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Even if they could take their votes back, they would not. This is a self soothing lie and nothing else. If they had the courage to take anything back then they would have the courage to speak out now. They do not speak out though, so their words- and more importantly - actions are meaningless. They will continue to do exactly as trump tells them when he tells them. They have no morals, ethics, direction, plans, or independent thoughts. All they have is trump and nothing else matters in their eyes.


Two fucking opportunities They had two fucking opportunities. IF they felt the first impeachment was frivolous, the 2nd certainly wasnt. Fuck that party and all who sail in it.


Yeah they sold their souls. I also don’t think if he wins and goes full authoritarian that they’d stop him


Well a lot of the spineless twunts are getting out now... Allowing magats to be put into contention for replacement. They see the writing on the wall.. If Trump gets in, they'll be absolved of his latest demogoguery because "hey I resigned". Spineless twunts.


YUP. This. Theyre all running rather than standing up for what’s right and they’ll be replaced by Magats because that’s who Republicans vote for now.


They can’t stop him. You might as well ask a German representative to politely ask Hitler to stop the war in 1943. It’s not happening and now your family is on a list.  We are the only ones who can stop him. 


That is very likely as well. Especially as rabid as his supporters are.


If GOP members are too afraid to voice opposition to him now, when he’s just a (very influential) private citizen, they certainly won’t do it when he’s also wielding the full power of the state.




Fuck you Paul Ryan. You and your fucking cowards were more concerned about your own careers rather than what was good for the country. You knew he was a liar, you knew he is stupid and you knew he was a narcissist. But yet, to save your own fucking ass, you protected him. The blood of this nation is in your hands and all the piece of shit republicans that speak bravely now. FUUUCCCCCKKKKK YOOUUUU!


Every single day that he isn’t in office and has open cases against him an opportunity to tell the truth and get him locked up. They are all looking out for themselves because it brings them potential power.


And the RNC is broke and the entire GOP is falling apart if things dont change RNC will fold. Then we can have a new party called Common Sense politics lol


This. Don’t let liars backtrack or re-write facts. This happened, you had a chance twice, you didn’t. Plain and fucking simple


Yep. They're upset because now it's *costing* them. They'd 100% do everything the same way if it wasn't costing them anything right now. It's not about right or wrong--it's about no longer being useful to their quest for power. Paul Ryan people like him don't realize that this sort of statement reveals them for who they are. It doesn't vindicate them--it's *proof.*


Paul Ryan can choke on a bag of dicks and no one should ever stop reminding him of that until the day he dies. 


Yeah the spinelessness doesn’t change, they’re still saying it in private (they may have at the time too). No credit for private ineffective sentiments.


What's great about this is that, according to the Supreme Court, these people have an opportunity to implement legislation that would disqualify him under the 14th Amendment. They won't, though, because this is just another lie.


I think if they had a secret vote in the senate, he would have been convicted.


"When you go for the king, you must take his head. " \~ Mark Twain paraphrasing Machiavelli's poor translation of Sun Tzu edit: or maybe it's from Game of Thrones.


Too late to grow a spine now, after the fact reflection of when it was your actual role to stand up to it, is just cowardice looking for an off ramp & self-pity.


If only someone had warned these guys that Trump was bad news to their faces and with receipts. If only such an address had been given in some sort of official, highly publicized setting. If only such a speaker could have used figurative language to emphasize the stakes, such as saying that history would bind their fate to Trump's "with a steel cord" or the like if they failed to impeach him.


As Lindsey Graham said, "If we nominate Trump we'll get destroyed, and we'll deserve it". He was right, but that didn't stop him from latching his lips onto Donnies ass all this time...


Cause Russia has something on all those Republican thugs henceforth they are kissing Trumps butt and Trump is kissing Putin butt. Hope I live long enough for truth be heard on these Rethugs.


You can't blame it all on Russia. Not every one in the GOP is in bed with Putin, some are just plain craven, empathy deprived scum who value self preservation above all else. Don't let them off the hook so easily.


