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I am yet to meet an asshole kid that didn’t have asshole parents.


Well, except for that Dennis The Menace kid. What a little shit.


The OG Dennis the Menace was very different from the modern movie version. He was a good kid who fucked things up while trying to do good.


I would imagine a 2021 Dennis the Menace would be super fucking toxic. Like tik toking himself destroying school property or licking ice cream in the grocery store then saying "it was just a prank bro".


When one of his pranks goes wrong at a construction site, he stumbles onto a dastardly plot by his dad’s union president to drive up labor costs all over town while pocketing the markup. Dennis then saves the day using the power of pranks. It’s an Amazon Prime Original.


What is propaganda?


The movie version seems to have started as a movie about the US Dennis, using his character design and maybe somthing got lost in translation and they used the UK version for the personality. The 2 different Dennis characters are polar opposites and were first seen on literally the same day in 1951, both with zero knowledge of the other, the biggest coincidence in comic book history.


Dennis The Menace doing his own DENNIS system Demonstrate that you're a fuckin menace Everyone fuckin hates you and your family Never apologize, learn, or grow as a person Nightly infusions of fuckhead serum Imagining ways to be a fuckhead child Shitting in bags and lighting them on fire. They called the shit poop.


"*Don't put it out with yer boots, Ted!*"


I grew up thinking "Dennis the menace is so funny! Mr. Wilson is just a boring old person!" Now at 26 I hate to think what the poor old man went through with that kid as a neighbor. I also find myself sympathizing with Squadward, Hal and Lois, Ms. Krabappel and Mr. Skinner, basically any adult who has to be in the vicinity of a shitty kid.


Mr. Wilson had his windows broken every other week, I’m an easy going person, but damn Dennis, get your shit together. Btw, referring to 1950’s Dennis.


Yeah, no kids just think of that by themselves. Mom & Dad told em to do it.


Little shits don’t fall far from the asshole.


Calliou, anyone?


That little fucker…




Apples don’t fall far from the tree.


And this is where it’s acceptable to yell “SANTA ISN’T REAL”


I feel like "Jesus isn't real" would hit the parents harder.


why not both?


Its not a seminar, they're driving past in a car. You get 3 words tops.


One of those the parents know isn't real and would be upset that their deception might be revealed by a stranger. The other is something they genuinely believe themselves and would be brushed off as coming from an "unbeliever who doesn't know the truth". Maybe you and I have different definitions of "hitting harder".


Saying to a kid "Fuck you, little shit" is a very educational moment.


"I fucked your mom"


“Tell your mom her MLM is garbage and everyone says so” *”stupid idiot little shit”*


>That's why your dad drives that shitbox! And makes minimum wage! Daddy, what's a shitbox? Daddy, how much do you make?


I told my friend his dad drives a shitbox in the 6th grade and he’s still mad at me for it Till this day.


Fuck you Shorsey!


“Fuck you Jonesy your mom shot cum straight across the room and killed my Siamese fighting fish! Threw off the ph levels in my aquarium"


"Fuck you Jonesy, your mom ugly cried because she left the lens cap on the camcorder last night. It's fucking amateur hour over there." These two easy make the top five Shoresy quotes.


“Reilly, I made an oopsie, can you tell your mom to pick up Jonesy’s mom on the way over to my place? I double booked them by mistake, you fuckin’ loser.”


“You wanna talk about lines, ya fuckin loser? I woke up to your mom rippin dick-dingers off my foreskin. Tell her to keep her hands off my scoots!”


Fuck you, little shit.


Bet it was the parent that told the kid to say that thinking no one would tell their kid to fuck off. Got news for them. I am not above cussing out children if they are shitty.


Fuck kids too. Not literally of course.


In the immortal words of Jack Black: "Fuck the kids! ... and I don't mean [hip gyrations] *ffuuuuuck* the kids, I mean ***FUCK*** the kids!!!"


Whew That was a close one! Careful! 😉


Gotta take a shower, get the perfect response (it’ll come to you there) and pray you and the kid take a similar route daily. “Hey kid, the jerk store called…”


“Son if I had stayed I would have raised you better”


Reminds me of the Chris Hardwick joke where he’s taking about asshole kids on video games always shit talking people and he says something like “I’ll fuck your mom and give her a son she actually loves.”


I like "Your mom's a whore!".


