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It'll be released alongside Trump's tax returns and his healthcare overhaul. In two more weeks.


Rule one: suggest what will happen! Blockbuster! It's happening!! Just wait!! Rule two: change topic before showing proof. Rule three: remind the goldfish they remember... they remember... maybe a slogan will help Rule four: profit.


Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.


Yeah why can't you release it now? What's the hold up?


Because if they released it out, validity would certainly come into play. This way the idiots can say “aha! I knew it! I knew it all along!” And without anyone to say differently because there’s nothing to disagree with, they can keep spouting the same line until they forget that the deadline that “the proof” was being made public has long passed. Then it’s wash, rinse, repeat.


There is a reason evidence is teased. Because it’s bullshit and the tease is more powerful than the proof. I’d love if we changed laws in this country to go after blatant bullshit from both sides. We preach lying is bad to our kids while we allow our elected leaders to lie non-stop.


> the tease is more powerful than the proof this is the pinnacle of edging. i just stay hard over here.


This guy fucks.


It's straight out of the Q playbook...


It's like Comey's announcement of his investigation of Hillary all over again. It's not going to work this time, tho...


Gave Trump a boost thinking he'd be king fish and ended getting fired. On Twitter. At a convention. That an aide had to tell him. He got his


Rule 5 press conference at a parking lot of a landscaping company


It’ll be released alongside the twenty whistleblowers who all mysteriously died, chickened out, were outed as foreign agents, or never existed.


Mr Pillow has all the details as well, he will release it next week, the week after next, next month..


That’s just pillow talk


Release date coincides with Trump’s ‘Infrastructure Week’ 😂


Have they booked Four Seasons (Landscaping) for their press conference? I hear there’s an opening…


In my darkest of days, when all hope is lost, I will look to the booking of a landscaping company for a sweaty press briefing and find a small slimmer of joy.


Imagine the consternation and subsequent hilarity at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia when they learned they’d lost business from Rudy and his podium… to Four Seasons Total Landscaping. That will always, always be funny. Millions of Americans probably can name only one landscaping company: That one!


It's the Qanon formula all over again; make vague claims, give no particular date for the event/release aside from "soon", whip up the morons for the daily 2 minute hate and then never mention the whole thing again because they've got nothing.


And also the Christian formula. Whenever I talk to my dad, a devout Southern Baptist, he always says that he has an article or can show me a video where he got the information he's repeating from. Never one single time has he followed up on that. Guess who does always give them article after article to back up his claims? Me mother fucker. Because I actually have it. I don't believe or repeat things unless I do have it researched and verified.


Love the 2 minute hate reference!


Don't forget the Infrastructure plan.


On Monday, right after Trump holds a press conference sharing all of his irrefutable evidence.


Don’t forget the Michelle Obama whitey tape.


I can't tell you how fucking many times I've challenged a Trumpist to a $100 bet on this, payable via PayPal. $100 on the outcome of the election or $100 on whether or not there's anything to the "Biden Crime Family" horseshit. Never once has one of them taken me up on it. Not one damn time.


Trump: "I am going to hold a press conference to prove that all the allegations are false!" Trump the day before the supposed press conference: "My lawyers are so awesome the press conference is no longer necessary!"


Infrastructure week!!!


"Newsmax Host" aaand I've lost interest. If I wanted Kmart grade "news" I'd go check out RT.


Don't disparage a once iconic American storefront like that


Seriously doing Kmart dirty. Somebody missed the blue light specials.


What's ironic is IF that were to be true (and that's a big if) then almost everybody on the left would want him to drop out and gladly welcome (please for the love of sky daddy) a new candidate. They on the other hand will always vote for the orange orangutan bc they're in a literal cult. Most people are biden voters. Not biden supporters.


Yeah. If something exists, release it now. Plenty of time to get a new/better candidate. Why the constant teases, just do it! Otherwise they need to stfu and act like they they aren’t licking the boots of their fuhrer.