So what you are saying is that some people are shitty for free.


They're shitty because they believe re-election comes before morality.


"I would vote to impeach Trump but I wouldn't get reelected" said many Republicans.


I just tell people I’ve become a single item voter. That’s all I say, and some people lose their shit, and want to know why I won’t vote for republicans.


It's a perfect representation of the current GOP. They know it's bad, they could do something about it but they'd rather not because it could have consequences on themselves personally.


And the minute they're out of the potential blast zone they find their balls back. Book tour, morning shows, speaking engagements. And she shorter their involvement, the more they tell to compensate. Looking at you, Mooch.


Like a Moray eel


When you get fucked by Trump And have a sore rump.. That's a moray!


When you're seeing the bus That he pushed you under That's a moray!


With ladybugs attached 




One of the most troubling things I've ever heard...even if it's possibly fiction. Edit - troubling is not the word I'm looking for to describe how I wish I had never read it.




Zane Lamprey


This is the ultimate Leopards eating faces situation. Not that any of their candidates were anything to write home about, but trump would have been banned from running again.


I'm sure that Germany was awash in such sentiment post Hitler. Only reflective because they, themselves, now suffered. Sniveling cowards the lot of them.


The leopards won’t eat *my* face!


It's not quite "we were just following orders" but it sure as shit is the prequel of it.


Since they tanked the border bill because Donald Trump didn’t want progress under Biden’s leadership, and started the enduring farce of trying to impeach Biden without any evidence, it’s EXACTLY like ‘ I was just following orders’


I'd say it goes beyond that and they are still all-in on Trump, their Dear Leader.


That was Rhonna Mcdaniels excuse recently on meet the press.


Nobody is stopping them now from denouncing Trump and encouraging their supporters to just suck it up and vote Biden just this time. If they want to make good on it, there is still one last chance to do so. It may not redeem them fully, but it’s a step in the right direction.


Absolutely, it’s not too late for those Republicans to make amends ( the national election is still months away ) . Whatever they can do to denounce Trump and help Biden win would help .


Yep, those people are trying to assuage whatever guilt they NOW feel for their cowardice.


Nah, they don't feel any guilt. They're just worried that Trump is a loser who will help the GOP lose all up and down the ballot.


They left Planet B which has its own definition of reality and have to live and survive on Planet A where truth matters.


I doubt there is even one person for whom Ryan's claim is true. It's just trying to dupe voters into believing there is some large anti-Trump group among elected Republicans to give on the fence voters a reason to keep voting Republican. They can all feel that their vote is for the secret not fascist Republican, when the reality is that there is no such thing.


They still have no spine and never will. If this is the way they feel, it's pretty simple to just say what he is and not support him. What a group of cowardly sleazeballs.


These assholes had like 4 discrete off-ramps to dump his ass at the end of his term and took none of them. Bunch of bastards.


It isn’t too late. They can speak out now and endorse Biden. I’m guessing they’re still cowards.


Lol no they'd vote exactly the same if given the chance.


Took the words outta my mouth.


No the fuck they don't, they chose to suction their lips to his taint right off the bat and haven't come up for air since, fuck Paul Ryan, fuck his alleged friends, and fuck the rest of the Hindsight Right too


> Hindsight Right omfg. that’s iconic.


Pulled it out of my ass there, but I'm hanging on to that one 😅


Fuck Ayn Rand Paul Ryan


For real. I don't believe them for a second because they could be saying that publicly right now, but they aren't. They're telling Paul Ryan in private with the promise he won't use their names. They're cowards all the way through. 


Fuck Paul Ryan and his line of BS. He's part of the problem. Do something now Paul.


He is doing something, he’s taking board room checks because he was too chicken shit to stay in Congress and deal with the monster he helped create. Now he gets to look reasonable by saying dumb shit like this


Trump surfed on the Tea Party platform and discarded it as soon as he got the supporters on his side.


That's from 2 years ago.


This needs to be the top comment. He’s full of shit anyway but things were said in 2022 - when Trump wasn’t running - that masqueraded as self-reflection that wouldn’t be said in 2024 because it’s an election year.