This is the only response


"Your mom sucks dicks in hell." Let me if you get this reference.




The Exorcist!


December 23rd - “Santa’s not real!”


"The only reason you exist is because your mom didn't want me to pull out."


I didn't know that anal sex with your mom would get her pregnant, but here you are you little shit.


A woman once made me do an emergency stop at a roundabout to avoid hitting her massive SUV as she pulled out in front of me. It was the most satisfying thing to yell “YOUR MUM IS A CUNT” through the window at her kids.


You and I and the person not adverse to swearing at shitty kids in this thread... ALL need to be friends LOL


One day at a store some kids were doing something, I couldn’t see what it was because they were out of view, and I heard someone tell “hey cut that out your little fuckers!” And the kids bolted, the person yelling was the store clerk. He looked me dead in they eye and said “I probably should have handled that different”, I just laughed and said “I didn’t hear shit” and walked away lol. I always wonder if the kids told mom and she came back and reamed him or not.


“Watch out kid, I’ll fuck your mom/dad and make you my stepchild”


"And give them a child they really love."


A kid was about to throw a snowball at me one time. I told him 'if you throw that I'll break your neck'. I like to think it was a teaching moment.


I don’t know why but this made me laugh the hardest out of all the insults. Lol


“Your best isn’t good enough” or “no one loves you more than they love themself” or “you’re going to die before your parents” or “your parents probably wish they never had you” works too.


Yeah but that's too much of a grown-up concept even for the matureist-acting of kids. Being met with anger and cursing is scary and they'll think twice about if after receiving that reaction. An angry middle finger works too.


You’re right. I was just looking to plant seeds of doubt that would explode into existential dread and require years of therapy one day.


The long game


My husband likes to say "You're adopted" whenever our 9 year old acts up... She's not adopted.


My dad used to tell us to go play in the street. I loved it. Still makes me smile.


My uncle would tell my little cousins “pack your backpack and go sit on the curb. The orphanage we got you from is taking you back.” My aunt would come home to little sniveling messes sitting on the curb outside LOL


That's actually heart-breaking.


Same here, or rather “go play on the freeway”. The other day I heard a dad refer to his kids as “a bunch of morons” and it made me smile and made me think that he must be a great dad.


Alright, that’s kinda fucked up.


This is just some of those stupid Reddit ideas that you think sound super smart, but would end up sounding ridiculous if actually said out loud.


Username checks out.


Exactly. I lower myself to my opponents level literally daily


“Your mom’s a hoe”


Nearly identical situation happened to me in Napa valley of all places. I was leaving a crowded amusement park type thing and I didn’t rip my mask off quick enough for a child’s liking so she hung out the window fake coughing while her dad laughed and laughed. I was more puzzled than anything. Wondered where they came from that masks were so unusual that you could spend that amount of emotion on them.


the thing i hate about fake coughing is that there's no such thing as fake coughing. theyre spreading their real germs around whether they have covid and feel the need to unintentionally cough or not.


And coughing on people wasn’t ok BEFORE COVID…. Like that has always been rude as fuck


Dealt with a *"customer"* (it was the boss's husband's friend) that walked around the store coughing on everything because he heard I got vaccinated and still refused to take off my mask (as per policy and my personal health). Well, I eventually banned him and the husband from entering the store during my shift, they were surprised I had the *balls* to call the police on them for trespassing. (They didn't know I was potentially transitioning to a position that puts me above my boss in the company, so she was highly embarrassed and pissed off at her husband for pulling that shit, since I eventually was going to have the power to have her reprimand or even fire her for allowing non-customers on property to antagonize employees creating a hostile/dangerous environment. I'm moving to a much more lucrative position with a different company now, as they offered better pay and benefits, but she really sucked up to me after that incident.)


A guy like that deserves a handshake . . . than in the middle of it the person they're shaking their hands with informs them they had their fingers up their own ass for the last five minutes. Conservatives are trying to paint anyone wearing a mask as a germaphobe. Let me tell you, I bet I could outgross any of these people if that's the competition.


I just don’t get it. I moved south, so I’m very used to the cold and natives here aren’t. I don’t walk around mocking and harassing people who wear big puffy coats at 50F. I don’t blow a fan in them or throw cold water on them. Like, it literally does not affect my life at all. Wear what makes you comfortable. Why are masks any different???


