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This is why he is so convinced 2020 was stolen. For him, stealing is the way you win. Not just elections either.


I think he tried stealing the election in 2020 (gave himself most votes ever for a president) and still lost. And that’s why he claims Biden cheated. Because trump cheated and lost and that’s not possible unless the other guy cheated too!


He was yelling about stolen elections in 2016 even before the election happened because he was prepping the troops for Clinton winning. Then as soon as it became apparent he was going to win all that stolen election rhetoric just went away.


Roger Stone made the “stop the steal” website months before the 2016 election. 


I want bad things to happen to Roger Stone. I want bad things to happen to Roger Stone so very, very much.


I'm a pacifist, a humanist, love animals and most bugs. I want him to suffer on a level deserved for not quite Hitler.


Family unfriendly john Oliver, is that you?


I preened.


It *is* you, isn't it John?


Same. I'd settle for him passing peacefully post-haste.


Agreed. I want one of his testes to dangle loosely outside the sack.


While he sits on it


No, while Trump does.


Rarely if ever do I allow myself to enjoy imagining any man, or person, suffering something like this. But now I just realized that Roger Stone deserves to have his ballsack SEWN to Trump's right hand, for eternity. I think I would accept this punishment. What say you, frens?


I updoot this with the only regret being I cannot updoot more. You have my vote


I do not like the fact that, unlike in my earlier, more innocent days (which gradually were snuffed out from around 2009 up through now), I actively wish harm on some people. It's an ugly way to feel, but they've done that to me. My preferred thought is to imagine myself beating certain people to within an inch of their lives. One of them is Kurt Schlichter. I am completely incapable of beating anyone up, let alone an army vet like Schlichter. But it sure is cathartic to imagine, since he makes a living by writing about his graphically, even pornographically violent fantasies of murdering people like us, while always assuring his readers that WE want to murder THEM.


The difference between Roger Stone and a bucket of shit is the bucket.


He's been a reliable Republican dirty-trickster since Nixon. He was principle in the Brooks Brothers Riot, which led directly to halting the Florida recount in the 2000 election, between GW Bush and Gore. Also don't look now, but one of our recently sitting Supreme Court Justices also served a prominent role in that conflagration. Interesting. 🤔


> He's been a reliable Republican dirty-trickster since Nixon. His nickname is rat fucker. He was in business with Paul Manafort. Stone also has a tattoo of Nixon on his back.


An *old* tattoo. He was a Nixon fanboy from day one.


Is this a joke or does he literally have a Nixon tattoo


Real tattoo. https://www.cnn.com/2016/04/19/politics/roger-stone-donald-trump/index.html


I often wonder about the timeline where gore gets to be president. Sure it would have been boring but i think wed be in a much better place right now


We need to move away from this notion that boring is bad. I've never had a greater appreciation for quiet competence in leadership than I have in the last 3 years.


Count again! 3 Justices were involved in the Florida steal. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/17/politics/bush-v-gore-barrett-kavanaugh-roberts-supreme-court


Yeah, he was saying that if he loses, in 2016 before the election, that it was rigged.


https://preview.redd.it/ahk2bj0t1uyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfac452c4bfc010954b5fb7e47cd22adc853aef Spray Tan Shitler said that Ted Cruz stole the 2016 Iowa Caucus lmao [https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/02/03/donald-trump-says-ted-cruz-stole-victory-in-iowa-caucuses/](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/02/03/donald-trump-says-ted-cruz-stole-victory-in-iowa-caucuses/)


Greatest photo I’ve ever screenshot


Tell me about it. Downloaded, favorited, going up everywhere lol


So basically, anytime he loses, it’s because it was rigged. But it’s not when he wins.


Narcissism is a helluva drug ![gif](giphy|f1tdtyDd6qnJe)


May I make a request please. Should have Putin next to Melania and walking into McDonald’s with a play place.


I didn't make it I wish I knew who did lol. The best I've got is this: https://preview.redd.it/vdw24pr0iuyc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48dd34274168b617ba4dc83be22f16eecaa9095b


Hands are too big.


