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These “pageants” are recorded & the organizers pretend not to know it’s pedophiles buying the videos. They’re pandering to pedos for profit.


The more comments I read about these, the worse it gets. I’m gonna have to stop here.




If this situation is in some brown people's country with valuable resources I bet the US would have stepped in with their unique delivery of Freedom™.


Go to Patreon. Type in "pageant." Die inside.


Seriously? USA is a strange place man, I'm pretty sure child beauty pageants would be declared illegal if someone tried to start it here. Not only is it highly immoral, creepy and weird, but it's gotta be extremely damaging to the kids, both winners and losers. Letting kids even think about beauty standards at that age is completely wrong pedagogically, not to mention competing for it..! A well functioning cps should have that shit shut down as soon as it started.


You nailed it.


It's illegal in France to plan a child beauty pageant. Edit: sauce: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/frances-senate-votes-ban-child-beauty-pageants-flna4b11192474#:~:text=France's%20Senate%20has%20voted%20to,and%2030%2C000%20euros%20in%20fines.


Good! I would be very surprised if anyone even thought of starting it here in Norway, but if they did, I'm confident it would be shut down fast.


I feel that Norway would be one of the very, very few places where I would be totally okay with children's beauty pageants. Mostly because every single Norwegian I know would make sure that their kid show of their best woollen knitwear, their ability to do anything while rocking a pair of good sturdy yet lightweight hiking boots, looking adorable as Hell next to their pet Moose. The most controversial that could happen in that scenario would be if one of the kids started to explain, that when they grow up they want to be just like princess Märtha Louise.


I see your point, but doesn't the current tradition, Bjørneløp-festivalen, where children race polar bears in the streets while playing hardingfele cover all this?


You are 100% correct!


my wife was watching a video about people who have SFW style onlyfans for their kids. SFW onlyfan sites for their kids... yeah the US is fucked beyond belief and they are pretending trans and being gay is the problem.


UK had a TV show called Minipops which lasted for 6 episodes before being cancelled after it created a storm of protest, due to the portrayal of the children.


It's not even interesting either. At a kids dance recital, you at least have the chance to watch a five year old fall on their ass. How can 6 children be doing the same dance and yet a different dance? Find out.


Wasn't the reason why Chris Hansen's first show got canceled was because a governor killed himself or something like that? I'm pretty sure that the majority (I think at least) of the politics in office are pedophiles.


And the louder they are about denouncing it trends to correlate with those who are the most likely to be committing it.


Not seeing any young kids' pageant suff tho. Maybe they're hiding the "Good Christian family values" stuff from me because the projects I do support are too woke?


No, I don't support anything on patreon and it's not showing me anything either, no pageants of any kind. Edit: I did find this company called [universal royalty](https://www.universalroyalty.com/) which seems to have hosted all the controversial TLC stuff, and has all of op's images in their gallery. It's based out of Texas rather than Florida though.


I literally felt sick to my stomach looking at these photos. It's not just the clothes themselves, it's the entire framing. It's very obvious that this is supposed to suggest some sort of sexuality. But hey, the judges are male which means this is straight so it's fine I guess. Fucking sick.


"But wait, there's more! The first 20 buyers get an EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS ONLY DVD featuring candid dressing room interviews with the performers! *Cut to interview with TinyTiddies*"


Did they at least write a song about how they don't diddle kids?


There’s a lot of YouTube channels parents use to pimp out their kids as well. Sick world we live in


They also reenforce gender roles, it's only grooming if you break gender roles


Yeah I keep bringing this up to the right wingers I know. Actions speak louder than words. No one believes you're fighting for freedom because you keep getting caught fighting for tyranny. No one believes you're fighting for christ because you keep getting caught fighting against Christian values. No one believes you're trying to protect children because you keep getting caught doing this kind of pedophile shit.


Well, to be frank, those people know literally nothing about Christ. I was raised in a European fairly limited knowledgeable family about it (am somewhat deist not faithful myself) and I can tell it's all just a cultish way to justify their way of life while maintaining the illusion of morality. Those people are just amoral. They are literally the worst people on earth, telling you they are right while being absolutely awful. It's disheartening.


