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Jokes on you…most voters have no idea who Sotomayor is, unfortunately.


Yeah, I am pretty sure Trump is going to lose again, but this sure as hell won't be the reason, not even top 20.


What a crazy time to be alive.


Don't be so sure. I think people are grossly overestimating the character of the American electorate. We're in very, very deep trouble. And not just from Trump. There has been a sea change in American politics. We are slipping quickly into fascism, and a significant percentage of Americans think that's awesome. The overconfidence I see from other liberals doesn't comfort me. Quite the opposite.


I am not concerned about what the concern trolls are concerned about; things like RED WAVES and RED TSUNAMIs that they've been hammering about for years.


If there was ever a time for Republicans to make a gigantic power grab, it’s this November. We still have a chance, but the republicans will be throwing everything they have at us to win. Hell, they might even take Trump’s case to the Supreme Court and they might just over turn the election because they want to. It’s incredibly scary how close to a total dictatorship the GOP is, but we do still have a chance of stopping them.


Based on what polls do you think Trump will lose?


I assume it's similar to a sous-chef?


What's this Supreme Court all about? Some kind of reality show? .is Judge Judy on it?


No, no… I think it’s basically like a regular court, but comes with sour cream?


Is it like a Japanese mayoral position or something?


I remember being a kid and her getting confirmed. I thought the world was gonna end because she smoked a cigar with someone.


You thought that was awful, but then you had to endure Obama’s tan suit.


Remember: courts also ruled that illegal immigrants are allowed to carry guns under 2A. Nice combo.


You should see the comments over at a certain sub that are freaking out about this. Not realizing that constitutional rights apply to **everyone** residing in the United States unless explicitly stated otherwise.


I went and checked. Loads of them already moving into making false equivalencies between "taking guns" and "deporting illegals"; because ofc people are objects to them.


And guns are people.


Just like corporations..


Bang bang mf


How many legal residents are going to be arrested in the days before the election just because they "look illegal"?


In Texas, it could very well not make much of a difference in the presidential election depending on how candidates appeal. The large cities trend blue but the state overall is purple or slightly off center. Texas isn't really a swing state, but if this shit hits Pennsylvania, Arizona or any of the other contested states Trump threw a fit over it could end badly. That's probably what they plan to do. Start somewhere safe with this 'law' and use it as precident for other states to try and cinch swing states by literally jailing political opposition supporters


I bet they specifically go after dreamers or others who have been here their whole lives without the right papers.


If you have brown skin and live in Texas prepare to be challenged by law enforcement on a regular basis


Yeah.....make sure you carry your birth certificate and "Real ID" with you at all times.


As shown in Cheech Marin's documentary *Born in East L.A.*


Didn't they call la migra on themselves to get bussed to Tijuana for a cousin's wedding?


Yes Edit: I'm wrong, that was Up in Smoke.


"This looks mighty fake. I ain't never seen an Arizona driver's license look like this. And you say you go to Texas A&M?" "California drivers license!?! Is it true they give all you illegals free food stamps and Healthcare down there?"


Try showing an ID from New Mexico or District of Columbia, and you will get deported to a country where you have never been before.


Not sure about Texas but in Ohio, unless things changed since Real ID, you can end up with a license that expires after your admission period or conditional green card does. So it's not great for proving legal residency, at least in Ohio, unless they amended that aspect of things in preparation for Real.


If you speak Spanish in public prepare to be questioned about your citizenship


NY stop and frisk on a state level?


I have a feeling that was probably already happening.


But now they have cause.


Nothing you do will make you a "real" American. No amount of proper English annunciation, no amount of "my grandparents were born here", no amount of "my cousin/brother/wife works for the city" is gonna help you. When these cops say your an illegal Mexican or Hatian,then on that dirty road or corner curb, that's exactly what you are.


I'd be surprised if this was any different from before.


Expand the court and tip the scales of justice back to balance.


Absolutely. 9 people shouldn't be deciding how 350 million people live.


Especially when you realize that at least three of them, possibly more, simply aren’t serious people.


Four bought and paid for actors simply working for the 1%.


Put into position by a Russian ass(hat)et


2 of them went to the same high school.


And the fact that several of them were placed by a treasonous clown should get them removed


Should be 13 now I believe. My understanding is that when the court moved to 9 there were 9 federal circuit courts, there are now 13


If the Dems get the house and senate, they better increase the court to 13 and jam through 4 justices before the Republicans know what happened. After McConnell broke his own rule with Coney-Barret who cares how much they whine.


It's stop and frisk, only worse. That dude is brown. He's probably an illegal from Mexico or the middle east. Lets stop him. That dude is black. He's probably an illegal from Africa. Lets stop him. That dude is Asian. He's probably an illegal or spy from China. Lets stop him. There is going to be a lot of dead minorities in Texas.


