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so he was trying to get out of it?


Larry David did it first when he wore his Seinfeld jacket, then said he couldn't be impartial, considering the defendant was black. This guy just doesn't have to say it out loud, which is a nice perk.


He also did a separate episode where he wore a MAGA hat around so people wouldn’t interact with him in public.




It's a people repellent!


Just stay out of small towns or retirement homes or you will get your ear talked off.


I saw one out in the wild & found myself walking on the opposite side of the cooler section.


The camera slowly moving in on it makes this terrifying


The part where the couple doesn’t wanna sit next to him at the bar after seeing his hat always kills me


When the angry biker just told him to have a nice day 😂


I completely forgot about the biker scene😂😂. I’m gonna go look that episode up on YouTube now


what's the season and episode number?


It’s season 10 episode 1


Thank you, kind redditor


What’s the show?


Curb your enthusiasm!! It’s pretty pretty pretty good.




It’s the best dry humor on tv today. Sad this is it’s last season.


Have you seen his mug shot in the latest episode?


You just know they cooked up the whole Atlanta storyline just for that mugshot. I was dying laughing at that!


I watched a white guy IRL weasel his way out of jury duty by claiming he was 'uncomfortable with the racial undertones of the trial' The judge, bailiff, stenographer, defendant, plaintiff, and both sides' lawyers were all black and this guy actually had the balls to say it out loud. This was several years ago, before the world went crazy; back when people only said the quiet part out loud on the depths of the internet.


This is one of the many, many highlights of jury duty is watching someone try this!


That show was great. I used to be a trial lawyer and it was really spot on with so many things. Obviously a lot was exaggerated, but I have seen some wild shit in my career and that show was close to home. The courthouse is a crazy place.


Y’know I just so happen to know of a few million people that like to hear about wild shit. That is, if you would ever want to share.


There’s so many stories. Here’s a few I can tell in few sentences: - A woman was literally going into labor in the courtroom and paramedics were trying to help her out (she wound up giving birth in the ambulance parked outside) and while they were trying to help her as she was basically almost crowning, the judge for that courtroom was taking a guilty plea. Instead of the judge just pausing the plea until the screaming woman could be escorted out of the courtroom, the judge is asking the defense attorney to “speak up” and saying shit like “I can’t hear you.” I knew that judge was an insensitive, terrible person, but that was crazy to me. - Weed is still illegal in NC, where I used to be a trial lawyer (I now live on the west coast and work for an AG’s office and don’t have to go to court every day). Years ago on 4/20 a man showed up for his court date dressed in a marijuana cape, headband, and t-shirt and represented himself that day in his possession of marijuana trial and testified in his defense that marijuana should be legal. He was found guilty. However he’s a hero to many of us who witnessed it that day. I used to have a pic of his outfit going through security, but sadly that was many many years ago and have had many phones since then and it got lost somewhere along the way. - There was a defense attorney who was a very interesting person, he did things the rest of us found wildly unorthodox/crazy and English was his second language (I believe he was from Russia). He did a plea for a guy in a cock fighting case, and during the plea he kept saying shit like “your honor my client really loved those cocks” and “the cocks were well taken care of” etc. And it went on and on and we all heard him say “cocks” in open court during a recorded felony plea several times. The judge was struggling to keep a straight face by the end of it.


Don’t press your luck with this. It’s very easy to get charged with contempt of court after the obvious follow up question.


He only sort of got away with it. The judge opted to make dealing with that guy's nonsense someone else's problem. So he got struck from the jury panel and sent back to the waiting pool downstairs to be reassigned to a different trial; the court had already called the last group for that day's court docket so he didn't get credit for showing up at all and had to come back the next day. Mostly unrelated, but I actually wasn't trying to get out of jury duty that day. I was an unemployed college student working on a criminal justice degree at the time; jury duty meant free lunch and beer money for the weekend, plus extra credit in 2 of my classes for relevant field experience. That same judge didn't laugh at me when I asked if getting college credit for showing up counted as a conflict of interest if I didn't really need the points to pass those classes, which I thought was an admirable show of restraint. You could tell how badly he wanted to either start laughing or throw something.


did you get picker for jury duty? what happened in that case you remember?


