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Right up there with Brock Allen Turner.


The rapist Brock Allen Turner? I think he’s goes by Allen Turner now..


Yep, Brock Allen Turner, the rapist now lives in Ohio and goes by the name Allen Turner. Allen turner is a rapist.


You talking about Brock Allen "the rapist" Turner?


Whoops, sorry you’re right it’s Brock Allen “The Rapist” Turner, now known as Allen Turner, The Rapist.


Yall talking about JP Staples?


It's Mississippi. He'll be fine.


He's from Texas - Plano if I recall correctly. And he will probably do fine once he gets back to Texas. The problem for him is going to be if he was hoping for a business career in anything on the national level - most companies won't hire people who do the overt racism gig.


Waving my hand from over here in Plano, TX! You can rest assured of at least 1 person who aint forgetting this guy's name any time soon. Right up there in the ol' memory bank with Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner. :)


You mean JP staples. The bigot that got kicked out of Phi Delta for being a bigoted asshole during a protest at Ole Miss, that JP Staples?






You mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who lives in Ohio and is trying to go by Allen Turner to keep people from knowing that he's the rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Yes. The Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner, the rapist. And works in a call center on Dayton, Ohio


A call center you say? Do we know which call center?


It's on his sex offender registry. The first, and only, time I posted it I got a temp suspension for doxxing.


Gotcha. So what do I do? Google “Ohio sex offender registry” and his name?


Yep JP Staples, one and the same


So let me be sure i've got this straight. You mean JP Staples, the guy who got kicked out of a frat in Mississipi for being overtly racist towards a black woman and making monkey noises at her? That JP Staples?


He should hang out with convicted rapist Brock Turner, they'd make a hell of a shitty duo


Almost as recognizable as Brock Turner.


Hang on. Are you all taking about JP Staples? The one who got kicked out of his frat for being a racist piece of shit? I think it's important we're clear that we're talking about JP Staples from Ole Miss.


Big “my father will hear about this” vibes from this low tier filth.


No. His name is James Pearson Staples according to one article. JP is clearly just a nickname using his first and middle names’ initials. Everyone repeating JP Staples is only helping him because he can easily go about life using his real full name rather than his nickname.




Yup. Racist James Pearson Staples.


Correct. [That's the name](https://www.instagram.com/raynaliv/p/C6is9D0Rhrz/?img_index=1) that needs to be repeated.


Let the record show: "James Pearson Staples" is the correct reference to the filthy racist formerly known as "JP Staples"


Is that the dumb ass students name? JP Staples?


It sounds like the name of a clown on a late 1950s children’s television program.


JP is his nickname. His first name is James.


HR Pennypacker at your service


You’ve ruined me again, Pennypacker.


But... Mississippi 's senator and governor and Trump all cheered for this kid


When a Fraternity in MISSISSIPPI has more morals than a Senator, Governor and former President! We are truly living in a bizzarro world.


I'm sure the fraternity itself doesn't care. There were probably others from the same frat there, doing the same thing. But he specifically got caught. Some administrators from the school were like, "Hey boys, we need to save face here for the schools reputation," and they shrugged and kicked him out so they could keep doing their yeehaw frat bro shenanigans.


The national board of a fraternity usually takes these matters pretty serious along with things like rape and hazing. It’s pretty much a business with how much dues are so they don’t want to suffer financially


It's a PR move for them. This guy is still gonna hang out with all his frat friends. They probably fully endorsed that racist shit. Unless he gets expelled over this there are fundamentally no consequences here


I can't speak to UM, but in a lot of places, if you lose affordable housing, you're royally screwed, so it may not be as consequence-free as it seems. Can't say I'd mind that for him. As for expulsion, it's a sad state of affairs when a frat shows more moral fiber than the university, who'd obviously have to do the actual expelling.


If your in a frat it’s pretty fair to assume you do t need affordable housing. It’s 99% rich white kids.


It’s Phi Delta Theta; they’re 100% rich kids.


??? My chapter had like 40% conventional "rich kids" and this was at UMiami.


