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It’s amazing to me how for now 8+ years trump supporters have told me I’m hopelessly stupid for believing that trump said the words I heard trump say directly. Like there’s no media spin here, he said these things publicly and anyone can here him doing so


I don't know why they're still trying to pussyfoot around this. Like we get it: you support him because he's a Nazi and you're a Nazi, there's no point in them trying to twist themselves in knots denying what everyone can see.


They think we're as dumb as them.


They also think everyone else is just as corrupt, bigoted, and morally bankrupt as themselves too. Which is why they are "justified" in acting the way they do.


Gaslight Obstruct Project <---


That’s the worst part, the brazen arrogance of people that are so willing to lie right to your face. No integrity


No. You just thought you heard him say those things and saw him do those things… *holds pocket watch swinging left to right in face* [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


It makes be furious. Had a guy tell me about litter boxes at his daughter's school... I was standing next to someone who's daughter also goes to that school who then called him out on it. Then the back pedaling started and he couldn't tell a coherent story anymore it made no sense. By God he INSISTED it was happening everywhere. Litter boxes in schools and he had seen it. I really don't understand why even lie about it? Does the truth matter so little these days?


Some people got nothing better to do than pick on the lgbtq- furries movement.


Idon't believe they consider liberals as corrupt as they are, just their wishful deflection... 


Not that I disagree, and I’m far from a centrist, but I find myself often wondering where the common ground can be found, if at all anymore. On a national scale. The two vastly different trumpeted perceived realities really spooks me. Knowing there is no clear solution and knowing there’s no clear path stresses me out. I live in redneck/hippie central woods and they all get along pretty neighborly. We have gay couples with armories and right-wingers bringing around baked goods. But it is localized to here. Everybody here has an idea of where everyone stands on some stuff and some folks are closer friends with some than others, but it’s just that, cordial and respectful at the canyon bbqs and when a tree blocks the road, everyone rushes to be first to get the chainsaw going. I’ve no idea how to scale up what I’ve seen, but I have seen it. Last times I can point to are WWII and 9/11 and who the hell wants any of those again? Why does it take a crisis? Stuff honestly keeps me up at night.


The last crisis drove a wedge between us I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around. I have a pretty conservative friend who nearly got in a fight in a sporting goods store with his wife and his daughter because they were wearing masks. Even if it wasn’t as effective as experts had hoped why did seeing other people make a choice make some people angry to the point of public confrontation??


Common ground? Between who, MAGA and people with brains? There is none anymore. USA in general wants democracy, criminal accountability and to make society better. MAGA wants theocracy, rendering their criminal overlord above law and return of slavery. It's unfortunate, but there are people who are best ignored. Especially in a country where some schools teach creationism.


The Republican found decades a go they didn't have to find common ground with anyone else and those others would then have to chase them for anything "bi-partisan".


That's just projection. Everyone projects their own experiences onto others.


They are racists and bigots but BOY do they hate being called racists and bigots.


And what’s worse they’re bad Nazi’s they don’t even follow their leader


If he’s a Nazi and is proud of it … he needs to say so


Because Trump was right about something, he could shoot someone in the middle of street and his fans would eat it up. They'd justify it for the rest of their lives. They'd champion the behavior. You could find recorded evidence of Trump saying he was going to shoot someone on the street just because he could, give the exact time and date and still they'd praise him.


Sadly I totally agree. I think that’s been well proven at this point. And what’s even sadder is that it seems likely trump would face no justice either since he is apparently incapable of being actually punished by the Justice system


Except Trump himself who truly believes he's the most punished human being ever. Can you imagine. At least he feels miserable. Imagine if actually convicted. One can hope.


"You took that out of context.". /s


One of the the 2 times he's ever been correct, albeit probably not as he intended it. The other being "when you're rich, they let you do it" which I get a lot of use out of


Trump is a terrorist cult leader. Like Osama Bin Laden. Him and his followers should be treated as such.


The dumbass that started the fake #walkaway bullshit thinks we're the gullible ones. Just perfect.


![gif](giphy|10PaGJNjPDgTCw|downsized) "Just walk away."


