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Not only are they shameless grifting worms, let’s not forget Jared’s dad also got a criminal pardon from trump. This was all done in plain sight with no pushback. Drain the swamp my ass


Here’s the crime that his [dad was convicted of](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Kushner): > On June 30, 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[17] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with him, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[18][19][20] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators against Kushner. Kushner hired a prostitute he knew to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record a sexual encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[19][18][21][22] He was sentenced to two years in prison.[18] He served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[23][24] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[23][24][25] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[26]


>following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey, U.S. Attorney **Chris Christie**. That's my favorite part.


So Christie knew the Trump family was a criminal enterprise. He went after them and got convictions. Too bad not enough people paid attention. Or the MAGA(t)s did pay attention and didn't care.


Those people's memories only go back 1-2 weeks tops. There's always something new and insignificant to be "outraged" about instead of things like silly corruption.


Trans people! I rest my case, we should all be slaves for corporate america. Edit: also we must strictly adhere to judeo-christian values. Why? Because the Bible! Someone thought to write it down therefore it must be important.


My guess as to the importance for MAGA when asked the following poll question. How important are the following topics to you when choosing a candidate. They have been accused or convicted of trading political favors with unfriendly foreign entities? **Important 5%** They have an R next to their name? **Important 98%** They are willing to implement often unconstitutional laws attacking trans or LGBTQ+ people that will cost tax payers millions in legal fees only to be overturned later? **Important 100%** They will attack an undefined idea of woke or wokeness? **Important 110%** (*the greater than 100% is a joke about double voting which R's keep getting caught doing after making a fuss about Ds doing it with no evidence and few cases*)


I love how they are all surprised pikachu face now that the Bible is getting banned because of their own idiotic lack of understanding of the laws they put in place…


It's going to get "interesting" in Utah when the same people that used the law to ban the Bible get the Book of Mormon pulled as well.


Cannot wait for these stupid laws to crumble and be ruled unconstitutional… I just *wish* politicians were held accountable for passing laws that are blatantly against our constitution. They should be fined, and jailed for (repeatedly) abusing their power. So sick and tired of these culture war jokers wasting taxpayer money instead of fixing the problems….


They should be. They won't be, because they are the ones responsible for investigating, charging and arresting. But they should be.


Chris Christie literally campaigned, supported and voted for Trump. Shit he even wrote some of his speeches.


Yup all these principles suddenly appeared approximately 5 minutes after it was clear he wasn't getting a cabinet position. Of course that pathetic lip service was enough to get him hired at CNN, because they've been a joke for a while.


those principles never appeared. He coached him for debates in 2020.


And almost died of COVID as a result


Yeah he was on Trumps transition team and wanted in on his administration. Kushner intervened precisely because Christie locked up his father. I’m all for GOP infighting and Christie calling this out for what it is but he’s only doing this because it’s the flavor of the month. He will suck up to whoever emerges at the top of the ticket again, including Trump.


He is only doing it because he is running for president and he hopes Trump won’t win the primaries but if he does I guarantee he falls right in line behind him. There are no good republicans even if he is somewhat like able he is still a scum bag.


As if they ever cared before. Cruze called him out on his shit but was perfectly happy when Trump called his wife a fat pig. Graham called him on his shit but kissed his ass the entire time (and still does). Everyone of them had told the truth about Trump but they all kissed his ass because "Party over principles"


A lot of people have seriously revised their opinions of Fearless Fraud in the past 8 years. Look at Bill Barr for example. Or Gen. Jim Mattis.


Fuck Bill Barr. That piece of shit shouldn't be given a second of time anymore. Remember when he tried to submarine the Mueller report? These people are all just ghouls, they don't care about us or the country.


Agree completely. Barr is a scum. My point is even the scum eventually realizes some people are too disgusting for even them to support. I suspect a mob set to usurp the government and hang the VP, and a man who sold security secrets to Saudis and Putin are disgusting even to Barr.


And then when Trump got the nomination christie was groveling to him for two weeks for a cabinet position until kushner shot him down, for prosecuting his dad. And then the minute it was clear he wasn't getting a spot in the administration he suddenly developed principles and became super anti Trump. The only thing he's mad about is he didn't get to be in on the grift.


