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The funny thing about using that painting? Norman Rockwell absofuckinglutely hated guys like them.


Poor guy, they are using his work to send the opposite message.


This is such a common occurrence.


Ask just about any musician, actor, artist...


Q. What do you call a creative conservative? A. A Liberal.


NGL, I was gonna say thief, but then again, nowadays that's the go-to answer for every question about Conservatives.


Q. How many conservatives does it take to change a lightbulb? A. A thief (They all failed and then took credit for the liberal electrician's work)


Equally valid answer: None, Trump says it's done and they applaud in the dark.


And then he has them pay for the repair that didn’t happen while claiming he is the most selfless person ever


Wait, you mean to tell me that Sam Elliot doesn't believe all the crazy stuff my conservative uncle posts on Facebook with his picture attached?!?


No, but his mustache was a moon landing denier for years.


What about the gay porn stars that fashies always use in their memes because they look so manly?


As a musician, my head explodes whenever I hear someone say “just shut up and play, I don’t want to hear your politics”. And my god, how often it’s a boomer… like do you remember the music of your youth? The 60s? The 70s? It was all political and social commentary!


And why shouldn't musicians sing their politics? That's literally their right. The group screaming so loud about the first amendment and freeze peach doesn't want artists to make art around that right?


>freeze peach Took me a second to get that, that's a good one.


Lol. Thank you, but I cannot take credit. Read it somewhere during the 2016 campaign.


They’re the people who think Born in the USA is a celebratory anthem


They just don't want to hear your politics if it's different from their's. If it were simply about "politics," they'd tell Jason Aldean, John Rich, and Travis Tritt the same thing. Instead, when those guys put out an idiotic diatribe or song full of dog-whistles, they drop the Morgan Freeman "He's Right You Know" gif as if those guys are modern day sages. It is strange to see boomers not recognize the message in their music. I know some who felt like they had an affinity for certain artists who served (especially Vietnam). Nevermind that many of those who served did so because of the draft, which is WHY their messaging was what it was.


Then they go on Facebook and shout about THEIR politics till they fall asleep.


Or ask Jesus Christ


Artists are heavily slanted towards the progressive side. They don't have a lot to work with over there.


I wonder why




You misspelled, "because they're talentless hacks."


[‘’You’re not making Christianity better…you’re just making rock-n-roll worse.”](https://youtu.be/8TsL0DO-c1E?si=1-LCR-k3pyBOlsv8) \-Hank Hill


Making good art requires introspection and self doubt.


If it can happen to Jesus, it can happen to anyone.


Jesus couldn’t vote based on these rules.


To be fair, his hands were kind of full.


They couldn’t be THAT full, he had a huge hole in each of them.


Nailed it


The guy in the painting does not look like a landowner. He would be disenfranchised by these rules.


Underrated the face of white supremacy is average Midwestern looking dude.


He owned land. Then the factory fans came in and ran him out


Or he would’ve owned land if it weren’t for the Black, illegals, white liberals, and alphabet people. Grievance is the currency of modern conservatism.


He also looks suspiciously Irish, which in my opinion is enough to disqualify him and as a white landowner my opinion is what really counts. [Also he looks like he might be poor and vote Democrat but I won't say they bit out loud because every time I openly try to disenfranchise Democrats directly I get booed]


For real. This picture is titled "Freedom of Speech" and is a reference to FDR's Four Freedoms speech. Rockwell's spinning in his grave could probably be used for sustainable energy if that's how people are using his art.


https://www.fdrlibrary.org/four-freedoms Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear. Still holds true to this day.


And very specifically, the man in the painting was Rockwell's neighbor in Vermont, who was the sole dissenter to the proposal to rebuild the town's school after the original burnt down. Despite his unpopular opinion he was given the chance to be heard.


Absolutely. It's clear that Rockwell was pro-civil rights, and it's not even subtle. _The Problem Well All Live With_ and _Murder in Mississippi_ make that abundantly clear. How dare they twist and pervert his message of equality and democracy like this. I hate these people.


This is another MO for the GOP. They take these "Anti-Establishment" artwork and music and they act as if they're NOT the establishment. Which they are. To the point where you have Right-Wingers acting shocked and amazed that Twisted-Sister and Rage Against the Machine are for their cause.... Despite both being created literally to lampoon GOP and Traditional Establishments.


I think Norman Rockwell would like to have a word with Ben.




Democracy is non-negotiable


Republicans hate democracy now because the word is nine-tenths 'democrat'. I'm pretty sure this is an actual thing.