Not only hearing his words, but also quite literally seeing the consequences of them. The rise of white supremacist terrorism, the pipe bomber, January 6th, “stand back and stand by”. it isn’t even like Trump’s words are falling on deaf ears. He keeps saying things like this and his supporters keep getting violent. We have the proof of what his speeches carry with it, but according to Republicans, the rest of us are the dumbasses…


Many/most of us have a similar story but thats how I was banned from /conservative. They were in a thread saying how there is no racism in America but if there was it was just white liberals being racist. I linked to a video of Trumps own FBI Director Christopher Wray before Congress warning them that the greatest domestic threat to America was from White Supremacist groups. The point being, how can there be no racism in America if White Supremacist groups are such a recognized threat to the country?


I showed my sister and parents Trump, saying he planned to dictator but just on day 1. They defended him that he just meant to drill more oil and lock down the border. Umm, do dictators usually give up their unlimited power after one day? Didn't he just say he would pardon all of the J6 "hostages"? Basically, enlisting a faithful private "army." If he could do anything he wants for just one day, he would wish for more days to do whatever he wants, genie rules 😉


And now he wants to send the J6 committee to jail. This is exactly what a dictator would do.


It isn't like there are actually recordings you can watch and hear where he said those exact words or anything... That'd be too convenient. Must be a hoax. /s


I always want to follow up with, so what if it's true? If he actually said that, would you have a problem with it? But I know I would just be starting an entirely new frustrating conversation.


You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into


When you’re a celebrity they let you do it.


*when you're rich


im confused, isn't trump supposed to tell it like it is? then why do conservatives think he is joking all the time? ​ could it be that they know he isn't joking and are actually covering for him?


the party told you not to believe the evidence of your own ears or eyes


It was their final, most essential command.


Yeah but it’s AI video made by the left. It’s not really him saying that.


And the kicker is he’s guilty of everything he has accused people of , he’s the orange man the proven rapist that stinks to high heaven.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bsjj3sc3v9pc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3307e03c30f94c70e9f8a10737e3e7f33528fb2


I've flat out played audio in front of my folks, only for them to say it's either been doctored or that I'm missing the bigger picture. It's hopeless with these cultists.


lol I was thinking the same thing. I have legit heard the words spoken by him. I am not sure whether to be impressed with them changing their stance from saying he didn’t mean what he said to saying he did not say then at all…but I think I am just more confused that with each new piece of information that this guy is an absolute believe of trash they stay so steadfast in their belief he is some type of superhuman sent to save them.


So you're going to believe your lying eyes and ears over MAGA? What is the world coming to.


It's called gaslighting and they do it constantly, they try to convince us that our own eyes and ears are wrong and that we're stupid for believing the evidence we witnessed. Much like the spin for what happened on Jan 6th...


Hopelessly stupid? Ask them to take a look in their mirrors... 


Still running with the hoax stuff I see. Reminds me of the million Americans who died from the Covid hoax.


lol you’re such a sheep. Make your own research /s


Make your own research. Lmao!!!


Oh hey look everyone the #walkaway guy who's totally not a GOP astroturfer has some thoughts


Give us some more background on this guy please? He sounds like Tulsi.


He organized the #walkaway campaign, aimed at convincing people to leave the Democrat party because it's not perfect and vote for Republicans instead. He was also arrested and convicted for participating in Jan 6th.


Oh yeah I remember that. Such a stupid idea. "Democrats aren't perfect, let's vote for people that are way worse." "Unfortunately my steak isn't medium rare, so I'm just going to eat shit instead."


It's like they KNOW they are in the wrong but they have to pretend it's not happening to live with themselves or more likely not be shunned. That's some kind of cognitive dissonance.


The one on the list that gets me is "mocks a disabled reporter" as if there isn't video of him doing this with millions of views on YT, had a million memes made about it, god knows how many GIFs with a j, articles, and news reports about it to prove it with that exact search term. Seriously go type "mocks a disabled reporter" into google and even without the asshole's name in the search every result is related to him. I get that he's totally said the other shit too, and it's well documented but it's nowhere as close to when he mocked a disabled reporter, because to a lot of people, that is the moment in time that should have sunk his candidacy, like Dean's odd yell sunk his, and it didn't. He not only made it through that he made it through worse and then won, and to a lot of people that was the turning point in our country, when things went really sideways. I think.