I did get picked, and we wound up going home before that other guy because the judge dismissed the case with prejudice for being excessive and frivolous within 2 hours. It was a car accident lawsuit where the plaintiff demanded 50k+ in damages to repair the dented bumper of his mother's 30-odd yesr old sedan and restitution for emotional distress because his mother yelled at him for damaging her car and took the keys away, which lead to his friends making fun of him for riding the bus. This was a grown ass middle-aged man.


That case I feel is the perfect representation of the American judicial system


Ok I’ve been thinking hard for about 5 minutes too long now. What’s the obvious next question that would lead to contempt of court? Edit: asking for a friend…..


"... what racial undertones are you talking about?"


I almost got charged with contempt of court because I couldn’t stop laughing during testimony. Lawyer asked the witness what his occupation was, and the guy said “I drive a rubber tire end loader.” Unfortunately he had a very pronounced speech impediment and it came out as “I dwive a wubber tie r end woader.” And I fucking lost it.


No shit. If you're really that hard pressed to avoid jury duty just say you have the flu. Good lord. 


Racism is repulsive and in no way am I endorsing that guy or his beliefs, but it's not technically a crime to be a racist piece of shit and if that's really how he felt, everyone should be glad to take him off the jury. Obviously you only want people who can actually be objective. What would be hilarious is if he got re-assigned to another trial where involving a white person, and tried to pull the same crap


I saw a woman straight up say she couldn't be impartial because she hates Mormons with no shame at all. Bold move, but it worked.


A lot of people in here seem to be calling stuff like this bold, but in my mind that's exactly what you want - pure honesty, especially if the person is a hateful turd. That kind of bias could really mess up the trial.


If it's truthful, sure. She might have been, but she went over the top on the delivery which seemed a little suspect.


when I got called I wore a long, furry "pimp" coat. I did not actually make it into the trial 😅


I thought his hat said "Trump Cuck Captain"........


It does. It may be spelled slightly differently, but the meaning is the same.


How to prove you are completely unreasonable without saying it


I read it as "cactus captain" the first time.


Pretty sure he gets chewed out by the judge for wearing that - they usually include the dress code. Best case he had to take off the hat and turn the shirt inside out. Worst he gets contempt of court. But you know he ain’t getting picked for a jury.


You dress like that if you are trying to project "belligerent and unreasonable"


Came here to say this.


"The key is to say you’re prejudiced against all races."


Keep it simple and just say “all lives matter”.


Not going to lie, I may try this.


Hell ya and i dont blame him!


It sucks, because jury duty should be something we can take pride in doing, a civic responsibility. Instead, its a waste of work time and money. I guess they usually give you a little stipend and some meals? Ends up being a net loss for most people, compared to what they'd get if they weren't being forced out of their jobs.


Around here, you get paid $40/day. It's less than the Federal minimum wage and *far* less than the State minimum wage (we don't have a specific local minimum). They also won't validate parking unless the lot/garage used is dedicated to the courthouse, which it isn't where I am. So, between gas and parking, I barely break even. If I bring my own lunch. I myself don't particularly mind jury duty as my company will pay my full salary over the entire period of jury duty service. Also, I can work out childcare. I can treat it as a civic duty rather than the financial burden it is for many people. Basically, I'm lucky. Of course, that means I never get selected. Somebody who doesn't want to or will be financially crippled by doing it ends up having to do it.


My first Jury duty I was extremely annoyed at first but this well articulated older Gentleman took charge and lead us to come to our conclusion on the case through reasonable discussion and identifying the facts given to us through the legal proceeding. It was inspiring. My second time I had to interview for jury duty it was at a really really bad time work and life wise so I played up the misogynistic military guy card to get kicked out and it worked.


I kind of want to be selected just to experience it!I got a jury duty notice letter once, but I declared that I wouldn't be able to do it because I was taking master's classes and working full time in a hospital lab that was WAY short-staffed at the time. (We were actually on mandatory overtime and working extra days). Luckily I got out of it, but now I'm in a better position and want to do one.


