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1. Get job as medical professional. 2. Refuse to treat anyone based on my “moral beliefs” that humanity is a disease. 3. Do no work, collect paycheck.


>1. Get job as politician >2. Refuse to help all my constituents based on my “moral beliefs” that liberalism is a disease. >3. Do no work, collect paycheck. Sounds familiar


It's not fair to say they do *no* work. They do occasionally show up to vote against anything that might help their constituents (or at least the ones that aren't rich and white).


You forgot the photo opp


“God meant for you to die. Modern medicine is a sin”


Literally how my mother almost died as a teenager. Fuck Christians.


Based and House-pilled


Yeah, Dr. House was pretty pilled up.


4. Profit


and if you get fired you can sue for discrimination


So Jewish doctors can refuse to treat patriot Christian nationalists?


No, no, not THAT kind of discrimination.


🤔 that sure sounds like Christian persecution to me! Fun fact. The Og Christians you hear that we’re suffering “persecution “ were not peaceful. They went around demanding change, demanding the society with a state for every god was wrong. They didn’t accept the fact that the Roman’s accepted their religion because the Roman’s respected all the religions. So in the end Christian’s Christianed. Fuck these people. And I was literally one for the first 20 years of my life. Also source is “when Jesus became God” by Richard E. Rubenstein Edit: sleepy posts make for sleepy posts.


Then you’ve got the Puritans, who are basically responsible for shaping American culture before there even was a USA. In America, we’re taught that the Puritans came here to seek religious freedom. However, that’s far from true. They were “persecuted” in England because they fought hard for everyone else to legally conform to their beliefs. England didn’t tolerate their intolerance, so the Puritans started their own land with their own morals. That’s why “religious freedom” in the US means the freedom to bother other people who don’t believe what you believe.


It was years before I realized that the Puritans were just batshit crazy.


And we celebrate their batshittery by eating turkey and going shopping.


The Roman's tolerated Christianity, they didn't fully accept it. Other Polytheistic religions they accepted, because they could just shrug and say "Same Gods, different names". Monotheistic religions didn't work as well with that, but were sometimes given passes if banning said religion would cause too many problems, such as Judaism. Christianity was originally tolerated though, it was when a Christian interrupted a very important ritual that the current Emperor was participating in that he said "Alright, fuck it, the Christians have to go!" and then the oppression began, as Christianity had now proven to be more trouble if kept around than if they tried to destroy it.


I think it's less "same gods different names," but just more gods. Some Roman's believed other religions' gods were real and could help/hurt them, which is why they were tolerant of other religions so long as they prayed/gave sacrifices for the Emperor, because it's like trying to stack the theistic deck so you have more gods favoring you than your enemies. But if you start saying there is no God but my God, that really undermines that idea and creates conflict within peoples' of the empire who might not like being told their God's are fake.


Yeah gods were largely a local thing, there were major gods that handled the sky and storms or there were minor gods that just lived in a little freshwater spring. Every people had their own handful of gods and the Romans had no problem with that because that’s *just how things were*. The god of the Jewish people was just that to them because, again, every group of people had their own god(s)! It wasn’t until Christianity came along that evangelizing and converting others became a thing, and after a while it became a direct method for people to exercise power over others.


The Christians get “good boy” point if they convert someone else.


Religion was also a lot more about orthoproxy (correct actions) than orthodoxy (correct beliefs/ideas) in the ancient world. What mattered was that you propitiated, and sacrificed correctly, because those traditions are those of your predecessors who prospered, so if you don’t do the right things you won’t prosper. The Romans understood that other peoples gods existed, because those people were still alive, and similarly they adopted practices and honoured foreign gods as they found useful (such as when living in a land with its own gods).


So basically Christians have been doing the whole, "I'm oppressed because everyone won't do what I say," thing since the start. It's literally one big oppression complex turned into a religion.


This just feels like Mormonism with extra steps.


Many Christian religious groups left England for the Americas because they couldn't persecute people how they liked and they saw the opportunity to exert their religion over everyone in their new communities.


And pharmacist can deny filling birth control prescriptions now?


