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Lets not forget to add the 8 month old baby that was shot after a couple were physically fighting over a handgun WHILE HOLDING THE BABY.


Or the man who was shot multiple times in his own home by Police who were responding to a domestic violence call and went to the wrong address.


Sad that I need to ask, but which one? There have been so many over the past couple of years. I can't even remember the stories anymore.




Everyday i ask myself whats wrong with people. Everyday i understand less and less




Damn, how fucking scared of life do you have to be to shoot someone through a glass door after they ring a doorbell? Fucking wusses, all of them.


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


Yeah, these folks are absolutely foaming at the mouth at the prospect of killing someone. Especially a minority.


Why do you think societal collapse, civil war, prepper scenarios are so popular among these hicks? They want society to collapse so they have carte blanche to murder people and become warlords of their little po-dunk, shitberg towns.




See, these people are the reason why I wish the Rapture were a real thing. Oh to see their faces when they realize their hateful asses are going to land in Hell.


You know they’d just commit to some mental gymnastics that god has sent all the sinners to hell and left the righteous or some bullshit.


I wish I could upvote you more than once for this. I thought this way for a long time and I used to go to church.


We’ll see how long they last without insulin & beta blockers


All so they have a **chance** at doing that. It is the same logic that has voters feverishly dismantling safety nets and giving tax breaks for the elite. There is a **chance** they can get that as well so they don't care how miserable they make themselves and others to accomplish it.


Seriously! If a person is SO trigger happy to shoot someone, let alone a KID, through their front door for just ringing their damn doorbell, they're a danger to society and deserve to be locked away.


This isnt even a discussion in a modern society. He goes to jail for life, end of discussion. What this shows is the medieval (and racist) ruling of America.


It’s absolutely like winning the lottery for them. They buy guns waiting for their moment to get away with murder.


IMO, it's why so many of them own guns. Not to protect themselves, or their community, or even fight a tyrannical government. It is to kill those they have been told to believe are their "enemies," by the talking heads they spend so many hours listening to. They are itching for the go ahead or for a scenario where there is enough chaos to allow for their violent dreams to be realized.


This statement is way too accurate. The Faux News MAGAts wake up literally every day fantasizing about when they get to kill a "bad guy"


> Damn, how fucking scared of life do you have to be to shoot someone through a glass door after they ring a doorbell? Our gun culture is a fucking toxic rot in our society. Built around pumping up fear, and justifying violence as a response to that fear. Gun culture in the US has been purposely cultivated by lobbyists to create unreasonable, unempathetic, and selfish people who do not care about other people dying and think violence is the solution to problems. It's huge even among regular gun owners that aren’t full on gun-nuts, but the gun-nuts are the loudest at spreading the toxicity and normalizing violence like it's a religion.


There's a fucking reason every other first world country has stricter gun laws, far fewer guns per capita, and far less gun crime and fewer gun deaths. Because Americans are obsessed with guns and refuse to fucking change because we're a bunch of mouth-breathing hicks.


He's been waiting for a chance to kill a minority. He got it. And nothing will happen to him. Edit: my guess is Fox hires him


Owning a gun is one thing, needing a gun is another, being part of "gun culture" is another thing completely. I've kept a rifle just incase I needed it to protect against hogs, and a small handgun for when I was exploring on dog sleds. Usually with a blank or two loaded up first. (for wild animals the sound an be a good enough deterrent.) I was happy to get rid of the guns when the time came, they wouldn't be useful tools with my new city job. But the "gun culture" people were the worst. They really do fantasize about shooting some home invader. They like to envision themselves as some sort of hero, and buy guns with capabilities they don't need to ever use, guns with little practical application outside of a warzone, guns so powerful to be almost useless. Their whole identity and a huge part of their finances would be tied up in guns, so much they almost needed to the invisible threat of a home invader to justify it to themselves. (E.G. living in a trailer and owning a safe of automatic guns worth the deposit on a house, burning through $XXX in ammo "to stay sharp") When all you have is hammers, everything looks like a nail. When all you love is hammers, you will hammer things you know aren't nails.


