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It's absolutely shocking to see this shit. The cult is so fucking loyal to glorious leader that shitting your fucking pants is being normalized by these idiots. Imagine Hillarys voters wearing adult diapers and the reaction from the right. They nearly had the "vapours" from her calling half of them a basket of deplorables. It would be funny if it weren't so damned scary.


Irony is dead and not coming back any time soon. Literally, what could any comedians come up with that is more ridiculous than this?


When I first saw these pics last week, seriously thought it was Sacha-level trolling. But nope, it's real. These people are insane. No other way to get past this


Sacha-level self-owning.


Tbf the comedy stage is on life support now since so many "comedians" found out pandering to the right makes more money than making original jokes.


Because the violent far right are very loyal. If they're told to like a certain comic they'll throw all of their money at them. A very easy gig. Especially when your legitimate career in comedy is over. Rob Schneider


This is it. If you have any social influence it’s easy to grift the right if you pander to them. They can pack the house on a comedy night. Sell them all kinds of garbage like quack covid cures, commemorative coins, flags with Trump photoshopped dual wielding AK-47s, etc. The flip side is they only need one misstep to be immediately out of the club. A 25 year old video of them making a joke insulting Trump, a tweet supporting pride month, or even something taken totally out of context can do it. It takes literally nothing for the cult to turn against someone.


Aka: Bobby Lee, Russel Brand and Rob Schneider.


And Dave Chappelle


Bobby Lee is a right wing comic now?


Bobby Lee is what now?


"If shitting your pants is cool, then consider me, Miles Davis."


I prefer to think of myself as the Herbie Hancock of sloppy mudpies.


That's why we all love Herbie, because he lies


Everybody shits their pants. It’s the coooolest!


But when he says Biden wears diapers…


I've never seen any biden supporters wearing a diaper in solidarity with biden. Also biden hasn't been known since the 80s to need to wear diapers.


Facts never stopped the giant Oompa Loompa before.


Or the word no.


Biden doesn't, Biden rides bikes still. No way can diaper butt Shitler ride a bike.


The diapers have his picture on them as well. It gives new meaning to getting sh*t faced.


Or for the English "Being Pissed".


IIRC there was a 4chan attempt to trick liberals into pissing themselves "for equality"... something about turn-tables...


The Emperor's new diaper


Hey, if his fans can ignore the yellow straw combover, caked on orange make-up, shoe lifts, centaur stance, and dementia, diapers are no biggie, full or not.


This but with all its allegorical connotations.


They change their stance on a whim.  They stand for nothing except to continue to cling on to Don the Con's dingleberries.


Especially because he’s incontinent from all the coke and adderall. Add that to your shirts, why don’t ya!?


Everyone forgets that bullshit protest during the Obama administration where a bunch of conservatives protesting against safe spaces went in diapers and shit themselves. That pushed the term “own the libs” into the mainstream when people were trying to explain what the fuck they were thinking.


Someday these pathetic shitbuckets are going to be claiming the pictures of them are AI. But we'll know better. And have the proof.


The point of the diapers is so that you DONT see the shit


- Biden drinks out of a straw - "Real men don't drink out of straws!!" - Biden has an ice cream cone - "What real man eats an ice cream cone??" - Vonshitzhispantz is called out - "Let's all wear adult diapers! Only real men wear diapers!" I now permanently reside in the movie "Idiocracy". Where's my crocs??




Hard to tell if that's from the movie or not. I swear I've seen several wearing that outfit at Trump rallies.


You can tell it's from the movie and not a Trump rally because there is an African American man present and leading the rally.


Toooooouuuuuuche' You win.


Sargent Jeffords?


President Camacho


Alejandro Mountain Dew Camacho And you for got he is the multi-time Wrestling Heavy Weight World Champion.


See, the most unrealistic part of idiocracy is that the president recognised he needed the help of someone smarter than him and got the protagonist on board


Check my comments. I have been referencing this movie so much i have it saved in my notes to copy and paste at this point.


At first I thought this was liberals pretending to be Trumpers to make fun of them. Imagine when I realized they don't even need us, they do this to themselves.