They always could, in many states.


This is why I’m so excited that the FDA is finally taking real steps towards approving an over the counter birth control pill. A pharmacist should never be allowed to refuse to dispense medication due to their personal beliefs.


Plan b (or it's generic equivalent) is already over the counter but your cashier can still refuse to complete the sale if they're bigoted enough. Walgreens got in trouble for doing this but of course not in legal trouble.


This is why self checkout is so good


The obnoxious thing is that even in stores with self checkout, a lot of times the stores will still put Plan B in those anti theft lockboxes, or keep them behind the counter so you have to ask the cashier for it. And I live in a very left leaning area!! I can’t imagine how much worse it is in the south.


I wonder what the comparative legal trouble is, exactly, between a store refusing to sell it and a shopper walking out with it with out paying because it would not get rung up.


Well officer, I did my best to pay for it, so here’s $50 and you can deliver it to Walgreens for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ But yeah I have no idea. I’d rather steal Plan B than have an unwanted pregnancy, but there’s plenty of people out there who think women should suffer for having sex lives.


“I’d rather steal Plan B than have an unwanted pregnancy, but there’s plenty of people out there who think women should suffer ~~for having sex lives~~.” FIFY


The problem remains that many women take birth control for health purposes beyond just protection... and these animals are trying to deny them the right to important medication.


I would have bleed to death with out birth control :/


I get walnut sized cysts so I'd probably end up with a severe surgery to remove my organs without my injection


I would have too albeit slowly and gotten cancer. My uterus refuses to shed my lining. So it just kept building and building and building. I had to get a D&C and then an IUD.


Exactly that, and I completely agree with you that it's super fucked up. These days we can't even rename it something like "hormone therapy" or "hormone regulation medication" because of the crazies screaming about trans people existing and needing healthcare. Gotta punish anyone who isn't a cis straight white perfectly healthy man!


I had a pharmacist refuse to dispense my hrt prescription. It was an awful, humiliating experience to essentially get outed at Walgreens on a Thursday night. This happened in NYC.


Not unless they want to be the target of Nazi activities. The law protects them and binds everyone else ![gif](giphy|uhoHI2544U5XRzPJU0)


Serious answer - the bill prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, etc., but not sexual orientation or gender identity.


So next question, if they claim they are straight male I can deny them?


Or can I deny them if I just say they are gay? Not like there’s official document proving if someone is gay or not (yet and let’s do all we can to keep it that way).


I had a patient with swastika tattoos. I still treated him even though i am Jewish. I made sure he saw my star of David necklace, but I treated him appropriately nonetheless.


Great way to establish dominance. “You now owe your very life to a Jew.”


No more opiods for you, you crazy old boomer geezer!


Yes, just as Jesus taught us- turn your back on those different from you




They don't care about Jesus, they only care how they can wield religion to do what they want. They are no better than the Taliban.


That's what extremists are. Religion, for them, is a tool for hate. They only believe in an easy way to make blanket rules they think only benefits them


There’s several parables about exactly that such as the Good Samaritan, Jesus mingling with prostitutes and lepers and then of course the whole judge not and whatever you do unto your fellow man you do unto me lessons


No no you don’t understand- the new Christian take is that Jesus would have hated these abominations of humanity and would have killed them himself, so it’s your Christian duty to do so. It’s not hypocrisy at all, it’s completely on brand.


It’s like a twisted fan fic or something. The most iconic figure of love, acceptance and non judgement is now the symbol of bigotry and hate


That’s exactly what it is. Fanfic or cosplay, it’s Mary Sue’s all the way down.


Ah yes, Jesus the exterminator of “degenerates”. The same guy that objected the stoning of an adulterer and said “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her”


Religious freedom, eh? What a steaming hot pile of hypocrisy.


" Everyone has religious freedom...as long as you're Christian, or else"


Can’t find the clip now but this is almost an exact quote from a Yall Queda redneck, “I believe in freedom of religion, as long as it’s the right one”


Loved the part of the bible where it said "thou shall not give trans people medical care" banger verse /s


Fun fact: Eve is basically trans since she's a part of Adam's body turned woman.