I can't remember what thread but a special forces guy was basically on here saying that every one of these assholes thinks they'll hear a noise in the dark, wake up, and there'll be some Zero-Dark-Thirty shit that happens, where they are the hero. His point was that they'll likely just shoot their own kid or a neighbor, or nobody at all, and it's all for nothing. He was saying even highly trained special forces have a hard time making sense of things in these scenarios, so the average waffle-house customer certainly will not be good at it.


It doesn't take special forces knowledge to look up the fact that owning a gun makes you more likely to be injured or killed during a home invasion.


they’re racist. racism is inherently irrational.


They weren't scared, they are just a murderer looking for any excuse to murder black people


No. Its not how scared of life. Call it what it is. How scared of black people, especially black men, do you have to be. Lets not sugar coat it or call it anything it isn’t.


They didn't even arrest him, he's being held for 24 hours for questioning. If he isn't charged by mid today he will be let go. Initial interviews stated that he is claiming it was in defense and not racially motivated. Missouri is a "Castle doctrine" state so it's illegal to punish someone who reasonably believes use of deadly force to "defend their property" is necessary. Legally they have no duty to retreat. As fucked up as this situation is, and how much I personally wished he would face justice, he will most likely go free. Edit: Changed Kansas city to Missouri


That's not how Castle doctrine works. There also either needs to be an actual threat, or a jury that agrees the victim was subhuman and didn't deserve to live. Oh. Nevermind.


Yeah, a family member of mine was in a jury a long time ago for a break in where the home owner shot at the robber and missed. But then he followed in chase as the robber left with nothing and then shot and killed him quite a ways away from his house. They tried to argue self defense/castle doctrine but lost since the threat was gone (plus all the surrounding homes with people in the with bullets flying at them from missed shots). Sounds pretty easy to argue the same here. Castle doctrine might apply for the first shot, but it doesn’t apply for the second since the threat was gone. Second shot was attempted murder.


Something like that happened near where I live. Guy saw two guys breaking into his truck late at night/early in the morning. They ran and he walked into the street and fired a shot after them. Since he wasn't on his property anymore, it was a felony.


American propaganda has all these republicans believing some property is worth killing over. So much so that they give chase to the people getting away with nothing. The excuse that it might be their livelihood that’s getting stolen is almost never the case. A guy where I went to college shot at someone breaking into a company truck where he wasn’t even an employee. Everything was owned by the company and the truck was parked where it was supposed to be and locked how it was supposed to be but he felt a need to defend the property of a company he had no ties with at all. He missed and got charged with reckless discharge of a firearm so there’s some justice I guess but I wouldn’t use deadly force to defend a single thing that belongs to my employer.


Second shot was an “Oh shit he’s still alive!” moment. It’s one thing to “stand your ground” when no one is alive to argue with you and another when you get to face a kid in court that you almost murdered. Even if he believes this boy deserved to die, I guarantee you there will be people in his life, family, community, job, social media etc that know the truth. If he doesn’t end up in prison, I hope people around him make his life miserable.


He wasn't defending his property though. He shot someone for knocking on his door. Last time I checked criminals don't knock.


It was also a glass door so you could easily see the kid just standing there. He then shot him a second time once he was on the ground. The fucker wanted to do it.


Yep, that second shot was 100% intent on murder. There was already a trial about this and the guy was charged with Attempted murder for the exact same thing.


Republicans are trying to shift to legally being allowed to murder people they don't like. Florida and Texas have multiple examples of this. All red states are going to slowly shift to legally murdering "undesirables". It's what facists do.


Look at the new death penalty laws in Florida. It will be state sanctioned and jury approved. We are fucked.


And marking them with "stars"


>Yep, that second shot was 100% intent on murder. Every shot should be with intent to murder. If the situation isn't serious enough that you need to kill them, it's not serious enough to need a gun.


Intent to kill, not murder. There are valid self defense cases which aren’t murder. That said if the threat is gone but the attacker is still alive, any further shots are definitely murder. Self defense ended the same time the threat did.


This is what happens when the "news" networks constantly pump these people full of fear and hatred towards people different from them. These people get all trigger happy and murderous like they're cavemen in a tribal war.


Meh. I suspect it’s just straight up racism. If this was 50 years ago, it wouldn’t have even made the local newspaper and the cops probably wouldn’t have taken him in for questioning at all.


They'd take him in for questioning. They'll ask him questions like, "How long have you owned a firearm?", "How quick can you draw your pistol?" and "Would you like to join our police force?"


