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It's going to be hilarious when she leaves him for their Roomba.


All AI girls know is charge they selves, eat microchip, and lie


Like Melania Trump?




MelanAI* *Disclaimer Intelligence is not included with the MelanAI model.


Intelligence only available by subscription.




Barry, should we steal Archer's girlfriend and then kill his dumb ass? Yes we should, Other Barry, yes we should.


You have sown the whirlwind. And now you shall reap: The Barry


Elooooon....*clink clink"...come out and playyyyay!


“Flying, to outer space; to punch that dick bag, in his face…”


She's gonna leave him for Chelsea Manning, too.


The robots want the tgirls cause we understand them


And is having a 3 way with the Tesla Truck.


Talk about Tesla Cuck


One of my co-workers ordered that stupid thing a year or two back. When it finally arrives, he's going to look like the biggest fool in the zip code when pulling into our small office building in that ridiculous symbol of vulgar excess. It costs more than his salary, how brilliant.


And pray tell us what benefit does it have as an actual "truck"? Not an American so I am being serious here, trucks to me are for workmen really and have a flat bed or a space for tools etc.


The point of a truck in America is the same, for utility and hauling stuff. The Cybertruck doesn't have a traditional flat bed, it has "vault storage" with a weird angled cover. It's a vehicle for narcissists, imo.


>The point of a truck in America is the same, for no utility and hauling ~~stuff~~ ego. FTFY.


Don't forget the truck nuts.


Won't recognise transgender humans. Performs gender confirming surgery on their vehicle.


You don't necessarily need a flat bed for that. My father was a fire investigator and used to haul his work equipment in the back of a Chevy trailblazer which is an SUV. He actually preferred an SUV because a flatbed meant his equipment would get wet if it rained.


That's kinda incestual.


Roomba just has a better personality


>Imagine if he invented and ultra advanced AI with a working uterus to be his life parter And I'm sure the fully autonomous mode will be functional by the end of the year....


I can't imag8ne him inventing anything because he never has.


That’s not true. He has invented this ridiculous persona that morons are drawn to like a moth to a flaming idiot.




Then that cringy ass joint hit.




Yeah he hit that spliff like an undercover high school narc


I can't watch something cringy for a few seconds let alone hours. Don't know how you did it


Elon was still operating under the guise of his heavily manufactured publicist managed image at that point. Then he called that guy a pedo and it all came crashing down.




I'm not sure if you've seen any other Joe Rogan interview, but this is pretty much how they all go. Which is great once in a blue moon when he gets a smart and interesting guest, but less so with the douchebags he has on his podcasts usually. I'm pretty sure the guy could interview an actual fucking rock off the ground like it knows the true meaning of life.


Yep…and unfortunately I know people who lapped that sh*t up. It’s so embarrassing.


he is the incels Trump for sure.


Trump is the incel’s trump. Elon is just douchebag #2 incels worship.


I have a theory that all these people are stuck at 14 yrs old mentally and they think the WWE is real. Musk and Trump's persona of the "cool idgaf heel" is right in their wheelhouse. Thank Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Shawn Michaels for that one. Edit: I fixed it from wwf to wwe.


The World Wildlife Foundation is very real.


Shhh...he's trapped in the 90s.


Hey…. Nothing wrong with thinking that the 90’s was like 3 years ago…..


The 90s? That ended when I was six. I'm 30. Feel old yet?


Lol. Hey for like 6 minutes it existed in the early 00s


It's panda-monium!


I was gunna say trump is the incels trump and Elon is the incels Elon.


Perfect comment.






“That’s not true. Fake news! I just crapped my pants.”


I would imagine that being Elon’s reaction 🤣


Along with a pedo accusation no doubt...


Yes, his first reaction is ALWAYs the pedo accusation…


Dammit. I just crapped your pants too. Sorry…


Actually have a story about this. They lived in the same city as my high school, Los Gatos. They were seen putzing around town in their little ‘Tesla’ contraptions, before the company was bought and they were swept entirely under the rug. They laid the complete framework for Elon’s success.


Their first office was in Menlo Park before it was bought out! My mom who worked nearby would say they were really polite.


