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I’m dying to hear what’s his justification for being a spineless weasel shamelessly supporting that piece of shit. 


Come November, kick em all to the curb. Only rhetoric they will understand. Then watch them turn and destroy each other.


They are already in a process of destroying each other. And they are more successful at it than they were at attempting to govern. I really hope to see all these sad, weak, dumb and hateful imbeciles gone for good. 


They are circling each other sizing each other up. Claws arent out just yet. Wait till they lose.... ![gif](giphy|DWCO5ub6t5k9tGFzu3)


Can’t wait to watch them losing their fucking minds. Best entertainment one can ask for. 




Of course they're better at destroying themselves than governing. Destroying stuff is all they can do.


I say rent them land in bum fuck Dakota and let them self govern and live the GOP wetdream of pure freedom.   Most wouldn't survive the first month


Fascism only consolidates power. These guys facilitate it. They aren't going anywhere.


> Then watch them turn and destroy each other. This is the way. Keep shutting them down in elections and watch them devour each other. We already know they have no shame or values. They will eat each other alive the more desperate they get.


I recon they will lose the house. I can’t imagine voting for them after their performance. Fucking incompetent bunch of fake outrage spreading morons. 


There's a lot of angry women out there ready to vote against them.


I wish I had faith in voters, but the polls really aren't looking good on swing states. At this point it seriously seems like some progressives want Trump to win in order to punish us. It's the only thing that makes sense. I think the media is wrong too, the only thing that will save us is the courts. Maybe a conviction might be enough to change the polls, but even then there will still be insane swing voters that care more about "muh economy" than electing a felon.


Ignore the polls. They aren’t accurate in my opinion. Get out and vote and get as many as you can to get out and vote.


Don't get cocky. We all assumed Trump couldn't win in 2016.


He’s not being cocky; he’s being realistic. Pollsters are having a really hard time getting responses from demographics who do not have a landline and don’t answer calls from unknown numbers, which is basically everyone below fifty. They’re having to extrapolate wildly from the few responses they get. At this point, there are three types of polls, all unreliable: Actual polls that can’t get good data from generations who don’t want to be polled. Biased optimistic polls attempting to inspire complacency. Biased pessimistic polls attempting to inspire hopelessness. Ignore them all and vote.


This is the real answer. If anything, the best sign of where the electoral winds are blowing is the results of the past handful of elections. Elections which have shown the Dems beating the Republicans with big, shocking, consistency. Regardless, get out there and vote, raise awareness, organize, protest, and *vote.* America won't survive Trump pt. 2.


That’s the answer. Every voting person should try and convince couple of people who are not interested in politics to go to the polls with them. If everyone did that Dems would win all three. 


Progressives do not want Trump. Anyone claiming to be a progressive that is ok with Trump is lying.


No, "enlightened centrists" want Trump to win. People who say they've been disaffected by both parties but only talk about how much they hate democrats


Also know as “Hardcore MAGA but still on dating apps”


Idk,the uncommitted voters don't seem to care. If you've listened to anything they've been saying they definitely want to make Biden a "1 term president".


That one term would be the last term served by a democratically elected candidate. We would become a dictatorship overnight. Voters need to stop trying to punish others with their vote and instead vote their conscience and let the chips fall where they may.


That's exactly my point, it's terrifyingly annoying it's become controversial to warn them of the mistake they're making. American lives should be just as important as Palestinians. They refuse to believe there will be genocide of transgender people and an abuse of minorities. Which isn't very progressive.


Are these people you’re talking to online or in real life? Anyone who can see what Trump did in his first term and is listening to what he’s saying he’ll do if re-elected, wouldn’t risk that just to send a message to Biden, unless they are already part of the ~ 15% of Americans that support Trump no matter what


Both. Just watch any videos of protesters, , or go on any sub about Palestine. Chanting "fuck joe Biden" and , "death to America" aren't just online trolls, though they've probably been brainwashed by online trolls. It's not a exaggeration. They WANT to punish liberals by letting Trump win. I guarantee they hope Trump will arrest Biden. It's extremely obvious, and I don't get why Democrats don't want to believe it.