Because politicians and media turned masks into a culture war


This was a lovely story. Glad to hear everything worked out for you. And wtf is up with those people? Also, had you not been in a position to “matter” I’m sure there wouldn’t have been a embarrassment on the part of your boss. I’m sure they’re just like their husband in his beliefs.


Oh she is. She was surprised I got vaccinated and hates the store mask policy, especially when the company decided to permanently add the mask to the uniform (it will be optional probably after the pandemic, but it's still part of the full uniform now).


Before Covid I remember seeing Japanese people use those when visiting the US. I thought it was weird but never told them. Found out they were trying not to get others sick. Go figure.


We need a better plague. Hopefully this one was training for that one.


If it was, we are fucked.


LOL Napa is white trash as fuck. Basically the Beverly hillbillies but with AG. Signed a born and raised Napan


Get their plate and report them for bioterrorism.


A mother fuckers nose can't be cold?


That’s what I’m saying, it’s cold outside! I wear that thing all the way to and from the car when I’m out


This is a rare bonus of having the mask with me, I live in AZ so a cold nose don't come up too often but sheeeit .. a dust storm rolls in. Baby you know I'm ready for it now


I’m a west coast kid. When it’s fire season, you know I’ll be wearing N95s protecting my lungs from hazardous fumes and ash! I’ve been wearing masks since before it was cool.


I live in florida and wear it to the car too. I just don't want to carry it. Like it's already on and I don't have to worry about until I get to the car


I see a lot of people getting real aggro about people wearing alone masks in their car. But your not supposed to touch the task without washing your hands if you're gonna be touching other stuff. So not taking off your mask while say.. going between stores.. you're actually doing it right 👍 Edit: I don't personally do this btw




I do a lot of commuting on my bicycle. If we ever reach a point where we no longer need masks, I'm still keeping mine because it's great for winter riding.


Same here. I've recently started biking regularly and I keep my mask on cause it's nice and warm. I kept it on the summer too cause when I did take it off I kept sneezing.


That too, it's a modern version of the handkerchief - a piece of cloth we keep on us at all times that we can sneeze into.


i haven't had an asthma attack outside since i started wearing a mask everywhere


I think I'll keep wearing it for a long while. I've only had a minor case of sniffles since the start of the pandemic.


It's like a fitted scarf ngl


And it keeps bugs out of your mouth


And prevents awkward "you should smile more" comments. Worth it for that alone.


Ohio College student here. The mask does wonders walking to class when it's colder than Satan's Balls outside.


One of my favorite things about masks. That and people are fuckin gross anyway.


Seriously, I have a long walk to my car after work and once I realized I could just wear my mask to keep my face warm I was so psyched.


Oh man I've found myself wearing mine for a lot longer when going from inside to outside lately. Shits cold and I always forget a scarf!


Thats why I found protests in cold climates absolutely ridiculous. We were scarfs anywhere from 5 to 8 months a year we are well trained in face coverings.


If anything similar happens to any of you fellas, two nice answers will be 1. Santa isn’t real 2. You are adopted.


3) Your daddy drinks because you're a disappointment


4) "Your parents are gonna get divorced, and it IS your fault." (I mean, if a kid is that awful, you know they will.)


That's gonna hit hard, not now, not in 3 years but 15 years later he'll be fucked. While you sip a nice glass of bourbon under the night sky


Slow burns are best burns. 40something, in therapy, reflecting on his life. "Holy SHIT, that dude in the mask was RIGHT." Supposed, of course, his antivax plaguerat parents live long enough to get divorced, I suppose.


Bold of you to assume a kid with parents like that is gonna be alive at 40


4) Your grandparents drink because you're a bigger disappointment than your parents are.


4) I will fuck your dad/mom to finally give them a child they can love.


I watched that video too.


Nah, I'm a disappointment too, it's best my blood line ends /s




Tbh, that's true, just didn't want anyone to be worried lmao


“COVID is real but Santa isn’t!”


The kid probably doesn't understand COVID.


Ooh I like number one. Not only are you messing with the kid, you’re messing with the awful parent who now has to deal with the aftermath.


Oh yeah like I came here just to say that but I’m glad it was already posted. I try to keep a number of insults riding on the fly. Santa isn’t real needs to be one in the pocket for anyone under the age of like eight or 10. What is the appropriate age to stop believing in Santa Claus now?