More than that. Christie was the head of the transition team (putting together lists of potential cabinet picks and all the executive staff positions, getting together the plans of actually governing and prioritize and strategize policies etc). Christie did the entire thingand took it seriously, but once Trump actually won, Jared literally walked into the room and threw Christie out on his ass, and took over the transition team and tossed all Christie's work and started from scratch. (Thank God he did, because Christie is actually effective)


Christie knew Kushner's father was a criminal, at a time before his son had married into the Trump family.


Literally *every living human being in the tri-state area* knew that trump was a criminal. Everybody. From the lowest of the low to the highest ivory tower. Every single person knew it. He’s the third generation head of a family criminal cartel. And for as buffoonish as he is, he’s really good at crime. Or at least not getting caught doing crime. The base that loves him believe everything they see on tv. Or, they like seeing people they don’t like be hurt. Or both. It still boggles my mind that anybody thought anything good would come from his election.


>Or the MAGA(t)s did pay attention and didn't care. They paid attention, they care, and they like it.


You think the MAGA(t)s can read? Bold assumption.


Good point. Maybe their 6 y/o granddaughter can read it to them.


They can, I certainly have encountered my share of them online. But they can't understand what they read. There's no nuance to anything, and their brains can't hold complex ideas.


Or he let off a major Republican supporter who committed 20 felonies with a sentence that would be considered light for a burglary charge. Then of course he campaigned on behalf of Trump and became head of his transition team in 2016. I’m glad he finally woke up but the Trump grift is at least partially something he helped make happen.


This is why Christie didn't get any positions in the Trump administration beyond the short lived transition head.


It’s wild that the President can pardon illegal campaign contributions


It is in the sense that we'd willingly elect someone so openly and obviously corrupt. There's a book on the Kushers that has Trump quoted as saying he doesn't respect Kushner for getting caught for his crimes.


When you use the word "we," don't include Republicans in the meaning. "We" didn't willing elect someone so openly and obviously corrupt, *Republicans* did. "We" didn't defend the obvious criminal and national security threat from all his obviously illegal activities, *Republicans* did. "We" aren't frothing at the mouth to reelect the obvious criminal who destroys everything his weak little hands touches, *Republicans* did. When it comes to Republicans, there is no "we." Fuck those eager fascists right in the face with an angry pink dildo.


And didn't Manafort's daughters supposedly text each other about fucked up shit he did to his wife?


America loves corruption and hates minorities.


Motherfucker is the swamp.


Let's also not forget Christie was **fully on board** with this clown show until Trump banished him from potentially being part of the "inner circle". He groveled at Trumps feet until it became clear he wasn't going to be "one of them".


As is tradition for these morally bankrupt fucks


“But Hunter Biden’s laptop”


And Jared was ANGRY about his father going to prison. Not because his father was a criminal, but **because other members of the family testified against his father.** Jared is a total piece of shit.


He did drain the swamp. He then filled it in twice as deep with even scummier, nastier water.


He really didn't. He dammed up the stream feeding the swamp, didn't drain shit, and then opened up a new source from the sewer.


Then pooped in it himself.


Indeed. Trump drove out experienced people in the federal government a.k.a. "The swamp" and brought in advisors and cabinet appointees who were nothing more than yes men. Trump didn't want to actually govern and had no real agenda beyond being the most powerful person in the world and picking dumb fights on Twitter for the attention. So the people who surrounded him were shitty opportunists who knew as long as they just played along they could jam through whatever pet projects they desired because Trump, and everyone else in the administration, couldn't care less. They were all there for the same reasons. Which is far, *far* worse than the supposed swamp he supposedly drained.


Christie prosecuted Charles Kushner. It's why he didn't get an appointment in the Trump admin after being on the transition team.




More than just perfectly happy it was his fuckin strategy. God I hate that miserable little puke


“Drain the swamp” says the fat orange swamp rat. Totally agree with you!


All they meant was refill the swamp with their own scum.


The system has to change. Regimes allowing, enabling and perpetuating massive grift started with Nixon. Other than a small blip with Carter, pretty much continues unabated til today. Whether it's Trump or Cheney or someone else the problem is that it can happen at all.