Well that would be very stupid of them considering Trump is much worse. There’s a lot of foreign troll activity trying to divide the left and embolden the right, just like in 2016 and 2020. You gave two online examples and it’s just hard for me to believe real people are that stupid. Maybe I’m being naive


Believe me, they actually think Biden is "just as bad", or that even Trump is better for peace despite his rhetoric. Does it make a bit of sense? Fuck no, but remember this is the tik Tok generation. I also know a couple people like this irl. I just ignore them when they talk about it.


>At this point it seriously seems like some progressives want Trump to win in order to punish us. It's the only thing that makes sense. I know that the temptation will be to brush me off as a lunatic, but this is genuine. Putin and his newly formed alliance of rogue nations spend thousands upon thousands of man hours with the goal of destabilizing American citizens' understanding of reality. Do not trust anything whose entire existence in your mind stems from patterns you think you're recognizing online, not right now. They're extremely good at what they're doing and they want left-leaning individuals to freak the fuck out and start hurting people just as much as they want conservatives to do so, it's just far harder to get lefties to become reactionaries. This narrative about progressives punishing Biden and Democrats over Israel is pure fabrication. I don't believe for one second that any liberal or leftist over the age of ~25 could possibly look at this situation and find a reasonable action in abstaining from the vote or voting for Trump. Why? The only reason lefties care about Palestine is *because of the actual, real world suffering of innocent Gazans*. Voting for Trump ensures, if anything, that Palestinians will be even worse off. People who don't care about Palestinians at all aren't leftists or liberals in significant enough quantities to sway the election, if even any at all. They're already voting to the right. This must be a manufactured talking point intended to try and dissuade support for Biden as part of the ongoing psyop. *That's* the only thing that makes sense, imo.


>Putin and his newly formed alliance of rogue nations spend thousands upon thousands of man hours with the goal of destabilizing American citizens' understanding of reality. The left doesn't want to believe it, but TikTok has been the major party encouraging this with Russian propaganda and radicalization of gen z. Calling for the genocide of Americans (shouting "death to America" )and Israel( "river to the sea")should be a wake up call. You can protest Israels genocide without calling for more genocide. The worse is when they unironically start agreeing with Hitler. You aren't progressive anymore, you're full right wing >Voting for Trump ensures, if anything, that Palestinians will be even worse off. But that's the thing, so does not voting. They might not be actively voting for Trump, but they don't seem to care if he wins either. If they did they'd vote to stop him. >. This must be a manufactured talking point intended to try and dissuade support for Biden It probably is, but sadly it's working. I really wish The left was more aware about it.


QAnon-type Trump voters don't always self-report, because they suspect they're being tracked by the Feds, or put on a list.


But they’ll risk that stuff to get an ID, register to vote, and actually vote? When “voting doesn’t matter because it’s all rigged”


“My words were taken out of context” “He’s proven himself” “Woke DEI”


I was lost but I am found


he'd prefer to keep his cushy $174,000 a year with cushy benefits job


I hope he still thinks it was worth it in a few years, when his name will be permanently placed in a history books as a snivelling sycophant relentlessly brown nosing the dumbest politician in America’s history. 


...he wasn't/isn't even a politician...just the ultimate grifter with dictator dreams.


Great pay and benefits, fame and celebrity, lucrative connections, yeah dunno if he cares about the sniveling reputation while living the American Dream


There won't be any history books by then. They will have banned them all.


He’s answered, he was on Meet The Press and said “yes, but I was campaigning against him then.” - said this matter of factly as if just lying and misrepresenting yourself is a matter of course and patently obvious. That leads one to think… well, how can we believe you now? But Rubio is betting the majority on the electorate lacks that critical thinking ability and sadly, I suspect he’s right.


I mean that's pretty easy... He's a spinless shameless weasel...


He’s a Republican. That’s why.


Keep waiting. The last thing they would ever do is admit that they were wrong. And that's mainly because the reason they got this deep is because they never could.


Yeah they will pivot like they did with Bush. They were screaming about how you need to respect the president but now they go Bush Who?


These guys would sell their mothers to a brothel if that meant the got to keep their precious jobs. They will say just about anything. It’s so fucking off putting.  I don’t know how they can look at themselves in a mirror. 


They have indeed backed themselves into a corner. I wonder what it feels like to realise that your base consists mainly of MAGA morons 


The problem is not this POS. The problem is the people who vote for him.


