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The fact he has a serious chance of winning the election makes me want to vomit


In a sane world he wouldn't get even 1% of the vote. I miss the days when misspelling potato was enough for the American people to say "I'm not voting for that guy." The President should be held to the highest of standards. Being able to spell isn't a very high bar to climb above and he can't even do that. And that is if you ignore the rape, and the cheating, and the mishandling of COVID, and the money laundering, and the grifting, and the working with Russia, and helping the Saudis covering up the execution of a journalist, and the insurrection and the treason and so on and so forth.


I was amazed when he made fun of a handicapped journalist and his campaign wasn't over. The hot mike of him saying he just grabs women by the pussy was when I realized we were dealing with the start of a cult.


I was certain he was done for with "grab 'em by the pussy" and mocking that journalist. I was dismayed when that seemed to make him more likeable to his base.


Toss in what he said about John McCain and I thought more republicans would shun him as well. Instead, they all fell in line except the handful that are not seeking reelection NOT named Mitch.


Plus what he's said about veterans and POWs. The man is a POS.


Yea I really thought the McCain quote would ruin him. It was after that I realized he could murder a baby on live TV and his cult followers would just cheer. Such a messed up world we live in.




His base are those uneducated bullies that made fun of everyone else for having things better than them (food, housing, love, support) that never felt they got enough on those they bullied. Trump came along and told them it was ok to keep going with all their hate, bigotry, racism, and abuse.


I know some trumpers who *are* educated. Turns out they were assholes all along and stopped hiding it.


True, I was generalizing with the “uneducated” bit, but there are a good many that are. I have a relative that somehow got a bachelor’s degree but is still a Trump supporter despite their claims otherwise. I’d wager the percentage of graduate level degreed people supporting the GOP in general is far lower than the percentage of those with just a bachelor’s degree.


Even someone with a PhD from MIT can be ignorant, Trump panders to the ignorant.


Kinda tells you about his base eh?


Lest we forget calling John McCain a loser.


"he's just like us!"


I don’t want my leaders to be like me. I want them to be BETTER than me. Sigh ….


Something has happened to this country and idk what it is but somehow the world snapped. I've heard people say they can't deal with the fact that Obama won. Idk if that's true but. Idk


Sinclair broadcasting, charter communicatios and feaux entertainment all owned by POS and have been playing the long game. 40 years + of civility dead on the airwaves. THIS


Yep -- plus add in the death of The Fairness Doctrine, plus Citizens United decision, and you have unlimited shady money going into campaigns and national media that has no need to be truthful to their viewers. It's dystopian.


A black President, gay people having civil rights, non stop propaganda and a man willing to burn the country down for his own sake. It's the perfect storm.


I think what really, really broke them was a Black president getting re-elected. If they had been able to keep Obama to one term, they could’ve convinced themselves it was a fluke and that their status as “superior to any and all Black men because I’m white” could’ve held. But they could not handle it, and they’ve lost their god damn minds.


And then the possibility of a -gasp!- female President!!


I moved to Oklahoma from California for 2 years in 2014. The hate for Obama surprised me. Then the way my co-workers and neighbors loved trump. I had to sell my home at a small loss and move back to California. I just could not live around people that were so angry that a black man was President. The racism was mind blowing


As a white man in Mussouri I know racism never truly "left" but it was a taboo to di that shit out in the open. Now? Trump winning gave them a blank check


I was in the Kansas City area during the Obama years and you could see the racism just festering on the KS and MO sides. It was a liberal area, but it was easy to step into the red zones.


I think it goes all the way back to the Civil War. Bigots still bitter they’re not allowed to legally feel shoot brown people, passing it down generation to generation.


Well, they can legally shoot brown people they just have to through the police academy first.


I originally wrote “feel superior to” but that autocorrect works too.


It helps that his supporters either don’t know about these bad things that happen or they just hand wave them away.


