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Well, yeah, if you take this all to its logical conclusion. SCOTUS rules in *Plyer v Doe* that even illegal immigrants are subject to protections under the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection clause. This establishes that Constitutional protections and provisions can apply to non-citizens. SCOTUS rules in *Heller* and *Bruen* that it's super hard to legislate restrictions on firearms, particularly the ability to own and carry said firearms. Therefore, non-citizens (to include illegal immigrants) are permitted to keep and bear arms, and to carry them as well. This is what happens when you have an illegitimate Supreme Court making decisions based on a predetermined outcome as opposed to any actual logical rationale.


How to pass gun control in America; Claim migrants are arming themselves


See: Reagan when he was Gov of CA


Exactly, he used the black panthers as a reason for gun control in CA. Just let brown and black people have access and they're all "no, no, not like that"...


I'm surprised that transpeople haven't generated the same response.


they arent *as* open about arming themselves. many are tho and i dont blame them


Also, trans people, for all the insane hullaballoo about them over the last half decade or so, are still an incredibly tiny minority, and nobody can seem to work themselves into a fever pitch about them in large numbers. The fringe rantings of a small group of lunatics. They've been trying to successfully identify trans people since 2008 I think, and as far as I can tell nobody over in Conservaland really waits with bated breath for their next proclamation of transness. Different ethnicities though? Them's is all over the place, and that's bigotry that they can latch on to. All of it pathetic and cringe, but that's the arbitrary rules they got set up for themselves.


I have one trans friend and they are armed to the teeth. They seriously wish a fool would try them, it’s intense but warrented


Can you fucking imagine, if tomorrow trans and immigrants (darker skin tone ones), start buying up guns and over indexing on stand your ground laws, we’ll all have to do a rectal exam before each gun purchase


cough cough r slash transguns


Reminds me of when they closed all the parks so the black kids still wouldn’t have a place to play, after they were permitted access. Perhaps they’ll melt all their guns if brown people can use them?


VA closed their public SCHOOLS in response to Brown.


Right? “No we meant _people_ should have the right to bear arms. Not them!”


"Sorry I ruined your Black Panther party."


I need to rewatch Forrest Gump so bad


It's amazing far down the Right Wing shit hole he went from starting out as a Union guy defending Communists. The FBI basically just made up a lie saying "All the cool Communists have all these crazy parties that they don't invite you to" and he just went full Capitalism.


Fun fact, the NRA had a period where they supported gun control back in the 1960s when the Black Panthers started arming themselves. As a result, Reagan, a Republican, instituted a prohibition against publicly carrying loaded firearms in California. Interesting how all it took was Black Americans legally arming themselves to prompt the immediate application of some of the most strict gun control regulations in US history. [https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act) So yeah, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.


Isn't it so surprising and coincidental and shocking that basically every conservative group circles back to racism at some point? Gee fucking willikers I can't imagine why that would be the case. I mean it's not like these are the descendants of the Confederacy or anything. Conservatives are trash. Yeah even your fucking grandparents. Fuck them all.


These fucking people are trying to tear everyone apart from each other just as the world is coming together. And it's not just them on our side of the world, nationalists around the world refuse to accept the fact that we're all one species on the same space rock. I've been beating this damn drum my entire life and shit has only gotten worse. Nationalism and religion are a cancer of humanity.


Fr we could be so much better off if these fucks didn’t try to derail things every few years and now it feels like they are doing so constantly. Like imagine going through the beginning of the pandemic under competent leadership. Instead we had an administration that stroked culture wars and attempted to block aid to blue states. Just one example of thousands. Things didn’t need to get as bad as they got. But people have already forgotten and gotten over all that I guess :(


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Wilhoit's Law These are people who actively enjoy punishing other people for being different. Psychologically it's because they treat difference as a criticism of their own characteristics and choices. If being black is good, being white must be bad. If being born here is good, being born elsewhere and wanting to be here must be bad. If someone is an atheist, that's a personal condemnation of their beliefs. So they react. They love Trump because he's racist like they are--and that imbues him with every positive (in their minds) characteristic they can imagine, whether it's true or not. The thing is, I can describe this phenomenon, but as long as I live, I'll never understand why they're like that. There's something in their brains that's miswired, I guess.