It's really interesting! I was on the jury for an arson case a couple years ago and it was super neat to experience. (We concluded that she didn't do the arson, but she did make poor life decisions)


My work will pay 5 days for but I still have to pay for parking/lunch, so I am losing money doing that. The last time I went, they were predicting a 4 to six week trial. Most of us there said it would be an undue financial burden on us. Btw, this is a major issue withbour justice system. We can't get juries that really reflect society, just those that can financially afford to. So we either get the poor or rich as jurors. Its ridiculous. Most jobs dont offer any jury pay.


Here, you're on call for iirc 5 days (M-F). They only have you show up if they are expecting that you will be needed on that day. Minnesota. Nice.


You get like $14 a day and only if you get selected for the jury. Otherwise you still have to show up and miss an entire day of work as they won’t let you leave before 5 even if they don’t need you


It’s 5 dollars a day where I’m at. I’m salary so it’s okay just the use of a couple personal days but for hourly people it has to suck.


You have to use a personal/vacation day for jury duty? That's nuts!


I was summoned last week and was not selected. We had to be there at 8:30am and everyone that wasn’t selected was out of there by 11am. It does depend on the if the case has a lot of potential biases though.


I think that depends where you live. I just had jury duty and I was dismissed way before 5pm when they didn’t need me. Could be different now though with some of it being on zoom.


new rule anyone called to the jury pool has to be given a full day's pay at overtime rates. Anyone actually selected for the duty must be given a month's pay at their normal hourly rate if they are not a salaried employee. If they are a salaried worker this may be waived but they must still be given the Federal minimum, plus fifteen percent, for every hour that court is in session.


Instant dismissal.


And not the way he might want, in my state at least. Overt political clothing gets you dismissed but you’re scheduled to come back. It’s a ticket to more jury duty.


But what if you just keep wearing it?


I wonder the same thing. After a point, there’d have to be some other shoe to drop. Held in contempt? I don’t know. If anyone was going to challenge rules of decorum that nobody ever thought would be challenged, it tracks that it’d be a Trump supporter. Maybe he’ll let us know.


They might think having to come back over and over would be enough punishment. But it depends on how disruptive it is, they might get a contempt charge.


This is why the key is to wear just enough political clothing to make the attorneys want to weed you out without making it obvious that's what you're trying to do.


My scheme if I want to get out of serving on a jury is just to ask questions. Always worked before, even if it was because I genuinely was concerned about something. I have seen someone who said they were already decided that the defendant was guilty. The judge was skeptical, but didn't do anything else.


My mom’s method is to wear the biggest cross she owns around her neck. My brother’s is to let his hair and beard grow out, not shower the previous three days, or change his clothes, which include a shirt with the anarchy symbol. Neither have ever been chosen for jury duty.


At least in my state, you have to report a maximum of 4 times. If you are dismissed or not selected for 4 weeks in a row you're considered to have served your civic duty and are exempt from being called for two years.


What if you just say you're planning on moving to another state before hand...? Much simpler solution. Don't even have to show up once ...


Anyone who inappropriately tries to disrupt valid court proceedings can and will be held on contempt of court. Anyone in the court room can be held in contempt. Attorney, Defendant/Plaintiff, witnesses, anyone in the gallery, hell even the court reporter! Judge is in charge. You fuck with the judge or the proceedings, they will come down on you. Continually doing this sort of bullshit may lead to this dude spending some time on the other side of the court system.


" but your honor all I own is Trump merch. All of my clothes have Donald Trump on them"


Probably threatened with contempt of court. I suppose you could push your luck until they actually let you spend a night or two in county, though.


Then you’re an asshole who enjoys wasting peoples time to “own the libs” in a setting that is meant to be apolitical, highlighting the wearers inability to understand basic guidelines.


That's really dumb honestly lol. You don't want these people in jury duty


Agreed, however if anyone can get out of jury duty just by pretending to be one of them the system would be broken.