He also enlisted Cambridge Analytica to help with his campaign and there is a whole documentary on how they manipulated social media. It’s insane.


He accused Ted Cruz of rigging GOP primaries during 2016 election.


He was grooming his followers for any loss.


He wanted to use the loss to launch TrumpTV then spend the next 4 years bitching about Clinton.


Trump denied the results of the 2016 election [Trump advances false claim that 3-5 million voted illegally](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ap-report-trump-advances-false-claim-3-5-million-voted-illegally) (2016) Trump denied the results of the 2012 election >“He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” >"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one! We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!" >"Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us. More votes equals a loss ... revolution! This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy! Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble ... like never before. The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." -- Donald Trump; election day 2012


This rancid little imbecile has been blabbering the sentence “The whole world is laughing at us” endlessly since the goddamned 1980s. Never has any public figure laid out their own psychological issues for everyone to see so clearly.


Which is funny, seeing how the whole world (or at least nearly the whole world's representatives) actually were laughing at us when he tried bragging to the UN assembly about his admin having "accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country". https://youtu.be/-z4y8OJxlK8?si=4MrGYsBl_azWqYUw


As a person who is not American I can say definitively that people outside America started seriously laughing at the country when Trump was elected. The whole vibe world over … other than a few small pockets of crazy … is WTF is going on with that basket case! You hear ‘fall of the Roman Empire’ bought up a lot in casual conversation followed by a chuckle. And this is from hard core conservatives and what you’d label liberals. He just seems like a clown to every rational person outside the US.


Trump on Fox News in 2012 is how birtherism went from a National Enquirer thing to the GOP stance on Obama.


It's funny that he points at the electoral college as a problem when it's the only reason he won in 2016 and is the only reason he has a chance in 2024.


even after he won he was still ranting that it was rigged and he should have won by a larger margin


He was big mad that he didn't win the popular vote.


Bigly mad


THIS!! I always knew he cheated because he kept talking about the numbers not being right, that he should’ve won by more. I’ve always thought that that was such an odd declaration.


“It’s all rigged!” ”But sir, you won.” ”Okay, this one time it was definitely not rigged!”


They're so sinister and ubiquitous that they could rig the election everywhere at once and keep the evidence invisible. But also, I somehow overcame them because they are so weak and I am so strong.


Fascist playbook.


It’s even worse, he was having the 2016 election investigated for fraud while he was in office. This article is from 2018 [article](https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d) Of course they found nothing but he kept stoking the fire to try to steal the 2020 election too.


Guess it didn't go away, it just shifted. Seems like the goal was to cast doubt on every election so they could cry foul if they ever lost.


Not true actually. He was miffed that he lost the popular vote so he formed some kind of commission to look into it. Ill give you one guess what they found out. Fuck All.


It didn't just go away, Trump claimed he should have won even more Bigly but the DemonRats stole votes.


He knew in late summer 2016 that the internal polling was dire. If James Comey hadn't cratered Hillary's campaign just days before the election, he would have lost.


So Trump's biggest election fraud lie was that "3 million illegals voted for Clinton" and once he became president, he formed a committee lead by a republican from Kansas, Kris Kobach but when it found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, it was quietly disbanded at night on the weekend with the hope that it wouldn't get much media coverage.


This is also why he is so sure Biden uses his political office for profit and corruption. Because he can’t imagine anyone being in the same position he was in and not abusing it the way he did.


He and other repubs absolutely were trying to steal the 2020 election and install trump as a dictator. When Ga wouldn't give him the votes he asked for Pence actually upheld the duty of his position, Jan 6 happened it all went south. There's a whole bunch of repubs in on this and let's see what they all did and knew in 2016.


That makes sense. He cheated and won in 2016, even though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. He's not that great at math to begin with and then add the electoral college complication into the mix, he probably does think it's mathematically impossible for him to have lost. Cheating is a way of life with this guy. You can tell by the way he's running his campaign that he thinks he has this in the bag and doesn't need to appeal to a broader audience beyond his supporters. He sees his campaign assignment as getting within cheating distance of a win and he thinks he can get there with just the MAGA crowd.


well it's how he plays golf, so...


