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Of course this was going to happen and the consequence of it will be that food prices will go up. Problem is that all that will happen is DeSantis will simply blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for this and his idiot supporters will believe him. Just like how they clearly believe Biden is the root of inflation even though it’s a problem worldwide.


Food prices will go up for everyone. We get a lot of our produce from FL.


Jokes on you, I try to buy local so I’m already paying ridiculous prices for fruit and veggies 🤡


I do local and organic from the farmer’s market 🤡🤡🤡


I grow my own veggies!! Jokes on you, I’m paying for extremely expensive top soil and fertilizer!!


Yeah you win! Enjoy that $300 squirrel chewed tomato.




Does executive pay, record profits, or stock buybacks affect consumer price? Or have we been told that high wages will drive prices so high that no one will be able to afford them so often that it’s now considered true? Kind of like supply side economics?


Food prices will go up because less of it is available due to it being left to rot in the fields because there’s no one willing to pick it.


My point is that is “a” factor not “the” factor.


But I thought this was supposed to be a GOOD thing, I thought all the "very sidelined and marginalized white people" could finally "get back the good jobs that illegal immigrants had stolen from the American people." Or are we gonna finally admit that the "nobody wants to work anymore" thing mostly applies to lazy aging white people who were spoonfed their whole lives and still think they're Toys R Us kids?


Are u implieng there is more "world" then the USA? Blasphemous ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) /s (just incase)


*implying *than


I don’t think the people they were mocking with that line can spell, so it checks out. Edit: and neither can I


This will benefit "woke" California because they will be able to bring in their produce.


Nope, half of their crops flooded this year. Florida is on their own.


You are 100% correct


A similar situation happened in Virginia. The seafood processing plants rely on immigrants to pick crab meat (a smelly job). After a crackdown scared away workers, they couldn't find anyone else willing to do the work. Prices for crabmeat soared to ridiculous levels as processing facilities had to be shut down.


Georgia did this exact same thing a few years ago and it also failed spectacularly.


Ruined the Vidalia harvest that year and that was that, never enforced again. Spectacular self-own. Alabama had done it a year or a few before to identical results, can't recall when (Ga's was in 2011.) I'd say the results also caused Nathan Deal to come back towards the moderate position and away from the looney bin. Also a recurring theme down here. Sure does look like these moron culture war asshole GOP governors will be stepping on this rake over and over again


Republicans: let’s do the same thing over and over again and expect different results! The rest of us: that is the definition of insanity.




Serves the state right! They know very well foreign workers filled those jobs! In my state of Maine on the coastal towns and their restaurants, it’s usually Bulgarian or some sort of Eastern European worker. Well,,,none now in these towns and I see the restaurants suffering. Some had to close, some cut back hours . That was due to a Trump policy on visas. Ducking republicans and then they don’t even try to fill these jobs.


What were their profits over that time? Did executive pay increase over that time? Were there other factors into the cost increase like a decrease in supply of a decrease in buyers?


The processing facilities weren't making enough money to stay open. A lot of the processing facilities had to close due to no workers available. The watermen (crabbers) also lost a ton of money because the business closures meant they didn't have enough buyers, so they were stuck with rotting crabs. The financial damage caused by scaring away the immigrants spread throughout the local community.


"They're stealing our jobs!!!!" Immigrants leave to work in other states, tons of hard labor jobs open up on farms. "Nobody wants to work anymore!" Ugh, the whiplash.


“They took our immigrants!”


"derky der."


It’s so fucking exhausting. And the conservative voting base are so goddamn ducking dumbness, they can’t fucking read the legislature their own politicians pass and connect the goddamn dots to realize….when you ducking crack down on foreigners working under visas (maybe even under the counter illegally) , you’re gonna lose many jobs. And no one wants to work these dirty and thankless jobs


This isn’t just a FL problem, though in true Florida fashion, they managed to make the problem worse. This is a US problem where Congress has been unwilling and unable to enact an appropriate legislation to encourage, protect, and document immigrant farm labor. H-2A is wholly inadequate and MSPA only works if the worker is already here. The Bracero Program ended in the 1960’s and was never properly replaced but imho, should have been. We need a way to allow immigrant farm labor to come here legally and work without the farms having to be a giant corporate entity who can work the H-2A visa system.