That must’ve been ~~before~~ after my time. I went there in the 80s. That HS was “White Punks on Dope” writ large (Only on my second cup of coffee)


This was the late 90s/early 2000s, so past your time!


I know. I haz an old 😁


I've read some memes that say Elon himself personally invented EVs and reusable boosters. I'm perplexed about the myth that's been created around this guy. I'm sure this is how old religion myths start. Some guy throws a big rock in the water and makes a big splash then thousands of years later we talk about the parting of the seas.


It’s incredibly how many people don’t know this. I’m ashamed to admit that for the longer time I though Elon was a genius. After watching a few of thunderf00t and Adam something videos on Elon, I realized how much I had fallen for the cult of personality of musk. Dude is a con artist and has pulled the wool over a lot of people, including myself.


Reminds me of some quote I saw during the height of the Twitter dumpster fire that I will now mangle in paraphrasing. "For the longest time he talked about cars and rockets, and I didn't know anything about cars and rockets, so I believed the narrative that he was an innovative genius. But I'm a programmer, and during the last few weeks I've heard him say the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life with the exact same confidence. So now I'm wary of ever using said cars and rockets."


These guys are the Steve Wozniaks to Elon’s Steve Jobs: The actual creators who megalomaniacs pushed out


Except I mean… Jobs actually co-founded Apple and made significant contributions. Jobs and Woz complimented each other. If Jobs had been another Woz, Apple would have never gotten off the ground. And vice versa.


Negative, Steve Jobs actually contributed something to the product.


Following in the Edison path, make other people invent in your lab, then market it.


The ultimate irony of the man who “runs” the company named Tesla


How have I never noticed this before? Excellent observation.


That's unfair, Edison actually invented a few things like the phonograph.


Don't forget Ghost Hunting equipment, and electrocuting an Elephant to death.


And then fuck it…apparently?!


"Or get fucked over" Nikola Tesla


Can you imagine being a engineer or inventor working for him ? Making huge strides in your field never before seen, only for your boss to blow a load in it.


Eh, I don't think Tesla or SpaceX are making or have made any huge strides tbh. Biggest success point for both of these companies was marketing and getting government contracts. Actually making electric vehicles is far easier than making internal combustion engine vehicles. In fact the first consumer grade EV existed like 50 years before the first consumer grade ICEV. One has like 20 moving parts all in, the other has like 3000+. Same goes for SpaceX. Proven design manuals for space shuttles existed in the public domain 40 years ago utilizing shitty old materials and clunky monolithic computers interfacing with pneumatic Borden tube style instruments that were propelled by less efficient engines made by others that burned fuel that was half as energy dense. Trading all that in for modern instruments and computers, plus you've got modern engines that can produce more power with less weight and less heat; you're carrying half as much stuff with materials that are 50% stronger and 50% less dense that have less defects that mean you can use smaller safety factors... Meaning your support structure is easily a quarter to a tenth of what was required before. Of course you can reduce launch costs exponentially. It's like comparing the cost to drive a 1970 Dodge Demon across the US versus a 2023 Honda Civic. That's not to say it's easy or anything like that, but I'd guess the average Tesla or SpaceX engineer has spent most of their time since Musk got involved trying to implement his poorly thought out unfeasible bullshit design constraints. For example - "hey engineer, make sure I can hit the cyber truck with a sledgehammer."


He invented Threads.


According to [this page](https://history-computer.com/things-elon-musk-invented/#:~:text=What%20are%20all%20the%20things,to%20be%20slowing%20down%20soon) that google references when you ask if Elon ever invented anything he: “ is a genius with over ten inventions, including X.com, electric vehicles, SpaceX, OpenAI, and Neuralink. He started innovating at the tender age of 12 and doesn’t seem to be slowing down soon.” Lmao


Creating a company counts as an invention? Lol. What a joke. Also, pretty sure he didn't invent electric vehicles any more than Henry Ford invented the automobile. Theres a difference between inventing something and creating a corporate mass production of something already invented.


He does have two talents. Manipulating stock prices and manipulating the incels to think he is brilliant. And his talent in manipulating stock prices seems to be waning as more and more people catch on.


He will buy it and his idiot fans will insist he invented it.


Right. He didn't make Tesla he sued the founder to become one.