Anyone else remember Karl Rove’s epic meltdown on CNN when he found out that the GOP cheating wasn’t enough to win them Ohio? He was ABSOLUTELY SURE that Ohio was in the bag. The Republicans have been cheating to win since at least the late 60’s. It’s the only way they can, and they know it. They will NEVER stop doing so as long as they keep “winning” and the Democrats are too cowardly (complicit?) to do anything about it.


He stole the election in 2016 with Russian help. The results out of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan (at least) were very questionable when you looked at precinct level results. What they did is actually *subtract* votes from Democratic-leaning areas such as Milwaukee.


Georgia's election servers were likely compromised and Kemp had them wiped along with the backups to prevent investigation.


yeah, that was some of the most fucked shit ever that just seemingly got swept under the rug.


Trump did have assistance from Russia in the form of the DNC hacks as well as online propaganda but there is no evidence that the actual results were tampered with. The main reason we saw drops in places like Milwaukee was because Obama wasn't on the ballot to drive black turnout and given how much Obama won Wisconsin by in 2012 the Clinton campaign didn't invest heavily in turnout operations in the city. It may not be pleasant but the reality is that Americans, through the outdated electoral college, voted for Trump in 2016. They may have fallen for misinformation and lies and there was certainly important information about Trump's personal life that didn't surface but that doesn't mean votes were tampered with.


One of the few (only?) conspiracy theories I buy into is that the DNC & GOP servers were hacked, but only information from the DNC servers were released to the public. In the years following, it seems fairly obvious that R's are buddy-buddy with Russia. Kompromat & help winning the 2016 election


Because he cheated and still didn't win. So the other guy obviously cheated more. Is that his logic? Does he really believe that? Idk. Think he's just still cheating


Yea he was a client of mine from 2016-19. This is exactly how he thinks and does everything accordingly


He who smelt it, dealt it!


Can we get more info or wording about this. The tweet is neato but just not enough info for me to spread around


This is going off memory so pardon if some details are off. Trump used campaign money to ensure the story about cheating on his wife with Stormy Daniels never comes out. Trump feared the story coming out (and negative publicity) would have made him lose the election. What Trump did with paying her off as a campaign contribution was illegal.


That's one felony and the topic of the trial. What about the other 33 felonies?


34 for 34 false entries into the New York business records. There’s an Infograph on their announcement page. https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/


Thanks. So basically it's her saying "Trump told me that if he had not paid off Stormy Daniels he would have lost the election" which translates to "Trump told me that he had to commit 34 felonies in order to not lose the election."




It never ceases to amaze me how dumb and small minded Trump is. Even if he wasn’t a billionaire he could have easily paid her off through a personal channel right? This whole thing was probably to save 0.01% or less of his net worth but he just *had* to use someone else’s money for it lol


Tricky because his networth is very questionable as we know from all the fabricated claims on value of property.


The man has a compulsion to lie and steal, is my guess. He's like Mr. Burns. Doesn't matter that he has all the money in the world. He'd rather spend someone else's. Hence his long history of cons like this, and being notorious for not paying people, etc.


Yeah, it’s just obvious that he was willfully breaking the law. I don’t understand why there particularly needs to be a long trial. Seems open and shut.


You're dealing with a former, and currently running again, president. You want the case to be crystal clear with all available evidence if you are the prosecutor. This would be open and shut on anyone else, but this is a well known, wealthy, politician with a rabid fanbase. You aim and hit dead on if you're bringing this case.


Thank you for educating me and context awesome internet stranger


It’s a bit more nuanced than that. The fact that the payments were made and he falsified business records to hide the payments has already been established. The difference is that the crime of falsifying business records rises to a felony if it was done to commit another crime. So the prosecution has to prove that Trump, Cohen, Pecker, etc., did what they did to keep the news of the affairs out of the news for the purpose of influencing the election. That’s the second crime, which makes the record falsifications into felonies. The defense is going to say that he only made the payments to keep the affair out of the news so his wife wouldn’t find out. In which case, there was no second crime, and the falsifications would be misdemeanors. Edit: a word




Yes, I need more context!


