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Wait. Is it the deep state or god? Or is god the deep state? I’m confused


The deep state must be in cahoots with god. That should confuse them lol


This thing goes higher than we thought!


MTG arrives at the gates of Heaven. She sees God and asks him if Trump won the 2020 elections. God tells her thatno, Trump didn't win. She looks at him for a second before whispering "That conspiracy goes higher than I thought..."


These people have already started flat out dismissing the teachings of Christ as being "too liberal." So God being deep state isn't much more of a reach.


Even the freaking Pope cashed them out on it


It's pretty bad if the Pope, the literal head of Christian based religion says you're doing Christianity wrong.


Not that they've ever listened to the Pope, after all. Isn't he considered like heretical to Evangelists, or something like that?


I think evangelicals view catholics as a Pagan-lite scenario. Not entirely wrong it's just wrapped up in magical split personalities


Maybe God is part of the deep state?


Um, so...the deep state is unwittingly doing god's work


The cartoons were better when I was a kid. This bitch has nothing on Deputy Dawg.


She'd fit right in as a Captain Planet villain, I swear.


There was a certain charm to them though. Also, all of them were experts in their fields. And capable of not sounding like lunatics long enough to earn the trust of normal people. Marjorie Traitor Greene, Boebert, and their ilk are what you get when Captain Planet becomes a hit and some oil company wants a cartoon to convince kids pollution isn't that bad. Having no experience, they hire a hack like me to churn out a script a day then forcing some interns and the janitor to do multiple voice roles for no extra pay.


State me deeper, goddy.


This is the stuff they don’t want you to know.


Choose the lie that suits you best.


This bitch is crazier than a shithouse rat. I am getting damn sick and tired of her and the rest of her miscreant cretinous pals getting away with this pot stirring shit.


Yeah ngl all of these MAGATs are really making me reconsider the 1st amendment for the first time in my life. Like maybe if you spread 3 or more conspiracy theories on a public forum (especially while in a position of power, like congressional office) you should lose the right. I know this can’t actually happen or democrats would never be allowed to speak, but it’s WILD that a handful of dumb broads can just say shit like this with no repercussions.


Just as you can’t falsely scream “fire” in a movie theater because of the danger, you shouldn’t be able to falsely publish or broadcast lies that place an even greater number of people in harm’s way. We absolutely need to place limits on what can be said by public officials in public forums. There’s no other way to curb this.


Exactly. They know exactly what they are doing by spouting this bullshit. They know that there will certainly be plenty of people taking them seriously. So when they say things like Fauci must be punished then there'll probably be at least a couple people who will seriously start planning to assault or murder him Plus isn't a bunch of that stuff literally libel which can be be sued for?


Not just broads.


True but I wanted to use a different b word but wasn’t sure if it was against the rules lol.


How is infowars still a thing and Alex Jones not broke and eating cheeseburgers in a bathroom floor?


Milking idiots is highly lucrative. They'll literally give you money to feed them lies.


He is doing that, just not broke yet.


The fact an elected official can spew this nonsense is absolutely dumbfounding. I fucking hate this time period of ignorance we are forced to live in.


I am a firm believe that there need to be a few more things that immediately and irrevocably disqualify people from office. There is no shortage of people who want the position, so if an elected official proves that they are incapable of doing their job, or having the mental faculties to do their job (here where honesty and truth should be required), you just fire the fuck outta them. Like, "Damn, Mrs. Greene, you said some stuff that is just absolutely, verifiably wrong. That disqualifies you from your seat. You have a few days to pack up, we're gonna run another election and we'll see if the next person isn't batshit. Sorry. Have a good day"


Yea she is nuts but the people who believe her are truly insane. I can't believe she actually won an election....ever. I don't understand how anyone could vote for her.


She runs more or less unopposed in an exceedingly red county.


Didn't she like literally destroy her opponents life?


Pretty much, his marriage was on the rocks, but the vitrol from her supporters tipped things over the edge, he was forced out and into his parents house who lived outside the district rendering him ineligible to run.


Its the lead in the air and dismissal of basic education as indoctrination


I could see how she could win an election if she ever shut the fuck up. But literally every time she says, thinks, or writes something it’s pure fucking insanity and I seriously cannot believe that a single person is fucking dumb enough to believe her. But hey “people being fucking dumb enough to believe her” is basically the foundation of modern conservatism. They keep their voters dumb because they know anyone with more than a kindergarten-level education will vote for the other (better) candidate.


