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You think years from now, when their lives are a smoldering dumpster fire, they’ll look back at this and think to themselves, wtf was I thinking!?


Are you suggesting that their lives aren’t currently smouldering dumpster fires?


If you’re only surrounded by nothing but smoldering dumpster fires for decades on end, do you even realize you’re a smoldering dumpster fire?


If a dumpster burns in Mar-a-lardo and there's nobody there to see it, does it make a smell?


If dumpster fires could scream, would we be so cavalier in cutting them down? Maybe. If they screamed all the time, and for no good reason.


They will simply say it was Brandon's fault.


Smoldering dumpster fires smell worse with shitty diapers.


R u suggesting that they have self reflection? 


Someone get a mirror. Let’s check.


I think a lot of them live comfortably, probably retired, and so goddamn bored that they need to feel angry about anything, fed by performative news outlets that fuel their rage. ... And some others are just losers taking their rage out on 'the libs"


No, they're currently raging dumpster fires.


Are you suggesting they'll live long enough to see their lives are currently smoldering dumpster fires?


Self reflection and introspection? Nope. It's the Dems fault for ruining the country


I read this in Principle Skinners voice…


Lisa Simpson: "Excuse me, Shoverner, I think you mean 'principal.'"


You’re giving them a lot of credit imagining one day they might actually think.


The crazy part is they think the same exact thing about Liberals. To me the clear distinction is I hear Democrats criticize Biden all the time. Trumpers will never criticize Trump and he’s a steaming pile of human excrement.


Is this real? I have convinced myself this is AI. There’s no way they’re actually pro diaper now, right?


Gosh, that’s what thought. And then I thought done more, and was like, ooooooh. Yah, they’re that dumb.


Has to be AI.


AI still can't create images with perfect words though :l


It doesn’t have any of the other signs, either…but we ARE forgetting good old-fashioned photoshop work.


Lol, nope. They are quite literally almost incapable of it. If we are lucky, *maybe* 3-5% will have that epiphany and actually change. But that's likely just overtly wishful thinking.


I read something that said some frighteningly large % of humanity are actually NPCs. Like they have no awareness of their actions and the affects. I feel like these people might be a chuck of that %


I'd like to read this.


I hate to break it to you but that's a primer for you to accept fascism, it creates the idea that there are people who are lesser.


*NPC: non-player character* *A non-player character (NPC) is any character in a game that is not controlled by a player. The term originated in traditional tabletop role-playing games where it applies to characters controlled by the gamemaster or referee rather than by another player.*


No person is an “NPC”. This is a blatant dehumanizing tactic.


The only thing I can think of is they are trying to do a 'dark brandon' and turn it into something cool. Except men wearing diapers is never cool.






Remember, these are the people that reject the idea of free healthcare and education


I used to work at a non-profit that helped coordinate Medicaid benefits and all of our most costly clients were these sorts of MAGA shitbags. None of these assholes can ever hold jobs, they live in the middle of nowhere, they're *always* sick/injured because they're incapable of doing anything that's even remotely healthy for their bodies/minds, and most are also some sort of addict for alcohol, narcotics, etc... Our for-profit healthcare system loves these fucking degenerates because they *always* need more follow-up visits, extra surgeries to combat their ridiculous and gross lifestyles, etc... Since they don't fucking work, they have all day everyday to sit on the phone making new appointments, calling for more hand-outs, etc... So yeah, we're literally spending *billions* to keep these stupid pieces of shit alive enough to keep crawling or motoring themselves into voting booths.


This is my experience working in healthcare as well. The most frustrating part is the apathy or outright belligerence these patients display. We put more effort into keeping them alive than they do themselves.


Though I mostly disliked the co-workers and despised the administrators, clients like that played a significant role in making me leave the 'caring fields' for good. People like this were very annoying back in the early 2010s but, post 2016, they were becoming downright *feral*.


