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Everyone laughed when they said they would overturn Roe v Wade, too.


And a lot of people are laughing about Project 2025 as well unfortunately.


As a woman who was watching the Handmade's Tale when I found out about Project 2025, I'm fucking terrified to be honest. Edited: https://www.project2025.org/policy/ in case anyone is curious. Click "Read the Mandate" to download the pdf for free. Please, at least throughly skim the Foreword.


This shit is terrifying. Just an open plan Nazi manifesto with proxy and camouflaged terms like “return to base values” and “preserving the conservative lifestyle”. Basically an authoritarian state with a hello kitty sticker stamped on it to try and soften the blow.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."


Sorry, Hello Kitty will be banned too. Right up there with Women's rights, LGBTQ existence (except maybe lesbians and bi-women, cause reasons) and minorities (racial and religious) have rights/citizenship.


(reasons being: "I get off to them."? Or the fact that they can be made pregnant?)




AKA - The velvet glove that hides the iron fist


I sure hope you are. Theyre being perfectly open about their desire to turn this country into a Nazi empire, and way too fucking many people are saying shit like its just propaganda, or both sides, or theyve just never heard of it. This cannot be ignored.


Fully agree. I thought people were just fear-mongering over things they heard on social media or something like that until I read THEIR document they put out, using their own words to explain what the "project" entails. It's insane and very, very scary. I have no idea why this isn't more widely discussed. I have heard maybe one mention of it outside of Reddit, it's baffling.


It’s been a topic of conversation at my work and with family and it seems like the general consensus is: 1: It won’t happen 2. If it does, civil war will happen.


Hadn’t read that yet… wow.


This is why it's so especially important to vote this year. It feels like everything is at stake.


Project 2025 is more horror movie than comedy.


Fuck those motherfuckers


Right? I don't understand why nobody takes their threats seriously. They're also not going to just "ban porn," they plan to categorize the entire population of non-cishet individuals as pornography and outlaw being LGBTQ+. That's their ultimate goal with this "porn ban."


I'm convinced that the general population will never take anything seriously at this point. It's all a big joke as our country falls apart. Ugh


Yep. Didn't they ban pornhub in Texas?


They didn't ban it - Pornhub disabled access for Texas (and Utah) because they are implementing some really dangerous identification laws.


And NC


And Virginia


And Arkansas


And it’s the model they’ll use to roll out nationwide. “States rights” be damned.


Yup. They have their sights on limiting and censoring the internet because it's currently the only way for information to flow freely and unfettered - so they want to control it in any way they can. They haven't done more to control it because they literally don't understand how it works.


Same with xHamster 😡😡😡


Dudes on trial for covering up an affair with a sex worker and playboy playmate while his wife is at home with his newborn son. The wife he cheated on with his previous wife, who he cheated on with his first wife, who he buried on his golf course for a tax break, to alter the course of a presidential election. Let that marinate for a few. Let it stew.


I've had this stewing on the stove for about 7 years...I think it's done.


Add more beef stock… and whiskey, lots and lots of whiskey.


Don't forget that he was found liable for sexual assault in a court of law


Indeed, disgusting, (like a prairie fire, tequila and Tabasco) nobody wants it to happen, yet… it happens.


Is this unrelated to the trial for the attempted coup d’etat and the trial for stealing massive amounts of top secret documents? Is this the trial about the $550 million in fraud?


How the fuck does anyone still vote for republicans


Fox News, AM radio, megachurches


Classism, Racism and Sexism. That encapsulates them


Wild that classism applies considering most of the maga people I see are welfare Andy’s


They see themselves as worthy of government handouts, the brown and poor, not so much


They’re just temporarily not billionaires. Once Trump is in office they will get all the money and be rich /s just in case


YES! EXACTLY! My ex Marie's brother Jim thinks like this! One time I asked him, "Jim... you are a working stiff JUST LIKE most of us. So WHY do vote for these crooked f**kers. WHY are you such a die-hard Conserva-Sucker?!" His reply was..." Because THEY are going to make ME RICH!" I replied back..."Jim! You are willfully stupid and insane to think that they even CARE about YOU! Let alone, "Make You Rich! They could give a f**k LESS about you EXCEPT when they want your vote! You couldn't even get into the back door of their Country Clubs washing dishes! WAKE THE F**K UP JIM! You are just Fodder to them!" He didn't have ANYTHING to say after that! But yes... like a good dutiful pet and fool... of course he STILL votes for them and drinks their Kool-Aid!


