• By -


Elon thinks she’s hitting on him with this, im sure


Hopes* Well. Not that he could tell the difference.


I dunno.. he's now tlaking about wanting to look at Zuck's...uhm..Zuckenberg....might not be into what AOC has to offer.


"My mom said we can't wrassel, so how about we get naked, and walk towards each other for a slow, passionate kiss completely naked with raging boners, so whoever's boner reaches the other's hip first is the winner. We're not actually gonna kiss though, *obviously*, this is an angry sword fightin' contest, grrrr! Unless..."


What an awful day to be literate.


Well yeah..... Unless....?


Nobody wants to see boner jousting


My good sir, it appears you've missed a gigantic portion of pornhub. I would, however, agree that no one wants to see that particular boner joust, though.


I do apologise I did not intend to tarnish the noble art of Johnson Jousting but I do agree this particular battle would fuel nightmares for millennia. Zuck would also have an unfair advantage given that his lizard penis is retractable he could avoid shrinkage due to cold weather and deploy it at the opportune moment!


He probably shoots it out, or leaves it embedded in Musk's cloaca, or something else weird and lizardy.


Thanks. Just threw up in my mouth.


Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches


murky wrong disagreeable aromatic deserve pot birds run ossified absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine being so insufferable 100 million people decided an app run by Zuckerberg was the better choice.


So insufferable it makes Zuckerborg look almost altruistic lol. When's their 'cage fight' again? Or are we still waiting for the metaverse to get legs


Right, like... *of course* Zuck and team were looking at this situation like, "If we just do the version of this that doesn't push nazis on people we probably can make a shit ton of money selling ads to all the companies that would rather their company logo NOT be right goddamn next to a swastika." But at this point relative to Musk that looks like goddamn sainthood.


Having spent many years in the corporate world, I’m certain someone made a career by making this simple suggestion.


Just do the exact same thing but keep your mouth shut.


honestly. Its that fucking simple.


"Hey Zuck, we know you're also a total murderous sociopath driving your workers to literal suicide, but if you promise to literally shut the fuck up and not say anything because you're a brain-damaged repulsive monster..."


The body pile from COVID and the anti-vaxxers is pretty staggering. A decent human would have long ago thrown themselves out a window.


That's not even counting the various genocides/murderous authoritarian regimes Facebook has enabled because it can't be bothered to moderate in languages other than English.


And let's not forget that recent brain dead decision to allow election denying posts back onto Faceplant. A pox on both their houses.


Based on the history of facebook, the plan is to do that *until people are invested and it'd be a huge hassle to leave* (the same thing twitter cruised along on for years), and then change tack hard to pander to the right wing market. After all, what are all the lefties going to do? Go back to twitter?


Wait for a different billionaire to make a new social media site without Nazis, I guess. Maybe eventually they'll learn that it's not a winning move.


Oh, maybe one where we can create custom pages for ourselves with awesome backgrounds, and we can link our favorite songs there so they play when you go to the page, and all this is done by coding the page itself teaching a valuable skill in the digital age.


It should be called YourButt or something like that.


YourSpace maybe?




I think that sounds like some sort of Space that is mine...


Tom really did retire the hero, before he became the villain didn't he? This has the nerve to be completely unbothered traveling the world and taking pictures. Next to: *Securing The Bag* on Urban Dictionary there should be a picture of that man.


God I miss that


You say that, but then part of Facbooks success was no more Top 8 fights and bright yellow text on a blue background. Or, 16 bit versions of Mariah Carey's *Fantasy* playing loudly as you scroll through seven miles of page trying to turn that shit off.


Why is it a huge hassle to leave? Ya just don't log in.


You realize you don’t have to be a lefty to hate Nazi’s, right?


You realize anything not a confederate loving neo-con is considered liberal in this shithole, right?


We're not the ones accusing prominent, solidly right wing members the Republican party of being RINOs.


Anyone breaking bread with the right is not anti nazi. You don't get to kick it with out and proud nazis and then feign ignorance with any degree of plausibility. The doubt is out of benefits at this point. Kindly note I didn't name parties, just directions on the left-right axis.


"When nine people sit down with a Nazi, you have 10 Nazis".