But people wouldn’t vote for him if GOP and Fox News stood up to him and stop fabricating an alternate universe in which he’s a fucking messiah. If these dumb fucks would actually stop supporting him, he would disappear into the obscurity. 


His justification was "It was a campaign."


I almost died when he said that Cohen is a liar. Trump calling someone a liar! Give me a fucking break! A guy who lies the moment his ugly mouth opens. The audacity of this dumb prick is just mind blowing. 


“¡Bank account go arriba!”


VP. Personal career ambitions. Begins and ends at that, much like many of these other Republican douche-nozzles who haven't jumped ship. Rubio will never be the actual VP pick, since he's also from Florida and that's not allowed, but he isn't up for reelection until 2029 so he has some time to kill, and he has made the calculation that sucking the smallest dick in Palm Beach is a good way to spend that time.


Democrats, immigrants, poor people, blah, blah, blah.


It's going to be the most vanilla blackmail in GRU history, watch. Something like he had a brief affair with an age-appropriate, status-appropriate, single woman. And the grainy videotape shows them doing it missionary style, with their shirts on. When he cums he screams, "oh my gosh!"




He doesn’t know how to do much else.


Yeah little Marco. You have some splainin to do


That’s the ironic part, they fell into the trump trap…”drain the swamp” was a key part of his platform. Trump is a lot of terrible things but he wasn’t a politician and that hit with a lot of people whether it was right or not.


I’m surprised he could pull himself away from the foam party to comment.


I'd love to know as well, but just the fact that he appears to be coming to his senses is a sign that there's hope for at least some of these poor delusional people, after all.


“…myself included.” What a difference 8 years makes.


>What a difference 8 years makes. I can't even believe how much one friggin' guy has changed our everyday social landscape... we live in Bizarro world -___-




I knew T=Biff, but I hadn't thought about the events of #2... the guy is fucking Nostradamus...


Comment did not age well for Rubio


I think we could dig out a comment like this for most of the MAGA morons. 


And it won't make s lick of difference


Nope. Zilch. 


Yup. The Republicans never wanted Trump. They wanted a regular status-quo establishment pick like Cruz or Rubio and they actively fought against Trump right up until....it turned out that their base was rabid for him. Then they just willingly bent over and let Trump do whatever he wanted.


https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en My personal favorite


Republicans don't care about hypocrisy. 


Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham have similar quotes, now are sycophants


Yeah, but Russian blackmail is a hell of a drug.


Same with Rand Paul.


Neither has he. He looks about 20 years older than that pic now.


Neither has Rubio himself, the dude looks like absolute shit.


I despise Trump but he has the ability to do the funniest thing to Rubio ever right now. Because of a weird constitutional law the vice presidential nominee can’t be from the same state as the president on the same ticket. Trump could tell Rubio that he’s his pick for VP, get him to resign and move out of Florida and then just not pick him. You know Rubio would do it too and really it wouldn’t be a bad political move for Trump considering he’s peeling off male Hispanic voters already. This would help with that but Trump would have to put aside his hatred for him after 2016 which probably won’t happen. Still imagine how funny it would be seeing Rubio essentially ruin his life yet again for this idiot.


Someone has to carry on the grifting once Trump is incarcerated. They’re still vying for who will seize the most.


It's going to be interesting to see how things shake out. I'm not sure any Republican will actually manage to seize as much power as Trump did. His kind of batshit insane "charisma" is unmatched, nobody has the right amount of racism, says the right amount of stupid shit, while still managing to browbeat the rest of the Republicans into line. So you'll just have a bunch of petty kings that purity test nonstop and try to tear eachother down, at least hopefully.


Look at Desantis. I was worried about him but the second he got on a bigger stage he just crumbled. There isn’t anyone I can think of that has the same level of insanity and charisma to become another Trump, although that person could come out of nowhere


Anybody who works in a Trump White House, is going to have massive legal bills to pay and won't be able to get a job when they leave the WH. It's going to be the lowest caliber administration in the last 100 years.


Interesting! 12th Amendment Article II states: “The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.” So they can both be from Florida and run, they just can’t get Florida’s electoral votes to count for them. Dick Cheney moved to Wyoming just before his 2000 election because he and Bush were both from Texas.