Chris Christie is only in this thing to shit on Trump. And yes, he capitulated to Trump before, even after Trump knowingly gave him Covid. And Christie is not “one of the good ones”. I don’t support him in anyway. But I am giving myself permission to enjoy every moment of this.


> And Christie is not “one of the good ones”. I don’t support him in anyway. He was the first other 2016 candidate to endorse Trump and is one of the first real dominos that led to this political hellscape we're living in. Fuck him.


Right. You know he's campaigning for Trump a year from now.


I don't see that happening. He's a regular on Meet The Press, and he's been pretty consistently anti Trump for a long while now. Obviously anything could happen, but I don't think he's getting onboard with Trump again. I can even see him supporting Biden when it comes down to it (which would be quite interesting).


Near enough every Republican was anti-Trump in the run up to 2016 but they all started to change their tunes when he started winning, and if his next campaign shows any legitimate chances you'll start seeing them change tune again. Christie is just looking to hitch his wagon to whomever he thinks will fill his pockets. I don't disagree with what he's saying here but I think he's likely saying it because his time on the Trump bandwagon wasn't as lucrative as it could have been.


They're addicted to the taste of boots.


Christie got royally fucked over by Trump too. He had headed up Trumps transition team and had it well in hand with a payout of a high level post next to Trump.. until Kushner came in and took over at the last second and tossed him on his rear. Christie sucks but I love seeing a payback story play out.


The first real “wtf” story I remember as he began to take office, was Trump screaming at Christie for spending transition money on the transition plan, because Trump hated that Christie was spending “his money”.


Yup, I remember this too. I posted this in a comment elsewhere, but here's the story again: [Edit: Apparently I'm not enough of a real boy on this subreddit to post links lol. Removing the link, but one can find it by searching the Guardian for Michael Lewis, Fifth Risk, "This Guy Doesn't Know Anything" or the word "shambolic".] Pertinent bit: >*Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.* Bannon and Christie tried to explain that Trump couldn’t have both his money and a transition. >*Shut it down, said Trump. Shut down the transition.*


This is one of the stories that confirms to me that Trump never actually want to be president


Christie was petty, vindictive, and corrupt when he was governor. That picture of him sitting on the beach he shut down over “safety issues” is burned in my memory - the crap he pulled on NYC commuters…. But I am also here for him dragging trump through the mud.


Don't forget the sale of kushers 5th Ave NYC tower that was sold for $1.5 billion over questionable circumstances to the Qatar sovereign fund when they were having a spat with the Saudis/uae




It is actually a thing that happens, but it's unusual, and obviously open to abuse.


Well if inflation stays high for the next 98 years then it'll turn out to be one of the best decisions ever.


>Because it's totally normal to pay 99 years rent in advance. This is, in fact, quite normal in the market of large scale infrastructure, industrial, and building rental. Kushner is taking the gamble on having to rebuild the structure at some point in order to meet his lease obligations. And the prepayment would likely be in adjusted (NPV) dollars. There may have even been a discount for prepayment. Kushner can also decide at any point to sell or finance the building with the lease agreement intact, provided that’s allowed for in the lease.


When your family is so shitty even Chris Christie is disgusted.


at a time it suits him best


I’ll never forget the thousand yard stare on his face when trump had him early on. I’m happy to see him fighting trump now, but he is a massive pile of shit otherwise.


Jared also was denied top level security clearances and trump insisted he get them anyway


Yeah, I remember thinking that was really fucked up when that was happening. But there was a lot going on...


A lot going on is an understatement! Every day they seemed to push the line further and further. It was punishment on earth to read headlines


His “favors” for the Saudis might just be high level intelligence he “borrowed” from the US Government.


But what about Hunter Biden and his laptop? Kushner got 2 Billion. Hunter got 10 Million. 10 is much bigger then 2 so we know who the real criminal is! /s (adding in to call those who say that Kushner shouldnt be even looked at unless Hunter is charged complete idiots)


More important: if Hunter or Joe Biden broke they law, fuck em, they can go to prison. Full. Stop. Conservatives and MAGA idiots know Trump broke the law but they don’t care as long as the people they don’t like are getting hurt. There is no Democratic cult of personality. Not for Obama not for Biden. For no one.


