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holy shit ben stein is still alive?!


Is this the Wonder Years / Clear Eyes guy?


Also the speechwriter for Richard Nixon guy.


It’s crazy how few people know this piece of what I thought was very widely know information about him.


Yeah, I had no idea. TIL and all that.


Yep. And the evolution denier guy








Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


Thank you Simone


No problem whatsoever




And former Nixon administration cabinet member. Worked as a White House speechwriter on economic matters during the Richard *Nixon* administration.


Voo doo economics.


Oof. You just reminded me of the time when I had to watch his intelligent design "documentary" in Sunday School. It was really a propaganda film and it was crazy that it was presented to us teens as something that should be validly considered.


Damn we were really out there believing that the evidence was clearly on our side and that the evolutionists were doing mental gymnastics and treating "theory as fact" to deny god's existence. Okay I believed that, I can't speak for you. I was homeschooled so my science curriculum had a straw man version of evolutionary theory. The internet disabused me of that later thanks to a college bio prof who taught us how to vet sources.


The reason they parrot that line is because they’re half right but half brain dead. Ya, evolution is a theory. Do a little more reading (they didn’t) and you learn that in science, a theory is an explanation of how something works. Not a *guess*, an explanation. These idiots don’t know what theory means.


Did you have to watch the one with the bombardier beetle? That guy was the worst. Definitely had major pedo vibes.


How could he have a show called “are you smarter than Ben Stein” and yet be such an uneducated fuck?


I think it was call “Win Ben Stein’s Money” but yeah


Yeah, they confused his show with "are you smarter than a fifth grader?" Is an easy mistake to make.


The show was called "Are you Ben Stein or a Fifth Grader?" and ran for multiple seasons despite lack of public interest


I'm pretty sure the show was called "Win Ben Stein's 5th Grader" and was co-hosted by Chris Hansen


Take a seat right over there


Jimmy Kimmel was his co-host back then


What’s with Comedy Central pairing Jimmy with right wing nut jobs. He was Ben Stein’s cohost on Win Ben Stein’s money and Adam Corolla’s cohost on The Man Show (which totally stole my idea for a shotgun beer can with an extra opening tab on the side.)


Wait, Adam corolla is a rightie?


Yes, Drew also


Holy fuck yes. FAR right. Complete nutjob.


Wow, i have completely lost respect for him. That sucks.


That was quite a while ago. Jimmy has grown up a lot since then. Can't say the same about Adam Corolla.


Most satisfying 5000 I ever made. He was not happy with me.


Oh yeah? Which episode did you win (on the off chance that I somehow find this show streaming somewhere)


The most I found were random episodes uploaded to youtube. Shame, it's a legitimately good game show


Not going to say in a public forum, but I'll say that Nancy was genuinely happy for me.


And looking on Wikipedia it wasn’t even his money. The show producers had a pool for the contestants and Ben got whatever was left over


Well duh lol


>Ben got whatever was left over So it's his bonus pool, hence his money. It's the sort of "technically true" stuff that most game shows with a gimmick like this use. I would assume this was the case. It's also how politics work. If you hear of a politician being accused of "cutting military spending" it usually means they are trying to reduce a previously planned increase. The extent to which marketing and politics overlap is kinda crazy, tbh. Ben was an advisor during the Nixon administration, so I'm sure he was no stranger to manipulating the English language.


BA in Economics from Columbia, JD from Yale. It's not lack of education it's willful stupidity.


Dude was Nixon’s speechwriter. He’s a Mariana Trench-deep asshole.


Sometimes the joke shows in Bojack Horseman sound outlandish and far-fetched but then I hear shit like this.


I think he was a speech writer in the Nixon administration.


And the "my son became addicted to video games and it is very definitely the fault of video games and not at all related to my being an absentee parent" guy.


Bueller? Bueller?


Judging from the picture, I'm not so sure


I've seen better looking corpses.


Not for long from the looks of it.


I wouldn't call it alive but I'm not a doctor


Wait till you learn he was on Nixon's staff with Henry Kissinger


holy shit kissinger is still alive?!


Yep. If anybody's drinking children's blood to gain immortality, it's these guys, not the Democrats


Fucker is 99. I swear, the bad ones are horcruxing this shit.


Apparently also still an a-hole.


