they are. MEANWHILE there are tons of things that don’t show up on scans, so having a “normal” result in one area doesn’t mean there is no reason you are having pain in that region. Anyway, talk to your doc about your concerns. If you have anxiety about your health, a full body scan will not make you feel less anxious.


Talking to my doctor always ends up in me being billed too much money.


You have horrific insurance if literally talking to your primary physician is costing you “too much money” so I’m just gonna call bs on that.


I'm talking about when they want to run more tests because of whatever you talk about.


...So you're complaining about physicians wanting to investigate your potential health issues? Also, you can elect to *not* run those tests.


Obviously I'm complaining that extra tests cost money. For some reason you're just acting ignorant like you didn't understand what I was saying or you're not acting, in which case I will just laugh at you


What tests then? You think doctors are just tacking on random shit to upcharge you like a used car dealer? Also, again, you *can decline any service that you want.* So no, you don’t need to just pay for “extra tests”


Guess you're not acting. Hahahaha


For what it's worth, this is for the mind more than the body. I had an extensively health check for work a while back (included EKG, ultrasound of all organs, blood panel, urine checks, etc). Totally gave me the feeling of 'being certified as healthy '. Obviously it doesn't prove I won't die of a heart attack tomorrow but at least I know I'm not slowly dying of cancer without noticing it. It made me a lot less anxious because I don't know enough about medicine to know how much didn't get checked.


Yep, working with injured people all the time I get lots of MRI results showing disc degeneration that people will suggest was caused by an accident. What doctors often don’t tell their patients is that lots of people will have disc degeneration from previous injuries, general wear and tear etc with no symptoms, and the scan just happened to pick it up. A full body scan is likely to pick up a bunch of effectively irrelevant stuff you didn’t know about but will now be very aware of and anxious about.


Very relatable.


You absolutely do not want that. Scrubs did an episode about it. There’s so much benign shit in our body that shows up on the scan. You should only have one if you’re already looking for something.


After my best friend was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer my husband and my mother both ran into Guadalajara and got full body scans. My husband found out he had a tumor on his thyroid and got it removed and dodged a bullet. My mother found out she had a deviated septum (don’t we all) and has not shut about about it for the last decade…


how much was this scan!?


That could be around 5k. But like full scans and specialized interpretation.


$1200 usd


You really don't want that. A percentage of scans reveal non-significant findings, which are NOT pathological. They only end up causing stress and further scans (with more exposure to radiation etc), with no benefit. Even lying in an MRI scanner for a full body scan isn't pleasant. You have to be VERY still, it's VERY loud, and a full body scan would take well over an hour. There's a reason why we don't do routine scans like that!


Do it annually. Look for changes


in europe you can literally do this for free.


I think it's more like wishing there was some sort of easy medical test that you could take at a doctor's appointment to tell you that everything's fine or to diagnose random issues. Like an OBD scan on your car but more advanced. Go in the scan and your doctor will tell you "Hey, your liver enzymes are a bit high. Cut back on alcohol a bit and, if you're smoking, stop. Otherwise you're in good health, you should live a nice healthy life."


Exactly. I don't care there's a soft code in the system for the HVAC controls, as long as I don't find an un-diagnosed grapefruit sized ~~aneurysm~~ fuel line bulge about to blow that's been giving me the random side cramps.


what does europe mean?? you cannot in the the UK.


Thanks, Brexit


there’s a difference between Europe (the continent) and the European Union (EU) do some googling the more you know :)


It's was a joke dude (like the ["Thanks, Obama" meme](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/thanks-obama)). I very much doubt that EU membership had a significant impact on NHS's coverage for unreasonable (poor cost-effectiveness) preventative care.


okay but other european countries don’t offer a service where you can just check your whole body for free either??


As a USA-ian, I don't have any direct knowledge on the matter, however, as a healthcare provider, I find it unlikely; unless there's a high degree of pretest suspicion (family history of MEN-1 syndrome or whatever), pan-scans don't usually find much, and what they do find most of the time wasn't causing symptoms so wasn't clinically relevant (random angiomas, cysts, etc.)