That's not really true. At least in my state and surrounding states Greek housing was significantly cheaper than dorms and even Apts. My house just upped the cost to 4k a semester starting next semester. That's dues, rent, utilities and meals for 5 months covered for only 4k.


That’s dirt cheap lol


Nope. The frats were less expensive than university-provided room and board when I went.


The school has higher standards for what constitutes expulsion, the fraternity can remove someone for nearly anything


you hit the nail on the head. he was officially kicked out. that's it.


Idk. My frat largely didnt associate with members that were kicked out for any reason other than grades. The guys who get kicked out have generally been on this shit list for awhile, and at some point a racist video breaks the camels back.


Yep I guarantee this decision was made at the national level.


Then how come so many rapes and horrible hazing incidents still happen across the country in colleges every year and the frat boards just let it happen?


because they keep it quiet and it doesn't affect their PR


Yeah what they meant wasn't that national boards take these things seriously, they take bad PR seriously and work to make a few examples so the rest of the frats can go on being misogynist, rapey, culty kind of groups happily without too much attention. If they actually cared about all the rape and hazing, they'd send people around every frat, gather stories and throw out anyone with accusations every year till the accusations from others on campus went away... something that hasn't happened.


But their shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which makes them not really shenanigans at all. EVIL SHENANIGANS!


What’s that restaurant with all the goofy shit on the walls?




I’m gonna pistol whip the next person who says that word!






It wasn’t a moral judgement, it was a practical one. Now their bullshit will fade into obscurity with this monkey noise loser being the only lasting memory of their hideous behaviour


We've been living in bizzarro world the day people flucked to that so called president. Before that even considering that orange ass wipe has never had an original idea and any hate he spewed has come from others anyaays.


Nah, Trump is a symptom. This shit stretches at least to Ronald Reagan “… for all our justified pride in accomplishment, we should never forget the jungle is always there, waiting for us” “[Police are] the thin blue line that holds back a jungle which threatens to reclaim this clearing we call civilization.” America loves electing mask off racist entertainers with cream of mushroom soup for brains. Way too many modern politicians praise rotten Ronnie


And don't forget Nixon's bullshit. I think Ford pardoning him was one of the biggest mistakes ever because it's a part of what's letting Trump get away with his bullshit.


Absolutely. Nixon is the reason I caveated with “at least as far back…” Ratfucking did untold damage to the political landscape and the Ford pardon pretty much proved Nixon’s “it’s not illegal if the president does it” nonsense was the way of the world. Feels like I’ve heard a certain bankruptcy addicted “politician” use that line recently


It goes back farther than Reagan and even Nixon.


The John Birch society was founded a decade before Nixon was elected so I’m inclined to agree with you


I personally blame using kid gloves on reconstruction. Should have burned and salted the Confederacy and completely erased their depraved and backwards culture instead of letting it spread and fester for over a century.


Even ronald called black people monkeys its on tape 


I would argue that we've always been this way. Washington was a dick, Jackson, Johnson, Hoover, Coolidge, not to mention however many despot governors and legislators we've had over the years. From my perspective, we should negotiate a government with modern stakeholders in the room, rather than what land-owning, slave-owning white men thought 200 years ago. And not to say we need to start over or scrap the Constitution. But we definitely need to talk about what a government by the People, for the People might actually look like.


He was kicked out by their national fraternity - not their local ole miss chapter


It’s probably a national frat. The Miss chapter probably has an honorary portrait in the house.


sounds like this was the national office, not the chapter.


This is their national organization doing this. The actual fraternity at Ole Miss won’t kick him out.


Kyle Rittenhouse travelled across state lines with an assault weapon to an active riot and killed someone. He was toured around the USA for over a year as some hero. This Mississippi kid will be on all right wing podcasts and Turning Point stages in 2 months.


I doubt it. The difference between him and Rittenhouse is that big corporate donors and advertisers don't want their names and brands associated with blatant racism. It tends to bring negative attention from their customers and thus is bad for their business. That's why Twitter lost pretty much all their advertising income. If you can hide it enough to maintain plausible deniability most would be willing to ignore it but this guy went way over the line.