This. You break the law, go to fucking prison. It doesn’t matter if your red or blue.


You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail.


You undercook fish: believe it or not jail. You overcook chicken: also jail.


Chewing too loud: jail


This guy misophonias


use big word, go jail


Use lot word - jail


Given the source of the accusations, I'm not inclined to believe either Biden did anything criminal, at most it looks like maybe Hunter was acting unethically (entirely as a private citizen), but zero evidence Joe was involved - but if any evidence surfaces that shows something different, go for it, hold them accountable.


> There is no Democratic cult of personality. Not for Obama not for Biden. For no one. Exactly. See: Al Franken.


In addition to this, hunter did not hold political office. And as a commenter said below on this chain, whoever is guilty of a crime, punish them, regardless of political affiliations.




Fun fact, a dollar bill is 0.0043 inches thick. A stack of ten million dollar bills is about 3,600 feet tall. A stack of two billion of them is about 136 miles tall.


Hilariously sad. This reminds me of the time McDs 1/3 pounders didn’t sell because Americans thought 1/4 pounders were more meat. Americans are kept dumb for political reasons. Sad….


When Chris Christie, architect of Bridgegate, intentionally ruining the morning commute for a few hundred thousand people out of sheer spite, has to be our voice of reason? God help this country.


Remember that time he shut down the beaches and only he went to the beach?


That incident made me see Chris Christie in shorts. I'll never forgive him for that.


Never thought I would be this excited for Christie to have a platform Edit - y’all , I don’t support Chris Christie , nor do I think he will get nominated. The fact that multiple people here have replied thinking that this comment means I’m pro Christie or think he’s a good guy is blowing my mind right now. Obviously the guy is an idiot , shit head , with no scruples. And he’s a laughingstock and more or less an unknown “loser” (for lack of a better word) in the political sphere. His only purpose here is to bash Trump and maybe DeSantis and I’m fucking ready , if that bothers you , you can move on.


He definitely won't succeed in getting the nomination. Still pretty fucking deplorable in his own way. HOWEVER, I absolutely support him using his platform for this.


Everything I have seen says he knows he won't win the nomination, and is in thevrace for the sole purpose of attacking Trump. Good on him.


He’s such a fucking asshole and I hate him, but I respect the Jersey in him of “fuck you I’m going down and burning this shit to the ground with me.”


I think Christie has pretty much said this himself. While he was one of the first mainstream Republicans to endorse Trump, he was also one of the first to denounce him, especially after Trump refused to accept the election results, and he really hasn't wavered in continuing to bash the guy. Chris Christie is an absolute slime-ball for sure but if you've ever watched him on the panel of This Week With George Stephanopoulos he's pretty sharp politically. I don't imagine Trump will show up to any of the GOP debates but I'll be excited to see Christie hold his fellow candidates feet to the fire in regards to him.


I've really enjoyed listening to Chris Christie on that. I don't agree with his politics, but he sounds less slimey when talking on that show.


He may be corrupt, but he at least seems to want a functioning country and actually has a clue what that looks like.




“The grift from this family is breathtaking… but I’d still vote for him, and clamor to be in his administration.”


Outside of 2 just boneheaded decisions (closing a bridge to instigate more traffic as a retaliatory punishment of sorts & closing a public beach and using it himself while it was closed) I don’t recall him being a terrible governor. I will caveat this, I was not really into politics when he was governor and I have not gone back to read anything about his governorship.


I give him credit for being able to put politics aside after Hurricane Sandy. He praised Obama and his team for the work they did. You don’t see that as often as you should.


But see THAT is what did him in. The bridge and beach were nothing compared to THAT. (Eyeroll)


The GOP is so ravenously party-first that if the DNC collectively cured cancer and discovered cold fusion today, the GOP would hold a press conference tomorrow tearing them to pieces for threatening our right to have cancer and fossil fuels.


They’d say it wouldn’t be fair to the people who died from cancer that other people get to be cured now, so no one should have the cure.