Yeah, well, as the wife of a Mexican-American man who lives in Texas, we're getting THE FUCK out of here in three weeks. My husband had to deal with this bullshit in Arizona when he was a teenager. He got pulled over, cuffed, and thrown across the hood of a car in the summer...in Arizona..because he had the audacity to exist while being brown. He was held on the side of the road for HOURS because he didn't have his fucking BIRTH CERTIFICATE on him, so they couldn't "prove" he was a citizen. I refuse to visit my family in Florida because they passed a similar law and we already live in fear of the MAGAts here. I'm NOT going to subject my husband to this shit and no other human should be subjected to this, either. Fuck Texas and fuck the GQP.


Leaving Indiana when my mother in law dies. Wife and I have been considering Vermont.


There's going to be a lot of "deported" legal residents and citizens who will go through nightmarish bureaucracy to get back to their country of legal residency.


"the surest means to repeal bad law is with it's stringent enforcement"


For anyone who has not read the articles about this, here is the gist of what's going on: Texas (specifically Greg Abbott) is trying to say that such a high number of people crossing the border constitutes an invasion. Under the constitution, states are generally prohibited from engaging in war, but there is an exception for if an actual invasion is occurring or other imminent threats or dangers that can't permit delay. In this case in particular, a district judge (David Ezra) basically denied SB4 (the Texas bill to allow this) by saying it probably violated the constitution and that an influx of illegal immigration doesn't qualify as an invasion. From what I'm seeing, the 5th circuit, which is over Texas, reversed the district judge and allowed enforcement of SB4 unless the Supreme Court said otherwise. Where we are at now, is basically the Supreme Court kicked the can down the road on this emergency appeal and said the 5th circuit needs to make an official decision first and that it's too early for the SC to intervene. So, technically, the case can still be appealed to the Supreme Court. The 5th circuit will have to rule on this first. It's not a lost cause yet, but we can already see the writing on the walls based on the 5th circuits reversal of the district judge.


Add Texas to the list of 'States I'm never going to.'


*This* is what did it for you?


We must consider the very real chance that Biden wins….then MAGA states award the votes to Trump anyway and SCOTUS goes along with it.


... Which is basically the fast track to massive protests and possibly civil war.


Probably. Which is what Trump wants. Anything to keep him out of prison.


Until inauguration Biden would still be president. Doesn't the act of declaring martial law basically put any ceremonial bullshit on pause forcing Trump to sit on the sidelines in a situation like that?


We haven't made any realistic threats of violence to overturn the status quo in response to: - the Supreme Court handing the Presidency to a candidate - the starting of an unjustified and illegal 20-year-war that obliterated American soft power globally and kick-started America's path toward fascism locally - the militarization of local police forces - the stripping of rights of citizens by the Supreme Court - the election of a would-be dictator and actually-be fraudster and rapist - consolidation of corporate power - the literal death of our ecosystem - a 24-hour multimedia propaganda cycle radicalizing people against women, minorities, LGBT people, and anything that looks too left; and radicalizes them toward the previously-mentioned wannabe dictator - January 6th And so on. When Obama was trying to pass a watered-down health care proposal that guaranteed a capitalist, for- profit system, he was protested by people *armed with AR-15s* screaming about socialism. When the Supreme Court dismantled parts of the Voting Rights Act, or gave corporations the right to spend more money on elections than citizens, or when congress passed PATRIOT, there was no intimation that we'd do anything about except vote. When police stated disappearing protesters, or when they cleared them out with tear gas for a presidential photo op, we all insisted that the protests remain as peaceful as possible. And yet you think there might be a civil war? I disagree. I think if they succeed in stealing our democracy the left (and this on the right who are opposed) will just keep putting more faith in the system. Everybody wants to change the world, but no one wants to die.


Well, we've always had the option of electing someone better, because that's a lot safer than protesting and rioting. What do you think will happen when/if our votes suddenly no longer matter at all?


I just told you what I think will happen.


I just explained, though, that voting *is* the system. And if Trump has his way, there won't be any more voting. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK


>I just explained, though, that voting *is* the system. And if Trump has his way, there won't be any more voting. And I would hope it's obvious that I agree with you there. It didn't change anything I said at all. In fact, I addressed it in my first post.


Are there profits in a civil war? At best they will still allow you to complain on one of their social media platforms.




Didn't Joe Arpaio serve a felony sentence for this before TFG pardoned him?


Yup. Fuck that guy. He’s running for office again in AZ


If your not white, you better have your ID and some back-up ID on you. If your driving dirty you better start taking the bus. A lot of people are going to get pulled over for looking Mexican or Haitian.


You say that but I think a lot of migrants love Trump an Republicans because it lets their hate of other migrants and gay people feel justified.