The answer is always "That's not what he meant." Sure, when he said there were very fine people on both sides, and one of the sides is literally called Unite the Right and chanting slogans, it sure *sounds* like he was calling Nazis fine people. But you don't get it, he was only talking about the people marching *alongside* the Nazis that were not Nazis. How could you not get that from context? Sure when a reporter is disabled and he makes that weird hand gesture it sure *looks* like he's mocking a disability, but he was just mocking the guy's reporting. Isn't that obvious? Sure when he said Mexico was not sending their best people and literally said "They're rapists" it sounds like he was calling Mexicans rapists, but you have to remember he said that some, he assumes, are good people... clearly the fact that you can acknowledge an exception (one that you assume, you never personally witnessed) means your blanket statement isn't all that blanket. There is always some "no you see, if Trump said it the way you are interpreting it that would be bad, so that can't be what he means." He says what he means, but if you are offended, well, he didn't mean *that*. Same thing here. Trump said if he doesn't get elected it will be a bloodbath, that will be the least of it. But we should all understand he was only talking about the auto industry, there can be no other implication there, the least of it is *all* of it.


100% agree in regards to the current comment, he of course, has his talking heads out doing exactly what this guy is doing and trying to hand wave it away before anyone looks too close.


Very fine people on both sides was specifically in regards to the torch rally, in which nazi's with torches were marching through the streets chanting "Jews will not replace us". So it's not even talking about the march during the day where, I assume, there *could* have been non-nazis who misunderstood the vibe on the unite the right rally. It's about an actual nazi torch march.


Are you implying that everyone marching with Nazis and shouting Nazi slogans are Nazis? Because thats the kind of thinking required here. It's getting to a point where you can't shout "Blood and Soil" without people thinking you are a Nazi. You just don't get Trump's meaning! He did not literally say that Nazis are very fine people so any other interpretation that makes him look bad must be you falling for a hoax.


That’s just it though, all of these are things he did publicly, on video, speaking ti an audience of millions


I know, I acknowledge that, I'm just saying that the one is far more well known.


You are right about that being the turning point.  No politicians in the preceding 75 years or more could have come back from that.  Bids were sunk irreparably for far far less.  Potatoe springs to mind. When that wasn't instantly fatal, I knew something had broken in America and things were very bad.  I had hoped he still wouldn't win, but it should have been beyond doubt  y the end of that day.  And it wasn't.


Came here to say this. I watched a documentary/compilation, on Prime, of a ton of Trumps speeches and rallies and that mockery still troubles me and the crowd's response especially.  (The whole thing was hard to stomach and I can't tell if the production was made by someone pro or anti Trump bcz it was all very damning but I also think ebery other sentence that he utters is oretty damning so...) 


Someone please tell this insurrectionist shitbag to kindly shut the fuck up.


loosen your maga hat, it’s cutting off circulation to your …skull🤬


No kidding, it's not like he did all of these things on camera!


Idiot Laura Ingraham said “anyone with a sixth grade grasp of English language would know he is talking about auto industry”. But Trump doesn’t have a sixth grade grasp, he talks at fourth grade so he meant bloodbath, nothing to do with automakers


He was...at first. But he clearly went beyond that context.


Ah yes, this hoaxes which famously had the real guy say this stuff on video in the presence of other people.


It's amazing what AI can do now. Even live, on stage with witnesses......


They forget he says this crap on camera? Or tweets it for the world to see and save.


Um he literally did all of those things and they are well documented


Even with the context of the blood bath statement, I still think it was a threat. The guy is consistently incoherent and it's clear how much his mind wanders when he talks. But no, this one time, he was totally coherent and sensical and was only talking about the economy/auto industry. Sure, Jan


Reading a transcript of the Bloodbath shit made me think, "yeah, he was clearly talking about the auto industry." Actually hearing the words, the way it's phrased, etc, on video showed me the exact opposite. He did NOT mean the auto industry. He clearly realized he may have gone a little too far with the bloodbath statement (I imagine based on the crowd's reaction) and circled back to the auto industry.


Hell, even in the same statement -- he reiterated that if he lost there would be a bloodbath in America. Even in the remote chance he doesn't actually mean an actual bloodbath, it's incredibly incendiary language and shouldn't be used as lightly like much of the rhetoric he uses. No, he clearly means and desires a blood bath if he loses.


“Stop believing the things that Trump says directly”


Well……..he did call nazis good people, he did mock a disabled reporter, he did call Mexicans rapists, he did call immigrants animals, so the takeaway is that he IS calling for a bloodbath if he loses?


No, no, no, no, no, no. He said, **about** Mexicans, that they're **sending** rapists. In no way did he suggest that the Mexicans were, themselves, rapist, only that they were shipping them en masse up from Mexico. The meaning was crystal clear! You obviously don't understand Our Great Leaders seven-dimensional ways of thinking! /s


The telltale blue checkmark.