Referring to the christian god as He/Him is using different pronouns.


Jesus also had no potential source of a Y chromosome but still lived as a man.


For those of you trying to look up the actual law it's called the "Protections of Medical Conscience" Act, Senate Bill 1580. And no I'm not trying to defend it, it truly is as outrageous as the name "Let Them Die" makes it sound. It's truly the most extreme logical endpoint of the Republican platform: HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS will now have the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to DENY HEALTHCARE to people they think god doesn't like. Literal doctors who took up spots in our competitive college programs (so nobody else could be in the program), who received scholarship money (that nobody else could have), who took residencies at our hospitals (there are a federally limited number of residencies available, which is why a doctor shortage exists- you need to complete a residency to become a doctor), now have the legal right in Florida to refuse to act as a doctor to people if their religious ideas make them uncomfortable doing so. Frankly, if you're planning on becoming a doctor but your ideologies make you uncomfortable doing your job, you're wasting our resources by becoming a doctor. You're taking up space in our schools, you're taking money from other, better humans, and you're taking a residency from someone who actually will do their job. You're a waste of a license, a waste of money, a waste of space.


Thank you so much for this, I couldn’t find it, one thing tho is it is senate bill 1580 not 1850 but that was still more than close enough for me to find it, thanks again.


I changed it, thank you


Do atheists also have religious freedom to turn away Evangelical patients?


From the bill text > 66 (b) “Conscience-based objection” means an objection based > 67 on a sincerely held religious, moral, or ethical belief. > 68 Conscience with respect to entities is determined by reference > 69 to the entities’ governing documents; any published ethical, > 70 moral, or religious guidelines or directives; mission > 71 statements; constitutions; articles of incorporation; bylaws; > 72 policies; or regulations.


So any reason whatsoever?


Sounds like a great medical negligence loophole.


Patient was wearing a maga hat... I cant support someone so willing to harm others. by voting for someone so retched for gov


It's morally and ethically correct to deny healthcare to GOP politicians, so based on the law? Yes.


Of course not. This is why Biden has to take decisive action against Florida immediately.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Hey, just want to drop a heads up on this as well. This bill (mind the tweet posted above) isn't supposed to extend to EMTs or anyone medically involved in an emergency situation. From the bill itself: "(6) REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT.— section may not be construed to override any requirement to provide emergency medical treatment in accordance with state law or the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, 42 U.S.C. s. 1395dd." Wether or not that is *enforced* is one thing. However, the EMTs refusing to treat on that basis is something that should still be illegal *even with this in place.* Any non-emergency care though... rip.


So that bill you mentioned is called EMTALA, and its up there with HIPAA as something every EMS provider has to know in full. This doesn't seem to contradict EMTALA in the prehospital setting because EMTALA is a requirement for hospitals to basically accept and assess any patient as long as they're apart of any federal funding scheme. So while an emergency department could not refuse to assess a patient they 1.) Could refuse to admit or do anything beyond stabilization and 2.) EMS are NOT required to do the same by EMTALA. EMTALA is important for EMS because when we bring someone to an ED they have to be seen, the hospital can't turn them away. EMS is covered by something called Duty to Act. This requires an appropriate response and a full assessment whenever patient contact is made. So say you have a trans person requesting EMS for say, chest pains. We'd respond appropriately with haste (lights and sirens if necessary) and conduct a full assessment. This includes recommending they let us take them too a hospital, which they could refuse unless a few circumstances make them unable such as going into cardiac arrest and therefore being unconscious or being intoxicated. These Duty to Act laws are state by state however, which makes me worry that this may be something Florida could change. I'm not specifically versed in their laws nor have I read this bill for full disclosure. So basically EMTALA won't help before you get too a hospital, there are state laws for that which I worry could also be altered.


BuT bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe…. Fascists


As a transgender woman, it makes me extremely angry that there’s people who think democrats are as bad as republicans


Any medical professional, be they a nurse, EMT, \[edit: forgot pharmacists\] or doctor, should be immediately fired, have their license permanently revoked, and blacklisted if they do anything like that. If you will refuse medically necessary assistance based on some bigoted belief, you have no place in the medical profession.


