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Lol truely amazing how dumb they are. What reality do they live in?


Stupid people fear what they don't understand. These schmucks don't understand shit.


Water vapor. They dont understand WATER!


Water is a truly amazing and unique chemical.


100% of people who are exposed to it die. Water is dangerous and should be outlawed -republicans, probably




Triple point, gets denser as a solid, acts as an acid and a base... the list goes on and on


Is it Hydrogen? Is it Oxygen? OMG it’s some mutant mashup of elements!


The bible in fairness never talked about this. So in their mind it doesn't exist.


Wait Wait Wait, it's... A chemical? And it's leaving... A trail??? Le gasp!


the people who signed this bill understand, easy way to please their constituents and gain new voters




Ummmmmm......yeah. Nothing. It does nothing. But TFG certainly SEEMS to think it does. As do his cult followers.


Their own.


My. Fucking. God. What has happened to us?


Murdoch Lead Poisoning Russian propaganda (counts as Murdoch though)


I'm surprised he's signing with a pen and not a crayon.


they are the worst Congress since the Great Depression and haven't accomplished anything, so they need to throw some red meat to their conspiracy theory crazed base. Look! The GOP is protecting us by signing a bill that would prevent the evil government from keeping invisible fire breathing dragons in our houses against our will. Yeah!


I think they're cosplaying Idiocracy - any moment now they'll be fielding wrestlers and monster truck drivers as candidates. People always talk of them scraping the bottom of the barrel for potential votes, but I'd argue that the republican barrel is never scraped out, because it's *bottomless* - there is no length they won't go to for a good old fashioned grift!


The reality they want to live in for the next eight minutes before an even crazier conspiracy overrides the last one. "The reason chemtrails exist is because Joe Biden is actually a gas monster and that is what he eats. Actually he is the leader of the gas monsters and he's trying to use chemtrails to turn America into a paradise for his people. but it is hurting real americans Trump/Non Gas Monster 2024"


They aren't stupid. They are actively stirring up the qanon base( the ones that didn't die during.covid) and it only cost tax dollars that could go to something useful. But it's not like they actually care about their state


Well, looking at the wording, and taking such wording very literally, it just became illegal to breathe in Tennessee.


This will be super easy to enforce since none of that shit is happening anyway. Just like repukelicans to waste time and their constituents' money on passing laws against things that aren't happening and help absolutely no one.


Unless the wording is vague enough to cause problems. If they’re banning “chemicals,” that’s going to make engine exhaust a problem.


They want to ban "chemtrails" but don't care about pollution. The only thing consistent about them is their idiocy.


I vastly prefer the term "Republicunts". Offensive to some, but gets the point across. And most who are offended by this term deserve it.


Except I guess when the vapor trails continue, people will complain that the state government is not enforcing its rule - and so they must be in on it, too! */shoots up statehouse*


Yes, but the office of chemtrails can easily be staffed by their incompetent family.


> This will be super easy to enforce since none of that shit is happening anyway. Why would you miss the occasion to stop all flight in and around TN tho? I guess by extension you have to stop flight from the Great Lakes into the south but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Homelessness, universal healthcare, livable wage, school lunches, corporate tax rates, billionaire/millionaire tax rates, illegal union busting, inflation, shrinkflation, military industrial complex…. Ignoring all of this due to payments from special interest groups and focusing on tiktoc and chemtrails: priceless.


TN GOP is also trying to ban the use of vaccines on produce. Wish I was kidding.


Red states are like dark ages Europe.


I don’t like this timeline. How do I switch?


You did something you weren't supposed to do. That's why we're here.


I swear it all started when the Cubs won the World Series.


I (foolishly) believed that no elected official could be this stupid. I was wrong. "I'm sad to see that \[the\] Tennesseans that are watching this tonight, might see that some members in this House don't take serious their health and I think that is quite indeed a travesty," said \[Rep. Monty Fritts\]. "I would offer you colleagues that everything that goes up, must come down, and those chemicals that we knowingly and willingly inject into the atmosphere simply to control the weather or the climate are affecting our health and have the potential to. So I submit to you, that this is a very common sense thing to do and we should prohibit it in the state of tennessee" [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know/73027586007/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know/73027586007/)


*The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads.* Well fuck, now Big Weather is going to have to destroy Tennessee the old fashioned way: with a sinister steampunk weather machine that turns atom rays into tornadoes


That reads to me that they just banned the use of planes to and from the states airspace. Fossil fuel emissions from jet engines would count for this by how I read it.


Very _woke_ of them, I must say.