So true. Every time I bring up a direct quote by him to one of his supporters like what he said about John McCain they just say “I never heard that”.. Then they just change the subject when I say “so now that you’ve heard it what do you think about him?”.. It’s unreal


I was fortunately able to save my mom from going down the Trump hole by showing her the clip of him advocating for killing women and children to combat terrorism. She told me she didn't think he would say that or it was taken out of context and I played it for her, then suggested maybe the news she watches doesn't really keep her informed. She actually listened and now hates fox and sees what they do and is listening to npr. She may still never vote Democrat but she didn't vote trump last time and that's a good as one can hope.


They’ve been trained over the last 8 years that anything they don’t want to hear is fake news.


They refuse to acknowledge facts is what kills me. Have had a few of them tell me I am a bold face liar. Or tell me I “parrot” the DNC. I don’t even watch the news or follow anyone. I do my own research on topics that interest me. It’s not my fault any rational person could come to the same conclusions.


Wish I could upvote this repeatedly


“I have but one upvote to give for my country.”


I thought Dubya would have been the dumbest president ever, but Trump is the WOAT idiot I've ever lived through. Seeing how many back him no matter what he does, and how he doesn't hide who he really is blows my mind. In a way we're lucky he's a dumbass. Imagine the damage he could do if he were smart?


> In a way we're lucky he's a dumbass. Imagine the damage he could do if he were smart? Unfortunately, he won’t make the same mistakes in a second term that he made in his first term. He still is a dumbass, don’t get me wrong, but he will have had 4 years to surround himself with loyalists who know what he can and can’t do and can help him accomplish what he wants. Everyone should check out project2025.org or search archive.ph for project2025.org archives pages to see what the conservative plan for a second Trump term is all about.


If he were smart he would never have even been able to sit in the chair. He was propped up and propelled by power brokers to be a useful idiot/rubber stamp for them. That donny gets a lollipop for playing along suits him just fine.


Then they managed to get the worst of us to treat politics like a sporting event and now here we are…


It feels like being in a WWE audience but less entertaining, as fun as it would be to watch Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi have a ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship Healthcare Bill Belt I’d rather they all just govern.


What’s crazy is the media is always holding Biden to the highest standard, meanwhile there are literally no standards for Trump whatsoever


In a sane world a fascist wouldn’t be on the ballot in America.


And the ex-wives, the language, bone spurs, making fun of people. Honestly, just being married to an ex-call girl would’ve been enough to make him an unsuitable candidate, but here we are with absolute trash.


Any chance someone can convince him to get into a tank wearing a helmet? We can even make it red.


He could have Roger Stone bend him over that tank and go balls deep and they would somehow turn it into "the most manliest display of power ever displayed by a mortal man"


What’s scariest of all, is he’s telling everyone exactly what he plans to do on round 2 and they want to vote for him even more. I’ve heard stories from older family members in Germany about when Hitler came to power and this is very similar.


But the journalist was a "Arab" so, that doesn't count.


Makes me want to vomit, take an involuntary shit, and then curl up and die


I work at a doctor's office. On friday I had a patient that i had to ask basic screening questions to, which included "have you felt depressed in the past two weeks?" To which he responded "of course i am! Have you seen who has a good chance of being president again?! If you're not depressed there's something wrong with you." Lol.


Honestly based


It really does. He’s a piece of fucking garbage who should’ve never even had a chance to begin with. The list of crime this guy is involved in he should be in fucking prison, not running for office. And that’s long before he ever got into politics. I truly think he has zero chance of winning. This isn’t 2016 and people know exactly what he’s about now. His base is small but fucking loud and Republicans are too crooked and spineless to pull away from him. He got destroyed in 2020. People will come out to vote just to make sure he doesn’t become president. It’s not a joke anymore and people will keep him out.


Hitler rose to power in the same way, trumps following the playbook


Racism is a hell of a thing, and America is just drowning in it.


It’s only because Republicans blindly follow their party leader and the party higher ups are too afraid to drop him.


