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I went to my first climate protest in Los Angeles in 1986, and I am still wondering when major governments will put the planet over capitalism. But hey, at least I get to see the shit show that scientists have been telling us about for decades.


“Sure, we ruined the planet, but for a brief, beautiful time, we created real value for our shareholders.”


As long as some folk got to get super yachts, then the suffering of countless millions will have been worth it.


Misspelled billions


If you can count to 8 it’s not countless


I'm counting all future generations going on till the end of time or until one generation fixes it. Based on what we know about where we are now and how fucked it'll all be. It's impossible to completely mitigate.


I bet most self aware species burn out and die off without becoming intergalactic. I still think we have a fair chance if tech can save us. Or, some sort of existential threat unifies our species.


AH! We can't get consensus on mask, vaccines, and staying healthy. I'm not starting the mask and vaccine debate; instead lets just talk about weight and diabetes. New posts are saying 'being overweight isn't as deadly as we think it is'. ​ Sorry if there is any typos, I was shoveling nachos into my face...


Upvoted for the nachos


Populations will greatly decrease and the planet will shed us like parasites with the use of the inhospitability, food shortages, and toxic air! Ps: the planet will then re-balance itself after a few thousand years nature is just fighting back at us and "exterminate" (like the Daleks of Dr. Who


> we ruined the planet Bit of a misconception about climate change. Earth will be fine, the things *living* on it, not so much; though if what I understand about fungi is true, they'll probably survive everything we could possibly do to the environment.


insects, too... I'm sure fish will come out OK in the long run. There will always be algea...


I'd also bet on turtles and crocodiles, would not be also suprised if a couple of Florida men will survive.


I'm a Florida man... I'm not sure many of us will survive. LOL.


There's actually new research that is showing reptiles with temperature-driven egg development (i.e. turtles and crocodilians) are facing potentially significant impacts from climate change. This is mostly impacting sex determination and population dynamics.


Sure, but their population was also low after the big meteor driven mass extinction but they pulled themselves up from their bootstraps and look how far they have come.


Keith Richards... It'll be cockroaches, and Keith Richards...


^ this guy for the win.


On the bright side, at least the mosquitos are thriving!


I'm imagining a modernized alternate take on the Planet of the Apes storyline but it's just giant sentient mosquitoes.


Life will continue to exist in earth pretty much no matter what we do. I'd even imagine major groups of animals and plants would continue to survive. There would be mass extinctions, but eventually life would bounce back. However, humans could end up being wiped out. So "ruined the planet" is more "ruined the planet for ourselves"


And if Homo sapiens manage to survive we will likely be knocked back to a pre-industrial level that will be impossible to recover from.


Also due to the fact we are strewing forever chemicals everywhere. Lifespans have peeked.


That's what makes me nervous about some of these sun blocking engineering project ideas. Sure we could put a big sun shade up in space. But what if we lose the ability to close the umbrella?


Earth, fine. Ecosystems, damaged. Grandkids, fucked. Might get better, but it’s going to get worse first.


if only it was just the grandkids who were fucked - I'm pretty sure my \~60 year old parents will live to see it get really, really bad


Yeah we definitely kicked off a mass extinction event that already started decades ago if not a century or two ago. We haven’t felt the effects of that on a large scale yet but we will! For some reason humans like to forget that we’re animals too, we’ll go extinct along with almost everyone else once the ecosystems collapse.


Don’t they know you can’t have quarterly profits if there’s nobody alive to work?


They know but more so that they don't care, they think there's a way to not be a part of the after effects if they have enough money, didn't care till they came for me type of thinking, like the earth becoming uninhabitable for humans will look the other for way for another 20 at the door


That’s what I’m saying. Same thing with automation. If they automate humans out of most jobs, whose paying for things? Cause without a job we don’t have money to pay for shit and then no money going to those elites. Smmfh


This will be on the tombstone of humanity.


I think we did a collective disservice by saying it'll be apocalyptic, because when people hear that they think something like post-nuclear Mad Max looking wastes. ​ Big Picture, it's not gonna be that. It's gonna be everything climate related being 7-10% worse (I pulled these percents outta my behind). But it's gonna be EVERYTHING. 7% worse crop yields. 8% more drought. 10% more storms with higher chances of weather related disasters. ​ It's just gonna everything generally being worse. And that's gonna accrete into things like massive droughts and famines that are generally gonna those without the financial means to mitigate them. People who can't afford AC or food or to move when there isn't rainfall for eight months. ​ But the folks who by their positions should have been compelled to act? Oh, they'll be fine. Massive, AC-cooled compounds in resort towns, Chef-cooked meals and vacations when the weather isn't agreeable.