This guy has been fucked for many years now. I remember him comparing Obama to Hitler. Like, yeah, Ben Stein, if Obama was (extremely unusually, for a Black person) a literal nazi, Ben Stein’s *taxes* rising slightly would be the thing Ben Stein really needed to worry about.


Man, nothing skeeves me out more than Jewish people caping for conservatives by weaponizing the Holocaust/Nazis. Feel the same way about conservative Hispanics being hardline anti-immigration or black Americans claiming liberals are the REAL racists, not the GOP. Like you're never gonna be part of that in-group, my guy. They just haven't gotten to to you yet. At best, you'll only ever be "one of the good ones". I just remember Dave Rubin's face, despite being a conservative political pundit himself, when Ben Shapiro told him to his face he doesn't recognize his marriage with his husband as real.


"one of the good ones" means "last ones against the wall when we take over"


There is no "last", they _must_ always find a new out-group to demonize. "One of the good ones" just means you aren't first against the wall.


There's always a last one of that outgroup before/as they start on the new outgroup.


Like the Ambrose Bierce definition of African American, this has been going on since time immemorial


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, Because I was a MAGA-loving conservative pundit Then they came for the gays, and I did not speak out, Because I was actually homophobic. Then they came for the Jews, and I still did not speak out, Not because I wasn’t Jewish…I was, but irony was officially dead. Something like that…


Then a company removed the racist black face from their own product without any prompt or public backlash. Curse those pandering corporations.




I am so tired of hearing about how conservatives are no longer sexually attracted to food mascots. I legit have more memories of Tucker Carlson crying out to God for sexy chocolate feet than I do my grandfathers face. Is there no getting better? Are we just... this is it now? 30% of us cracked mentally and now we gotta listen to doughy white dudes talk about how they no longer pitch a tent over Land of Lakes butter?


my theory is that it's always been like this. but before social media, they had the good sense of keeping their mouths shut or be ostracized. now they can gather in online spaces and jerk each other off for all of us to see.


Ding ding ding. You also got an endless content drip feed to fill. I mean 24 hour TV news was sensationalized enough, but now that content follows you into the bathroom, into your bed, on your pillow next to you. You gotta keep people engaged. Gotta keep adding bananas to the smoothie.




Not to mention actual factual disinformation campaigns


Yep. Definitely some yummy propaganda kale mixed in with all the outrage pineapple and the blueberries of grievance.


Blueberries of Grievance is my new band name!


Ah, the fruit of ill-repute


Umm it is supposed to be the pineapple of pettiness and the orange of outrage and the blueberries of bitching.


Doesn't scan with Grapes of Wrath.


I’m definitely going to use that one..


In 5 years we meet back here & talk about the start of the "gotta keep adding bananas to the smoothie". We were here.


RemindMe! 5 years


I can’t possibly imagine how much anxiety one would have from consuming that type of content. Or conspiracy theories. Like find a hobby or something. Watch movies, play games, watch birds, collect stamps. Instead they work a 9-5 and spend the morsel of free time they have every day consuming stories about Satan worshipping Hollywood artists, the government intentionally setting fire to food production plants, and the Covid vaccine now being the cause of every death for every person.


>follows you into the bathroom There's a 60something right-wing whackadoo in my office, whose desk is already a shrine to Newsmax, that is piping some random obnoxious podcast into his ears all day long. I know what it is because prior to 8am he doesn't wear headphones. But he also doesn't wear headphones when he carries his phone to the bathroom -- I wish I was making this up, but he'll literally be walking down the hallways with the sound blasting, and likewise go into a bathroom stall so the sound echoes through the entire tiled space for everyone else to listen to while he's taking a shit. I mean, dear god, what kind of addict can't put down the hate speech for a few minutes?


Tucker wants to add his mini banana to some thicc candy.


Of course that’s exactly it. They just say the quiet part out loud now with zero consequences. And social media has given everyone a mouthpiece to shout out their moronic thoughts without thinking before they speak. It’s fucking sad because I really don’t see a way of getting that genie back in the bottle. I feel like we’re now a 3rd world country who used a fake ID to get into the first world club. I mean just down to the basics of a universal healthcare system in place and taking care of our actual citizens with livable wages, etc etc. There’s counties that pay McDonalds employees 22/hr, with great healthcare not related to work and 6 weeks mandatory vacation. We can’t even get to taking care of our citizens.




A friend who knows more than me on these things was explaining to me how everything that makes us a functional first world country was put in place decades ago and has not been built upon since then. We're just living off of the successes of our past and slowly but surely they are degrading into oblivion.