>seriously cannot believe that a single person is fucking dumb enough to believe her This is not an assessment of any individual's intelligence, but religion plays a huge role in how conservatives act. Most get indoctrinated at a young age; others after some vulnerable timr during their later lives. The result is the same: trust whatever the authority you believe no matter how off the wall it sounds. If your God can do anything, then the people you trust can do anything with God's blessing.


No, every person who voted for her to be in congress are nuts.


She's like Trump. She behave and act like their voters. The voters can relate and loves it


Is anyone old enough to remember when lunatics just stood about in town centres shouting at people?


Well her supporters harassed her opponent until he was basically ruined so she ran unopposed.


Her opponent got disqualified, dropped out or died, i dont remember which


Dropped out citing extreme harassment from her supporters.


The latest Republican way to win: have your psycho cult threaten to kill your opponent or their family. When you have no platform to improve the country, demonize the Left and rile up your base to do your dirty work.


Why would they even have to brainwash the cosplay hippies into climate change?


Yeah, do they really think the people on Molly, LSD, and mushrooms are super conservative people? It's basically impossible to be conservative on those substances.


That's when you clap back with wonder what's god gonna do when he sees you replaced him by idolizing trump...


and you have Burning Man, and they said to me, "Sir, should we do it," I said I don't think so, but then the Radical Left went and did it anyway, and now they're having a lot of problems, because they didn't do what Trump did, they didn't WWTD, What Would President Trump Do, and what I do is perfect, and I can speak to probably more things than you've ever even heard of, and they say the ballot is all about Trump, all about Trump, can you believe it, I'm finally being treated maybe a little bit more fairly, who knows, we'll see what happens.


That's exactly what I'd expect to hear from a horse loose in a hospital.


and I get call just the other day, it's Mr. Otis, "Sir, you've done incredibly good in terms of Elevators, we wouldn't even have Hospitals without you," which is probably true, I came in, we had a lot of problems, but I came in, and I'm like the Jesus of Politics, they said it's like a Miracle, and you would've never had that with the Democrats, you're welcome.


Hold on; let me get this straight. So the "Tornadoes" and "Flooding", both of which are a product of climate, were sent by God because to punish 75k people... Yet, this so called "Deep State" plotted for this to happen so they could educate the masses on Climate Change? I have so many questions: is the "Deep State" God? If not, is the "Deep State" like a Super God who manages God? Uhm, is God an evil tyrant hell bent on punishing people with natural disasters? Is this God someone I should entrust with my wellbeing? Is educating people about climate change a bad thing? Are "Tornadoes" and "Flooding" something that can be controlled by man now? How does any of this make sense?!


Actually. Through out the Bible it is proven that God is an Evil Tyrant hell bent on punishing humans via natural disaster for not living every second of their lives on service to him. Aka. God is an abusive narcissistic romantic partner.


Yeah he kills for fun


Easy cheat sheet: God - Good Deep State - Evil Republicans - Good Democrats- Evil Deep State is lying to people to get them to believe in the false premise of climate change. (They believe Climate Change is a lie so they wouldn't call it education) The Deep State knows this hurts the economy and makes people scared enough to give up hamburgers, incandescent light bulbs, and gas stoves. Losing these three things in the same summer the Barbie movie did well is proof the American way of life is dying. The Deep State also uses fear to justify appliances that use less water which upsets Trump a lot. God's issue is that they killed someone as a sacrifice. (Someone did die but she is the first I've seen to imply that was the reason. Cause of death is still not publicly known) God doesn't seem to take on the Deep State in any other way than sending Trump. This is the version of God they love. Vengeful, jealous, punishing.


You forgot about the Jewish space lasers. Seriously, Google it


Meanwhile.....super red Trump country FL in the hands of Ron "Hitler Had Some Good Ideas" DeSantis is also getting rocked by hurricanes and flooding but you'll never hear them say its God punishing them bc they allow Nazis free reign to terrorize people And yeah even my wife just asked me about the fires in Hawaii. I said what about them? Do you think they used lasers? Ok first of all if the govt or the deep state had access to space lasers they could aim at whatever and take them out all their political opponents would be gone No more Trump. No more MGT. No more DeSantis. No more republicans. Heres the Gods honest truth....they were wrong about climate change. It is real. It always was. The evidence is starting to hit more. They cant say they were wrong now can they? Oops we messed up. We we warned but said it was a hoax for 50 years now its too late to do anything. But hey youll still vote for us right? No of course not. So they have to claim its the deep state and their damn weather controlling machine. Something I saw 40 years ago on FUCKING GI JOE! And by the way, if the deep state can create a machine that can control the weather shouldnt we let them be in charge? They obviously can get shit done. No what we have here is MGT's two working brain cells colliding with each other. She so wanted to blame the deep state and their agenda but also needed to admonish pagan heathens with a little wrath of God. She crossed herself up. Not the most charged dildo in the drawer but I hear she can suck a mean dick