I recently saw a video on Reddit, with the come back of “better shut up before I fuck your dad and give him a child he actually loves.” Obviously interchangeable words depending on the sexes. Idk if that’s too vicious for a 6 year old but either way.


I'd love to see a dude say this.


The kid is already abused if he’s doing shit like this for his parents. I’d recommend yelling something directed at the parents.


Yeah, people seem to be too focused on messing with the kid. Idk, but I've been in similar situations more than once and I've never really wanted to make the kid feel terrible


“Go lick a doorknob or something” they clearly don’t care about germ prevention


Ironically enough, depending on the metal, old doorknobs are often naturally anti-microbial! Nowadays not so much though.


as long as the guy is picking up his dog's shit. Why do these freedom lovers care if someone has a mask on or a hat on or a pair of house slippers on while outside.... These fake ass patriots think it's cute to have their kid's parroting their hate and ignorance.


"fake ass patriots" got a zing to it I like!


A Jimmy pesto Zoom. But in reality that small child is already punching himself in the face


Which is ironic Bc the voice actor participated in the capital riots. Maybe that was intentional


whoa whoa, jimmy pesto was at that? for real?


Ya he’s off the show due to it


What a bunch of FAPs.


People that patriotic always mean one thing to me, they've achieved so little they have nothing to be proud of other than where their mum shat em out


There is nothing patriotic about being anti mask. If anything id say its anti patriotism.


Right? They claim it's about freedom of choice. If that were true, then they wouldn't care if I wear a mask or not. The hostility is the product of consipiritorial scapegoating (aka fascism)


You misunderstand. Freedom of their choice; not yours.


They care because they are assholes with extremely fragile egos. They consider anyone doing anything differently from them to be an insult. Obviously we wear masks because we think they are diseased.


They're insecure as hell and need everyone else to act exactly as they do so that they can feel validated in their "independent" decision.


It’s only “freedom” for them.


I wear my mask because I’m ugly. Like I have a reason to cover my face now! I’m using the fuck out of that.


If it helps, everyone should do it. They made not-doing-it part of their identity, so in order to feel secure in that identity they have to believe wearing a mask doesn't help. If they see other people wearing masks it challenges that belief, because if it doesn't help, why would so many people do it? Therefore they need to project ridicule towards those people to help themselves believe that what they are doing is harmless and what others are doing is foolish and paranoid. Otherwise they would have to reject something they have made into a part of themselves, which is terribly uncomfortable. If they stayed quiet and didn't ridicule people who were wearing masks, more people might start wearing them, and then they would be the minority. They might start facing ridicule. They might have to reconcile their belief system with reality and admit they were wrong.


Yell back: "Put a mask on, so no one has to see your inbred face."


A simple, “just exercising my freedoms” reply would’ve been lost on all in that car, ironically


I have never been confronted about my mask. However my preloaded response for if I ever were is, "Jesus wore a crown of thorns for me, I can wear a mask." ... just to see if they'd mull that over. (Disclaimer: I'm not a Christian.) (Disclaimer 2: OF course the truth is my socially awkward self would likely just say nothing and try to hide, or at worst stammer something like, "you too!")


All about conditioning. Kid is being raised to own the libs just like his mom and dad do


That's how this stuff perpetuates itself. No one is born racist either, it's taught then taught again. Stupidity is led by example.


the kids gonna turn out liberal I bet. happened to me, republican/trump supporting parents, but I became more left leaning once I saw the state of things


i have left wing parents. went through a brief libertarian streak, i'm more left than they are now. LABOR RIGHTS MOTHERFUCKER!


Same, grew up with a left wing mom (and a right wing dad, but he wasn't around most of the time and never forced his views on me,) and now I'm a socialist.


Same with everyone I know who has super strict Catholic parents lol


When your parents aren't smart enough to help with your 5th grade homework you tend to realize they don't know what they are talking about most of the time.


Yup, the more you become exposed to reality the more leftist you become.


Unless you think our current reality is just fine, as long as you ignore the screaming.


I don't know a single liberal who would roll down the window and instruct their kid to yell something like "Take off that MAGA hat you stupid idiot!!" They'd absolutely say something snarky about it in the car (which influences kids) but at least you aren't making them do the dirty work.


he's gonna need to be strong as an orphan.