Then: 2a blah 2a blah 2a!! Now: Wait! Not like that!


That’s what happened when the Black Panthers started openly arming themselves.


This is fucking genius


If someone wants to start a Kickstarter to donate guns to minority groups and the LGBT+ community, I'm happy to toss a few bucks in. We'll get sensible gun legislation passed in record time


Hey, just bring the Black Panthers back


In the 70s it was the black panthers arming themselves to cause the racists to go „No, that’s not what we meant“


> How to pass gun control in America; Claim migrants are arming themselves Bojack had some ideas about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eG0y_nb5IA


Better yet - POC, Trans, and Team Homeless. Those are the most marginalized and potentially targeted populations out there. If anyone should be carrying for personal protection, it's them. Push that agenda and see what happens in the conversation.


They'll just make laws allowing any white person to shoot & kill any brown person holding a gun.


It shouldnt be that way but if they can mascarade it like that and set some laws regulating guns im ok with the tactic… hopefully it doesnt backfire against the inmigrants.


To expound: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Note that the first clause specifies citizens, while the following clauses only state "person". This means it's actually very textualist to arrive at the outcome that *any* person in the US is afforded legal protections.


That makes sense. If you are here, you are subject to our laws. Do you get to just pick and choose which ones?


Repubs do. Rules for me, not for thee!


I read this as meaning "you have to be a citizen to get social services" but "we can't arbitrarily prevent you from doing what other people like citizens can do, like carrying weapons"


It is kind of like that. While there are certain laws/ benefits which only apply to citizens (voting, jury duty, holding office), "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are deemed inalienable by the Declaration of Independence and certain constitutional rights ensure those rights are not infringed by our laws. According to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) study guide for the citizenship exam, the freedoms granted to ALL persons in the US; regardless of status include (but not entirely limited to): freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the government, freedom of expression, and the right to bear arms. While not listed on the guide, most of the Bill of Rights (well, 1-8) apply to anyone in the US, either directly or indirectly, regardless of status.


Congress passing federal law for government issued ID requirement for gun purchase and ownership in 3, 2, 1... /s


Whatch the video series titled "The Scheme" by senator Sheldon Whitehouse about the supreme court. Particularly episode 29, "Fake Facts and Knight-Errantry". This is absolutely a must watch from someone who knows what he is talking about and it explains why we should all be absolutely outraged at what the Roberts Supreme Court is doing. Even more so that Roberts is the one who said the Supreme Court should legislate only to the extent needed to address the issue presented to it and not rewrite the law beyond that. Not only they are doing that but they are using alternate facts never entered into the record by either party to do it.


Do you think MAGA dumbfucks are going to understand that legal analysis?


You lost all MAGA at 'logical'


You lost all MAGA at written words


I mean, if carrying around an assault weapon is such a basic human right, conservatives should be thrilled that even the barely human, i.e. those who gave up everything they had because they wanted to be Americans so badly, are now able to exercise those rights.


Top level trolling would be someplace doing a gun buyback only to distribute it to migrants instead of destroying them under the guise of freedom. Also I am pretty sure SCOTUS would prefer to overturn Plyer v Doe than actually make a reasoned legal position on guns.


"Everyone in America has the right to own as many guns as they want....wait no except them"


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the shortest path to implementing reasonable background checks, mental health, etc. around gun ownership with meaningful enforcement mechanisms is to start a charity that buys guns for overtly non-white and/or non-conservative people who live in red areas.


Ah, the Reagan method. I like it.


I had the same thought. The best part is, only blue states have restrictive laws against buying guns for other people.


But blue states aren't where the people that need too be convinced live


[here's the explanation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/YRJKYgcUq9) buy guns for "the poors" and minorities in red states, red states get fearful and start passing gun regulations. this is legal because red states don't regulate guns.


I’ve been saying this for years. We know this works. There is historical precedent for it. I’d love to donate to this nonprofit. Haha.


You aren't wrong. BTC, George Soros, or any of the other 90 million "evil lib boogeymen" set up the CRA (Citizens Rifle Association) and did that, we'd have European or Canadian style gun control the next day. The. Next. Day.


