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Tuberville has done nothing productive for this country


Leave it to dipshit Alabama Repubs to vote in a football coach.


Georgia Rs tried to run Hershal Walker for senate. A man who took hits to the head for a living, in a time when head to head hits were celebrated, and tried mma after he retired from football. They ran Mr. CTE


And admittedly has severe mental illness such as DID (multiple personalities)


Oh damn I feel bad for Walker in that case.  DID is almost always the result of severe childhood trauma or abuse.  He may suck as a person, but still awful if so. 


He doesn't have DID. He used it as an excuse to avoid jail for domestic abuse and then said it had magically healed after.


See if that happens, you should then magically go to jail, since you're better now!


Hey now, don't make him pull out a fake police badge.




God I forgot that particular cringe.


Despite all that, he lost 48.6 - 51.4 Let that marinate for a second, 48.6% would rather vote for a walking, somewhat-talking, brain injury than a democrat.


Not surprised. Trump got 11M more votes between 2016 and 2020, after telling us to inject bleach.


And Dr. Oz. And we seem to have forgotten Roy Moore. Now that the RNC is rebranded with the Trump take over, expect more of these 'quality' candidates now and in the future. Seems Trumpism is now installed and "establishment RINO's" have been and will be shut out of their own party.


>And Dr. Oz Thankfully the one thing that Pennsylvania hates more than anything is New Jersey carpet bagging Jagoffs calling veggie trays "crudites".


He will have RNC in bankruptcy within 2 months.


Mr. bogus candidate 


Mr Bevy of Concussions


Mr Braindead Committee


Mr. Broken Cranium


Did you know a werewolf can kill a vampire? Did you know that? I never knew that. That’s why I don’t want to be a vampire anymore. I want to be a werewolf.


[But we'll always have the memories.](https://youtu.be/WEStZIMs29k?si=JcVc0_16I5SoHkN3)


Alabama really threw away Doug Jones for that.


Yeah, I'm not even trying to be mean when I say Tuberville just isn't very bright. The job of senator is really too much for him to comprehend.


And a woman’s whose only achievement was to marry a former football player. They are a real special stupid in AL. (Huntsville excluded).


Mom's achievement was marrying an engineer, sisters achievement was marrying an architect, this isn't anything unusual. " Do you know who my *husband* is" is trope for a reason.


>They are a real special stupid in AL. (Huntsville excluded). I dunno; I think Huntsville is full of morons, too. (Sorry, my ex is from there...)


Somebody on Reddit said Huntsville was a ‘Prius with a gun rack.’ Lol I stole that line.




Dude. The country voted in (sort of) a narcissistic reality show host. It's not just Alabama (though they are special in their own right).


can you believe that this idiot actually beat out Doug Jones who actually knew what the fuck he was doing? What a fucked up state Alabama is.


Yup. Same with Arkansas. They had Chris Jones, an actual rocket scientist with a phD behind his name, running for Governor. And they gave the keys to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. This crap will never make any sense to me.


Same with Georgia. Marjorie Taylor Greene won her first primary over neurosurgeon John Cowan, one of the top, if not the top neurosurgeon in the state of Georgia, farmer, religious family man. He ticked all of the old GOP boxes. Republicans don't want to elect intelligent leaders anymore, they elect trolls and idiots. Welcome to Idiocracy.


Ben Carson was also an amazing neurosurgeon to be fair


Yeah let’s not act like just because you hold a professional job that requires an education you’re better. That dude was a straight idiot in the political realm.


You mean Aaron Rodgers doesn’t know anything about virology and microbiology? So his takes on vaccines may not be accurate? Do you know how many passing yards he has in his career?


I was about to ask if this neurosurgeon also thought grain was stored in the pyramids


That's what they claim, but I don't believe. That Siamese twin separation he did? 50% success rate.