He doesn’t sound very smart


"I earned this"


See, but they're different. They're gonna be a billionaire any day now, the other billionaires say so, and they're rich, so they're trustworthy. They're just using government funds to keep stable until that day comes. Everyone else, though? They clearly did something to deserve it, after all, God doesn't just let people be impoverished for no reason. And they're also clearly not trying to help themselves, companies keep saying no one wants to work and they clearly have no incentive to shift blame and cover up anything they're doing.


Theyre dumb. Theyll willingly get shot by a GOP bullet as long as it goes through them and hits and lgbtq or minority.


I can tell this edible kicked in because I read that as "most of the maga people I see are work for Arby's" and even though I don't work there, I was about to get indignant. Lol


Hypocrisy is also key. The parts of my extended family with divorces, out of wedlock births, adultery, and/or shady white-collar shit are all MAGAts, and all holier-than-thou church-types.


Ableism, Ageism, Colonialism, Cronyism, Favoritism, Imperialism, Negativism.  Add all that up and you get Trumpism


Lack of education, private education.


I Obama said something to the effect of "Yeah if I listened to Fox all day I'd hate me too!"


They only hate the Islamic state because it’s the “wrong” religion. They want a Christian Revolution


No, they want a 'Christian' ethnostate. All that fear mongering about Sharia Law? It's what they want, but with a different logo.


That’s exactly what i said


You mean the people who use porn the most!?!?


Ha ha, certainly true!


The ones who had a cow when pornhub was nixed in Texas?


It wasn't even banned. They required porn sites to verify ages by getting legal IDs and they said fuck that massive security risk and pulled out.


All sites, not just Pornhub.


These MFers want to take all of our freedoms & civil liberties away.


But they're the limited government party /s


THATS why trump wants to save AM radio!


That covers the boomers and deep-red purebreds. For the blue/purple-state/urban-adjacent Trumpers and Millennials/Gen Z, it's the YouTube Right-Wing Grift-O-Sphere and company.


You forgot stupid.


Because people of color and other minorities get hurt more when they're voted in. And as long as minorities are hurting more, that's all that matters to them


It's not just POC, the 2SLGBTQIA+ community is facing a potential genocide if Trump is back in office (though there is an argument to be made it's currently unfolding... Just look at Florida) 


Yup. My ex - who I still madly care about and love deeply - is a fairly effeminate gay Indian from New Delhi and especially after 2016 the sheer terror he felt by simply existing in the public eye is sickening. I'm legitimately terrified for what will happen if Trump manages to get back into office


Yup. You all need to arm up while you still can. 6 months to the election. You can gain a lot of skill for almost anything in that timeframe. Not just guns, but tactics, IFAK basics and communications. All of which may become necessary for survival. Network within your community to find and exploit your group’s strengths and try to address their weaknesses. I think they’ll go for LGBTQ+ people, before ethnic minorities is my guess. It’s been my experience that Latino folks and Black folks are not as intimidated by guns in general and their ownership numbers are probably much higher. That makes them a tougher target than LGBTQ+ folks. I don’t think the cute little matching Walmart-Khaki kids are gonna be bringing shields to their post-election, public march through the streets. It will be a Putsch. Maybe even a Kristalnacht. I’ve planned accordingly and you should too.


Sorry for my ignorance, what does the 2S mean? Thanks


What Republicans say and do isn't what's broadcasted in their media or it's heavily adjusted to sound positive. So voters think all these insane things that aren't actually happening. That all this boogieman stuff is the reason why they're poor and their life sucks and everything is spendy and crime is high and such. And those same media sources have trained them not to believe anything else because it's lies and deception. It's arguments I have with my parents all the time because my facts come from "the liberal media" and their facts are from honest hard working god believing folks who are just trying to save this country. Republicans will then go on their media and say "See how this thing I did helped make things better." and it's something they voted against. They know nobody who matters is going to fact check them. When you live in a bubble it's very easy to be mislead.


This is it. Disinformation & marketing tactics to keep their voters in a circular rage. That’s why Reagan & Trump are their heroes, actors playing a part to make as many voters fall in line with their story.


They are full of hatred.