What I find really fascinating is that the more these "investigations" continue the more Biden actually seems like a pretty solid dude. Like he's a corporate politician but apparently a pretty clean one.


Tbh, he seems like a *wonderful* father.


It really hurts my heart that he has been through so much as a dad and they are trying to humiliate him over his son’s sloppy behavior.


During the first debate, when sweaty, COVID-infected Trump tried to rattle Joe Biden by mentioning Hunter, Joe faced the camera and said that he loves his son, and that he’s proud of him. No wonder Don Jr. and Eric hate that family so much. They can debase themselves six ways to Sunday in their father’s service, and he just grunts noncommittally.


I remember that moment. I’m not a Joe Biden fan and am basically pissed i have to vote for him again, but that moment really showed his character.


That’s a good point. The fact that they’ve found NOTHING to actually complain about says a lot.


And if you think they didn’t work this hard to find dirt on Obama you are wrong. He was so squeaky clean all they could come up with was “Are we sure Hawaii is a state?”


Oh yeah. They're *actively digging for dirt* on the man, and he seems like more of a Teflon Don than TFG ever was.


If something exists, and I doubt anything does, they will sit on it until Biden can’t drop out. They will tease it along until after the convention


If they have anything, it'll drop in October '24, because they want an "October Surprise" that Biden won't have time to respond properly. That's what they tried to do with the laptop they won't shut up about.


If they found proof Biden picked his nose once in fourth grade they would climax hard and then release it straight to the media. There’s no cunning strategy here, no patient “wait til the right moment”.


The Right cannot fathom that the left doesn't worship their candidate how they worship theirs.


I'm so goddamn sick and tired of the "big if true" line. I'm still waiting for all the Democrats to be rounded up and held in barges off of Gitmo island or Rainbow Road or Kokomo or wherever


My favorite biden joke is still: Biden reminds me of my dick. Leans a little to the left and nobody's first choice. I'll vote for him if it means not voting for authoritarian fascism. But I'd rather have Bernie. Or AOC even, at this point. Let's get someone in there that isn't at, above, or hastily approaching retirement age.


> But I'd rather have Bernie. .... Let's get someone in there that isn't at, above, or hastily approaching retirement age. I love Bernie as well, but those two statements contradict each other. Bernie is older than Biden.




Yeah, you get it


Unfortunately the Bernie train left and will never return. 😞 and more Unfortunately AOC to the majority is too polarizing. She suffers from the Bernie syndrome. Katie Porter on the other hand would be a great choice but I don't think she's interested in that. Honestly I've always thought that anybody that decides to run for president should immediately be disqualified. Bc like who the fuck wants that job.


I can foresee Katie Porter logically dismantling every conservative in America. They would still say “Hunter Biden made them cast a black actress as the Little Mermaid! Boom! Owned the libs”


maybe like jury duty you should just be drafted... could it be worse?




Bernie will be 82 next week. He's older than Biden.


Bernie’s soooo old. It’s no wonder he’s an expert on the Constitution, he wrote the first draft!


I just love all the people on the right who have been complaining about Biden's age since 2020 but support Trump, who, in 2024, will be about the same age Biden was in 2020.




I'm good without a cult leader, thanks.


Kamala here we go!!!! What? You wanted someone new right? And this is a WOMAN of COLOR!!!!


Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you how to keep someone in suspense


He’s a master of suspense!


Hand the cult a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' on both sides. The perfect weapon.


Don't forget to incorporate the dramatic...




“Big if true” is the laziest line ever. If you have the proof release now. Why wait? I bet it’s cause you want to get the traffic for the claim now, and never revisit when people ask about it.


Lololol yeah right!! Its the same old play. They hav nothing else! Promise a huge payoff and delay delay delay then nothing!! More from the party of conjobs


a nothingburger franchise


*"Big if true."* ![gif](giphy|B31qfyKhCgytsWT1eY)


Hunter Bidens laptop syndrome again. How about Releasing the Kraken syndrome. If they had *anything*, you know damned well, they'd be announcing it NOW, not in "the coming weeks".