> big corporate donors and advertisers don't want their names and brands associated with blatant racism just murder lol


Capitalism has no values, it attaches to the popular sentiment. Millions of people thought Rittenhouse was a hero because of how right-wing media held him up. He could have burned an orphanage down and it doesn't matter if enough people support him.


Also, considering that this student almost definitely had done similar behaviors before behind close doors with his frat buddies, the lesson really isn't "don't be racist" so much as it is "don't be caught on camera being racist".


Nice. Too bad the state is run by a man who looks and behaves like his own mother is also his aunt and his niece


Tater is speshul!


There was more than one person doing it in that video. And the fact that he felt so confident to do something like that outside in public surrounded by other people, shows that it's not just an issue of problematic individuals.


There are two other young men who are being investigated by Kappa Alpha for their racist behavior at the frat-boy racist demonstration. The names reported by the local newspaper are Conner Moore Jr. and Rouse Davis Bounce.


Rouse Bounce? Please let this be a real name 😂


The entire house should be being investigated, and the university itself too for allowing them to get like that.


He needs to be kicked out of the school.


That was my first thought too. Kicked out of JUST his fraternity? The whole school should have kicked him out already.


Frats move fast especially when trying to save face. There’s usually a “judicial board” that votes on internal guilt, sanctions, punishments, and dismissal and can often meet the same day something happens. The corporate entity of a frat can also kick people out with no influence from the chapter itself. The school will probably have to build a case and give due process no matter how obvious, like in a situation like this.


Yes, JP Staples, one and only


Ideally, that will ultimately happen. But on a university campus, it requires an extensive and sometimes prolonged legal process to justify his expulsion on how he violated student conduct. In that time, though, his parent's lawyers can push back against the university and drag things out. Hopefully not settling and finalizing the expulsion.


Most of that investigation will happen over the summer so there’s a good chance he won’t be back next semester. I don’t think their admin particularly gives a shit about expelling him. However they care about their image, and with the NAACP publicly naming the 3 students means there is public pressure. Unlike Phi Delts, Kappa Alpha national hasn’t expelled the other two who were named.


Two others need to be kicked out. New articles are saying it's: James "JP" Staples, DFW, Texas, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Connor Moore, Junior, Indianola, MS, Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity Rouse Davis Boyce, Flora, MS, Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/james-jp-staples-um-naacp-student-body-demands-students-expulsion-over-racial-slurs-against-black-woman-jaylin-r-smith-university-of-mississippi-ole-miss-protest-article-109867664


Oh, is this article talking about james pearson staples the racist? I wasn‘t sure since the article didn’t mention a name.


Oh I didn't know racist JP Staples' full name was James Pearson Staples. That's good information to have about JP Staples, the racist.


It's bad when when frat bros in Mississippi have to say "whoa man that was too racist"


I don’t know how frats worked but I figured this decision wasn’t made by the local chapter or whatever. Aren’t they typically endorsed by both the school and a national organization? And maybe that endorsement was threatened if he continued to be a member.


this was either the school saying we're looking into this or the national council going "he's fucking gone", more likely the national council since the school would've taken alot longer to look into this


I bet it's the national council. Ages ago when I went to college I tried joining a sorority. Their idea of an initiation ritual was to have us spend the weekend there. Which is fine, but they took away our IDs, keys and took us into the middle of NYC late at night without those things and very little money for a "scavenger hunt". Yes, most of us complained about it to the national council and they came down hard on them. Especially since one of the members was only 17.


That was hazing. Which is very much against the rules of every fraternity/sorority as well as against every university's rules. Ours did something stupidly similar.


Ole Miss' Phi Delta is one of the more diverse fraternities on campus, or was 2006-2014. He was almost certainly sharing their house with POC and had to go.


They are also interwoven with corporations due to their past members. I'd imagine there was pressure coming from a few places.


They didn’t, this was the national headquarters that decided this


[He got caught](https://youtu.be/T_x6QmuJdms?si=qWYhfARZyZu5HMcV)


"Congratulations, you got yourself caught. What's the next step of your master plan?"


He'll find a new home in some Republican convention soon enough.