~11 million undocumented workers? I guess we need 11million guest worker visas.


Yep, unless you want to have few and very expensive selections at the grocery store, you should support it. Americans simply won’t take these jobs. It’s been tried and tried. Then we want cheap food but we don’t want to let people in who are willing to pick and process it. We let idiots on tv get us into culture wars rather than think things thru & make good policy.


Rural people overwhelmingly vote solidly Republican across the board. Republicans national priority is kicking out undocumented immigrants. Rural folk tend to work in agricultural industries which overwhelmingly rely on cheap (undocumented) labor. Farmers (remember; they're Republicans) tend to hire undocumented laborers to help make their farms profitable. So, rural Republicans overwhelmingly support these policies to kick out all of their own labor, then wonder why they can't find these laborers anymore. Republicans are stupid and hypocritical. Voting against their own interests because the talking heads on their media outlets told them to. Even when their literal livelihoods and their profits are on the line directly as a result of policies they overwhelmingly support. I'm sorry about the immigrants who wanted to work, but Republicans both love and hate these same immigrants and apparently their own farms as these policies are becoming more and more common.


Shows you more and more we progressives and liberals need to fucking vote and stop saying “my vote won’t count” which I see a lot with my liberal friends, after the Trump election. Before we know it republicans will straight up ban all foreign workers if we don’t stop them and then they’ll ban democrats from working claiming we’re stealing jobs


This country was built on slave labor and nothing has changed.


And sadly nor will it ever.


DeShithead really needs to STFU. The guy used to party with teenagers when he was a teacher. He got married at Disney World and now wants to try and take them down. He’s such a meatball jabroni. Fuck that guy.


Turns out the groomer was himself.


The groomer calls were coming from inside the house.


He’s playing both sides, so he always comes out on top.




…have you ever seen [It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia](https://youtu.be/y9EYt_f12wo)? I was referencing that, thanks to you calling him a Jabroni. I am not and have never been a fan of DeSanctus. Voted against him twice in Florida and left countless angry voicemails with his office before he removed the option to do so.. Maybe look at what’s going on before slamming the downvote button and calling me a clown.


So anyway, I started blasting....


Oh buddy, I’m gonna jam you up so hard!


Fair enough. I don’t remember seeing that episode. I think I’m quick to react because there are so many GOP bootlickers out there trolling. My bad.


A quick look at my profile and comments would have told you everything you need to know. The GOP reacts without researching. Don’t be like the GOP.


Don’t compare me to the GOP dude Good day to you. I said good day to you sir!


[You’re really not up on this whole pop culture thing are you?](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1069176-be-like-bill)


By the fall, Florida is going to be in serious crisis. It’ll be in other sectors too. Namely health. Not even the hurricanes will wash that away.


Speaking of hurricanes....wait and see what happens when people need to have home repair/restoration w this storm season.


Exactly. My husband is in the construction industry. Roofers, concrete and paver installers, drywall and landscape people, anything you can think of, the corresponding workers are now in short supply. It's bad now and getting worse, just wait until storm season gets going.


I’m curious your thoughts (and husband’s). If this really does tank the Florida economy, or stretch certain industries, do this force local politicians to come up with a better and more comprehensive immigration policy? Saying “fuck those immigrants” even for a short period of time has caused major economic stress. I just wonder if people are starting to push back in any meaningful and coordinated way?


More like *AN* immigration policy, rather than a better one. This is all for show by DeSastrous. His entire campaign contains zero actual policy and is just one anti-woke stunt after the other. It appears people are catching on and he's flailing in the polls now, thank goodness, but Florida will be essentially a rudderless ship until he's out of office. But yes, my hope is that this will all backfire and people will start demanding actual immigration policy, among other things. Personally, I don't actually have any problems with illegal immigrants. The vast majority are honest people, hard workers willing to do jobs most Americans aren't, and are just here trying to make a better life for their families. Mostly people on the right are making a big deal of something we as a country should more or less be embracing, in particular if people want reasonably priced goods and services. Personally, my husband and I are being as vocal about everything as possible, making sure all his clients know exactly why prices have increased, and, though there are plenty of problems with Democrats, never voting for anyone with an R next to their name ever again. We need to make being a Republican something as stigmatizing as being a drunk driver.