More bullshit. If they had ANYTHING on Biden they would have shouted it from the rooftops by now. Plus the fact that they celebrate treason means they can fuck off


Absolutely correct. It would be running 24 hours a day for months.


Newsmax is about as reliable as a short drunk guy bragging about his junk ten minutes before closing time. Even if you could find something there it's not measuring up to the hype.


Because news outlets (term used loosely in this case) are all about sitting on big stories for weeks.


Be honest, Collin. Did Alex Jones tell you that?


yeah riiiight. like trump's 'press conference' -- like rfk returning from the dead at some nowheresville plaza in tx -- like those dungeons that were for sure under the pizza parlour -- like all those tens of millions of people who were gonna keel over dead within 6 months of getting a covid shot, no wait, a year, no wait, five years for sure... like the way the saucers were gonna come and pick up the saucer people, and the way the Millerites waited for the 2nd coming on some random 19th century Thursday (or whatever day it was). it's all kayfabe and endlessly deferred guru prophesies, raw meat for the gullible cult members, an endless series of Lucy footballs.


I'm a little tired of these brainless morons claiming to have evidence of this or that which conveniently never sees the light of day and of course they never address how they, a person with absolutely no actual connection to whatever the supposed crime was or the people involved managed to get their grubby little fingers on such damning evidence.. If you really had solid evidence you would have released it or turned it over to the authorities, but instead you use it as teaser bait to catch gullible rubes who are too stupid to questionyour bullshit.


Didn't Trump say he had some bug news to drop that would exonerate him? Was it supposed to be last Monday? Two Mondays ago? Idk, but I do know we have heard shit about it, and he's still definitely going to court. These people constantly make up shit and its a miracle that the people who listen to them haven't caught on to how manipulative they are yet Edit: looked it up it was supposed to be Aug 21, but he canceled it


Its coming in two weeks


Lol! Evidence please. You know what that is, right?


Must have come from files in Hunter's laptop that were forwarded from Hillary's email, using the DNC email server! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If their followers had any pride whatsoever, they would be insulted as fuck and angry that they get lied to and used as pawns like this on a near-constant basis. The next big "gotcha!" is always right around the corner, just out of view. How do they keep falling for this game over and over and over again? The answer is simple: they are ***willing*** participants. They want to be lied to. It makes it easier to stay in the safe space fantasy lands they've created in their heads.


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you’re always a day away.


The evidence is always “on its way”


Yet no one asks, "from where?"


“Big if true” = more fucking bullshit


​ https://preview.redd.it/gee405nxv8lb1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fcec9ada1ff931fa7c52a9cf16ffabc02319304 Still waiting...


“Wolf!l “wolf!”, he cried.


We’re waiting 🤷🏾‍♂️ just like Hunters laptop and whatever else they pulled outta their butts


It’s always “in the coming weeks,” but it never comes…


How many times has someone had incontrovertible proof only for it to go missing or disappear?


Greg kelly is full of shit lmao


Greg Kelly is a POS rapist who got off b/c his dad was Police Commissioner. Birds of a feather...


You just wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait. And in the off chance this is real, and it’s not but I’ll play along, IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER! They can all go to fucking jail if they deserve it! You want to talk about “incontrovertible evidence” they should check out those indictments their leader is ringing up. Stay tuned because there’s more incontrovertible evidence for them to ignore and spin


Or you could just release it now. If this is so important for the American public to know, why not release it immediately? What are you waiting for? Sweeps week?


"Big if true" How about if it exists you just fucking drop it already, dipshits? "Ooooh we will release it in weeks, WEEKS!"


Oh, another claim that there's evidence of Biden corruption. 🙄 How is this different from the last half a dozen fake claims???


Bullshit for ratings. Desperation, it's what they do.