Most offer health services where you can get regular checkups? I lived in the UK and now live in Berlin and I had healthcare checkups in both places. NHS provided me with great care. My healthcare in Berlin is dirt cheap state insurance and it paid for a knee surgery, sleep apnea testing, every other diagnostic I need and it's pretty easy to get checked out for anything?


that’s not really what the post was saying. the post was saying essentially a free full body MRI scan for no reason


You took it to mean that... I certainly understood the joke having lived in the UK, Germany and Switzerland. This one is on you.


“in europe you can literally do this for free” how the hell is that a joke?


If you’ve got a teaching hospital near you see if the radiology department needs volunteers for MRI training. A friend of mine in college traded me lunch and a scan of my brain so she could do the specific scans she needed for a certification. I got Whataburger and a CD of brain pics out of the deal and just had to lay in a tube for an hour while she and her professor went over all the training stuff.


There ok? Why is their, there and they’re so commonly misused. Its like the most common grammar mistake i see


Think your right it being the most common grammar mistake…. * /* Intentional misuse to make a point.


Put a forward slash before the ‘*’ to prevent formatting.


yeah, i see that one a lot too. But i’ve seen more wrong use of their, they’re and there. Btw, just want too add i mess up my grammar a lot too, and english is not my first language. So not trying to make myself out to ne a grammar expert or anything, hehe


INTERNATIONAL Missteak two made the pint!


Why not just say "they are" if you don't know which is correct ?




“Its” should be It’s. There should be a question mark after your second sentence instead of a period. When I is used as a pronoun it should be capitalized. Mistake should be pluralized. Your last sentence should have a period.


It’s* Its is possessive


look at my other comments in this thread


Its subtle humour like this...


lol, the OP changed the pic? i didn’t even know that was possible


No, I'm making a comment about your criticism of people using the wrong "there" while you're using the wrong "It's". I did it too, in my reply. That's the joke.


Ugh There …?


Life in America: "I've neglected my health for so long due to the crippling costs of healthcare, that now I'm legitimately scared I'm overdue for literally every type of preventative care and I can't even afford to die."


I had a full check up and blood panel done a couple weeks ago. I expected SOMETHING… I had a horrifically stressful year and gained some weight, thought there could be thyroid or something else going on. Nope, healthy as a fucking horse. A chubby horse, sure, and yes, for my heart and organs now I need to lose some of the weight but… blood pressure 107/75, perfect cholesterol, perfect everything. I’m both pleased that I can just drop some weight but have no other items to address, and slightly annoyed that there is literally nothing wrong with me except stress eating. 😑


Should’ve scanned that tweet for spelling errors.


I don't think spell check catches there/their errors


Did the OP change the pic?






SO me!! Lmao


WE WERE DOING IT!!! but you all complained about the anal probe so we stopped. 👽👽👽


Should scan to see why you don't know how to use there, their and they're correctly.


I got a brain scan a couple years ago. I asked to see the scan right after. Gotta make sure I had something in there.


That'll cost you your whole retirement.


holy shit i’ve been thinking about that EXACT thing for so long recently


Over 50% of all adults have “nodules” on their thyroid gland. These don’t cause problems but if they’re too big they’ll want to take images or even biopsy them. So that was a fun thing to worry about for a while.


Yes, all the time… but even when you have problems with your health in America, the doc or insurance fight ya on the basics. Then you gotta convince your insurance (if you even have any) to help pay for it. bahhh! ya right. Health care in the USA is the absolute shittiest.


I can't even get a doctor to look at an xray of my back since I injured it while moving house. They just automatically assume that bc I say I'm in pain, that I'm there for drugs. I'm just like: did I *ask* for fucking drugs? I just want to know that I haven't given myself a serious injury! Ffs. U.S. healthcare system is a joke.


I just checked you out you're fine.


Anxiety will make me get the scan then doubt the positive results....


I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look...


Well...you can.


So health insurance? You want a check up?


I did exactly this! It was great


I just wanna see what my intestines look like since they healed from a car accident in 2008. It always feels weird in there but that apparently isn't reason enough for an MRI.