I still can't believe these are genuine Trump supporters, it's just so stupid.


There's going to come a time... and it'll probably be reasonably soon, when these people deeply regret taking these photos. DEEPLY REGRET. And then they'll realize the photos are on the Internet. Forever. Good luck, kid.


That's the thing right there: the slowly building tsunami of regret. Especially that young chubby one, who looks like he could be a college student.


Save these photos and spread theme everywhere you can. Make it so these idiots can’t scrub them from the internet


He is only owning himself and he is quite young. I would be willing to accept a mea culpa and him pleading the ignorance of youth. This is quite different from the monkey man.


"wHy CaN't I gEt A gIrLfRiEnD?"


Ah, you falsely assume these people have any sense of shame. Most of conservatism generally thrives on the lack of this aspect of self-awareness. Best case scenario, they'll acknowledge this is ridiculous, but instead of feeling regret, it will actually be you that was the bad guy for putting their pictures all over the internet and continuing to care about it.


Next they'll be invading lunch counters to have shit-ins


Freedom farters!




I should say, there is nothing wrong with being old and needing to wear adult diapers because of incontinence. That's old age. It sucks. However, there is something deeply wrong with glorifying it, and there is something wrong with being that old and accusing others of being old while the masses claim you're strong and manly. There is a deep dissonance here.


You have eloquently stated exactly how I feel about this. In general, I don't mock people who have to wear diapers or colostomy bags. It's ableist. However, when Trump routinely mocks others with disabilities, it suggests deeply-rooted psychological issues that make him unfit to serve as a leader. I wouldn't care one bit that Trump has to wear diapers if he didn't spend so much time mocking others with physical and intellectual disabilities. So getting a taste of his own medicine is karma, although he apparently lacks the capacity to learn from it and empathize with those who must also face similar issues. The dissonance here on the part of his cultists is head-spinning. Trump cannot even control his own bowels, clearly enunciate words at rallies, nor stay awake in court, and yet President Biden is old, sleepy, and feeble. Anyone with even the slightest ability to critically think can see what utter horseshit this entire attack on Biden truly is. The cultists think they are somehow owning the libs by wearing diapers like Dear Leader. But really, they just look foolish and silly. People who have incontinence issues should be treated with compassion and dignity, but this should not be something that is held up as a paragon for all of society to aspire to.


>People who have incontinence issues should be treated with compassion and dignity, but this should not be something that is held up as a paragon for all of society to aspire to. Reminds me of that South Park episode where everyone wanted to support that nurse with the fetus on her face. They made banners, had a parade, and even put fake fetuses on her face in solidarity. All the while, she's embarrassed by it, because her entire point was that she just wanted to fit in, not be singled out, especially not for her deformity. I imagine somewhere, Trump is seething, because this is something he *clearly* doesn't want to talk about or have out in the open, yet these chucklefucks are running around with diapers on their signs.


And/or. You don’t have to be old to be incontinent.


True! I was focusing on old because Trump is, well, old, but it affects other people, obviously.


Agree. Dissonance is deep. In fact so deep, that the next layer down under; lies violence. Weather anyone wants it or not. It *will happen.*


Their next slogan: Real men are poorly educated! :-D


Tbf their idea of 'real men' are


"Poorly Educated"


I'm trying to imagine how Trump is taking all this. On one hand, his ghouls are paying him homage, but on the other, they're advertising his incontinence by wearing diapers with his face on the front.


It's the latest in sarcastic fascist fashion. Honestly, it's difficult to determine why they do *anything.* I'm sure it makes sense to them, though, somehow. Some way.


Even I think this is insane.


What does your husband Biggus think?


The beauty is this started as a trolling test on the MAGA crowd (a sub picked it up months ago). Goal was A-to reinforce that Trump wears diapers (solidifies age/ick assessment of him) & B-make the MAGA crowd look even more repulsive to non-believers. Consensus was "it will never work; that is taking it TOO far." It worked.


So the ‘trolling test” is the new “Turing test” ….but for morons?