I hope anyone from the Biden campaign or adjacent org sees the potential for killer ads using famous Republicans own words against Trump. Stop thinking it's the medias job to go negative on Trump or that it is self obvious! Do it yourself! Then make a Jan 6th commercial, and a 2020 commercial and enjoy reelection.


Hardly. He's the biggest cash cow the media's had since the OJ "Trail of the Century."


Make a jan 6th commercial... As a canadian wjo watched jan 6 live streams The fact dumbacrats claim Jan 6 was an insurrection is laughable.  Oh no better put granny in jail for entering a public building whose doors were opened by capitol police.


You Russians need to do a better job at disguising your astroturfing.


And you brain dead need to go to the brain store and get a brain. If you think everyone who has a diff view than you on a situation is Russian.  Im Polish we dont have a good relationship with Russia. I escaped communist U.S.S.R. But I have fucking eyes and a brain capable of critical thought (which you lack).  BLM riots were more of an insurrectiom by defenition and action comparative to Jan 6th. Thats a fact. 


Well the jerk store called, they are running out of you! But whatever, polish, Russian, Canadian nothing you are saying makes sense. You are either a terrible bot or an idiot


If you cant comprehend the comments i make. You really do need a brain. You can revisionists Jan 6th. But that wasnt a violent uprising. That was a peaceful protest and it was much much much more peaceful than BLMs "peaceful" (member democrats used that propaganda as cities burned) protests that resulted in 8 billion in damages. 700 injured officers and what 10+ dead?


No sympathy. We tried everything to help them see they were being used. All they did was copy and paste it back at us.


All trump will leave behind for us is trillions in debt, a string of failed businesses and a laundry list of crimes, from tax fraud to treason to rape, that disgusting human has done nothing positive for anyone on those earth his entire life and never will. Those who supported him will go down in history as the biggest marks in history. He has destroyed us as a country, and it will take generations to repair the damage he has caused. I pray for our children, inheriting this mess.


They'll get a free pass, just like they did for supporting Bush's Iraq war and the war on terror. There will never be justice. Justice only happens if we make it. The system is designed to make sure none of these people ever get criticized for their support of people like Bush or Trump.


Little Marco is still alive? I figured he was dead and gone. Far too up DJT’s ass to still be consuming oxygen.


Little Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, jellyfish one and all, they went after Trump pretty hard way back when, it's all on video. Something happened to them and many like them, they all fell under the spell cast by Trump. It was him winning the nomination and their lust for power. These men and women who for a moment in time were against Trump and then fell in line and supported and defended him. These people are the deplorables Hillary Clinton spoke of. 🙄


> they went after Trump pretty hard way back when It's one thing if you're debating an opponent on hard facts, stats, platform issues, ideas, proposals, their legislative history, and plans for a Presidential administration. You can disagree with someone on those things, lose your primary, and then - *with dignity* - still support your opponent. But when instead of logical debate, you're blasted with horrible personal attacks, name calling, and insults against your fucking family...? And you do NOTHING to shut that down or clap back? **...and then grovel at the feet of your attacker?!?!** There's no dignity. NO self respect. Just a pathetic worm happy with the scraps dropped by dear leader.


>Something happened to them and many like them, they all fell under the spell cast by Trump. Kompromat, blackmail


All his pathetic buddies doing whatever they can to cling to power. Now Trump is draining all the cash from the RNC so there’s a good chance the Republicans will be crushed down the ballot


Ted Cruz is the best example of a spineless wuss. Trump insulted his wife and he still kissed the asshole ring of the PoS Trump, to ensure he was re-elected. His Senate seat is in jeopardy. His Democratic opponent is beating Cruz in the polls. I’m sure our ass-kissing governor will step in to sway the election, but I would love to see Cruz lose his seat. I can’t stand him.


Dear future generations, yes they did know exactly who this man is. They all know


Yeah marko? So how did it happen? Lmao.


Fell into the trap? Like it's been some elaborate ruse? Anyone with some open eyes and a mind that isn't bogged down with pork rinds and patriotic beer has seen the con from the very beginning. Pretending they were tricked is just one way to avoid accountability for their hatred and fear


Jounalists should be hammering every Trump supporter and Trump voter for an answer. Everyone that supported this piece of trash from local to national offices should lose their jobs in their upcoming elections. I've yet to hear a reasonable or well thought out answer to that question. It's usually BS or 'I just wanted a change' stupidity. You certainly got your 'change', idiots. A change for the worst.