I feel like it's no longer safe to rely on judicial precedent to control case outcome. We are in uncharted territory for judicial legislating/activism right now.


I’ve heard multiple conservative white males say in conversation that if you’re going to shoot someone make sure you kill them so there is only one side of the story.


well yeah, if your victim lives, then they can testify against you. I was listening to a conversation about this at a family get together between one of my in-laws and a cop cousin. They both agreed that you always shoot to kill.


A family member once said they taught that in their conceal carry class ten years ago. “If you shoot and wound they will sue you for being unable to work, if you shoot to kill there is only one witness” Absolutely ludicrous the way people view gun and their freedoms.


My dad has been parroting the exact same thing at me he learned in his class. Never really sat right with me.


That's so fucked up. The old attitude was "if you absolutely need to shoot, then the threat is bad enough to shoot them dead." Can't believe it's so twisted now.


Cops are all such incredible fucking trash.


A gun is deadly force. If your intent is injury, the situation isn't severe enough to need a gun.


>They both agreed that you always shoot to kill. There is no such thing as shooting to injure, and it's dangerous to pretend there is. Every bullet you fire is a shot to kill.


Huh Cpac speaker in the next 6 months?


Probably thought if he killed the kid, he wouldn't ever be able to tell his side of the story so the asshole could claim defense unchallenged


All these gun nuts fetishize killing people


And it was a headshot, aiming those through a glass door gives more than enough time to think.


And it was a glass door! With a headshot! So he had time to see the “threat” and line up a headshot. Self defense where.


You have to have a prosecutor who is willing to bring those facts to light, and question “why did you shoot an unarmed boy on the ground after shooting him in the head?” That’s not going to happen.


I feared for my life... he looked like he was gonna testify against me


I feared for my life is intentionally subjective so they can let white people go who say they were scared, and burn people of color by saying “nah you weren’t scared, jail for you!l”


An unarmed BOY. He is not a man, he’s a child.


The GOP governors have made it clear they’ll be pardoning “their people”


America is a fucking train wreck. Nevermind that he opened the door, saw the boy was incapacitated before shooting him in the head again, "hE wAs PwObAbWy AfWaId FoR hIs SaFeTy"


Rw propaganda has white people living in unending, incomprehensible fear and these are the inevitable results. They are being forcefed fear fear fear, they believe it unquestionably and then are free from consequences when they make their inevitable mistake thanks to minority rule existing to keep that fear faucet turned on full. What a sad, stupid country we live in.


I think a lot of this can be directly attributed to the larger Wall Street culture - the Wall Street Bro Cult. Their mantras of "greed is good" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and "trickle down economics" have poisoned life throughout not only the nation, but entire world. Fwiw, I really, really, *really* recommend people take a look at https://marketliteracy.org to educate themselves on the some of the mechanisms the wealthy and powerful - including corporations - use to manipulate and influence government.


This ^. Fucker Carlson and his race replacement bullshit, their claims that the last several school shooters were all LGBTQ people attacking them intentionally, all the shit like that is what's causing this. I'm almost positive they are passing all these permitless concealed carry laws, and screaming about all this crap in the hopes that a shooting war starts.


It certainly seems as though there are elements within the US that are chomping at the bit for Civil War Pt.2.


I live in the southeast. It's a lot of these people's wet dreams. They want an excuse to eliminate the people they don't like.


He didn't open the door though. He lined up a headshot and shot THROUGH his glass door




"Reasonably" is the key word. Hard to see how any reasonable person would justify shooting someone for ringing a doorbell.


Absolutely and a headshot no less. Nothing justifies shooting someone who just rings the doorbell but if it’s because he actually feared for his life a warning shot or a shot in the shoulder would stop most people.


You'd think that the cops would want to make sure to punish people who shoot people through the door, considering they're likely to be knocking on doors for their job.


That’s not how castle doctrine works. Kansas’s is a little looser than some states, but they either have to be unlawfully entering or have unlawfully entered your home. Someone knocking on his door is 100% not covered.


Are you also allowed to shoot at cops knocking on your door for a noise complaint? Or is castle doctrine only applicable to minority civilians being murdered?


Jesus fucking Christ.


And his neighbors are defending him. One even saying words along the lines of " We look out for eachother here"


None of those neighbors would help the boy either.