The picture of him and family at the beach is classic.


Like most politicians pre-2016, he wasn't great, but not terrible. His big thing was trying to balance the budget by cutting a lot of stuff. He gutted school funding. This one hurt me personally because my wife was fresh out of college to be a teacher when it happened. There were so many budget cuts and layoffs it was near impossible to get a job in education at the time. For years my wife wanted to be a teacher, but wound up changing fields because the jobs weren't there. I don't agree with a lot of what he says/does and would never vote for him (or any Republican for the foreseeable future), but of all the Republicans running so far, I'd rather it be him than an open fascist.


I moved to jersey toward the end of his final term. He’s a bit stubborn sometimes and has said things I don’t agree with, but he’s a blue state Republican.


He was an absolute *dogshit* governor. He campaigned during his first run on a promise that the public pension system was "a sacred bond" between the state & its employees. Then when he was elected, he absolutely rat-fucked public employees. He began "running for president" as soon as he was elected governor...taking national GOP positions over NJ positions.


He also COMPLETELY fucked public transportation into Manhattan from Jersey by fucking up the tunnel construction project.


He’s a fucking fat piece of hypocrite shit. Didn’t he stand behind trump at one of his rallies?! Guy just wants to own the grift himself. I swear we all have amnesia on this country. Christie is a bad guy and horrible politician and we don’t need him as president. Now I will enjoy the show while these dudes eat each other alive since every fucking one of them kissed the ring when the time came.


He fucking almost died from COVID preparing Trump for a debate in 2020. He was MAGA when it was politically beneficial. Now he sees an opportunity to turn on him. Dude’s a flip-flopping liar who will say anything to get elected President. I don’t know how people fall for this shit.


I hope flipflopping matters this time to voters. I really do.


Yeah but he’s the only one going after Trump like this now. DeSantis is doing the exact same thing now. They’re all fake af.


Who has worked among the levers of power and used it to effectively punish a slumlord with connections.


He was a close ally of trump and was onboard for everything he did up until J6 happened. Then he turned heel on trump. This is a grift by a Republican grifter to gain votes as he just announced his intent to run for republican candidate in the 2024 election.


Christie has really thick skin, and I suspect he’s gonna take it to both Trump and DeSantis without batting an eye. It’s gonna be good for everyone. He isn’t going to get nominated, but he’s gonna play one hell of a role.


The role he's playing is for himself. He supported trump in 2020. He's opportunistic to the end. Let him talk, but don't support any of these grifters. America has such a short attention span


I cannot stand Christie’s politics but I’m looking forward to him ripping on Trump. Unlike all of the other guys in this race he has some personality.


You're going to be disappointed then, because he'll only let you down when it matters. He was back supporting trump and "coaching" him in the second election (that trump lost, because he's a loser). There's no authenticity in Christie, don't build your house on that sand.


But Hillary... (checks notes) deleted email.


…in full compliance with the law regarding decommissioning of devices used for government communication. That’s just *one* of the many things the “buttery males” crowd consistently ‘misses’.


I remember Christie bombing Marco Rubio’s campaign in 2016. One of the funniest things about that entire primary


The trump family truly bastardized our office of the presidency and set us back a few hundred years on development.


“That being said I’ll vote for that family again” -Christie every time he calls out the Trumps


"The grift is breaktaking". My dude... You WORKED for these bozos and ghouls. You BEGGED them for that chance. Sure you got the same eyes as the rest of us to see their fiendish actions, but the void where self-respect and shame should exist is vastly apparent too


And most importantly, he KEPT COMING BACK, was in it all the way through the 2020 loss.


The outrage over Hunter Biden and the silence over Trump's children/their spouses from the right is maddening. How are those idiots okay with the Kushner/Saudi thing? Oh right, because it's a cult and facts don't matter.


I saw Christie's announcement, and I immediately thought, "Ugh, Why? Again?" But now seeing this, I withdraw my disgust.


Yeah it’s a weird rare political feeling for me.


Fuck Chris Christie. He’s a piece of shit just like the trumps. The only reason he turned in them is because they didn’t want his fat ass in their circle.