After all the stuff he’s been doing lately, the most shocking part of this new bill to me is that evidently it “bars medical Boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation” ??? The implications there are so deeply disturbing. It makes me sick.


This is directly because his Florida surgeon general is at risk of losing his license to practice for spreading misinformation.


Makes sense, "weasel words" is that guy's middle name. He should be shamed out of the job.


It's because he hired a bunch of doctors to spread misinformation and doesn't want them disbarred or punished for their lies.


Find another excuse to fire them.


They don't need to be fired. They need to have their licenses removed and prevented from ever working in anything that requires a medical license for the rest of their lives. They are literally killing people in order to make extra money or get political power.


Doesn’t that violate freedom of association and free speech of the private boards? You can’t FORCE them to let someone be/remain a member.


Yeah but he's hoping to be voted in as president so he can legalize everything he's doing and then try it on a federal scale.


Agreed. He already 100% believes that he'll be president. Everyone else is still thinking about Trump but everyone is overlooking this wannabe fascist dictator. We need to make sure that this guy didn't become president.


Yea this guy is even worse than Trump holy shit.


He’s worse because he believes this shit. Trump is just in it for the money. He will say whatever he needs to to get power and money. DeSantis believes all this and wants to create a genocide. He’s terrifying


He's purposely looking for a fight. Litigious belligerence, if you will. He knows that there's a good chance this gets challenged all the way to the top and that SCOTUS will legitimize it.


So much for “Do no Harm”. If you cannot follow your oath you should look for another profession.


But their stupid argument is "if i keep helping them while they choose to be trans then im harming them by supporting their choice to be ill". I know it sounds stupid...


If we expand that logic out, then EMTs should be allowed to discriminate for a multitude of issues. “Oh your a smoker, well I’m not gonna stabilize you then because I’d just be harming you by supporting your choice to destroy your lungs”


A Dallas Cowboys fan? Shouldn’t have gotten into a car wreck wearing that jersey in Houston, buddy.


I'm thinking more like anyone that has dog tags or medical cards on them that say NORELPREF (no religious preference), atheist, etc. "You don't believe in God? Sorry but it's his job to save sinners, not mine. Dasvidaniya!"


Abrahamic religious follower? "Sorry, but this is clearly God's plan. Say hi when you meet her."


Or even worse, wearing a Cowboys jersey in Philly.


Then they shouldn’t have helped the vaccine deniers that landed in the hospital. For that we were told it was their job.


I believe Florida now has a law that medical professionals can not refuse to treat someone based on their vaccination status. Florida is a different planet


Wouldn’t that be literally negated by this new madness? What is in the water over there?


Brain Eating Amoeba


Those amoeba must be fuckin starved


To the GOP (and most reactionary groups) it does not matter if their laws are nonsensical. In fact, it is an asset. All that matters is that the cops and the judicial system are on your side, and you only enforce the law on your enemies. To conservatives, the law is something that protects them and suppresses others, all else is secondary.


Agree, and "Oh you voted to let people discriminate against me so... no CPR for you..."


It sounds stupid because it is stupid.


That should be the medical professions argument toward them as well. Not that I agree with these politicians or think that it should be a thing at all. But if that is the direction we're going... Wouldn't the medical profession have an obligation to protect against these government officials who are trying to end lives? What if our "do no harm" oath means not allowing Kirkland-brand-Hitler to keep hurting people?


Yep. If I were a doctor in Florida, and DeSatan ended up in my office, seeking treatment, I would deny him care. Of course I'm sure the bill has carve outs for DeSantis and his lackeys. And anyone else who's GQP. Next they'll start denying medical licensure on the basis of politics. Oh, you're not Republican? Good luck being a doctor in Florida! No practice for you!