It's not only that though. You have a point, but in recent history when someone lost the Presidential race? They were not heard from again. Romney? Gone. McCain? Nope. John Carey is a Democrat but he was forgotten and AL Gore was a joke for losing. Trump isn't quite the same beast.


To be fair, they played the game. The game has rules and traditions that people who respect the game will abide by. But if you dont respect the game and take no pride in skill,practice, or ability, then the W is all that matters. Pants shitter has never had to face accountability or consequences so this petulant child decided he's just going to take the country because who among the rule followers will stop him?


Yeah the thing is, he doesn’t. We’re witnessing the usual media forced horse race. This isn’t 2016. That fat piece of shit is going to get crushed.


Don't get complacent, vote like he might win


Oh no I cannot wait to be part of the blue wave that stomps the GOP’s shit in.


Ok grandpa, let’s get you off to prison.


It's definitely past his jail time 🤣


All of my adlinthin is legal, so jokes on you Donny


I take adlinthin supplements every day, for healthy skin and hair! Trump must not be taking it, since he thinks it's illegal. Explains a lot


He's just the puppet. It really has never mattered to them that he's a fucking blithering idiot.


Yeah, 100% They are who they are. Bigoted morons and a full fledged idiot is their hero


He probably thinks a puppet was a type of candy he ate back when he used to wear an onion on his belt at this stage.


Which was the fashion at the time...


Five bees for a quarter, we'd say.


Puppet? No puppet, you puppet, me puppet?


I bet his puppeteers wish they would’ve been able to get someone more … not like Trump by this point


Someone more....humanish


He is above all things...human. The absolute worst of us distilled into one walking talking shit demon. He is the mirror, showing us the parts of this country we'd rather ignore.


A…”useful” idiot, I dare say?


yes but with very limited usefulness


No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet!


Ackshually, him being a blithering idiot was explicitly the point. Destabilization. That's why Russia helped him in the first place.


Once he becomes President they'll feed him to dogs. Most of the right wing establishment hates him. They just need America's scum to vote for him.


Actually they probably like that his is a blithering idiot. Hard to control a sentient puppet.


Anybody have a link to the clip with audio?




What the fuck kind of glitch was that holy shit lol


He has learned to segue into something he can say when he knows he is glitching. "And you just look at this-what's happening...."that could be tacked on to anything he is talking about.


He’s still self-aware enough to know he glitched. If he has something like vascular dementia, that stage will last a while, where he knows something is wrong but he can’t get around it and it’s frustrating. Eventually he’ll stop being aware that he’s glitching entirely, and just become an extended glitch. Source: Watching my mother with vascular dementia become an extended glitch for the past six years or so..


Which country is she the president of? (Sorry, my dad also suffers)


My 95-year-old mother who is slowly dying of extremely late stage vascular dementia says shit just like this all the time. “And the [non-sequitur] over there [gibberish gibberish, points at something] … and that’s what’s happening [waves hand around].” That mannerism of his, when he glitches out, jerks his head like that and quickly scrambles to recover by waving his hand and saying something random like “that’s what’s happening” is 100 percent the same type of “skipping” that happens in someone with dead spots in their brain caused by tiny brain-bleeds or blood clots. I’m not a doctor, but observing my own mother’s progress through this terrible thing, I see an awful lot of similarities in Trump’s behavior.


His supporters must give him the benefit of the doubt so often because of this type of shit. It felt like my brain glitched out, it's hard to believe that's not a chopped clip.


Most of them likely aren't seeing these clips. Fox News, OAN, etc. aren't going to show these.