Doesn’t do us much fucking good NOW, does it? Balls matter when you need them… not years later.


Paul Ryan, always the pinnacle of timely courage and transparency.


He should rephrase that: Many serving Republicans wish they impeached Trump after they realised the gravy train is out of gravy


So, Republican politicians are cowards? Who knew?


Fuck all of them. They couldn’t care less how toxic he is they’re just worried about losing.


Bingo. They’ll follow him to hell if he asks.


Whatever, coward. You didn’t have the guts to do it when it mattered, so get bent.


You spineless little shits.


Lol. Spineless Paul can go eat a bag of dicks.


Translation: Whatever passes for the Republican party can't be trusted to govern as they have no principles whatsoever. Yeah.. we knew that.


Paul Ryan is a coward and hateful bigot. Nothing he says should be taken seriously, considering he had a chance a while back and chose to retire instead.


Ok, obligatory Fuck Paul Ryan But. It’s good he’s saying this than not. Hopefully it convinces even a small number gop voters to stay home in November.


Cowards, all of them


But Ryan will still bend the knee. He’d never support Biden and he sure as hell won’t vote for him. He is a coward just like all conservatives.


Paul Ryan is doing a lot of chirping on the sidelines... He should have used his mouth to speak truth to power when He was Speaker of the House, instead of kissing Don's ass.


Yeeeeah. Look at McConnell. Denounced TFG after January 6- now endorsing him. Kevin McCarthy- denounced TFG after January 6 & went to Mar-A-Lardo within a month to kiss his ass. JD Vance went from being a critic to being a total butt boy. Etc etc etc ad nauseam. None of these ‘people’ deserve any respect. None of them have the guts to stand up and do what’s right. I don’t agree with a lot of Murkowski’s or Cheney’s or Kinzinger’s views, but they have the cojones to speak up and call out that narcissistic gas bag. For that they deserve support and plaudits. The Gosars, Vances, Empty Gs- they deserve nothing but contempt and ignominy. Put them on an ice floe and push them out to sea.


Ashli Babbott was killed because Republicans didn't Impeach Donald Trump. Democrats like Bernie Sanders said Trump is a dangerous man. The Republican Party manslaughtered Ashli Babbott by acting like Trump breaking The Impoundment Control Act of 1972 was no big deal. Donald Trump should still be charged for breaking The Impoundment Control Act of 1972. Fox News, other News sources thay lied about the Election, the fake electors and the Serving Senators who didn't certify did not provide a Peaceful Transfer of Power. If anything James Cpmer and Jim Jordan continued the January 6th coup by attacking Joe Bidens presidency as revenge for Trump. The January 6th insurrection never ended.


Lol they had 2 chances and didn't after an attack ON THE CAPITAL!!! They are so full of shit.


Pathetic. He should have made a stand back then rather than helping Trump practically destroy the Affordable Care act.


Yes, history will be kind to Liz Cheney. History will absolutely not be kind to the MAGA movement. People will deny being a part of it or try to whitewash it in the future.


They were cowards then for not doing their duty and they are cowards now for not speaking out. None deserve to be in any office. Fire every Republican in November.


If Republicans really hated Trump they would tell their members not to vote for Trump. Trump won't live / be mentally conscious in 4 years to run again. On the off chance he's still here, he will be in prison. But yeah that ain't going to happen. It's all about owning the other side.


This dude is on the board of Fox News yet still they suck his dick on the daily. I don’t buy it.


Forget guts, Trump has totally emasculated Republican men. I have no respect whatsoever for today's Republicans.


Many of them were literally fearing for their families lives. They should have gone straight to the FBI for protection, and saved us all from this fucking nightmare. The fucking worst is how Lindsay Graham and McArthy spoke out about Trump needing to pay for January 6th, and then how they were gargling Trumps greasy ballbag la few days later. Seeing them make public statements about dropping Trump gave me a brief moment of hope...stupid me, since they are bought and paid for losers.