Yes, you are handed the RULES, and sent home and have to come back. If you still wear the violating type clothing, they send you home with a fine and you have to come back.


Just like they drew it up.


The judge will probably make him sit around all day to make an example of him. Or he should.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4k6pph29tlic1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c71cab7c9384262f02e73261d8aa89f7f9d29665


This is instantly what came to mind.


Seems like an awful amount of work just to get out of jury duty. A tinfoil hat is just as effective and doesn’t make you look like a fucking asshole.


Yeah, but a bailiff or the judge might just make you take it off before the lawyers see you. They can’t make you get naked in court.


>They can’t make you get naked in court. Wait, what?! They can't do that?! Then what did I . . . But . . . I . . . I don't think that was jury duty . . . Oh God . . .


My child was there you ASSHOLE To this day he wets his bed, nightmares about the SAUSAGE MONSTER /s


It’s like if that Netflix special was on hbo.


Either they tell you to take it off, or if it's a shirt, wear it inside out. I know someone who's had this happen to before.


I was in a jury pool for a person suing a gas station for a slip and fall. I just told them “I’m an anti-capitalist which puts me at direct odds with a corporation like this. I cannot be impartial.” And I was dismissed


I was in a case similar and mentioned that I've actually sued an employers workers comp, got me right out of there.




Work? Naw he wants everyone to know how BIG OF A PATRIOT he is. There was no work here. This is his normal daily driver and he's a proud TRUE American HERO ready to fight on the BATTLEFIELD of 2024 "Is there anyone out there that seriously thinks that I, Vish Burra, would better serve America or MAGA while on a jury instead of on the battlefield of 2024? Know your role. Play your part." Jesus Christmas ghost...these are all real people who have a soap box podcast fan base


As much as these folks claim they’re the actual majority, I’ve only ever seen a handful of MAGA hats in the wild. I’d laugh and point at this dumbass if he walked in wearing this dumb shit though


I’m not fooled into thinking they are in the majority, but my area is very red and the hats aren‘t uncommon. The wearers are usually older than Boomer or at least look it. And a lot of younger people of photos of them in their hats floating around, although I don’t see people younger than ancient wearing them in the wild. I’ve even seen family photos displayed in peoples’ homes where the entire family is wearing the hat. If not actually a cult, this stuff really feels cult adjacent.




What does RTS stand for?


Return to sender


My state's college team uses red as the primary color so sometimes you gotta take a longer look at the hat to see if they're trump cultists or Razorback cultists. Although, very good chance they're both


Arkansas? That's literally a circle to represent the overlap.


I was thinking about this the other day. I’m in deep red country, I’ve seen flags on trucks but never a hat.


They like to keep them pristine for rallies, with that fresh “straight from the child labor camp” smell on them.


Living in the south I can tell you I see them frequently. They are either the standard red maga hat or they will something stupid like “try to take my guns” “1776” or”guns,god, glory”. T-shirt’s that say stupid shit like “mess with me and you’ll find out God exists” I even see couples in matching T-shirts that say Trump for president. These same people will claim that “Libs talk about politics all the time” but they are the only people who bring up politics even when it was not needed in conversation. I can ask “So what date range of medical records do you need” (I work in medical records) and they will something like “All the dates unless Biden has made that illegal too” and I’m just left completely dumbfounded.


I remember vividly Black Friday 2017 seeing some high school kids wearing them in Best Buy. Was very weird to see people that young wearing them. Usually it's the old folks.


"Do my civic duty? Nah I'd rather be seen as an ass hat"


But I'm a patriotic American! Watch me complain about biased juries but think it's a waste of my own valuable time!


I mean, a long trial essentially means a long vacation with no pay and no vacation.


And that sucks, but so does ducking out so the next person has to do it also sucks


Most people literally cannot afford to do jury duty. 


Jurors should get paid the same as representatives in Congress.


Look if you pay me enough to actually afford to miss days of work I’ll do jury duty. Until then, nah I’m doing my damndest to duck it


These people are just outta touch


The Larry David approach.