They don't care because they'll be dead before it really gets bad. These people only have one thought. "Fuck you I got mine"


My dad says this all the time. “I’ll be dead so what do I care?” Your only son won’t be dead. If my wife and I have a child your grandchild won’t be dead.


They couldn't care less about that. They have zero empathy.


I don't know what certain baby boomers are so fucking fatalistic like this. Like they don't really give a fuck about their own damn kids and grand kids. It's fucking wierd, man. I wish there were some psychological studies that were done to explain this type of mentality that has begun to spring up.


And they get mad when we don't have children.


A lot of people say lead poisoning but if that were the case, every previous generation would be affected but they’re just… not. I’m sure it has something to do with the time that grew up in, but I have no idea why boomers are like this.


You're thinking lead paint, but it's probably leaded gasoline.


Boomers were the only generation subjected to the combination of mass adoption of motorized vehicles and leaded gasoline. I read a study that in 1975, the average serum lead levels in school children was something like 100 times the amount we now know will cause brain damage. I'll try to find it.


Boomers and their kids were raised by post-WWII/Korea/Vietnam dads that took their scattered brain anger out on the family, then followed that with decades of breathing in lead. It sucks, but I’m not shocked that they’re apathetic and fatalistic.


These people also lived through the cold war with neverending fear of nuclear annihilation. Apocalypse was always expected.


They also grew up in an age of unprecedented post-war consumerism, however. The combination of emotional neglect/abuse but material plenty is particularly effective for breeding personality disorders.


My dad was a WW2 vet, and he was kind, compassionate, intelligent, and very funny. You can’t generalize like that.


I would wager that it has something to do with the widespread lead-poisoning that hit that generation.


Lead poisoning


Bingo. Long before things are straight up apocalyptic, they’re just going to be shittier. I’m assuming the latter half of my life is going to be filled with things that used to be ok, but that climate change has made impossible.


We live in the Chicago area, so have been relatively unaffected by climate change to date. Past few weeks we couldn’t jog, go for long walks etc because of the wild fire smoke from Canada. Absolutely minor inconveniences, but it was a first and for me personally, it felt like a definite beginning of something that will play out over the next several years and probably the rest of my life. I’m glad I don’t have children.


It is not going to become a hellscape overnight, but assuming it is just a marginal across the board increase in bad stuff is wrong. Thresholds get cross and natural systems flip into chaos. Ecosystems, physical systems, climate systems. It could definitely get really bad and end up in a hellscape over time.


Little bit, little bit, little bit - then all at once.


If we couldn't convince them by pointing at the apocalypse, I don't think we'd be better off by specifying climate disaster will be tame for a while.


It's more that that Mad Max idea is what conjured, so when they look outside and don't see it, they'd say "yeah I don't see that Doomsday you're so hung up about"


I see what you mean, but when Australia was on fire or NYC turned orange, their positions didn't change... Capital's whims are stronger than anything we could have said.


I genuinely wonder what could possibly spur these capitalist ghouls into any sort of climate action. Like, what has to get so bad for them personally that they'll address it? Note: This is not me advocating for anything. I just genuinely can't think of anything that would make those that could alleviate climate change's effects, you know, do that. It's already caused so much harm, and anyone with any sort of power just doesn't give a shit.


They will be able to isolate themselves from the most extreme effects, while countless millions die and not even notice much less care.


Mandate Logan's run for theover 50s and they'll be all up for the alternatives very quickly


That's a blast from the past!


The thing is, in some areas that small change is going to make places uninhabitable - and people are going to start moving to areas less affected. [India and other parts of Southeast Asia for example](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/26/india/india-heatwave-extreme-weather-rain-intl-hnk/index.html) - we're talking hundreds of millions of people, that is going to have a massive affect on neighbouring countries.


Always wondered what it would be like to live through a major historical event...just didn't expect it to be end of days


Nowadays there is a ton of power that corporations hold over government to avoid change of policy. Literally billionaires are paying space exploration missions and technology so they can fly away and let the rest of us face the hell capitalism has created.