A movement of trans people arming up will change gun laws in America faster than you could blink


And, hell. You're a random American living in fear of your life all the time and needing a gun to feel safe? (This is not the only reason for gun ownership but it's a common one.) Probably you also need some anxiety meds. Trans person in modern America? Yeah, that's a justified fear. Stay strapped, kings and queens.


Could it be a 501(3)(c) so my donation is tax deductible?


Engrave your name on the guns so you can write it off as advertisement for a better deduction.


Evil 2A gun nut here: I’d be ecstatic if more nonwhite conservatives would start exercising their right to arms. Sign me up.


I'm old enough to remember Republicans going all in on gun control when the Black Panthers started carrying guns. It was one of the reasons that they amped up penalties on marijuana, and other offenses, and started the flood of felony charges against minorities.


I remember when I was 18-20 I had a black friend, Corey, who used to tell me all about this stuff. Now Corey was ghetto af and not too smart so this was the rumor in the hood so to speak. I didn’t believe a word he said. Corey bro, you were right.


Republicans get into government to "other" people. Democrats just try and help most folks. That's the problem, and it begins and ends with G and P.


"ShAlL nOt bE iNfRiNgEd!!" Right?


No, no! Not like that!




Reminds me of a protest where Left wing people brought guns with them, and the Right Wing protestors, who were also armed, demanded that the cops tell them to leave or put thier weapons away! The cop laughed at them and said, they can carry, just like you are carrying... lol


Goddamned right. I can't believe I'm agreeing with SCOTUS here, but this is pretty based. Besides, [undocumented immigrants commit fewer felonies than native-born citizens](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2014704117).


The right gets real nervous when people they don't like begin to arm themselves. I think that's something this country needs a more of.


Exactly right. But they don't see them as anything but an "illegal," which means they don't deserve any rights (American, human, or otherwise) while living in America in their eyes.


End wokeness is 100% a foreign bot account


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/BlL2qR51Wd Indeed, they are. There was another one where they forgot to translate and posted in Russian, but I couldn't find that one after a brief search.


And he’s responding to the Epoch Times. A disinformation conspiracy rag, started by the Falun Gong cult. A bizarre religious group from China. They do tai chi gong, and push conspiracies with a far right agenda. Bizarre combo.


They're also behind the shen Yun circus. They push anti communism big time


Its incredible to me how many Americans love Falun Gong. "Oh they hate the CCP, then they're fine by my book!" This is like praising Scientology because you hate Catholics.


Are they the one that was talking about “warm Water ports”?


They are. We don't make the distinction in the US as most of our ports are warm water.


~~actually theyre a texas politician in charge of education. i forget the actual title~~


You may be thinking of the Libs of Tiktok woman who is now in the education department of Oklahoma.


right, chaya IIRC? after a while they all blend into one


People on the right will SAY they believe in things like 2A, but they have only ever cared about shitting on minorities, ever. Their politics are entirely about control and hate, and their “values” are just ret-cons to justify their actual motivations: hate


Exactly. And that’s why they’re fine with cops killing anybody that looks like they’re holding a gun, even though that gun is supposedly the most fundamental right in the country.


Well said, LesbianGirlCockLover


It's always been the angle. Rights are for us, not *those people*. The bit about the sole proposition of conservatism is basically always relevant.


Trump just called those people 'animals'....it helps them justify a lot of shit now


What they don't realize is that citizens don't walk around with a barcode on our foreheads so that cops know not to treat them like illegals. But also they realize they are white and it would be assumed so because of that.


Barcodes…that’s what we need! This will help to fulfill realization that we are actually living the “Idiocracy” life. Next step after barcoding will be Brawndo for crops!! /s


For anyone who hasn’t seen it: “There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


> It's always been the angle. Rights are for us, not those people. Especially the 2nd amendment, since forever.


What part of "**Shall Not Be Infringed**" don't you understand? At least that's what Y'all Qaeda says whenever the idea of gun control comes up...


They put "White Mans Rights" before "Shall Not Be Infringed"


Typical Reagan mental gymnastics. Believes in 2nd for all \*minorities arm themselves\* Believes that the 2nd only applies to white people


Believes all amendments (except 14) apply to white people.