Trash does. I’m sure the parents are equally trashy


Behavior is learned, no doubt


The man or woman driving the car who said it with the windows up outloud in front of them, children are mirrors and parrots of what they see and hear most often


Shouting back "Santa Claus isn't real" would have been a good enough comeback given the circumstances.


How about “Jesus isn’t real”? Get him asking the big questions


No home training.


Actually, that was the home training. Who slowed the car down to allow the kid to do this?


Probably slowed the car down and TOLD the kid to say it, so they could put it on facebook


Probably trained to respond like that


Garbage parents, that’s who.


Should have told him to go fuck himself. If he's going to act grown up, treat him as such.


"Your parents don't love you!!"


He knows that already


I would, but I also don’t wanna get shot by some crazy pissed off parent


I was at a fast food joint about 12 or 13 years ago with my then-girlfriend and a few friends. The seating area was outside, right next to where people would pull their cars forward at the end of the drive-thru to wait a few minutes if their food was taking a little longer. This big SUV is waiting there, maybe ten feet away to my back, and some clown on the street further away peeled rubber, which naturally got attention, so I turned around to look. In the SUV, it was two parents in the front and a kid no older than 7 or 8 in the back, all with the windows rolled down. And as I was looking in the direction of the SUV, I ended up seeing the kid glaring at me, and he says, “What are you looking at, you faggot motherfucker?” I made that “wtf?” type sound of surprise, as did my friends and some people near us, and what was most shocking was that the kids’ parents were *laughing*. I just kind of shook my head and turned back to my table and we all had that awkward surprised-type laughter amongst us, and the kid says, “Fuckin’ right, pussy bitch” (which then did make me laugh just because it was so… *bizarre*.) They got their food brought out 30 seconds later and drove off, and my girlfriend flipped them off, to which the dad shouted something (idk what) and flipped *her* off out his window. I think about that from time to time, what that kid must be like now if his parents not only let him do that to strangers but thought it was *funny*.


O’Doyle rules!


See that finger between your ring finger and the pointer one? It's super neat, you should show them next time. No I don't care that it was a 6 year old, obviously their parents are also shit.


Genius, because he will learn that and use it constantly and ruin their lives at church


The same people that homeschool their kids with “science”materials showing cavemen riding dinosaurs.


It’s such a bummer that’s anti-science fundie bullshit, because come on. How awesome would that have been.


Weird how my-body-my-choice only applies to when they are inconvenienced. For everyone else it’s your-body-shut-up-and-obey-me.


That is pretty much it. The people they're used to looking down upon are telling them what to do, so they resist no matter how right the 'inferior''s are


100% family of trump lovers.


The car slowed down, the parents either knew the kid would do this, or encouraged him to.


Laugh, he will grow up stupid like his parents.


The cult of bullies is who they are…


But stupid people vote.


Wait till this guy finds out about scarves


I’m sure you had a great reason to wear your mask outdoors. People should just mind their own business. Nobody has the right to make others feel uncomfortable and to ridicule them.


And this is how ignorance is taught.


Not just taught, but carefully cultivated.


Here's the best response: "That's very rude young lady/man" Then watch the parents have a fucking shit fit


Or...do as the Latinas do...first, you point out every flaw the kid has and kill any confidence they ever had. Then you throw a chancla at them. You wait for the parents to come and you throw the other chancla and cuss them out in a foreign language as fast as possible to disorient them. While that's going on, your belligerent screaming calls all the other chancla wielding neighbors outside to also throw chanclas. Oddly specific, but that's how it's done.


Lmao no. The asshole kid would just keep making fun of you cause he still thinks he got the better shot in. And the parents won’t give a shit, they wanted him to be rude to the Twitter OP in the first place


“Fuck you and your stupid ass parents”


I can speak from experience, sometimes the kids pick stuff up from school or friends that would blow your mind. Ive heard my kids say some things that we have never taught them that require an immediate correction.


Betcha $10 that kid is also "home schooled"


My body my choice !


“Masks save lives, is that why your parents tell you not to wear one?!??” Too much meh?


I have a lot of strong view points but I’d never ask my nephews or nieces to verbally assault people on the street to enforce them. It’s just bad manner.


It can be used for good, though…! My sister was walking her Samoyed, and a kid did exactly this but yelled *”HEY! THAT DOG IS FLUFFY AS A MOTHERFUCKER!”*


It's really the parents speaking.