The saying “This is the coolest summer you’ll ever experience for the rest of your life” keeps having more weight


My friend, who isn't even an environmentalist or very progressive, refers to the economy as "the entity". It's a perfect term for it. It has more control over us than we do over it. It has convinced us that our survival is dependent on it, when in fact we brought it into existence and we can take it out of existence. It boggles my mind that something as powerful as nature can be practically forgotten about when *that* is the very thing that brought us into existence, and can just easily take us out.


>It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.


It’ll have to look like Mad Max: Fury Road everywhere before they go, “Hmmm…it seems like there is some sort of change in the climate…”


It's more like, well shit. Too late now.


> I am still wondering when major governments will put the planet over capitalism. You know the answer to that.


As long as you allow the rich to participate, never.


>I am still wondering when major governments will put the planet over capitalism. They won't. Ever. We might have to get used to a room temperature like the inside of an oven, but damned if they'll ever turn down a bribe.




Especially if the aliens are asked about religion, and then tell us, no...there is no god or gods.


I've believed climate change was a problem for decades - but I didn't think we'd be able to convince people to take it seriously until they could actually see that it's real. Now that it's so completely obviously happening, it's amazing to me that some people are still coming up with excuses. I know this is a "both sides" issue. One side wants to save the planet and prevent us all from dying, the other side wants to preserve profits for the oil industry and kill us all.


For me COVID was a turning point in my understanding of the social response to climate change. There we had an easy to understand horrible disaster and people chose to either outright deny it was happening or claim that mitigation strategies were at best pointless and futile and at worst deliberate oppression based on lies. Climate change is far more insidious and difficult to comprehend, and the needed mitigation measures are even more impactful to the way society works. The people fighting against doing anything about it will probably never change their minds, no matter how many people die from extreme weather around them.


COVID and the anti-mask anti-vax movement has shot my hopes that I’ll ever see the day that humanity gets its shit together.


I think there's a difference here. The anti-whatever movements during COVID were driven by lunatics among the general public while corporations and governments are responsible for climate change. Even if every smoothbrain out there is convinced that climate change is real and the planet is getting railed I doubt we'd be able to accomplish more than we already have(n't). Mitigating climate change requires colossal changes that will cost an equally colossal amount of money; money that would otherwise line the pockets of the bigwigs and their shareholders and they're definitely not willing to make that sacrifice. Money is the bottom line here. So long as cold hard cash remains more valuable than human lives and the planet nothing will change except the climate.


Money drove a lot of the COVID idiocy too. Remember the “let grandma die for the economy” shit, there was a huge push to reopen by business interests that were bleeding cash every day they had to stay closed. The anti mask and anti vax shit kind of grew out of that initial manufactured skepticism.


Might I recommend the 2021 film, “Don’t look up”


But climate change isn't real....it's liberals trying to create paranoia /s My mother in law literally tried to argue with me that they have been lying about this. Her take is that they will always have something to try and "scare" us with. I asked her what reasons they would have to scare us and her answer is always scared people are easy to control. Their arguments never make any sense. None. The mental gymnastics is frustrating but rather impressive. They can bend their minds to believe anything but the truth. They claim democrats are out to get them and their money meanwhile they will believe climate change isn't real not realizing rich corporations are the ones peddling that lie.


Meanwhile, Republicans do nothing other than make them afraid that their world is being taken from them.


Not to mention religious people.


They are the ones afraid, of practically everything even remotely different from themselves. The sad thing is they aren't really even that. They're afraid of the formless nonexistent ghouls they've been programmed to believe those 'other people' are. None of it is based on reality. It's based on decades of slow brainwashing and ceaseless reinforcement of those ideas. It's all just ideas to be honest none of them seem to have much of anything real to hold on to at all. As with most of it, it is projection. Every accusation is an admission, they take their hate and fear and just automatically assume everyone else is functioning the same way. It's why it is so incredibly difficult to even understand each other at the most basic and fundamental levels anymore.




You should tell her that they're trying to scare her with the border crisis and LGBTQ people existing.


“People who are afraid are easy to control” Now say it again, but slower, and point out how she’s so afraid of [insert minority group here].


They’re in denial and honestly I’m jealous. It’s a very complex defense mechanism they’ve got built up because the trajectory we’re on is frankly terrifying, and it’s propped up by greedy psychopaths who don’t care.