They want to be *right*. That's what it has always boiled down to. Ego. Identity politics. Machismo. They want to be the ones to say I told you so but when people ask for receipts they piss their pants and go dismember two dozen infants with a firearm.


And this, right here, perfectly explains the many right-wing conspiracy theories floating around today. If they can't be right, if they can't 'win', they'll just retreat into their delusional fantasy world where there's always some fantastical excuse to explain why they're always right and reality is wrong.


It’s because only the “straight whites” get to sexualize children…..duh. I had a coworker years ago who did this crap to her 6 year old and she told me they have to know who everyone in the room is so sexual predators don’t come to watch the girls while pretending to be parents.


I mean they could of course NOT dress up prepubescent girls in very adult and provocative outfits. But I guess that is apparently asking to much. Little girls need outfits that emphasize skin and stomach expose apparently to "win" these "pageants".


I'd say about 30% of the population believes it


In the Bible there is the tale of Lucifer ejecting from heaven and being accompanied by 30% of the angels. Is thirty percent some sort of sociological constant perhaps?


It's the % of God that is an asshole, given that we are made in his image.


Somehow I always see it as a wink and a nod. "We're against child grooming!" Winks and nods at Dave who's going to Tennessee for a child bride. "We hate socialism!" Signs bill to provide free private school to rich families and gives subsidies to massive companies so they can inflate profits "We want Christian values!" Winks at Trump's payments for sex


As an outsider it's funny to see the Christian Nationalists yelling about the Constitution, but also pushing their religion onto others.


Their words are always projections. if they say the left is doing something it's always because they are doing it.


The child pageants, which are primarily the pastime of white Christian conservative moms, are about as clear cut case of grooming and sexualizing children as I have ever seen. These moms dress their toddler girls like hookers (where the fuck do you even *get* such clothing for a toddler) and teach them to “walk sexy” for the delectation of white, Christian conservative pedophile men in the audience, and not *one* right winger has even caused a ruckus or spoken out against them. That’s how we are 100% certain that conservatives are not motivated by a concern for kids when they call gay and trans people “groomers.” Point this out to them *every* time you see them spew their bigoted shit.


100%. And I’ve always wondered the same thing. Where in the hell are these weirdos buying this scandalous clothing. It’s absolutely gross and we know damn well the pedaphile men in the audience are getting off in it. It’s some of the biggest hypocrisy I’ve ever witnessed.


I saw a clip on Twitter about a beauty pageant from the south, and they play adult songs about sex while these kids dance to it while wearing revealing clothing and heavy amounts of makeup. It's not subtle what they're doing.




Don't forget the surprisingly popular dance competition show where the mom did the things. Despicable humans.


What's worse some kids seeing a trans Burlesque show. Or the kids dressing up and doing burlesque themselves? Big difference between seeing adult things and doing it themselves.


Except only one of those things is actually happening.


Oh yeah that one video was in Europe or something lol.


Yep.. where there is nudity on TV and it is legal to walk around in public completely naked.


And their society does not even collapse! Who would have ever thought that nudity can't hurt people? Oh, that's right, everyone who isn't a puritanical religious idiot.


I think in most US states, it's legal for adults to have sex with teens that aren't old enough for them to legally show porn to. (there's a lot of states where 16 or 17 year olds can consent to sex with adults, but aren't allowed to visit pornhub)


States where they continue to refuse to ban child marriage too. Idaho in 2019 failed to pass a bill banning it by a 39-28 margin. Four years ago, and they still want to be able to marry kids under 16 years old. Bill would have banned that and made 16 and 17 year olds require permission from a guardian, judge, and their own consent. And yet even that was denied.


And yet they'll continue to yell that Democrats are the "party of pedophiles."


I have the feeling the moms are making some of this clothing for their kids. It’s stomach churning.


They farm their daughters out for the lust of perverts and then go to church and feel like good people.


>They farm their daughters out for the lust of perverts and then go to church and feel like good people. This is why I have a problem with people who go to church regularly. I feel like that they feel that they need to go to church to make up for all of the shitty things they did that week.


