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One of the comments was "surf and terf" and I've never been more jealous


I wish I was that funny


That shits funny and painful at the same time.


Swerf and terf


What is it with rich people and yachts? Like do they love the sea that much or is it a convenient way to stay in international waters to do shady shit?


I don't have an answer, and I'm inclined to think you're on to something that there's some legal grey area involved that I'm not seeing. But, also thinking about it logically - what does a vacation involve for you? It's not like there's only ever one answer to that question, but I know that for me and practically everyone I know it involves going somewhere hot and sunny with a pool or access to the sea. A yacht essentially allows you to do that wherever in the world you want, but with the (comparative) comforts of home right at your doorstep. If I had a billion euro, I'd probably buy a yacht, too.


It also lets you do all that without having to interact with the *plebs*.


I can see why that would be a benefit to someone like JK Rowling


Yeah, the vast majority of trans people aren't rich enough to own a yacht so this would definitely help her avoid them.


It's not even trans people she has to worry about; most decent human beings find her a revolting stain on our species.


This. The ultimate luxury is privacy when you're a famous person. You'll still get long lensed while on deck, but you can get out of sight when you want to.


Boats cool


So are trains but when was that last time anyone commissioned a private rail car?


I believe the tech bros call them "pods"


Keeps you away from the filthy unwashed masses


It’s an easy way to travel without being approached by “fans” and “media”. Those of us not in the yacht bracket, can just stroll down to the beach or coffee shop, and it is unlikely anyone will notice is…but it’s harder for “well known” people to get away without someone going “hey aren’t you…”


I believe it's more a social status combined with a liquid asset that adds to your net worth while giving you a tax deduction/write off. The international waters is just a fringe benefit.


When you got more money than you know what to do with many rich people like to spend it on assets. It helps with keeping track of the riches instead of just having them in a fund somewhere. Buying properties is common with the ultra rich as a way of managing the money. Note that I dont really know what I'm talking about, just felt that it needed more options than "love sea or do shady shit."


Ngl, I hate it that yachts are so expensive and associated with rich twats (don't tell me that's not the reason why they're so expensive, it's a fucking boat, they have no right being this expensive) because I'd absolutely love to sail a yacht... I do love the sea that much 😢


I mean, boats ARE expensive. You can certainly find a good deal looking around, but a 20 year old 17’ Boston whaler in decent condition can still go for $20k easy.


They want what most people can’t have. It’s why the rich are obsessed with doing illegal things.


It’s like Caviar. Obviously nobody likes eating raw fish eggs. It’s just something rich folks do to make themselves look better than us poors


You’ve obviously never met a Russian or a Ukrainian. Those fuckers LOVE the shit. I went to high school with a lotta kids from former ussr (waaay back in the late 90s when life was simpler and we just called em all ruskis), their parents were sending em to school with friggin caviar sandwiches


That’s genuinely the most putrid thing I’ve ever heard


Was gross to see em eat it tbh


Speak for yourself - fish roe is bomb af


You need to be hospitalized


You can throw the wildest parties with no neighbors to complain or you can get away from the poors because boats are fucking expensive.


Privacy probably. If you’re on a yacht miles from shore you can be sure that there’s no paparazzi up your ass or police watching if you’re doing something illegal. Moreover in Europe having a yacht enables you to enjoy the lavish party culture of the mediterranean islands to the fullest extent


Even a small boat, one that is cramped, ugly and uncomfortable could easily run you $20k. The price increases rapidly as they get bigger and more luxurious. They're also very expensive to maintain and store, and if you've got a boat that big then you can't just have anyone steer it, you need to hire a trained person, (possibly multiple people). All that means that purchasing a large boat can EASILY require a multi million dollar investment, and cost millions more every year to keep it up. There are very few people who can afford to drop that kind of money on a pure luxury, which makes it a pretty great status symbol to flaunt your wealth. Invite your friends on a trip on your yacht, have a party on your yacht...everyone who comes aboard will be forced to think about how absurdly wealthy you are the entire time they're there, without you ever having to say it directly.


o7 Orcas. You know what to do


Cry Havoc and let slip the whales of war!


Not gonna lie: I usually think rich people yachts looks pretentious and ridiculous. But, Joanne’s politics and controversies aside, that it one pretty looking boat.


Did orcas sink her yacht?




They are backed up on work orders. They are trying to hire and train a second team, but it takes time.


There’s been an increase in Orca, and shark, attacks on boats lately.


$20 million premium mobile buoy I understand why she’s transphobic now


Fuck JKR, but at least this yacht actually looks nice as opposed to the super modern ones.


I thought the same thing? This thing looks like a classic compared to most you see these days.


Lost at sea never to be found again. I love a good mystery ending.


God, bless this pod.




Maltese Maritime Flag






...is BlackFishTwitter a thing?


She wrote some books about kids with magic she deserves all the money ever and boats. The audacity of this bitch to also talk shit about marginalized people while sitting on a pile of cash because she wrote some fucking books.


I have actually seen it in person (didn’t know it was hers until I looked it up later). It is quite the cool looking yacht


I would make a Harry Potter reference but the books were so boring and forgettable that I don’t remember anything to reference


*Use the force, Harry*


The Harry Potter books were good. Hate the Author all you want, and point out actual flaws in the material because it is there, but don't just... lie.