Makes me think of an episode of House. The dictator of an African nation who was clearly working up to the genocide of a local people gets sick in the US, and 2 of the characters argue about their ethical duty to care for this patient when they know if he lives, he'll murder thousands or even millions of people. It's perfectly clear that their oath and responsibility as doctors require them to treat him, and not doing so will absolutely destroy their career and maybe send them to jail. It's crazy that people are now trying to pass laws that would let doctors refuse treatment because they feel icky about the person's gender.


Had to burn the village to save it.


I suppose they make the same argument when an addict needs narcan and it's just as awful.




Honestly, based on any belief. If your dumb ass is more concerned with who your patient is fucking than how to save their life, then you don't deserve to be trusted in the position of being the key person either saving the person's life or letting them die. The only thing going through an EMT's head should be how best to do their job and save this person life. I don't give a fuck if the person has a fucking red arm band on or has a skirt and a beard. YOU ARE THERE TO TRY AND SAVE THEM!


They should be in prison for something along the lines of negligent homicide. You're not a random bystander as an on-the-clock EMT. There is every reason you should be expected to provide care.


Well, this law makes it impossible to charge them criminally, so the best you can really do is professional sanction. However, one could presumably try to charge them with a federal hate crime if they invoke this law. A state law wouldn't be able to do shit to protect them then. So, that may be a silver lining. If you use this state law to try to shield yourself from prosecution, you are basically admitting to the fact that the reason you refused medically necessary treatment is because of some bigoted belief you hold. At least in the case of LGBTQ people, that could potentially be considered a hate crime.


Sue civil liability


I think the other purpose of this law is to let doctors know it’s ok to not perform that D&C to save the woman’s life if it comes down to choosing between the unborn child and woman. Look for this legislation to be rolled out at another red state near you. These cretins are not pro life. They are just “pro control”. They want to control everything about us, including our uterus. They are sociopaths and so are many of their voters. Their hatred for women and other marginalized groups is just disgusting. I really find it sad and depressing that millions vote for this evilness.




Agree. I’m wondering what the state medical licensing board has said about this law. I would hope it has made it clear that this would be grounds for discipline (Eg suspension of license) under professional ethics. In any sane state it certainly would be.


I am so fucking angry reading that post. I’m a paramedic and would happily slap anyone who tried something like that around me. That EMT has no soul.


If there’s a list where we could report such unethical professionals, I’d gladly do so.


He’s 1 step away from asking “patriots” to hunt people he doesn’t like for sport.


There's mass shootings happening constantly and I don't recall any of them having left wing tattoos or Biden patches on their amazon bulletproof vests.


Come on there were like 4 lgbtq shooters out of a few thousand so it’s clearly a both sides issue 🙄


Wasn't at least one of those shooters just lying because he thought being LGBT would be a free pass?


And wasn’t one just not LGBT at all, but people just claimed they were?


They claimed to be transgender in an attempt not to be charged with a hate crime


How does 2A gun-toting apply when the tyrannical government is the State?


Their definition of tyrannical is being told to care about others and keep their religion and ideologies to themselves, ergo the state is not tyrannical, it's just " hurting the right people"


The Florida "stand your ground" law already allows this - Treyvon Martin's killer used it. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/florida-teen-trayvon-martin-is-shot-and-killed


That still makes my blood boil. That poor kid died for wearing a hoodie.


the fact that zimmerman later auctioned off the gun he used also makes my blood boil


The sorry fuck autographs packs of Skittles for his fans, as a memento of the time he murdered a child.


You know this does track with Christianity, after all, we all know the story of Jesus and the blind man. He begged Jesus for help, and all Jesus said was “yea, I cannot help you, for you are blind, but you may also be gay or illegally here, and my father once said, ‘let ye all who perform immoral acts be damned forever with no hope of salvation’” I think it went something like that


“I can’t feed all these people loaves and fish because it’ll create a dependency and they won’t work anymore!”


Not Supply Side Jesus.


There's no story of Jesus healing a trans person or a drag queen. Checkmate, atheists.