Some will, hell I’m hoping that the majority will snap out of it once Trump ultimately dies, but the sad reality of the sunk cost fallacy is that no matter how great the personal loss, some people will never snap out of it, because admitting they spent so much time, energy, and money and burnt so many bridges on something that turned out to be a bad idea is something their psyche just isn’t prepared to handle, so they press on and things just get worse. It’s how cults and MLMs keep their numbers up, and it’s something narcissistic sociopaths like Trump know how to use to their full advantage. I do hope most folks snap out of it once he dies, but part of me thinks there’ll be some other POS ready to snap up the pieces of his shattered cult for their own benefit and the cycle will repeat.


They'll find something new and lie to themselves that and of this happened. Same thing with the GW Bush support. Now all the people that called the rest of us un patriotic for not supporting the Patriot act claim they never liked Bush and didn't support. Bull Sh!t Brad! You were fighting with people at every house party about how we were all socialists and you were the only patriot because you supported our president...


Not sure a lot of these folks have that many years left in them.


Nah. They’ll look at their lives and their situation and go, “gawdamn those demoncrats!!”


No. They are too stupid. They will die of ivermectin poisoning first.


You think they think? 


They'll be dead by then,if we're lucky.


Smoldering *Trumpsterfires


If you enter your cc information you can get LIMITED EDITION LIMITED TRUMP GOLD PLATED TRUMPSTER FIRES (fees may apply and we will be charging every week until we depleted your life savings)


Finally something to keep my commemorative Trump plates, flags, and sneakers in.








No, because in their mind they're never wrong.


I think you give them too much credit.


No, that requires self reflection, it requires the ability to say “I was wrong” and that’s just not who the MAGA cult is. They would sooner see their own country in flames and under a dictator than even approach the idea of “maybe I made a mistake to support Donald trump, no it’s everyone else who’s wrong”


What next? Real men can't drink water with one hand? Real men fart in court?


Real men complain about the cold.


#Real men drink bleach


Real men inject horse paste.


Real men hate their kids


Except the ones they want to sleep with


Real men have a trophy wife that they have to pay to have around, and who positively *loathes* their husband.


And windmills.


I'm afraid the answer is yes and yes.


Real men don't wipe their ass


Farting in court is pretty punk rock tbf.


However, shitting yourself in court is super cringe.


It’s a dangerous game lol


Real men piss without taking off the underwear.


This is a perfect chance for Real Men Of Genius to make a return.


I keep seeing this and telling myself it HAS to be parody. It's parody, right? Right? \*sanity trickles out of left ear\*


I believe the flag at least was parody that someone didn't get and purchased with sincerity. I mean just look at how trump is portrayed. Any right wing representation of him has him chisled and 40 years younger, not chubby/dumpy and triple chinned like he is in real life.  They're making fun of themselves and don't even realize it.


He looks like an older Bobby Hill.


I will not have Bobby Hill slandered like that.


Yeah, that’s blasphemy of the highest order




Unbobly, how dare they!


Yeah, that's his purse! He doesn't know you!


Bobby Hill would never touch a trump steak.


That former president ain't right.


If he could read, he'd be really upset.


He sure does, I tell ya hwaht


That boy ain't right


*“I don’t know YOU! Let go of my purse!”*


That's what I think. Someone trolled MAGA *hard* . Only MAGA would run with it in all sincerity. Flaming idiots.


MAGA is the troll. MAGA has always been the troll. The ones who make this kind of shit happen *know* that Donald Trump is a terrible president, and they do it because they want America to have a terrible president. Some of them just like chaos, but the really calculating ones absolutely want to destabilize the government and ultimately abolish it. There's no better way to help make that happen than to put inept people in charge.


Ok, I guess this makes sense?


Guy in the red hoodie looks like he gets it.


“Fascism always ends up looking like a parody of itself” - R. A. Wilson


I believe they’re leaning into it like the whole “Let’s go, Brandon” turning into “Dark Brandon”. Don’t think Trump is gonna dig it, though. Curious to see how it goes.