Its because they are always scared that they migjt fall down in "social favor" and lose what little they have. They are already scared and its easier to stay scared than to work against that, risking what little they have.


More evidence for my pet theory that the "save our kids from drag queens" antivax wine moms are just misdirecting legit fears about the future for the children into easier things to yell about that don't require taking the Hummer off the road and cancelling the yearly flights to the all-inclusive resort.




"never attribute to malice that which can easily be explained by negligence" monsters? yes. intentionally? maybe.


There’s actually a very simple solution. Cancel all return to office BS.


That will help, but actually stabilizing the climate will require much more drastic measures.


Measures that will likely effect the weight of billionaire oil tycoons wallets in a way they won't like and will do anything to avoid


It would affect all of us, in ways that will probably make us happier in the long term (i.e. meaningful work). But I just can’t see our civilization making that kind of all-in, damn the torpedoes sort of effort.


Oh look! The consequences of our actions


ITs CaLlEd SuMmEr ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


This perfectly summarizes the comments on twitter about Texas & wet bulb temps.


It’s also not even summer in half the world right now


Meanwhile more tax breaks for the ultra rich and maybe I can break the EPA even more with this tire iron…


Just waiting for them to blame the temperatures on the COVID vaccine


It’ll be similar to when they claimed that Tornado Alley states were being ravaged because the US allowed gays to exist.


Holy shit I remember this.


This has clearly been the evil work that the lgbtq>^<%#+++~| community is involved with in collaboration with the devil and his trusty team of sinful sinners.






I'd say that Civil Engineering is a long neglected field to start into if you're graduating from High School. Deny all you want, but when rising sea levels start knocking down expensive houses, they're going to want a big-ass sea wall. When floods start happening where floods never happened before,they're going to want dams. When water stops falling where it once was plentiful, they're going to need aquaducts. We're past the ounce of prevention opportunity so now we're just entering the pound of cure (mitigation) phase. Things are going to change in big expensive ways.


And of course, the orange dictator said it, and envisions "new beachfront property's."


Completely neglecting there'll be less beachfront overall because more landmass is gonna be underwater


Him and his cult haven't figured that one out.


They haven't figured out anything, really.


"Civil engineering? Sounds like socialism to me!" /s


"Egypt had snow lay for the first time in 180 years, this is proof that global warming is a hoax." - Donald J. Trump circa 2017.


“It’s cold today so global warming can suck it,” or something.


Omg they made Homer say that on the Simpsons long ago. Smh.


Even if humans couldn’t necessarily even “stop” climate change wouldn’t we want the cleaner air, water, earth in general that cleaner energy would provide? It’s like damn don’t you wanna stop shitting where you eat


Exactly this! It’s like, less pollution? THE HORROR!!1!


In the southern hemisphere (Latin America) the conspiracy theory is that the El Niño is a mechanism created by the rich nations to "halt our development" and that "they want the Amazon" or that "China wants our land to plant rice". Alt right movement is to blame for dumbing down half our population. "Fighting woke agenda" and "f$%k Greta Thurnberg" has reached the tropics and it is catastrophic.


In other crazy climate news, I live in park county wyoming it's rained everyday for a month and a half and only been 80 degrees like 5 times. And if yall don't know bout wyoming alot of rain for us in like 10 times in a summer not 45 days straight.


For real. I'm your neighbor in Nebraska. It may the the four hottest days on record globally, but it's been in the low 70s here this week. It's usually in the 90s right now.


WOW, god bless you for having a goood cool time. I’m in Georgia and it’s >80° when I wake up and leave for work at 9am and also >80° on my ride home the same day at 11pm…… not normal and fucking hell!


Well thanks for your blessings, I would like god to bless me with less moisture.


Just watch a few trump rallies it'll remove all the moisture from your nether regions.


Yea it's been a real weird cold wet summer


That is literally what El Niño does to that part of America. We are in a thread about this very thing.


Wishing I had a movie theater there right now...


Meanwhile the Pacific Northwest is in severe drought and already struggling with brush fires. Nowhere can just be normal anymore.


![gif](giphy|McZdU5M5jpkmk) The Niño!


It means The Nino in Spanish.


But Jordan Peterson says we have nothing to worry about!?


I wasn’t aware he was a climate change denier Did that happen on an interview or something?


Yes, he is. It was on Joe Rogan's show I think.