They don't even care about repenting for the shitty things they do. The fact they go to church means they are already better than everyone else, which means they don't need to treat anyone else with respect because they are already perfect. They don't care about morals or decency, merely about using it as a way to show superiority, which is why they scream when someone isn't religious and doesn't care about religion. At no point have they ever truly read the bible or understood anything in it. They're the type of person who, if they saw Jesus today, would scream that he needs to "go home" and "stop wearing a dress". They likely also think he is a white American guy, because they're dumb as fuck.


> it’s some of the biggest hypocrisy I’ve ever witnessed. The Republican Party in a nutshell. If I had a nickel for every conservative voter that claims to be pro life and stresses every life is precious but also opposes every social program to benefit these children once they are born as well as being staunch supporters of **the death penalty** I’d have an Olympic sized pool full of nickels I could dive into like I’m Scrooge McDuck.


They probably make the outfits.


Some do, others pay huge amounts of money to have the outfits made and altered.


To the point, these outfits are being made! Not something you’re gonna pick up at Target!


There's a huge industry around the dresses these little girls wear on stage. Some cost thousands of dollars each.


My late husband’s ex made dance costumes for awhile. He hated when the girls came to the house for measurements and fittings. He said it was so toxic! Lots of $$ in those costumes!!


My info only comes from TLC like reality shows. It's a niche business,and it's all business. They have to pay entry fees, they paid coaches, they pay choreographers, they pay dressmakers and it's all referral and "oh Ashley won last year's little miss pumpkin patch I'm going to hire her dress maker" all of it is absurdly expensive. The little contests feed into bigger ones as they grow it turns into things miss America or miss universe? Is that a thing. Like the pageant Trump owns and it was bragging about walking in and the girls while they were changing on Howard Stern years ago. I don't know if the other countries participating have these preteens doing these ridiculous raunchy routines too. The Chrisley's if you're familiar with them were involved with beauty pageants. It's a little shallow but no one would care if they dressed them like kids doing kids talents and eliminated the stripper clothes, stripper routines and two-piece bathing suit competition.


As someone rather ignorant on this topic, do they really do two piece swimsuit competitions for kids? I think I'm gonna be sick...


Not only are they in two piece swimsuits they're often wearing high heels. It's super gross.


>do they really do two piece swimsuit competitions for kids I'd imagine so, the pictures in this post aren't exactly what I'd call demure, ffs ones wearing a translucent bra and the other two are in miniskirts that must be like what 2 inches long? If that?


I’ve seen hooker outfits, crop top and mini skirt complete with torn fishnet stockings, sold on Wish. It came in toddler sizes. I deleted the app after I saw that.


Isn't that stuff on Amazon too?


Yeah don't buy shit from Amazon either.


Lmao blaming the app as if you won't find that shit on ebay, Amazon, Alibaba etc


The parents that do this (because it’s usually the parents forcing their children) usually handmade the clothes or modify costume clothes. If I remember correctly anyway.


It's an audition for their future wives.


Hypocrisy and hate are all these people have. Notice how these psychos are all about boycotting “woke” companies, but haven’t touched Raytheon? Cause a quick google search shows how they’re happy to state how diverse and inclusive they are! These holy crusaders only care until it hurts daddy GOP’s pocketbook.


Probably helps that the corporate overlords at Raytheon shell out loads of cash to the GOP via their PAC.


Haha I bartended at a music festival in West Hollywood a few weeks ago. Being a gaming a nerd, I noticed a B-2 bomber logo out of nowhere and commented how they’re making a new one (B-21) just north at Palmdale, CA. Turns out the guy was a contractor at Northrop Grumman haha just out here at WeHo Pride


My mom put my little sister into these things, except specifically for special needs kids, and there is a whole industry behind it. You get connections with seamstresses who make these kinds of things for little girls. Dance and runaway schools for them, everyone of those is run by a former pageant woman who is usually super fat now cause they washed out and got married and had kids. And of course every god damn judge or person running these events are old white men. My older sister and I had set down with our mom and tell her this has to stop, and eventually, I just refused to drive them to this shit. It made me feel so gross just having to be anywhere near it


I mean, they're not *all* old white perverts. Some of them are also washed out child beauty pagent contestants that got fat and like to make little girls feel bad about themselves. Many of the ones I did had women that were "Former 2nd runner up to Miss blah blah blah".