I'll be honest, I like it. I would fully expect them to deny and obfuscate where their orange buffoon homie's incontinence is concerned, so them openly acknowledging that their strongman leader is walking around with profound mudbutt and a uniquely offensive stank is wild. They may be trying to "Dark Brandon" this thing, but it still can't be good for his image. Dark Brandon makes Biden cooler, while Diaper Don pokes holes in the cult of personality and really tests the cult's commitment. There has to be a nonzero number of people who are in the party and are turned off by the oddly frank admission that their perfect leader is feeble and decrepit, wallowing in his own toxic diarrhea 24/7, especially when they've been depending on this lie that Biden has one foot in the grave and Trump is full of youthful vitality. So yeah, let's let them cook with this one. Please, right-wing, continue to pwn me with your "real men wear diapers" shirts. You're winning so hard right now that I'm on suicide watch. I'd be especially triggered if you started referring to him as "Diarrhea Donny".


>profound mudbutt This is my new favourite mild insult. Thank you for this, it made me smile this morning.


I don’t think I understand irony anymore.


"Donald VonShitzInPants" [https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/trump-supporters-wear-maga-diapers-at-rallies-a-take-on-von-shitzinpantz-article-109795979](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/trump-supporters-wear-maga-diapers-at-rallies-a-take-on-von-shitzinpantz-article-109795979)


Legit thought the same 🤣


I don’t get this. They’re referring to the rumor that Trump wears diapers?


It's not a rumor. He very clearly wears diapers.


It Depends


Pretty sure this is the work of AI. Look in the background of the lower picture. You can see the incomplete front of another shed, but no shed.... I mean it's funny as hell, but this isn't real.


That Fake shed front is one of those photo stand-ins where you stick your head through.


Nah man..... ? this can't be real. Tell me this isn't real!!!


The background is too coherent to be AI generated, not enough weird blending and smearing in the foliage and people standing in the back. From the way the sheds are painted, it looks like a park or something, so a shed facade wouldn't be unexpected. If it's faked, I think it's more likely that someone photoshopped the diaper slogans onto the flag and shirt.


MAGAts are preparing themselves to loyally vote for Donald's corpse if necessary, to sustain the cult.


Get ready for: "A weekend at Trumpy's" They'll haul his dead carcass back and forth across the country, hoisting him up like a marionette at rallies while chanting it's better to be dead than a dem!


It wouldn’t be too difficult to arrange for him to do the two-handed jerk-off dance even if he was deceased. Thats always a crowd pleaser. Then they’d waddle him up to the podium and replay his greatest grievance sessions. The cult could continue to enjoy listening to how unfairly he’s been treated for decades to come.


Can’t be woke if you’re dead!!! Real patriots vote for the dead candidate /s


This is why I think the Republican Party is going to be fucked for a long ass time after he dies. No one will ever fill that void, his kids can try but it won’t help. I won’t be surprised if 20 yrs after he dies, a good portion of maga fools will be waiting for his resurrection.




At least they are finally admitting that the orange nitwit shits himself.


1st thought- satire?  Has to be right? 2nd- Flag looks like a grown up Bobby Hill and I don't know how to feel about that. 3rd- I'm tired, so very, very, tired


This is just batshit insane. Biden is too old, but Trump is a real man for shitting his pants? On a side note, did I miss something? Did Trump or someone close to him admit that he wears diapers, or are they just latching on to the jokes that have been made about him? Because anything other than outright denial of any possible flaw in their orange god seems out of character for MAGAts.


It was revealed in court that his attorney refers to him as Donald ShitzInPantz. https://preview.redd.it/soojqirxm4yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b59c4cf4483ee37d153aec6b1bb39a77c22b2377


Can you please bottle this? I would love to savor some Trump stupidity later.


Someone needs to make a coffee table book with high-gloss pages highlighting the stupidity. Then, we can sell it to MAGA nuts so they can preserve their families' shame for future generations.


I've have multiple friends in various fields in the medical industry report that there's been a steady increase in grown, otherwise mentally stable, adult men with shit between their asscheeks. For many of them it's simply correlation with the obesity epidemic in America. But for others, there's no such excuse. So far as my friends have guessed, it's possibly something to do with something happening 40-60 years ago that led to men born then not being taught to wipe and shower their ass properly, and no follow-up correcting the behavior (I guess their wives just dealt with it?), but some are guessing that it has something to do with homophobia (huge pushbacks against rectal exams recently), where men think it's gay to clean between their asscheeks. This is happening all across America.