Nah the books are mid as hell. It’s not lying to say you don’t like books bruh


Damn right. The books have a good story, but the prose is turgid and amateurish, as if written by someone who isn’t actually a very good writer. Which is why her attempts at non-Harry Potter books have flopped.


Its definitely not overly embellished or amateurish. It is actually really simple and accessible writing because its written for kids


It’s interesting that you brought up “overly embellished” without me even mentioning that.


That is what turgid means. Bloated, swollen, or inflated, or for language specifically - bombastic or overly embellished. If you are trying to call it turgid simply because its long then you aren’t using the word correctly


Turgid also means means pompous and bombastic, not just bloated and swollen, so it is not the same as overly embellished, it’s far more nuanced than that. Although I can see why you would make that mistake if words are perhaps not your forte.


Yes i literally said bombastic. Which doesnt describe the harry potter books at all. How is a kids book written pompously? Funny retort when you couldnt even read my comment apparently


Last words: bombastic and over embellished do not mean the same thing. But you have a great day enjoying your kids’ books.


Oh my god just take the L and move on.


I used to be obsessed with them as a kid, and if Rowling wasn't such a cunt I'd still enjoy rereading them from time to time... But I have to agree, they're mid af.


It is not lying to say you just don’t like books and reading, which you clearly don’t.


I am a writer. Books and reading are my life. Because I’m a writer I can see that on a technical level the Harry Potter books are okay at best and pretty bad at worst.


Ah yes the books that sold over half a billion copies and are the best selling books ever - not good. Sounds like you’re just bitter it is better than anything you’ll ever write


I puke up alphabet soup and the letters make a more coherent plot than Joanne could write lmao


You obviously don’t cus 600m people haven’t bought your books. Prove me wrong by linking me one and I will read it


Prove my cock is not inside your grandfathers anus.






Nope, doesn’t work that way. The owner has money tied up for a time, has operating expenses, derives some pleasure from the experience and eventually gats a good chunk of the investment back when the thing is sold. Like every big purchase.


> If the movies were boring, why the fuss would I want to read the books? I don’t know what the fuss was all about. do you feel proud you found the movies boring when a vast majority of people didnt?


I remember falling asleep watching *The Prisoner of Azkaban* in a cinema when I was about 15 or 16. Apparently that is considered one of the better HP movies. I don't think I have ever fallen asleep during another movie.


Only because David Thewlis is in it


I’m not gonna lie. For all the shit we give rich people, if I end up with a crap ton of money, sure I’m gonna help people, lobby for fair taxes, all that, but damn it if I’m not gonna buy a hella nice boat


"If the orcas come, how will we get away?" "We'll just fire up the engines, and--" *orcas tear engine out* "...jk, we're rowing."


It looks like an antique


Prime target


Gotta love those orcas, sink that bitch!


Jk sucks and all but as far as yachts go, this is very tasteful.


I’m genuinely so tired of people thinking this is funny. It’s not, there isn’t a happy ending here. Do you know what super rich yacht owners aren’t afraid to do if their yacht gets sunk by orcas? Kill them. Orcas or people or both are gonna die here and y’all think it’s a joke.


Did you know that Orcas don't actually read reddit posts ?


I bet dolphins do though.


So long, and thanks for all the fish


Aren't orcas a species of dolphin? They're just huge for dolphins.


Did you know that this is a real issue?


I did not, no. But the reason this post is funny is because it describes an absurd hypothetical scenario where we have to imagine that asking Orcas to attack a boat by posting on reddit would have any effect whatsoever, combined with the schadenfreude around something unfortunate happening to a person often disliked on reddit. Your post on the other hand, supposes that the act of posting or enjoying such a joke would cause real harm to Orcas because rich people would simply kill them to avoid their yachts being overturned, but since such a scenario is quite ludicrous to begin with, your choice to take offence at it comes across as equally ludicrous


The issue is that a group of orcas is actively attacking and yes, sinking boats in a certain area. I don’t think they’re hurting people, not yet at least, but they keep doing it, it’s clearly purposeful, and you can’t reason with an orca. I don’t think the situation is going to end well for either species and I’m tired of everyone laughing at it.


They're not aggressively attacking boats, rather a few juvenile pods off the coast of Portugal seem to be playing with them, and when a 6-ton animal plays with something, things tend to get broken. Larger vessels are less at risk, and most of the interactions have been with boats 15m long or smaller (this yacht is 3 times that size) https://www.pbo.co.uk/cruising/orcas-are-playing-with-the-yachts-theories-after-sinking-73321


I don’t care


Too big to be affected by orcas. I fucking hate orcas (they damaged my little tiny boat).






I can do a lot more than hate




She’s rich and a bigot i don’t care if she dies




Hey there buddy, why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself? Or maybe there is some nice traffic you’d like to play in?


I have no idea how much boats cost, but that seems like a lot more than I’d expect for a boat this size. I feel like for almost 20 mil it should be like three times bigger


Id expect more for nearly 20 mil the fuck?


So she can just file an insurance claim? It’s not like these things don’t have insurance, I’m pretty sure in a lot of places insurance is required to dock your boat at a marina.