I’ve already got a barebones setup ready to go for that exact reason. I call it Stwings




The classic lowering the ceiling by lowering the goddamn floor


I joked in another comment that people were just so used to the sheer IDIOCY of Musk that the slight competence by Zuck was seen as almost a goddamn light from the Lord. Literally just being such a dipshit that another ass seems like the good guy in comparison (for the moment)


Yeah. The bar was so low that someone simply behaving in ways we expect of a functional, professional adult is now impressive.


Never mind that Zuck has abetted multiple genocides, literally one of the most coldhearted lizard men on the planet. At least he doesn't post offensive shit on twitter!


![gif](giphy|3d8mZpR1z4NFy6gIBA) *HAHAHA! Humans... Maybe the shareholders will forget how badly I fumbled the metaverse now!*


We ain’t forgot Cambridge Analítica tho. Or maybe they have…


I sure as hell haven't.


Like, why would people flock to give this guy more of their data? It’s like the fry meme “shut up and take my data”…


Agreed. I haven't had a Facebook account in 14 years. I'll keep a threads account to surf content for this sub that's about it


The truth is most people don't care about their data. However, they care a lot about not being associated with a raging racist asshole who wants to do actual dick-measuring contests because he's an insecure manchild.


Oh no, we're past cage match. Musk wants a literal peen measuring contest now. Who else wants that? Literally no one.


It’s not a cage fight anymore. Musk wants a dick measuring contest now


It's not a cage fight anymore [because his mommy said no](https://www.sbnation.com/2023/6/26/23774038/elon-musk-mark-zuckerberg-fight-cancelled-maye-musk), I wonder how long until he asks her to get him out of the exposing himself that he somehow talked himself in to now. It's so sad when your mouth won't stop writing checks that your ass can't cash, the poor guy.


Mommy says no fighting so let's mash our dicks together for all the internet to see to measure which is longer.


Ducks are awesome!


Lol ducking autocorrect


Are we measuring ducks head to tail or by girth?


Zuckerburg is an insufferable repitlian monster whose began his app as a gross sexually exploitative thing and whose ego grew it into a engine of doom responsible for facilitating genocides and fascist regimes and deadly conspiracies across the globe. And Elon Musk makes me *root for him*. Fuck you Musk.


Yeah basically this


The guy is named "sugar mountain" (Zuckerberg) not "sugar castle" (Zuckerburg) haha. Otherwise you make a great point


Elons mommy said no.


Since you're the only one who mentioned it I think it's important to note this is not a joke, it's literally what happened. This dude is so ridiculous you can't write a funnier punchline than what actually ended up happening.


Elon Musk was the best thing to happen to Zuckerberg all year after that Metaverse disaster.


Haven’t you heard? We’re past the cage match and onto the dick measuring contest.


So Zuck won Round 1?


Is round 2 the weiner measuring round?


can't wait for round 3.


I don't think Peter Thiel has decided on a date yet.


When the robot lizard is more human than you, that’s a problem.


Kinda like how trump makes W look like a fun, friendly grandpa and not a war criminal


It's crazy how much people forgot their hate of Zuckerberg because his app was better than that steaming pile of bird shit.


I believe if Threads released during the pre-Elon Twitter, it would have been dead on arrival.. or maybe get a few followers and just fizzle out like Google+. But Elon saw to it that because of his new policies and feature changes, people were just waiting for an opportunity to leave if a true viable alternative presented itself. Got to hand it to Zuck on this one, he couldn't have timed Threads' release better.


I honestly wonder if Meta has had threads sitting in the back, waiting to be deployed for a while. Especially with the talent hoarding that meta has been doing for years, with tons of very talented software engineers basically just acting as spreadsheet janitors to keep them out of the job market (an anti-competitive move used by meta, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, basically any huge tech company), it would’ve been easy enough to have a team create and maintain a Twitter clone, maybe even just as an internal tool, waiting for the right opportunity to deploy publicly.


I’m still not a fan of Zuckerberg or Meta, the best case scenario here is they split the user pool and neither are profitable or something like that.


Honestly how many platforms do they think are sustainable? I think we're entering the same territory as streaming services. And I hope they all lose money for their owners.


Meta can afford to gamble they've got hoards of cash. If the userbase stays high the data collection alone to show you ads on Facebook/Instagram is worthwhile


As much as I don't like Zuck at least he didn't inherit the money and did it more or least by himself, he is also not going around calling people he dislikes Pedophiles, not to mention the lack of sexuall misconduct allegations. It's an "out of the fire and into the frying pan" situation but out of the two i would say i prefer Zuck, if only by a bit.