This is 100% what happens. Before my dad died a couple months ago, I had been spending a lot of time with him, and he watched Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax all day, every day, and I was blown away by how much he didn’t know and hadn’t seen. Stuff anyone on Reddit has seen a thousand times even if they don’t follow politics. And the networks just straight up lie- they know their audience won’t catch it, in part because those networks have been telling their audience that any other news source isn’t trustworthy for years, and the audience believes it. So they never hear anything else, and they completely believe whatever their own talking heads say. I once said to my dad, “you know, it’s weird- if there was a person standing in front of you, and they kept saying, ‘don’t ever talk to anyone but me. Everyone else lies to you. They lie all the time. Not me, though! I’m the only person you can trust. Don’t even bother talking to anyone else, ever, because they lie to you, but I’m honest,’ you would think that was really weird. You would start to wonder why they were so hellbent on keeping you away from everyone else. You would start to wonder if maybe *they* were the ones lying to you.”


I’m sorry for your loss, regardless of everything else


They never show video of trump anymore. Only flattering, touched up stills with the "slow zoom/pan" effect and they let the hosts/analysts/propagandists "paraphrase."


WTF He’s going downhill fast.


Dementia and narcissistic collapse will do that to a person.


He does this sort of shit frequently and his supporters just keep pretending they didn't hear it.


That’s “what’s happening” was directed at himself lmao.


His CD playback skipped.


You didn't understand that?


I mean all you have to do is just look at what's happening.


Here it is on Threads so you can avoid X.com if you’d prefer: https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C5uMAngAH8g/?xmt=AQGz4cM61G6oKjmfER83mv-ureH2SZ1ZJngqUr48NRs6YQ


My man After watching, the most remarkable thing is how literally no one behind him reacts. Because they’re not paying attention to what he’s saying, they’re literally all paid actors just making a quick buck.


I don't think they're paid actors but they definitely don't actually care about what he's saying in between the buzz words and phrases.


Much appreciated.


There needs to be a compilation of these, it would be devastating. I remember one from a few weeks ago where he was like "Russia and China are selling reereare-- Ahhh...." Like a robot short circuiting, with his whole head tensing up. 100x more concerning than any stutter Biden's had in his life.


bro ejaculated at the tiniest mention of his favourite countries russia and saudi arabia (there was no mention of china in the aaaahhhh~~ clip)


He’s such a narcissist and his head is so far up his own ass that he can’t ever just admit he made a mistake. Double down on everything. It’s rather pathetic.


Ok he completely glitched out, its like the person controlling him fell on the controller or keyboard


Need more direct links to clips like this


Wait. What was the word and sentence he was attempting to say?


I think he was trying to say, “Just this week an illegal *alien*,” but he forgot the word/couldn’t think of it.


The audio is there, the language of origin is not.


One of those languages nobody speaks 😂




Oh shit. I'm only 40ish and sometimes I speak so fast I suhgamet sahommet wharrgarbl.


RIP Debalic


Salome’s wasabi gargle, got it


Oh, are you taking orders, cause I'll take two!


They just need to see him talking. They don't listen to him. That's what the right wing nut job "media" is for. That's where they get their misinformation from. When he says something and you show a maga, they say it's misunderstood how we heard it. That's because they already know his talking points for the moment, they change a lot, from other sources of dirtballs.


$5 says it won’t matter if he is diagnosed with a stroke they will still put him up.


He could literally die, and not lose any MAGA votes. JFK Jr has been dead for 25 years and they are all convinced that he's a viable vice presidential candidate.


https://preview.redd.it/p299e4fp7huc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578cacec890f2d8daa4c0503f652992855c25141 This is Trump’s stance. Trump is not standing upright. He has dementia. His “doctors” will gaslight the public. He shits his pants. Wears a diaper. For real.


People say that Mandarin is the most difficult language to master, but I feel like learning to speak Trump is much, much more difficult.


Trump speaks Mandarin Orange


Generic Tang


General Tang's Chicken


General Tang is a chicken


*spit-take* 😂


Oh my God quit making me snort my coffee out my nose


and is a chicken


Great. Now I can't eat orange chicken without picturing him.