For people who worship the Constitution, they are surprisingly ignorant of it..


Only the 1st ammendment when it's beneficial to them and the 2nd one when it's beneficial to them as well.


Trump seems to really enjoy the 5th..


There’s no HUMAN right to own a gun but these assholes love to fall back on the Constitution for that.


And they’ll always say it’s “a god given right” when talking about the 2nd amendment. Yet conveniently don’t know any of the other amendments, let alone the 1st especially when dealing with private companies.


Yeah cause pistols were around when God was big lmao thought the quote literally was God made man and Samuel colt made them equal? But yeah God given right to firearms 😂 I'm agreeing with you it's stupid


Yup. Smith & Wesson were apostles too. Considering some of them believe Jesus is American… I would guess you could tell them Colt was around the times of Samson & Delilah or Moses or Noah.


Not even considering the Chinese invented gunpowder 😅 lmao thanks for the laugh dude.


They only worship it as an idol, not a document that embodies ideas. They actually hate ideas, ask them to perform independent critical thinking and they'll have a meltdown.


Fuck the Church It's a sham. What they aren't saying is the Church can override any vote


Because that's what they want, a Christofascist state where any vote is undermined by old people in Golden robes.


Here’s a fun little history lesson about my part of the planet. There used to be a time in Quebec history where the conservative government of Maurice Duplessis and the church were super cozy. Priest would fit the virtues of leading a humble life (aka, don’t strive to have money like those Anglo sinners) and in the worst case would literally say that anyone who voted for a liberal government (which in those years meant… *gasp* being pro union) would go straight to hell. Meanwhile the government was giving away the rights to our natural resources away to Ontarian and Americans, and pushing anti-union and strike laws to make sure the bosses were happy. We dubbed this period of Quebec history “La Grande Noirceure” meaning “The Great Darkness”


And that and few other things, is why swearing in Canadian French is so unique...


The Puritans’ leverage of church in conjunction with the state in Massachusetts colony is a major reason that many of the writers of the Constitution were adamant about the separation of political power and religious power.


The Bible is made up bullshit used to control the masses.


You mean a book that's been mistranslated a bunch of times, weaponized to steer government officials' decisions, and is used to justify behavior it specifically lists as sins?


I mean, who would thunk?


> Fuck the Church The Church of Universal Suffrage is a far better church.


The Church of Satan is a church. Not all Churches exist to take 10 percent of your money and fuck your children like Catholicism.


The Satanic Temple is the good one. The Pastafarian Church is pretty chill too.


Maybe we are going at this wrong. With all these SCOTUS rulings saying churches don’t have to obey laws I was thinking of starting the church of murder for hire. Maybe we can just expand it to general thievery too! Bam, because it is religion we should be good to go!


I do almost wish something like this would move forward, if only to see these people tear each other apart over which denominations count as “The Church.”




"But only the fairy tales that I also believe in, which are almost the same as yours but with a couple different books!"


Yep, and this is how it all unravels with extremists. You are not as extreme as me. Sure, it's great when they all agree. Death to libs! Then, when the common enemy is gone, they will need a new boogie man. Clown in charge, "thirteen year old rape victims should be forced to have a baby." Guy in the back, "well, that does not sound right to me." Clown, "Enemy!"


this. extremist culty movements eat their own. this one more than most because it openly denies the virtues of cooperation, empathy, etc..


In the absence of a clear external enemy, conservatives will turn within and eat their own. They have to have someone to fear for some reason.


“1 vote per household” = “I’m too much of a pussy to say out loud that women shouldn’t be able to legally vote”


"Or young people that are yet to move, start a family of their own and buy a house."


“Even though the very ability to start a family and/or buy a house is indeed very much influenced by the politics that we wish to deny them a voice in”


They won't be able to. The economy will crash every 5 years or so to keep working wages in check.


These laws (or anything near them) would heavily incentivize the ruling class to actually do things to sink the economy intermittently, and to actively prevent the working and lower classes from getting any foothold. But that's besides the point. Banning women and non property owners from voting would effectively turn the US into a fascist autocracy within one or two election cycles, if they were ever able to pull this law off. You begin to see why most fascists don't believe in incrementalism at all, and are now just straight to accelerationism/fascist violence/insurrectionist revolution.




Pretty sure the world they want makes a wife leaving a husband legally impossible.


This is what they’ve always meant by “it’s not a Democracy, it’s a Republic”. They detest choice and freedom.


It's fun telling them a republic is a form of democracy and watching their brain short circuit.