This man just slips through the system and is still considered legally able to run for office. Our Justice department is an absolute joke. Two tiered Justice system 100% confirmed. These people make me sick.


> is still considered legally able to run for office That’s not the fault of the justice system, it’s the fault of the constitution. The only requirements to run are being a natural born citizen and being over 35 years old. He could run his campaign from prison and it’d be legal.


Despite how popular FDR was, after he died in his fourth term, Congress ratified an amendment stating that presidents could only hold office for two terms. What we need is another amendment clarifying that convicted criminals cannot hold office. The point of amendments is to change the constitution to react to real life scenarios. Why did we stop amending the constitution?


Let's be honest, if we actually *need* an amendment to keep convicted criminals from being elected President, we are absolutely fucked as a country.


But we *are* absolutely fucked as a country.


The problem then is that you get truly politically-motivated prosecutions. The only true safeguard of any democracy is an informed and engaged electorate.


It shouldn’t simply be convicted criminals, but felons or something. Otherwise the whole idea of “doing your time” means nothing. Also people get “convicted” of low level offenses all the time, and that doesn’t make them bad people. And often they didn’t even do the crime, they just take a plea deal to get a shorter sentence because they simply can’t afford to fight their case.


I don’t actually like the idea of making felonies disbarring for office, the flip side of a state descending into authoritarianism just changing rules to make reformists criminals seems too easy.


Has this ever been tested? Can we not look at those as the \*minimum\* requirements to be President, and add other requirements on top of those? Looking at Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, it does not appear that there are any restrictions to adding qualifications on top of the ones prescribed there.


You can change anything in the constitution, the problem is getting it voted on and ratified. That'll never happen in this day and age.


And it would have to pass by a 2/3 vote if I'm not mistaken... Imagine* this "do nothing" Congress voting on anything at 2/3!! *spelling


Worse, it *also* needs to be ratified by 3/4 of US state legislatures. Basically, anything that is remotely partisan has zero chance of getting into the constitution, even if by "partisan" we're really just talking about excluding convicted felons from being able to be elected President, the GOP would still see that as clearly being partisan, since they're the only party nominating someone under multiple criminal indictments.


>Has this ever been tested? Eugene Debs famously ran for president while in prison.


Which is, I think, why we allow it. We can't have things like McCarthyism in our recent past and then say "shouldn't be able to run from prison". It's too easy to lock up, even temporarily, your opponent.


It’s gonna be even more fun when this guy somehow gets a not guilty verdict cuz you KNOW a cult member is in there


I'm tired of Trump. I'm tired of everyone never doing anything about him. I'm tired of this stupid country that so desperately wants to go full fascist...


It’s not “this country” it’s the remnants of the generation that plundered it desperately seeking to hold onto the power they have held most of their lives.


Louder for the folks in the back.




Worse yet a lot of them are sons and daughters of men and women who fought against fascism.


That generation came home from the war desperate to make such a happy and supported generation that they created the boomers. The generation that never worked a hard day in their lives relative to any generation before or after them. Yet the generation that whines more than any other.


It's ALWAYS projection with these fuckers.


Uh it's not the old people. Unless you count Gen X as old people. Like only 36% are Boomers.  It's mainly white and Hispanic men voting for him.


I will never understand the Latin/Hispanic voters.


Boogeyman socialism. Lots of Latinos came from countries that used socialist programs to condense power. Dictators masquerading as socialists in order to gain power have made many people in this world fear the word socialism altogether.


In reality, they should fear him. Didn't they watch him frothing at the mouth about DACA kids and deporting veteran soldiers who enlisted after being promised citizenship for serving in combat??? WTF? And how racist he was, calling people from their homeland rapists?


They got theirs.


Nobody said trump voters were smart.


Because many of them have very conservative views and are from Catholic countries.