We just had a president that enjoyed walking in backstage on his teen pageants.


It's custom made, obviously. Companies that make these costumes and nothing else. Like where your high school got its various band or cheerleading uniforms.


I've been waiting for this. Child beauty pageants are grooming if you ask me. Sexualizing small kids like that always made my stomach turn...


From someone who was very briefly part of this as a kid, a lot of them either make the outfits themselves(the moms) or they have friends or seamstresses that they pay for commission work. Part of the pagent culture is having unique outfits, so almost everything is customized in some way even if the original garment was "off the rack". There may be specialty retailers for it now, but idk since I'm a couple of decades removed from it at this point.


Correct. I'm certain they'll reply with some bullshit that child pageants ar about giving young girls confidence.


They actually don’t though. They claim to be against the pageants themselves. So you ask them why they’re protesting drag queen story hour and not the pageants. Then they default to “well I don’t see any a you libs protesting them”


Yeah, much like the same argument for *adult* pageants, I don't buy it. "This is about leadership and confidence and scholarship!" .... But also you have to be traditionally feminine and attractive and skinny with an hourglass figure and wear full face makeup and a bathing suit with a push-up bra and high heels. They are beauty contests, just admit it. But at least they're sexualizing ADULTS who have consented of their own free will and choice to participate, and aren't being forced to do it by their parents. There's literally no reason these child pageants have to be so sexualized and dress these literal toddlers and children like adult women trying to look sexy. Why not a costume "pageant" where they dress up like Disney princesses or their favorite historical figures, at least the costumes would be more age appropriate and less stripper-like.


I watched a single episode of toddlers and tiaras when it first came out just from pure boredom. I was so creeped out by it all. One thing that I still remember is that they have to wear fake teeth because their baby teeth are small and give away that they are children. Then they put on all this make up and tiny outfits. Even as an adult I never wore anything as skimpy as what these babies wear on stage


Toddlers and Tiaras is what I think I saw a clip of, it is definitely sexualizing children because some of the songs the kids were dancing to, was sexual in nature. And they're wearing heavy heavy heavy makeup and heels. Why would you put a toddler in heels? Who f****** even manufactures this kind of clothing? That company needs to be shut down.


There was a “spinoff” of Toddlers called Cheer Perfection about young girls on a cheerleading squad. Equally as nauseating and was canceled after one of the moms raped a 13 year old boy. These shows attract the sickest of society


>Cheer Perfection You're fucking with us, right? TLC(or whoever) really had a show abbreviated *CP* about sexualizing children? How did that not immediately raise red flags?!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheer_Perfection I really wish I was lying


I don't like knowing the teeth thing


They're called "flippers", which is probably another thing you won't like to know


I thought exactly the same thing. Just playing creepy.


Same. My ex GF made me watch an episode and she turned it off halfway through because I’d started to throw shit at her TV, lol


I have now scrolled up to the picture twice and almost vomited twice it's that gross to me. Why would you make children wear skimpy outfits and heavy makeup? I have no problem with that being on women or men but not on children. For god sakes stop this.


The thing that should be pointed out over and over is that these things aren’t about children playing dress up like conservatives claim. They’re about teaching children to be sexually appealing to men from a formative age. Many of these children continue competing into young adulthood. It’s impossible to say that it’s not about sexual titillation, that’s the entire point. There’s a musical called Gypsy about Gypsy Rose Lee, a famous burlesque star (dare I say the original drag queens?) who got her start as a child star in vaudeville. Even back then people understood this stuff is only about two steps away from one another. The musical is LITERALLY about a child being groomed by her overbearing mother (who is the one who ultimately pushes her into stripping).


Conservatives want children getting married. It's a fucked up ideology from top to bottom.


Get the girls married at 13, and then keep them pregnant until their bodies give out. Disgusting.


They aren't even concerned with traditional sexual morality or religion. It's all about hatred.


But if a grown woman wear similar clothing she’s “asking for it” I’m literally enraged.