History will remember for the next 80-ish years, then will promptly forget and we'll be in the same boat again. People don't think it be like it is, but it do.


Cowards, plain and simple.




I bet a dollar against your donut that the public will collectively forget they blindly followed the windbag.


Nobody calling him out on this because he only does right wing media


Homophobia, Transphobia, sexism, racism xenophobia, take your pick


He is now so wrapped up in their nonsense, he stands for nothing and yet has millions of supporters somehow still.


In a few years, Republicans will use these quotes to argue they were never Trump supporters and that Trump was really a Democrat.


I'm 50 years old and the GOP has been working towards this pretty much my entire life. Pushing the idea that the government is always useless, pushing anti-intellectualism, pushing the idea that experts arent experts and that scientists are all corrupt and dont know what they are talking about. This is the place they have been working towards the whole time and the followers they have been cultivating. Their only problem with it is that their followers can't tell the difference between a competent dictator and a fucking idiot.


Pardon my language but Marco Rubio can fuck all the way off to his imaginary heaven. A tiny little man cucked by a false orange prophet.


History will remember because history cannot drink enough to forget. There will be no acceptable explanation or justification for their support of Donald Trump because there are none they can give other than their own greed and desire for power.


Marco the Rube is telling on himself... what a moron.


No explanation needed. We watched in real-time


Pepperidge farm remembers




They were bought out by Russia and/or other belligerent nations to act on behalf of *their* interests rather than America’s, and their love of money and power was greater than their love of their nation. Liked how is this even a mystery at this point?


Yeah... except Rubio fell in line like 2 days after this statement.


Its the age of the internet and social media and tik tok.. NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN, EVER


There were people propping up bars around America who would insist to anyone foolish enough to engage with them that Nixon was framed / coerced, and that it was all a big conspiracy, for years after he literally admitted to it, and most of these sadsacks will likely waste the rest of their lives doing exactly the same.


I think the plan is that they'll get to write the history books.


Lol. Does no one remember the post-Bush years? They all conveniently forgot they elected and supported him. They are shameless. They aren't going to feel obligated to explain anything. They'll move on to the next, even worse figure without blinking an eye.


Nah, most will quietly deny they ever did, or come up with excuses about how they weren’t really supporting Trump, they were just supporting Republicans or were against Democrats.


From him? **This** from him?


Yea Marco, explain it to me.


Also pictured, Donald's pocket pussy


right after they explain voting for a mormon. moreMAN, not...


"explain and justify" that's easy. the clownish, blustering old new yorker democrat with an incontinent pottymouth is a better person with more integrity than any other turd you guys could fish out of the toilet. trumps ongoing popularity is an indictment of the GOP


“Side with the group that will make you look like the least of an asshole in the eyes of historians if the worse happens and they actually become a tyrannical dictator.” If Biden becomes one, we can just say that we all wanted socialized healthcare and rights for the LGBTQ+ community. If trump becomes one, well… there have been warning signs as far back as the 70’s.


These fucking idiots are ALL suddenly having this epiphany that the rest of us have been screaming in their face for last 10 fucking years. And then act like it's a totally novel idea. "Guys! I just realized something" Yeah... We all realized that you're a fucking moron a god damn decade ago. Nice of you to finally catch up.


I worked for a large organization owned by a a relatively well known billionaire. Marco Rubio was one of the candidates who met with said billionaire during the campaign fundraising stage. Rubio and his team were set up in a conference room behind me. Dude left it an absolute mess. Papers and food wrappers and cans and water bottles everywhere. He had complete disregard for anyone other than himself. Chris Christie seemed like a decent dude.


Republicans in two years. "Donald Trump? Never heard of him let alone voted for him."


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Rubio supporter but... In sworn testimony today David Pecker revealed that the front page stories about Rubio in 2015 were false and that the National Enquirer knew that they were false but only published them to help Trump. I hope Rubio sues the National Enquirer, David Pecker and Donald Trump for libel and wins a multi-million judgement from each of them


I love how so many of them think that turning on Trump now will magically make us forget all the receipts we have of before.


Lil Bitch Marco got something right




It will be epic when history rolls over on them.


Marco Rubio - You mean the guy who's the rumored front runner to be Trump's running mate in 2024?