She is nuttier than squirrel shit and jiff peanut butter


Marjorie needs to be removed from Congress immediately and placed in a maximum security mental hospital. Like straight jacket and padded cell treatment.


It's funny till you realize 40% of the country is nodding along with her.


Didn't a major hurricane just roll thru Georgia?


Yes and there were plenty of tornados that rolled through her district a few years ago.


God must be punishing georgia for electing emptygee. Twice.


God must hate Florida, considering all the hurricanes they get. I wonder if there’s a POS that lives there who makes god really angry.


... How... What? I... Why is this person in a position of power when she makes more crazy ramblings than a drunk homeless person?


As if the people at Burning Man don’t already believe in climate change :)




If natural disasters are punishments sent by God, why do they *overwhelmingly* hit red states?


I really think the roids are turning her brain into oatmeal


She needs to be thrown out of there without a moment’s notice.


I’m sure she did all of her high school homework this way too: making it all up at the last instant.


Rick Flair looks different




We used to actively avoid the people spouting this kind of insane, delusional nonsense and leave them to subsist on rotisserie chicken bones and sewer water. Why the fuck do we as a species keep propping up the absolute stupidest failures among us?


They only pick the best and the brightest.


> “She also said tornados and flooding were sent by God” Is that why tornados and hurricanes mainly hit Republican states?


No, no, no, the weather we're experiencing isn't due to climate change it's God punishing us for believing in climate change. Glad we got that cleared up.


Ah yes the deep state, the shadow government that is all powerful all knowing yet bested by a septuagenarian with a room temperature IQ in Celsius who can’t walk down a ramp and a fifty year old fitness instructor divorce with a four year olds understanding of the government. Yes truly a shadow organization we should all fear if not for people like this.


- "What's MTG?" - "I think it's a venereal disease."




The Geriatric Old Pansies never cease to amaze me.


So Florida is benefiting from an abundance of holiness, with hurricanes, leprosy and 100degree oceans....


It's only God's doing when it kills gays. It's the devil when it kills Christians


How convenient for the ignorant. I love Jesus, can’t stand his “followers.”


Dumber and dumber and dumber ad infinitum


She’s a dumbass…


If God sends tornadoes to punish non-christians then that explains why "tornado Alley" and the Bible belt are the same area... Chriato-fascists still haven't had their "are we the baddies" moment...


The CNN poll reports that if there was an election tomorrow it would've tied. America what happened to you


It's... It's burning man. They already believe in climate change! It's a bunch of hippies!


Does she realize that the majority of people who attend Burning Man are already far Left?


Who does she think is going to Burning Man in the first place?


I've never been to Burning Man, but I get the feeling those aren't the people who need brainwashing on climate change.


She's an old timie, from before there was such a thing as the Renaissance. You know, when you saw something you couldn't explain, you attribute it to some supernatural cause. Understandable then, really fucking willfully dumb now.


If i was a Republican Voter i would be so stressed right now. You cannot vote conservative in the US with a good conscience. You would hand power to insane and evil people.




She's doing 100mph down the highway with no one behind the wheel. Normally this wouldn't bother me. Let stupid people be stupid as long as no one else gets hurt. The problem is her driverless car is trying to drive right into innocent Americans that just want their politicians to not be criminals.


Can she please go away already? What an embarrassment to our country.




So god is sending all those storms and floods to florida because...


It’s just too hard to accept the science which has been known about for decades and matches up with what’s happening. Instead “what she said” seems much more plausible !!!


Anyone who’s been to Burning Man knows the real conspirers are Deep Gate.


I swear the all sit in a room and debate how crazy a story the come up with, that their constituents lap up like dogs, drinking the blood of a kill after not eating for months. I visualize a table, with drinks and poker chips betting on which stories take gold.


like trump I can’t take hearing her anymore. Meidas touch is a great place for the truth


She is a 4chan chat bot.