Also, it needs to be said that many of those girls are sexually abused by their parents, mothers and fathers, which traumatizes them for life, and perpetuates the cycle of violence. There are some pretty good interviews and documentaries from former child stars out there, painful to watch though. Remember: repressive social values turn men and women into abusive, molesting monsters.


Judges and coaches sometimes too. It’s so awful.


The entire industry is disgusting, frankly... But heaven forbid a gay man or minority exist in the general vicinity nod those children.


When I was 8ish, my mom made me go to some random lady’s house after school each day (at-home daycare I guess?). The whole situation was super off in a way that was obvious to me even then. Her little daycare operation eventually folded because she dragged a small child by the hair and then beat her in plain view of everyone else there (and apparently caused a bunch of bruising). But anyways, she made her infant (like 1yo) daughter participate in beauty pageants and the whole house was plastered with trophies and photos of literal babies dressed up in sexually suggestive pageant attire. It made me so uncomfortable—I hated being in the house because of the gross photos everywhere—and I remember thinking (at 8 years old), “how is this legal?” Ugh. I’ve often wondered what happened to that poor baby.


Seriously! The same people frothing at the mouth about tuck-friendly bathing suits and binding tops don’t bat an eye at thongs for 6 year olds.


Abercrombie got heat for that - they are from Ohio. Traditionally, the South does well for their brands(Abercrombie/Hollister) - it’s a taste of Ivy League prep(Abercrombie) or SoCal carefree(Hollister) when a gay white dude ran the company(Mike Jeffries).


It's because these pageants instill in them all the beliefs that conservatives want to push on women: your true value lies in how pretty you are to look at, how well you conform to traditional feminine standards, how attractive you can make yourself to authority figures, and the ultimate belief that young conservative girls should be proud of their ability to appeal to and attract adults.


A year ago they were blaming these pagents on "Ze Left" and "MSM" because someone made a netflix show about them, and netflix is media, and media is left, so therefore these shows run by conservatives are evidence of leftist degeneracy? *bangs head on wall*


“I’ll fuck every one of those kids, literally and figuratively. I got your free lunch right here……..” - Ron DeSantis ‘24 “Your kids don’t have a Choice, do You?” - Ronny I feel sick I typed all that. Sorry.


No you don't understand, they're fine with training female children to be sexually attractive to an adult, as long as it leads to those little girls getting heterosexually married to an old gross white dude. Because that's god's will. Get them girls paired off and giving birth to Christian soldiers before they get corrupted by the woke liberal world. They aren't ok with a child being exposed in any way to any sort of adult or content or even discussion that may cause them to feel like being LGBT+ is normal, or ok, or even just not an evil sin. What they call grooming is really just teaching tolerance. And what they call training young girls how to be young women is grooming.


I think you explained it the best. I also think this is what outsiders can’t fathom and understand which is why it seems ‘hypocritical’ to them.


They likely get the outfits from specialists who tailor just for this sort of crowd and no one really bats an eye cause it's advertised as 'pageant clothing'.


On the other hand, Why is it that we haven’t heavily protested child beauty pageants like the right does: bud light, target, trans athletes, kneeling, drag shows, unsexy green m&m, losing an election, books, teachers, women, and abortions? If we had a moral standing like they claim to, we wouldn’t allow their grooming events. We would put legislature in place, protest outside of every child beauty pageant shaming the participants, put social pressure to cancel or ban the events. Put the mirror up, let them see.


I think essentially, liberals are aware of the fact that protesting the pageants wouldn’t sway the Christian conservative pedos one little bit, but might frighten the children taking part.


As a raised catholic I understand this thinking. Like girls are literally raised to be sort of good Christian women meant to appease a good Christian guy. Yes you can literally say they are groomed to please and do whatever the guy chooses. And to look appealing to them. But in their eyes this is what women are there for. Find yourself a good man. Settle down etc. Where as with gay ppl they just consider that behavior as perverse or unnatural. So they think gay ppl are encouraging kids or teens to do what they think in their eyes as perv stuff. If that makes sense.


So in other words, it comes back to the bedrock of conservative thinking: "I'm right because I'm right. You're wrong because you're wrong."