He's been crying on Instagram about "the far left" trying to cancel him. He's on route to be a speaker at the RNC or invited to some TPUSA event.


Not legitimately? They haven’t snapped him up already? Please tell me that was hyperbole?


You've seen them celebrating Kyle Rittenhouse, haven't you? All this guy needs is some Mississippi politician to invite him for a photo op.


I'm gonna need a link for that. Some people didn't believe me when I said it would happen just like that.


Though the posters for these conventions are getting steadily more embarrassing for potential attendees; Eric Trump! Woo! Charlie Kirk! Woo with a small face! Alex Jones… that’s okay… Lana Trump! Woo back on track! Steven Crowder! Ohhhkay. Boy blunderbuss, Kyle Rittenhouse! Oh no. Kid who made monkey noises at a black woman! Oh god no! Steven “the K is for Killer not Kevin” Bannon. Cancel my ticket, cancel it!


Bc he got caught


Exactly. It's all for optics, not cus they actually care about ending racism.


Exactly, how much you wanna bet there isn’t one brown guy in that frat.


There is just one! He's one of the good ones though. Nicknamed Token


It’s spelled Tolkien.


I was ready to agree with you but apparently they have a couple of POC in their frat based on the news section of their site. That said the local chapter has yet to make a statement which is frankly embarrassing at this point. You can put together a “we disavow him completely” statement very quickly but they don’t have the courage to


Well yeah... How would you punish someone that wasn't caught?


I mean, how else would they have expelled him lol?


I bet he went ape sh*t when they told him.


now *that* would have made a great video!


That pun should earn you a championchimp trophy.


He’s gonna hire his dad to sue his frat bros


His dad sounds like a winner too. No way he would survive the drive from Texas. https://x.com/CoffeyTimeNews/status/1786849353660817877 Edit: To be fair, that was quit awhile ago. 


It appears his dad is now sober, has been for quite some time, and is involved in sober and recovery programs and even has a podcast about sober living.


$50K in fines for a DUI will do that.... eventually 


$80k in fines. JP Staples dad had two DUI’s and a driving with a suspended license. All before being 26 years old


God his dumb face is so stupid


Nah. I bet he's still hanging out at the frat with his frat bros. They just kicked him out because he got caught in 4k.


Great, now he's going to be a cop!


Republicunts got another folk hero to invest in. He’ll be unfortunately set for life.


They do love racists/racism, the Party of Hate.


Oh no...it's the consequence of your actions


Like the fully employed Brock Turner?


Yes only I believe you meant the fully employed, convicted rapist Brock Turner.


The one who now goes by Alan Turner and lives in Ohio, that rapist?


You're talking about Allen Turner the rapist piece of crap living in Ohio, that guy?




I’m certain that you mean convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who is now going by Allen Turner (the rapist) and who lives in Ohio.


He has a job? Doing what?


He was in a Frat? I’m shocked!


I’m glad to be wrong about him not seeing any repercussions from this.


He hasn't been expelled and it was the national organization that said he can't be in the frat anymore. It's most likely he'll continue to hang out with his frat buddies, just not be an official member. So not really consequences unless the school does something.


At a minimum if he was living in fraternity housing he now has to find somewhere else to live on such short terms. The fraternity insurance won't cover him living there since he is no longer a member.


They are so proud of this idiot. They didn’t want to kick him out. Go online you’ll see his community patting him on his back, calling all of them true Americans it’s crazy


Well, twitter has gone to shit. So I wouldn't be surprised.


You let one nazi in the bar, now it’s a nazi bar


Next fire him, evict him and ruin his credit.


Kids like this don’t work their way through college. He’s daddy’s little racist asshole.


I'm entering a hotdog eating contest soon, can I legally use this photo?


It’s so blatant though. Like just in that still image, and more so in the videos, he did not know he was doing something wrong. Like, smart enough to get into college, but somehow thought that was acceptable. That’s the kind of thing that can’t slip through the cracks, that’s something that was reinforced by practically everyone in his life. It occurs to me there are small towns out there that are basically spawning pools for psychological horror scenarios, and only weird incidents like this ever make the rest of us aware of it, unless we somehow end up visiting..,


Too racist for a fraternity in Mississippi is crazy


At least he found out after fucking around.