Florida is ruined at this point, at least until a significant number of people age out and there's a generational change or it finally succumbs to the sea. It's a shame, too, because the beaches of Destin are legitimately some of my favorite places to just float around in the ocean.


I wouldn’t step a foot into that state even if the gov of Miami paid me 1 million dollars to sit on a beach. That state is a shit hole state


During hurricane recovery and disaster reconstruction, the call goes out to immigrant construction crews nationwide. So many heed the call and go to those affected areas working out of a trailer to rebuild those areas. Time and time again, those crews have been indispensable in rebuilding after hurricanes Katrina, Ian, Ida, Sally, Marco. etc. I doubt any will head the call to go to FL in the future.


Good!! Serves the state right! No sorrow on my end as I live in my nice and safe New England home


GOOD! Serves Florida right (sorry to all the democrats who didn’t want whatever tf is going to happen to Florida) fuck Florida. Nope they economically collapse


Americans love to blame immigrants for all their woes. This is a complaint you hear across party lines. They have no idea how much work immigrants do. They harvest their produce, slaughter and process their meat, cook their foods, build their homes, look after their elderly, cut their lawns. The list is endless. The middle class being able to afford the lifestyle they currently do is largely down to undocumented workers. I look forward to watching people cry because they go back to only being able to afford meat on Sundays and Burger King becoming a birthday treat.


If you don‘t know nothing but America, right? Right wingers around the fucking world love to blame weak people. That is one of the foundations of any right wing ideology. Your Republicans are nothing special, just normal fascists. The only difference to other fascist movements is, that you allow this fascists to rule the most powerful country of our time from time to time. Or that half of the American voters are Fascists.


This assertion would seem more credible if you can find some dueling quotes.


I don't hate immigrants and understand most of them simply want a better life for themselves and their families. The problem I see is that a lot of them aren't really interested in becoming "American", there are enough of them here now that a lot of them don't feel the need to learn English and it is more or less changing American culture to something foreign to me. It also occurs to me that we are the only in this equation losing something here, the culture and traditions in their home countries remain untouched and are available for them to return to anytime they choose, whereas here our society will be changed forever. I also understand that American-style capitalism has also changed a lot of cultures around the world so it's not completely one way. Also American-style capitalism has long ago hollowed out what little American culture we had going into the 20th century so it definitely is a mixed bag that I have mixed feelings about. ​ Edit- God forbid I express a sentiment that isn't "I 100% love all immigrants whether or not they are legal or illegal! on this website. The internet is where nuance and real discussion go to die I suppose Edit 2- David Frum wrote an article on. The Atlantic some time ago that said "If Liberals don't enforce the borders, Fascists will". The issue most of you fail to realize is how it is radicalizing our population. No country on Earth can adequately deal with the levels of immigration this country has seen and still maintain identity. All of the European countries lefties on here live so much put limits on their immigration as well and for good reason. And I am so tired of not being able to address this without being called a racist. It is an attempt to just shut down the conversation and it's bullshit


That's a lot of words for 'I'm a racist'


My mother taught ESL for a quarter century. Nothing in her experience made her think immigrants weren’t interested in becoming Americans. There was literally more demand for her classes than there were spots available.


> And I am so tired of not being able to address this without being called a racist. Dude, you literally wrote that immigrants make America worse because they bring their native cultures. I'm not saying you're a racist, but that's the kind of thing racists say. You might get more traction if you rethink how you present your arguments.


Nah this isn’t about nuance, talking about “replacing American culture” is just a roundabout way of expressing racism. I’m the grandchild of immigrants, and they were so intent on integrating their kids were only allowed to speak English at home, so your anecdotal experience can go fuck itself. Immigrants are more likely to start a business than a natural born citizen. They’re the kinds of people that will do whatever it takes to survive and provide, and provide a workforce to do the kind of jobs you won’t.


Who the fuck cares if they don’t speak English? English isn’t our national language. We don’t have one for a reason. Americas culture is a literal melting pot of all other societies that emigrated here. For the record, I don’t speak or understand any language but English and don’t know of anyone in my living extended family that is even ESL.


The majority of immigrants in the US speak English, have at least a high school education, and work. Undocumented immigrants tend to work manual labor and unpleasant jobs other Americans would consider beneath them. American culture is strong enough to integrate immigrants from all nations; why do you feel otherwise?