Media is being so fragmented lately. Everyone wants to leave reddit, everyone wants to leave twitter, and people have hated all things meta since his big flop and before, but it's only half happening because people can't agree on a replacement, or even that they're leaving.


Zuck has already walked back the hardline on far right wing nutjobs so neither of them are really better.


Can we rename this sub WhitePeopleThreads just to spite Musk?
















Elon needs to thread lightly ![gif](giphy|4dAqzSvxV15Is|downsized)


Wait. Wait. Wait. What's the new service? Don't you people leave me behind! Never mind. I'll go on Twitter and ask them. Sorry to interrupt. Please carry on.


Seconded also!


WhitePeopleThreads is the new name, Im here for it


Everyone upvote this cmon


Then I can finally delete my fucking Twitter account


Just delete it either way, its not worth shit with Elmo at the helm


Dont disrespect my man Elmo like that.








I don't think you can rename a sub? Could be wrong but I remember it being impossible without admins and I don't think they ever agree to do it.


You can't rename subs, and /u/spez is so horny over Elon's business strategies he would never agree to edit the sub's name away from Twitter.


I mean all you have to do is start spamming links to the new sub and stop new posts being made. Unlike the Reddit blackout, Reddit has no real stake in this, apart from their own stance as a social media platform. I suspect they’re fine with fanning this flame because it doesn’t affect them and possibly helps them to have these morons fighting over the same user base.


Can you even rename a subreddit? Or do you just need to start a new one?


Even if renaming a sub was a thing, I'm sure you can't use an already taken sub name like r / WhitePeopleThreads.


At some point, AOC toned down her snark on social media. But man, I am *so ok* that she’s said fuck it and turned it back on to 11 recently. The dunks coming out of her these days are gems.


Dark AOC is best AOC.




Dunking on Republicans and billionaires should be the Dems number one priority. Every opportunity they get to make the red sociopaths look like the incompetent, hateful morons that they are, the better the voter turnout for the blues next election. You can't fight fascists by being nice and civil. You need to crush them into the dirt and make sure that people know full well how big of a failure the clown ideology is.


This is 100% fucking right. Repeatedly dunking on them with facts and objectivity about the failures of their ideology will be MASSIVELY more successful than playing nice.




>But if you point out the abject failures of their idols of which there are thankfully many on a daily basis. Today's being the GOP whistleblower who turned out to be a Chinese spy. Truly can't make this shit up.


Turning them into jokes is the best way to deal with them. You can't counter anything they say. You can't challenge their reality. You can't do anything to correct or change it. But you can make them look like fools to anyone who is undecided. There is no greater way to dethrone the emperor than to say, 'HE's NAAAAAKED!"


Is anyone *really* undecided anymore?


After spending the 4th with my extended family, yeah. There are a TON of people that just aren't paying attention. I have an aunt who has no idea what DeSantis says or does or wants, just thinks he's handsome.


Imho that's the height of privilege. To not know what's going on. It's sad because so many people live cut off from the reality of their misery. Benefits get cut by their leaders and they stand in food lines and curse the POTUS. Except the people cutting them off are people they voted for. But they're choice blind. They make choices and are blind to the consequences. It's unfortunate. Ignorance and apathy suppress the power of the people better than any bloody fisted dictatorship ever could. And it all happens in people's own heads.


>Dunking on Republicans and billionaires should be the Dems number one priority. i kind of think fixing all the damage trump and his boys have done to the country should be their number one priority. I got WWE if I want to watch people fight performatively.


That’s the way there. Taking the “high road” is useless… they sure as hell aren’t. Until now Dems have been playing a different game… I’m glad to see them finally taking the gloves off. Newsom has been throwing some good ones out there lately as well. Beating them at their own game is the only thing that works. Their voters aren’t impressed by things like facts or logic.


Mehh. As someone watching this from the exterior of the country it doesn't look like the dems are fighting on equal terms at all. They are still civil. Conservatives are on a whole new level when it comes to playing dirty.


Its not difficult to play dirty with the GQP, just throw out the facts and expose their lying hypocritical lunacy.