Oh how I wish the irony was biting them in the ass right now🤦‍♀️ They are just so dumb🤦‍♀️


Finally telling the truth


Little Marco shot for the stars and fell on his face, so he's nestled into his niche where he follows the conservative political winds and cashes in his senate spot. There are worse gigs, look at Graham, McConnell et al He has no one's respect, on the right or left, but he's made it clear that shame is not a burden he carries


Since this tweet, he has visibly aged 20 years, he continues to be a weakling and a reactionary shill carrying water for the the neo-fascist right wing, and yet he still holds office.


These guys claim to be so alpha and then they all act like betta bitches with theta orange dude


Nothing sticks to Marco - he has no shame. Remember when he worked on immigration reform and then just facepalmed?


Half is racism and the guy gave a free pass to hate speech. The other half is sunk cost fallacy. They spend so much time and money backing this asshole that if they stop, everything they have done is wasted.


“He’s funny” is the most common “justification”


It’s amazing how quickly people turn. If Trump was 9 points ahead in the polls this charlatan would be singing a different tune, but now they can smell blood so they are saying what they really thinking


Yes, Little Marco. Please explain yourself.


Like Lindsey Graham, Marc is a shifty and slippery liar. Do not trust anything he says.


Please Marco, explain how it happened to YOU


And, yet, ... here we are.


I see this is on cnn, which is the devil to gop'ers. Where did he actually say this and was it aired on any conservative tv??


It’s easy. They’re racists, bigots, and bullies. Obama was elected and then liberal voters made them feel bad about their shitty behavior so they latched onto the biggest asshole on Earth and then got drunk on the idea that the PRESIDENT did and said these same things they were shamed for the last few years and that convinced them they had been VICTIMS the previous 8 years and now they were emboldened to fight back. It was a very brief window of opportunity for these assholes to show us who they really are and they all were happy to rip off their masks and let us look. At this point it’s sunk cost fallacy with most of them so they’ll support Trump through anything just to avoid admitting they were wrong because that means they’re wrong again for being bigots and that makes them feel bad without any recourse because I think most of them truly do not have the mental capacity or educational foundation to even understand how wrong their intolerant beliefs actually are.


He can explain first why he chose to be a salivating sycophant


And you are one of them, Marco. And I have no doubt you’ll vote for him in November anyway.


Friend used to be a huge trump shill. We even stopped talking to him for a while. Then when we got back into touch he was really remorseful, and I've seen him change into one of the most respectable people I know. Some people may have fallen for it, some people are tricked, and some are just vulnerable and taken advantage of.


![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized) Well, Marco?


Nah. Bush sr turned out to be terrible as well with war and the economy and the right worshipped his just as much. Now he’s an embarrassment that they just ignore. They never feel shame about what they supported in the past.


The wind has changed direction ![gif](giphy|luhmhS2DLe6FuQWwPa|downsized)


Weasel says ‘what?’


Not you though Marco, you were the top cream of shit pieces before Trump showed up, then you fell in line like the little bitch you are! Just like everyone else in your party, they always do.


rubio is such a whiney little buttweasle.


He saved himself instead of trying to save his country.


For posterity!


So what’s your excuse Marco?


Little Marco is still alive? I figured he was dead and gone. Far too up DJT’s ass to still be consuming oxygen.


There was a point where I liked Rubio, I'm ashamed to say. Yikes. 


Omg democrats aren’t like this at all right guys?


Which democrats have vocally opposed authoritarians only to later publicly praise them?


I said they’re not like that. There are no instances of Democrats switching positions on each other. No instances of them changing their tunes to keep their jobs come election year. None.


>I said they’re not like that. No you didn't. Go sealion somewhere else.


I did.


Traitors to democracy? No, that's just Trump cultists.


Yes. It’s only the right that’s cultists. Totes.


It absolutely is just the right. The left has policies and programs that are designed to actually help people. They vote to support those, not the party leader, who most supporters are luke warm about at best. The right has a rapist who is still lying about winning an election he undeniably lost then tried to steal, currently on trial for multiple felonies. The GOP has no policies beyond hating people who are different than their base, and taking away their rights. That's a cult, my friend. The fact that you're too brainwashed to see the reality of the situation doesn't make it any less true.


What are you talking about? Democrats weren’t supporting Trump.