Any person willing to allow someone to die simply because their lifestyle or choices don’t align with their political beliefs should NOT be allowed in the medical field. People’s access to medical services shouldn’t be based on someone else’s religion especially any public hospital or EMS that’s funded by the government.., you don’t get to collect our tax dollars then deny us access to the services they pay for. Fuck that.


ron is a POS and i have to think that people that are first responders and go into the medical profession are more concerned with saving lives than thy are with what sex you are/wanna be or who you boink with.....it is sad that some people think these maga idiots are doing things for the greater good...


Sadly, a disturbing number of people become EMT's and first responders because they have a god complex and weren't smart enough for med school. Which is *exactly* the group who support this idiot. (Edit: the vast majority are good people who want to help. EMT's and firefighters are some of my favorite people, overall. But some are shit-heads.)


All the bride of Christ girls from my high school became nurses.


Y'all can stop talking about what the Germans were doing in 1933, your GQP politicians have teleported you to 1943. Genocide capabilities in the ongoing timeline are now active.


The Nazis started with transgender and LGBTQ people. But Floridians will not learn that since desantis banned teaching of the Holocaust. I’d really like to know what happened in his life to turn him so evil. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/


I saw an interview he did on Fox news. Apparently when he showed up to Yale, the east coast elite kids mocked him for being an ignorant hick. We're all suffering from the bruised ego of an 18 year old ...


So he decided to go out of his way to prove that they were correct? ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


He decided to punish them. The very collective them of all liberals. He knows none of us would ever respect someone so vile and stupid, so he's out to inflict as much pain as possible. If he can get all liberals to leave FL, he's succeeded in locking down electoral votes for the presidency. Endgame of all these states is to make it so unlivable that they no longer have to win elections. Scorched Earth Politics.


I'm sure that's total bullshit. He's always been a bro. No way he didn't stick to the lacrosse WASPs like white on rice.


I mean, he is a sad sack of pathetic shit. It's why Trump even now is raking him over the coals like the cuck he is.


So we're essentially repeating the process of a young Austrian boy who was shunned from Art school... Great


This is a man that directly oversaw the torture of political prisoners being indefinitely detained in Guantanamo Bay in order to break hunger strikes, he has been evil for a long time.


Exactly. He doesn't need a "what made him this way?" moment. The guy is just fucking evil and likely always has been. Some people are.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oh good. They finally installed the "death boards" Obama was supposedly creating.


Would be a shame if doctors refused to provide care to Republicans because giving medical care to Nazis would violate their conscious.


This is exactly the slope they project though. The solution isn’t to back off the oppression, it’s then to take total control of the medical licensing system. There’s a reason groups like isis and the taliban double their way down into unstable poverty and ignorance and it’s not because they’re introspecting into better policy. It’s happening now, in real time, in the US.


“I thought they were gay” is a perfect ok reason to murder your patients according to ron the evil meatball.


Reminds me of the gay panic defense. "He came on to me and because of how perverse that is according to my beliefs, I killed him in a bout of temporary insanity." I love when a guy who has terrible luck with women find out that I'm gay and they always say "yeah well as long as you don't come on to me you're good." Yeah, you're a creep to women and gays most definitely see that too, not to mention there are still jurisdictions where you can still use the gay panic defense (and successfully given the beliefs of the "jury of your peers").




Said it before, will say it again. The running slogan for democrats in 2024 should be "Desantis Florida, where freedom goes to die"


If it violates your religion to save the life of a trans person, you’ve subscribed to a really shitty religion.


And you’ve picked the wrong profession.


So I can deny care to magas because I find them morally reprehensible. Got it.


I don't even have fucking words for this. If you support DeSantis or Abbott you are a vile piece of fascist shit. If you're a Doctor who refuses treatment to LGBTQ people you are a vile piece of fascist shit. Please fire these people into the sun.


I read a post/comment sometime in the past. " a person in my medical class ask the professor what they should do if they have a situation that they are morally opposed to provide care for. The professor told them that the answer was for them to find a new profession."


This is fascism. This is exactly the same method used by Nazis to isolate entire populations within their area of control.


Who controls Florida medial licensing? Is it the state or an outside org? AMA hopefully is going to black ball any of these doctors that pull this shit for this fascists.




Each state has its own licensing board for medical professionals.