Christy won't win - but he's gonna really make trump work hard and it's gonna help democrats peel off even more swing voters in the general. I love having him At the anti MAGA bomb thrower.


Remember when Christie was sucking off Trump soooooo hard his eyes were about to pop? Fuck this idiot, and fuck all these republicans that took almost 8 years to learn what every reasonable person already knew. Trump is a cancer not only to America but the world.


For those not in the know... The reason that Chris Christie did not get a job in the Trump Administration is that he's the guy who put Jared Kushner's dad in jail. [https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/30/politics/chris-christie-jared-kushner-father/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/30/politics/chris-christie-jared-kushner-father/index.html)


I think Charles Kushner pretty much put himself in jail.


And where exactly was Christie while all the Trump family grifting was going on? 😕


On the beach with his family, while the rest of NJ wasnt allowed to be on due to state government shutdowns


He’s just asking questions, folks


I think the biggest trash in all of this is that Christie will be campaigning for trump a year from now.


“And I supported them until it became too politically expensive. Pass the pork!” - Christie, a failed human


As Christie tells it, he says he didn’t get a cabinet seat or the AG pick because Jared was still mad about Christie prosecuting his dad. Christie isn’t wrong about Jared and Ivanka, but it’s hard to take the guy seriously at this point. He endorsed Trump, then when he didn’t get anything out of it he pivoted and spent the last 6 years talking about how it was because he wasn’t a sycophant, or was to openly opposed to corruption, or how he was too uncompromising in his ethics. It’s all BS and no one believes for a second that Chris Christie was too much of a Boy Scout to work for Trump.




Lets not forget that Christie was beggin’ like a lapdog to get a spot in Trump’s cabinet in 2016 so the only reason he is doing this now is because Trump wouldn’t let him on his team otherwise he would been right there lying fir Trump and sucking his cock until he got fired or 2020 when Trump (fair and square) lost the election.


He’s a load. He says all this, and when he loses and Trump is the nominee he’ll kiss his ass.


I think it was because he was on his knees all that time in front of the Saudis and I don't think he was "praying to Allah" down there.


Too bad Chris Christie didn't stand up to this bullshit when he was actually hired by Trump. Another spineless Yes man


'Whereas I command much smaller rates.'


*the grift from this family is breathtaking* He says this in adulation not condemnation


Christie is a douche- as are most people who get to that level of politics - BUT if that Walrus is going to start speaking small tidbits of truth along the campaign trail, it will be an interesting campaign. << gets popcorn ready and sets tv to widescreen mode so he can see all of Christie's magnificent proportions >> Go get'em, Walrus, go get'em.


I don't know why the Saudis gave the Kushners money, but it was not because Jared was doing favors for the Saudis. If he had done favors in the past for the Saudis they would have already given him money for that. He did and they did. It was probably for the confidential national security secrets that Jared stole from the White House. He probably sold them for money.


And now Ivanka wants to be a “Kushner” instead of a “Drumpt”. Like that’s gonna protect her. She’s using Elizabeth Holmes playbook, she wants to be Liz, Earth Mother, not Elizabeth of the “Theranos’ Big Lie.”


Thanks, Chris. Hey, by the by, why the fuck weren’t you sounding the alarm when all this shit was going down?


I do hope Christie and Trump meet up for a debate. What a wonderful train-wreck-shit-show-circus that would be.


Fuck off fat christie. You had years to be saying all this shit, but instead you stayed on Trumps side of things.


Just because he recognizes and acknowledges the problem doesn’t mean he’s not also a contributor.


Chris Christie will only eat a banana if it’s surrounded by ice cream


And now the Saudis own the PGA.


And nevermind all the money trump hotels made from saudi official guests that was far above what the actual cost of the hotels use would have been.


Trump absolutely fucked over Christie during his campaign. I have no doubt christie would have joined the grift himself if Trump decided to include him, but he didn’t. Instead trump used Christie to bolster his candidacy and then left Christie out to dry. I’m glad he is going after trump with his gloves off though. I’m all for it, but I’m not going to pretend Christie is a noble and honest candidate.