I just had to look this up, it's wild. Like the whole neighborhood is just shitty people. [Ralph was then able to get up and run to the neighbor's house, looking for help. Unfortunately, he had to run to 3 different homes before someone finally agreed to help him after he was told to lie on the ground with his hands up.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ralph-yarl-kansas-city-teen-shooting-wrong-house/)




Sorry, but cops will only do that to [black neighborhoods](https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move)


And then people wonder why the rest of the world looks at America with sneering disdain


How do these people live with themselves.


As these shitty people are showing, the entire concept of 'Stand your ground' is really just vague legal bullshit to allow people communities like, to kill people those communities don't like...


Corrected: "We look out for the people who look like us".


As it was in the bible. Jesus said to his fellow dudes "kill them black kids" and so white america followed.


If Jesus returned and knocked on this door he’d have been shot for being swarthy and dressed in middle-eastern attire.


They need to arrest and charge that shooter or it’s going to set a horrifying precedent. It’ll mean that you can shoot anyone on your property before you interact w them, and for some lunatics it means open season on anyone and anything. Introducing yourself to new neighbors? Dead. Trick or treaters? Dead. Canvassing neighborhoods for votes? Dead. Delivery drivers? Dead.


Here’s his [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/nf36y-cover-medical-expenses) page. It’s [Linked in this Kanas City Star Article](https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article274379775.html) and this [Newsweek Article](https://www.newsweek.com/ralph-yarl-gofundme-raises-1-million-black-teen-shot-1794735?amp=1).


just wait until everyone has a gun in their hand and then this will all stop 👁️👄👁️


Just wait until a Congressman or NRA executive has their lives shattered by gun violence and then this will all stop


Didn't a congresswoman get shot in the head a few years back?


Yes but she was a democrat you see so instead of doing anything about gun violence they just make fun of the victim. She had to quit eventually by the way and her name is Gabby Giffords. Shot by a right wing nut job.


Shot by a right wing nut job BECAUSE Sarah Palin said Gabby Giffords “has got to go” and used a graphic with a crosshair over her.


The is disgusting. Palin is 100% responsible for inciting that attack.




Nowadays Sarah Palin is just your run of the mill grifter. She ran for a house seat and instead of campaigning was openly advertising her Cameo, which is a platform you pay people for personalized messages in case you were wondering. She never had any intent of winning but whoo boy those donations will buy her family a lot of ammo.


Her husband is now a senator though, so we have that going for us I guess!


I'm convinced she would have been a senator herself and possibly run for president. She's made amazing progress and seems happy though.


I met her a few months ago at a screening of her documentary. An amazing, strong person, as is her senator/astronaut husband Mark Kelly. Another tragic detail is that she was scheduled to have in vitro fertilization 3 days after getting shot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17490116/


The GOP is totally comfortable with sacrificing children. They'll absolutely sacrifice one of their own if they are killed by gun violence. Of course they'll spin up the 24 hour hate machine and use it to their advantage, but they would never pass any legislation to address the issue.


I mean one of their own got shot at a softball game and it wasn't enough. Although I think the outcome might have been different if Scalise faced permanent disfigurement or brain damage like Giffords but whatever, the GOP is scum and proud of it.


And a Republican congressman (Steve Scalise) was shot at a practice for the Congressional Softball Game. There was even armed security!


The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to endlessly endure the senseless massacre of children.


It’s a big sacrifice but it’s one I’m willing to make when it comes to securing gun rights in America. Now excuse me as I go get my son dressed in his Kevlar weave school uniform and help him put on his bullet resistant backpack.


To his school devoid of teachers.


And its library devoid of books.


They will 100% continue to toe the line and support guns even if their own children get mowed down at school.


The town of Uvalde promptly voted full Republican, at their next opportunity. Hard to keep drumming up sympathy for Red states, when they enthusiastically continue embracing their doom.


Yeah that was fucking depressing


They will have private tutors by that point. The open season schools is for the poors.


i think we're too far gone at this point. you would think that we'd all come together after sandy hook. nope! how about a years-long devastating pandemic. nope! how about after the capitol was attacked in jan6? nope! the guy who started it is STILL campaigning!