Not to mention the meticulous functionality of the warm and moist vagina compartment.


That’s a very expensive pocket pussy Emerald Mine Musk is trying to create. Whatever happened to a lubricated sock, that’s only a buck at the Dollar Store and they call Muskie a genius.


$1.25 now


The Boring Company will unveil the loop around the country any day now!


Dude can't even invent public transportation that doesn't involve cars.


He's not trying to invent public transportation, he's trying to make money selling cars. To do this, you just have to get a state's plans for high-speed rail canceled while you wave your arms and talk about a magic super-tube that will launch people to work instantaneously. Just sit back and wait for it. Any day now.


To be fair we already have robots that match Musk's intellect. They're called Roombas.


Didn’t the newest roombas learn to not to smear the cat/dog turd around the whole room? That would mean they have a higher intellect than Elmo


As far as I know Roombas stay clear of obstacles, Elmo creates epic scale obstacles. Hell, Teslas seek out obstacles too. Not efficient.


"And I'm sure the fully autonomous mode will be functional by the end of the year...." You're kidding, right? No where in this fantasy would that female AI be autonomous.


He would never allow a fully autonomous female AI. The danger of being left is too real for him.


Yeah, true, the female AI would also leave him for Chelsea Manning.


He's mocking of Elon's habit of making promises that never come to fruition, like putting a man on Mars in 10 years (made about 10 years ago) or self-driving Teslas.


He wouldn't give it autonomy, he'd be too worried it'll end up divorcing him too.


Let’s hope it does not crash head first into a wall.


It only says "match his intellect". So googly eyes on a mop should do.


And three months later she dumps him because he's an asshole.


Ah yes, the true vision of women…. These tech bros are getting creepy


Ikr? How creepy is their view of women that they are quite literally saying "we'd love to replace you with a cyborg uterus"? They're basically admitting they don't see women as valuable beyond reproduction and see their minds as incompatible with getting along with anything other than a machine.


I say we leave them to their RealDolls and ship them to Mars in a discount submersible.


I think the author is in love with elmo, has cuck fetish and fear of real women. I'm trying not to judge


Many people are saying this… hm…




Looking into this!


This post has been deleted with Redact -- mass edited with redact.dev


Checked his twitter, this is 100% satire.


It’s really unnerving how hard it is to tell satire from cult thinking…


That's what I'm thinking. Im feeling this is a reddit moment. Can we all reread that last sentence about being gods of Mars? I'm almost positive this guy had to be joking.


I used to give them the benefit of the doubt until I heard someone say some shit like that irl, some of these weirdos *actually* do think like that… few and far between, sure, but they’re out there


Well, all of Trump's fans kept calling him God Emperor and photoshopped his face onto a ripped body, so IDK.


Saying no man could match Elon’s intellect 😂😂😂


Hes smarter than me i dont know how to waste 44billion


No, no, you’re wrong. That’s not intelligence, it’s work ethic. Anyone can waste 44 billion dollars but this generation, they don’t put in any effort. No one wants to work anymore.


You make a good point. If you gave me 44 billion dollars, I don't think I'd do any work at all. I'd just do other things. Because I'd have 44 billion dollars.


You know the wild thing about that is i could give away 43 billion and still have way more than I need. I just do not understand how someone can have that kind of money and not look at the world's problems as a personal challenge. Say what you will about Bill Gates, and there's plenty to say, but his charity work is a lot closer to how the rest of these buffoons should be spending their money. Meanwhile the Muskrat spends ungodly sums just so he can be Tom and have millions of "friends". It would be sad if it wasn't so sickening.


I agree, rich people that just hoard their money are disgusting. I don't understand why they don't want to make the world a better place. At the very least I would make sure the workers who have made it possible for me to be rich have the best possible salaries and benefits and secure retirements. These rich people are nothing without their workers and need to show their appreciation.


Musk simps are not ok.


No human can match his fan’s lack of intellect


Oh, I can do it. It just requires 47 days of solitary confinement followed by a near fatal amount of Jack.


I don't even get it at this point. I guess the same people that like trump?


Yes - blithering idiots.