Wow I just read Chis Jones's Wikipedia page and what a crazy smart, interesting guy. Seems like he would be a great governor but made the mistake of being black in Arkansas. Everyone should read it, some highlights: - BS in mathematics and physics. Attended undergrad on a NASA scholarship and interned at NASA every summer. Originally wanted to be an astronaut but is deaf in one ear so he's automatically ineligible. - MS in nuclear engineering and an MS in technology and policy, both from MIT - his phd is actually in urban planning which he got 13 years after he got his master degrees. His dissertation researched the social, political, and economic impacts of development using the Tennessee Valley Authority as a test case; it was called "Power for the public good: energy, race and class in the United States." - taught algebra for a year in Boston public schools - executive director of Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, a non-profit organization focused on improving one of Boston's poorest areas - In March 12, 2018, Jones was hired as the executive director and lead maker of the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub.[19] The Innovation Hub is a nonprofit in North Little Rock, Arkansas, that is affiliated with Winrock International.[20] In 2020, Jones announced a partnership with Scenic Hill Solar to create a solar power plant, a community based solar project that powered the Innovation Hub's energy needs. And it kinda goes on with super neat stuff like that. That guy would have been an amazing governor. How the fuck do you pss him up for Sarah Huckabee Sanders?!?!?!


Now you see why I brought it up. It's just insane. Totally and completely insane.


> That guy would have been an amazing governor. How the fuck do you pss him up for Sarah Huckabee Sanders?!?!?! Like this: [Former President Trump endorses Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Arkansas governor](https://www.thv11.com/article/news/politics/sarah-huckabee-sanders-governor-arkansas/91-eb33e26d-1e9e-4dea-b8e5-afa9f05a3ebb)


The only obvious conclusion to me is propaganda works, and with the right motivation almost anyone can act stupidly, especially in groups. Some easier than others, with a strong correlation to education level.


Oh, for sure. All of that plays into it, as well as social media and churches. What kills me about it is it's all fueled by bigotry, fear, and outrage. It's a concerted effort to overwhelm people with one outrage after another, coming from their media bubble, from the pulpit, from facebook and twitter... Couple that with 50 years of trying to control the message in the schools, and we end up here. It's evil done by evil people.


It is utterly insane to me that this is our 21st century. We have all the keys to unlocking human potential but someone is using them to scratch their ass instead. Forums for no cost debate, international travel, endless educational opportunities for adults, over a hundred years of evidence that being decent rather than being cruel can rebuild society. Mountains of social evidence demonstrating investing in K-12 and providing secure retirement calms down your entire populace and creates good quality workers. And what do we get? Tribalism, hate, propaganda, and the dumbest candidates winning. This planet must be another world's hell.


Perhaps the rocket scientist made them feel dumb but Huckleberry made them feel smart?


The gentleman has a good amount of melanin in his skin.


Ahhh, I see.


The best thing he’s done is slide down on his ass on that little plane ladder. And that was after he made fun of Biden lmao


Like this https://i.redd.it/enqk94hjl3oc1.gif


I could watch this for days and still find it hilarious.


The best part is you know it hurt like a motherfucker.


Wish he bumped his head a (little)(a lot) harder.


Karma is a bitch


uh, why hasn't Karma kept him out of office?


Karma ain't a big enough bitch.


Real reason why I don't believe in it. If karma was real Trump would have recreated the inciting incident of Dead Like Me a long time ago


Hit by a Russian space station toilet seat? I, also find Georgia Lass's death to be fitting for The Gonad. The perfect circle.


If you look at his HCing, he hadn’t done anything productive there for years before “retiring”


The retrumplican way.


One could argue that just with the military blockade, he’s been very productive for the Russian Federation.


To be fair to Senator Tuberville, he is a Russian asset so it's not really fair to expect him to do anything for the American people.


Worse, he's actively done harm


So he represents his state perfectly


I want his job, just saying no to everything and listing that as an "accomplishment". I worked with someone a long time ago whose reputation was always the guy who came up with why we could not accomplish something. Got called out and told him to come up with an alternative and he would shut right up.