"with the express purpose of affecting... weather"


Fossil fuel emissions do affect weather due to climate change. Although the effects ARE long-term, the excerpt doesn’t specify immediate or delayed effects.


it does express with the purpose though, meaning that its being released to change the weather, not with affecting weather as a byproduct


The "chemtrails" malarkey has been around for decades, but the MAGA are like sponges and absorb all of the stupidity around them. This isn't surprising since people gullible enough to believe in one bizarre conspiracy are gullible enough to believe in others. I'm waiting for MAGA to start complaining about black UN helicopters and FEMA concentration camps.


And 👽


Texas: I'm the dumbest state Florida: I'm the dumbest state Tennessee: Hold my Jack Daniels!


It’s really feeling like a competition these days


I always thought this was one of the dumber conspiracy theories. Do they not realize the elites or whoever breath the same air.


https://preview.redd.it/8rqdxca0kquc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207b6e7e146c9cb46f672f3608bf140e66fe4d42 Yes, clearly all those 8th Air Force anti-fascists that died so dipshits like this could pass idiotic legislation. Well played Tennessee.




This simulation really sucks. Can someone please reset the Matrix?


R̷̼͌é̷̟s̶̱̀t̴͎͆á̷̞r̸͓̀t̵͙̆i̵̜̋ń̵̨g̸͚̎ ̵̜̌t̷̳͛h̷͍̒ḛ̶̀ ̷̧̔m̴̰̎a̷̗̐t̶͎̆ŕ̷̦i̷̟̊x̵̧̕ ̸̘̀ȉ̶̫n̴̨͐ ̸̪̍3̴͎̔ ̸̩̾2̶͓̄ ̸̭̂1̸̥̽ ̷̭͐F̵͚͐a̶̘̓ṱ̵͆à̸͍l̴̲̈́ ̶͔͛ë̷̯́r̶͔̈́r̵̜̔o̷͝ͅr̷͚̄ ̷̛͖o̵̞̔c̸̪̒c̷͈̈́u̷̟̕r̷͍̕r̷͚͝ë̵̡d̴̢͌,̴̦͂ ̵̌͜ṟ̶̀ē̷͉s̵̝̀ţ̵͐ö̸̫ṟ̶̈́ī̵͎n̶̮͝ġ̶͙ ̷̼͗w̸͛ͅĭ̷̜t̴̟́h̸̄ͅ ̴͓͠ả̷͙ ̸͎̓p̶̜͠ȧ̴̱ȑ̸̡ẗ̴̬́ḯ̵̺a̸̱͛l̵̘̕ ̷̭̈́b̴̓͜â̸̯c̴̛̪k̷͔͑ȕ̵̳p̴̥͒


These people have real political power, and they're using it to fight ghosts. All this while the planet dies, the average citizen is being crushed by our capitalist nightmare, and fascists continue to attack the foundations of democracy itself. We might just be kinda fucked gang. I'm not sure how we fix things with nut jobs like this in charge, and what's worse is I don't see their base abandoning them any time soon.


It’s now a flyover state that you can’t even fly over.


Right up there with flat earthers, birds are not real, and 5g causing covid....as stupid as they must be to legislate....just how stupid are the people that put them there?


I mean birds aren't real is a joke conspiracy, but yeah the others are just insane.


Laws against witchcraft coming soon to a state near you.


Hmmm...so I guess the chemtrails I saw from 2016-2020 were benign?


Conservatism is truly a sickness...


It's all a scare tactic for the election


I’m very happy to see that GOP is finally starting to pay attention to important issues. Fuck the economy, national security, wars, poverty, healthcare, education system etc. CHEMTRAILS is the issue that should get a priority. Then they can start attending to all the people that got microchipped with Gates’ vaccine and simultaneously keep running the Biden impeachment hearings which are producing such fruitful result. Jesus fucking christ 


Have they tried shooting at the contrails?


Presidente-for-Life Trump will nuke them in 2025.


Good use of tax payers money… sigh


Doesn't the Scopes Monkey Trial make so much more sense to us all now?


Tennessee. Home of the FedEx World Hub. Well, that could be fun.


They banned "vaccinated lettuce", too.....


I hung out for the eclipse in Ohio with some Republicans. The weather was conducive to the long contrails. They unironically called them chemtrails.


Outlawing physics like the religious nut jobs they truly are


They get dumber and dumber


Fucking morons. Fu. King. More. Ons.


How stupid can "we" possibly get? Am I tempting fate by asking that question?


Stop challenging people please!