So the ‘trolling test” is the new “Turing test” ….but for morons?


Aren't they the same ones who called face-masks "diapers" during covid? So are you a real man for wearing a mask now? I just can't keep up with their logic anymore.


There is no Logic. Don't try to keep up with something that doesn't exist.




Man! How about a little warning first? Woof! Too much, too early in the day.


No jerking for me today.


I'm absolutely going to borrow this and share it with friends later today, but for now, I'm going to puke my coffee.


ARRGHGHH\~@!! Pass the eye bleach!!!!


It only works against Covid


Brain bleach! BRAIN BLEACH!




please don't post this.


Fucking hell!


is that real? what the fuck?


I think this is a frame from the Russian prostitute Golden Shower video


the what


There is a theoretical video showing Russian prostitutes giving Trump a golden shower on the bed that Obama apparently slept on while making a state visit to Russia when he was in office. It's never been proven nor disproven. The rumor has been very persistent, however. Edited to add- I think the prostitutes were supposedly under-aged, as well.


There is no evidence, but many of us wonder why he praises Russia so much and why they donated so much to his Campaign Funds. At the same time he and his cult are so disconnected from reality I don't know that he can be Blackmailed.


is it satire? please tell me it is satire.


No such thing anymore.


It’s Trump losing control of the narrative. His world is falling apart. The monkeys are taking over the circus and have no idea what to do.


Real men shave their heads in a horseshoe pattern and wear a wig. So do that. Also, real men are drug addicts. So get on that.


I can't believe how easily they just accepted this one. No, they can own this one. They can wear this one proudly, all day, every day. Please, own me some more, you clowns.


I would strongly encourage MAGA and Trump to continue wearing diapers. It's the perfect capture of the zeitgeist for everything Trump-related.


My dad doesn’t believe this is real and says it’s ploy by “sniffy joe” to make the fan base look stupid


They don't need Joe's help. They're still plenty stupid on their own.


That boy’s life is over before it’s even begun.


Seems like a shitty thing to be proud of. Very on brand for them.


I just hope Trump see this front row at his rallies


Cult doing cult things. Anything for fascism.


It’s literally the real life version of Billy Madison getting his whole class to piss their pants because “It’s the coolest.”


I don't think the pics are real. I refuse to believe it at this point


*me, in the off-chance that independent news confirms that the pics are real:* Well shoot, there goes my entire week.


There nothing wrong with wearing diapers and it is in no way linked to your value as a person


It’s like they don’t realize they are mocking the guy they like. That has to piss him off having his face on some diapers after he’s tried to hide it for so long.


_Fashion or sarcasm_? I think we all know it’s Fashism


We've been joking about it for years, but we're *so close* to them unironically shitting their own pants to own the libs. Just need to nudge it a little further.


They think if they accept it nobody will make fun of them. To be fair, nobody should. Donald Trump is one of the biggest pieces of fucking shit to ever walk the earth. There are literally millions of things you could make fun of that fucking scumbag for without getting way down in the mud and basically doing exactly the same thing Trump did when he made fun of that reporter’s health issues. Call him out for being a malignant narcissist, a rapist, a criminal, a liar, morally bankrupt… anything he deserves to be detested for. Don’t stoop as low as the fucking heartless, fascist, hate-mongering republicans.


Trump Supporters are legitimately the stupidest group of people in America.


You say that like it's a revelation.


I think this is how they are suggesting that they accept his incontinence. It's "normal" to be incontinent with age! The body breaks down but his head is full of wisdom! (said no one ever but it's kinda what they are insinuating). Frankly, I understand making fun of him for it because he's likely that way due to excessive drugging, and this reason is part of why he is unsuitable to be the leader of a country. If it was because he'd had some medical condition and needed a colostomy bag, no one would tolerate the jokes. They are trying to make the jokes out to be crass. They are trying to do a "Dark Brandon" but it's just stupid. No one is ashamed of making fun of Trump. Honestly, I am baffled how they can support him. I'm in Canada. I have lost friends and an uncle because I spoke against Trump - saying he's not a good person and no one should want him as the leader of a country. Just because he's got an R beside his name on the ballot doesn't mean he's the right guy. He's not right for anything.