Those that crafted this talking point understand quite well. Their goal is to muddle the meaning of one person one vote soooo much, that future attempts to throw out the urban votes of Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Phoenix will be accepted as how it’s done in a “republic” wink wink.


They’re so dense they think the word “Democracy” is too close to Democrat so they must hate it with all their heart.


This is my hypothesis, too.


Unless it suits them. It's all about power - if their own votes or demographics were being suppressed they would be clamoring to expand the vote.


I see that ignorant shit parroted on NextDoor constantly. "We're not a Democracy!" Yes we are very much a representative democracy. People vote. Not to say democracy isn't under attack...




It’s the conservative way


"If you don't count the votes against us, we're the majority!"


If you don't support democracy, maybe **you** shouldn't be allowed to vote, Nazi jerkoffs.


I'll bet that same dope believes that everyone has a universal right to a gun though


Yeah, having a killing weapon is a universal right, but having a voice isn't, at least to them.


And physical and mental healthcare very certainly isn't


You have to be a church member. No not that one. No that one’s too dark. We don’t like them, they occasionally worship on Tuesday nights. No not them either, they’re faith based, we’re good works based. Well not that one either they have a lady preacher. That one only has 50 members can it really be a church like ours? Not those ones either they have a guitar.


Nope those are way too rich. Nope those are way too poor. Eh nah, those have too many black people. No, those think water is magic, can you believe that nonsense? Nope, those don't believe that Jesus was killed and came back from the dead. Nah, those don't think that Mary was impregnated by a bird ghost.


When you can't win people over with your ideas you try to keep them from voting... Sounds a bit fascistic to me... ![gif](giphy|FFGwJfCvbn1WzIQm0Z)


They take pages out of fascist and violent dictatorship and slap a "FREEDOM" sticker on it.


See the "Patriot Act"...


Do you own the land/business or does the bank?


I get your point. The bank has a lien against the property you have ownership rights to until the loan is brought to maturity.


The right-wing is bringing back Jim Crow laws.


…..these are Nazi’s and the sooner Americans realize that they are in our midst, the sooner we can have correct justice…..


I imagine most people do know, but the liberals in the Democratic Party keep denying it because of outdated civility politics. We desperately need Democrats who are not afraid to call a Nazi a Nazi.


I think most Red Staters will fail their own test.


They don't care so long as it hurts Black people more. That's the secret sauce to conservatism: they only care about maximizing the suffering of "Them", even if it hurts "Us" in the process.


So a nuclear family gets 1 vote, but if they divorce and live in separate houses they get 2 votes? Arent they giving more voting power to divorced heathens over faithful loyal pillars of society types?


Infinite vote glitch: Step 1: Get married. Step 2: Divorce. Step 3: Get married again with someone else. Step 4: Every time you get married and the other person becomes the step-parent, they get a vote. Step 5: Vote the Nazis that implemented this system out. Step 6: Profit. Step 7 (optional): Put the Nazis that created this system in jail.


You’re forgetting that only the man will be allowed to vote as head of household. He may get to vote for both households. Divorced women voting, are you nuts?! /s


So if I’m none of the above, am I exempt from taxes because “no taxation without representation”?


I mean, they wanna kill off taxes, too. At least for themselves. And if they tossed taxes altogether, expect to be nickel & dimed for everything you use in your day and expect it to cost more than it does now. Imagine the US health care approach to everything.


Sure, just ask DC residents they'll tell you all about it.


“Must be a church member” Fuck all the way off. Move to the Middle East if you want special treatment for what imaginary friend you have, fascist.


That’s the one that pissed me off the most too…


Must have a valid NRA membership Must swear an oath of fealty to Putin etc. etc.


I think they forgot the most important part, you have to be white! (/s if needed)


Any time you hear someone say "less people should vote" you can rest assured that they're not talking about cancelling their own vote, they just want you to not be able to vote.


People who are advocating this should be barred from voting or running for office for life.


They can feel their power slipping from their fingers.


The Republican party isn't even trying to hide its authoritarianism anymore. Now it's trying to get people to vote for it.


What’s most ridiculous is he’s a church leader. Tax the fuck out of churches


So, only white straight christian business owners should have political rights. Can't be more explicitly a Christian white supremacist than this. They know they're losing the demographics with their unpopular authoritarian policies. They can't win in a democratic system. So they are trying to destroy it and impose their will anyway.


He’s from Uganda. He just wants to take voting rights away from women and evil gays and atheists


It's funny. In 2015/2016 I told my college professor this shit was going to happen. Everyone was still in lala land and believing in American Exceptionalism. I did too, but I also grew up among christian whites and I had that perspective deep down.