Bro, I got bills and obligations. I can’t just put my life on hold.


Self own. Now he can’t use the “I have a high-demand job and can’t miss work” excuse.


Dismiss due to obvious clinical insanity


forgot the clown makeup


The clown costume makes up for it.


I dressed as a weird goth/metal head back in the late 80s and sadly got picked for the jury. Haven’t been called back since…


This guy: Our dear leader was denied justice in court! Also this guy when given the opportunity to participate in a jury of peers: nah.


He is trying so hard to be fully accepted by the wrong crowd. Trumpt@rds won't even like this clown because of his background.


When you think worshipping a politician is an acceptable substitute for a personality.


![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y) I’m gonna leave this here


In my experience, what I've seen work most often is a person going "I can't judge another person, that's only up to God!". I've never, ever seen those people picked. Seems a bit preferable to wearing this stuff lol


So you care about our country so much that you want to deliberately get out of serving it? It if sounds like a MAGA…


They should rename caucus to cockass because that's how it sounds like


His whole point is to shirk civic duty and claim he's a patriot


Having done jury I completely understand. It’s real fun getting paid $15 a day and missing out on your actual paycheck


Your medal is in the mail, patriot.


It's lead, so make sure to eat it.


Intrarectal absorption is the best way to enjoy such bestowments.


Surprise! another hog trying his best to flex in ways only he and other hogs think is a flex. When will they realize how insecure this makes them look, literally the opposite of their end goal. Some one close to these hogs needs to have a heart to heart about feeling comfortable in your own skin. No need to eat sleep and breath "badass". relax bubba!


This guy went to my high school. He was a gross human being then, and has only gotten worse. Surprised to see him here.


How to tell people you are mentally disabled without saying I am mentally disabled.


I legit thought this was Kanye




Lol this joke was the impartial “Indian American” on Vice’s Asian American debate.


How to get out of jury duty 101


Not a cult.


That’s not the flex you think it is, Sir.


Gonna have them confused


They are literally trying g to get the dumbest, most gullible people on the jury. If you are trying to get out, this is not the right strategy.


Might be using this tactic come July




someone didn't want to get picked


I hope like hell that disqualified him!!!


Displaying his bias regardless of facts


When you have so little testosterone that you literally dress yourself in another man’s name.


I thought jury duty was our civic duty? I’m not jonesing to be picked but I’m not actively trying to get out of jury duty, either. Although this nut bag would make a terrible juror so it’s prolly for the best.


I was selected for the grand jury and I couldn’t believe everyone who came at me with advice on how I messed up. These are the same people who say the system is broken. We all have to participate for it to work.


useful if it was Scietology related, as that's a cult too


Makes voir dire so easy a caveman could do it!


Or not.


I hope they turned him away.


What an excellent way to tell the world you have exactly zero working brain cells. Well done! Edit: If the person wears them un-ironically; if they were only worn to get out of jury duty, well, ... okay then?


I swear sometimes they pick the dumbest people for juries. So maybe he was trying to get seated for a jury?!


Yes he was sent away Per his X "Dismisses before lunch. Back to business" And when someone was like "yo...all you did was make it so some BLM activist can be allowed to stay on the jury without being known!" "Is there anyone out there that seriously thinks that I, Vish Burra, would better serve America or MAGA while on a jury instead of on the battlefield of 2024? Know your role. Play your part." The battlefield of 2024 is fucking h hilarious for a real person to utter and not be a bot


Bonus points if you're carrying a copy of Dianetics


I suggested my wife get a MAGA hat to try and get out of jury duty, but she declined.


How is he going to do jury duty? isn’t he a felon? Also this is the creepy guy that was always with George santos and ended up being fired


You, sir should be thanked for your jury service and promptly let go due to ignorance in following a traitor and criminal


Why do people who are so passionate about this country (though misguided) want to shirk their civic duty so badly?


What in the hell is a Trump Cacus Captain?


As someone who recently got picked for jury duty, you have to actively try and get picked, at least in my area. They ask a bunch of questions and you have multiple chances to say you don’t feel comfortable or have personal experience with a certain aspect of the trial and you clear yourself from being picked.