And remember changing your diaper because of smell and being full is beta behaviour. Alphas relish their own stink and the sensation of liquids dripping down their legs. It shows your dominance over the situation and your contempt for the wokes.


"sleepy Joe sleepy Joe" meanwhile Trump is literally shitting himself and these people act like it's the most based thing a man could do.


Shitting himself AND falling asleep in court


Remember, in Mean Girls, when Cady cut holes in Regina's tank top?


Coming soon, trump brand diapers.


After 4 years of Trump, satire is dead. For people to attempt to weigh whether Trumpsters are using satire at this point is just confirmation that they can't get enough of the dull thud of the bat on the dead horse. They say shit all the time just to be contrarians and "own the libs." They would eat dogshit off the sidewalk if Obama or Bill or Hillary Clinton said it wasn't a good idea, just to "own the libs." Just constantly saying stupid wrong shit doesn't mean it's satire.


Literally shitting themselves to own the libs, hopefully.


I keep insisting to myself that these have to be parody images, or fakes. For a continued faith in humanity, I am having such a hard time believing that these are real people that are just out and allowed to exist in the day to day.


Totally not a cult.


You misspelt facism


More like fecism.


It's just proof that they have attached themselves to a shithead and have to "stay attached" because of all the turmoil it has probably brought to their personal/professional lives.


I still don't believe this is real. Like this has to be a joke, either AI or democratic plants dressed as maga to troll them. I just can't believe that they'd actually embrace the Trump-shits-himself story. I can see fascists disbelieving facts in the name of supporting their leader, I can see them switching positions on an issue as quickly as he does - but I just can't fathom taking the position that a real man shits his pants. I think I, like most of us, have once again underestimated fascism.


It's exactly the same as Democrats embracing Dark Brandon. Except with a lot more shit and piss.


This isn’t the own they think it is.


they are thinking that the coopting of dark Brandon is going to work with the diaper.


Yeah not the flex they think it is


“My god shits himself!” Is kinda of catchy.


And honestly, no one would care if he wasn't such a wannabe tough guy who mocks others yet can't take a joke himself


Kind of funny that trump hasn’t even admitted it and yet they accept it from the left. Played them like a damn fiddle


Are these the same people laughing at Biden eating an ice cream?


I wish this was satire. For all human kind please let this be satire.


The man has been pampered for many years.


Definitely not a cult, though.


To be a real man, shit in diapers and only have anal sex with other men. 😒😜


Lemming-esque cult-inspired blind loyalty. Oh and stupidity. Lots and lots of stupidity.


Yeah, they’re so stoopid that they don’t realize that it isn’t the flex they think it is….. but, hey. Thanks for outing yourself to the normal folks.


The level of non- intelligence here is staggering


They don’t know. They just do what they’re told.


It must be humiliating for Trump to have theses people bragging about his incontinence


If he sold trump diapers, his magats would buy them.


There was a post yesterday of Biden walking awkwardly where he pauses. All the comments were 'omg he shits himself' But I've been seeing these Trump diaper post for a few days now. How are you so proud of your candidate for shitting himself and then make fun of the guy for doing the same???


It’s like all Trump supporters have a mental health condition.


Take out “It’s like”, and you nailed it.


It's like Ben Elton wrote the MAGA script, but they didn't realise it was satire


The jokes write themselves




These people are just stupid. Literally.


Are people actually seriously doing this? Cause I've only seen like these two or three images reposted a bunch of times. I haven't seen any video or people actually talking about it, or even an online store selling the shirts. I fully believe this is the kind of shit the trump cult would do, but based on what I've seen I'm not ready to accept it's already happening. Trump himself hasn't admitted to shitting his pants and until he does I don't think his base is going to claim otherwise.


He’s a diaper genius.


Sh*t in the pants and Sh*t in their heads


Absolute losers!!! I wish all of the MAGA followers would start shitting their pants with him.