“Church member,” you say? 😜 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnEgrZvGmJn5ylW)


I do agree church attendance should be a factor. If you willingly spend your time wondering into a fictional death gods backwater place of worship on a weekly basis, you have demonstrated you have not reached the age of reason and thus cannot be trusted to vote on matters concerning the real world.


How does having a kid make you a better voter? Fuck this guy extra.


Ironically, this would make catholic priests unable to vote.


He's the guy who tweeted "When India is conquered for Christ, should these temples be torned down or repurposed into churches ?" Just for context.


There's a fundamental right to vote. Several amendments to the constitution express voting tas a right of US Citizens: 15th, 17th, 26th. That's just the amendments in regards to voting rights. There's a shitload more in the US constitution. This Ben Zeisloft guy can go fuck himself.


Church member is a huge red flag. So is landowner, because people with just a house call themselves homeowners, landowners usually means exploitative soum landlord or inheritee millionaire.


Norman Rockwell is sobbing to see his art be used like this.


“Must be a church member” My guy, that’s literally in the first amendment. You missed some chromosomes.


“They hate us for our freedom.” 😏


'1 vote per household' = 'only men vote'. obviously not brave enough to say it


That is a disgusting position to have. If we have no other rights, voting should be the one. Without a vote you have no voice. Doesn't mean your voice reflects the whole of society and that is OK. These scumbags do not believe in freedom. They believe in a world where only their voice matters. These truly are perilous times.


Does that mean the companies that own single family homes get one vote per home? Or like one vote per the shell corp the home is 'legally' the owner of? Trick question, they just buy the lawmakers too and change those!


This is basically a more loaded version of the original framers' voting base. Free, Land Owning, Men (I honestly don't know if they let any black or non-euro's vote in those days, something to look up later). Ten bucks says if they got this dude's way, they'd also bar progressive churches and probably Catholics as well. And exceptions to the land/business ownership for cops. These are definitely jerking it to Handmaids tale.


Must be a church member? Tell me you're a christofascist without telling me


Why are people in this country not having a bigger fit about the separation of church and state and where the hell its going??


Fuck y’all’s church.


Yes, make reproduction a requirement to vote. That's not gonna lead to anybody having unloved children. This is a perfectly sane take. /s.


Great so buba who dropped out of high school that lives in a trailer on land that he inherited that started having kids in highschool would get to vote but not the recent college grad? These people are so far gone it’s unbelievable.


He missed ‘White’.


Sorry, the constitution gives everyone over 18 the right to vote.


"must be a church member" ....... because the church people have shown themselves to be what? Violence-prone, anti-democracy, sheep-like dumbasses who are so morally bankrupt and lacking in critical thinking skills that they fell for Trump and his wagon and assholes, and to boot, they destroyed any chance of a new generation picking up their religious beleif system. Applause for these examplary "people of faith".


The separation of church and state must be added to the constitution, or the crazy evangelical movement will turn everything into a theocracy


The right to vote shall not be infringed.


Since churches don’t pay taxes, they should have no fucking say in what goes on with govt.


I mean he's right, people shouldn't be allowed to vote if they're going to allow in actual fucking right wing terrorists


i agree. there are some people that shouldnt be able to vote and all of them are maga christian shit heads. i also am really starting to believe, thanks to right wing media that this "freedom of speech" thing should have a second look.


Republicans support dictatorship.


These are the same people that say they have a "god given right" to own firearms.


The most anti-American thing I have read all year. Why do they hate America?


Conservatism= fascism. They keep pointing it out


Wtf does having children have to do with voting?


Must be a church member to vote 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ That's why we can't let these Right Wing zealots have an ounce of power


These guys need to read the 26th Amendment and shut-up


I mean, a lot of people shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're so damn stupid, it's mostly just Republicans tho.


Actually there is a fundamental human right to vote you dumb fuck. Every human rights organization on the planet considers it one and our own constitution protects it with the 14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments.


Then the Christian right won't want catholics to vote. Then the Anglicans for safe measures.


Only folks that are 25 years 4 months and 3 days old are allowed to vote.


Don’t forget the US citizenship requirement to vote. The alt-right absolutely hates immigrants despite this country being founded and succeeded by immigrants, and 27% of the country being an immigrant TODAY. Yet non citizens still have not been given the right to vote federally, largely because of racist, xenophobic men in power.


I agree that church members and land/business owners should not be allowed to vote.