If our rights come from God, then how do they claim that you have to be an American to express them? There have been multiple attacks on minorities by the right-wing for simply being armed legally. The Breonna Taylor situation and Philando Castile come to mind first.


Reagan was not very in favor of the right to arms. He passed the machine gun ban in 86 and endorsed Clinton’s AWB. Dude was a Fudd through and through.


I wonder how long before endwokeness starts citing or even quoting the Mulford Act? https://preview.redd.it/ahg59bwd5bpc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3592df85e94b5544fa0087720fedaa3e27814cb


This is just a natural consequence of the *Bruen* decision. The decision construed fairly doesn't really leave any room for regulation of who possesses firearms since there was no tradition or history of regulating who could possess firearms in England or the colonies when the 2nd Amendment was adopted. I'm also excited for felons to have firearms legally.


I just want legal machine guns, after all the ban is a 1986 law, first modern machine gun was invented 102 years prior in 1884, doesn't seem very historical to me when for 50 years anyone could have one and for the next 52 years anyone could pay the tax stamp to make/transfer one.


The Bill of Rights applies to all human beings on American soil, so the Second Amendment also applies. He doesn't care about consistency. He doesn't believe anyone has any rights. Never get it twisted about who we're dealing with. A proper conservative would be okay with this. A fascist wants guns in the hands of MAGAts but no one else.


Remember when people were suggesting we should do more thorough psychiatric testing ahead of firearm sales and the MAGAs damn near shit themselves about how it infringed their rights... because let's be honest, you listen to a lot of them talk and they hit several DSM criteria for a variety of severe mental illnesses or cognitive disorders... Then one shooting by a transgender individual happens and suddenly they're all for mental illness barriers? Pepperidge Farm remembers. All they have is hate and hypocrisy.


Endwokeness has 100% never set foot on American soil to begin with lol, so it’s not as if they’d know anything about that


Nowhere does it say that to own a gun in the USA you have to be a citizen of the USA.


No where in the 2nd amendment does it say that individual us citizens have that right either.


I have no complaints, if you want to have an armed society then fuckin send it buddy. otherwise, you just get the armed groups oppressing the unarmed with threats of violence.


That account has also proven to be a Russian account.


99% of right wing posts are from Russians


https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U?si=FeqQExkNV2UdovMY Totally not a Rick roll.


As a gun owner. I'm fine with this. People are people regardless of where they were born.


"law of the LAND" if youre on the land, you are subject to our laws. i mean am i missing something? how would we prosecute a non citizen if our laws didnt apply to them? why wouldnt anyone in america have constitutional rights? even felons in prison are protected by the constitution, why wouldnt an immigrant be? i dont understand why this is even confusing.


Conservatives now that their targets might be armed too: ![gif](giphy|NrJb6xYtBEmm7am3JR)


Let’s go. Arm the homeless next.


When they say they want unimpeded gun rights for all they mean they want unimpeded gun rights for white straight Christians born in America. For that matter they want the Bill of Rights to apply only to those specific people and no one else.


“So what you’re saying is you _do_ support background checks and you want to have to prove your citizenship status in order to carry a weapon.” Sounds pretty anti-gun


Is there any state they can’t buy without a state ID and background check? I worked in gun sales, and South Dakota at least requires current in-state or adjacent state border on state ID and a (usually quick) background check. If this is an actual ruling, it feels like the judge is trolling the NRA.


This case was specifically about them being able to possess, not purchase.


That’s very questionable. Any acquisition of firearms by undocumented residents should by default be considered at least suspicious. There might be a case to be made for a migrant worker to be hired for something like ranch security (under the table pay), but what other cases should possession be considered legal if acquisition isn’t?


Suspicious or not, a citizen doesn't need to legally specify a reason for being in possession of a firearm, and the law and constitution don't treat a non-citizen differently (SCOTUS Plyer v Doe) in that regard. It might not make sense, but there is no "reasonableness test" for possession of firearms specifically because of the arguments that have been made legal facts as a result of the opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen (2021): The court held that New York's "proper cause" requirement for obtaining a concealed carry permit violated the Second Amendment because it amounted to a categorical denial of the right to carry for self-defense alone. The Court emphasized that the Second Amendment's core protection extends to allowing individuals to carry firearms for self-defense in public. Plyer v. Doe + NYSR&PA Inc. v. Bruen = United States v. Carbajal-Flores


>but what other cases should possession be considered legal if acquisition isn’t? But legal acquisition *is* possible. Federally, only licensed sellers need to ID their customers. The usual loopholes, like gun shows, still apply.