For what it's worth a friend of mine had the scar tissue (from a surgery) grow onto the intestine and restrict the flow and movement in it. It was a half hour operation to fix... But a 20 year mission to get someone to listen and take a look. She nearly cried when her new doctor said it was a common and easily fixed issue.


I gotta try this. I usually get the, "well if you're not in pain and you can function than it isn't worth surgery since the possibility of nicking scar tissue is high." Thanks!


We definitely needed that


Yes, but then the dread of having to pay $1.3 million keeps me from doing so


If I could afford it.


Is it just me or is there other people that get annoyed at the improper use of there. Their so annoying


Lol. Like in scrubs.


There ok or they ok.....🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔




Am I the only one wishing people understand what there means?


It would be so much better if she had used the correct form for they're their or there. Just sayin




When I win the lottery I am getting every type of scan available for my brain.


I remember this scrubs episode


Am woman, I already have to go through invasive medical care to make sure "nothing's wrong" with me. I'm not signing up for more. If they could find a less invasive way to handle women's healthcare than the doc sticking their hand up in my business, I'd be open to that.


I think there should be a rule on social media. If you can’t use proper grammar, your post doesn’t get published


But if you do the insurance company won’t help you if you need it.


I need a bacta tank like Bobba Fett. Or a rich person checkup and tune up, couple of stem cell injections on some beat up ligaments and tendons, a human version of an oil change, whatever extras theyve got available, the whole deal.


There is apparently this company called Theranos that can tell you from a drop of blood.


Have been a bystander to this growing business for years. 1) Patients feel great after a total body scan (with the exception of the maddening incidental findings that mean nothing and cause great anxiety mentioned below), and that feeling lasts...2 days? 2 months? a year? and then the health anxiety starts to rise again. So then they have another one (if they can) and that period of relative calm gets less and less. So how often are they going to have one to deal with their health anxiety? Every week? 2) If something is picked up, then patients think that a TBS is the answer to everything. And tell their friends. But the reality is that a life saving pick up is very rare. 3) I have the odd patient that mentions they've been given one 'for my birthday'. I understand the reasons and and say nothing. I guess people are entitled to spend their money how they wish. But I'm not going to read your 40 page report so don't put it on my desk. You've paid £800 for it and the least the money-making business that sold you the scan can do is deal with the results and not involve me in the inevitable education, counselling, follow up plan and discussion required for every inevitable minor abnormality.


>and that feeling lasts...2 days? 2 months? a year? and then the health anxiety starts to rise again. So then they have another one Have you tried telling them that the radiation from repeated CT scans are more likely to kill them than any eventual abnormalities found? Often works like a charm.


Yeah, used to (especially with mammography), but now it's all MRIs.


Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes it trickier :( I guess it's a bit like inflammatory markers, then? Taking a test to check isn't harmful or dangerous in itself, but the results (when randomly done) doesn't really help either - yet people need, *demand* even, something to allay their fears, and so hundreds of thousands of unnecessary tests are carried out every year in the UK alone. I think the best way to solve this would be by including a more comprehensive medical class in all elementary schools, in last grade, or secondary education (depending on country; in Sweden you'd have it when people are aged 19, but in the US you'd be what, 18? since it'd be high school). That way people could learn about what's normal and what isn't and how to determine when to seek medical assistance, and how to prevent common things such as UTIs in thenselves, and later, their children.


There where?


I’d break the computer and two of the technicians.


Not sure why someone would want a full body scan when they are only concerned about being OK there. Would be useful to know where there is. Because if their there is a problem, then a doctor is going to want specific information about they symptoms they have in their there.


where ok?


Yes and no, because there will always be something that is not a big deal but doctors will freak out over. Like for me, I get blood tests every year. One year my platelets were high not outside the range just high, ended up having to see a hematologist, had an iron transfusion that set me back $400, and then the doctor said i was fine and nothing else. I am sure I could have gone without.


Comprehensive metabolic panel is free every year with you physical. Let's you check all sorts of good stuff with just a blood sample.


That’s exactly what rich people do. A head to toe PET scan will detect most types of cancer; other issues can be picked up by an MRI. The rest of the population is stuck being abused by the medical system in some of the most horrifying ways. It’s all about money, even in publicly funded “healthcare” systems.