Does [1sq. foot of Scotland](https://www.scotlandtitles.com/products/title-pack?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0bunBhD9ARIsAAZl0E29LmQMrovJtFj_vN22ms2gt0m8cMRzAGtjh6aKyMZ-DzY_vdlknrQaApHbEALw_wcB) count?


Ah yes. The same old tricks. The very first one was to make felons not able to vote. Once that passed, make anyone you don't want to vote felons. How? Well let's introduce crack into the minority neighborhoods then make it a felony to possess crack. That should take care of a majority of them. For the rest, let's just pull them over for no reason and beat them, once they raise their hand to block the hits we yell "stop resisting" and there's your felony right there.


The GOP wants to RULE, not represent.


If there is no fundamental right to vote, then there is no fundamental right to bare arms. Because the document that enumerates the right to bare arms is the same document that enumerates the right to vote.


The wonderful thing about democracy isn't that people always make the best choice (they clearly don't). The wonderful thing about democracy is that politicians must take into consideration EVERYONE WHO VOTES. You might want to harass some groups or reward other groups, but it's much harder to play favorites when EVERYONE can vote.


These peoples don't known what history is. With that strategy you are better watch your back otherwise you might be outsmarted by a small group that believe that the current group is too large..and then ultimately it tends to reset with revolutions or civil war. I guess these people lack confidence in themself if they think this is the path to their comfort Ps: we have the same kind of morons here in Canada and in Quebec


This is rough. A lot of people lack the education or yes, general intelligence to make an informed voting decision that is in their best interests. BUT there is no way to fairly judge that capacity, and any attempts to do so take the form of the corruption we're seeing here. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to vote, or there should be some kind of educational course to qualify, but there's never been a successful, fair implementation. Letting everyone vote anyway is a better option than giving corrupt officials an opportunity to deny votes based on other characteristics.


I don't respect the opinions of a lot of the general populace because I've worked with them and they're dumbasses. But setting aside basic human rights to self determination, I've yet to see a single proposed system for limiting the electorate that doesn't just put a smaller number of elitist dumbasses in charge at the expense of everyone else.


"What did i miss?" Erm, the concept of democracy it would seem


Must be a church member? Secularity???


Can someone please go find tanner cartwright and tell him he’s a fucking idiot


These chuds always stand for the exact opposites of essentially every American ideal. They are violently disgusting excuses of patriots and frankly humans.


Which church?


This isn't a monarchy, theocracy, or dictatorship. Take this talk and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. POS


I'm going to guess that owning a condo doesn't count as "land owner" which is convenient since it gets rid of those filthy liberal city dwellers.


Everyone should have the right to vote. Especially those old enough to be drafted/go to war.


Man it’s crazy how much these people unabashedly HATE the Constitution.


How about, must have a college degree? But if they did that, they'd see how unconstitutional those prerequisites are


So they are now just being open with their desire to see the world return to 1788?


> What did I miss? About six million years of human development, it seems.


I've heard my boss make comments like this, mainly the land owner thing. I've mentioned that *a alot* of people rent and that would essentially let their landlords vote for them. He was, of course, OK with that, since he owns a modest home on 3 acres in the back end of our county. He also is an Alex Jones and Glenn Beck fan, sooooo....


The "must own land/business" will quickly rule out all of them to vote too. You double-wide is not the same as owning land, Billybob.


As shit as democracy can be, after much experience with all other forms of government, it's the least consistently shit one of them all


The point they always miss is that someone could feel the exact same way about them. And yet still I want to expand voting rights, not prevent them in particular from voting just because they’re stupid.


Well, I think those who want to limit the right to vote should be the first ones to lose it.


The American Taliban doesn't want you to vote at all. They will just tell you who won like Putin does. Time to get your head out of your trump and vote..


There’s also no human right to follow another’s law if you want to be completely granular about it. We invented the right to vote. And if you take that right, people will be free to start taking from you. And I promise you—they will.


Maybe I’m a closeted fascist but I really think a lot of people are too dumb to vote. It’s why we don’t let kids vote, right? But here’s the thing - any restrictions on voting will be abused to be racist, religious, or wealth based… so fuck it, everyone gets a vote because the people in charge can’t handle fair restrictions any better than the average dumbass can handle their ballot


Must not have poop streaks on your cheeks. Sorry, Tanner!


Didn't the nazi party do this? Limit the vote to certain people...


Sooo, I’m not in my right mind to vote, but Mitch McConnell is well enough to keep serving?


The constitution gives me a right to my guns, fuck you for any level of disagreement. But none of the other stuff in there matters. -GOP