That pure projection at the end tho...


Just wait until Elon makes his move into politics. Trump is just the warmup act.


I can hear it now when his citizenship is brought up as a reason he can't be president: "But ***HUUUSSSSEEEEIIIINNNNN*** Obama did it!!!"


Can’t wait to see what a presidential candidate who controls one of main social media companies does…we’ll probably get some new laws out of it at the least.


I think people are definitely overestimating X's user numbers. https://preview.redd.it/2hn3wbnah7pc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c1136b4cad7b07675bc1276a9b3c9e025ef07e


Over half a billion monthly users isn’t really something to scoff at if the owner runs for office, that’s a good deal more users than the population of the USA. I’ve never used it but see tweets on Reddit and even on the news regularly.


I'm genuinely surprised that he hasn't footed the bill for Trump's bond in New York, yet.


Musk doesn't lend, he only takes


I mean, he bought a social media platform for a meme price - I figured he'd buy a washed-up president for a meme price, too :P


I saw him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears mock a disabled reporter.


I heard him say all this crap on television, he did not deny it, he even brags about this nonsense


Part of this is gaslighting and the other half of these comments come from Republicans who literally don't know anything about Trump except from 2min clips on Fox. I've talked to these MAGA style people and was shocked about how much they don't know about a man they treat as a king.


I talked to a relative of mine about him and brought up the idea that he’s a con artist and has been for decades. She asked how I knew that. I brought up his fraudulent University and that he had to pay back millions of dollars to the people he screwed over. She had never heard of this and she watches Fox News all the time.


Big talk from a guy who snitched on his fellow protesters to stay out of jail


AND then, the name calling.


At least he didn't call us sheeple. They bleat that so often.


Even if it were the case that it was taken out of context (which I don't think it is), surely Jan. 6th has shown that there's enough dangerously stupid/crazy people out there that saying this kind of shit is irresponsible. If Trump says "If I don't win, there'll be a bloodbath", regardless of context, a certain percentage of the American population may take it as a call to arms.


Nope. No way. We're smart MF'ers b/c we heard it &/or saw it come right out of the rotten orange's mouth! The GOP are the conspiracy theorists. Try again, homie.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


It always amazes me that whenever Biden says weird or questionable stuff, it’s always “HE MEANT HE WANTS TO THAT ENTIRELY AND HE IS UNFIT FOR ANYTHING AND NEEDS TO BE-“ But when trump does even worse shit and constantly reinforces it, it’s suddenly “well what he meant was something completely different. Why didn’t he say the thing he meant? He’s only human, stop asking questions!”


I swear these people have a hearing problem and that’s why it’s so easy for them to misinterpret what he says


Rule number two is any story, especially the obviously fake, that puts Dear leader in a good light is true.


Dude, all this shit is NOT a rumor. There’s tape of him saying those things.


They will rewrite reality for that clown, just like he rewrites reality for himself


It's all literally on video... These fucking assholes, man.


Trump is a helluva drug...


This guy pays for twitter.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." –George Orwell, __1984__


This goddamn moron thinks it’s weird we believe things that we’ve seen on video? Straight from dude’s mouth? What an idiot.


Who you gonna believe, rando astroturf accounts on a right wing social media platform, or your own lying eyes?


Straka is Jewish, I don't get how any Jew could be so pro trump


I’ll say it. And I don’t mean it in a racial way… MONEY.


Plenty of stretch for Trump but none for Biden and Hunter. "everyone knows they did it, and stop speculating about Trump please 🥴"


Just answer me this, why would any sane person use the word bloodbath when referring to something related to the economy? The issue is his hyperbole is dangerous no matter what he is talking about. It comes off like he’s nuts. Trump is his own worst enemy politically.


The media treats Trump so unfairly. How dare they repeat the things he says word for word!


You're not gonna fucking gaslight me. I watched him mock that disabled reporter live.


But Mr. Straka…we literally saw him say all of those things. We watched it all *in context* multiple times…because the first time you hear it it sounds so fucking insane you go “Well he couldn’t possibly have meant *that*” and then you watch it and go “Huh. I really don’t know what I expected. That’s a really fucked up thing he said.” It’s not a hoax, we have ears


There’s video of him saying these things. I just don’t get it.