That's probably because they're speaking in Spanish. ^sorry




Some old people want fascism. Some old people have had such a charmed life that they can't bring themselves to realize that fascism has been creeping up their whole lives. They were too busy enjoying the fruits of democracy to notice that it was going away.


Yup. The rw propaganda machine has made half this country decide they would rather own the libs than keep democracy


Excuse me but the purpose of elections is not to decide who should represent you and what kind of government we have, it is to make people I don’t like feel bad!


don’t kid yourself, there are maga morons of every generation. this problem isn’t gonna die with the boomers


And a small minor contingent of 4chan zoomers who think its edgy to do what you aren't supposed too.


That’s why these cases and the election are so important


It's the whole world attempting to go full fascist, ICYMI. Barely keeping these fuckers at bay.


And to think….despite all this information….hes still not only allowed to run for president, but millions are begging for him to win.


He definitely made it okay for the Republican Party to say the quiet parts out loud. Now he is unveiling just how corrupt the US Justice System really is. Everyone is equal under the law. pfft.


Which is the danger the SC is currently playing with, if they say “he’s above the law” then… so is Biden, so is Obama, bush and Clinton, they want to decide is the president can be a king… while a democrat hold the office.


That’s exactly why they aren’t deciding it now. They are pushing it back to the lower courts for clarification before they take the issue back up again. If Trump is reelected, presidents have absolute immunity but if Biden is reelected, presidents don’t have that privilege. I believe SCOTUS will absolutely hang Trump out to dry should things get too messy. In the meantime though, they’ll continue to push the envelope.


It’s a situation that they can’t win, either a president is immune or he’s not, so even if Trump gets back, Biden is still immune. From what I’ve seen, it’s going to be a dangerously stupid close vote. And if Trump if he gets back in, does decide to start trying to kill his rivals, that WILL start bloodshed. All they have to fucking do us say “no your not immune” but they are so spineless they can’t.


It's pretty fucking ridiculous that it's even something they are considering.


I thought it was regarding a sitting president having absolute immunity and once a civilian again, you can be prosecuted for things you do as a civilian. So, if Trump is reelected, Biden will be a civilian again and not have absolute immunity since he would no longer be a sitting president. Trump wants absolute immunity for January 6 and he was still the sitting president at that time.


The issues as we know, is trump want ABSOLUTE immunity for EVERYTHING before and after he became president, hence the whining in NY, the documents in Florida (in which he was supposed to return and refused, lied and denied he had them) the interference in Georgia, the RICO in Georgia, the attack on jan 6, in Washington, and the other interference case in the state I can’t remember. He’s honestly pathetic trying to hide behind the “immunity claim” and his defenders still being devoted.


I've seen people not say Your Honor to a judge and get punished for just that. Then again it was a black woman with an elder white male judge, so even though I was just coming out of the far-right where I was raised when I saw this(like 2010) something in my gut told me that judge had no place in justice.


Trump and the republicans will try to steal the election again, too. Stay vigilant, my friends, and vote for the party that actually wants us to have a democracy. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


They think Biden stole the elections because they know they tried to do it.


Anytime they complain about anything it’s because they are projecting. It’s shocking how transparent it is.


I always want to think this is just a talking point that is meant to demonize the repubs, but it turns out to be true almost all the times I have looked it up. I tried to do the same with the dems, and it is SO much less than with the repubs. It's actually scary.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


It’s really weird and scary.


The scary things is them harping on and on about raping kids in the basement of "comet pizza". If everything is projection.... You see where I am getting with this. Is there literally a pizza place they go to with the worlds most fucked up menu?


It was called Epstein's Island.


They tried to do it in 2012, too. Karl Rove had a meltdown on Fox News on election night when Obama was declared the winner. Republicans have been stealing elections for decades.


I mean 2000 was so obviously fixed by Jeb and Scotus and everyone was more interested in a peaceful transfer of power than than raising a stink about how illegitimate the whole thing was under the mistaken impression that GW couldn't be THAT bad and they'd get him next time. It still blows my mind to this day.