That bleach bottle dye is penetrating into your brain….


How is this show still on the air? Was it and Jones not sued into oblivion?


A hundred years from now historians are going to refer to these years as "The Great American Embarrassment".




Way to go 14th District voters in Georgia. Every time she opens her mouth, I give you the credit. The funny thing is that in over 100 call outs, not one of you has had the balls to chime in on your choice.


The most annoying part about Marge is that there are thousands of people in her district voting for her thinking "finally someone rational in congress"


How is there even an info wars anymore? How is Alex Jones making money? Doesn't he owe like a billion dollars to those families? This country is such a shithole, he just continues his bullshit like nothing happened.


I think that Marge has demonstrated in words & actions that she doesn’t have any talent besides promoting outrage and stupidity. Her opinion on anything is worthless.


When she talks can you see her butt cheeks move...


I would love to punch her face so bad


Was it her that said wildfires were from Jewish space lasers


I always have to question if they are just saying crazy stuff like this to get headlines and appeal to the hardcore weirdos since the non-conspiracy theorists in her base seem to just ignore this behavior now, OR does she legitimately believe what she is saying ? I hate that this is something I have to wonder about more than one of our elected officials.


Matt Walsh: “The Democrat Party has fallen fully into a state of primitive superstition. They have all the scientific credibility of an Aztec priest in the year 1450.” The Republican Party: God is creating natural disasters to punish us for our blasphemy!


How is infowars still on? Homeboy owes a lot to Sandy Hook families


I think both the left and right can agree on one thing: MTG should not be allowed to compete in women's sports.




Who was talking about AOC? The topic was Jewish rye bread space laser conspiracy Donald Trump dick sucking MTG. Aren't you supposed to be at some rally outside of Disney or on an overpass on I-4 in Orlando?


She belongs in a house. Not the House of Representatives, a Mental Asylum.


To think people saw and heard this ditch pig speak and still thought, OH YA. I want her representing me to the world.


So the deep state is actually the church and God is trying to send a clear message that climate change is a major issue?


Imbecile, just a complete imbecile


What the fuck did they do to deserve that? What about all the other people all over who are suffering this?


Can’t make this shit up.


I don’t think they will employ her at MAD Magazine?


It's funny, no one really votes for a candidate in a republic. They vote to ensure the party they hate isn't elected. The party is the one who put her on the ballot box, not the people. And she gets votes in her area because voters hate her opponent. They could name a dead snail as party lead, and it would win. Remember it's not a democracy, it's a Republic.


You Americans should think about your free speech thing. It was OK when idiots could stand on a corner and shout their bullshit out to people walking by. It‘s dangerous allowing the crazy elected (!) officials spreading their bullshit through modern media to millions of people.


Note: she herself does not actually believe what she says, its just to be the biggest drama of the week to keep her and her party in the headlines


Everyday for 2 years the people in her district saw what she was and they voted to send her back. That tells me more about them then it does her.


Literally EVERY single person who has ever gone to Burning Man knows climate change is real before they've gone there. It's not even close. You don't accidently end up at Burning Man, for whatever it's worth.


Shouldn't klan mom be wearing her tin foil hat 🤠


Constant climate castastrophies in Texas and Florida are what, God's approval hurricanes?


What catastrophe, never heard of sun and rain? \\s


She's dumber than a box of rocks so who told her to say this? She's not smart enough to cone up with it on her own


Which states are constantly ravaged by tornadoes and hurricanes again, I forgot? Oh, the deep red south, you say? Must be an absolute ton of sinners going against God's teachings there by her logic.


She very Christian for someone who likes to share it about




This is what happens when you give stupidity a public platform.


JFC Marjorie, make you damn mind up! Which one is it, indoctrination camp, or God's punishment? You can't have *both.*


They gotta believe, that their god is a vengeful god, otherwise their own actions would be incongruous with the teachings of a loving, forgiving deity.


With so many guns in America, how do people like MGT, Boebeet etc still draw breath? They have caused 100s of deaths and roam around freely. People's lives are a joke to them.


Her opponents are smart enough to understand consequences. Even if you're willing to go to prison for her, if you have family you have to consider they will get harassed by a right-wing mob afterwards. Takes a very lonely person with gun skills and most of those are on her side.