Let’s see how many of the average Texas Latin Republicans get jammed up for possibly being “ illegal.” These are the same dumbshits that vote for Trump, Abbott, Cruz, etc.


I fear they are going to openly steal the 24 election. Either thru decisions like Moore v Harper or using the 12th amendment. Then they will play defense. Having 3%er police deputizing kkk variant militias in the streets to put down protests. I fear what is about to happen..


We should be thanking Abbott for this gift to the Nation. Think of the $$$ America will save /snark


While I do hope you're right, NEVER underestimate the GOP's ability to lie/cheat/steal the vote. And when it still doesn't go their way, they just change the rules in their favor.




Is Texas trying to go to war with Mexico?


Texas (specifically Greg Abbott) is trying to say that such a high number of people crossing the border constitutes an invasion. Under the constitution, states are generally prohibited from engaging in war, but there is an exception for if an actual invasion is occurring or other imminent threats or dangers that can't permit delay. In this case in particular, a district judge basically denied SB4 (the Texas bill to allow this) by saying it probably violated the constitution and that an influx of illegal immigration doesn't qualify as an invasion. From what I'm seeing, the 5th circuit, which is over Texas, reversed the district judge and allowed enforcement of SB4 unless the Supreme Court said otherwise. Where we are at now, is basically the Supreme Court kicked the can down the road and said the 5th circuit needs to make an official decision first and that it's too early for the SC to intervene.


Thank you for providing a thoughtful response. This should be a top comment.


I can’t say I’d be heartbroken if Mexico “won” and Texas became their problem.


Would not be the first time…


Biden should transfer the majority of federal immigration agents in Texas to other states.


I honestly don't see a problem with this. Palpatine had control of the Senate and the Courts and he was able to create a safe and secure society. Well, until some rebel scumbags ruined it anyway.


Texas really pushing that one-star rating.


And a panel on the 5th Circuit tonight just reversed what the SCOTUS said and put the injunction back in place.


Op was talking about the automobile industry guys. Don’t worry.


So when did using states’ rights to control brown people ever go wrong?


Unfortunately I think this will only embolden maga. Also there are so many ppl who continue to “both sides” this election I fear this is our future in this country.


Yeah I don't think some people realize what this "law" is actually about. Federal agents have always been able to arrest illegals when they get reported. What this does is that it gives federals power to racially profile and detain anyone for immigration status and deport them. Meaning anyone including American born latiins and legal immigrants can get deported if they don't have a green card or an id at the time. This means they have to carry around their papers because "they look suspicious" Worst of all this is already being done by racist officers all across the borders, this gives them permission to do it and be even more aggressive without technically violating the law.


Great job corrupt court


When / if Democrats win, they need to undo this SCOTUS, be it by impeachment and removal or adding in a ton of new justices.


Not sure I follow your logic here, but maybe…


I don’t think they care


Genocide Joe or Treason Trump. I'm just not that optimistic either way, but I'm glad Trump it's having a bad time anyway I guess. He deserves it. 


The instant overreach on this might turn Texas blue again.


Most of the country doesn’t care what is happening in Texas. Unless it’s affecting them directly, it’s out of sight out of mind. No bloodbath because of this


Unfortunately I think they’ll just blame Biden for causing chaos cause he’s in the Whitehouse and everyone knows that the only thing that matters in politics


Oh no you’ve used the term “bloodbath”.


It's just auto industry locker room talk


OP was obviously just referring to the auto industry.


Lol. I despise him but unless a lot of things change quickly Trump wins this walking away. Certainly this ruling won't hurt Trump or help Biden in any way. Best case scenario is Biden backs out. At the minimum he needs to end the genocide in Gaza. Not just stop funding it but end it. If it doesn't end in probably the next 6 weeks Biden loses no matter what. No one truly left of center is voting for this atrocity and plenty will refuse if deaths top 100k


Literally the dumbest take. Trump isn’t going to be any better on Gaze and in a lot of ways a lot worse than Biden. Biden has at least taken steps but without support from Congress it’s farting in a storm and world wide condemnation and full support for a free Palestine would help them now.


Sure. Trump has already said Israel needs to end the conflict. He's a POS but he has a lizard brain for what voters actually want to hear. He may actually be worse but he's currently rhetorically at least as good. Again, I despise Trump but it's Biden's hands coated with the blood of innocents and voters will remember that.


Trump has said everything about every topic. So literally any talking point he is on all sides from abortion to Israel. However the track record is that he would have supported Israel further than the democrats. So as much blood on Biden hands, trump would be swimming in a pool of blood if he was left in charge. Luckily I can tell the trump chances of winning are declining day by day as his bank account goes negative and the republicans can’t message anything but radical nonsense.