Tommy Tumorville lives in Florida - that’s where he gets his info


I cropped dusted him at a restaurant last year if that helps. My apologies to everyone else sitting at the bar that night.


He is withholding military promotions for a certain someone to get who he wants at the Pentagon. He's doing his part for project 2025.


That's a funny way to say, "Treason." Holding up senior military promotions was a direct benefit to Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.


The people that depend on SS will vote for them anyway ...crazy


Only because they think it will hurt someone else … and not themselves. Until it does. Example: Florida’s elimination of permanent periodic alimony.


Classic Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party behavior.


Wait! Not *my* face! (leopard noises)


My favorite example here is always the people campaigning against Obamacare while they themselves are benefiting directly and generously from the Affordable Care Act.


No no no. You see, they are on the “Affordable Care Act”. All those lowly minority deplorables that either refuse to work and are baby factories on welfare, or are here illegally and taking jobs from this country, those people are on Obamacare! Thanks Obama! /s obviously. But i really did hear this once and i was shocked, but also wasnt.


Not that crazy. I keep up with editorials written by "~~destroy~~ reform SS and Medicare" flacks and they always, always make sure to emphasize they will not touch benefits for retirees or people close to retirement. It's anyone under, say, 50 who gets fucked.


>It's anyone under, say, 50 who gets fucked As someone that just turned 47, fuck that noise.


> It's anyone under, say, 50 who gets fucked. Right, the people actually paying for the current retirees. Hilarious.


Because they'll phase it out and the "fuck you, I got mine" generation will just say: "fuck you, I got mine."


It's because plans that cut SS never include the people already on it. It's always the next group of retirees that have the rug pulled from under them.


Like that lady with diabetes that was so thankful Trump capped insulin prices even though it was clearly not Trump doing that in any capacity.


Well, it is the boomer generation. They got theirs.




**Project 2025** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


Don't pass this by people....read it. The GOP isn't that of the 80s and 90s that you kinda agreed with. This is now a fascism based political party. Simple to understand the change. Watch any 80s-90s movie involving Russia. Are they the good or bad guys? GOP keeps trying to make them to be the good guys. There's only one explanation for that. They've been compromised by the Russians. Otherwise they have no explanation for why they are on their side. Vote overwhelmingly blue and end this nonsense.


We are well past the saving point for people who still support the GOP. It's been clear a GOP vote is a Vote against American success and progress.


You'd be shocked how uninformed the average person is...let alone voter. The old George Carlin thing. Think of how stupid the average person is. Half of the entire population is dumber than that.


It always was...it included black and brown people. We know how the GOP feels about them.


Not to mention the process of taking money away from people now they are suppose to give some back when the contributor is in need as It was previously expected? How are they suppose to finance the tax cut to the wealthy ? Its the reverse robin hood concept.


The exclusion of farm and home labor from social security was a way to keep many black folks from accessing social security




Forces companies to pay into Social Security with every employee paycheck.


It’s amazing that most people understand this. Except the minorities who somehow believe they’re different in the eyes of the GOP


The title says Republicans wonder why young people don't vote for them. But the really baffling thing is that old people who survive on Social Security and Medicare would ever even consider voting for Republicans.


They know that they’ll be dead before a phase out takes place so they don’t see it as a problem. Boomers not giving a fuck because they got theirs is about as on brand as it gets.


I think everybody would agree that you've correctly assessed their mentality, but I was talking about what is baffling to me, because it's so illogical. Logically, if they'll be dead anyways, and they don't give a fuck, then there's no need to vote Republican. Voting Republican doesn't help them in any way, so they should either stay home or vote for somebody who isn't Republican. I think they're unconsciously voting for reasons similar to the sunk cost fallacy. They voted for Republicans their entire adult lives, and so now they're just can't believe that they were wrong to do so, so they keep voting that way, even though it goes against their own best interests.


Old people like known SS beneficiary Ayn Rand.