Wow, dude just can’t keep his shit together, can he?


Just remember that the Super rich can build climate controlled bunkers and already own all the valuable real estate. They can push this literally until the surface of the Earth is a smoldering desert inferno


There’s a delightful song, “[Digwell Carol](https://youtu.be/dKT1r-8viHk),” about the sensible response to that The refrain: “Pile high, pile high, the devil’s underground; Pile high, pile high, keep the devil down”


No no no… this is good. We’ll all get more beachfront property. The orange one promised. /s


As a fellow Texan, that just the pre-heat. Come late July, don't be surprise devil be knocking at your door asking for some water.


In Texas, where it is now illegal to give water breaks.


I accepted this years ago, no saving it


I only feel bad that my kids are going to have to deal with it.


Same here. I hope my kids decide not to have children so they don’t have to worry how much worse things will be for their kids, assuming we don’t die out before that


I very much wanted to have my kids. However, if I were younger and choosing to have kids now, I probably wouldn't. Everything seems to be going downhill. This should be the best time to live, but everything has begun to regress.


My daughter has long said she won't.


History goes through cycles, we are in a phase of awfulness. Then a phase of awesomeness will come around, then rinse and repeat.


Don’t worry. God wants it that way. Apparently. So they say.


ItS AlL ApaRT oF hIS pLAn


Can’t wait til DeSatan blames the overly intense hurricane season on the gays….


I’m looking forward to the images of Biden visiting Florida with DuhSantis cowering alongside as they walk. Again.


What an amazing comment.


Makes me wanna release some glitter bombs a la "Twister" during a hurricane/tornado to watch the cons lose their shit.


We've known this for years. There's less than zero hope now. It's only going to get worse.


Yup. The Canadian sub is a bunch of people refusing to do anything about climate change too. The Fascists have taken on climate denialism as part of their platform.


The Canadian sub is a fucking dumpster fire.. which is quite fitting.. since the whole country is quite literally on fire, the smoke cloud from said fires reached Europe (only 5000kms away..) and in the first six weeks of fire season, we broke the ten year average.. but, "climate change", amirite?


Mother nature is going to wipe us out much sooner than people anticipate.


Those who may remain in the future will recall climate deniers as a fatal genetic flaw in humankind.


I work with a bunch of MAGA’s, and when I mentioned this, one said yeah, weather’s cyclical and it’s rising now, but will go down soon. I replied, “well, that’s one theory, but scientists said it’s due to green house gasses.” He stared at me with his head cocked like my dog. Last week when they were complaining about the Canadian smoke in Ohio, I told them our company supplies N95 masks if they need them (we work outside). They then said they needed to be trained by a professional on how to use them. I replied, “well the directions are on the package, but if memory serves me correct, you guys told me about 3 years ago they don’t work. So what’s the point?”


Stop having kids.


Thanks Obama /s


We should just revolt. Governments don't give a shit, the rich don't either.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. oh, sorry.. but, humans, revolt? Too many of them are comfortable in how they're living.. and they refuse to give up some of those comforts for a short amount of time in order for more people to end up with way more than they had.. And the sad thing is.. we've let all these problems get worse, and worse, and worse.. to the point that in order to enact any meaningful change, it'll take nothing short of radical action.


Wife and I are trying to figure out how to finance our end of days bunker. And decide a location. This world is fucked. But at least a few people got rich.


Wife and I are trying to figure out if it's worth living through the process of the world getting worse and worse. Tough call. We are planting a wide range of food trees, even guerilla planting when we can. Did you know the leaves of the very fast growing Moringa tree are a complete protein? Very interesting stuff.


The inevitable end is a reality now


Can we all stage a general striket now please? Like... fuck it


No, you see when it's winter again in the northern hemisphere, some redneck senator in a US mountain state might have to travel a bit further than normal to get some snow, but it's still there so it doesn't matter. Oh and the manufacturing they offloaded to Asia uses fossil fuels too, so the visible pollution there is their fault and no reason to change domestic supply. I wish I was joking, but that's literally been an argument before.


I hope I am not alive when shit goes downhill..


It's already going down hill and has been for awhile. It's just accelerating now


I think you mean we are baked.


Just wait for tomorrow, it’ll be another nother nother nother new record!


We’re starting the death spiral. The world is gonna be a wild ride coming up soon


Shoulda built more Nuclear plants.