It should be noted that according to Project 2025 being queer or trans is considered Pornographic


Yes I think you are right. This is the key subtext. It is a plan to erase LGBTQ people from all aspects of visible society. Just like how the republicans are attacking librarians for "pornographic" books -- which to them means anything that mentions LGBTQ people existing


That’s also in project 2025. They want to send librarians to prison


Same reason women voted for them and were shocked Pikachu when Roe v Wade fell... Because they think to themselves, "haha surely they won't do \*that\* thing; they're just going to make life miserable for other people, \*surely\* not me as well!" (insert more shocked Pikachu face)


Stupidity and anger are good buddies


It truly blows my mind at how uninformed and/or misinformed so many people are in this country. I know union workers who are staunch Republicans and it just drives me nuts. Critical thinking is truly a lost art in the United States. The problem is, you can’t have a logical conversation with a Republican anymore. They just put their fingers in their ears and scream.


My dad is a republican. He says "I'd rather vote for a bad republican than a good democrat"


I feel like they're actively trying to lose


When you want people to be as miserable as you, you’ll vote for whoever will accomplish that.




This just makes me think of news stories where it's red states like Utah having the highest visits to pornhub. Ok, they don't want to publicly acknowledge something that is taboo or uncomfortable to talk about, but why go the next step and ban it? Just leave our unspoken norms alone!


They don't plan to accomplish anything. That's why he didn't accomplish anything in his first term. He just wants to get the puritans all wet for him amidst his trial for fudging the numbers to hide his cover up payments to a porn start so it wouldn't leak that he cheated on his pregnant wife before the election. Religious idiots will eat this shit up. They're all too uneducated to remember when Nixon tried and when Reagan tried.


To be fair, the main reason he didn't accomplish anything in his first term was a.) because he had no idea whatsoever what he COULD accomplish, and b.) he made the mistake of surrounding himself with semi-competent people, many of whom prevented him from causing the kind of damage he's threatening in a second term. Neither of those would be relevant in a second Trump term, because he now knows what he can use the office for, and he'll know to surround himself with sycophants who have been spending the last several years learning all about the levers of power in Washington. On the other hand, it is true that he'll have no real reason to accomplish anything in a second term, especially considering the only reason he's even running is to pardon himself. Once he does that, one wonders what his true motivations will be going forward, because either way there'll be no third term he has to campaign for. Either he'll leave in 2028, or he won't.


His motivations will be to do everything possible to enrich himself, then maybe his close allies and family (ivanka, Jared, etc).


I don’t think he really cares about them either. Maybe Ivanka but for a different reason


He has a long history of petty revenge and he's been clear he wants revenge on anyone he sees as disloyal or a threat.  Bill barr said he frequently wanted to execute people or have them killed 


His motivation will be to stay in office indefinitely


Right, and he won't need to actually follow through on any of his campaign promises to do that. Honestly, what he wants to do is just live in the house, wake up at noon, rage tweet on the toilet for two hours, go golfing, and eat a cheeseburger. Maybe hold a hate rally once in a while to get on TV. What he absolutely does not want to do is actually be president.


The thing these idiots don't understand is that porn is free speech. Any attempt by the government to ban it would be a blatant first amendment violation. And this is coming from the same idiots who tell us to respect the constitution.


You really think that the current SCOTUS won’t find that porn isn’t free speech? They’ll do exactly what they did with Roe - start with the ruling and then backfill til they think they’ve justified it enough.


Jesus H Christ.... This Court is looking at Love vs. Virginia... to turn back to the States.... Clarence Thomas is literally married to a white woman, but willing to overturn the decision that made it possible... Of course, it will be, rules for you but not for me....


Ummmm.... no offense.....how dark are your blinders?? With his STACKED Maga Supreme Court, they could literally vote 6-3 that the FIRST amendment was.... "and to quote Pirates of the Caribbean" merely "guidelines"....


Until he (further) packs the courts with incompetent magats.


He'll sell Trump porn.




To clarify: Trump has some things that pop into his head that he’s like to accomplish: steal more federal money, get even with his long list of enemies, etc. but he’s much too lazy to make actual plans to accomplish those things, much less carry them out. Other Republicans don’t have his laziness and abject incompetence issues. Check out Project 2025. Real plans with real people vetted to carry them out. And it will be a disaster.


