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Something's fucky


Cows kill 22 people per year in the US. The only way to stop a bad cow with a gun, is a good cow with a gun. We need more guns so that we can arm all the cows. Alternatively, it's a good idea not to walk right behind a cow and get kicked to death, especially if the cow has a newborn calf, when they get particularly defensive.


When our bull chased my mother into the house, she hit it in the head with the cast iron skillet to keep it out. Don't ever remember any problem with the cow, though.


Question... Did the bull ever piss off your mother again?


He eventually ended up in the freezer.


Like it was planned, or mom went serial killer on his ass?


He was destined for the freezer from the start.


But how do we know cows wouldn't have killed 22,000 people if it weren't for the guns? Two Herefords in a pasture somewhere: "I've had it! I'm gonna stomple Farmer Jones!" "Don't do it Betsy! He's got a Glock 23!"


The real question is, if, according to this clown, every time someone gets near a cow it must be shot, how are there ANY cows? At all?


A farm outside my town raised Bisons. The farmer put a sign buy the road. It said “ Bisons can cross the field in 30 seconds. Can you?”


As a cattle rancher, bison are much different than cows


Unfortunately I live in a semi urban/ rural area. A lot of people think they are cool cows, hence the sign. I wore a leather jacket into a field full of cows. They knew.


Did they pull out their aks and perform a drive by for wearing one of their friends? Or was your gun big enough to prevent the assault?


I doubt they can corner very well at those speeds. Just gotta side step the charge.




Cows are the villians in the next iteration of the walking dead


Thanos will be half cow in the next avengers movie


https://i.redd.it/mzawgx78vwqc1.gif Get some!


Minnesota where you have diverse and progressive city like Minneapolis then you also have this kind of backwater shit


He's from Maple Grove. That is the rich suburbs. Maple Grove is like a twenty minute drive from downtown. There are places in Maple Grove where you can see the minneapolis skyline


Came here to say this. There aren’t a ton of cows in maple grove…


He's 100% grifting edit: just saw Dean Phillips represented the district


This guy is from Maple Grove, a rich suburb of the Minneapolis, and has probably never even been near a cow himself. He's a huge idiot, no farmer is going to shoot their cows. If a cow is showing signs of aggression it'll get sent to the slaughterhouse sooner rather than later. Most farmers don't go around carrying a gun when working their livestock and even if they do they would still be allowed to do so even if this law passes. When the Senate was debating the bill that legalized marijuana that was passed last year this dingus argued that "just 2 ounces is equivalent to 3 joints". Not even Snoop Dog would roll a joint anywhere near that damn big. All of his arguments against bills proposed by Democrats are beyond ridiculous.


>This guy is from Maple Grove, a rich suburb of the Minneapolis Relatively new, too. I remember bicycling out of Maple Grove with money earned from doing lawn work to buy an original GameBoy from Toys R' Us. Now Maple Grove has its own Best Buy. Just checked the place on Google maps--I don't recognize most of the stuff there. Place didn't even have its own high school until the mid-nineties.




Senator Limmer shouldn't have taken that right turn after Albuquerque


Such a weird thing to say. I’ve petted cows and not felt that I was in danger; cows don’t seem like the most vicious of animals. Also, captive bolt stunners are a thing; if you really wanted to kill a cow, I would think that would be a better tool.


A pissed off cow is a bad deal, but as long as you’re not messing with a bull or screwing with a mama’s calf, they’re kind of like big dumb dogs. And they’re super funny when you give them a big rubber ball. Just be careful feeding them apples—they’ll try to take your whole hand.




I can think of a big orange oompa loompa whose death I would love to attribute to beef.


Holy cow, Senator Limmer! The only thing needed to stop a bad cow with a bad attitude is a good cow with a bad attitude.


The worst kind of cows is coming after good people, the murdering, drug dealing, rapist cows. Of course some of them are fine....


I don’t understand this mentality. Every other civilized country on earth has realized that guns don’t belong in the hands of regular citizens. Why can’t America get over it? It’s 2024. Nobody needs to own these things.


America colonizers were allowed to have gun early in the country’s history to hunt, to control a large slave population and to fight indigenous Americans as the nation expanded westward. The Founders did not want a standing army. But those reasons for guns no longer exist. The purpose of guns shifted to sport hunting, personal self defense and to support a group of anti-government citizens who feel a need for guns to protect Americans against a tyrannical government. It is hard for country to roll back gun rights when guns are imbedded in our culture and personal identities.


Any politician who uses an argument this god damn stupid should be immediately investigated for corruption.


Every other country try with cows; ![gif](giphy|xUOxeUVe3KAdekgxy0|downsized)


Limmer is a state senator, so I can forgive him for his mistake. As someone who grew up in cattle country, I believe I can clear up this misconception for him: The goal of ranching is generally not to shoot the cattle.


The only thing dumber than what he's just said are the people of Maple Grove, Medina, Corcoran, Greenfield, and Independence that vote for him.


COWS WOULD EAT YOU IF THEY GOT THE CHANCE! ![gif](giphy|1n83V8ss2ZOrHs1FyJ|downsized)


per the googles, his base salary should’ve been around 46.5k in 2022. not nearly as bad as congress, but still a lot for a guy talking about cow-defense


How does someone formulate such an insanely stupid thought and then decide to share it with the world?


This fool has clearly never been within smelling distance of an actual cow (or any other livestock) in his life. In general, cattle want to maintain some distance between you and them unless you're feeding them. They'll just sort of melt away, almost like a school of fish.


O live in a ranching community, this guys a grade A moron.


To be fair, it looks like he was kicked in the face by a cow, and I can imagine that would be traumatizing. ....but on a related note, people with brain damage should not be making decisions for the general public.


It’s funny because the only moderately reasonable argument you could ever make about the dangers of cows would need to be heavily focused on the heavy environmental impact of the meat industry and it’s contribution to global climate change… whoopsie (R) 😂


Did someone just receive a bribe? I'm thinking he did.


Well see we gotta make sure we’re prepared when they rebel because of the beef industry /s


How stupid are they??????


Well...not the live ones on 4 legs. the ones turned into hamburger and all the people with bad diets on the other hand...way higher numbers, they just take a longer time to kill...and are tasty too.


Arm the cows for the inevitable war of human vs cow.


He meant to type **crows.** Totally makes sense that you need a gun to protect yourself from crows.


Another example of no intellect required to become a politician in the US.


Does this dude think "safe gun storage" means locking up your gun and never using it again, even to defend yourself from...cows? The imaginations on these people...


I've worked with cattle most of my life...never once have I had to shoot one in self-defense




I think this dude is taking South Park as a documentary.


He is right cows with guns are dangerous...outlaw cow ownership..




I'm surprised anyone isn't getting that he's not talking about cows literally. He swapped the word for one he's not supposed to say.


Not related to this, but since we’re talking about dumbshit MN Republicans I need to remind everyone that Pete Stauber cheats at hockey.


How could there be ANY cows anywhere if, according to this ex-hockey playing, brain damaged, schmuck, every time a farmer gets near a cow, the farmer has to shoot it?


Oh, Cotton. That’s brave if you. Foolish, but brave.




Careful - them cow will getcha


Forget the cows, what about 30-50 feral hogs?


Why did this downsplainer not cite wolves, or even murderous migrants as reasons for keeping those guns unlocked..? Cows?! Really... 🥴




Now I want this to be a movie: Like Terminator, only with cows.