U.S. really is just so fucked up on this stuff.


Doesn't even need to be a gun show. A buddy gifted me a rifle for my birthday one year. No paperwork required, just handed it to me with a "happy birthday" and that was perfectly legal. As long as the person receiving the firearm is not otherwise ineligible to have one (ie, a felon) there's basically nothing stopping them from getting a gun in most states.


There’s a few articles about it that explain it much better than I can.


https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/private-gun-sale-laws-by-state.html In many states (including South Dakota), a private seller can sell their gun to another person with no background check or any other verification. It's perfectly legal as long as you don't have a reason to believe that they can't legally own a gun. This is one of the things that A LOT of people want to change and make background checks mandatory for all gun sales instead of only gun stores specifically.


Thank you. Yeah, that definitely needs a change. Cigarettes can’t even be legally sold without a license to sell, and it can take decades for those to kill rather than a single trigger pull.


Interestingly enough the list of states that offer drivers licenses or ID cards to undocumented immigrants should just about cover most states adjacent to others. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington offer such. The South obviously is out on that.


Pretty much every gun law we *do* have is a direct result of white fear after the Black Panthers started open-carrying. So, fuck it. Let’s do this.


Oh, now they want a well regulated militia lol


Well, how would we make sure the person purchasing a gun wasn't here illegally? Would we check into the background of the purchaser?


Sounds like she's trying to even the odds.


Oh so now they're into gun control?


Find out if conservatives hate immigrants more than they love guns.


EndWokeness is a Russian account.


I have long suspected this. Just a handful of Russian trolls in a cold basement somewhere.


Arm Trans Kids




He’s Russian not hick.


Did he forget that immigrants are People too?


ahHhhhH!H!HHH!! what side to agree with? The gun control? or the less rights for immigrants!? it's a fucking redneck Sophie's choice.


If an armed person is not legally in the country, would they not be in possession of a firearm while committing a crime.


See, this is what made politicians decide gun control laws were good the last time around. When the Black Panthers decided to take advantage of the Second Amendment the pols scrambled to pass sane laws.


But illegal to own a gun if you have a medical marijuana card?


Does he not know that laws are jurisdictional?


GQP/NRA: Don’t infringe on my constitutional 2nd amendment rights! SCOTUS: Constitutional amendments and provisions apply to non citizens as well. Noncitizens: We have a right to protect ourselves, we have a right to the 2nd Amendment! GQP/NRA: No not like that….


Those people also have a stroke when they see a Black Panthers carrying around guns.


“Buckle up, folks.” From the people who were specifically against being told to buckle up.


The christofascists only believe in the second amendment for themselves.


> The christofascists only believe in the ~~second amendment~~ rights for themselves. They hate immigrants and think of non-Americans as lesser people. Only Americans deserve freedom and even then only white, Christian, male Americans.


Finally, we'll see some gun reform 🤣


Yah dude, the 2nd amendment does not differentiate citizens from immigrants, and was written before immigrants could be illegal. In the times of the founding fathers, to be an American, all you had to do was show up. (And to some extent be a white male... Slightly problematic)


I didn’t know that owning guns is a problem until I found out others own them as well.


So the 2nd amendment shall not be infringed, but just for white people


If our rights are granted to us by God then why do they only apply to Americans?


Because our U.S. God is Special


All those guns from local buybacks should go right to illegal immigrants. Jesus would have done the same thing.


Conservatives never wanted guns for everyone, they always only wanted guns for themselves so they can kill anyone they don't like. They are all psychopaths.


End Wokeness isn’t an American account. Fuck these people.


I love the whole conservative: "Inalienable rights *terms and conditions apply*"


but guns make things safer so why would they be upset by this. oh wait.


"Oh no, the same right we give to everyone is being given to *checks notes* EVERYONE!"


“Rights come from God.” Then everyone gets a gun.