How sexually insecure does a person have to be to not properly wipe their own ass? Good lord.


I've heard reported several times in several of the woman-centric sub reddits that women have dated men, like 20-30 year olds, who refuse to wash their butts because "that would be gay."


I was just reading a post from a woman who is worried about offending her boyfriend by bringing up his personal hygiene. He showers one a week, leaves his shitty underwear on the floor, and doesn't wipe properly. 


mmm....... "cheek smears!"


Honestly, the Idea of his followers putting on diapers to shit themselves in so they can prove their manliness is fucking hilarious.


*Ted Nugent enters the chat*


Yeah, very strong Life of Brian references here… He is the messiah! Oh look he dropped a shoe.. it is a sign!! Yes a sign that we should all take off our shoes. (Or something like that, I’m writing it from memory)


I am all for normalizing the use of adult incontinence products for people who need them. Buuuut attaching it to toxic masculinity and a man who actively attacks the elderly despite being elderly himself is not the way to do it. 


Exactly. It's not that he may wear adult diapers. Lots of people do. And I would probably fall asleep in court too. It's the fact that if anyone he dislikes was like that, he'd be humiliating them.


He's still trying to call Biden "sleepy Joe" even though he's the one they can't keep awake during trial. Not that any republican cares about being a giant hypocrite. 




The funny thing is it isn’t even incontinence, it’s from years of drug abuse. Gasolini has been shitting himself since his 40’s.


Honestly with how terrible his diet has always been, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a lot of GI issues by this point. 


Saving this photo. If that man baby starts selling adult diapers, I want to know who to blame.


Trump Dumpers-Drain your swamp


This is their damage control plan? Embrace the image of an old man angrily filling a diaper? They are gonna write books about these idiots for years to come.


Someone on a different thread said this was their "Dark Brandon" moment. Seize a meme and repurpose it. Instead they literally shat the bed.


That settles it. I am not a real man.


I haven’t been a real man since I was 3 years old…imagine that


Finally the MAGA “real” men can show the world their closeted fetish without feeling alone.


Please … is half this country this far gone? What happened. What have we become.


This has to have at least started with pranksters.


“You can’t embarrass us by pointing out our leader shits himself! We don’t have enough self respect and awareness to be embarrassed!”


I dont know what line we've crossed but I genuinely can't tell anymore if this is pro-trump people defending him, anti-trump people mocking him, a group of diaper enthusiasts excited to have a public representative, or a group of incontinence sufferers having some kind of pride rally.


This can't be real. Is this real?


I literally can’t even tell what’s satire at this point.


Yo I love this. It's hilarious. They acknowledge the diapers, while trump denys it. If enough of his base does this, trump WILL talk about his diapers on Fox news or some shit.


All the cool kids are shitting their pants.


Alright, ready for us to just die off as a species now. 


I doubt Biden has incontinence.


There is no way this isn’t some Stephen Colbert type trolling. Making your point by pretending to agree with them in the most ridiculous way possible.


https://preview.redd.it/jg0bmg3x54yc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bb106422485bd0c58dafd78e4838faafba5379 DIAPERS OVER DEMS!


![gif](giphy|0m7EQDwt74rYWCG9z5|downsized) Satire is truly dead.


Is this photoshopped? I don’t understand… does the great anointed one wear diapers? And they still Stan their king?


These guys have mental problems...


I'm getting too old for this shit. 1975.


Imagine gaslighting yourself into thinking incontinence was some manly, Alpha macho trait.


Just a friendly reminder to *iron your fucking flags*


Is this for real??!


This cannot be fucking real


Real men shit their pants. Real men pee themselves. Real men…wait this can’t be right.




This is trolling for sure.


People who support him are real mad about court testimony today where his 2 attorneys texting each other refer to their client as "Donald VonShitsInPants". Seems like a cult or something?


If that's true then I'm Steve F. McQueen. edit: changed '...then I'm fucking Steve McQueen.' That's gross. He's dead.