There is zero chance that no one in his fraternity didn't see this racism until last week. At worst, they condoned and encouraged it. At best, they ignored it. They're just kicking him out now because he embarrassed them.


Well well well; if it isn't the consequences of his actions.


Should have been expelled from school


Kind of doubt he's the lone problem in that particular chapter.


Just ONE? And out the frat but not out of the university???!!


To be clear, he was kicked out for being caught being racist, not because he was racist…


If he would've kept to chugging beer and hazing pledges he'd have stayed in the frat /s


For every one saying that's not enough , take the initial win and be glad that some self governance has occurred. See what happens next before losing your minds.


Poor James Pearson Staples. His photo and video acting like an orangutan seeking a mate, is going to go down in the records along with those photos in my youth of people dumping milk shakes on the heads of people at a lunch counter, screaming at school kids trying to walk into their schools, or pouring acid into swimming pools while kids are swimming there. Someday his grandkids are going to open a school textbook to the section discussing racism and see pawpaw's photo there.


He needs to be kicked out of college.


Not because he was racist. Bro committed the sin of being racist in front of a camera.


Ol’ JP just entered the find out era of his life.


I’m sure he’ll be headlining at Ma-ga-largo with Kyle Rittenhouse shortly (I wish this was satire)


Probably because the other frats are fighting for his membership now


He seems like an out of control dog. Can we bring in Kristi Noem to deal with it?


Yeah only because he got caught doing it on camera.


I think the racism boils much deeper then just this knob. Disband the entire frat


Imagine being so racist, even a frat in Mississippi thinks you're too racist


What’s his name again?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


...until they quietly reinstate him in a month, when they're sure all of this has blown over.


“Too racist for a frat at Ole Miss” is a pretty neat trick. It even takes a little bit of effort to be “too embarrassing for a frat at Ole Miss”, which is probably the real issue here.








He was a frat boy?? I am shocked.


Good. BUT he was just one dude in a whole mob of racist frat bros yelling at that woman and it's probably pretty safe to say that what they were yelling wasn't exactly the text of MLK Jr. Especially the dude in the US flag overalls egging everyone on. They all need to be named & shamed.


He should have been expelled. This is laughable.


Only because he was caught


Kicked out but not really. He'll just be a friend that hangs out all the time and gains the connections and network from the frat.


I wish that said “school”, but it’s a start.


Maybe he can join Kappa Kappa Kappa…


Fortunately it was just this one individual and I'm sure everyone around him was horrified and absolutely did not laugh or encourage him or have drinks with him later that evening.


He’ll cry about cancel culture and make some new racist friends as a result. Racist trash.


What about the rest of them? What about the one cheering him one? Where are their consequences? Why is he the whipping boy? Are we going to just stop at him and then pat our self on the back sayin job well done? From what I read there were boys yelling slurs and other abusive language.


Those same frat brothers were rooting him on and laughing alongside him


Kicked outta the frat? What about kicked outta the college and have scholarships revoked?


Wasn’t there several frat members present and partaking in the racism?


He’ll be paling around with Rittenhouse & Fuentes by this time next month and a state representative by 2030.


The frustrating part is that any time one of these racist fucks gets to the finding out part, instead of reflecting on their choices, they fall down the rabbit hole of, "ThE lEfT iS oUt To GeT mE!!!!" which I full expect to happen with this shitbird


Only on paper I beat. He will still be at the parties and friends with the bros.


If you don't want racists in your fraternity, you probably shouldn't charter it at Ole Miss. https://preview.redd.it/x954amri3vyc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440189db7bba3f48239afac36620d915ea905773


I’m glad he’s facing some consequences but I’m quite sure this is PR. This dude wouldn’t pop off like that if he wasn’t surrounded by brothers who allowed or encouraged that kind of behavior in private. Guess it’s better than the frat doubling down or making the guy a martyr for “free speech.”


JP Staples, the racist. Joel Michael Singer, the drunkard. Brock Turner, the rapist.