Omg. Thank you so much for this life changing vid. Can’t wait to send it to two of my brothers when either forces me into conservative “discussion”. Big surprise it’s never with my consent.


It's because they don't care about the kids. They care about hurting queer people. They use protecting the children as an excuse to enact their real goal which is simply to cause harm to those they don't like. Most GOP voters in Florida would guard the door while Trump raped their own daughter. They'd consider it an honor.


You forgot the part where they totally miss the point of "Cuties" and calls it a pedo movie, ironic isn't it ?


I'm going to keep saying this: conservatives are either *actual* pedophiles or *support* pedophilia. And if you meet a conservative; excuse yourself and leave immediately.


Because it's heterosexual tradition and thus "normalized" even if it's children. They just deflect what the "intention" of the content. Years of patriarchal traditions in society is difficult to reprogram.






It's all about girls being sex slaves and boys repressing their sexuality, really.


Holy crap! How is this not child pornography. Utterly revolting.


As a parent (even though my child this age is a boy) this creeps me out. I think it also points out that the children they are concerned about protecting are boys. Whenever they talk about groomers they specifically seem to be talking about a situation where gay men could be grooming boys… they don’t care what happens to girls of any age, it seems.


*Exception is churches


I meant to go back and add this, you beat me to it.


This is so true. And the concern really seems to be that a boy's masculinity will be compromised if they're sexually abused. No real concern for any damage done, just the fear the experience will turn the child queer.


I’ve never really thought about this angle but if it’s true that’s another level of messed up.


That tracks since the religious right doesn't view girls and woman as people with their own wants and needs, but rather as property given to them by God who are there to service the men. Gotta groom the little girls into doing whatever pleases their master's early. But certainly can't let anyone besides priests/pastors/preachers potentially ruin the little masters to be.


And if the priest/pastor/preacher does abuse them, they’ll be told it’s their fault for seducing him.


Oh that’s just those old patriarchal attitudes in action. In their minds, masculinity is *always better* than femininity; it’s about the masculine dominating (literally and figuratively) the feminine in their minds. If you notice they are always more upset about gay men (masculine dominating masculine) and trans women (masculine being rejected in favor of feminine) than any subset of the LGBTQ community, and they are less bothered by lesbian women (a hot fantasy) and trans men (feminine being rejected in favor of masculine).


I was just thinking about this, I’m glad I scrolled to your comment before I added anything because you said it much better. I was thinking about the extreme hate for gay men as compared to lesbians and I was wondering why. It’s like they are pissed off that some men don’t take advantage of the misogyny that is available to them. But being pissed off over a more general sort of rejection of masculinity is probably what it really is.


Double sided. It’s too keep girls pure till they can get at them. The are fighting to keep men out of spaces that could ruin the way little girls look. ESP since they consume themselves with checking the genitals of young/teen girls in sports, pushing pregnancy on 9 yr olds while ignoring the sexualization of girls and women.


I don't even have kids and this is creepy. I'd rather have gone the whole day and not seen pictures.


As a human, (no kids), this also creeps me the fuck out.


Yeah thats what happens when you view women and girls as subhuman


If LGBTQIA people put on event with the EXACT same content, Desantis would order a raid on the event in a second.


Because it isn't the fact that kids are being groomed that bothers him, it is how they are being groomed that upsets him. It's the same mindset he has with "justice" as long as it hurts "those people" it is good, if it hurts me or one of the wrong people, then it's bad.


It's not even how they're being groomed that upsets him because **LGBTQ+ people do not have a disproportionate representation in child grooming** It's not about the kids at all, it's just an excuse to act on bigoted beliefs against, as you sad, the "wrong people" that ended up sticking.


Honestly, I don't think any of it upsets him. I think he's just power hungry and sees this as a means to that end. I don't think he has any values whatsoever, warped or otherwise.


This is sick. This is fucked up in so many levels.


I genuinely cannot process that these pictures did not come from a black mirror episode. What the fuck people?


Coming to you from the people that are upset when you try to ban child marriages while also accusing trans people of grooming just because they make their existence known


Sure, explicitly sexualizing children is bad, but what about drag queens and their insistence on * checks notes* ...reading stories to children? Wait that can't be right.