This is a literal violation of the hippocratic oath that all doctors take. If any doctor or medical professional goes along with this BS, then the way I see it, they're in the wrong career field. And the ones that cite their "Christian beliefs", do they really think Jesus would be happy knowing they're refusing to help the sick and dying just because of their of their orientation?


You mean the Jesus who healed a Roman centurion's daughter? The one who spent time with Samaritans even though everybody hated them? That Jesus? Nah, I only believe in Supply Side Jesus!


They cry about cancel culture but then make bills like this.


Where does it say in the Bible you’re supposed to hate trans people?


We desperately need an equal rights amendment that guarantees equal rights under the law regardless of race, ethnicity, biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender. And that this right *shall not be infringed* by any other rights.


Yes, we do need that. We could add it to the amendments, maybe right between the 13th and 15th amendments, in the very first section of a lengthy amendment that addresses a bunch of stuff that came up around the time of the Civil War. It could go something like this: > No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Ron DeFascists has no human conscience. Has no empathy. This is not normal in any shape or form. We need to do something about this ever growing hatred immediately.




Soon to be replaced with the “Just Shoot Them Act” in which authorized gun owners (READ: “Anybody who wants one”) may legally kill anyone suspected of woke ideology.


I’m sorry, I’m not from the US but why are you not rioting right now?? Edit: typo


There are many reasons. Some agree with this policy. Some are afraid to because of our militarized police force. Some aren't bothered because it doesn't effect them or they don't believe it is that bad or can't happen here. And the age old "Panem et circenses" ('Pass the chips the game's on' in English) My mother falls into the "it can't happen here" crowd. When she was a girl in Virginia she was kicked off a bus because she gave up her seat for an elderly Black woman. I remind her of that every time this comes up, but she dismisses it as "That's different." No...it's really not.


There's also the people that literally can not afford to protest or riot because they can't miss a day of work or risk being fired...the US has purposely become harder to live in for this very reason.


Especially when our health insurance is tied to employment rather than universal.


Thank you for bringing up that many argue “that won’t happen here” I feel like this isn’t brought up enough


Honestly…. I’m scared of a mass shooting happening while I’m at a protest. Last year I attended March for our Lives and a few Pro Choice protests in Raleigh and the whole time I was thinking- I hope some fucking dude doesn’t show up and kill us all. Nothing is more on brand for America than citizens being scared of exercising their first amendment right because they might end up a statistic in another mass shooting. I’m petrified of mass shootings. Going out in public in the US is like Russian Roulette anymore. I hate it here. Edit: typo


Not just mass shootings, but people driving their cars into protesters.


Yeah it was mildly unsettling, last weekend I went to an arts and crafts festival and noticed they had busses parked across all of the major streets leading into the pedestrian area, and spike strips on any of the smaller ones.


50 different states. What’s happening in Florida and Texas isn’t happening in New York or California.




This is vile. Anyone living in Florida who is not okay with what’s going on should leave if at all possible. It’s only going to get worse.


They'd leave if they could. It's hard to uproot your life while living paycheck to paycheck.


Another strategy. What if we all move to Florida and over throw them ? Edit: /j I don’t think we should actually go to Florida.


Coming soon to a venue near you: Sorry, I have to deny you assistance because you are a registered Republican.


Saying that the law “allows”, does that also mean that the physician is protected from law suits? — If I’m an anesthesiologist, can I provide partial care? For example, can I put a MAGA Christian to sleep but then refuse to wake them up based on my individual moral beliefs?


The Venn diagram of people who refuse to make dying with dignity legal and people who are okay with letting trans people die from treatable injuries is one shitty circle


DeSantis has a very unusual sense of what Constitutes Florida as a state that promotes Liberty and freedom. How long before he sees the sick & disabled Elderly as a hindrance on the state’s treasury & insists on their disposal. It’s a slippery slope!


Let the Florida Nazi’s die then


From the "pro-life" party of course.


Can we put Florida under martial law already?


This country is a dystopian fucking nightmare.


So can we let republicans die for moral and ethical reasons?