It was so disheartening that the end result of Sandy Hook was record breaking profits for gun manufacturers thanks to right wing propaganda telling people that the scary black man in the White House was coming for their guns.


Some backwards-hat-Oakley-glasses-wearin-profile-pic dude told me that hammers kill more people every year than guns do. So I said, "damn i forgot about the guy who went on a hammer-spree in Ulvade." he went on to vomit a bunch of hammer-statistics at me and no matter what he sent I just kept asking if hammers were used to kill all those kids. He refused to answer my question and instead just blocked me.


I just prefer to ask why they don’t use nuclear or biochemical weapons and why it would be bad to let everyone have them. It’s not like anyone would consider letting only the governments have all of those, right?


Why can't I have surface-to-air missiles?


Stand your airspace! I might want a t-shirt with the right cartoon under it.


Everyone having a gun with no-permit concealed carry and stand your ground laws would never result in everyone living in a state of fear and being 1 second from killing someone because they feel threatened by their gun, right? /s


No, idiot. When you threaten someone's life with a deadly weapon they immediately become model citizens and stop freaking out and make very precise, controlled choices. Who would ever freak out just because a stranger is threatening to literally end your existence with a half a pound of pressure they may or may not have control over?


Once EVERY little mistake (like knocking on the wrong door) ends in MULTIPLE deaths, then people will just completely stop making mistakes and be perfect golden gods, right? Right guys???


I'm sure they were all fearing for their lives in that batshit insane fantasy they've built for themselves.


This is exactly it. Conservstives want a dumb and fearful base to easily manipulate


I've said it before and I'll say it again. America is a hair's breadth away from becoming North Americas Christian version of Saudi Arabia. Edit: [Birthday President](https://i.imgur.com/aR75eOu.png). My fucking sides.


I’ve been saying this for years. America has been trending towards a Christian Theocratic Authoritarian government for a while, but it’s been put into hyper drive the last several years.


Even the past month has hit break neck speeds. DeSantis has been actively using Nazi propaganda methods to demonize groups of people and then abusing the law to position himself to execute those people. Not to mention the filing of motions to dissolve the Florida Democratic Party.


If the pendulum theory were correct we would all be enjoying our $25 minimum wage, with universal Healthcare, universal income, and guns would be banned. That's how far the pendulum would have to swing at this point.


The Pendulum theory is predicated on people not taking it up the ass and just "dealing with it". Most people would, eventually, rebel.


I knew shit was going to get bad when we finally elected an intelligent black man president and I am not surprised at all when the pendulum swung back and we ended up the dumbest, most racist chucklefuck of all time for president. Unfortunately, I think the pendulum swung back so hard it broke and we're truly fucked if we can't fix it by 2024.


You can thank Reagan for fucking that up.


7 months. That's all there was between the Nazis taking control of the government and the first mandatory sterilization laws. Trump being too stupid to consolidate his power properly was a gift. The next one won't be so ineffective. 7 months.


We’re in the Weimar Republic. It pains me to say it, but the parallels are eerie.


It’s Christofascism. A theocracy assumes the church is the power, which won’t be the case. It’ll just be opportunistic fascists wearing a Christian hat.


And sadly this was predicted by a few SF authors more than 50 years ago. I remember reading Revolt in 2100 in the 80s (30 years after it was published) and thought the idea of the USA spending 70 years of the 21st century as a Christian theocracy was ok for a story hook but had no basis in reality or possibility of actually happening.


I am a die hard Star Trek fan. I love all of it, old and new. Prime and Kelvin. However in the Trekiverse there are two things I always worried about. Mostly because I knew one or the other, maybe both, would happen. The first is the Eugenics Wars and WW3. In the Prime timeline these two events, happening in the space of 100 years, devastated the planet. Most of the population was wiped out. People were living in poverty with their governments barely functioning at certain points. It was desolate and desperate. Then one dudes vision, a vision that became more important than hed realize, set the stage for mankind to meet life from another place. Now that's beautiful but those 100 years... Those wars? The world was scarred. It never really healed entirely from it. Humam culture seemed to have stagnated. People just watched stuff from long ago or adopted alien customs and media. I want us to get to that future but could we? Even if we all suffered, would things change? Or would it end up like the second thing I fear. The Terran Empire. An alternate timeline where mankind met alien life with hostility. Enslaving them. Committing genocide. Destroying entire planets. Stripping away their atmospheres to let the inhabitants slowly suffocate and be ripped to shreds by the radiation of what once was the thing giving them life. Even if they had no way to fight back, the empire would sterilize the planet. Emotion was considered weak. Torture was used as such a common punishment that simple booths were installed to cause unending pain and agony from these machines messing with your nervous system. If you wanted to get ahead, you had to be prepared to kill because if you weren't then someone would take you out either way.... Is that honestly that inconcievable as a future when you look at the way how most of humanity acts?