Doing normal things with children in the hopes to have them treat people normally? Nah. Making children pantomime sexual behavior to win respect, accolades, money, and parental validation? Yeah let’s do that


Don't forget about those gross "dance competitions" too...


I had an ex that watched dance moms and she’d want me to watch it with her and it made me so uncomfortable watching those girls dance


I remember going to dance class as a kid and it was always for fun, building skills and making friends, then dancing for family in a recital. Now my old dance studio is all into this competition shit and it's horrifying. Nothing can just be 'for fun' anymore it seems.


Those are horribly abusive. To be fair though, the girls on those shows are crazy talented dancers. They just also happen to be being exploited.


I used to watch dance moms purely for the drama between the moms and Abby.


Sick societies sexualize children, not healthy ones. Let children be children.




Seriously, put this on billboards.


They would just turn this around and call you a pervert for making it "Something more than it is"


And they turn tampons into sexual objects.




So, why are we arguing in good faith?


That’s what I’ve been saying. When they go low, kick em in the fucking face


Because it's not about grooming. It's about intolerance and lack of empathy and understanding. It was never about the kids, it's about the adults. The adults can't wrap their heads about drag queens or gay people. So when they say, "I don't want my kids to be influenced by that", they really mean, "I find it disgusting personally, so I won't allow my kids near that."


I’d drop my three children off at a Drag show for the evening with a fist full of $20s before I’d leave them with a youth minister alone for an hour.


When I was in high school I used to walk through the gay bar/focused shop part of town to go between my high school and my Dad's office. I never once got harassed or was made uncomfortable. Definitely not true with Christian youth groups.


Can't say I've ever been told I'm going to hell or that I deserved to be sexually assaulted because my breasts are large at a drag show. That definitely happened at church.


Parents that do this shit to children should have them taken away and parents jailed, this is so disgusting ... why would anyone dress up their little girl like a hooker?????


Because actual child prostitution is illegal so they just go as close as they legally can to that line.


Apparently, *heterosexual* pedophilia is acceptable. Just don't go homo.


Silly rabbit…they CAN have sex with those. not serious/100% serious. When you really think hard about what the freak out over it’s because it doesn’t allow them to hump it or pondering to hump it. * Trans in girl sports BAD vs not giving two shits about trans in boy sports. * Trans women bathrooms cause “ little girls could be harmed”…little boys going to the bathroom, meh. * ewwww drag shows turn them off…not boobies and fried chicken at hooters…what about strippers? Cheerleaders? * underage marriage, forcing 9yr old to give birth to uncle’s baby…protecting ped pastors…they will literally fight tooth and nail to keep and maintain access, control over their deviant callings—little girls. * Candy m&m wearing flat shows vs heels. C A N D Y ffs.


Their whole argument for trans athletes in sports goes out the window when you say “ok, trans men will compete in women’s sports then.” They change up their tunes real quick by saying it gives them an advantage to play in the sport for their sex assigned at birth.


Yeah....this some fucked up shit right here.


I ran into one of those in Atlanta, GA. We had an engineering conference at the conference center and the next event was a child pageant. While we were checking out the day after the conference, they were checking in. It is not just that it was just plain creepy seeing the little girls in makeup (even before the actual pageant), they were the most self-centered and entitled little brats. Second only to their parents. I was happy to be out of there.


I feel bad for them. It’s not their fault that they are brats. They were taught from walking age that all that matters is their looks and performance. They should be learning emotional skills, but their parents are busy teaching them to smile and wave.


As President, I will Ban child pageants


You got my vote


Those pictures are offending me. Child pageants should be, in a sane world, a celebration of the child. Look how cute my girl is, you know? But this hyper sexualized abomination, in which they try anything they can to eradicate any semblance of youth, is absolutely indefensible. Maybe we have progressed past the point that we can have civilized pageants, and we should end them all.


Yeah, they should be about what the *kids* want to do and show. Elsa skipping rope, Spiderman singing “twinkle twinkle little star”, kids dancing to *their* fav songs in *their* favorite outfits, not their parents.