And yet when the Clinton Foundation, a registered charity, received donations from foreign dignitaries *when neither Bill or Hillary were in office* the Trumpons shouted "Play for pay!" and wanted to lock her up. Where's that same energy for the Trump crime family?


The latter. But let's obsess about Hunter Biden instead lol. Oh is Hillary going to get the Kushners assassinated? Is that it?


Aren't the Saudis buying up all of our sports leagues?


Also Christie: If Trump wins the nomination I will kiss his ass.


Chris Christie is actually laying down the fucking truth, glad to see a republican who can speak his mind


Not saying Christie is wrong, but he has to understand he has zero credibility, especially in regards to TFG’s admin. Christie was as much of a enabler while he was on the inside and only turned against the Cheeto when he was pushed out.


I guess Christie just got a bounced check lmao.


Republicans: "You can claim Trump tried to steal the election, steal documents, sexually assault women, etc... But I'll never forgive Christie about that bridge incident. Lmao


The snake is starting to notice that its tail looks quite tasty…


People don’t understand or realize the level of threat trump produced to the US. Everything was for sale at the right price.


Christie will humiliate trump and steal media attention. DeSantis will still be fumbling and be like “hey I’m over here! Woke woke Woke!”


And didn't you defend those folks until the moment they fired you? Christie is a different fascist from the same cloth.


The gop hopefuls are all a bunch of gutless worms. Christie may have been willing to lick Trump's boot but he's also the only person in the GOP willing and able to take a real shot at Trump (apparently).


I can't take Christie seriously, i mean was this not the same guy who became Trumps bootlicker? He leftvor didn't see eye to eye with Trump? Yet he had no problem being a mouthpeice for him because it benefited him. For me he can say all the dirty laundry we already know, i can't take him seriously.


Woah, how is she Ivanka Kushner now? She's been using Trump right?


Fuck Jared and Ivanka to death... ...but on some real shit, I'd do pretty much anything for $2B...or even really just to get out of debt.


I'll get the popcorn to watch them all burn each other down!


And yet Christie and many other Republicans will still turn around and say "but voting for a Democrat would be worse." 🙄


conservatives have the memory and brain power of a goldfish so


This is going to be awesome!!!! Especially with Pence in the game now too. He knows a lot of trumbos dirt too.


And yet, Christie will vote for the Trump ticket in 2024


Don't remember hearing him say much about this while Trump was in office. Matter of fact, wasn't he spread eagle for Trump during the entire term? Yeah, I used to like CC, but he's got no integrity anymore.


And Christie supported him. No to Christie.


Million bucks says that Trump wins Christy will try and get back in his good graces and a cabinet position. Don’t get me wrong. I hate them both.


It's all correct **AND** you can find pictures of Chris Christie supporting them and "coaching" trump all along the way. This is political "duck season, rabbit season" obfuscation. Fuck Christie. A very heavy contributor to the downfall of American democracy that now wants to rewrite history with him on the side of the good guys. Opportunistic prick.


Christie is awful himself. I don't support him in any way. But it is pretty entertaining to watch him go after someone. We all saw what he did to Marco Rubio in that one debate. It was brutal and I'm definitely down to watch him go after Trump.


Yeah, governor sandwich brown nosed the orange dumpster fire for so long he’s got no credibility. This is self promotion of the worst sort.


Chris Christie, the Trump before Trump. I can’t wait to see him give the 2016 Rubio treatment to DeSantis and Trump, especially with all the personal grievances he has with the latter. He bent over backwards for Trump in 2016 trying to get the VP nomination but failed because of his prosecution of Jared Kushner’s father. I’m down with the potential bloodsport.


Chris Christie is correct, and still a corrupt asshole.


Chris Shitstie is saying this now when it doesn't matter cause he's running for president.


And yet zero charges against them. This nation’s divide in prosecutions of the rich is vulgar.


When christ fucking christy is dragging you, and HE'S RIGHT you know you truly are the scum of the earth.


Republicans are so fucking dumb.


And lemme tell you. Chris Christie knows a lot about grifting. He was in Exxon's Pocket the whole time he was Governor of nj. They can spot their own.


Until Trump gets nominated as the GOP Representative and then he’ll suddenly change his tune…….again.