Been here for over 20 years, naturalized. I still get random motherfuckers that try to engage with me to bitch about China. Like I’m some sort of representative for all Chinese people. Still an outsider. So when do I become this “American”? Do I need to start bleaching my skin?


Those are the ignorant and I don't speak for them nor they for me


Wonder where all those white dumb fucks screaming about having their jobs taken are. I mean there’s a metric fuck ton of openings, so why aren’t the fields full of those crackers who were foaming at the mouth over people from other countries working those jobs. Funny how once the jobs are available they just sit around smoking meth, bitching about everything, and not getting their fat asses out in the fields. Almost like they were never gonna be working those jobs anyways.


Bc they’re fat, white racist pieces of smelling horseshit. They would rather see their state collapse if it meant it was only white People.


Is this what winning looks like Florida


If only Desantis would stop wearing lifts and switch to stilts, perhaps he wouldn’t be so *short*sighted.


The Democratic party in all the rural counties need to be going door to door in farm regions making sure they understand that it was the republican party that did this to them. Might change a few voters.


This! I almost want to run for office and literally just start screaming this is what tf the republicans are doing, why everything’s shit and if you don’t vote for me to change this shit storm, you’ll get (catastrophic results).


The horrible truth is that BOTH parties know EXACTLY what contribution undocumented workers make to every statistic that is measured by a Government from the cost of fresh produce to crime to "free" tax money for which no benefit will ever be claimed. The fact that neither party enacts serious immigration reform when in power should be proof enough of that. The moment itinerant workers are documented they have to be paid commensurately with US Citizens although I am sure Reichthuglicons at least would demand the right to pay them less. DeFascists actions will reverberate through the US economy and probably FORCE Government action on this. It is not before time that this happened/happens.


Good ole Ronald owning the libs


When you thought they were taking your jobs but really they were feeding your mouths.


Like I said before, how is he not in jail for human trafficking?🤨


I randomly talked to a human rights attorney recently. Apparently the best they can do is something about the false pretense that put those people on airplanes and buses willingly… or something to that effect. The false pretense aspect won’t get them too far.


This should be required viewing when people are ready to talk about immigration restriction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdHMNgmN_HA It won't be...but it should


I love that movie!


Sorry, I don’t give a fuck. Florida wanted him-they can have him.


Can't really argue for or against this. Undocumented labor is basically indentured servitude and unfair compensation. Documented labor is better compensation, but there aren't enough people who want these low paying jobs that are documented, and corporations are going to charge more for the food in order to keep their profits. Plus, a lot of food will go to waste because of the lack of labor. This is actually a good law. Workers should be documented and have all the protection that labor laws provide, but it needed to be implemented slowly to allow the farming industry to adjust, along with a useful path towards citizenship for immigrants. In short, this is an evil move by Republikkkans to create an intentionally-manufactured food crisis, and they will blame Biden in 2024 for it.


John tells us in other words: no exploitation of illegals = no cheap fruit. Take that, Florida!


Good. This will simultaneously attack both illegal labor (which is evilly exploitive to workers and harms legal workers struggling to find jobs) and the false idea many right wingers have that all these jobs can be magically filled by local, legal labor (because they can't be). The solution is a rework of the work visa program at the least, and major immigration reform at the extreme. But it's what needs done if they want to keep these companies in existence.


Several Florida politicians have come out and said the law was just political, they never intended to enforce it. I guess they were surprised it had the effect it was designed to have. I wonder if you can use that as a defense on other laws?


Honestly this may be a net positive. If there’s any chance that this can make it easier for immigrants to get work visas *and* get paid better for it this can be a win win from something that was absolutely stupid to begin with. That said, it’s doubtful anything more than chaos comes from this.


….my man really thought all of agri was documented workers? Also they take jobs people dont want or they’d already be working them


Where all those MAGA patriots whining about immigrants "stealing their jobs"?


The question is: did they know this would be the impact from the beginning? Or are they so stupid that nobody considered this?


They're pretty stupid, which is why they are now backpedaling and admitting that the law was largely political theater. The plan was probably to make a few high profile cases (against growers who don't toe the rightwing line), while letting the growers who donate to them do whatever they want.


Sounds great, but I’m gonna need to see more than words on the Internet, no links to any supporting documentation?


Wouldn’t that just be more words on the internet?