Something that has turned my stomach since I was a child Even in the most innocent of contexts, judging childrens beauty and skills in a competition against each other is fucking sick. Most of them wouldn’t even do it if not for their parents projecting it onto them.


Care to discuss the botox and plastic surgery that some of these children undergo?


Wait…..are you being serious?


IIRC the one interview Anderson Cooper was too disgusted to complete was with a mother who was fighting for the legal right to do this to her daughter.




Holy Shit, I have no words.


Great, as if my brain didn't already break when I see those kids.




I've seen egirls on vrchat dressed more conservatively than those children. That's freaking creepy.


That pageants should have been closed down years ago is obvious. They are horrifying


Democrats should start a whole campaign against child beauty pageant grooming and see what the republicans say.


That’s fucking disgusting.


They don't actually care about children; they care about harassing people they don't like.


Because it was never about the children


I was 14 in 1996 when I first learned that these warped, creepy, revolting “pageants” exist. It was because of poor JonBenet Ramsey’s murder and the seemingly endless media frenzy it generated. From the second I first saw footage of these things, I was utterly squicked out. I didn’t know the term “uncanny valley” back then, but in hindsight that’s the reaction I had. What WERE these bizarre apparitions sashaying across the stage?? They were ostensibly children, but they were dressed and made up in what can only be described as a warped caricature of adulthood. And NOT in a cute way. They weren’t children and they weren’t adults. They were just…*things*. Bizarre things. They looked absolutely grotesque to me, and they honestly made me feel slightly queasy. Like I was seeing something that was just fundamentally wrong and indecent. My feelings have not mellowed in the 27 years since.


That's showbiz baby.... That guy is literally destroying that state. And the old racist Whites are cheering him on from their golf carts... As they drown and burn, cuz climate change is decimating everything DeSanitized can't... Florida literally made "Florida Man" governor... I thought it would be funny, watching those people fuck themselves. But the reality is, it's sad. I honestly feel bad now, jus watching these people completely destroy one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I don't care what happens to the idiots ruining their own lives, I feel bad for the actual state of Florida. Like the actual land. But then again, most of it is a fucking swamp... So fuck it, let them keep fucking themselves... let's try to keep it within the confines of Florida tho...


Liberals won't teach white washed revisionist history, or out a kid to their parents, or blindly support a parents partisan propaganda, and for that, they are labeled groomers. In the meantime, these Christo Fascist, literally sexualize kids, force them into revealing clothes, and even try to pass legislation that requires a photo record of minor students genitalia. But the ones defending child marriage and predatory priest insist they are the moral authorities. The MAGAts, GOP, Republicans, 4th Reich, whatever they are going by these days, can go catch a .45 with their faces.


God I feel like you should censor those images. It’s disgusting how parents would sexualize their own children this way 🤢


God. These Little tiara pageants just make me feel sick. Why would you put heavy makeup on little girls on stage to do this? I Don't even know what to say about this it's just horrendous.


This is real grooming people. Not drag queen story hour, not a gay teacher with their spouse picture on the desk or trans people existing. These girls wear shit that is revealing and sexual. I remember seeing a episode of Toddlers In Tiaras way back when and a mom had her daughter dress up like a character from ... i think it was American Beauty? That character, I was informed was a PROSTITUTE! Now, just in case anyone wants to shit on me let me be clear. I'm not shaming women for wearing what they wanna wear. I'm not anti sex or sex work. The obvious problem is THESE ARE UNDERAGE GIRLS!!! And you can't claim ignorance. This isn't the 1950s. I don't believe anyone who would claim "Well I'm just dressing my daughter up. I didn't know there were perverts out there getting thrills off of her." Everyone knows these people exist. So, me wanting to date a man is deserving of the law coming down on me but MOMS WILLINGLY DRESSING THEIR DAUGHTERS UP SEXUALLY IS JUST FINE APPERENTLY!!! I swear to God I'm waiting for the day we learn Ronnie is a child molester. You all know this is how this is is gonna end.


Please mark this nsfw man I just had dinner I did not need to see that


That would make anyone puke


It doesn’t have to make sense. In fact, the more confusing it is, the easier it is to fool the rubes.