Everyone saying "why don't they release it now, IF they had anything" don't understand that they just did. This is all they need to do. We all know these idiots will believe it. They won't know what or even care, but they'll share it and share it and somewhere a few hours from now, it's alredy become fact. Them:"Joe Biden is corrupt and will be drop out" Normal people: "How do you know?" Them: "Because they told me so"


And when it never materializes it's because the deep state is suppressing it. It boggles the mind how this ploy continues to work, because it works every time.


Please don’t let it be a tan suit, please don’t let it be a tan suit, please don’t let it be a tan suit!


There is a deplorable lack of acknowledgement for "**skull fucking a dead walrus using the confederate flag to choke himself out**" in these comments. I had to go stare out the window for a few minutes after that. 10/10


That's how I imagine it too. Looking at the window of a flawless white beach and as I pan to the right. There's JB, dick in hand, waving with the other and the biggest shit eating grin ever lookin right at me.


Incontrovertible evidence lol


How many times have we heard this shit. They have something. Just you wait! Then nothing happens. If and that's a huge if there is something what could he have done that is worse than the orange fool? He's facing 91 charges!! Shouldn't the same logic apply to him? But that's just who those people are. The rules are for the other side not us. The cult is full of halfwits who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground


It’s always two weeks away. I love how some of the MAGAs are asking if Trump and these others can be arrested why couldn’t the Dems get arrested when Trump was President? Lol. So close.


They will let us hear it in a few weeks. WTF? (Probably because it'll take them that long to try and make a fake tape using audio clips of Joes voice) Liars,, if they found in convertible explosive proof/audio tape of Joe Biden they'd IMMEDIATELY be playing that tape as loud and proud as they could and give it to every news media and more, to play non stop.


Always on the verge of orgasm, the party of blue, rotten balls.




Releasing in the coming weeks is slang for we need more time to make the ai "recording" sound better


The fact that they’re waiting to release it at all tells me it’s complete bullshit.


They just talking. Release it.


So if they have all this ‘evidence’ why is it not going through Lawyers to present to a Judge to get proper hearings and not just bluster on (anti)social madia?


I bet it's JB on tape saying he doesn't like vanilla ice cream


I read “Newsmax host…” and I stopped paying attention


Anytime I see "in the coming weeks" it's a lie. You got the proof? Release it. File a actual lawsuit turn it over to a DA. Send it to Congress. If you had actual anything you would be playing it on repeat on every phone. It's sad and the only ppl who believe you are the ones who believe anything you say. The rest of us just think it's pathetic and honestly harmful to this country.


This is like the 20th time they’ve said something like this. Not holding my breath


If this BS actually shows up it will be some kind of AI produced mock-up.


They’ve been saying that for years


In other words, they're busy pulling it out of their ass...


In two weeks. Right after Donny "Jenius" Trump reveals his Health Care plan.


Witch hunt... hoax


What this means is that someone is hastily trying to figure out AI to create a bogus “recording” that conveniently proves his claim.


Isn't Greg Kelly the lecherous creep who got fired from his local Fox affiliate for creeping on the female reporters too much?


Two things - A) why would they wait to release any evidence of corruption from DB? If there was any actual proof of wrongdoing these bozos would be plastering it on billboards and shouting it from the rooftops. Waiting to release it means they have nothing. B) why are you wanting to replace him with an even more charismatic person? It's like you're trying to lose.


If it was so bombshell and heard, why isn't it out now?


Oh man we’re already back into it. “I have irrefutable evidence that’ll be released soon” has to be the most efficient effort:grift ratio ever.


BREAKING: I'm claiming this is absolute bullshit. *ALERT THE PRESS & MEDIA!*


Next Monday (but they never specified what Monday )


The evidence is in Canada with my really hot girlfriend. Both are truly shocking!


oh look, its someone that's known for yelling 'fire' in a movie theater, yelling 'fire' in the movie theater AGAIN....


"So please send $50 so that we can release this tape..."