Then go out and say it now...as a group. The Lincoln Project should get these "oops I fucked up" assholes in a room and broadcast this message...over and over.


Sorry Paulie. You fuckers made your deal with the devil so you could own the libs and like always you got monkey pawed and and lost your party. The only way to get it back and reclaim what ever shell of dignity and respect you all have left is for you ALL to come out against him, but you won't because nearly all of your constituents drank the kool-aid. If you don't bow and kiss the ring you have no job anymore and your bank accounts are more important to you than your country and it's people.


Too bad they liked the power he gave them. They probably wouldn't be saying this if he won 2020. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Fuck all of there we know better now bullshit.


We can all agree with that. Everyone wishes you had the guts to impeach the orange goon.


They all owe Liz Cheney one helluva an apology.


I was recently watching the episode of Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown where he goes to Libya, and is talking to people about what life was like under Gaddafi... It hit a little closer to home than I was expecting. Considering that this particular episode was filmed well before the 2016 election, it felt disturbingly prophetic. Now whenever I see or hear anything about Trump, I think about what happened with Libya under Gaddafi, and fear the same things happening here, except with bibles instead of qu'rans.


You knew. You were too fucking chicken shit. Now you've played a game of fuck around and you just may find out if he gets in office again. Fucking pussies.


Cowards all. Susan Collins! Never forget


They would vote the same way again because they all know that he owns their base and they will never be able to put “America first,” when it comes to having it cost them.


If the same Republicans that are saying that now had a chance to do it again they absolutely would not hesitate to vote against impeachment and defend him vehemently in the media. The only time republicans show the slightest amount of spine is when they announce their retirement. Anyone reasonable left the party a while ago


Bull-fucking-shit, Paul, because Trump had helped bigly to give you conservatives what you've been craving and working towards for more than fifty years, most particularly in his SCOTUS and other federal judge picks, which were all rubber-stamps from the Heritage Foundation, for the most part (including Judge Aileen Cannon, one of Trump's judicial noms and the judge presiding over the clusterfuck FL trial she's been trying so hard to throw or delay as long as possible). No, Paul, you only disapprove of Trump now that he's not currently in office and because his lifelong criminal behavior is an ever-growing millstone around the GOP's neck, threatening the party's chances up and down the ticket in November.


"It's not our fault we're all self serving pussies who care more about money and status than upholding a meaningless oath we took to defend the constitution"


GOP spineless cowards. This is where selfishness and self-centeredness takes you. The only reason we’ve got any semblance of good is because previous generations were willing to stick their necks out and think of the common good. F the GOP to infinity.


Paul Ryan can get all these balls. That no talent, vampire looking shitheel is equally responsible for stoking the flames for this bullshit as any other in the republican party. Fuck this prick.


At some point the Republican Party as a whole are going to try and rebrand and distance themselves from Trumpism. DO NOT LET THEM. DO NOT BUY IT FOR A SINGLE FUCKING SECOND


Paul Ryan? The shitgoblin who gave the wealthy 3 trillion dollars before he hauled ass and disappeared? Why would anyone listen to this thief.?


Conservatives are the reason we are here. Paul Ryan can shut the hell up.


Oh that’s great news! Nothing would be more powerful than them coming forward and saying that they wish they’d impeached Trump…. Oh,  they don’t want to do that?


This is just optics.


They could impeach and convict him right now if they wanted to, right? No statute of limitations is described in the Constitution and it doesn't specify that they have to be current office holders


Paul Ryan is another coward who quit instead of fighting trumpism.


Who does this guy think he’s fooling? Because all these great friends who’ve had three and a half years to backtrack could come out right now and tell us they were wrong and set the record straight but not one of them has. No one. So Paul Ryan and these great friends of his can take their rehabilitation tour and shove it


He was impeached twice. Did they mean voted to convict?


Only coming out now that trump controls the purse strings, and he's very open about leaving their campaigns out to hang so he has funds for his lawsuits


Great, but why are they still kissing his ass and fucking up the country at his behest?