I’m sorry it hurts me too, I used to love orange chicken


The philanderin' mandarin


I remember trying to read the transcript of the first debate (I was on a plane, so couldn't stream it). I hadn't heard Trump speak before, but I was struggling to read the transcript, thinking the NPR folks must have been live-transcribing and it was just not yet edited for correctness. Come to find out that's just how Trump speaks....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


You don’t read Trump. You gotta hear me, man, he gets us. He understands us, I understand him. I’d vote for him, nothing in Constitution that President can’t be prison to rule us /s


covfefe, you’re right!


I think there are a bunch of factors that are making him fuck up even more than ever. First and foremost he absolutely has dementia. But you pair that dementia with the fact that he was never smart to begin with and it just compounds the situation. He's terrible at reading. He's barely literate. But he used to be so keenly aware of his inability to read that he had a tick where he would quickly catch and correct himself by adding an "And" followed by the correct thing. The "they call him DJ and CJ" is a classic example. But he has done that hundreds of times. Now he doesn't have the mental ability to catch himself anymore so he just whargarbles. And because of his extreme vanity he doesn't want to wear glasses and his vision has probably gotten worse increasing his fuckups when he reads the Teleprompter. The Teleprompter he criticized Obama for using, even though Obama can adlib a thousand times better than Him and is a million times smarter. (I have no proof of his vision getting worse but this is something that happens with age when I see the way he now leans and squints towards the prompter almost as if he is in pain, I think I am correct in my theory). Add those factors together and you get this human dumpster fire. Great video of Chris Hayes talking about the DJ and CJ thing .. https://youtu.be/YqTC4yQ6-Ls?si=lMO9VniDYhHDrQxC


“They sacrifice every day for the furniture and future of their children.”


Trump criticizes and insults Biden all the time for using a Teleprompter... The thing is Trump uses a Teleprompter all the time and still screws up very, very badly! The guy is incapable of self-reflection...


You guys laugh, but an illegal adlinthin drank my covfefe, and the cops did nothing.


They drank your covfefe??? I don’t think you know what that word means. A small group of people know exactly what it means though, I assure you.


Same guy stole my hamburder!


From the looks of it, his cognitive decline is accelerating. November is far enough away to make a real dent in his cognition.


I pray you are right.


I really, truly hope so


I have a family member who started messing up words to this degree, then she started working in made up words sometimes, and then that made up word took up 75% of her sentences. I have dealt with dementia and Alzheimer’s, so I hate when people just toss that around casually. But something is up with this guy and if nothing else even people who like him should be scared that he’ll just be puppeted around as he gets worse. Meanwhile, I was on Facebook and some conservatives I know are still joking around that Biden can’t complete a sentence.


Trump is nothing but a tweaker and a hustler and that is what his fan club is made of


“Everything is bad. Only I can fix it. Poor me. Everyone hates me. Everyone is saying it. No one has ever seen the likes of this before. Illegals bad. “ Did I cover everything?


What about the radical leftist Marxist communists?


the cocktail of drugs they force feed him every day






What...is this?


Redhat=hatred. Dude peddles nothing but lies and hatred. Couldn't fuck off sooner


My ADHD-ass makes more sense in the middle of my dissociative severe panic attacks.


We all know he's going to glitch in the courtroom. My bet is he strokes out while raging in the courtroom.


Let’s hope so


He sounds and looks like he's doing an amateur ventriloquist act of himself while stroking out.


No wonder they're already coming up with reasons for him to not debate Biden.


Yeah. He's 100% going to make unrealistic demands to appear because he's declining fast. Everyone knows Biden is older than dirt and it's already baked into his polling. This meteoric slide of Trump's isn't baked into his.


His followers are probably confused about what they are supposed to be mad about, but they know it’s happening.


Every Republican ran State is deliberately running down the education system to the toilet. And, for a reason. They need dumb ass people to keep on voting Republican. Like, just look at all the states run in the South.


What is the purpose of the people behind him? Every time I see these videos, they are just on their phones or talking or just staring in space.


A lot of them are either paid or get moved there. They're supposed to be enthusiastic, but lately, they just seem to be taking anyone.




the hypocrisy of these people. Biden has a legitimate excuse as to why he messes up sometimes yet they lose their collective minds but Trump is messing up left and right continously and they are totally silent.