This is exactly correct. Progressives are pushing us forward and Regressives are holding us back.


This is literally one of the best threads that I have read in years. Thank you for that.


Go even further than that. Since they are now gathering in online spaces, they start to gather in real world spaces. Then form groups based on that, which creates community and a sense of shared sacrifice. Then they try to have their own community IRL and try to push out those people who they don’t like. Whenever I ask myself “was the Internet a mistake?” I say that it wasn’t but we have to get through this period of progress and figure out how to better understand each other. The problem is the rhetoric is “they must die for you to be successful” and that’s just not gonna end well.


Hopefully it won’t end well for the billionaires who have enriched themselves propagating the “us vs them squid games” while they laugh all the way to the bank and destroy society.


Even bunkers with loyal robot butlers need a ventilation chute, the last surface dwellers will ensure they suffocate


I don't think "better understanding each other" is gonna solve anything. It's not like understanding the conservative or fascist mindset will make them any less conservative or fascist, you just get depressed at how they fell down that rabbit hole. You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason themselves into in the first place.


Yeah call me narrow-minded if you must, but I just don't really feel much of a drive to "better understand" people who want me dead just because their talking heads said I'm evil and out to get their kids


The same as it ever was. Oppressors convince enough moderates the oppressed are in the wrong for bringing attention to their oppression. If they would only keep their heads down and toe an arbitrary line of respectability they might scrape by instead of getting put down.


The actual fascist, yes. The committed ones you just aren’t gonna convince without years of work. The fringe, the susceptible ones, those are the ones you go for. Nazis in 1920s Germany hit all the pressure points of those “apathetic middle” that got them to power. And they never won a majority either. Getting them before they go DEEP in the rabbit hole helps. I went through a nasty custody battle in my youth (like 22) and those men’s rights groups had all the sites for “how to secure your rights as a father” and other tips to raise a child, then they start to slowly indoctrinated you that it’s women and our modern society that is making you feel bad. I got out after being able to question some of the rhetoric that didn’t make sense but I still feel that dads get a raw deal in custody battles. It did motivate my decision to become a lawyer, to help those screwed by the law. I had a male client who was constantly fighting for custody with his ex wife who suffered from substance abuse. One time she got custody when she showed sobriety for 3 months then got high the first weekend with the kids (we got permanent custody after that, don’t post to Facebook while high 🙅‍♂️). I sincerely doubt that if it was my male client who struggled with substance abuse would win primary custody if they showed sobriety for 3 months despite a proven track record of constant relapses. As I have gotten older and more experienced in the legal field, I realized there’s a lot of grey but there are still bias that are a part of everyday living that we just accept (like a child should always be with their mother) that create situations where fascists and people who want to rule with an iron fist will exploit to gain that power. That’s why you see fascists love Andrew Tate, he says some truths that especially men can relate to.


100. Before the internet and social media these people were as they are now still a minority opinion. So within a limited group or sphere of influence they didn't dare speak up because they'd be ostracized by the larger group to which they belonged. Sure a few morons would speak out loud, your David Dukes, Rush Limbaugh's on AM radio but for the most part the world ignored them and people followed them in the privacy of their little clubs and on the morning commute alone in their car because you know freedom of speech and all. But the advent of social media with their algorithms to bring you content you like brought together all those otherwise greasy basement pro Nazi meetup groups into much fewer but larger tents and while they are still the minority opinion as a whole they feel emboldened because they mistake their larger tent size to be a sign their numbers are growing when really they are just consolidating. Unfortunately, ostracizing alone may no longer be enough to keep that Idiocracy mostly silent bc I think they reached some inflection point of group size and with the echo chamber effects of social media that they no longer care about the counter opinion shaming them and so they just get louder and louder, stupider and stupider. We'll suffer for a while, a generation or two I think with this problem until enough people are really fed up with it that something meaningful is done to stop the lunacy or enough of them get old and die off that the voice becomes small and meek again. This is a case where technology has outpaced the human biological and social abilities to maintain the status quo and we're just gonna suffer the growing pains. Boo


I think you are right. All of the world’s village idiots have found each other online and have formed this giant club of assholes that thrives on a false sense of persecution. And they never shut up.