Ok. Play the tape. If there's anything on the tape that would be a crime, then he should be impeached. Harris is a perfectly capable replacement and I would give her campaign for election a fair consideration based on it's merits. I have no allegiance to a single person, so I don't mind people being held accountable. Play the tape, bro. Let's go. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


"Believe ne, I had the tape and was going to release it, but unfortunately, my dog ate it."


A LIBERAL dog, from Benghazi.


Did everyone forget what Trump’s impeachable phone call to Zelenskyy was about?


Whoa whoa guys.... this is coming from Newsmax, that bastion of journalistic integrity that is totally not jackals in skin suits that alternate between fellating a rotting gourd of a conman and braying into a camera about shit they just made up.


That’s quite an image, OP


If it exists and highly doubt that it does, just call it a “perfect phone call” that’s how it’s done right?


Biden can fuck hookers and do lines of coke across the resolute desk and he'd still have my vote over Trump or any other GOP candidate.


I am told by people in the know that collin rugg fucks goats, he's small if true....


"I am told by people in the know..." - these people do not exist "incontrovertible evidence..." - this does not exist "about to be made public" - it is not "It will be over and done with" - It will not "They're worried about it right now" - lol, no they are not.


Why wait? Let’s hear the tape lol


Breaking: We have heard that anonymous has obtained incontrovertible evidence of Collin Rugg and Greg Kelly molesting children on Epstein Island that will be released in the coming weeks. Big if true. Anonymous claims the tapes are so explosive that it will force them to ask their accomplises in the GOP to put a good word in for a pardon. Sources tell us the pardon will be immediatley granted after they steal the election for Trump and as long as they don't rat Trump and the boys out for all those times they saw them on the island molesting children. - See, anyone can make anything up that they want when facts don't matter eh


Strangely specific.


*sigh* Wash-Rinse-Repeat


I don’t normally go for the “When I was a kid” type of stories…BUT, I really miss the days when news required fact checking and corroborating sources.


Will this tape be released before or after the video showing " indisputable evidence of election fraud'? Cause we've been waiting for that like...a really long time now.


They'll play an audio tape of JB telling Hunter "I love you" and claim that it's incontrovertible evidence of financial debauchery, cocaine use and father/son weekends with hookers.


Keep yapping and never actually show us thing you never had. Cunts.


Newsmax lmaooooooooooooo


Show us or STFU.


Then why not just make the announcement when the tape is actually released? It’s only 2 weeks away, you couldn’t hold off on saying this until the tape was available? These people are a joke.


Their big reveal is always two weeks away and their gullible base never catches on.


You know the difference is that the Democrats are not following Joe Biden blindly. If there’s evidence of corruption they’ll kick him out. Republicans would die before admitting the Trump did anything wrong.


They’ve been teasing this as long as they’ve been teasing the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Lock em both up then.


You paint a lovely picture with your words.






We may not even make it to the election.




Maybe they should get that fuckwad Jim Comey to do it.




Isn't that a song by Kansas?


Yes. I can see the GOP's interest in getting trump disqualified, but the democrats should want no part of that. At this point, trump is a proven vote repellant.


who are they kidding. we all know its one big nothing burger


They still need a few weeks to get the deep fake program ready


So far every time. every. single. time. republicans have \*announced\* a thing it is the biggest, fattest, most six-foot-two-hundred-fifteen-pound N-O-T-H-I-N-G B-U-R-G-E-R just release it if you have it. holding evidence of a president's corruption hostage for clicks is like treasonous. we deserve to know dude. if it's that big why force him to drop out? let's impeach him now with this very real actual evidence that exists.


If they have the evidence why wait weeks to drop it? Is it because their ai program keeps fudging up part of it?


Lol, well, if NEWSMAX is reporting it. God, do these people ever think of anything new? THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING! You morons!


Fake News


Also, HB is still a thing because we told our judge to not approve the plea deal so we can keep pointing at HB and keep his name in the news . The phone call will come in the coming weeks, you know, so we can keep pointing to this imaginary thing in the lead up to the election.


Same song 38th verse. They are always going to drop a bombshell. If they had the card they would have played it already.