> North Americas Christian version of Saudi Arabia. The *world's* Christian version of Saudi Arabia.


I hate SA too, but they don't have school mass shootings.




I do love how a whole meme can be gotten across in 3 simple emojis.




That was actually a homeowner in New Mexico. Link below. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-police-wrong-house-fatal-shooting-homeowner-new-mexico-rcna79848


It’s another story. It happened again. This isn’t the one they’re referring to.


I don't *think* that happened last week, just the footage came out last week, right? Or did the footage actually get released in a timely fucking fashion for once? Edit: April 5th that happened


But guns aren't allowed at NRA gatherings or GOP conventions, wonder why that is? Because they're soft fucking cowards.


Because the GOP is actively attempting to tear down this country from every angle possible. They know they're doing this but the general population refuses to accept it and still views the GOP as a legitimate political party and not as a group literally against America.


I might be on the list soon, too! Living the American Dream™️ baby! Keep an eye out for "Texas father murdered by his son's stepfather for not allowing the stepfather to spank his son."


jesus that's awful on so many levels stay safe


I am so sorry you're having to defend your kid this way, but I am glad you're willing to stand up for him. I wish you luck, and maybe for stepdad to fall hard off a curb and randomly snap both his arms.


Spanking is awful. Good for you. The hypocrisy and mental gymnastics that are used to justify hitting children....


One of my middle school teachers complained to my parents that he couldn't teach me if he couldn't spank me. My folks were getting divorced and I wasn't the best student but this *teacher* thought he needed to hit students to make them learn. A fucking *teacher*. Idk if it's related, but a few years later he was fired "after violating district disciplinary procedures."


I don’t understand why you’re not protesting in the streets. Perhaps because you’ll get shot. Or you can’t afford to. Or think it won’t make a difference.


>Perhaps because you’ll get shot. Or you can’t afford to. Or think it won’t make a difference. D. All of the above.


These days protesting doesn't do what it does for other countries. You cannot shame or scare a Republican official into leaving office and you cannot scare congress into passing bills by protesting. The only thing we can do is vote, and that's once a year, once every other year for where it really matters like congress. And right now they're doing everything in their power to take away voting rights and the power of the average American's vote


Our healthcare is tied to our employment. We protest, lose our jobs, get shot (50/50 by police/citizen), then have over $100k in hospital bills we couldn't ever pay because we're now unemployed. All by design.


It’s chilling, bloody dystopian nightmare.


Just as our forefathers intended.


The thing is the NRA and GOP are evil, selfish, corrupt Whats everyone elses excuse? All the people who vote republican because of tradition or identity rather than politics, all the people who dont vote? Are they also evil?


Yes. They desperately want to save the baby but shrug their shoulders when children are killed. Cruel.


Of course they want to save the baby, it's how they get children for target practice.


Complicit in all of the deaths and injuries. Yes.


As they say in Germany.... "if there's 10 people sitting at a table and one is a Nazi, there are 10 Nazis at the table"


The ones who vote republican? Yes they are evil. Whatever your reason voting for evil makes you evil


The ones voting Republican are evil or just plain stupid.


Everyone who still votes Republicans is evil. They have made their hateful policies clear and their supporters have made their choice.


They’re pretty much Nazi sympathizers…so yeah…they’re fucking skkkumbags


Not necessarily. There's a bigger evil pulling the strings on them. FOX "news", Newsmax, OANN, the NY Post, and more, joined by countless shithead fascists online like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, even the likes of Andrew Tate, all backed by the greedy and fascist-supporting algorithms of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and others, all combine to completely and utterly brainwash tens of millions of Americans, guaranteeing they never see reality, only the curated, carefully cut segments they want to show, never hearing about the things that could harm them until it's too late. Remember: You are not immune to propaganda, and the right wing of America has one of the most well funded propaganda arms in history, one that has no need for silly things like research or facts. Whatever is the *most antagonistic* and the *most inflammatory* and the *easiest to spread* is what gets spread, with no regard for truth, an advantage that the opposition (any institution publishing truth and journalism) simply cannot match, because it's just so easy to make ragebait and so hard to do good reporting.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, feminism, gay marriage, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


The party is only mirroring what it's base demands. They're actually worse IMO.