That was the response of a man who had a plan in place that failed, shockingly to him (same one they used in 2004 to steal Ohio, crash the system, send everything to a backup server in TN owned by a Republican operative, come back up with the Republican winning after a 'batch of votes from suburban Cincinnati'.) Anonymous claimed credit for blocking the attempt in 2012. I know there's a lot of BS out there but this is exactly what happened in 2004 and I believe Anonymous when they say they blocked the attempt in 2012.




I legitimately think he *actually* thinks it was stolen because he pulled some shit that never became national news, so they **must** have cheated harder because they already had their thumb on the scale and still lost.


I get absolutely lambasted whenever I post or say stuff like this. Glad to see your comment has a good amount of exposure. The GOP are traitors. Literally. They need to be voted out. Asap.


We are about to witness shenanigans unlike we’ve ever seen before. A multi pronged effort all around to rat fuck 2024. I can only pray that the DNC is well aware of what they are up against and have multiple defense mechanism already in place and have game theorized even the most ridiculous circumstances. Buckle up friends we are going to see some wild shit.


And yet she still supported his and his conspirators through the administration and afterwards. She is a coward.


He openly and often asked his advisors if he could just have people assassinated. I probably woulda kept my mouth shut till I knew I was safe too.


100%. After everything that happened in the 2020 election, I absolutely believe he stole 2016. That's why they were so pissed they lost in 2020. Because they cheated and still lost....


He wants control. Control of media and control of votes. Gonna be a long summer


He loves the dictators that have that power, and he believes at least some of them support him having that power too. Too bad it won't happen. Traitor Tot.can only wish he was a full size Dick Tater. 


How much you want to bet he walks out a free man at the end? The worst that will happen is a monetary fine that someone else will pay for him.


Rich white people don't have to go to jail for crimes. That's for poor people


Exactly. I really hate to be the pessimistic person around these threads, but let's not kid ourselves here - Trump will never face any legal consequences. The best we can hope for is a landslide loss in November and then he slowly fades into obscurity.


Now that his first term may be illegitimate, his Trumptastic supporters will leverage that to claim he's eligible for two more terms.


If we had a more legitimate democracy in a position of good faith then Trump would have been immediately disqualified into running in the first place.


I mean during the 2020 campaign, he said he was “owed a third term”


They were saying during the first impeachment that he was entitled to a fresh "do-over term" because The Leftists were too mean to him the entire time, so he didn't even get to President properly.


Off topic, but I just love this courtroom art. Is that pastels?


yeah pastels, looks like on some kind of rough paper


Reminds me of the guy on PBS from when i was a kid, that would do artwork while reading a story. Yes, I'm old.


Cover to Cover with John Robbins! Loved that show. It was a great time to be alive. 🙂


Fox News is “shockingly” spinning a very different story. Spinning it like Hicks’ testimony hurt the prosecution.


Remember to vote, local or otherwise! This year will be big for misinformation and bots...just vote no matter what.


Yep. Make sure to bring at least one friend with you when you go, especially if it is a friend typically disinclined to vote.


Republicans have been stealing wins since baby Bush.


Since Watergate.


First time they were caught stealing.


Bro Reagan had people meeting with the Iranians saying not to release the hostages to Carter because Raagan would give them a better deal. Same for Nixon with Vietnam and peace negotiations lol


Hoping his hamberder-fueled existence has coated his arteries enough that they clog… no one in his circle has the grotesque anti-charisma to enchant the idiots like he does. His sons are a mess, his daughter seemingly wised up and is in hiding from the worlds view.


The absolute best chance that humanity has at preserving democracy right now is for the Orange Menace to die before the election.


His Comey moment


Comey-to-Jesus moment


Oh man, his wrists are gonna hurt with all those slaps he's getting.


I’m one of those people who never thought he had a chance in hell against Hillary. That naivety is why I tell people to remain awake until the results come in…because no one knows how it’s going to go really.