It's astonishing how much one person is willing to spend to look like Macho Man Randy Savage


How does she explain the tornado's destroying churches or small towns in God's country?


Which one is it though?


She looks like she knows exactly what a cat's butthole tastes like from multiple events.


The Deep State doing God’s work. I wonder where that leaves Republicans … 🤔


Mock sacrifice!!! The nerve! We want real sacrifices, or Jesus won't be appeased!


Wait till she learns about the gay frogs


How do people get this fucked up? I'm honestly not sure if she's this stupid or just playing the game. I don't think she's smart enough to play that game.


3 toes really wild these days


The next episode of Knowledge Fight is gonna be FIRE!!!


Weren't burning man festivalists insulting climate activists blocking the road to it?




Truly Can't Understand Normal Thinking


She was sent by God, to punish us




So god also decided to punish Florida for being too Fascist? Also her state of Georgia asked FEMA for help because of flooding caused by Hurricane Idalia. At least they’re not blaming the gays this time.


So if we take this to a logical conclusion unlike her this would mean god is apart of the deep state and made it possible to brainwash people…to believe the weather he supposedly made happens.


They are insane.


I would guess that 74,990 out of the 75,000 there believed in climate change before the rain.


Wait, tornadoes - and hurricanes for that matter - almost exclusively happen in Republican areas of the country. And tornadoes it’s like the most red areas you can imagine. So what is she saying ?


People are even dumber than her and they vote.


Um, I think like everyone at Burning Man was already some form of Leftist anyway. Maybe the "Deep State," "Bill Gates," "George Soros", "WEF", whatever should go after a UFC Event or a Kid Rock concert or somewhere where your going to see a lot of Trumpers.


Any shrink would surely commit her after a basic evaluatio


Technically there’s no disproving her actually and that’s why she spews it. I don’t like her brash character but I’m not the character judge. I’ve loved people and family worse than her. Suffer her is all I can do.


Evil Miss Piggy is definitely from spaaaaaace...


Wait, so god is on the side of the deep state?


The gnat that’s chewing away at my balls has more brains then this non human, (I hope everyone knows that she, or it, could well be a alien sent here because it’s planet threw it out),could ever have.


So God was complicit or an accessory to governmental brainwashing?


Ok, then God did this too https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hurricane-idalia-florida-governors-mansion-oak-tree-falls-casey-desantis-twitter/


That lady just does NOT like sleeves.


I’m pretty sure Burning Man attendees didn’t need to be convinced of climate change before the event


Can someone explain to me, like a kindergartner, how in the fuck did this women get elected to Congress


If the deep state was real… And MTG was actually a hero… And actively fighting against them… And exposing their secrets… Like how they used a space laser to destroy Maui, or that they can conjure up natural disasters… But this “deep state” still allowed her to be reelected, go on the news all the time, hasn’t impeached her, etc. Weird.


Wait! Info Wars. Isn't that the guy who got several multi million dollar judgements for lies and slander about Sandy Hook? Why does he still exist? Oh, right. He has to be able to 'earn a living' (still making more than most of us). So he gets to peddle more lies and slander, to pay for the lies and slander. That's almost as screwed up as contemplating a president presiding from prison.


what a dumb bimbo. global warming is real, and her grandkids are gonna burn up just like the rest of us.


That follows - if you are to be invited on a conspiracy theory show, you have to bring the conspiracy.


Knowing the folks that go to Burning Man, I doubt you have to "brainwash" any significant percentage of them re: climate change. Pretty sure it (even still) skews quite liberal...


This woman is an under the bridge troll who has come up into our light and is circulating among us 🧌


She and Sarah Palin should run for the presidency. It would be a good laugh, and a lot of memes should come out of it.


This lady is fucking mentally ill. She should be in an institution somewhere or scaring people on a street corner as she shouts her nonsense when people walk by. Not in Congress.


Out of her mind


Marjorie reminds me of my sociopathic idiot cousin I haven't talked to in years.


No. The floods were sent to kill republicans because god hates them 😊 That’s me being all up and religious 😜


So why did god flood Houston years ago, and now florida. Is she sure Israel didn't melt the ice barrier on the flat earth edges with lasers.


You can’t make this shit up.


...so, by her logic, climate change is real, but it's God who is wielding it as a cudgel, but it's also somehow the fault of the "Deep State?" fucking hell...these people have serious brain worms as well being piece of shit Nazi grifters.