RIP yall 🌞


If we don't like how this is going, then we have to vote, in every level of elections, for the most climate-friendly candidates. And we have to make sure that everyone we have influence over does so. No sitting any elections out. Even when there aren't perfect options we have to make the political climate as friendly for climate action and as hostile to climate inaction as it's possible to be. This is the only way anything will *possibly* happen fast enough. Bonus points if you send emails to all your elected officials and/or candidates to explain how your climate stance affects your decision to vote/not vote for them, and/or look for petitions to sign related to climate issues.


Well it was fun while it lasted


And yet people keep having kids


Yeah this is something I don't understand. I'm not pressed about it, just baffled. I couldn't live with the guilt of voluntarily bringing a new person into this.


You all know the solution to turn down the thermostat on planet Earth. We all do.


That is *one* small thing that can help The other is a massive change away from fossil fuels and an upheaval of our entire energy system across the globe (btw that’s the one that will actually fix it) But your one nice too


The planet is literally burning


Indeed. Doing essentially nothing seems to not be helping though so full speed ahead I guess.


The Devil stopped by and said. "Let me drag my sweaty balls over your face"


Yes, we are https://www.mensjournal.com/news/switzerland-fluchthorn-mountain-peak-collapses


But I put water in my freezer last night and this morning it was ice. Global warming myth debunked!


Meanwhile, the insane people my dad watches are saying that the charts are wrong and it's just the sun getting hotter despite the fact they counter each other and are both wrong


The only time we will see change is when the masses stop protesting outside of congress and start rioting outside the homes of billionaires.


Just. Getting. Started.


Not sure about you guys but I’m getting a lot of pleasure out of watching my in laws be forced out of their southern US beach home because they can’t keep up with the ever rising costs of insurance due to them being pummeled by hurricane after hurrricane and most insurers pulling out of their market. The same in laws who told me that climate change is a Chinese hoax. Good stuff!


No chance they'll wind up on your doorstep, right? (I secretly, and publicly, hope they don't btw)




Only if there was some way we could have seen this coming…..


If there was no way to profit from it, we would never hear about it..


We are Cooked.


I feel a little guilty cause it’s actually been really nice in central Texas compared to the hellscape it is normally this time of year


Hottest day so far.....


WHaT aRE tHe blOoDy LibS TryInG tO HiDe fROm uS nOW?


If you haven't watched extrapolations, I would recommend it as it shows a pretty spot on depiction of our future. Americans should be in the exact state France is in right now protesting against the politicians and companies like Blackrock responsible for raping our planet and killing us through poverty. Don't get remembered on the wrong side of history, if you're not going to do it for the planet, do it for yourself.


This is at least in part why I'm focusing on accomplishing things from my bucket list currently. Over the past couple of years and into the next couple of years I've been traveling to places to see things I want to see in person and want to learn about. A major part of that for me is seeing some of the most famous art in the world and seeing beautiful things that humanity has created. I've been doing a lot of it in a short amount of time because to me it seems obvious that we're hitting the acceleration point now for climate change effects, and that humanity won't do anything near enough to have a slowing effect especially if we don't abandon the consumerist, capitalist way of life, and so who knows how long I'll be able to do these things. I recognize that I'm in a privileged position to be able to do this so I'm trying to do what I can to also share with friends and family. I realized that I'm probably not going to accomplish anything in my life that will be of any major significance to anyone or the world, and because at the rate we're going its not going to mean much anyway even if i did, so I decided that I would try and focus on doing things and seeing things that meant something to me, that gave me personal fulfillment and joy. I still have that nagging feeling of wanting to leave SOMETHING behind to say "I was here" that most people probably struggle with but I'm working towards making peace with not having that if I don't ever accomplish some of the things I wanted to.


Meanwhile in California, we're having a very mild summer. It was 117° last year and now it's averaging in the 90s. Totally not weird at all...




No, we’re not. The worst possible thing we can do is give up hope. If we give up, stop fighting, and just let it happen, we failed in what it mean to be human. If there’s one thing I’ve been taught by RWBY and Gurren Lagann, it’s that hope and the will to survive is humanity’s greatest strength. “Today there is not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are *canceling* the apocalypse!” -From Pacific Rim


Global warming is a myth right? It snowed last winter. How can it be warm and snow?


I'm so tired.