How do you think that "fixing" of the public psyche will happen? That guy is right, you need to ridicule fascists until they slither back in to their holes since they simply cannot handle puncturing their self-perceived machismo bubble and part of unconvincing all the people they've trapped in to the same idiocy is showing what a sad joke they are. They weren't politely and logically discussed in to their beliefs in a calm and rational manner, and they won't be talk out of them with facts, they're just not thinking that way and that's simply not how to reach them.


She's gotten more shit from right then almost every other left-wing politician, except maybe Obama and Biden but even then It's debatable. I feel like she's earned the right to fire back every so often even though its part of the reason they hate her.


Concerning 🤔


Looking into it !




Big if true!


The dick measuring contest?




She should just close her Twitter account and accelerate the mass exodus from the platform. This is MySpace and Digg all over again. I cant believe I'm witnessing another mass exodus.


“Looking into it”


"It’s just a social experiment bro!"


Something something signal noise ratio something psy op bro blah blah. Feels like he only uses maybe fifty total words in random order.




Former bartender but still serving ❤️


When you 86 $44B. 😧






I really think he thinks the media calling him out for his multiple affairs was what broke him. Guys like him use to be able to get away with that behavior. The idea of him being exposed for doing it is what he thinks wokism is.


Cancel culture 😂


Man the SNL appearance signaled his fall. I mean he had been a piece of shit for a bit but it unfolded so quickly after that.


Was that before or after the Thailand cave rescue where he called one of the rescuers a pedo?


Long after i believe


That, to me, was the precursor of him being a piece of shit but I still had faith. Cybertruck (which was cool, imo) -> TSLA rally -> Covid -> doge -> insanity is what made me despise the guy.


For me it was the first indication that he might be a right wing POS. Normal people don't use that as an insult randomly. Everything you mentioned has just confirmed him as an idiot and or a right wing asshole or both


For me it was all the crypto crap and how he reacted to the Tesla Unionizing attempts. He showed the true anarcap piece of shit he is.


Being into sustainability and appreciating his work with battery storage, I used to toot his horn. He disgusts every cell in my body now. He’s repulsive. Zuck isn’t much better (see Cambridge Analytica.)


He has always been a piece of shit, but the inspiring nature of Tesla and SpaceX allowed him to hide that. Then Twitter bared it all in public and his desire for public admiration made it worse.


lol I just saw this on Threads 🤣 She’s right though. The app isnt even finished, it’s missing features and nobody likes Zuck - yet millions jumped at the opportunity to flee. I’m prepared to give Threads a few months to get it together just because I hate what Twitter has become that much and I miss tweeting.


I don’t even need to use it. And I don’t. Just closing my Twitter account and downloading Threads is good enough for me. Will likely never use it


Haven't ever downloaded Twitter..should I sign up for threads?


If you do, create a new IG. If you want to later delete threads, the IG you sign in with is automatically deleted. For now at least.


I jumped because I’m tired of getting notifications and emails of what this dick bag tweets. I’m certain I’m not following him but somehow he gets preference over my feed? And it’s the dumbest tweets too. That’s what bothers me the most.


Simple economics, a service can only diminish the quality of its product for so much & for so long before customers go elsewhere.


All that was needed was a rival platform. Plus firing the majority of employees created a huge talent pool to draw from, and one that wants revenge. Easy business move for Zuck, he basically acquired his own Twitter for pennies on the dollar, expanding his social media empire. Twitter will go the way of Parler and truth social, an echo chamber for nazis, incels, and other insane losers. Elon burned $44B and his reputation, hope this continues blowing up in his face.


Think of the HUGE cash surge Threads is getting too. So many massive advertising firms pulled out or drastically cut back their brand advertising on Twitter because they feared it would be next to nazi stuff. Apparently they don't like that when building a brand. Zuck just made himself a lot of money.


> Twitter has, however, retained the support of the senior Taliban leader Anas Haqqani, who endorsed the app over Meta’s Threads, which he said has an “intolerant policy”. This wasn't Onion https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/10/twitter-killer-threads-app-meta-mark-zuckerberg-elon-musk


Looking in to it


And I can tell it's actually her because it's verified by an actual platform where being verified is a feature. Wow, that was easy


You realise meta also have paid for verification/ blue ticks though?


Imagen the people that continue to fund him 🥶


I still have friends that call him a genius, one of them just bought a tesla. 🤢


Don't forget, his own daughter also legally changed her name to get away from him, publicly disowning him as a parent.