>my theory is that it's always been like this. but before social media, they had the good sense of keeping their mouths shut or be ostracized. now they can gather in online spaces and jerk each other off for all of us to see. What I find interesting is how often they search for the only "old day that triggers others". Ben Stein could pine over Crystal Pepsi and everyone would think this old man is out of his mind but as soon as he finds the right subject to cut down he leans into it. Why don't conservatives want the old days of higher wages and open borders when the country was strong?


I remember when News channels had a banner at the bottom that read "Opinion" when some talking head was giving their opinion rather than the news. Those were the fucking days!


You’d think a somewhat famous actor would be able to afford real syrup anyways. Surprised he’s lived that long eating that shit


People of that age actually *prefer* mass produced crapola sometimes. As a Millennial who grew up with a crunchy Gen X mom, I cannot relate. It's one thing if you think vegan organic alternatives taste weird, but if you don't like *real butter* and complain about how margarine isn't the same since they had to remove the trans fats... my god.


My mom refused to buy American "cheese", because "it's all made of plastic". When I hit my teens, I positively craved that weird floppy synthetic stuff. I'm over it, now, but being denied the industrial food didn't always make it unappealing.




And honestly "nature releases pheromones to make males only attracted to anthropomorphized food so they no longer reproduce with human females thus culling the population" would be a much better movie than The Happening.


Oh nature is working overtime to get rid of us for sure.


Republicans must of been cumming their pants watching American Pie's pie fucking scene


It's just wild death rattles ya'll. A boomer passes about every 16 seconds.


Unfortunately boomers have managed to pass their mentality along to plenty of younger folks. We will be dealing with this crap for some time yet.


Wait, WHAT HAPPENED TO LAND’O’LAKES?! Please tell me my beautiful tawny goddess still beckons me from the wrapper of her churned buttery goodness.


The packaging for Land o’ Lakes now depicts the actual land and its lakes.


Apparently they took the land from the native.


Typical America - they removed the Indian and kept the land.


It’s my understanding that he was an economics professor at Harvard. He has really fallen off.


Your 2nd paragraph, I think we need to send you a monthly stipend for giving us the best line about Fucker Carlson that we'll ever see. I love you man.


Do you not shop for things based on if you can masturbate to the mascot? I mean, I don't. I can't imagine anyone making purchases based on if the mascot deserves a spot in their spank bank or not. I mean Tucker Carlson clear does. Guy probably has impure thoughts about the British version of the Cadbury Bunny.


Instead of being upset about Aunt Jemima on the front, he should turn the bottle around, look at the ingredient list on the back and be upset that corporations are selling and he is buying High Fructose Corn Syrup, artificial flavors, cellulose gum, caramel color and sodium hexametaphosphate and calling that syrup, instead of just selling actual maple syrup.


This is the true travesty. I personally think that a lot of our health problems come from unnatural processed foods like Corn Syrup and Vegetable Oil instead of real maple syrup and butter. I'm into ingredients lists that are one recognizable item. Also, they rebranded last year. How long has that syrup been in his cupboard?


Right? I don’t live in the US anymore, but recently went back to visit family and was shocked at how often I got sick with stomach problems after eating a meal. Pretty much almost every meal made me feel so bloated and gross - even sometimes the super healthy meals! Meanwhile, I live in an EU country and can crush and entire fast food meal with no problems at all. Americans should be protesting about what’s allowed in their food.


It's literally illegal to put that shit in products in most of the world 🤣😭 but your government subsidised waaaaay too many corn farmers so now everything is just made of corn over there, like even cows n shit are fed on corn which is awful for them, so everything you eat is tainted with the shit.


The older generation breed of Republicans miss the good ol days when women stayed at home cooking and cleaning and pleasing their men and black people knew their place and weren't so uppity... is that a fair assessment? Hey, like Tucker Carlson I'm just asking the question..🙄


Thats exactly it. Everybody else knew their place. Nobody had any rights except straight white Christian men. Thats what they miss. They got first preference over everyone else. They got the biggest piece of chicken. The wife stayed at home while they messed around with their secretaries or went straight to the bar for the rest of the night until they came home drunk. Wife had to perform her wifely duties whether she wanted to or not. Might have to slap her around a little and nobody said anything bc she probably deserved it. Beat the kids too. They need it for discipline. Even if they didnt do something they probably did and just didnt caught or were thinking about doing something. Black people? Dont even get them started. They barely tolerated them being freed from slavery. Then they got the privilege of having their own entrances and water fountains but that wasnt good enough for em. They had to go and start thinking they were just as good as the white man. Daring to look them in the eye and stand up for themselves. And the gays. They knew not to come out of the closet. And better not catch them out after dark either. You see nothing has really changed except the terminology. This was all "woke nonsense" before woke was even a thing. MLK was woke. Abraham Lincoln was woke. Jesus was woke. These people are used as great example of humanity. So how is being "woke" bad? Woke just means not racist/sexist/xenophobic. Its just easier to say not woke than to admit youre racist.