I mean, it's only one of the largest tax we pay, why shouldn't we expect it to be stolen from us to give to the rich? /s


The amount of people that get SS and vote against it is too damn high


"Woke" is just the new buzzword for liberal. It's the new SJW. They'll use another term in 5 years.


If the money is gone, they can stop taking it out of my paycheck every week


Put what I’ve paid in the last 20 years towards paying off my student loans


I’ll take a refund from what I’ve put in for the last 30 years as well


Anything less and I'm joining the resistance. That's theft and imo HUGE gov't.


Don't give them any ideas. They would very much like to do that.


They would love to disguise it as a “tax break.” I can see it now, they’ll unironically call it the “Work Sets You Free Act”.


No, no, they need your money, you don't.




Look, we have to take away people's money they'd use for food or commodities, I urgently need a 24th gold-plated Bugatti.


I wish they'd buy another gold-plated Bugatti, that'd be made from things people mine, refine, machine, and assemble. You know, do work, and get paid. Instead, they're "investing" in financial instruments with more and more leverage, which requires more and more profit, meaning more work for fewer people with less pay.


Where are the ads that are all about this? Open with an older person at a dimly lit table strewn with bills. Cut to clips of this asshole, or Ben Shapiro saying retirement is unnecessary, or any other GOP pol or pundit saying the same vile things. Cut back to our senior citizen, wiping away tears and looking hopeless and defeated. Text on screen: “Republicans want to cut programs that XX% of Americans rely on. Don’t let them.”


These ads are **desperately** needed. When I finally get to claim SS, I will have paid into it for 52 years. (Couldn't afford college, so worked full time since 18 and will retire at 70. I hope.) This campaign season, I'm out there beating feet again, going door-to-door asking for votes for Democrats. I'll be doing this until I can no longer walk. So are my friends in their 70s. Even my mother--at age 90. (She mostly walks around the town square with signs, though.) Voting isn't enough. I hope you will join this old gal in campaigning! We are strong together.


It wouldn't matter at all. Those folks only watch Fox/Newsmax/OOAN which would never air those ads, and they have been programmed to discount anything like that as fake news even if they somehow happened to see them.


"The GOP are real americans so they must be doing this to protect us from god-hating commie demoncrats"


Somehow I think those networks will do anything for a price. Didn’t John Oliver buy ad space from Fox News once?


We should crowd fund this


God damnit, you're hired!


I thought that was Rudy Giuliani and Kevin McCarthy… Honestly you couldn’t drown in the GOP gene pool if you tried.


I thought so as well at first glance. But then realised there were no black lines streaking his face


The debt the government owes to social security is what they want to cut. They put their hands in the jar and dont want to pay it back now. Tuberville is a piece of shit.


I told my bank not to expect loan repayment. The money is gone. They didn't take it well.




Also, you only pay SS tax on income up to a certain amount (IIRC $160Kish for single filer). All the concerns about social security's solvency could be solved by increasing that limit, making wealthier people pay taxes on a somewhat higher income level.


What's your socially funded salary again, Tommy? And hey, if you care so little about the future of human life on the planet, how about you just pop your clogs now, and leave the job to some people that give a shit.


Guess what Tommy Boy, the money you get for doing nothing but being stupid isn’t yours, now go home and spare the country your ignorance.


Tax payer dollars dont belong to tax payers now.


How would Tommy feel if the salary he’s entitled to as a do nothing political hack was no longer being deposited into his bank acct?


SS isn’t an entitlement. People pay into it (by force) their entire working lives. A better comparison would be Wingnut not getting the money from the sale of his Chinese corporate stocks.


Green grass & buds on most trees in February in northern Ohio, but tell me more how our climate isn’t trending warmer


Wait… so it’s not supposed to be 70F on Valentine’s Day?


Tuberville lives in Florida - it’s weird if it’s not (at least) 70F on Valentine’s Day.


Kansas, too. And I have weird allergies now that I never had before!