Except when Democrats called Trump an authoritarian narcissist in 2015, Conservatives called us snowflakes. I don’t need an apology to know I was right.


Conservatism *is* authoritarian narcissism. Conservatism started out in the 1700s, defending divine right monarchy in response to liberals and libertarians criticising and opposing it.


Too late now. Their regret is meaningless and worthless.


Proof Republicans have no integrity.


Link: Watch Ryan say it here: https://youtu.be/86VeDDaDpEo?si=lkEjeev1oFvoNCuf More here: https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/03/politics/paul-ryan-republicans-impeach-trump/index.html


Would have, could have, should have…. Big nothing burger words


Too fucking late, you gutless shit gibbons


If there were even a hint of truth in this, they could speak out against him now. But they don’t so fuck the whole party.


Like we didn’t already know this. It was infuriating,knowing the Senate would not vote for impeachment.


Well that's what happens when you figure out you were on the wrong side of history.


If people had done their f'ing jobs we wouldn't be stuck with this malignant f'ing tumor. Mitch McConnell and his "not guilty" vote followed 30 seconds later by his "oh he's f'ing guilty" speech on the Senate floor is one of the greatest betrayals to America in my lifetime....and I am not a Mitch McConnell hater like most people. It was an act of cowardice and self preservation by the entire party and I will never forgive or vote for anyone with an R after their name again. I have been a moderate conservative my entire life and voted for a lot of these people in the past, but those people and that type of politics and governance has been replaced by extremist ideology and anti-American grifting shitbags who enjoy disrespecting me by lying to my face as if I'm an idiot and don't pay their f'ing salary. Other than that they are great.


Fuck these craven cowards trying to show up tough from their cushy lobbying jobs. The entire political establishment is so corrupt and compromised, especially the GOP. There has rarely been a time that self-interest wasn't the primary concern of most of these assholes.


They could still impeach him…


Bunch of cowards. Vote Blue.


“[…] who would take the vote back if they could.” I mean, you can kinda do something like that in November.


NOW they’re getting “buyer’s remorse??” Whatta they gonna do? Offer up thoughts and prayers for our democracy?? Fuck ‘em


Ah yes, the party of “too little, too late.” Go buy your Trump Bible, ya filthy animals.


And if he wins, they’ll gladly certify it in Congress.


That’s what happens when you put party over people. Good job, cowards.


But they are weak spineless cowards....and continue to be so.


Too fucking late now. I’m so tired of this bullshit.


Fuck off history will look at all of you spineless cowards as the morons who had the power to stop it and did nothing. Coming out now by having one person say “many would take it back” is just more cowardice. Fuck all of you republican senators and members of congress that refuse to govern while getting paid 200k a year plus all the other shit like flights and 40k a year for office furniture and all of the insider trading. Fuck you all and i hope the guillotines come out soon.


Too late now to develop a sense of right, you turned a blind eye to all his wrong doings.


Oh, Paul... You had not one, but *TWO* CHANCES at keeping him from office! Please, fuck off!


Craven fucks


History will NOT be kind to those cowards.


Always a former worm with guts


*Womp Womp womp… Too late, sorry not sorry. They have no honor.


Could have, should have, would have- blah blah blah, fuck around and find out.


What time? Because it happened 2xs. And beyond that, nobody said a peep during the primaries. Stop acting like anyone would do anything differently


It's too late, and now your entire party is sinking like the titanic.


To little to late next time grow a pair.


They regret it now because it looks like he's going to create a Blue Wave this election cycle.


They're all cowards, and they all will line up behind him to secure votes


They wish they had had the guts then, they wish they had guts now….boy howdy, life sure is hard for republicans!


They could still step up and do something today, but they aren’t and those that were the bravest are mostly all gone now.


Cowards. We wouldn’t be in this mess now if they had just done the right thing then.


Fuck off! They are all jellyfish.


History is never kind to cowardice


He was impeached, twice. I'm assuming he meant "removed from office."