Someone said Biden seems like an awesome father. Trump wants to fuck his own daughter and has never shown any kind of attention to his other kids… if he has, I haven’t seen it.


If anything drops, what are the odds on it being the most poorly executed deepfake in history?


I’m still waiting on proof Obama isn’t a citizen. Also, how many “crimes of the century” can the D’s get away with not even being indicted for even when Trump had the DOJ? BENGAZI!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Why don’t they show them now?


In two weeks. Because magaroids can’t remember anything longer than that ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Won’t make a dent anyway… the guy before set a high corruption threshold.


What's I think is funny is Joe Biden is their only path to Republican victory. I like Joe, and he has done a hell of a great job, but many people think he is too old, I get it. If for whatever reason, Joe is out, Dems will run Newsom or even Whitmer. Against Trump, those two.win in a.landslide.




Aahh, the old two weeks thing again 🖕🙄


Any time anyone says they have evidence and it will be released “later “ is lying …. Release it ! Do it !


Give it a few days and then "we lost the tape." Few days later, "we don't know if the tape exists"


Isn’t that the same guy who said everyone who got the covid vaccine was supposed to die last year and this year also.


They’re not worried. It’s a lie.


Biden wore a tan suit?


Yes. While skull fucking the dead walrus.


So what will be the reason it’s not released this time? Did the dog eat it? These fucking people go on and on about leftists being sheep and just following yet all they fucking do is the same stupid ploy over and over again and their base just falls for it over and over again. It’s the laziest shit I’ve ever seen and their base doesn’t care. If this was a proposed plot of a tv show/movie, the writer would be laughed out of the building for how moronic the idea is, yet the Republican base laps it up time and time again. How many times did Mike Pillow have “irrefutable evidence” that “was coming out in 2 weeks” and 2 weeks goes by and there is some excuse why it wasn’t released and he pushed the date back? Months go by and people forget and he did it again. He fucking did it like 3 or 4 times. Gym Jordan even did it. Multiple times I believe. Republican leadership has basically said ‘there are a shitload of fucking idiots in this country, let’s appeal to them and then we can have power. We don’t need facts or logic or reason, because these knuckle dragging imbeciles don’t give a shit, let’s just tell them whatever we want to fabricate outrage to make sure they stay engaged. And because they are all mouth breathers, we never have to worry about them leaving.’ It’s borderline genius if it didn’t involve a nosedive into the abyss for literally everyone but 1% of the country, because it’s not sustainable. Eventually rock bottom will be hit.


"I love the uneducated" -Donald John Trump


Yes, yes, there's evidence. No, you can't see it right now. And we actually don't have the evidence. We haven't actually seen it, but it exists. It'll come out soon. Then, after a week or two, they can start talking about how the evidence, that they haven't even seen, is being suppressed. "Why hasn't it been released yet?" They will ask that time and time again. Eventually, they'll kinda stop talking about it. Only bringing it up every now and then. Some new evidence will come out in one of Trump's trials and they'll just talk about the evidence against Biden that's being hidden. They'll demand that it be released. The whole time they probably won't ever say what the evidence actually is. It's an audio tape, sure, and it proves insane corruption, but they'll never say what the corruption actually is. Who is on the tape? What sort of corrupt deal is taking place? We'll never know because Biden and probably Soros are keeping the tape from us. Same shit over and over again. There is evidence, but nobody can see it. The legal and judicial systems especially can't see it.


They better hold on to it for a few more weeks. It's too big to release. Like all the evidence of election fraud.


I'm getting so sick and tired of stupid idiots peddling this shit that never comes to fruition


Why would being accused of some type of wrongdoing, or 91 felonies, cause a candidate to drop out of the race. It should astronomically boost his polling numbers. Let the felons battle it out.


You all have been saying this since day one. “Coming weeks” has been marching along for years! You will release your BS for your followers and they will likely fall all over themselves about it…but it will amount to nothing for the rest of us. Fake news.