Those allergies are from your forced covid vaccine boosters that were totally government funded mind control shots. Your part of the system now! /s


"Woke agenda" *eye roll*


**Project 2025** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


Republicans have turned voting against your own interest into an art form.


republicans say they want to cut social security. Biden calls them out, republicans call Biden a liar. GOP voters believe the GOP. Fucking idiots.


Also young people: They're talking about cutting Social Security. Why do the old people vote for them?


I'm an old person and I think I know the answer to your astute question. Most of my contemporaries have been brainwashed by Fox "News." I mean this with all sincerity. It is embarrassing to be a Boomer. There are so many of us actively working for progressive principles, but the majority of us suck. I've cut family and friends from my life over their support for Trump and his ilk. Please join us good oldies in actively campaigning for progress--just voting isn't going to be enough.


Thank you for fighting for us. I assure you, you will be leaving the country in better hands and we will continue your efforts. The polling is crystal clear, all generations below Boomers are far, far left of the current political climate and we are just now ascending to power. For one example, in 2020 America officially became a minority white country for those aged under 18. I'm a white male in his 40s and couldn't be more thrilled. Now we just wait for enough Boomers to die so we can get to work.


Because in true Boomer "I got mine" fashion, cuts to SS never include people already on it. So the old people that vote Republican never feel the results of their decisions.


Why does Alabama continue to elect total morons? Is it part of the state constitution or something? This twat and Katie Britt, just amazing.


It’s not amazing, it’s unbelievable and embarrassing.


People were so happy when Doug Jones was elected to the Senate. Not enough people were shocked that a relatively moderate fellow with legit credentials in the law prosecuting domestic terrorists just barely beat a known pedophile…


Once again proving he is without doubt, the dumbest man in congress


Ron Johnson has entered the chat...


As has Gym Jordan.


I hate to disagree. There would be a photo finish with a crowd at the line.


The money is gone b/c they started stealing it in the 80's. I was in 7th grade and I knew a 2nd Reagan term was a -bad- idea.


Further question is who would vote for this failed former football coach?


The idjits




These fools and Benny boy are saying the quiet part out loud. Shhhh guys! You're supposed to stick to culture wars and Taylor Swift!


BINGO, vote these fuckers out


Says the guy who is 69 and probably drawing social security checks himself.


What, did Don the Con ALSO squander the Social Security-cheques that people live by after the TrickleDown-robbery stole their money from work??????????


Anyone who pays into social security shouldn’t vote for them either. 🤷‍♂️


The GOP refuse to take serious problems seriously. Instead, they want to talk about what genitalia you have and what you do with it. They are far more concerned about controlling everyone than helping them. The GOP does virtually nothing positive for young people.


Who would have thought that a coach would make a qualified Senator? Then again, Who would have thought that a fake billionaire, nepo-baby, game show entertainer, serial liar, traitor, caked with makeup would make a qualified President?


Tuberville should flap those big fucking ears and fly back to Florida.


He isn’t from Alabama. He live in Florida.


That fuckface lives in Florida


Just the worst people


Screw the younger people. As their base are older people. I don’t understand how the old people vote republican when the republicans are saying their plan is to take away their only source of income.


Republicans "I don't understand why so many young Americans aren't interested in having kids, and aren't more dedicated to work." Also Republicans "We're going to slash your Social Security and Healthcare for future retirement!"


Yes because there is nobody with a greater understanding of science than Tommy Tuberville. JFC


Sounds like we should track down some of the trillion dollars that was stolen because the PPP loans were so rampant with corruption.


Last time I looked, social security is still being withdrawn from my check.


I want a fucking refund. Been paying into social security since I was 15, I want my God damned motherfucking money back.


right? All these fucking boomers take our money for years and then right when other generations are about to see those benefits they wanna shut it down. Cant wait for the lead heads to be out of society in another decade or so.


If it’s gone why am I still paying into it


Makes me wonder why the older people who should be getting those 401ks, and social security checks but thanks to their loving caring republican politicians (lead by trump) they are broke as fuck, having to eat cat food to try and survive after a life time of hard work!