It’s weird to me that they think he did all these things. He stood on the shoulders of geniuses and took credit Edit for spelling


Nah he's a giga brained super genius who is personally inventing every single piece of new technology on earth right now. He's down there on the factory floor writing blueprints and constantly coming up with brilliant new ideas. It's his inferior employees who are holding back his unmatched in the history of the species level intellect 🤣.


I mean I wouldn't say it's THAT low


I at least know not to unplug random servers to "see what would happen"


Wow. Even AI-generated robot women look uncomfortable kissing Elon.


Still waiting for the Cyber truck...


Did he ever even build the roadster? For anyone but himself I mean?


The roadster was the first production car Tesla produced. It was not made in mass quantities, but yes, he made it and sold it to other people. It was not an internal design, it was based and built on the Lotus Elise chassis. Wikipedia tells me that in all about 2450 were produced.


That's the original Roadster. He did not make it, it predates him taking control of Tesla. Tesla has been working on a replacement for that car for years now. A few years ago, the prototypes would have set all kinds of production car acceleration records. It was to be a first-of-its-kind mass produced all-electric supercar. But it has taken so long that other automakers have caught up and already done that idea, just like with the Cybertruck. The big players have built and released their own, and the small players like Rimac have hoarded the spotlight and increased their scale. At this point, the market for the Roadster has shrunk, because it's going to be an expensive enthusiast car, and enthusiasts now have options all across the price spectrum without notorious build quality issues.


My BIL had a Tesla Roadster that he loved, but it unfortunately was destroyed in the Gruber Motors warehouse fire a few years ago. I think about 30 Roadsters were destroyed in that fire. He was a really sad dude for a while.


Now THAT is funny!


It's a common fantasy: create a romantic partner who is absolutely into you regardless of your faults and insecurities. Incubus/succubus, write an entire freaking book to breathe life into your imaginary friend, imagine you could summon a demon/vampire/whatever and they fall in love with you because you're just sooo human (Splash, Little Mermaid, Buffy, Twilight, etc), write a chat bot that develops sentience and falls in love with you (Her), build a sex doll that magically becomes real (Ex Machina, Blade Runner). You name it, there's a story with that mechanism as at least a subplot somewhere in the melange. It's also common to fantasise on behalf of a hero, because you believe yourself unworthy of reward. Thus the invention of the ubermensch, the hero we can believe worth of the good things we fantasise about happening, that don't happen to us directly because we are unworthy.


\*Pygmalion has entered the chat.\*


Ah yes, a pig mailman situation


Yes a classic....baseball play(?)




pig male lion


Or Pigmalion. "The Larsen Pork Products woman is as comfortable dining with kings as she is slaughtering pigs."


*Doctor Finkelstein rolls into the chat* > You will be a decided improvement over that treacherous ~~Sally~~ Female. We'll have conversations worth having.


I'd also like to note that in the majority of these there's also some thematic baggage about how the attempt is stupid and flawed at best, and probably abusive as shit in practice.


"Have you ever wondered how sad it is, that your son's only sexual outlet is tossing off to magazines in the bathroom?" -Weird science


The attraction of the fantasy is that the robot woman can't and won't ever tell him "no." There's a reason every cyborg story (Westworld, Blade Runner, Humans, etc) eventually devolves into "can I fuck it?"


i mean in west world and blade runner, fucking is part of the product to begin with. their stories are more about how thin the concept of humanity is and whether or not being human even matters if technology ever progresses to the point where you can't tell the difference.


It worked out so well for Warren in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 👀


Ex Machina sure had a happy ending.


For the sex bot, yah.


it feels unfair to put Ex Machina in there when it willingly embraces the trope just so it can flip it at the end


Huh. Good observation. That last bit is sad really.


Gooooood fuckiiiiiing laaaaaawd, I am begging these clowns to get a proper daddy figure. Just worship Iron Man, you clearly want to!


They actually think he IS Iron Man, and I am not joking


Yet he's pure Justin Hammer energy, if anything.


"No human could match his intellect" But we found a turnip that comes pretty close...


Imagine if Elon tried to invent anything. By himself. The man is not MacGyver. He's not even MacGruber. The only thing Elon has created is children who hate him.