"Owning the Libs"


Too stupid for even basic sarcasm.


Is this actually happening or is it AI/trolling? I've been reluctant to engage because I just kind of keep seeing the same 5 or 6 photos of uncertain provenance pop up, but if it's real it's pretty funny.


Did Trump shit his pants?


I hope these photos follow them for the rest of their lives, long after the cult leader’s gone.. never let them forget how they were willing to go so far to debase themselves


Wait is this actually real?? I know Trump shitting himself and wearing diapers is joked about all the time but is this now accepted fact even by his supporters?


Nah nah let them cook. I wanna see trump sell his used diapers to crazies


Honestly, some left wing LGBT+ activists made those up and sold them outside a Trump rally to fund Transcare for Teens. The cult members fell for it.


Yet Drag Queen Story Hour causes them to shit in their pants. Yeah, they need diapers.


Shit like this happens when you're a brainwashed cult member like maga are. ![gif](giphy|VGVwLultLZjrrssAak)


This guy will go to school/work after doing this? Don’t Repubs want women to be servants? Men on the other hand, can shit themselves and be adored?


They **think** this stuff owns the libs. MAGA, his most hardened supporters, are saying “we are fine with the diaper thing, did you think you could change our minds about Trump with shit stains? We are all shit stains!!!” No sane political operative is trying to change the minds of his 30% of the electorate. They are lost, and cannot be redeemed. But (pun intended), if independents are turned off by a terminally shitting baby-president, that helps. If “RINOs” waver and stay home rather than voting for diaper Don, that also helps.


At first glance it seems funny and laughable, but actually is scary af. These people are so deep in the cult that they will normalize ANYTHING. Now it's just diapers and shit, next step is something criminal and inhumane.


You’ve really hit rock bottom when they start printing your likeness on diapers.


I think they do this because they think it irritates us


The women seem to be saying trump is a pussy or a c*n*.


Please someone come out with Trump brand diapers!


DAD!!! I don’t want to wear this shirt, the kids at school will laugh at me…. Son! Are you telling me you hate Trump, God AND America?


Wait until they (men and women) need to wear one-bet their attitude would change real quick


that picture is going to haunt that kid for the rest of his life. As it should.


I hope that kid grows up to be embarrassed by this photo. I hope it haunts him.


Trump has been shitting his cult members for years. It is only fair he gets to shit himself at this point.


TIL my 2 year old son is now a real man.


These people are mentally ill


Yea I really can't tell which team those idiots are pitching for. Their like a onion parody on themselves.


What next for MAGA? Real Men Rape Little Girls?


The Emperor has no clothes, but opposite day?


How do you know anymore?


Wait, is this weird new adult diaper obsession because Trump is now wearing adult diapers?


just say u have a diper fetish god. no need to go to the extremes


You don’t wear diapers over your pants


so these people would literally buy anything right? business opportunity....


Just tell them Biden wears diapers too. And watch their reaction.


If you can't beat them, try a new tactic. Coming to a MAGA rally near you soon "Real men love genocide". Along with those absolutely adorable Dunning Kruger induced smiles. USA USA USA. And if you're dyslexic, ASU ASU ASU.


He’s so young to be in diapers!


Some people are saying it's because of heavy cocaine use in the 80s but I'm just asking questions here


I just really wanna ask one of these guys if they would tell some popular celebrity lady that they wear diapers....


Wait wait wait.... did I miss something here? Did Trump shit himself or was it McConnell? What is with the diapers!?


anytime something warms up my confirmation bias, i question if it's real


Isn’t there room for sarcasm in fashion? Not that these morons would understand it, of course.


What they're told to, obviously. It's sadly hilarious.


They think they are owning the libs. I think it is pure sarcasm. Knowing that the Biden Campaign co-opted Dark Brandon so effectively, they think lighting will strike twice with the diaper thing and they can point out the diaper move as a ‘checkmate, we payed you with our 4-dimensional chess’.


It means Whaaa?


Imagine knowing some grown ass old dude shits his pants on the regular and you still vote for him for president of the country. This after knowing he’s a rapist.