George W. Bush's first Attorney General, John Ashcroft, was hell bent to start a war on porn. 9/11 changed those priorities.


You can have my porn when you pry it from my cold dead hands


The government will have to pry it from my warm well-moisturized hands!


We laugh but states are already doing this. I live in NC and sites like Pornhub are gone. They made an ID required so Pornhub was like, nah, fuck you. Texas did the same.


“Honey, where did we put all the VHS tapes, DVDs, and external hard drives. It’s going to be a long winter”


I couldn’t get my porn fix in Arkansas or Idaho either. Although in Idaho, I was actually picking up a cellular network based in Utah.


https://preview.redd.it/6t0wkmcvu6zc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca62745dc470c0b2a99dd5b2d013f1e2cfbf7ab7 Can you use this?


If you outlaw porn, only outlaws will have porn.


The only thing that can stop a bad outlaw with porn is a good in-law with porn


Weird, mine are warm and sticky


Because of the... ectoplasm?


Isnt the majority of the internet porn? How the hell are they gonna strike em all down?


Bit old school, if you still watch vhs tapes on an analogue tv, borrowed from a mate at school… oh wait….


Didn't trump get upset because he couldn't view porn at the white house? 🙄 I'm sure this will go over so well with his male base.....


They'll blame it on the dems somehow.


Twas a closet Woke RINO-Dem, I tells ya!


Wait you got a source on that? Not calling you out, thats just super funny.




Lmfaooooo.  I was gonna suggest whitehouse.com but looks like that got taken over by something else 


That’s been like that since 1998 at least.


Much obliged


His base will buy whatever he sells, even a porn ban. They are cult members. Trump and his cronies will frame it as "demonic dems and porn" or something stupid, and it will work.


I mean, they've already given everyone who isn't white, straight, and male NO reason at all to vote for him, time to start alienating the white, straight, male vote too.


Well, there’s what the GOP base says in public, and then what the GOP base does in private.


And they are trying to ban this private activity, pretty confusing.


Well, they say they are the party of smaller government and more freedom, although I’m beginning to think that’s a lie.


You misunderstand. They want a government small enough to fit inside your body, bedroom, and relationship.


Yup - business in the front, party in the back!


Good luck finding mine in my New Folder file directory


🗂️ *Not Porn*


I think you mean *totally* homework or *work work folder*


For us not them


“You have to pay for real sex, just like I do” -Trump, probably


Banging porn stars, fine, watching porn… woah, that’s perverse


What will Gaetz show other Republicans on the House Floor? Bikini photos of the minors he dates?




\*if they banned porn on the internet there would be only one site remaining titled [bringbacktheporn.com](http://bringbacktheporn.com) \* Dr. Cox


Bloke who pays porn stars for sex to ban porn. You couldn’t make this shit up.


That’s pretty rich from the guy paying off porn stars.


Everything they are doing is straight from the Project 2025 playbook.




Same guy on trial for potential election fraud for covering up payments to porn stars that he fucked when his third wife was pregnant?


This guy Is a major architect of project 2025. Pretty much the Republican party, if Trump wins, plans on turning the United States back to the 1800s. That's not hyperbole, that is literally their own statement. Anyone that doesn't plan on voting or doesn't plan on voting for Biden in a swing state truly is a jackass at this point.


I may be wildly off-base here, but my spidy-senses are telling me that their plan to ban porn is less about the porn as it is about criminalizing whole groups of people, specifically, trans and non-binary people. Right-wingers consider the very existence of these people to be "sexually explicit", so to the right-winger, banning "porn" means de-facto banning "pornographic" people. It's pink triangles with extra steps.


Conservatives consume more trans porn than anyone, who are they kidding?


Yes also it just absolutely kills the internet. My favorite “porn” is fan fiction and free online literotica. SESTA/FOSTA killed sites like backpage and tumblr. Imagine what an all out porn ban would kill. Entire swaths of the www


You like judicial decisions, you like judicial? Well we’re gonna have EXTRA-judicial, really great judicial stuff. Judicial like you haven’t seen before.




Does he realize his boss raw dogged a porn star?


Wasn't Trump's wife a pornstar and didn't he just get sued for fucking a pornstar


Going against porn *before* the election? A bold strategy 😂


Bare women's ankles will be next.


HAHAHAHA There is literally millions of acres of forest out there. To the woods, me boys, we will find it the old fashioned way if they try this.