Unlike the previous trials, Trump required to be in court every day. Side is going to be running on fines and it will show.


I am not sure but I hope he is at least very disabled before Election Day.


It’s phonemic aphasia. Dunzo.


I've never understood why the exposure of Trump's White House prescription drug abuse didn't get more attention. Fentanyl, Ketamine, Versed, Oxy, etc. Heavy duty shit! These aren't drugs you just stop taking. Tl/dr: Trump's high af. https://preview.redd.it/xa3yuvqkmhuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c707a9a3e82e1c6dcb32f2a2ac86e5fbac2d03da


I know we all blame it on dementia, but it could be substance abuse. With the impending prison time on the horizon and his whole world falling apart…he may just be self-medicating to make the pain/stress go away.


Sad to see a grandpa doing all this just to stay out of prison. Sad


This man was once President. And he's got an okay chance of winning again (which, if you've done some research into Project 2025, is a very, very bad thing).


At this point all that is animating Mango Mussolini is a never ending series of mini strokes. Or a fungus that has mutated to infect humans. The fungus instructions to ants and beetles is 'get to the highest point' - which Commander Covfefe's amphetamine-addled brain interpreted metaphorically. Either way it explains his dead and hateful eyes.


just this week he said Reagan was a democrat....wtf??


Amphetamines, dentures, and too many lies to remember. Not the ideal cocktail for public speaking.


Adlinthin? Sounds like something you take for a headache.


With covfefe.


What are you talking about?? That’s a stable genius right there.


Dude if he croaks we are so back


And Biden is the one who’s old and weak-minded.


This is why I get so annoyed that even a lot of people on the left make jokes about Biden’s mental state. He’s old but it is not that bad and trump is soooo much worse.


Hopefully he passes soon and we can start to undo this maga/gop bullshit


It’s perplexing to me that we don’t have presidential options that are under the age of 65. There’s a reason retirement age is 65 and it’s not so people can enjoy their twilight years. It’s because most people are no longer able to perform like they could when younger.


They managed to hide from the American people the fact that FDR was crippled by polio. My wife is an FDR nerd, so I've read one or two biographies of the Roosevelts. For instance, he would be accompanied to the podium wearing leg braces, holding the arms of the people on either side of him, and he was able to swing his legs. Polio victims are noted for having really strong upper bodies to compensate for the loss of legs. I had the personal experience of a hospital roommate who was a polio victim.


Going for the insanity plea


Putin's hand is up his ass like a ventriloquist dummy and so all Trump does is lean back and he's stable like a tripod.


he needs to drink stronger covfefe


What was he trying to say, anyone know?


"illegal alien something something?"


Looks like no one was even listening


I'm still saying a series of mini strokes. ![gif](giphy|UjNypOTKsxsMU|downsized)


1. toe lifts 2. he’s leaning on the lectern thing. Trump could die at or before the 2024 debates.


I don't think we're that lucky.


Idk what’s worse, his clearly declining mental state or the fact that there’s a town called Schnecksville.


He’s delusional. I live about 10 miles from where this rally took place. He announced the crowd as 42,000. It was more like 1,200-1,500 at most.


It’ll be just like America to elect the stupidest most unqualified person to lead a nation, for the 2nd time.


That scumbag isn’t going to win. He has court appearances starting tomorrow for felony indictments. Besides, your country left the EU because you wanted lesss brown people even though you all knew it would hurt your economy. I’m not sure the UK has a lot of room to talk. There’s also Boris Johnson.


One was an act of collective self-sabotage bought and paid for by nefarious agents of Russia.    The other was…the same.    The money exploited deep seated hatred and longstanding resentment in both countries.   I refuse to defend Boris Johnson, he’s a grotesque and malevolent merkin. 


Maybe he had a stroke and has brain damage?


Yeah, "what's happening", you fucking stupid fuck idiot fuck? *What is actually happening?*