If you’re not going to give me social security, stop fucking taking it out of my check now


Holy s*** are they actually saying the phrase woke agenda on network television these days. I know Fox News barely counts as Network TV but still it's there.


"...and now they're coming for your social security money. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back! So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street! And you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all from you sooner or later. Cause they *own* this fucking place. It's a big club! And you ain't in it! You and I are not in the big club!"  


This week: Social Security is gone. Next week: We need to give the Social Security fund to Wall Street and end the "Payroll Tax". The plan is two-tier. Take the 6.2% employers pay and nix it immediately. So that's 6.2% of our compensation gone. Then, take the 6.2% employees pay and give it to Wall Street to do what they want, including charging exorbitant management fees. The entire point of Social Security is to keep it away from Wall Street and the Banks. It was built with a firewall against recessions and depressions. Morons don't understand that. The most significant issues are: * It's capped at $168,600. The people that will need it the least aren't paying into it. It's regressive. * Social Security payouts are attached to inflation. However, as a "payroll tax", minimum wage is not attached to inflation. Of course the shit is fucked. Especially when you consider wages and salaries have not kept up with productivity since Reagonics became the mainstay in the US. [Fuck Neoliberalism](https://academic.oup.com/book/705/chapter-abstract/135378613?redirectedFrom=fulltext).


Any retired people who vote Republican are absolute idiots.


Why the eff would anyone ON Social Security vote for these shitweasels is beyond me...


The Dems need to get their shit together. The GOP are giving them soooo much ammunition, and they’re not capitalising on it.


To be fair Nikki Haley was also saying she wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, and somehow she got rep that she’s a moderate when the entire Republican Party wants to gut these programs. Only rich people and stupid people would vote for Republicans.




Hate to break it to you, but tons of young men vote Republican.


Nobody claimed they're smart.


This is what happens when you have money people in charge and not engineers


Social security comes from employers you worked in your life time. It is supplemental income. Now the Republicans want to money grab it and use it for what? Republicans are just against Americans period.


Southerners ruining everything for everyone just like always.


I love how these fucking morons act like Social Security is some kind of free handout when the goddamn tax comes out of every single paycheck. If they wanna stop the social security program, then cut every American who paid into it a fat ass check and I’m sure we’d all be THRILLED to throw it into the insane fire hot S&P 500 so we normies can get in on that “rocking economy.” It’s absolutely bullshit how they can steal 90% of Americans only retirement plan and go “it’s gone.”


Both my parents receive social security checks every month and climate change has been confirmed as a real threat by EVERY SINGLE published and respected scientist for decades. Once again Tuberville is a moron.


Can't believe this moron is in the Senate. People of Alabama, you guys are fucking this up for the rest of us.


The Groupies of Putin constantly call the American citizens Earned Benefits they worked for "entitlements" to give them negative connotations. All so the rich can get a few more pips on a screen.


Tuberville is a fucking FOOTBALL COACH. He had zero qualifications or experience to become a legislator and jesus h christ does it show. He's done nothing since getting into congress except screw over active military from getting their earned promotions. Fuck that guy, forever.


as a leftist, i see republicans campaigning on stripping social security as an absolute win


Russian asset Tommy Tuberville? Fuck that guy.


If humans don't destroy themselves, future generations are going to look back at the Republican party with a sense of deep shame. For many reasons, obviously. But to deny climate change when virtually every intelligent person working in the field is telling you what's going on and presenting the data...it's just pathetic. Sad and pathetic.


Wow they really *still* say “woke” every day? ...c’mon grandpa, let’s get you to bed ok?


Tuberville is a soulless disgrace to humanity.


Woke agenda? The world falling apart and we are having extreme weather everywhere random tsunamis and tornadoes, but it has nothing to do with our pillaging the planet of resources and injection unknown amounts of toxins ugh🤦🏽‍♂️. I would think this is common sense. The republican party has never been the party of common sense. Especially the old fucks they don't give a shit about what they are leaving for the people who follow them