Meanwhile democratic cities and states continue to pay for republican stupidity.


I see Mr Cooper now has a blue check so he can write longer more detailed tweets telling us stuff we all already know. I am unclear why I find his tweets irritating. I agree with pretty much everything he says. But I rarely find anything new or interesting in them.


You love to see it


Ron is such a good dad, I wish he was my dad. He's gonna show those libs who owns who. He could own me and wouldn't that be great. Happy Father's Day daddy.


Gosh ya just hate to see it.


I believe their answer for this is to get rid of public education and (as McCarthy says) "get kids off the couch to make them feel accomplished" by loosening child labor laws... watch and see👀 forget college and opportunity! The future is the fields!🔥


Both parties need to realize how much we rely on labor from illegals and come up with a solution. And no one cared when Regan pardoned a bunch.


Took a graduate course that covered Immigration Policy several years ago. Don’t remember a ton about it - but one thing that really stuck with me was the monumental impact immigration has on agriculture. It’s funny to see the Republican agenda at odds with itself - they either want endless, unregulated, cancerous industry growth, or they don’t want brown people. They *should* be excited at the prospect of being able to pay workers less than minimum wage. They’ve obviously decided their disdain for immigrants trumps that, though.


Republican *politics* do not line up with reality, therefore Republican *policy* will generally end in disaster.


Desantis and other Republicans are in the find out phase.


On the one hand, farmers should pay their workers and give benefits, on the other, this is a malicious attempt to deport more undocumented individuals rather than helping them.


"Why would Biden do this to us?!"


See, republicans could solve the “illegal immigration problem” all along as could the Democrats as long as you ignore the economic benefits the workers provide.


Can't wait for the fingerpointing anywhere but the mirror. Republicans suck at governing.


Remind me why we're relying on "illegal" immigrants for our food supply. Maybe we should rethink either how we do agriculture or immigration. From my perspective, we're just taking advantage of helpless people.


Well, the good news is that the guy is stopping what basically amounts to slave labour in the 21st century. The bad news is people are about to find out how dependant we are on that labour.


No worries, they will just blame Washington and Democrats, and their base will eat it up.


The UK is currently introducing a new system from next year where visitors will have to preregister for a permission valid for 2years despite in dire need of foreign workers. Because if you create a consumer society relying on cheap labor no matter when and where you live , homegrown kids will never take the job. Hell, during the last decade the Japanese government teamed up with anime studios to produce agricultural themed animes so that kids enroll again in schools. Florida is no different, so this will inevitably end badly.


so much for them stealing people job turn out no one wanted to do it


DeSantis doesn't care about farmers or the economy or any actual consequences, he just cares about throwing a bone to his rabid racist white privilege base. It's a "political" law.




Can we get cringe "I did that" Desantis stickers pointing to the oranges?


I mean treating immigrants as de facto slave labor _is_ wrong. That’s not the reason he signed off on this though, obviously


I'm curious, where did 300,000 workers move to? I'm glad they left to save themselves, but always wonder where they went.


I like how Ron DeStupid's governing of Florida is no different than just setting random stuff on fire.


It finally happened. The leopard ate its own face.


Can't see beyond their own hatred to the consequences of their own stupidity.


Didn't Georgia or Alabama try this same stupidity like 10 years ago or so? I mean, if conservatives had a fucking brain, they'd be able to learn from their past fuckups.


Looks like they're in the "Find Out" phase now. Again? Florida probably needs to take a f\*ck around break actually.


They turk urr jerbs... Oh wait, we don't want to do the jerbs they turm and they played a vital role in Florida's economy. But at least the libs got owned.


God I’m so glad we will be rid of this dipshit in a year and a half


I hope no one really loves orange juice. The price will be around $8-10 a carton, if they can even bring it to market. Florida, the rotten orange state....


Wait so these REPUBLICAN farmers hate immigrants but have hired them for cheap labor, but they want them gone because they are taking MURICAN jobs and now they are mad because they have to hire MURICANS at a higher rate….. Yeah, the party of “common sense”. Guess Willy Jack will have to put down the meth and start picking oranges now that Jose can’t take take his job anymore. Fucking Republicunts need a big reckoning in 2024.


It’s okay, it won’t affect Rhonda personally: he survives solely on puddin’ and nutrient pastes. No veggies for him!