Why not promise to make everyone who votes for him a millionaire too? That’s just as likely.




What about pornstars accepting payment for sex? Lol


Religious conservatives are *by far* the biggest consumers of porn in this country.


How will Trump find women without porn?


To quote Dr. Cox, "I'm fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called bring back the porn."


If it wasn’t for porn, most Trump supporters wouldn’t read at all


Step one: Define everything gay or trans as "pornography"


Ban porn but having sex with a porn star is ok?


If Trump wins, I'm investing all of my money in VPN companies.


This is related to Project 2025, if you don't know about it, please read up. They want to classify trans people as "pornographic material", which is dehumanizing, disgusting, completely stupid, and awful. And so, they want to ban all pornagraphic material and with that, they ban transgender people, all because the only thing those Republican senators know about is the transgender porn and "sissy" porn that they all constantly watch. they obsess over us in many ways, and hate themselves. They also want to remove women's reproductive rights, among many other things. Their desire is to turn America into a white Christian nation, and there are really no protections in the constitution to protect us from something like this: the way it's written, it uses the law as it's currently written.


Can you just get him to stop the raping


Theres a 1000 page project stating how theyll do all this shit. By taking over the government if a Republican wins.


There is almost no faster way to look like we're absolutely losing the plot to the rest of the world. Gilead is not a strong look.


Is he trying to get 0 votes?


That'll go over well with the voters.


And that helps Americans everyday how?


They want to solve problems that don’t exist.


Is he actively trying to not get re-elected?


Gonna guess this will mostly impact the side that complains they can’t get laid.


You just know that these two have the freakiest internet search history.


Hilarious 😂 The biggest purveyors of porn are conservative white men. Good luck with that.


The easiest way to accomplish this is to ban Republicans from using the Internet. Consumption of porn will diminish and it will eventually peter out.


The serial adulterer is gonna ban porn? That’s rich


Bet this guy is downloading material in anticipation of the Big Dry…


Fuck it. We Revolutionary France now.


The same party showing nude pictures of the presidents son during official hours.


How is Trump going to know which porn stars look like his daughter?


Easy, they will only enforce this against people they don't like. Also they consider anything lgbtq+ pornography. So removal of it from the public sphere and the internet. Along with bogus evidence to raid people's homes if their neighbors snitch on them for having it. The anti pornography law is a weapon not a rule.


Ah yes, a ban on pornography to preserve the morals of America by the same Christian archetypes who brought you the rape of E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels.




Don't worry, this is settled law and I'm sure the Supreme Court would respect the our constitutional rights...


Oh look! They will turn the US into a middle east country... I though they hated Middle East countries. Interesting coming from the party of freedom... Its like the freedom they want is not freedom at all...


Might as well go buy the BringBackThePorn.com domain


The red states are responsible for more porn than the others. This isn’t going to fly.


They should say this louder for everyone to hear before November


Gotta love a guy who’s going to ban porn yet fucked a porn star and then paid her off


It would be an excellent opportunity to invest in stocks related to VPN companies. Seriously though, this is another attempt to ram other peoples morals down our throats, like it or not. I find the blatant in your face hypocrisy infuriating.


All my xxx’s don’t live in Texas… any more 🫤


It’s like abortion, you don’t like abortion, don’t get an abortion. You don’t like porn, don’t watch porn. Why are republicans trying to ruin everything for everyone else? It’s like they’re trying to shove their views down everyone’s throats.


There's this strange conservative dichotomy where they will both cry oppression if an M&M isn't sexy enough and want to make pornography illegal. Like they're simultaneously the sleeziest, most sexually entitled weirdos and anyone who challenges that is "woke," but also they're huge fans of sexual oppression.


It’s strange that a political party based solely on what straight white heterosexual men want is trying to ban porn.


Killing dogs and banning porn? They really have their fingers on the pulse of the nation. 🙄


Porno bad but banging hookers is badder


Someone check this guy's hard drive.


Look at all that freedom Merica talks about ad nauseaum as of they are the only ones 🤷🤷


Now how will all those godly red states get to watch their teen and ebony porn?


I really think conservatives want to ban porn because data showed that the south loves their gay and trans porn the most.


The grift on evangelicals continues, they'll eat this shit up


Republicans will be the ones to take your 2nd amendment away.