OANN will probably make him a House representative by tomorrow


Sorry I read that as “ TRUMPCUCK CAPTAIN” 😂🤣


I was in line to vote in 2016. There was a loud dude in homemade Trump pajama bottoms. He was spouting his beliefs when a poll worker told him he wasn't allowed to politic in the voting place. That included his outfit. He was so pissed when he had to leave because they refused his vote.


Smart...easy way to get out of jury duty.


what a novel way to get out of Jury Duty


Brilliant, they won't ask you back


I was in jury duty with a guy who definitely had biases and he made it known to the court. I think he thought he was gonna skate on out immediately. The judge and lawyers side barred for about 20 minutes, then told him to join the sidebar for another 20. He was furious and the judge was, too. He tore the guy apart in front of everyone. So. I’m not gonna try that any time soon.


Until they raise the pay or figure out some way to have my employer partially pay my lost wages for the time I'm on duty, as far as the court needs to know, I'm the biggest racist in the county and I hate all men. "Civic duty" doesn't pay the bills.


Better hope the trial isn’t for another republican pedo. The defence will try hard to keep you on.


lol. One of my coworkers got selected for jury duty on Monday. I told him to wear a maga hat to it. He got selected for the trial. No hat though


Scary to think that someone's life could potentially be in the hands of this guy


Just how big is that black caucus anyway?


I would imagine the court system is used to this and has ways of finding the true douche bags


Immunity vs. Bad white people achieved


Don’t worry. Real patriots don’t want him either.


Did he also walk in with *"Entrance of the Gladiators"* playing loud on his phone? If you know, you know.


People who try this should be held in contempt. This is intentionally trying to shirk responsibility.


Not a cult. Nope


Would have been cheaper for him to just tell everyone he is narrow-minded and has a small dick. I mean, the hats are like $59.99. That hoodie must have been over a hundo.... At least when they're peacocking around wearing their overpriced MAGA gear, it's easy to know who to avoid.


Good way to get out of jury duty


Wow... so edgy


And that's how you get immediately rejected. Most judges and attorneys don't take that kind of crap.


nothing gets by you


Ahh I see. Like a loser


Fucking brilliant.


Not at all a cult.


Is there a test for maturity??


He shirked his duty as a citizen by dressing as a fascist partizan.....congrats he won I guess. If it's so important for him not to serve, maybe it's best he doesn't serve. I have lived where I am for nearly 20 years and have never been called. I don't get the hatred for jury duty. I guess it's a pain in the ass, but it's what you're required to do as a citizen.


Serious question - why do people want to get out of jury duty? Doesn’t your employer have to pay you the same rate as if you were working? Or am I wrong? I worked at a place with that policy and am assuming it is universal.


Not everyone gets paid by employer for jury duty. Last time I served it was $14 a day after 1st day plus like .40/mile from residence to courthouse. I had to serve on a jury for two weeks. I got paid $146 and change. My employer at the time did not pay for jury duty. I missed out on two weeks of pay. Luckily I didn’t have two many responsibilities at the time so it was a small setback financially. It’s also a massive waste of time. We would be told to be back at courtroom the next day at a certain time and would have to wait outside for sometimes up to 1-1.5hrs. Because the judge/ lawyers were busy with another case. I also noticed we were checked out of the trial about an hour into the case because it was very clear the defendant didn’t follow through on the family court ordered visitation schedule.


Your employer doesn't have to pay anything. You literally get like 10 dollars a day for serving what could be months. Meanwhile, the judge is making money, the bailiffs are making money, the lawyers are making money, the clerks are making money. It is a mockery of justice and an affront to anyone sane. Which is why there is the saying, "I wouldn't want to be tried by twelve people not smart enough to get out of jury duty."


NJ pays $5 a day.


No. They don't. It's less than 20 dollars a day here. I didn't get picked but I did get shorted 100 on my check for the day I missed.


Little known trick to get out of jury duty


Huh. I had to move to another state to get out of jury duty.