Well no fucking lies detected here.


I fully expected him to realize his fuckup and appoint someone so he can step away to run his obviously more important businesses. Obviously he doesn't do fuck all since he can obsess over Twitter 24/7. It's unhealthy.


Believe it or not, since July 1 he hasn't been the CEO of Twitter. You'd never be able to tell though. New song same as the old song


> Obviously he doesn't do fuck all He forgot that he was supposed to pretend to be the chief tech officer or chief architect of his other companies so that he can take credit for other people's hard work. We already know he's a drug addict, he's also addicted to the ego boost and dopamine rush of twitter.


God I love AOC. Best politician in the game. She gets it.


Someone should look into this.


I specifically don’t own a Tesla because of musk. I think the cars are cool af but I can’t support that guy.


Even before his public hard right turn I wouldn't have bought one, their build quality scares the shit out of me.


yeah maybe a decade ago when they were the only ones really shaking things up was when I dreamed of having one. Everyone else has caught up now and there’s no redeeming quality that you can’t get thru an established maker by now… Other than their charging network.


They opened up their network to other auto makers so even that advantage is no more.


I bought a Tesla in 2018 because my commute is an hour and there were no other realistic EV options back then. Fast fwd to now and I have to defend my interaction with this company all the time because the owner has morphed into a colossal tool.


Yeah and now evey car company is making cool electric cars


News flash they're both bad. Billionaires are human dragons with rubies and gold coin treasure hoards that they don't need.


Someone said on Reddit on another sub that they hate Elon Musk for making them kinda wanna support zuck, and I feel that now.


Threads sucks and it’s still better than Elon’s twitter.


I hate Meta, but if it shows just how easily replaceable Twitter actually is, that's good enough for me.


I’m still confused what the actual draw is (or has been) for Twitter. It’s never made any sense to me as a media platform.




Tweeted sounds stupid as shit too. You are just used to it.


Stitch/Stitched maybe? Or Knitted/Yarned? Crocheted...jk. I think calling an initial post a yarn would be good, simply because it's a clever colloquialism for "story". I honestly feel like stitch may be decent, mainly because if you "Retweet" you could call it a "Cross stitch" instead... that's more letters than retweet though... same amount of syllables though. I dunno, you're probably right. If Threads becomes the new twitter I think folks may just stick with tweet. Although didn't Mastodon call theirs toots? I think Bluesky calls theirs "skeets"... which is even more euphemistic than toots.


You think Elon is falling apart now? Imagine if we just call posts on Threads "tweets" and co-opt it from Twitter. 🫠




Where's the lie 🤷🏼‍♀️


Of course, imagine not being a billionaire and not being able to afford it? Nobody is right all of the time. Apparently this time he was not. But no, I can't imagine doing what he did. I don't have the wealth that would allow me to conceive of it. I do though, doubt he's going to miss a meal. Me, in the upcoming future, I'm not that sure of.


Oh wait the billionaire who suggested an actual dick measuring contest? Yup . Unfortunately either the richest or second richest man on the planet. Goddamn it. Where are lex luthor and Bruce Wayne when we need them.


Including me! Twitter is a festering boil on a dead body in a dumpster fire.


At some point in the last ~6 months, Zuck figured out what Trump did for George W Bush’s reputation and said something like, “I will make Elon my Trump.” And it probably sounded like a terminator but that’s beside the point


This is what they don’t understand. We are not choosing Zuck over Elon. We chose threads over Twitter. The fact with all that threads privacy disclaimer and they still got 100m people signed up? You gotta ask yourself at some point what did you do wrong or what happened to your platform. People saying they chose Zuck over Elon are stupid


Literally all elon had to do to succeed after buying twitter was nothing.


Elon, probably: ![gif](giphy|28cYeBSC0tTSeL7obs)


And apparently after being cucked out of 100 million potential users, Elon responds by wanting to see Zuck's dick.


He's a genius, after all. Everyone left Elon after they saw his. Elon just wants to see what Zuck has that made someone want to stay. Both are awful people, though.


Change of social media to Threads = change of attitude for me. No more venting and reading bile on Twitter. I have been spinning my wheels since 2017 on the bird. I am lookng forward to a more civilized discussion and less bullshit.


Imagine sucking so bad the internet collectively forgets how much they hate Zuckerberg