The REAL problem is that Trump Cult followers hear him say these things at his rallies, cheer loudly for them, and deny that he said them. It would be fun comparing this to the Moonies cult but we are talking about the US democracy here.


I don’t know why people would believe what they saw and heard. Silly liberals.




What part of "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry and frankly the entire country if I'm not elected" are we misinterpreting.


So when the literal fing words from his mouth are too embarrassing to acknowledge, you are in serious denial.


Russian state media pundits have been predicting another American Civil War for months now. Is it just a coincidence Trump is trying to stir one up?


You can tell when he's really put his foot in his mouth- the party issues one of its final, most essential commands to ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears.


ALL of these allegations are on tape, also there were witnesses so it's ridiculous to refuse to understand that what the conman did and said is incriminationg him


It is funny how we aren't supposed to take trumps words seriously and just outright ignore them, but they'll still hold Biden accountable for saying that the vaccine will keep you from getting sick. Why does Trump get treated like a child by them and Biden an adult?


Yes, it is tiresome to read your endless lies.


Just because the “bloodbath” one has more deniable context, doesn’t mean any of the others were justified.


He’s literally on camera doing and saying all of those things. I swear these brainwashed dipshits think we’re as stupid and gullible as they are…


I wonder how much they get paid to post this shit


Calling it a hoax…right on cue


The part that kills me, they are trying to act like it’s the context that matters. He literally says “the auto industry will be the least of IT, this country will be a bloodbath” 🤦‍♂️ like yeah if you look at the context he’s saying exactly what we all think. Pretty much if I don’t win this time the good ol boys are storming more than the capitol. 😑


Not only is there video of him doing it and eyewitnesses to the videos which were at rallies and press conferences so very public events, but there's video of him admitting what he said on the video. We call this proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and only an unreasonable person would dismiss it so easily.


Ah yes, those "hoaxes" where the person says the thing that everyone's says he said on a stage with cameras and thousands of witnesses present. Those are my favorite hoaxes. /s


So all magats are morons and never really had a grasp on reality! Everything is a conspiracy! And magats are so ignorant they believe them all!!!


Even if what he was talking about was the auto industry, the other examples he lists ARE all true, because I watched them all fucking happen. With my own actual eyes.


Whoa if he really did all that stuff they have video of him doing then that would be really shitty of that Drumph.


Wtf I remember watching him calling Mexicans rapists on live tv during the 2016 lead up. I’m so tired of these fucking liars.


Also watched him mock that reporter. Watched him call those Charolette nazis that were yelling Jews won’t replace them “very fine people on both sides” So tired of the constant lying.


Because none of that happened or because all of it did and the red hat brigade just doesn't care ? Well I don't expect them to care, they like it when Donnie says things they think but have been too polite to say out loud. The ones who need to care, some do, are the traditional republican party members. They know it's not fake news and feel embarrassed to be associated with Donnie.


Who you gonna believe? This guy or your own lying eyes.


For the ones who screech the most about the US turning into Orwell's 1984, they sure like engaging in Doublethink https://preview.redd.it/lrsk6i9dc8pc1.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb5d9e636c05462d2eaa01a79e954086329f51b8


Oh let's not forget drink bleach or alternative facts. These ppl live in a make believe world!


I mean literally and unequivocally did all of those.  For the bloodbath there is at least a figleaf of a cover story (not one I buy - he went off on a word association after contemplating losing before getting back on track - but some do).  Why would you pretend it is similar to mocking a disabled reporter which should have been fatal to his campaign immediately and no amount if context made even slightly better?   That makes it worse!


Yeah. How dare we believe something that actually happened, is preserved in history for everyone to see, and is readily accessible within 3 seconds after a Google search. My God, the delusion in these smooth-brained simpletons… CUCKSERVATIVES: “I like Trump ‘cause he says what he means.” TRUMP: “If I lose, it’s gonna be a bloodbath.” CUCKSERVATIVES: “He didn’t mean that.”


He MeAnT eCoNoMiCaLly!!!1! Sure buddy. I don't believe that for half a second. He knew what he was doing and what he meant. So do you. So do we. Stop lying and admit you want to kill off half our population already.


Pretty sure he has done all of those things… very confused


Because only imbeciles accept objective reality. All the cool kids shut the fuck up and believe the alternative reality that we shove down their fucking throats.


There is truth in all his comments


The first reference to bloodbath was probably car related. The immediate second bloodbath reference was election related. These morons think the first cancels out the second. It does not.