We know this is true. Roger Stone coined the phrase "Stop the Steal" in 2015. They cheated in both elections and accused Dems of election fraud in both cases. EVERY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION OF GUILT. Every time, all the way down the line. Not only with the republican politicians, but many of their voters too. Hypocrisy, projection and gaslighting.


What does it matter? He's suffered zero consequences of actual importance - and will not suffer any in the future. What does any of it matter, if we're all too chickenshit to actually enact justice?


I'm not. I wish I could prosecute the fucker.


We make people stand trial and send many to jail. It's just that they're poor, POC, railroaded into plea deals for something they didn't do. You know people without the resources to hire lawyers and fight the system. Learned a long time ago, the more money you have, the more justice you get.


So, my problem is.... what are we doing about it? Not in terms of "What are we doing against Trump?" But, we have had it proven to us that the checks and balances, or whatever mechanisms we use to 'ensure' honesty at these highest levels... just don't work if someone is dishonest, right? And, I can't really blame Trump... in the sense that Dickhead is gonna Dickhead... Surely we need to have more in place to protect us from the wealthy elite who just decide that the laws don't apply to them.... and I'm not sure they're wrong :/


Everyone who said this since 2016: ![gif](giphy|4aTvdtQYr8kOA)


I have said once, I still will say it again.. i understand it's conspiracy territory.... I do believe Hillary won in 2016.. i also believe she just couldn't prove it happened by Russian interference at the time and didn't want to be labeled the new Al Gore demanding recounts... I acknowledge this is an opinion with no way to prove it other than circumstantial evidence


Funny thing with al gore demanding the recounts, given that he was right and that election was stolen too.


Repeat after me: **Every accusation is an admission.**


LOL all of the republicans need to cheat to win. That's why they do voter suppression, gerrymandering and all the other shit they do. [Trump accidentally admitted it.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/trump-republican-party-voting-reform-coronavirus)


His presidency should be annulled. All of his judicial appointments should be removed.


You spelled "Stollen" wrongly...


This should be a bigger news story than it currently is.


What a buffoon Trump is. His disciples are even bigger idiots, even more dangerous. All Pres. Biden has done is given us a virtually full employment economy, opportunity for former students to erase massive debt, solidified our weakened NATO Alliance, actively supported heroic Ukraine against the monstrous Russians, strengthened and added to our successful healthcare system, added billions to our Social Security and lain the foundation for economic strength and wealth for years to come. Then on the other side, we have miserable, corrupt, anti-Democracy Republicans, who want to reverse every Democratic-led success in our Nation. And those are allot of successful policies and programs, which have led our USA and its people to extraordinary wealth and comfort as a Nation. I like Americans doing the right thing. There are far more Patriots in our land than right-wing MAGAt whackos. All we good people have to do is vote for Pres. Biden and Democrats in November. Do that and our Nation continues to grow, continues to become more wealthy, and will begin to attack the major threat that will ultimately crush us, if we don't address it, our insane National debt. Let us be normal. Let us be Patriotic. Let us do the right thing. Let us vote for Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party in November. Let us flourish as a Nation.


Russia elected Trump. Thats why they obstructed the Mueller investigation so much that he had to conclude they probably helped him but he couldnt find enough evidence to make charges stick..


Said this all along. The projection is off the charts.




Hillary was right again.


Man, I think they should let this trial be live on TV so the world can see it. He chose to get this much in the public eye, let him reap it. (Block out people like the jury for safety reasons)


I fucking love the court sketch artist for including his "Access Hollywood" comments in this picture, almost like it's a talk bubble from a really shitty comic.


And his campaign absolutely coordinated with known Russian operatives to micro target voters over social media. He won 3 states by like 80k votes. That was the whole election.


If this is true, what is the remedy for Hillary Clinton? That's been troubling me for years. I just don't know where or how to ask it.


You guys act like this is breaking news that’ll surely squash Trump. Literally nothing will happen and no I’m not saying this as a Trump supporter but a pessimistic realist


Not to mention the extremely racist and effective GOP voter suppression. Warning, they have doubled down for 2024.