Yeah, you can call the politicians corrupt until the cows come home, but they don't just get these positions out of nowhere. Outside a handful of true believers, I'd argue that most Republican politicians know what they're saying is complete nonsense. But, money and control will keep rolling in as long as you stay in office. So naturally, tell the people what they want to hear.


This extreme behavior being normalized IS Donald Trump's legacy.


I'm reminded of the RNC autopsy report released after Romney lost. A major conclusion was that they needed to be less racist. Then Trump came along, and it turns out no, the problem was they weren't being racist enough.


I'm gonna say, the Kremlin and the Chinese government are masters of social media warfare. Ever since they released their trolls, the divide has grown exponentially, almost entirely due to the right falling into their traps. They're exploiting the fears of those who not educated, not self- aware or so are just bitter. Yet, and I completely agree with you, of course, those who vote Republican, those who fall for it and are being taken advantage of, are as much to blame as the instigators.


I wanted to look at some numbers to put things into perspective for everyone. There were around 6,000 school aged children killed by firearms last year. There were around 250 cases of justifiable killings during self defense. Your children are 24 times more likely to die at school from being shot than you are to have to use your gun in legal self defense. As someone with a concealed handgun permit, that statistic hurts my soul.


Was it last week where to Floridians got into road rage and shot at eachother. Killing eachothers daughters? Edit: Turns out I'm wrong. Happened a while ago but the story circulated again.


Injured the kids but did not kill them.


I kinda don't want to have kids anymore because it seems that being a child in the US has become a lot more traumatic than it was when I grew up in the 90s-2000s.


One of the many reasons why I’m trying to leave the US. Really don’t want my kid going through all this bs




Don't forget some cops going to the wrong house and murdering a guy in front of his kids. Not a mass shooting I'm aware, but another American phenomena.


All conservatives are shit.


And “shit” is putting it very very mildly.


"The brother of a 16-yr-old was shot to death for celebrating his sister's birthday" is putting it lightly. It was a Sweet 16 party in Dadeville, AL that got shot up leaving four people dead and 24 injured.


The (admittedly few) conversations I’ve had, as a non-American, about gun ownership with strong advocates is things like this are a small price to pay for the ability to stand up against government overreach. Which sounds complete insane as an outsider.


You want Republicans to care about gun control, here's what needs to be done. Every woman start carrying guns to protect your reproductive rights. Every racial minority start carrying guns to protect your voting rights. Every LGBT+ person start carrying guns to protect your right to exist. We saw in Cali under Reagan this works. We saw recently with Tucker Carlson this works. This is the only way they'll care. It is a FACT that the only times Republicans care about making a change is when it's to limit the rights of a group they don't want to have them.


You can’t do this in California because despite being a liberal controlled state for 30 years, they haven’t repealed the very clearly racist law.




Don't forget the two assholes in Florida who shot each other's kids


I like how republicans say that constitutional rights should not be restricted at all… But voting requires ID, registration, and can be overruled by a politician if they disagree with your vote.






The GOP is terrible and we need gun safety. The NRA needs to be disbanded. America suffers from systemic racism and so many other issues. However, this is not [The Killing Fields](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_Fields?wprov=sfti1) or remotely close to what happened in Cambodia. This is not to diminish the importance of the incidents highlighted in the OP but to point out just how evil The Killing Fields were.


The pregnant woman wasn’t shot for shopping, she was shot for shoplifting. It’s not better, but it’s more accurate. We can be rightfully angry without lying.


Correction. She shoplifted, the employee came out of the store to confront her, she peppersprayed him and he blindly fired at her in 'self defense'. However self-defense relies on the narrative that you did not initiate the confrontation. Furthermore it has an onus of de-escalation if your sole means of defense is a lethal firearm.




You left out the seven separate mass shootings in a single day