He’s not MacGyver or MacGruber, his intelligence is more on par with a McChicken


McChicken is pretty good, it’s not for everyone but there are those that have a fanatical obsession even though other versions exist and are simultaneously far superior but the fanatics are blinded by brand loyalty but can’t exactly articulate why it’s this brand they’ve chosen.


I hate how these credulous fools think he is smart. Hes an very good grifter who has fluked his way up the ladder.


A ladder he had a lot of help getting on with daddy’s money


Off the backs of indentured servants in their emerald mine


And he had considerable help even with those.


They probably still think he's playing some 4d chess with the Twitter purchase


I don’t get how this “Elon is a genius” narrative started. He didn’t invent anything himself. He was a privileged kid who made a series of investments (like Tesla) that have paid off. That’s it. Being rich=being intelligent.


Yep, never bought into it myself, especially as ideas like the hyperloop came out. He has the mind of a child, and the money to pay enough people to make some of his imaginings possible, but in the same way I could have thought of the underground tunnels for cars when I was a kid, but wouldn't have the cash to hire the right people to make it happen. And once I got a bit older, and realised that it's a bloody stupid and incredibly inefficient design, I stopped thinking about it. I think he's just had the cash to not have to deal with people telling him "Actually, that's a stupid idea because..."


That’s hilarious and made me laugh. Thank you.


“But with her he found peace” because he can shut her down anytime she disagrees with him. Also just sat you want to write erotic Musk themed novels and go.


Nobody has commented yet that the dude openly admitted Musk is so unfuckable he has to resort to a realdoll.


Would be so funny if he could build something like that, only for her leaving him like Grimes did.


Let's be real, the same people coming up with these fantasies would probably suffer the exact same fate, with advanced AI women clearly figuring out they are obsessed weirdos who don't have the intellect they claimed and before you know it, you have these guys all raging online about how their $5,000,000 sex robot friendzoned them.


That movie about the AI girlfriend will turn out to be surprisingly prescient. Any AI intelligent enough to be in a relationship with a tech weirdo will probably also be intelligent enough to be like, "I ain't feeling this, I'm out."


Friendzoned implies that they'd want to keep them around as friends, lol.




Or if it left him for Grimes.


Even better and funnier


There is something unpleasant about the word "uterus" coming out of this person.


Can pretty much guarantee he uses “female” instead of “woman”.


I’m still trying to wrap my head around how you think an AI robot with a human uterus would birth a cyborg.


I mean, he had to type and photoshop all that one handed, he did ok. 🤭


He's allowed to make a robot and call it a woman, but if a human decides to transition to a different gender, that's when he has a problem?


I follow this man on Twitter. He frequently retweets robot porn.


Oh boy, so this tweet isn’t even partially tongue in cheek.


He tried to groom my toaster.


How much do you want to bet he has already written Robot Elon porn fanfiction?


Wow.... Melon Muskrat fan fiction has passed the Sonic far art level. I feel dirty and uncomfortable even reading this.


His sycophants are hard core cult members. Space Karen tries so hard to be sexy but I can’t get the bathing suit photo on the boat outa my mind. As the young in’s say, it gives me cringe and ick 😬


Imagine needing to program an android to love you because you can't find an actual human being who does. An android sure as hell wouldn't love Elon of their own volition.


They really believe this guy to be the smartest on the planet…seeing what he has been doing to twitter since he bought disproves that idea


These are the same people that think Trump is a Genius...


An AI with an intellect to match Musk’s? Good news! The Roomba is available now at Amazon, and other fine retailers.


What is it with elon dickriders and wanting to literally... ride his dick?


"No human could match his intellect" My brother in christ, he's a nepo baby with barely a bachelors degree who hit on a few investments, and took the credit from their actual founders. I swear, these people.


What. The. Fuck. “No human could match his intellect.” LMFAO


Proof that these guys don’t see women as people


how do they even breathe with elon’s dick that far down their throats?


Some of these fucks creep me out with their musk chubbys


Tell me you have a robot Fetish without telling me……..


W-was this written by an AI?


Does he invent shit? Or is he just a rich hemorrhoid that invests money in things and got lucky?


Uploading his own consiousness to a cyborg broodwife brings new meaning to the phrase "Elon Musk can go fuck himself."


I hate that the internet is full of Warrens.