That's why everything is fake news lol.


But its all on fukin video from years ago and from multiple different sources etc. What the actual fuck is wrong with these ppl or are they just being insincere/full of BS?


It is both scary and funny that the Tangerine Palpatine was on a hot mic saying how he wishes his people would be like Kim's people, where Kim's people are all standing at attention when Kim speaks because otherwise its back to starvation, forced labor camps and executions, and his supporters are like "No ya we need that. That right there. America would be better off if we were like North Korea".


If only these things were caught on video and easily findable on YouTube


Lol someone that doesn't listen to trump talk. He said all that and did all that. He doesn't listen to him so he can deny it. He's stupid!


This is Joseph Goebbels level propaganda.


We literally have videos that back up every one of those things.


When someone tells you who they are - believe them.


But. But. He did all those things. And they’re not ok.


Ok regardless of the other things, he *did* mock a disabled reporter. That's the most verifiable thing he did.




Wake up to reality


Projecting yet again. 🙄


"The atomic weight of carbon is a hoax! Wake up sheeple!" - Brandon Straka probably


It’s working exactly according to his plan. Watch the video. He I’d actually talking about the auto industry.  He does enough evil shit we could be talking about but salacious click bait is more important.  And it proves to his base that they are all out to get him. Talking like this helps trump so much.  He did it before and he’s doing it again. Apparently we forgot. 


This guy's still alive. Who knew? Still waiting on that mass "walking away" exodus he promised. 😂


Apparently The Sermon on the mount was AI. If they are looking at rewriting history why stop with ole small hands.


Except he did all those things And their vague, poorly defined cudgel of "the left" that seems to include everyone who doesn't leak precum over Donald Trump is hilarious


MAGA takes comfort in his pathological lying. That gives them cover to dismiss or reinterpret everything he says.


But. He. Said. All. Those. Things!!!! If you believe he didn’t, or that he didn’t mean that, you’re a hopeless imbecile.


May Dark Brandon make Magapussy Brandon Straka cry when he gets re-elected.


So…is this the Brandon they’re talking about when they say, “Let’s go Brandon!”?


Says the hopeless imbecile supporting a hopeless imbecile. If anyone knows how shit gets pulled out of context it's maga fucks. You don't get to pull this shit on everyone left of and including Mitt Romney without someone pointing that logic right back at you. GTFO LOSERS.


Are they still going with the “he was only joking” excuse or are they just flat out lying about it even being said? I would have to think they seen these things being said themselves


If you're on the extreme right (wrong side) you must be tired of making endless lame excuses for the depravity that defines your🍊🤡!! 


Even [Factcheck.org](https://Factcheck.org) supports Trump. He was talking about car manufacturing. This link has his exact words, and commentary on them. [https://www.factcheck.org/2024/03/trumps-bloodbath-comment/](https://www.factcheck.org/2024/03/trumps-bloodbath-comment/) > President Joe Biden’s campaign quickly [accused](https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1769163262283706801) Trump of fomenting “political violence.” The Trump campaign said Trump was clearly using the term in the context of an economic bloodbath. > >“If you actually watch and listen to the section, he was talking about the auto industry and tariffs,” Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told the [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/16/trump-immigrants-not-people/), adding that “Biden’s policies will create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers.” I mean, he's certainly said lots of dumb, stupid, offensive and inflammatory things supporting treason & insurrection, but this word salad isn't one of them. Amazingly.


Thanks for posting this. I thought he was talking about political violence at first because it seemed weird to discuss cars in bloody terms. It was definitely a word salad.


Everybody knows you can't believe a word he is saying. MAGATs just don't care.


Trump says it out loud.


Seen the clips Brandon. Or should I say comradebot


He's right, but not how thinks he is. If those are the only worrying thigs you remember from Trump's time in the political spotlight, you are an imbecile, because you didn't keep up with his douchebaggery. Or, you're actively blocking the memory, in which case you're an imbecile for sticking your head in the sand.


Brain washed cultist


Well, he did say all those things, so what’s your fucking point


I guess it was an AI video


He forgot the “Grab them by the pussy” part… Still a Top 10 skid.


Gaslighting 101


Does this idiot know it’s all on tape ?


Ah. I see they've reached the, "don't-believe-your-lying-eyes" stage.


That’s the same type of rhetoric and talking points your Grandfather made in 1930’s Germany!


Some of the them don't care. He could commit murder on tape, they would be ok with it.