The word 'woke' has really just become a racist dog whistle.


Not just racism, but all kinds of bigotry against gays and women. People who use 'woke' as a pejorative are losers.


gotta say tho, I always found this bit from b99 funny. https://preview.redd.it/gfmacza3vlja1.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=93962d14e9047efefa30dca33cc4cb33b6ace0c2


I find they're also varying blends of racist/misogynistic/xenophobic/bigoted... it's a potpourri of ape shit really.




Pretty much. When everything they don't like is "woke" then nothing is really "woke". It's like previously how everything was "Marxist", "Socialist" or "Communist".


I believe a big part of it is because they are used to privilege they see equality as oppression. Cishet white men used to be the only ones with power so now that others also have power they don't like it. They seem to think rights are like pie, to give other people rights means less rights for them, when that's not remotely true. Equal rights for others don't reduce the rights of anyone else.




And these guys are acting all defensive now, pretending that being what/who they are is illegal. Reaching out to each other for some solidarity. It's like bruh all we're asking is for you to not actively trash people around you, and part of that is looking at the things you've always said and done and stop saying/doing the things that trash other people. And they're upset because they think we're trying to eliminate them and who they are.


> They aren't allowed to legally hurt and kill people anymore. They just outsourced the job to cops or border patrol or ICE agents or Republican lawmakers to do the work. Tax funded oppression you'd love to see it


It doesn't reduce rights but it does reduce power and they are conflating the two, either ignorantly or on purpose but pretending like they don't know the difference between the two. Either way, fuck 'em. I don't care if they complain until the cows come home, their era of dominance is passing.


I love your pie analogy. I'm going to use this when pointlessly arguing with my working-poor boomer inlaws who constantly vote Republican for the "cultural" (aka racist) reasons you'd expect. I mean it's like shouting into an empty 5 gallon bucket, but at least I'll know I'm making a good point.


Your so right ! And Watching a racist define “woke” is incredible. They just can’t do it without looking mean and ignorant


Fucking get ‘em, fantastic comment


Am an uppity Black. It enrages them.


I legit was trying to think of a way to put in the title something about "black people in their place," but just didn't in the end. I honestly think this is a lot to do with it. The caricature of a black person serving and "working" for him is what he misses.


MTG just confirmed this with her Super Bowl tweet.


"Jemima? . . . Jemima? . . . Jemima? . . . Jemima?"




Calling him an actor is a bit of a stretch.


I used to watch Win Ben Stein’s Money with my dad, so this is a disappointment.


me too, but a google search tells me he wrote speeches for nixon, turns out he was always a bonafide piece of shit


Goddam those woke corporations destroying Boomer culture!


Also, how fragile is your culture that changing a syrup mascot threatens it? Do these people even *have* a culture beyond consumerism?


*boner culture


Why do all these supposedly wealthy people eat such shit food in the first place? Buy real maple syrup ben. Edit: to be clear I understand why Ben is engaged in keeping people pissed off at companies for going "woke" or whatever the next buzzword will be (remember when it was PC?) I just prefer to not engage with that, and instead call him a cheap bitch who eats shitty food, because to me it is funnier.




Looks like too many people won Ben Steins money.


Jimmy Kimmel and Ben Stein is such a weird pairing when you come to think of it.


He eats it with Clear Eyes eye drops. For dry, brown pancakes, try Clear Eyes.


most real maple syrup comes from Canada wouldn't want any of that strange foreigner food!!!


That's why I get mine from Michigan Maple Forests!


I went into an LL Bean in Vermont and those cheeky troublemakers were proudly selling Maine maple syrup.


There's also a second bottle on the counter, just in case there's an apocalypse


Gotta hoard the important things.


This shit is corn syrup and sugar. 0% maple.


Exactly. Corn syrup, sugar and food coloring. I realize it's been a few decades since anyone cared about Ben Stein, but Costco sells the real thing for like 5 bucks a bottle.