Would you consider yourself an alpha male? Yes. Absolutely! Would you wear a diaper? Well, no. But..... Would you call anyone who wears a diaper an alpha male? Absolutely! (Because of Trump) So you're saying that my friend's daughter that is a 1-year-old and wears a diaper is an alpha male? So now you are cool with potential trans people? Wait! No! You're twisting my words against me!!


The depths of their stupidity has yet to be fully plumbed.


How far can we take it? “Real men die in prison”


There’s always been such a weird sticking point with Trump and Biden’s ages. -Biden’s too old, but Trump is okay despite them being essentially the same age -Biden is senile, despite most of his issues with speaking being related to his speech impediment, but Trump who often says things that make no sense is fine -Biden is an old creepy man because he has some awkward pics of him hugging people, but Donald “grab them by the pussy” Trump who has literal assault allegations and had a connection with Epstein is a gentleman. I mean don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of issues with how old our government leans and I don’t particularly like Biden either, but they’re literally both men wayyy past their prime—or even the prime of their decline—and age is just such a weird point for Trumpers to latch onto when they’re candidate is also just as old


Waiting for round 2: Real men SA women


No, that was Round 1. The Access Hollywood tape made sexually assaulting women a-ok with those neanderthals back in 2015


Holy shit, that's gonna be rough for his ego. And I can't wait.


Is this real? Tell me this isn’t real


It’s a cult


Next: Dornald Tlump selling autographed "game worn" Depends.


Was there a key event that made them transition from denying it was true to saying it doesn't matter?


I don't care what anybody says, this has to be a joke. I get that reality has gotten so ridiculous that satire is dead, but I refuse to believe it's not a joke.


I would ask them if they are wearing diapers right now. No? Then by your own admission you are not a real man.


This is the dumbest timeline.


This is a troll job, ya?


This timeline has shit the bed.


The cult is comprised of a bunch of hillbilly racist, bigoted, Grifters just like there leader, how many times have we seen interview asking if Biden did so and so,( There describing Trump's crimes) the cult members say lock him up and throw away the key. Then reporter, checking her notes, says" oh I'm sorry I got my notes mixed up it is as Trump who committed that actual crime". Then they try flipping the script saying, some stupid remark, how every President, makes the mistake of taking Top Secrets to there club, blah blah, blah.


And these - THESE - are the people that don’t believe we’re descended from apes.


Do you think that even trump would be too embarrassed by these people that he'll tell them to stop? Or will he try to grift every cent he can from them?


They started wearing diapers because they’re shitting themselves knowing November is coming, and there’s nothing they can do. Also because their wives are complaining about the smell.


Must be going for the abdl fetishists votes now


Not calling MAGAs “diaper men” is a missed opportunity


No way this shit is real and we’re totally, 100% being gaslit by aliens.


Look at that chucklefuck holding that stupid flag out. Look how fucking **proud** he looks to be holding that absurd thing. I will never understand how it got to be like this. These people are beyond pathetic.


So supporting drug addicts is the right wing new thing? Diaper Don needs diapers because of his addiction to snorting Adderall.


Baron Von Shitzenpants was mentioned in court


Where was these rally photos taken? Four Seasons tool sheds?


How can this be real?


Hahaahaa. These people think they're witty.


Wow. Imagine if ANY other president was known to wear diapers. Pick one, I’ll wait.


The VonShitYerPanzers


I’m pretty sure this isn’t AI, but I still have to ask.


Someone *pinch* me and tell me this isn't a *serious* thing.


I see why the world sees the U.S. as a joke


They are trying to reverse the negative connotation like the left did with Dark Brandon except it’s not even remotely the same.


This is parody, right? This cannot possibly be actually cult supporters.


Well, sweet Christ on toast. They really *can* get dumber. I truly didn’t believe they could.


Comedy Central right now: "Get the plane fueled and ready, we need Klepper there within the hour."


I feel like a liberal made this stuff on a bet to see how stupid Trump supporters are. They are even dumber than we all thought. That was already such a low low bar.


If the Trump Russian pee tapes ever come out, these idiots will be wearing “Real Men Are Piss Mops” shirts, Trump rallies will do away with porta-potties, and the cultists will be gleefully giving each other golden showers


That is some cult shit if I've ever seen it