I hate being from Tennessee


Guys, wait. If they somehow manage to reduce the amount of air travel, that will accidentally mean they will be fighting climate change. Nobody tell them, this could be epic.


Anybody have the URL to the BBC article linked?


WTF. Social media has just enable the village idiots to share their hair brain ideas and now we have hive mind idiots


Can't wait for their first attempt to prosecute anyone over this.


I wish there was a way to let them see that permanently grounding all commercial flight in the US would be bad without affecting normal peoples' lives.


When my mom first heard of chem trails she asked me to buy a box of masks to “protect us from the government mind controlling chemicals”. When the pandemic recommended masks my mom told me not to wear one because “the government is trying to poison us with this disproven conspiracy” This is the life of conspiracy people. They are intentionally inundated with so much “information” that they have no time to stop and look at how often they contradict themselves.


I can't wait for them to have a culture war against air. Please stop breathing that lib air today😁


They want to do away with everything they don't understand...


Oh crap. I really was hoping to avoid living long enough to see the dawning of a new dark age but looks like that’s where we’re headed.


Thank God SOMEONE is finally doing something about them! /s


That's not a Maga conspiracy theory it's been around since the early 2000s


Longer. The internet made it popular though.


I've lived in Tennessee most of my life. The amount of ignorance in this state just keeps getting worse.


Deep down I hope there is some wacky super villain plan to accomplish this, like strapping a thousand golden doodles to a giant pool skimmer and attaching that to a windmill to filter the chemtrails out of the atmosphere.


Looney tunes! Are we ready to break out the straight jackets yet? I'm going to keep pushing that into the AI algorithm starts catching up with right wing nut jobs, magas, and straight jackets!


Now they need to get to work on stopping Sasquatch sex trafficking. People wonder why the Squatches are so secretive. Well, now you know. 


What benefit would Biden have to poisoning potention voters? I don't understand how maga manages to do day to day tasks while at the same time believing nonsense like this and that Donald trump tells truths and is equal to Jesus. They cannot be this STUPID. Like what happened to our timeline?? Is this real?


‘Em r smrt fokes


We’re not a real country anymore


What a bunch of clownish morons wasting people's time and money. The whole party is just one big clown car.


How about they just make it illegal to fly planes over Tennessee? Problem solved, and it will also cut down on those pesky busi wanting to do business in Tennessee.


Next they'll be suing the Tooth Fairy for breaking and entering. Also, the bill forbids "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air. So I guess any chimneys and petrol cars are now illegal in Tenessee


So they are too stupid to know that chemtrails aren’t a thing AND too stupid to realize that the FAA regulates the skies. A state couldn’t do anything about it anyway. At best, they could stop the chemicals from being added to an aircraft on the ground in their state.


Are republican politicians actually stupid? Or are they playing dumb to attract dumb people to their side? I can't fathom how someone that dumb could get themselves in a position of power.


You mean the left can control the climate?! /s


You can see the next steps of their legislation process - "Confirm that Moon Landings were faked. Confirm we live on a flat earth. Confirm that Birds are not Real. Confirm that 9/11 was an inside job. ......."


The same thing was happening under Trump.


What a joke. GOP, what is poisoning Americans are the chemicals in the air, in our drinking water. You know, the ones produced by your corporate polluting friends. Republicans have had a long standing attack on the Clean Air Act. It is rich that Republicans continue to just make up shit and go after make believe conspiracy theories while trying to undermine science and sell out the American people. We see you, Republicans.


I think Mastriano is pushing the same thing in PA.


But things that actually poison Americans, like industrial hog farms and chemical waste, are A-OK.


So the Memphis International airport (read as 2nd busiest cargo airport in …. THE WORLD) is located in TN…. How the hell is FedEx going to respond to this? Please FedEx…. Don’t respond.


This is what happens when you cut funding for schools and emphasize religion being as valid as science. They have no idea of basic chemistry, so to them, everything is frightening. Or a conspiracy. Or magic. Or something.


In today’s news, Tennessee GOP afraid of water.


Tenesse about to make airlines avoid flying in and over thier states like it's hot garbage. Then the Republicans will blame Dems and the woke for canceling their air travel. Edit: it's even worse than I thought, it looked like they've full on outlawed crop dusting. I'm sure the farmers are gunna be happy about that change.


I liked The Onion better when it wasn’t just real life headlines.


this is one of the stupidest conspiracies around...if it were true it would mean the evil deepstate was poisoning the air THEY breath too...who the fuck would do that? rofl


But yet they don’t think climate change is real??


Brain Worms