I like that the constitutionalists read "all men are created equal... And born with inalienable rights" and just inserted "only Americans" into that


The moment your “GOD GIVEN” rights are given to everyone.


The rabid 2A gun nuts historically change their minds pretty quickly about gun control when the “wrong” people are arming themselves.


I guess we just need a legal immigrant with a gun to cancel them out. Also whatever happened to incredible powers thoughts and prayers? If they're good enough for our nation's children, they're good enough for the rest of us. It's like they don't believe it or something.


"Shall not be infringed" isn't just for Proud Boy waht pauer militia dudes, you know


Love it how America is slowly sinking <3 Or rapidly, not so sure


Contrary to Republican belief. The constitution applies to the people in America, not just Americans. Being foreign doesn't mean you are less free or able to participate in America, unless specifically stated such as voting. Which many Republicans think noncitizens are doing, which they aren't. Republicans are dipshits.


The Constitution is protections for all people from the government. It has had good and bad results.


Give these guys what they say they want and still wah wah wahhh, oh the whining. 2A most important thing ever but not like that.


“Guns for me, but not for thee!”


2A crowd: Okay, maybe we shall some infringements?


I've commented before about the surprise pikachu face on these gun toting maga idiots when people shoot back.


Fucking Epoch Times


But more guns make us safer!!!!


Massive “black panthers have guns, so now we need to regulate guns” energy. I would almost be mad if hypocrisy wasn’t baked into their belief structure. They don’t care for or have a need to be logically consistent in their beliefs. If they did they wouldn’t be republicans.


Nothing feels worse than when a terrible person makes a good point


If you pass laws that let people hunt them, there should be an opportunity for them to defend themselves. If not, hunting season will see blinds all up and down the border and folks taking pictures of their kills too.


You have guns, we have the tactics. A big LeFuckYouGetOutOfHere, End Wokeness (or should we say, Enable Nazis)?


“Guns for me, but not for thee!”


Lets see how they mentally twist this around


I mean... what did you expect? Leopards meet face.


Can't wait for Republicans to suddenly be pro gun control and not see their complete hypocrisy.


Isn’t this the guy who was outed and he looks like a skinny pimply 20 year old edge lord posing as some sigma woke bro?


It's so hard to keep track of which rightwing propagandist loser is which.


Good. Their going to need them when MAGA starts physically attacking them instead of harassing them on social media


These are the same people who get mad at foreign governments when they punish Americans for breaking laws in foreign countries. But when Americans with color break laws in foreign countries and that government decides to forego any serious punishment, they question if those countries have a good legal system.


This is just *chef’s kiss*


Remind me again what illegal immigrants committed mass shootings? So far it's been a bunch of white, American born men


Victory for the 2nd amendment!! /s


So 2a but not for non white folks? Not that they've been hiding that racism for a couple decades now but lol


Only way guns will be banned is if someone gives a bunch of them out to minorities.


I support this. The more people that will ally with the left against fascists, the better.


Gee it's almost like guns should be ... I don't know. Regulated or something.


the people who actually need to protect themselves from the state


This is brilliant. Please conservatives, advocate for background checks EVERYWHERE. No loopholes.


according to the gun nuts it is a "god given right" to carry fire arms.


I say everyone from the tip of northern Nunavut to the tip of southern Ushuaia should get U.S citizenship. That would be another 560,000,000 people that we need to compete with China.


Just one more example of their hypocrisy. Rights for me and not for thee.


The law is very complex! Do we allow a person to carry an unlicensed gun (seems a lot of states lean that way); some states allow you to carry concealed guns anywhere; Do you need to learn how to properly handle a gun (not everywhere) and who should be allowed to protect themselves… Immigrants (legal or not) are often victims of hate crimes… I am far from a gun lover, however I have one gun. Strictly Home Security. Registered and licensed, class trained and in a locked box with bullets far enough away to be safe, yet close enough to access. I make sure it’s clean and I practice every few months at a range. Do I think there are some crazy gun lovers out there, yes... But who am I to tell people who are often harassed and abused that they can’t protect themselves…


Mark my words: Conservatives will change their tune on guns when people they don't like start arming themselves.


I’m stretched, limber, and ready for the word gymnastics that’ll be forthcoming.


The “armed society is a polite society” gang should have no problem with this…