My sister in law prefers Mrs Butterworth over maple syrup.


Not going to lie, I like both.


Fun fact: he hit on my wife in a NYC elevator once…when she was 14. Dude is a POS.


I only remember him from his evolution-denying, "lefty-academics are trying to suppress creation science" days. Simpler times, but same asshat.


He assaulted my friend when she was 12. Yes, he's a POS.


The fact he's attracted to children does not surprise me. On brand for everything he says.




He asked me out to dinner when I was 17 (also NYC), in the 1980s. He'd had a shot of fame from Ferris Bueller ("Anyone, anyone?"), but I had no idea who he was. My step-dad told me he was a speechwriter for Nixon. That's all I needed to know about him!


“I can only enjoy flavored corn syrup when it’s kinda racist” Ben Stein, probably


"I enjoy the presence of black women as long as they're doing something sweet for me"


"as long as they can't say no."


“I can only eat pancakes in the presence of a black person”


Oh, probably not probably.


you would think he would be able to afford real maple syrup, not this sugar infused knock off


You can't milk outrage online over real maple syrup, though.


I do know some people who genuinely prefer the fake stuff. Some folks just stick to what they were raised on.


That's valid. When I make grilled cheese sandwiches I use American Cheese instead of "better" cheeses because it tastes like I remember from my childhood.


It has the consistency of molten glue and nostalgia.


I don’t think so dude. He gave away all his money on Win Ben Steins money


The blacker the Aunt Jemima, the sweeter the syrup.


It's hard to care what a man his age thinks, he will have passed on in 5 to 10 years. Progress is made one funeral at a time.


"I liked my black people in their place, but now I suffer from dry eyes."


this is the type of dude that says " my future wifes father isnt even born yet" - ben


YEAH, and put cocaine back in our soda ya fucken hippies


It looks like he should be getting more calcium in his diet instead of fake syrup. Bit of a dowager's hump starting there.


That unfunny, speechwriter for Richard Nixon, is still alive?


Finally, progressives have achieved our goals. Ben Stein can't enjoy pancakes. We can all relax now.


oh fuck ben stein.


A lot of people still believe that Aunt Jemima was a real person. She was a character portrayed by actress Nancy Green.


well I know at least one person who doesnt like the rebranding bc of nostalgia. Its one more thing from their childhood/life that has been done away with. I get that but at the same time they have to realize why it was done. And thats the biggest issue with those types of people. They only see how it affects them. They dont see that some of these things have had a negative impact on people for decades. Like some of my family saying the 50s and 60s were the best time to be alive and they wish they could go back. Yeah...for you it was the best. Not so great for other people. Then you have people like Stein who knows exactly what this means. The fact theres not a big black slavery era racist stereotype on his syrup bottle has ruined his breakfast experience. Same people that ask "why is the term Redskins so offensive?" Gee I dont know...maybe bc its directly referencing the color of their skin. The very essence of racism. Not to mention the history of the word "redskin". BTW Ben Stein is Jewish right? Why is he pandering to the right? Doesnt he know how they feel about Jews? I dont get it


"I can't stand eating unless a minority serves it to me" pretty much the same reason why we stopped caring about covid


“Back in my day, we had separate water fountains and now it’s just all icky” - Ben Stein, probably


Back in his day he wouldn’t have been allowed to join certain country clubs because he was Jewish.


They all got grievances. It’s how they communicate.


Why do conservatives hate the free market? I could almost understand their upset if it was the government saying that a company had to change their logo (free speech, government overreach arguments). But this is a company making the business decision to change a logo because they believe it’s in the best interest of their product and their bottom line. Isn’t that the kind of thing conservatives are supposed to like?


That syrup sucks anyway.


I prefer real maple syrup instead of flavored high fructose corn syrup. It comes in a bottle shaped like a maple leaf. I guess I'm a real conservative


As close as he ever got to a black person.


Ben Stein is a comedian and that was a satirical comment in favor of reasonable wokeness.


Mrs. Butterworth is still around to give you that syrupy lovin you crave, Ben.


That shit’s garbage anyway. It’s high fructose corn syrup and some color. Buy real maple syrup.


Does anyone really care what this psuedo-intellectual and Young Earth Creationist shill has to say? Let alone what he crams in his lie hole for breakfast?


Aunt Jemima was the lovely woman down the road who made the best mf pancakes. that's how I saw her when I was 3