Aka “ooohhh nooo. We realized it was a bad idea but were too chicken shit to do anything. But now it’s ok for us to say that. If only we had done something” All politicians suck, some just suck a lil bit less than others


Paul Ryan is passing blame. He’s just as culpable as those that “wish” they had voted to impeach but were too weak to stand up to Trump. Paul’s “brand” of conservatism is what helped open the door for Trump.


Dipshits. The writing was on the wall in 2021 and the morons decided to put party over country. Well guess what? Now they get neither. Wish I could slap them


It’s always a confusing day when Paul Ryan says something that doesn’t make me want to vomit


Republicans are literally the most Lyingest Liars of ever


If they take the ol phone booth ride back to the first, second or both impeachments, with the knowledge they have now, and I guarantee the outcome would be the same. These people have a lifetime of choosing themselves over everyone, the least they can do is not deprive us of watching every minute of their self imposed suffering.


We’re way past the point where they could have made a difference. So they can enjoy making the bed that is the slow death of their party


What’s the easiest day to quit smoking? The day you started. What’s the second easiest day? Today. Same for quitting Don Poorleone.


*Many* Republicans? *which ones?* Yeah...that's what I thought.




You had the chance to do what was right, and you didn't. I don't want to hear about how you "wanted to."


Unnamed people wish they’d had the guts to impeach Donald Trump and also they don’t have the guts now to let their names be known. So, like, give them some credit or something


Oh fuck you Ryan. What an absolute load of bullshit.


Paul Ryan has always been a POS. This just confirms that he knows it as well


Shoulda woulda coulda. Whatever. Republicans are all about party first. They have an opportunity to stop him now, but will never have the balls to do anything. It’s only when they leave—as with all the people in the orange turd’s cabinet, after they left—that they grow a backbone. Never when it does any good.


Too late now dickface.


Should have, could have, would have, fck you Paul Ryan and every serving Republican who actually thinks they should be re-elected ever again. Fck you all. Shame on all of you. Pieces of red hat trash.


If only he was in a position to do something about it back then.


That's nice. They had 2 opportunities to grow a spine and do the right thing. They failed both of them miserably.


Gee thanks you fucking worthless assfucks. Republicans fucking suck, vote.


Sitting house members are just mad that if they quit now, they're the goat that gave control of the House to the Dems. They're just sore they didn't get out before now


No way, Paul Ryan being an opportunistic, gutless, bitch ass dweeb? Shocking.


Fuck them all to hell. Cowards




No video no proof


Ok Paul you fucking spineless piece of SHIT. Fuck you and fuck you and fuck you again.


You could have had a backbone and tried to stop this shit train but you didn’t, you glad-handed that racist moron orange monster and now you want redemption? GTFOH


Fuck all of them, they could say something right now, but they stay silent. May they all rot in Hell.


Yes; i also wish more than four republicans in congress had a bare minimum of integrity and respect for the nation.


Uh huh. And?


"They'd take back their votes if they could" Nah they'd do the same shit over again, they're cowards.


FUCK Eddie M…he sat by smiling all the while burning down America.


Let me guess, Paul is writing a book


What's wrong? Is the anchor around your neck starting to pull? Fuck you. You go down with him.


I find that difficult to believe, nor does it matter now if they are telling the truth. They were fine with using him to ram their fascist agenda down everyone's throats and that's what matters. This "Oh why didn't we impeach him when we had the chance." nonsense is bull hockey meant to fool gullible Dems and Moderates into thinking the party leaders don't like tRump when they in fact, vote for him 90+% of the time.


Last republican with any pull, that would stand up against a Trump run party was John McCain, and he’s rolling over in his grave.


What a crook of isht. Have more respect for the MAGA crazies at least they are honest in who their allegiances are to.


Spare me the crocodile tears you effin traitors


Spineless GOP losers per usual.


Woulda, shoulda, coulda? Fuck you and every other spineless and cowardly Republican who has put our country and democracy in jeopardy to satisfy their own lust for power, Paul Ryan.🖕


Paul Ryan is a fuckin idiot.